You do not truly want that, your illusions would be destroyed.
As someone who hated solo queue for various reasons and thought the merged queue would be better, i have to say we need solo queue back.
Not because it was so great, it obviously wasn’t but the new system (that sounded great in theory) is even worse. Mostly because of Arenanet’s matchmaking being completely random.
Agreed, bring back the mini wurms.
In wvw you can kite endlessly, in pvp a lot of fights open ranged… eventually you’ll get in melee.
I guess adopt a class/build/playstyle where you have a ranged weapon set and a melee set on change. Like a gs-sword/x mesmer or warrior with longbow on swap or whatever.
Nah, in that case we would have virtually everyone with white wings run around with this too. And we would have Clone Wars.
Someone posted this in the other mossman forum that has popped up a few days ago.
So basically Arenanet’s stance on this is: we kitten up our PvE any way we want and you are allowed to exploit that because we just don’t give a kitten? This is really amazing.
ANET made a really bad decision by giving too many classes access to stealth. It should have remained with mesmer and thief only.
Elementalists still need access to stealth!
It is a l2p issue. OP states that his party is composed of guardian, 2 eles, engineer without goggles and warrior.
If you find mesmers with MI are completely ruining it for you, then why would you not ask the engi to finally slot goggles? Or ask the eles to put down some cc to lock down the mesmer?
Yea, l2p.
Congratulations on your potion.
Or destroy Rata Sum because it is not doing anything for the world either. Let that be a lesson to the little rats that they cannot hide from the destroyers even on the surface.
Sympathetic Visage: new boon, with the exact same function as it was in GW1 (People hitting you while under the effect lose all adrenaline)
Some skill that removes stances. (Once again similar to skills in GW1.)
And of course i would love to see this implemented:
Penance Stare – If your foe is using a cheesy build, they get petrified for 30s, then blow up violently. Unblockable, unevadable and goes through invulnerability.
Fact is, wouldn’t I have participated in the Horizontal Character Progression CDI and presentated there the idea, that it would be a great way to give the game more horizontal progression via Sub Classes (and Elite Specializations are essentially nothing else than that, just with a different term to avoid the usage of the generic term of Sub Class, whats in per se a wise decision and something I would have never thought about), I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t end up now with Elite Specializations and who knows, maybe would get back something silly like the Dual Class System of GW1 back instead or get somethign even completrely different.
You know, i would prefer to get the “silly” dual class system of gw1 instead of elite specializations. Not saying i dislike the specializations but the possibilities with choosing a secondary profession would be amazing as opposed to this limited something we get.
I think Arenanet should abandon HoT and bring SAB as expansion.
I have played this game since launch and I know that condi mesmers dont work too well in pves or massive zergs, but it’s just rediculous in 1v1 or small group fights. As a pu condi mesmer I have not yet lost to anybody, simply because no matter how much condi you remove (believe me I fought classes that were built to have a kitten ton of removal) but in the end they still lose (fighting them takes a long time but they have to focus all their attention in removing the conditions I apply, so they have no time to focus on dealing damage to me, even if they manage to deal some damage, my ether feast heals over half of my hp anyways, so they basically deal no dmg to me. Also I’m constantly kiting with staff 2 etc, if you try to catch me [I can apply alot of torment], if you try to attack [I apply alot of confusion]. Therefore I’m constantly punishing players for attacking or even moving…. How in the world can that be fair???? I stacked up to 15 stacks of confusion at one time that the enemy deals around 1.5k dmg to himself per melee attack………. Oh you want to heal yourself? NOPE! I run doom on each weapon set, good luck healing…. Pu mesmer can spam stealth, and punishes players for doing anything. In a 1v1 situation, I can never lose.). I run ether feast, disenchanter, null field all which removes conditions applied to me (Just try fighting me with condi build you will understand how every condition that you apply to me gets removed almost instantly) and strip enemy boons, they have absolutely no chance at winning against me using a condition mesmer
PS. TO ANYONE OF YOU CLAIMING THAT PU CONDI MESMERS ARE NOT OP ETC. FIGHT ME!!! I will beat everyone of you. PU condi is so faceroll i wont even have to try.
This whole mentality and play style is why people hate condi mesmers, this is why it only really works i wvw where you have virtually endless space to kitten around.
But i could beat you easily on any class. Because in wvw, you beat condi mesmers by simply walking away (while smiling at the screen for having robbed that idiot of his daily dose of egotrip).
I do. I hope i can hop on my engi and scrap every opponent in pvp. Hammer time baby.
The whole “we want to have some consistent aesthetics” argument has been long abandoned anyway. Neon hair charr, ridiculous backpacks, 8bit weapons in the “real world”. So who cares. Capes, mounts… whatever. We are already getting flying kind of, with the gliders.
Ok. Let’s be serious. I wish we had capes. Nice, long capes of various design. Not the Adam West Batman kind of capes that we had in GW1…
This is another dumb idea in a series of dumb ideas. People who key farm(ed) performed a valuable service for the game world.
From the player’s point of view: They kept the BL weapon skin prices in check, they kept the permanent kit prices in check, they kept the gold to gem ratio in check. They made some low-level cooking materials more desirable.
From Arenanet’s point of view: Keyfarmers spent time playing the game, bought some cooking materials or used tomes of knowledge (that could have been turned into spirit shards>MF use>gold). Sure, they did not buy 125 gems to get a key, but they spent 20-30 minutes playing a game that has severe issues with rewards and “endgame” content.
Now gem prices will rise even further (when bought with gold). Ok that’s in some way super from Arenanet’s point of view. But will this make me buy gems with money to spend it on keys? Of course not. I’ll just think more about what i actually want to buy and buy that instead.
Bottom line is, this change ruined a working circulation without providing Arenanet any benefits. Whoever bought keys with real money will keep buying it, whoever spent time key farming before, still won’t buy keys with real money.
I want to duel everyone i come across. Mounted on my fiery steed and with a cape hanging over my shoulders. With my lance (spear) in my hand.
Of course there will be. Some scrubby expansion is no reason to skip Halloween.
They’ve been operating with plot holes and a “lore” that is almost complete chaos if you try to look at it with the GW1 lore as a starting point.
Not really. In GW1, it was scattered, but not full of plot holes and chaos.
Unless you refer to that scatteredness as “chaos”.
I meant that while in GW1 it was scattered, it made sense if you took the effort to put the puzzle together. But if you try to use the lore of GW1 as a platform to make GW2 “lore” work, it is rather chaotic and full of holes
I’m glad that you finally realized that Arenanet’s storytelling has bigger plot holes than swiss cheese. Now the next step is to accept that, forget what you thought you knew and just take the new things as they are presented.
They’ve been operating with plot holes and a “lore” that is almost complete chaos if you try to look at it with the GW1 lore as a starting point.
So, nothing to see here, move along. Enjoy the story.
Please make Raids so stacking isnt possible
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: kolompi.1287
Why is it so much more “fun” to stand apart and press 2 on your longbow than stand closer to each other and share boons, cleanse conditions, have common projectile defense?
Do you really want to take all kind of group support gameplay and have parties of 5 individuals doing their own stuff? Do you really want to manage incoming conditions, stack your own might, have your own blocks?
Maybe if you would actually step into some instanced place, you would realize that it’s not getting easier just by doing a group hug and smashing buttons. If you did that so far, chances are good that you were being carried hard by others.
Part of the “living, breathing world” they are creating
Did they really remove even that now?
You are right, most people want instant gratification… but, there is no doubt that Arenanet designed these particular events really badly. The few event mechanics themselves were not bad but the rewards were just awful. I don’t even mean the amount of blooms that dropped, i mean the items you could get with blooms.
Then there is the fact that you just had to tag, waypoint, tag, stack 20 and sit afk for maximum blooms.
The shoulders are awesome anyway (when dyed properly) and mix well with a lot of gear.
If you are aware of them being there but in stealth, expect a burst and do something about it. Keep cool, don’t spam your cooldowns and lure out their burst.
And yeah, dodging – while totally revolutionary – works rather well.
You could have asked someone who already had it to showcase it for you
To be honest, if you do not shatter in PvE, then you are doing it wrong or are stuck in the past.
What on earth are you talking about? Since when hkittentering suddenly become great in PvE?
Hint: it hasn’t.
It is great, if you know what you are doing. Sorry Pyro, i know you are the wise-man of the forums but you don’t seem to know the class.
GW1 is several times better than GW2.
You can also do virtually every content with heroes, so don’t let that discourage you. It has aged? I would say it has not. Graphics wise maybe, but it’s not terrible and the gameplay, story make up for it.
“I cannot jump.” This makes me cringe every time…. As if the ability to jump would make a game good.
It does not really matter how many buy the selfless potion. It has failed to do what it was supposed to be. I hope that one day i will be able to understand Arenanet’s “vision” but for now i’m stuck with confusion.
The whole idea behind such purely cosmetic useless items is that they show that “i’ve been there”. But if you can get the same thing several different ways, that’s already gone. So why not just put every single skin in game on one central NPC in LA and make it available to buy for gold?
There is really no point in saying that you are meant to do this or that to get said item, since Anet makes you farm different things for them or puts items back randomly. So just stop pretending and put a price tag on skins and let them be there 24/7. We are past the whole “we don’t want people to grind” motto, we’ve accepted it and we WILL buy your crap for gold.
I think PvP is immensely boring. Maybe it’s fun to see if you can beat someone else, but I went through that phase years ago and it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
I find myself wanting to cooperate with people, instead of opposing them these days. To each his own.
In PvP (in theory) you cooperate with 4 other people (your team) to win the match against the other team of five who cooperate with each other.
In PvP you need to cooperate much much more than in any PvE content, because if you do not, you WILL lose (there is only so much personal skill can carry against an organized team).
So while PvP is inherently competitive, it is also way more about coordination and cooperation than any other content. (Maybe an actually organized wvw zerg comes close to it.)
There is one thing i don’t quite understand here.
According to some, this is a very unimportant problem and developers should be focusing on more major things. On the other hand it was important enough to remove. This just does not compute.
If the issue was deemed important enough to remove content, then why is it not important enough to put it back? Especially since nobody ever watches those cinematics that caused the entire problem.
It does not make sense to remove content that would be around 99.99% of the time just because it bothered like three people in the remaining 0.01%.
To be honest, if you do not shatter in PvE, then you are doing it wrong or are stuck in the past.
If you really know a profession and you sit down to create a build that plays to the strengths of that profession then you will end up with something very close to the almighty “meta”.
You can kill him, but with the generic shatter build that everybody uses it can take quite long and like others pointed out, you don’t really want to waste time trying to take him down.
I stop running fractals with my guild after they insisted that cheesing Archdiviner is “normal and intended just as 90% of the stacking case in dungeons”. Loss for words. Totally disgusted and disappointed.
I hope my guild isn’t too annoyed at me for forcing them to do encounters normally without safespots. But hey, they can hardly say “no” at least.
anet have stellar knowledge on what the community actually wants and will pay for in their game. they are faultless.
to sell pet rock for 87gems, or bunny ears/wide rimmed glasses/aviators/devil horns/halo for 800-1000gems. the obvious choice is clear to everyone but anet evidently
Because we would never hear the end of the rant if those things would go on sale for 800-1000 gems. Would people buy them? Most likely. Would it be a kittenstorm of complaints about anet being greedy kittens? Definitely.
Find a couple friends you enjoy playing with, that play the way you want, and do the run, if pugs come, they have to do it the legit way. And gods willing, they’ll realize how much faster it can be, and how much better it is overall.
My friends and I do get those who complain about not letting mai die n such, but they still go with it because they know we’re better than most pug groups they’ll find.
I have a guild i do fractals with, only one was available at the time. Thanks for the solution but how is that solution a solution to the mossman exploit? I think arenanet should fix that one.
why did u write this thread in trashcan subforum instead of bug subforum?
Yeah i realized my error only after a few hours.
The responses here show so much ignorance in some cases.
So many people blame zerker gear, others blame stacking, others blame the lack of roles because everyone is DPS.
Not everyone is DPS, everyone has the highest damage gear on but they all have roles to play. Now if you consider that your role as a guardian for example is to provide aegis at the right time, reflects at the right time, etc… You can do that in full zerk gear or full cleric’s gear, it does not matter because you will still be doing the exact same things.
Because you have a role in that group. You can be a beastly cleric healer with insane healing power if you do not do those things that are required of your role in the party, you are dead weight. Same goes if you are the mightiest dps guard around, if you fail to provide “guardian things” to your party, you are dead weight.
All you who are crying about the zerker meta should really start playing the game with your eyes open and realize that there certainly are roles. Maybe then you will finally see why X dungeon was easy and effortless with one party and a drag and difficult with another. Because you cannot just smack on some zerk gear, stand in a corner, press 1 and then loot.
I’ll respond as I did on reddit:
If I never saw another game again with the trinity, it would be too soon. Just imagine how much fun Lord of the Rings would have been if all foes only attacked Boromir, while Gandalf stayed back and healed him and the hobbits, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli all dealt damage in relative safety.
You may believe, truly believe, that the trinity makes for a good game. But it’s contrived to the point where it removes everything that makes role-playing games great.Thanks to this, casual gamer boromir had to die, because no one was able to heal him. Thats not fair.
Sounds like Boromir needed to l2dodge.
If you’ve read my previous posts you’d know im completely against any new content with how broken things are in the live game, besides i’m not even hyped for raids because having 10 people in my instance means I have even less responsibility with how things turn out, and given anets track record to disappoint i’m going to go ahead and take a wild guess and say raids will be the exact same as the current dungeons with double the hp on mobs and another 5 people in my instance.
Pretty much sums it up.
This game is complete garbage but I didn’t realize the dungeon forums were going with it, what the hell is wrong with you thinking that people bugging mossman somehow takes priority if that’s what people want. Anet needs to get their kitten together and make these bads realize just how awful they are at the game before raids/upcoming fractals are released, majority of the playerbase relying on exploits to get past lupi, mai trin and mossman. Arguably hardest bosses in the game, maybe they haven’t patched it because they know how terrible their players are that it would cause people to stop doing fractals.
I mean think about that, those people would legitimately stop doing fractals or just buy the runs because they are too awful to do the content themselves, only in gw2 is this possible what a great game.
Hell yeah! We need raids, right? When most of the content is being glitched through by everyone instead of learning a few mechanics. When HoT hits, this forum here will be full to the brim with whining about too difficult content.
Anet fix your kittening mossman underwater exploit kitten .
If you don’t like it – make party by yourself. If you think that your opinion is more important than party opinion – enjoy your kick.
I made the party myself, i would much rather they fix their kitten if they look at fractals as some kind of dungeon replacement which needs its own masteries and such.
Besides, i’ve seen at least half a dozen mossman exploits from standing beneath his shack through standing on trees all the way to this underwater rubbish.
Three darn years in and anet is unable to fix this?
Don’t roll swamp?
Yep, a really great idea. People are stupid and exploit a bug anet left in their precious game so i should not do the swamp. This makes so much sense it hurts.
Anet fix your kittening mossman underwater exploit kitten .
As boring as i find this exploit, why do you care ? Just don’t do it. They’ll probably fix it when HoT ships in.
Why i care is because in the rare cases i do pug, i have to either a) leave the party when they do it underwater, or b) explain that you know we could just do it properly.
It is a bug, an exploit, it should be fixed, right?
We were never meant to glitch and exploit our way above level 50 anyway.