Showing Posts For lorazcyk.8927:

Level Scaling is not for "rewards"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Oh, interesting post. Let’s see….
It’s not about shinnies.

When you’re a Lv 80 scaled down to 20, you have just as high-risk of dying like any other Lv 20, right?
When you’re in a Lv 20 area, you still pay Lv 80 cost for repairing armor, right?
When you’re in a Lv 20 area, you still pay Lv 80 cost for using waypoints, right?

So it isn’t about shinnies, but that we get terrible money (and karma), yet we still incur full Lv 80 costs.

You’ve got more traits than a Lv 20, but it’s not enough to make a difference and justify full Lv 80 costs.

Actions from guildies?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Enable “Game messages” on your chat tab.

Why is it harder for me when I'm downleveled from 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Is your gear all Lv 80? Apparently if you’re a Lv 80 with some pieces of lv 20 armor (example), you will become worse than a Lv 20 player with Lv 20 armor, because your gear gets downscaled regardless of the actual level on it. Probably why I did so bad in my personal stories, I out-leveled my story quests but not all my gear was up to my level.

Is there an easy way to get max stat armor like in Guild Wars 1?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Personally I’m going to use different currencies for different exotic armor pieces. Each piece will be purchased different ways:
- karma
- money
- dungeon currency
- WvW tokens (if I get tired of dungeons)
- and … maybe money again.

Thing is, masterwork armor is good enough for dungeons and general PvE. In WvW it’s where it can be a problem, with other players purchasing gems with real money to be able to afford exotic armor and weapons.

Personally, no, I haven’t felt a need to grind for gold, everywhere I go there’s gold raining from the sky :P

Solution for over supplied or vendor priced TP items : Charity event

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


People could just sell it to the merchant?
Or am I missing something?

There is no real way to be 'invisible' or anonymous

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Are you guildies really offended when you tell them not to disturb you? Do they follow your every move? I rarely check upon others what they are up to or what they are doing.

If guilds bother you for not representing but you want to stay with them you should tell them to respect your wishes.

Seems like common sense that when you befriend a stalker you put him on ignore asap

“Let’s post random stuff just because I want to talk and I didn’t even bother reading the tread”

Add option to change the map drawing button [SHIFT]...

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


And let us disable “Game menu” button D= I mean, I want to close the windows with Esc, but I don’t want the menu to pop-up.

Implement this mask in game

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Transmuted my medium Prowler headpiece into Heritage reward mask, and got this bugged result. After re-zoning, it goes away.

You’ve got to admit this is the sexiest mask you’ve ever seen! Please, could you implement this headpiece for us Adventurer players? We are so sick tired of masks masks and more masks, but I bet every single Adventurer player would love this headpiece

Attached not just 1, but 4, screenshots for emphasis ^^


(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

How long should a developer be given to get launch bugs ironed out?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


This is an awful analogy.

You’re right, it is, I’m not good at making analogies, but it’s how I feel. Like everyone says this restaurant is amazing without seeing its faults.

I think also games are progressively getting easier as our gaming population is increasingly getting better at games.

I don’t know if it’s just because gamers are getting better at games. Besides GW1 I’ve only played those old console J-RPGs. I like games but I’m really bad at them, even simple Wii games ^^

I don’t want monsters to have more HP and Power, I just want general PvE to require more coordination between players.

How long should a developer be given to get launch bugs ironed out?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I don’t mind you asking, actually, thank you for asking.
Whether on my own or with other players, whether in a party or not, you can pretty much just go 123, 123, 123 over and over. Then you’re done and move to the next thing (NOTE: I’m not saying I do this, I’m saying I could). Even world bosses don’t require much thought or coordination.

Yesterday a person came to Lion’s Arch to ask for more people for Dwayna’s statue event in Straits of desolation. 4 people join him (I was one). We go do the event. 5 people only, and it was just super easy. Kite, Spam 1 2 3, Rinse and Repeat until dead.

Look at GW1. Right in the tutorial area where you spawn when you make a fresh character (pre-searing Ascalon), you could just get the secondary profession and then hurry to post-searing Ascalon, but if you lingered in the tutorial area and went to Catacombs on your own, you had to thread carefully. If you went with another person, you had to talk with each other about how to proceed. If you crossed the northern wall, you discussed with each other how to go about it. And that’s just the tutorial area!

You left the tutorial area, and you do story quests and missions. Every single story mission in that campaign required thought and coordination between players, even the beginner ones.

Now, I don’t know how it goes in other open-world MMOs, but just because it’s open world, does it have to be so brainless that each person just has to auto-attack? I feel like a monkey among a million monkeys spamming 1.

So I try to play during off-hours so it’s just me fighting, at-least that way it becomes marginally more interesting.

But I didn’t buy this game to play solo :S If I knew I’d be playing solo I’d just have kept playing Elder Scrolls.

Even if I ask on map chat for more help because I’m alone, they come, yes, but all we have to do is spam attack until the enemies are dead.

It’s just not that fun to me. I miss GW1. Group coordination was great.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

How long should a developer be given to get launch bugs ironed out?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Man, I would hate to be a developer with, some of, the modern gaming community as hostile as it is now. .

I’d imagine it’s a lot like being in a live performance field like theater or a musician. If you just read the critics’ reviews you’ll be convinced you’re the worst performer ever and no one would ever come to see you perform. Even if you gave a free show during a rainstorm people would rather get wet than be in the same room with you.

Then you actually go out to perform a concert or a play, and you look out at a packed house and realize there are thousands of people who all gave of their time and money just to see you… and you realize that the critics are just sad little men who want to make you feel bad.

The staff have access to a LOT more data about what goes on in their games than we do. Most of the people posting here, for all their posturing, don’t have a clue about what they’re talking about.

Right, so you go to a restaurant you know is generally good, and order something, the food smells rotten, the table you sat down at wasn’t even cleaned from the previous visitors, and when you ask for a cup of coffee it’s cold and tastes like tar.

You complain but the other customers say “oh, it’s just a sad critic who doesn’t know what he’s saying”.

And the restaurant owners think “well, people still come by and I make money, I don’t see what’s the problem”


How long should a developer be given to get launch bugs ironed out?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I already do try to talk on /map and /say chat.
Sounds crazy right? Bet you didn’t think someone would actually try before posting on the forum, uh?

But I’m not talking about chatting. If I wanted to chit-chat about random things I’d pick up the phone and call my best friend or my brother.
I’m talking about making game play with others more meaningful, having to think how to go about things, having to coordinate efforts. You know, like you had to in GW1, even simple missions like Ruins of Surmia or Fort Ranik.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

How long should a developer be given to get launch bugs ironed out?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Doubt this game will die, which is probably why ANet isn’t fixing stuff as quickly as us players want them to. ANet knows that casuals will keep buying the game and playing once per week, making the game last longer for them, and making it so they don’t realize the problems until after one year of playing, when they’ve already bought a new expansion. So no matter what, ANet will have money in their pocket.

I’d like to know:

  • When will they change PvE so people actually are encouraged to team up or speak with each other to plan their strategy? Whether I’m alone on the whole map or surrounded by 50 players in one event, this games feels lonely. The other players might as well be NPCs.
    I’m already considering turning off all the chats as if the chat box wasn’t there, because honestly there’s no point even having it.
    After that I just set myself to Invisible, because there’s no point being set to Online. If they intended GW2 to be a solo RPG, then I will play it like one instead of fooling myself that it’s a social game.
  • When will they straighten up Guesting so I can play with my friends? I can only move servers once per day. That means I have to pick which one of my friends I want to play with.
    Why couldn’t they just make it so you can’t gather nodes until 12 hours after transferring? (The issue was with switching servers to get T6 materials easily, right?) Why couldn’t they make it so you can’t WvW 12 or 24 hours after transferring? Nope, kneejerk, screw everything for everyone.
  • When will dungeon tokens be account wide? Right now if guildies help each other get tokens, someone is always missing out. One person wants X armor another wants Y armor, another wants Z armor. That means someone has to give up on their armor so they can help guildies get their armor.
  • When will they make lower areas give proper loot and event rewards when you go to lower areas (doesn’t even have to be Lv 80 rares, it could just be Lv 80 whites and blues!), so we can help our friends level up without sacrificing our rewards? If they’re going to keep it like it is now, then they should at-least make armor repair and travel costs scale down like your level scales down.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

My account was locked for four days and now I want to kill myself over dailies.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Careful with what you say, or ArenaNet will call the police over to your house to check on you.

You might want to change your diet if you get suicidal so easily. Eat foods rich in vitamin D like sardines, salmon, fresh farm eggs and fresh milk (not the disgusting stuff from the store)

This message has been brought to you by…
… someone with common sense ^^

Crazy Animations

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Do we really need this?
Both melee and ranged, I have no clue at all what’s going on.

If Arena Net won’t do something about this (in which case, shame on you), is there anything we players can do? Turning off Post Processing helps, but barely enough. Could we create Texmod add-on to make more simple particle effects? Even auto-attack animations are way too strong.

Is there anything we can do? Please help, the game is not enjoyable like this. Even when I’m on my own against one enemy, the animations are too strong to see what’s going on.

They wont play anymore.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Legendary weapons are just cosmetic, they don’t have better stats. You don’t need to own one one month after game launch. It’s legendary armor for a reason. If everyone would be able to get legendaries just one month of playing, it would no longer be called “legendary” but “common” instead.

retail store stopped getting copies of Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Game needs underflow servers ^^

They wont play anymore.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Well I play a lot, haven’t found much need for money. Like GW1, you don’t really need it for anything.

I’m not a farmer though, I just play normally, and I get hit by “diminishing returns” really quick. I’m Lv 80 and only ever had two rares (no exotics). Mostly I get gray junk.

Magic boost doesn’t help at all.

But currently my armor is green. I don’t feel a need for better armor. I did buy exotic weapons though including Urchin’s needles (underwater speargun). I bought some expensive sigils and runes. But I did this recently, I’ve done explorable dungeons in blue and green armor and weapons and it went just fine.

I waypoint directly where I need to go because my loading screens take 2 minutes each I repair my armor a lot, I give my materials to friends instead of selling them (I don’t craft), I give my cooking ingredients to my boyfriend, gave him one gold because he didn’t have enough to buy grandmaster manual…

And all this with money I made just playing normally. I don’t farm. I haven’t even finished my personal story yet so I’m focusing on that. I also don’t buy gems to trade into gold because I’m dirt poor.

Oh speaking of gems, I traded a good amount of gold into gems to buy some silly stuff in the gem store.

And yet I still have so much gold to spare.

So I don’t understand… why do we need so much money? I’m happy seeing almost 2 gold in the account bank. It’s there if I need it. Why would I need 500 gold? Just to look at it and laugh maniacally? :P

I’m really curious why we have all this outrage.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Be careful who you listen to regarding difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I don’t have exotic gear.
I finally replaced some of my blues with greens last night!’ :-)

But I want dungeons to be more difficult.
Once you do it the first time and understand what’s going on, it’s too easy.

Well, I don’t necessary want enemies to have more HP and hurt harder, I just want the battles to be more challenging.

Is it me? Or is it hard to target in this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Apparently some form of sticky targetting is forthcoming. As for Combat Mode and the like, the last thing I want to do is become dependent on mods again.

Me too, it would be nice if they just made the targeting right so people don’t have to use mods.

A couple days I logged on and was in Lion’s arch. There must have been some sort of bug but because it stopped when I rezoned, but when I first logged on I saw that I couldn’t target any friendlies with either mouse button :P Not NPCs nor players. I was so happy, “maybe they know there’s a problem with targeting and disabled targeting allies so we don’t accidentally cast spells at them all the time” :P

Too bad it went away after I zoned :S

Is it me? Or is it hard to target in this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Targeting in this game is pretty weird.
I was testing why my “stop auto-attack on target change” option wasn’t working (I use that option to stop over-aggro, since even sheathing weapons won’t force my character to stop!)

So, right-clicking, the button you use to turn the camera, works as a targeting button.
This needs to stop. Are we supposed to turn and kite with the keyboard?! No… we’d die in an instant. So this needs to go.

Also, even though right-clicking seems to work as target, it doesn’t make you stop auto-attacking on target change (even if you have the option enabled)

I have “double click to attack” disabled (because I want to single click).
Single-left clicking a target does not attack.
But single-right click does attack.
Does this mean ANet intended for right click to be targeting button?
Then why does enabling “double click to attack” not work with right-click, but with left-click? If I have it enabled, even a single right-click will start attacking.
So….? What’s the deal here?

Doesn’t matter, right? You’re supposed to use Tab to target anyway, right? Sure, I would, I did in Guild Wars 1, but in this game the Tab targeting is really wonky.

I have 3 dummy golems (light medium heavy) in front of me to either side. I have nothing selected. I pressed tab? It targets the Dodge golem that’s alllll the way at the back. I press tab again, expecting it to at the very least, select the Light golem I expected it to target. No. Won’t change targets. Stays on the dodge golem.

What is tab assigned to in my preferences?! Next enemy!


(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Is it me? Or is it hard to target in this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Ah, yes, losing target on Downed and having to tab erratically through six targets so I can finish killing the target I had almost killed so I can rally, but dying because the targeting in this game stinks and it simply won’t go to the target I need. Good times, good times.

Guild event planner

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Would be nice to have day of week when creating event, rather than just time :-P Looks like I forgot to put it in the image!

Changing Elixirs in Combat.

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Put all elixirs in elixir kit. When you use an elixir, it goes on the same cooldown as now, but all other elixirs go on short cooldown too.


Are you tired of struggling with your Engineer and their myriad abilities?

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Currently using this build:

I play this as melee build mostly, even if pistols are ranged.

you also have not read anything that was said in this thread.

I’ve read the posts carefully (when people are speaking to me). Or you think I’m the OP? I’m not him

you have place points into tools and also runed for power which does nothing for pistols

I put them there because I felt it was necessary, I try to buy decent armor and weapons whenever possible, but I don’t have the best accessories, yet, only mid-level accessories from karma vendors. I’m saving up money and materials to get a guildie to craft accessories and runes for me, but it’s expensive so it will take a long time.

If you’ve seen my several posts on this forum asking for help (after I spent days and days trying to get better in vain), you’d know I was so weak in terms of damage I couldn’t kill anything. So whether 10 points in power is appropriate for dual pistols or not, I don’t care, I have them there because it felt necessary to kill stuff. If I took them off, I can’t kill stuff.

you also have spend 5 points in inventions and alchemy which on their own are pretty much wasted.

They seem to do the job and I didn’t feel like I needed those points elsewhere, if I feel I need to use those points somewhere else, don’t worry, I will definitely change it right away.

please also tell me how it works out when you face a dynamic event boss throwing out AOE conditions that kill you in 3 seconds

I’ve been playing Straits and Desolation and Malchor’s Leap (I think that’s what it’s calledd), there are not many people playing on my server and I’m often alone or with one other random person or two.
I seem to survive OK. I never had any problem with surviving, even when I couldn’t kill stuff (before this build), I still had no trouble surviving.
You’re talking about events bosses like the Dwayna statue in Malchor’s Leap, right? Because I can solo veterans and champions with my build. Doing those shrine battles in that area, I didn’t die once.

(in before you claim dynamic events is not pve hahaha)

Why would someone say that? O_o How are they not PvE? Of-course they are. Not sure why you’d think I would say that. I love dynamic events and go out of my way to trigger them

the lack of condition duration bonus

I hadn’t thought about it because they just die so fast, extending durations would be wasted in this case. I like to extend burning though. As you can see on my power trait.
But wait.. didn’t you just say power (where condition duration is at) is useless on dual pistols?! :-O (See I do read posts carefully)

is also a loss of 25% of your damage. you also have no way to block ranged projectiles.

I don’t need to, I kill them before they even get a couple projectiles through me! :P However I enjoy elixir U so I could use that tool-belt skill if I felt the need for it.


“You don’t get conditions in PvE” is simply untrue

I never said that, I’m well aware you get hit with conditions in PvE (cripple, I’m looking at you), I said that to me personally, it’s not worth it to bring condition removal because conditions are not causing me any problems. If they do start causing me problems, I will surely not hesitate to bring condition removal. (I’m generally playing solo or with one or two other players, but 80% of the time it’s solo.

I think you two have mistaken me for the OP. I’m not him, everyone please stop talking like I’m the one who made the build in the first post :P I’m not.

I thought the OP was nice trying to help, so I decided to share my build too. I shared my build that made it so I could solo stuff extremely easy, when before I could barely kill one enemy without help no matter how much I tried. It was so miraculous for me that I nearly cried tears of joy… I went around to really difficult areas to test how well the build worked, and was just laughing and dancing on my seat because I was so happy I could solo it!

Currently using this build:
I play this as melee build mostly, even if pistols are ranged.

I love it and it’s working well for me, everyone else can do whatever they want because it’s your right to

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Many people wouldn’t buy Guild Wars 2 because they’ve played other PC games and feel terrible nausea. So they think “That looks like a fun game, I hear a lot of good things about it, but I can’t play PC games since I get sick, so there’s no point wasting my 60 dollars on it”

Now, this is because they don’t understand what causes the problem. And they don’t know that many PC games have a slider that can make it so he or she won’t feel sick.

Once they learn that adjusting the FoV in a PC game will prevent their sickness, and that a lot of PC games nowadays already let you change it, they’ll be very happy and buy all those games they’ve wanted to try!

But Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have a FoV slider, so they won’t be buying your game :-)

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Camera Smoothing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I would love to be able to zoom in closer to my character so I can take better pics of my lovely doll face. No I’m not kidding. Another thing is when the camera “jumps” when you zoom in closer. A smoothed zoom I would love.

Use a skill that makes you big! Like the warrior’s rampage or a mushroom in sylvari beginner area that makes you big.

That’s what I do to take screenshots of my armor, because it shows details better :D

Let us turn off some interface elements

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Umm… did’ya read my post? I’m not asking to completely disable interface.

Please read the post before replying… if it’s too much to read then don’t reply…

Let us turn off some interface elements

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


You’ve said that you don’t want to give us the option to re-size or move interface elements. So could you give us the option to remove them?

I’d like to turn off some interface elements, such as the target bar (at the top of the screen), the loot you pick up, the experience bar, and the combat frame around the screen. My interface would be much cleaner and I could actually see what’s happening.


By the way, the target bar takes way too much space on the screen. Maybe you’d allow us to move it by the character’s feet? (above the skill bar)

Because that bar takes way too much space, and I keep hunching, as if hunching my neck would allow me to see more :P

(As a sister suggestion, the enemy target bar would be so much better if it were on top of the enemies head, instead of taking up so much vertical space. Of-course, it should show the status effects on top of the head. Seriously, the enemy bar right now takes up so much vertical space, along with the skill bar, that vertically all I can see is… target bar… character… skill bar… I can’t see any of the combat! And yes, my interface is already on “Small” and I’m on the highest resolution my computer uses)

Guild event planner

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


(Too long; didn’t read? Scroll down to the attached images)

A Guild Events tab on the Guild window where members can schedule events.

To facilitate guild socialization / playing together.

We would need at least:

  • Event name
  • Event date and time (server time)
  • Name of the person who scheduled the event

Seeing events (see attachment)

  • Placing your mouse cursor over the date will show it in Local time.

Creating events (see attachment)

  • Type
    • Dungeon (sorted by level)
      • Ascalonian Catacombs (story mode)
      • Ascalonian Catacombs (explorable mode)
      • Etc.
    • Explorable area (if someone is questing in the area and they want company)
      • Sorted per general area (first all human sorted by level, then all charr sorted by level, and so on)
    • WvW
    • PvP tournament
  • “Show local time” option when creating event, if possible (see attachment)

Special considerations (could be added at a later build, or not at all)

  • It would be great to have a “Notify me” checkbox for an event you sign up (maybe next to the event name), which would give you a game message (pale green letters like when you take a screenshot) saying “Guild Event Name [Guild Tag] starting in 10 minutes.”
  • Same as above but, “Player Name [Guild Tag] has scheduled a new event.”
  • Show number of people who signed up for the event (0/5 party size format) as an extra column in the list of events.
  • Add “Create guild event” and “Sign up for guild event” to member permissions (maybe leaders only want officers to be able to schedule events).
    * If server resources don’t allow unlimited events, you can limit 5 or 10 listed events per guild at a given time.


(Will keep this post updated depending on feedback)

Player suggestions:

  • By Krisco.4093: “Show local time” checkbox in the event list.


(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

In my opinion: All Charr Armor is Terrible

in Charr

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I have so much fun playing my charr thief, the story is amazing, I feel pretty attached to the NPCs I meet, and I love the sense of humor. It makes me want to play all charr characters!

But the armor is so terrible, I keep wanting to delete her :-S

Which of these charr looks the best?

in Charr

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I like this one:

But it doesn’t really matter, with the silly charr armor you never get to see your fur anyway :P

since you asked for other ideas:
- change the hair color so it blends better with the neck fur
- eye color depending on her profession :-P (in your case, more blue rather than purple)

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Can Engineers Tank in PvE/Dungeons?

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


No. I’ve never needed a tank in my groups. No, no one needs to take hits to protect others.
If someone does, it’s because the team is not doing their job in protecting each other from damage, or paying attention to the battle.
Each person should always be thinking how to protect each other, not just one person doing the job all the time.
If someone complains they need a tanky class to protect the team, it’s a clear indication people aren’t doing their job.

Take a Mesmer/Mesmer/Engineer/Elementalist/Necromancer dungeon team. I’ll give you two examples per player.
The mesmer can cripple or pull foes, or daze enemies so they can’t use their skills.
The other mesmer could cripple and immobilize, or reflect projectiles.
The engineer could concentrate on blind and and knockdown/stun.
The elementalist could weaken and chill.
And the necromancer could give protection and remove conditions or even daze / immobilize (I’m least familiar with necromancer)

And all that, without even getting into combo fields and passive abilities, or other skills the players might have

These 5 players need to pay attention to the battle and use their abilities to protect others as needed. Take me as an engineer for example, if I see my teammate got downed I try to knockback or blind the enemies, which lets my friend rally himself up. Often I also throw them a protective boon.
But a thief could stealth the downed friend and help rally. Often though, I just have the downed player call target on a low health enemy so the team can kill it and help him rally.

But just coordinating these things will prevent a lot of damage. If you say one person and one person only should dedicate themselves to soaking damage and protecting, that’s one useless person in the team, you might as well just play with 4 people.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Commando Armor Set

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


It seems like a lot of these cool armors can be found as exploration completion rewards.

Can Engineers Tank in PvE/Dungeons?

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Currently, the group of friends I play with doesn’t really have any warriors/guardians, so we generally struggle in dungeons without a tanky class. I know there are “tank” builds for engineers in PvP, but I wasn’t sure how well those would hold up in a dungeon.

No one pointed this out yet? You shouldn’t need a warrior or guardian, you shouldn’t need a tanky person of any sort. It’s not that kind of game.

I’d give engineer advice on topic, but I don’t want to promote bad game-play :P

@ArenaNet: Weaponswap sigils

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


That would be a bit overpowered for engineers, wouldn’t it? Weapon swaping has quite a bit of cooldown before you can swap again (warrior is faster, I think), but engineer kit swaping has only has a small (1 second?) cooldown.

Take this for example:
You gain 3 stacks of might for 20s when you swap to this weapon while in combat.

You could swap back and forth quickly to get tons of might, which other professions can’t do with the sigil.

Maybe if they gave it the “can only activate every 9 seconds” like the other sigils, it would be okay…

But then again, I guess we wouldn’t get the weapon swap effects when we swap TO a kit, so perhaps it wouldn’t be as overpowered as I first thought.

We have lots of raid content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


If they want to make a raid content, they need to SHOVE ALL THOSE BOSSES INTO A SINGLE INSTANCE WITH A 20-30 MAN RAID..

OoOoooo! Quaggan likes this!

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

I need TIPS on being a Engineer.

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Whatever you like, Steven.
You can refund trait points at the Engineer trainer anytime you want, so if you try something and change your mind just go to the engineer trainer and select “I’d like to retrain my traits.”

And remember that even without refunding traits, you can change each major trait you have unlocked anywhere without visiting the trainer, so if you have 10 points in Firearms, you can change the 10 point skill anytime you want.

But on topic… if you are using bombs and grenades, you should probably go with the Explosions trait tree.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Idea: Making tokens sellable for gold to a vendor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I’d just be happy if I could give them to my guildies, since I don’t want the dungeon armors. But I like doing dungeons so I have all these silly tokens I feel to bad about Destroying :-)

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Are you tired of struggling with your Engineer and their myriad abilities?

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


No, I’m not going to waste points into condition removal since it’s extremely rare that I get conditions in PvE. If I thought I need it, I would take it. But I don’t need it.
So I’d rather use those points for damage.

And while the shield is a fantastic weapon, it wasn’t doing the job in solo gameplay in Lv 80 areas. Shield and rifle are my favorite, and pistol/pistol is really boring, but it’s performing much better for me.

I love to go to PvP to learn new tricks, but in the end, PvP and PvE are still different environments. So let’s stay on topic taking this into account.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Rewards as incentive is a community issue, not developer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Why would I eat ice cream a hundred times if it doesn’t give me a reward?
Why would I go play hockey a hundred times with my friends if it doesn’t give me a reward?
Because I enjoy it.

Why would I buy an iPhone and then complain to Apple that their tablet sucks because it’s not like android? If I wanted android I should have bought android.

Why would I go to the movie theater and complain that I wanted to see theater (live acting), not a movie?

Are you tired of struggling with your Engineer and their myriad abilities?

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Hey people, wake up, this thread is about PvE, not PvP, this thread is to help people who are having trouble with their engineer in PvE.

So no one gives a bunny about sPvP.

Screenshot of your Charr Toon

in Charr

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


The least scary charr ever


Are you tired of struggling with your Engineer and their myriad abilities?

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Haha! Now you post this! Don’t you know how much trouble I’ve had with the engineer? :p
I’ve been posting here on the forums on how much I struggled killing things no matter how much I tried, no matter how I changed my skill, traits, or equipment.

Last night I was playing as usual, not being able kill anything when I solo, so of-course, eventually I would die because the enemies kept re-spawning before I could kill them all.
I was really frustrated and almost giving up, when I decided to tweak skills for one last time. Jackpot!

I literally just posted this on my guild’s forum a couple hours ago:

I now have a build that can actually kill stuff! Not only that, I can actually solo a lot of Risen in Malchor’s Leap and Straits of Desolation, and kill them all quickly without help. Not bad, considering that since Lv 55 or so I could barely kill anything no matter how much I tried :)

So this is what I have: (this shortened link goes to skill editor)
I’m mostly specced for precision and condition damage, but with the trait “Static Discharge”, I made sure to use low-recharge tool-belt skills. But I’m using Wrench, Rocket boots, and Net turret at the moment.

Static Discharge
Discharge a bolt of lightning whenever you use a tool belt skill.

  • The lightning bolt bounces up to three times.
  • No cooldown
    Also I have a trait to recharge tool-belt skills if my health gets to 25%, tough it rarely does unless I’m fighting a veteran too.

The way I generally use this build:

  • Aggro a bunch of zombies, Glue Shot.
  • Attack for a bit.
  • Static Shot for blind, Rocket kick to get close, pistol’s Blowtorch (note: now I will also use the poison volley thanks to your tip, OP)
  • Net turret’s tool-belt skill has a low cooldown too, but lets me use Static Discharge twice. Use tool-belt skill, set turret, overcharge turret, detonate turret
    Sometimes I use the Net to immobile melee zombies out of range from me, so I can kill the ranged first without having to kite.
  • Med Kit is mostly used for speed boost and Fury.

But overall, I try to use the tool-belt skills as much as possible.
Throw wrench is a combo finisher and does great damage, it also has quick cooldown so I bring it. I don’t use the kit itself, unless I need some of its skills in a pinch (cripple and gear shield come to mind)

This build could use a offense combo-field of some sort, but I don’t know what… Grenade’s tool belt skill fits well with the build, but only has poison combo field. Elixir U has nice combo fields, but it’s a 60 second cooldown.
Maybe I’ll use Elixir U for the combo walls and quickness.

My attributes are a bit different than yours since I’m focusing on Static Discharge, but I’ll definitely look into using elixirs for the extra damage per boon.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Some issues and concerns about armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Tribal set not available in PvE? Wow. Are you kidding me. Time to delete my Charr mesmer!

Well I gave up, I rolled another class.

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Any particular tips that made a difference for you, Dybz?
I knew most of the stuff there before reading.

So umm… right now I’m waiting for someone to revive me at Conquest Marina Point of Interest in Straits of Devastation, because if I have to go to waypoint just ONE MORE TIME my brain might just blow-up.

I don’t care how long it takes, I’m just going to lay down there dead, because after so many tries I’ll just keep dying here again and again.

(Trying to go to west side of Straits of Desolation so I can do my next personal story quest)

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I really loved the Charr in gw1, specially when we got to know them better in EotN. But I always loved how cuddly they look, so I definitely planned to play one in gw2.

I liked the Asura in gw1, thought they were funny and smart, but in gw2 I just want to kick them in the face. They’re so annoying.

I don’t like to play human-like characters, because males are too ugly and boring, and females are too kittenty and silly.

So the choice is Charr!
Female charr are amazing Very well done. But I don’t like the medium armor on them, it’s poorly done, so my scholars are charr. I don’t like mesmer or elementalist in any other race, but when I play them as charr, I really enjoy the game

Ranger and thief charr are a lot of fun to me too, but like I said, I don’t like the medium armor on charr.

I love their sense of humor and when my character speaks, it sounds like it could be me. When my other (non-charr) characters speak, it makes me want to shudder because it just sounds too silly.

Ah, and I love the warband thing.

Well I gave up, I rolled another class.

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I have been extremely successful with it

Please help others then? Some of us are having trouble killing stuff (playing alone in straits of desolation or orr)

In regards to free world transfers cooldown and guesting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


^ You’re 100% correct
It’s also correct that since ANet hasn’t enabled guesting, we have the option to switch servers as needed. Now that we can only transfer once per day…

I transfer once because there’s no one playing in the zones I’m in.. and then… then when friends are online I can’t play with them because I still have x hours to go before I can switch back.

So once the 24 hours are up I switch… then friends go offline… and the zones I play in are empty again…

So no matter what, I have to play alone.

(I don’t WvW so I won’t discuss that side)

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

In regards to free world transfers cooldown and guesting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Yup… switched to a random server because I was always playing alone against the undead and it was super difficult. Every time I play, there’s no one around. I could play for 3 hours and only ever see one other person! And I was on a high server.

But now I can’t play with friends, so yes… I will switch back.. and I’ll have to play alone against undead all over again and go broke repairing my armor.

Yay, so much fun!

Enable guesting already please! If a friend and I are in the same map, and in a party, I should be able to “Join in”

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)