Showing Posts For lorazcyk.8927:

Dungeon Tokens Account Bound please ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


“wan… wan… mommy mommy, it’s been less than a month and I don’t have my elite set! mommy this is unfair? wan wan waaaaaan!”

Seriously? These are elite armor sets for a reason. It’s supposed to take a long time to get. It’s a prestige set. If everyone can have it at a drop of a hat, it would no longer be an elite/prestige armor set.

So please stop acting so silly!
As you play gw2 normally throughout the years, you’ll eventually have enough tokens. There’s no need to rush it.

For me it will take more than a year, probably, and that’s okay. Do I want it now:-) . Oh yes. But I want a lot of things too. If you want something, work for it.

Human males

in Human

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Seriously, though…you can make a decent looking male. Some of the defaults are a bit androgynous, if not downright feminine. I was really happy with how my human male turned out, though.

I tried.

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Actually there’s only one bulky body type you can choose for female norn.

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


With rawinput patch gw2 works really nicely on wine.
Only problem is there’s no gem store or trading post. So if they could make a way to have this for us, OR let us buy stuff on the gem store / trading post on a website online, outside of the game, that would help a lot.

Lv 72 story help

in Personal Story

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Found it.
I’d already been there, the area with a gold glowy thing, and a small obelisk with green swirls.

They didn’t have “interact” the two times I tried exploring there. Must have been bugged. Now I went there again and I can proceed.


Lv 72 story help

in Personal Story

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Temple of the Forgotten God

  • Explore the Catheral of Hidden Depths
  • Find a way into the cathederal.

So I’m underwater, and I have to explore. There’s a obelisk with green swirls. I can swim up but there’s no way to leave the water.

What am I supposed to do?

I don’t have a way to jump out of the water, if I try to jump into land, my character becomes submerged.

There’s a small area I can jump to, but there’s no where to go from there.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Help me choose a Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Mesmer and Necromancer have:
- casting
- range
- AoE
- Damage over time
- able to buff and support
- (mesmer) illusions can act tanky
- don’t die easily (pve)
- don’t have low hp
- skill usage CAN be complicated if you want it to be, but it can also be simple

I think both mesmer and necromancer would be good for you. Necromancer is a lot more simple and might have more DoT.

I bet you’d like necromancer.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Unable to connect

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Jealous :P
Still get 10:5:11 error

In fact I’ve been getting errors like this since about 7 hours ago.

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927



Sexual Dimorphism is common place among a lot of nature.

You completely missed the point.
Male norn don’t look like male humans. They have distinct features. If a male norn and a male human are the same height, you can still tell them apart as different species.

However, female norns look just like human females, except they’re tall.
Actually, my Norn is so short, it’s really rare people realize I’m actually a norn unless I tell them.

Female norns don’t differ from female humans, they don’t have distinct features.

However, I’m aware you’re doing this on purpose, you are missing the point on purpose because you don’t want female norns to look different than female humans. I’ve met your type before.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

So... how does this LFG work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


The party search in contacts window shows everyone who is also looking for group.
But since the game doesn’t give any indication that party search is there, barely any people are aware of it.

So try your best to tell people about it!

If you’re by the dungeon gate, and there were people set to “LFG” status, it should show everyone who’s lfg

Human males

in Human

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Korean popstar? Oh, I wish! I won’t have a male human or norn because they’re all so… well… not pretty.

Most of the faces look very rugged and manly, like from a western.

Norn Female voiceover

in Audio

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Female norn is the only character voice I like. It’s strong. It’s warm like the feeling you get drinking some spiced warm cider in a cold winter night. Doesn’t sound whiny when she’s attacked like human and sylvari females. Very norn indeed.

I love my norn’s voice so much I want to hug her

I wanted to have a character of every race, but whenever I have to listen to human or sylvari I just delete her… Turns me off so bad.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

norn has too big feet

in Norn

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Why do females have normal feet then? :P Normal necks. Normal legs.

Male norn’s legs are as long as their shoulders are wide. Yes, really!

If male norns are not supposed to have human proportions, why do females?

An option to disable right click targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Yup. Don’t see why it would be so difficult to fix this bug.

Request: Video of Post Patch CoF Path #2 Completion!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Yes, do all of the above, realise you can’t do it with the current composition reliably, that you’re not specced or geared sufficiently

Oh, I forgot, AOE knockbacks would be nice too.
It was my first, and my guildmates first time, doing this dungeon. This was post-update, and none of us were aware there had been an update that would make the dungeon “impossible”.
We meant to do it in story mode but our one Puggie, entered it explorable mode (we didn’t notice until much later on).

I don’t know about all my guildies but if they’re anything like me we didn’t have fancy gear.
We were not aware of any buggy mechanics (if any)

The dummy Puggie was a person who speedcleared dungeons before. He kept making us rush a lot (“GO GO GO!”), so we played badly. He didn’t give us time to read dialog or see what the event asks us to do, note where things are or plan how we should go about things, he just rushed.
When we started ignoring him (pretending he’s not even there), it got much better.

Eventually we get to Magg. He says it’s going to be impossible, even if we were all Lv 80 and had the best gear. Note, none of us were on voice chat.

We had a mesmer, engineer, guardian, and I don’t remember the rest. This was really unorganized.

We tried Magg a few times following the Puggie’s idiot’s instructions. Eventually we said “screw it” and stopped paying attention to him. So we planned to how to procceed. Our mesmer tried to use portal, didn’t quite work. But we did try a few different things (ignoring the Puggie), and we nearly took Magg to the other side. *If only we didn’t have rubberbanding lag"

Most players got to the other side, one person died on the other side (at the end), I died almost at the end (awful rubberbanding from safe side to safe side).

Now, at this point, all we had to do is resurrect Maag. We had good resurrection skills, we could stealth him, we could protect him, we could have done it for sure.

But silly leeroy Puggie said he was going to do another dungeon, and once he left the game kicked the whole team out.

Aww It was so much fun, I wanted it to go on!

But if our silly uncoordinated group could do it, even without voice chat or any planning, I don’t see how more experienced players can’t do it. I’m a terrible player, my guildie will keep saying “Dodge the blossoms!” (in TA) and for the 4th time running the dungeon I’m still dying from blossoms (sorry guildie! I know I’m supposed to do it, but when I’m there alone I kinda freak out and forget! :P)

As I think back I notice a lot of things we could have done better, so other players who have more experience with the dungeon should be able to get past Magg if they open their mind a little.

I didn’t leave WoW, to then be suckered into buying a horrid grindfest game willingly

If you’re not willing to play anymore, you can go back to WoW or whichever game you desire, and I mean this with no snark. Why play a game you don’t like? Why even bother rant and rant and rant without any helpful ideas for other players, or asking them for tips? Surely you’re just trolling.

I’m sorry, your attitude is terrible, I suggest going for a walk and going to pick some flowers until you calm down!

Take a minute or two to breathe!

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Finding DEs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Pretend the NPCs are people you actually care about, and go talk to them once in a while to see if they need help. Don’t bother with generic NPCs like “Worker”, “Farmer”, “Crew worker”, etc. But NPCs that have proper names may need help. So go check on them.

A lot of them even run around asking players for help.

Request: Video of Post Patch CoF Path #2 Completion!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


It doesn’t exclude casual players.

Make friends or join a good guild (who are not impatient people and like to improve themselves)
Play with them. Become familiar with their play-style, their strengths and weaknesses.

Set up a day to do a dungeon.
Login, do dungeon. Be patient and help each other. Take some time before and after each failed or successful part of the dungeon to discuss what’s happening, what went well, what went bad, how to do it better next time.

Ran out of time and need to go offline? Say good bye, say you had fun, plan to do the dungeon another time.

Even if you can’t finish it, you’ll get better and better each time. By the time you’re skilled enough to finish it, you’ll all be cheering and high-fiving each other.

Request: Video of Post Patch CoF Path #2 Completion!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Playing this game should not require you to be using some sort of verbal communication device

Explorable dungeons are elite content. Elite content in all games generally require good skills and good team coordination.

Unless the game becomes so dumbed down you can use any random person to spam 1 2 3, like the ritualist DoA farm in Gw1 Then it’s no longer fun! I hope the elite content in this game stays exciting for a long time and requires skill and coordination, instead of being a dumbed down chore.

I support their dungeon update.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Request: Video of Post Patch CoF Path #2 Completion!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


AoE stealth
AoE blind
AoE aegis
AoE chill
AoE weakness
AoE protection

Have you tried these? Coordinate with your group and take turns doing each one.

What are we doing wrong?

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I’m only a level 40 so far, so take my advice for what you want. But I take on monsters of level 45 and level 40 veterans solo and I win.

I had no problem up to Lv 55, and I always played in areas well above my level with no problem, solo or with one other person (funny enough, generally mesmer friends).
Then after playing areas like Bloodtide Coast (a 45-55 zone!!!), and I could barely do anything. Again, yes, solo. A player of a different profession would show up (ranger, thief, mesmer, warrior), and they’d kill the enemy with barely any effort. If engineer or guardian showed up, it would take us a really long time to kill the enemy.

Now I’m almost 80 and I’m really worried. I try to focus on damage attributes (glass cannon, I feel I have no choice, but it’s not a problem anyway because I can survive). I try to kill something, even just one enemy. I fight it for a really long time, and the bar barely goes down. Another profession shows up, and kills it it in a split second. It makes me want to smash the laptop on the wall >_>

I’m not complaining, I’m just asking for help from others who have been in this situation with the engineer and overcame it.

I really like the engineer play-style, I want to push through this annoying problem so I can start enjoying myself again.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

What are we doing wrong?

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I use kits for their utility, not as weapons. That is, if I need a poison field, switch to grenade, lay the field, switch back out, if I need a blind, go to flamethrower, use blind, switch back to weapon.

I actually have barely used the Explosives line at all, I use mostly Firearms with all the “on crit” effects. I try to make up for having no Explosives points by adding power runes (condition and critical is affected by power!)

I like all the engineer weapons and use them depending on the situation.

I never said I play pure DPS, I got control and support, but when playing solo I need to kill stuff, so guess what, I need to be strong enough to kill stuff.

Did you not read the part where I said “I want to maximize solo pve damage” … because when I’m solo, I need to kill stuff, ya know?

So what should I do in this case? Because I’m having trouble killing things even with pretty good gear (exotics or rares, however my accessories are just karma stuff)

I’m almost level 80.

Choosing a Profession

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Try the ones you think you don’t want to play, the ones you think you would like the least.
I’m not kidding you. Try it!

Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Make the left-click button select targets on release rather than key-press so when attempting to turn the camera random targets aren’t selected.

  • This also happens with the right mouse button. It’s not even funny. I turn my character with the mouse, instead of the A&D keys, and many times I’ll accidentally select another monster, then I might have 2 new mobs on me when I was trying to survive the last monster of a mob _
  • If you zoom out, your character is in the middle of the screen, instead of being in the most bottom-half of the screen. So it feels like I have a camera pointed at my knees, when it should be pointing above my head. This is why a lot of times you can’t see your damage numbers even if you’re fully zoomed out. That and…
  • We need vertical FOV so we can judge distances accurately, imagine opening the cupboard to grab a glass, and you keep missing the door handle, because your eyes are telling you the incorrect distance to it. Well, yeah, this happens to me a lot in game, thinking I’m 2 feet away, but in fact I’m actually about 6 or 10 feet away from the enemy/object/NPC.
    See here for an example:
    Please note that the player is standing in the same position the whole time, he didn’t walk backwards. In the first image, it looks like you’re really close to the lake, but if the FOV changes to something more natural like 90, you’ll see you’re actually very far away from it.
    Having the FOV so low is really confusing when playing.
  • Camera should stop snapping to random objects every 2 seconds, it makes me feel like I’m in a ship during a terrible storm. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, trying not to barf. This happens during regular gameplay, not just on jumping puzzles.
    The camera should behave without getting in the way, I don’t care if objects clip with the camera, I just want to play without getting sick.
    The original guild wars was pretty good about this.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


If there’s no one around, you might have to guest to another server. I had trouble one time because there weren’t many people around, so I hopped on to an American server and it was so full of people by the gate you couldn’t even see the ground.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


  • Stand by the gate.
  • Use say, not map.
  • Go to contacts and set yourself to Lfg (blue square)
  • Tell everyone that if they’re Lfg for the dungeon, to set themselves to Lfg too.
  • Click the second tab on the contact window (second or third tab), and it will show everyone looking for group.
  • Right click a name, invite to party.
  • Every time you are doing a dungeon, tell people to use the Lfg tool in the contacts window. It’s annoying (it’s annoying for me to type this for the 389164th time!), but eventually it will sink in.
  • Tell others to look for other players on the Contacts window too!

Btw, those who are set to Lfg have a blue looking-glass icon over their head, by their name.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Manufactured Outrage

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Wait, so the people who enjoyed using the mine, like my boyfriend and I, have to pretend we’re happy with the change because we never talked about this skill on forums?
First of, he doesn’t go to forums. And second, I don’t need to share my enthusiasm about every single skill in the game with the rest of the world to make sure others KNOW I use this skill.

It’s not up to you to decide whether we should be upset or not, so please kindly shut up your kitten.

ANet needs to bring back divided skills PvE/PvP like they had in Gw1, I swear everything they do in Gw2 is backwards!

Lvl 80 Exotic gear/runes for rifle/grenade

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Precision / Condition damage.
Put points in Firearms and get all the " … on critical hits".
Use grenades to make a combo field, or to use conditions as needed, then swap back to riffle right away.

What are we doing wrong?

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I’m planning to get good armor when I get to level 80, and I won’t be able to afford more than one set. I want to maximize damage in general solo PvE, but I play support and control in dungeons.

How would you go about the armor in this case?
I like to change builds all the time too (I get bored otherwise), so sometimes I need precision and condition damage, sometimes I need power…

I keep buying armor and weapons that are a LOT better than the zone I’m playing in, but I still barely do any damage, so I’m really worried about that

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Man I am rich.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Hmm you could buy-out all the useless food in TP.
All the BL chests.
Commander title? Costs 100g.
Trade into gems and buy boosts.

In the end, you’ll find yourself broke.

Quit my Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Are crying and whining, or are you asking for help so you can improve your engineer gameplay?
Is there anywhere in particular you’re having trouble with? What was the most effective spec you were using and how did you feel it was lacking?

You don’t have to go full support, even without support skills engineer has tons of survivability. So you can focus as much as possible on damage.

I have trouble with engineer around large mobs too, but that doesn’t mean I’m giving up.

Building Kits with Weapons: a potential stat solution

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


So couldn’t they just buff that status effect to be powerful enough compared to weapons of your level? (with power precision condition damage)

The Great Dream Patch: Add Your Own!

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


  • Linux client (this isn’t 2005 anymore. You’re making a lot of people pirate Windows because they have no choice)
  • I want Quaggan-made armor (with a nice shell!)
  • Make bosses an actual challenge instead of high-HP. In fact, lower HP by quite a bit, but give them more difficult mechanics to compensate. There’s a difference between annoying and challenging. Right now the bosses are just annoying and boring, not challenging!
  • Sexy armor for men. I want to see their shoulders, their hip bones (those hip bones that make a “V”, show us just a little!), armor split vertically so I can see half their torso including shoulder and breast. Armor showing nice lower thigh muscle from the back. Maybe as you move, it exposes it? Obviously these shouldn’t be default armors, so no one who doesn’t want to wear them has to. And I don’t expect nor want sexual armor, I just want to look stylish and see some skin!
  • Armor that actually lets me see tattoos, luminescence, and fur, specially for male.

I really like the WvW traps idea, Kite Some GvG guild halls in Gw1 had some neat traps!

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Building Kits with Weapons: a potential stat solution

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


You’re right. It’s fixed regardless :S

Building Kits with Weapons: a potential stat solution

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Your weapon power? What do you mean? If you have an active kit, you’re no longer using your weapon stats, are you?

Building Kits with Weapons: a potential stat solution

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


A simple solution would be to give the engineer a permanent status effect that gives you power/precision/condition damage when you are using a kit, and make the effect scale with comparable stats for weapons of your level.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Easier Mouse turn nade throw.

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Instead of making the cursor disappear, make it semi-transparent. Would that work?

Just hit level 60! Give me a build to play to 80!

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Stay with riffle and flamethrower, with critical/condition damage.
How many trait points do you have?

For general PvE, this is decent:;TgAKeM8I4xyjjHJPjKmaA
You can look at the traits and runes if you click the 3 gray icons above the Charr.

Flamethrower’s first skill is a 10 hit attack, and each hit has a chance to critical, so the traits I put in that build work very well.

For dungeons, change Flamethrower for Elixir R to revive allies without getting yourself killed.
If your team feel overwhelmed by enemies, change rifle to pistol/shield so you have the knockback and stun.

If you’re good with swapping kits, you can change Elixir H for MedKit, swap into it, use 5 for Fury, swap back to flamethrower. This way, you can drop Utility Goggles.

As for fun… engineer is always fun! (Ok, I don’t like grenades too much… I like the grenade skills a lot but I hate chucking grenades ;p )

For WvW… I haven’t been there a while, but I generally bring something along these lines…;TgAKtMaJ0yqlTLpWjAmTA
Remembering to use MedKit’s 5 for fury, and condition removal.

White circle, blue "A"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Never quite got it to work in gw1, it always said something or another about not being allowed to type foreign text (including french accents).

Anyway, thanks, I rarely use windows so I don’t remember having that installed.

By the way, I can copy paste asian languages into the game.

White circle, blue "A"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


A couple days ago I had a white circle, and a blue “A” on my chat bar.
Like so:

Anyone know what that is, and how I trigger it again?

Charr female voice while jumping - possibly bugged, or just quite terrible.

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Yeah… I love my female charr, but those constipated grunts make me laugh all the time.

Option to disable game menu pop-up

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Tired of accidentally quitting the game because I hit escape and the red menu popped up.
Tired of forgetting what I was doing when this menu appears out of nowhere.
Tired of triggering this game menu all the time!

Can you please let us re-bind ESC, or un-bind ESC?
Or have and option below the “close windows with ESC”, like “disable game menu”?

If I want the menu I can click the icon on the top left of the screen after all.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I used to have terrible hand and wrist pain before I stopped consuming gluten, so I know how bad it is. Sometimes I couldn’t play gw1 because I couldn’t move my fingers or my hand.

So it would be nice to have this option.

Even if you take hand/wrist pain out of the equation, gw2 game play would be a good fit for this kind of mouse-camera movement. You’re always kiting like crazy, twisting the camera to circle-strafe, and so on and so on. You always have a finger on the right mouse button! So it sounds silly not to have this option.

For those who day “but how are you going to look around corners, if moving the mouse makes you turn?”
For that, you can use the left-mouse button. Your character will keep moving in the same direction, without turning, and you’ll be able to see around corners or behind you.
It’s funny, it’s like Anet was working on this but then stopped half way.

Elixir X - Recharge toolbelt skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Elixir X is fun and all, but I’m tired of Supply Crate being the only real elite skill for engineers (don’t even talk about Mortar, another fun but useless skill in most of PvE)

What do you think of making it recharge tool belt skills instead? And yes, I’m aware we have traits that do that, but so does the guardian with virtues and he still has an elite to recharge them.

Would you use this elite skill?

Engineer Sword/Dagger/Bayonette?

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Main-hand torch to go with our offhand shield. Melee-ish weapon like the shield.


  • Chain attack:
    - 130 range single target damage, “strike your foe”
    - 130 range AoE damage, “swing your torch”
    - 450 range AoE damage, causes burning, “throw your torch burning foes each way” like
  • 130 range single-target melee skill that deals damage and causes daze.
  • 450 range single-target leap attack.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Rework Elixir Random Effects aka "66% chance to frustrate a player"

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Elixir H could be protective effects. Aegis, Protection, blind, or even retaliation.
Elixir B is obviously meant as offensive boons. So give it fury, might, or quickness.

The others elixirs are pretty good as is. These two are the biggest problems, since they don’t give a predictable effect. If the effects are gouped by similarity and purpose, it will be a lot more useful even if the effect is still random. With elixir H you would know you’ll be protected after using it, with elixir B you would know you’re getting stronger, so you can go in for the kill.
(Speaking from PvE and WvW standpoint)

Right now I only Toss those two elixirs because “eh, it’s there, might as well use it, lol, whatever”

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

A plea to all other Guardians.

in Guardian

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


You pay attention to the battle field, that’s how. There’s no need to see health bars or conditions or boons, because if you pay attention to those around you, you’ll see the visual effect around their body. Better yet, you’ll see it coming from the boss before it even lands.

I find it funny you revive but don’t protect. You should change your priorities instead of asking arena net to reward you for playing the game wrongly.

I know it’s difficult to change your habbits, for some more than others. However, I have zero percent doubt that this is what arena net intended you to do.

Maybe you should go to guild wars 1 and play a protection monk without using the party bar (press P and it will disappear), with no resurect spell, playing with random people, with no voice chat. You’ll get used to it quick!

To be good in guild wars 2 (and 1), remember this: pay attention to the battle field, not to the interface.

I’m not speaking out of my behind; I do this, both in gw1 and gw2, with no voice chat, with random groups.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

Guardian: Better as DPS or a Tank?

in Guardian

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Are you using both weapon sets? You should be switching weapon sets as needed (I think the default button is ~, below the ESC key in USA keyboards).

This means you can have a offensive weapon set and a defensive weapon set. Or an offensive and a controlling set, which is what I liked on my guardian (hammer & greatsword, which I swapped to and from during easy or difficult combat.

During each and every battle you should switch weapon sets constantly, as needed.

I also have touble with dodging, in part because I can’t remember the visual effects for each profession. So an easy general rule to remember is: if the enemy seems to be “channeling” something, a heal or bit attack is probably incoming. The heal should be interrupted, the attack dodged or otherwise protected against.

Try to keep your eyes on he enemy instead of the skill bar. Maybe fight the NPC enemies in the Mists, so you can practice without having to pay armor repair. I’d you pay attention you’ll usually see things you should avoid. Chains coming your way, the enemy winding up to charge you, or a pull.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

A plea to all other Guardians.

in Guardian

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Each and every one of us is supposed to protect each other, not just guardians.Each and every single one of us has to look out for each other and prevent death. Not just guardians.

If someone gets downed, you try to throw some defensive/protective abilities to his location so he won’t get defeated. If just two people bother to do this, he’ll likely fall on his own without getting resurrected.

Once someone is defeated, it’s too late!, in a dangerous battle, leave them alone so you don’t get defeated yourself. It will take too long to revive. It’s better for everyone if he goes to waypoint.

The problem is nearly every single person I’ve seen so far only cares for themselves. Even if it’s just two people, and one is getting beat up hard. Does that other player try to protect him? No, he doesn’t, he waits until he’s downed or defeated, then revives. This is bad and should be discouraged. You shouldn’t get rewarded for this. If anything, you should be punished. You didn’t do your job in protecting each other. And again, this is for every single person, not just guardians.

In dungeons, in a big boss event, in a small two person event, your job I to protect each other (via protective skills, or movement control skills, like stunning the enemy so the player can get away). Your job is not to go around reviving everyone. That shouldn’t be rewarded. You had plenty of time to prevent their death, you should be punished for not preventing it.

Remember that to do this you don’t need to be a guardian, you don’t need to be a support class, you don’t even have to bring fully supportive skills. You just need to think on your feet and care about each player and not just yourself. After all, if they die they are not helping you fight.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

My opinion: The engineer needs some serious work.

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


I would say make sure you have semi up to date armor and weapons and really think about the ways you struggle in pve. Then with that in mind trait to beef up your weaknesses and benefit your strengths. Engineer has so much CC and can do really gewd aoe damage I have a hard time believing its not viable in the later levels. I would go Dual pistols for more aoe dmg or pistol/shield for some great control, make pistols pierce get precision get all the chance to crit condition stuff and then trait to be more survivable after that. Supply crate for an elite and med kit for its heal then area heal combo when you destroy it. id do flamethower elixir gun and something like rocket boots. Crazy amounts of aoe dmg burn down a number of mobs, and make sure to grab speedy kits so you never get touched

This is my original thread (posted before we had profession forums, but I asked a mod to move it here)
That was posted on Sep 8, and I’d already been tweaking things before I decided to ask for help.
Please don’t think I’m trying to bash engineer, it probably sounds like I am, but I’m just really frustrated. I really like the profession but I’ve lost the will to play. Again, In WvW I do pretty well. So I have no doubt Engineer can be effective.

The problem is not just AOE, but single target too (like a lone boss).

  • Remember, I’m playing when the map is pretty empty, so I fight alone.
  • I’ve made sure to purchase good armor and weapons from trading post, however I don’t think this is something players are expected to do, these things were very expensive and the average player woudln’t be able to keep up with the cost.
  • I’ve farmed fine materials and hired a leatherworker to make me very good armor.
  • A guildie is leveling huntsman so he gives me the spare weapons.
  • Originally I was playing Pistol/Pistol, my traits were in Explosives and Firearms, my gear was precision, condition damage, and accessories were whatever I found at karma vendors.
  • The build I posted on that thread, I admit, now that I think about it, it’s really lame
  • I hadn’t noticed before that shield skills we’re two-step skills, once I found out I bought a shield right away. Since then I always use it with pistol. It’s amazing.


  • I use rifle with full condition specs (the conditions that trigger on critical hits)
  • Along with flamethrower, the number 1 skill hits in 10 pulses, each pulse being a chance to trigger the condition on critical
  • I bring quickness or medkit + utility goggles for the fury, battering ram to keep enemies away (when flamethrower #3 is on cooldown)
  • Shield and I are now best friends, but rarely have a chance to use it since rifle wins over pistol.
  • I know bombs probably will do very well too, but I can never get the timing right (combos, explosions, and so on)
  • Grenades, pretty obvious they’re very strong, specially with all the explosion traits, and grenadier, but I’m only Lv 67 and I don’t want to play grenades for the rest of my gw2 life; plus, the explosions are so loud and the animation is so large, it makes me feel very tired.

Any tips are welcome as always

My opinion: The engineer needs some serious work.

in Engineer

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


Help me then, please, Lande, I’m honestly looking for help (in PvE, level 67, mostly playing alone in empty maps, fighting large mobs)