(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
I have the LFG option checked in my chat preferences, but I don’t see any LFG messages other than my own.
Yinello.7068’s photoshoped armor (see attachment) looks quite nice and would work well for characters of any sex and race.
That’s what I’d like to see Anet do, unisex armor. There’d be minor changes: women could wear tights, men could wear leggings, and charr/asura would wear neither since they have fur.
The chest piece would look flat on men and charr/asura, and on women it would stretch to cover their breasts.
Because they no longer have to design different armors, they’d have more time to pay attention to horns, tails, and asura feet.
What they do now doesn’t work, they put all their time and effort on women’s armor, and everyone else gets junk.
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
Male version please. Even though male armor is ugly compared to female armor, female armor looks ridiculous on beast races.
But that doesn’t mean beast races should only get unisex armor! If we only get unisex armor, then humans, norns, and sylvari should only get unisex armor too.
That way you only have to design 5 sets of armor and you can make sure everyone looks good, not just those who happen to have breasts.
Men, asura, and charr are people too.
While we are on the subject of keybindings, is there a way to bind to the right number pad on a keyboard? I have tried it and it still will only use the top number keys.
Does it make a difference if you try it with the NUMLOCK light on or off?
I use the number pad in game and it works both on and off. It shows in the control options like:
1 (NUM)
2 (NUM)
Will it be cheaper/free when the next tournament ends/starts/whatever, like last time? All I want to do is move to a US server, any US server, because the lag on EU servers is unbearable, but 1800 gems is a bit much.
When’s the next tournament?
I looked for a low population server which I assumed would be cheaper to transfer to, but every single one I looked at was 1800 gems.
Yes, why didn’t we get our old skins with the wardrobe feature? I had a toymaker backpack on my old norn guardian that I deleted, but I can’t use that skin now.
A warrior feels like a Dervish when played with Axe/Axe + Greatsword (weapon swap with` key).
The skills [Cyclone Axe] [Whirlwind Attack] [Hundred Blades] [Arcing Slice] and [Whirling Axe] have a scythe-like animation.
Use “cloth” heavy armor — Arah, Draconic, Twilight Arbor, or Honor of the Waves.
Then you have the human elites with grenth and melandru avatars, and the hounds of balthazar.
It should come out pretty dervish-y, I think! Aaaannnd now I feel like making this character. grumble grumble got to buy a new character slot
Try this, it makes controlling your character much easier.
- Press F11 key to go to options.
- Check Free Camera in the options. Basically, it’s a sticky camera. The camera won’t move unless you move it.
- Use left click to move the camera.
- Set Q and E to Turn Left/Right.
Video here: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=327239870819509&l=1057124510914289664
- If you use the Q and E keys while holding the right mouse button, it behaves like Strafe Left/Right instead of Turn, so you don’t need separate key binds for strafing.
- You can hold both left + right mouse buttons together to run and steer your character.
- Right click is currently bugged: it disables free camera. Left click enables free camera again.
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
We had an error for a little while where people were getting an auto-response saying this. It should be resolved now, though, as long as you use the subject line “EU latency issue.” If you give me your ticket number I would be happy to look into your specific case.
Yes I did use that subject.
Ticket #1260454.
Will run ping plotter later, downloading something atm.
It all depends on keyboard + hand size, so you’ll have to find what works best for you. On laptop keyboard I use:
QWES: movement (WASD hurts my wrist)
Shift: Turn around
C: Jump
` (key below Esc): Look behind
Space or back mouse button: Dodge
12345: weapon skills
Alt + 123: utilities
F123: toolbelt
D or mouse thumb: Heal
CapsLock or forward mouse button: Elite
G: Sheathe weapons
Middle mouse button: Swap weapons
Tab: Next enemy
V: Closest enemy
F5: Target
T: Take target
Alt: show enemies and objects
NUMPAD 789: guild, friends, party
NUMPAD 456: hero, inventory, pet
NUMPAD 123: pvp, wvw, info dialog
NUMPAD 0: trading post
What’s wrong with the sound effects? (Honest question, I decided to play with sound off a long time ago because grenades drowned everything else)
Why not show skill floaters, Anet? We already have the combat log and the blue/red letters at the bottom right when we die. The skill information is already there, why make it so cumbersome? Give us an enemy skill floater, and we’ll have a lot less screen clutter, with the combat log and blue/red text gone. Even if it’s something as simple as placing game code under the enemy bar. Then I can move my mouse there to read it if I don’t know what it does.
I want to see mine and other players status effect particles like confusion clouds, poison tinted character, swiftness foot wind, etc, but they get covered up by the ridiculous skill fireworks, and we need to look at the UI instead. How can I have combat awareness like that?
Another thing I would add is that the camera is always turning around like crazy, making you lose track of what’s going on, and Free Camera, which would fix it, turns on and off whenever you turn it with the mouse (left or right); in other words, it’s completely useless, having to micromanage it when you must stay on your toes in pvp).
+ “Standard models” don’t work in Practice mode.
+ Damage numbers are so huge, that they cover the animations and effects.
+ Profession icon is way too small, it should replace the character picture so it’s bigger. Important, because in this game, there’s no profession specific armor.
All these things make it more difficult to learn Pvp than it should be.
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
Here’s a way to help the team:
- Open your preferred e-mail program and start an e-mail to Support@GuildWars2.com with the subject line “EU Latency Issue”
- Now, in your prepared e-mail, click “Attach file” and type “C:\pathping.txt" and your e-mail program should find the file and attach it to your mail.
- Send us the email
I did this and the GMs insist I should use the website to send a support request, even after I mentioned it was you who said to email directly, and linked to your forum post, and that there’s no way to send attachments through your website. What do I do? I’m obviously not sending a support request, just sending you the attachments you asked us to send.
Thanks for the screenshot. There’s a lot more room than I expected. (Here’s mine! https://i.imgur.com/KmsAGVp.jpg)
Shame that the chat doesn’t fit on the left without shrinking it, but it’s no big deal.
The windows don’t bother me, since I close them when fighting anyway, though it would certainly be nice to make the status icons bigger without affecting the rest of the UI.
Hmm it’s not that I can’t see the icons, it’s that I can’t tell them apart from each other at a glance because yellow + white and red + black is too low contrast for me to tell what the icon is. Yellow + black and dark red + white would make the contrast a lot stronger, so I’d probably be able to tell what it is at a glance even with the interface on “Small” (which is what I normally use otherwise).
Anyway, thanks again.
l play with the UI set to “Larger” so the condition and buff icons look big enough for me to tell apart. Unfortunately, this makes the rest of the interface cover up most of my screen.
I want to see what the larger interface would look like if I upgraded to a monitor with 1080+ resolution. Could someone post a screenshot?
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
Please let me know if there is anything else I’m missing.
Bug: Cursor changes position if released over target:
A lot of players complain that they lose track of the cursor position when they move the camera. That’s because the cursor changes position if you release it over a target. I already reported this bug before, and even included videos.
If I press the mouse button (for example) 1200×600 pixels on my screen, move the camera, and release the button on empty terrain, it’s still at those coordinates when I release the button, as it’s supposed to be.
But if there’s a selectable target there when I release the button, the cursor position changes coordinates.
If you turned the camera slowly, then the cursor changes only a few pixels, but if you turned the camera fast, then the cursor can appear all the way on the other side of the screen.
Bug: Cursor changes position if you scroll with mouse with button pressed
If you press left or right click to move the camera, and scroll, the cursor changes position on button release.
Free camera:
Free camera should be on at all times if the player checked it in the options even if we re-adjust the camera angle. Unfortunately, it becomes disabled if you adjust the camera with right mouse button, or select a target with right mouse button. (Looks like you fixed it for the left mouse button since I reported it in game, thank you if that’s the case)
Bug: Ground-targeting UI:
User interface elements like:
- icons at top left
- enemy bar at the top
- wvw/pvp score at the top
- event text at top right
… cause ground targeted spells to be cast at your feet instead of the location you were aiming at.
This happens regardless of which ground targeting method you use (fast/normal/instant, click or keyboard)
Behaves as expected with interface turned off.
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
Yes, if it means people stop dueling and farming dailies in hotjoin. Otherwise I don’t care either way.
When you create the tallest and beefiest possible male norn Mesmer just to annoy others in PvP with clones, but the only person it annoys is you.
I love this thread. I am sharing it with the entire dev team, because I think it’s a wonderful point of inspiration for those of us who are creating, to helping those who create, a game world in which players can have fun, meet friends, and have respite from the challenges of daily life.
Thank you Gaile.
Please also encourage them to include accessibility features when possible. Here’s a handy guide sorted by easiest to most difficult to implement:
Personally I’d settle for larger status effect UI icons, or different colored to be easier to tell apart.
I know how you feel. Aside from the social aspect, there’s also the accomplishment that comes from the game. You don’t get that from reading books (which I did a lot of). Playing a decent protection monk in GvG (gw1) was the only thing keeping me sane when I couldn’t even pour myself a bowl of cereal, speak a small phrase like “what time is it?”, or walk without help . Feeling completely useless, being able to protect my teammates in gvg was an exhilarating feeling I couldn’t get anywhere else.
It was difficult because my hands and wrists were painful and mostly immobile, and I couldn’t say more than a word or two on voice chat, but I got it done! Except if for some reason the game forgot my password. Then I was late to gvg because I couldn’t type my password Funny to think about now that I’m better. I hope you’ll get better too.
It sounds like the OP and others have endless time to sit at the computer, but no time to learn a skill (like 1 —-programming) which could be beneficial and profitable. There’s a lot you can do from a chair… why settle on leveling your characters when you could be leveling up your life? Be a 2-— web developer, a blog writer, 3—- a musician with a keyboard and a laptop, 4- -paint pictures and sell them on the internet, a 5 ---graphic designer, a novelist, etc.
I did 1 2 3 4 5 before I got sick, then I couldn’t anymore (still can’t, I miss it a lot). I’m sure OP hears a thousand suggestions like that every day from people who have no clue. I couldn’t even knit. Hence her/me being so happy that there’s something she can do: gw2.
Even something easy like receptionist or customer support is done from a desk. If OP could do that I’m sure she would be doing that.
You must be the kind of person who tells someone with a terrible flu (plus kids with flu too) to stop being lazy and come in to work. No worries, I probably was like that years ago too, before I knew better. But with a flu atleast you know you’ll get better soon.
Now if I were half as decent in Conquest as I was in GvG, I’d be happy!
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
PvE should be okay at 1366 × 768 minimum quality. I recommend a EU (European) server even if you’re in the US. Your computer is going to struggle in US servers because there’s too many characters and skill effects to show on the screen. EU servers have less people but definitely enough people to play with, and they speak English.
I don’t think your computer can handle US WvW. Even powerful computers struggle with it. If you plan to do a lot of WvW definitely go EU. Ask for a good but smaller server on the WvW forums.
These days I rarely play unless I have a day off, so I catch up on the living story and explore new stuff / new zone and if I run out of stuff I want to do I browse the forums to see if I missed some things and what others have to say about the story. Other than that I play with my armor, catch up on personal story, or make a new alt, delete the alt, make a new alt, delete the alt… it’s complicated. I forget what the skills and traits do in between playing sessions so I’m not confident about doing more serious stuff than that.
I’d play with my husband when he logins, but he’s na and I’m eu.
There,s a lot to do in open world but it gets boring, it’s all the same kill x escort y collect z no ,matter where you are. I wouldnt mind so much IF the story and npcs made up for it but they dont. I wish open world had deeper quests and storylines, because that’s where I’d like to play the most.
These days I rarely play unless I have a day off, so I catch up on the living story and explore new stuff / new zone and if I run out of stuff I want to do I browse the forums to see if I missed some things and what others have to say about the story. Other than that I play with my armor, catch up on personal story, or make a new alt, delete the alt, make a new alt, delete the alt… it’s complicated.
I forget what the skills and traits do in between playing sessions so I’m not confident about doing more serious stuff than that.
I’d play with my husband when he logins, but he’s na and I’m eu.
Do you mean the one when you first zone in dry top? Or achievements? I haven’t tried any achievements yet, but the initial jumping puzzle was kind of odd. It didn’t really add anything to the story or to the zone, I didn’t really understand the purpose of having it there. It was weird being forced to do it to get started with the story or even just to start exploring the area.
If it were just for an achievement I wouldn’t mind, since it’s optional. But I couldn’t explore or play the story until finishing that jp.
I still wanted to get to know her more. I also wanted to learn more about marjory through her and her family, so there’d be more about her besides being “someone’s lover”. Not that’s she’s ONLY that, but it feels like that’s all they’ve focused on lately when there’s so much potential there given her past work.
It might have been better if belinda were gravely injured, but not dead. Marjory would have still gone home with her like she did, but she’d come back and they could always involve belinda in the story when there’s a spot for it.
Unless… belinda isn’t dead but actually just sleeping while the thorn corrupts her into a dragon minion… which marjory will hide out of empathy for her dear sister. Oh no!
As far as I can tell, it seems more characters are going to be involved in the story soon: the leaders of each race, and Trehearne(?). It’s going to be GREAT not being stuck with the 4 biconics all the time. I hope the leaders become as involved with you as the biconics have. I want to go on missions with them and get to know them better, even that grumpy old asura. (edit: oh yeah, D.1 also seem to be coming back little by little. I’m glad!)
Destiny’s 3.0?
I want to work with all Destinys together, d1, d2, and d3, all in epic mission/finale.
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
Yup, you know how it is… all you have to do is ask for help and you’ll figure it out!
I was going the wrong way after the POIs
Wasn’t sure what to do in the new story until a friend told me I had to enable it in the story window. I don’t have episode 1 so I’m starting with episode 2.
I got to dry top 4 days ago and I’m still by the portal. I haven’t made any progress. I have to use the crystals to jump around, right? But I can’t get to scarlet’s lab. Is there a way to get there without having to jump around?
I have crash site and choke canyon POI and that’s it.
The music is super pretty so I don’t mind too much But I want to see the story too!
Graphics Card Overheating after recent patch.
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: lorazcyk.8927
Your PC might really need some cleaning and tidying up, but there’s also a known issue since beta that causes overheat on some computers. Some people get blue screens, some people’s computers slow down to a crawl.
I use Bandicam to force a fps limit of 30. It needs to be BandiCam. Using the game options isn’t enough. The game options don’t always limit the fps (for example at loading and character screens), which can still cause the overheating.
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
Is there anything I can do to make it easier for me to recognize enemy skills?
I already play/tested all the professions so I could learn the skill effects, but I don’t notice them when fighting.
I can’t read the enemy skills, so I can’t react to them. I end up using dodge/blind/aegis randomly and hope for the best.
Post-processing is already off, and I use SweetFX to increase sharpness, reduce saturation, and increase contrast. That’s already helped a lot. Also changing my screen resolution to a high aspect ratio helped because the increased FOV lets me see more of the battle field.
Any other tips? In game or otherwise?
Going to try playing with the sound completely off, so I’m forced to rely on the visual effects without being distracted by the sounds.
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
- If someone is annoyed someone is speaking a language they don’t understand, and complain in chat about it, other players will tell them that they can turn this option on.
- If someone thinks the chat is really quiet… what are they going to do? They don’t know about the option. They’re just going to think the game is dead. No one will tell them why things are quiet, because it’s quiet for them.
Seems pretty obvious to me it’s more effective for everyone to have it off by default. The first person will find the option because others will tell them about it, but the second person will continue to wonder what’s wrong.
While I don’t want anyone to feel that they can’t speak their native language, we do play on the NA side of the game. One should expect the primary language in NA to be English.
NA means “North America”, not “United States of America”.
At the very least spanish and french should have official NA servers, otherwise people should shut up when they see spanish and french being spoken, as it they are official languages in the north american continent.
Here’s the LFG tool:
You can get some quick karma gear at the Cursed Shore god temples. They have Exotic armor and accessories.
Or, go to your server’s WvW borderlands (so if you’re in Tarnished Coast it will be called Tarnished Coast Borderlands), run straight ahead, and talk to the Equipment trader on the left, towards the back. The trader has Rare gear.
If you don’t have enough karma for those, even greens will do.
It doesn’t have to be anything too fancy, so long as it’s Lv 80 you’ll be okay. Start with rare or exotic weapons and trinkets , and green for your armor if that’s all you can afford for now.
Buy cheap Ruby or Chrysocola crystals from the trading post, and use them on your armor and trinkets.
Caudecus Manor in queensdale and Twillight Arbor in caledon forest are pretty good dungeons to try if you’re just starting out. Do the story mode first, then try the 3 paths in explorable mode. Just make sure to join a patient group and let them know you’re new.
Right now there isn’t any Living Story going on, so just pick any place to quest. Were there any dungeons you liked? Go to the explorable area where the dungeon is and start doing the events there. With the mega server, you’ll find people to play with wherever you go. Then you could try out that dungeon, use the LFG tool to find a group (go to Contacts and click the second tab)
The “new” LA is the Vigil Keep waypoint in Gendaran Fields. But the racial cities are also busy (now that we have Megaserver) so you’ll find people there too.
I really like the Ascalon (charr) and Maguna (sylvari/asura) areas, but you might like others instead. Here’s a challenge: catch all the skritt looters (they run away and drop loot bags), you find them randomly in caves and such. And find all the little chests scattered around the world.
There are a lot of people doing PvP now, if you wanted to try PvP, now’s a good time.
Try the Lv 80 dungeon path in twilight arbor (Aetherpath)
The WvW map Edge of the Mists is very PvE-like, even if you’re not into WvW, give it a try.
Find your server’s forum online and see what they’re up to, they likely have weekly events that you might be interested in.
Well, that should keep you busy for a while
Give Anet’s blog a quick glance to see what’s new. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/
This page lists GW2 permanent changes since launch
Sorted by PvE/WvW/PvP
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
Racial clothes became tonics… ugh. Light armor on charr is so hideous I wanted to use their town clothes over my armor until I could find/farm something decent for him. But I guess I won’t level my charr elementalist anymore. But charr is the only race that feels “right” when I play elementalist. If I try other races I don’t enjoy the elementalist
I also wanted to play charr even more now that you fixed the vertical camera (THANK YOU!) and his butt wouldn’t be on my face anymore!
Since I can’t wear the charr town clothes in combat I trust you’ll come up with DECENT light armor for charr that they can use while leveling up? Or maybe you’ll make it possible for them to wear their racial clothes. I’ll level another profession for now.
Well, here’s my 2c on it.
I moved from NA to EU. I transferred with plenty of time to participate in the spring tournament, but tournament or not, I just like to play and have fun, I’m pretty casual. I was aware that I would have to wait until the Friday after transferring, but now I have to wait two weeks, not one.
There’s no competition between NA and EU so I shouldn’t be prevented from playing WvW as I’m not betraying anyone. Even if I had transferred from EU to EU server it shouldn’t matter so long as I didn’t transfer to a rival server.
I was looking forward to enjoying my new home and making new friends. My server has a tiny WvW population. I chose a place where my efforts would help make a difference, and where I could be proud to help the server be successful, instead of being just another henchman. But now I can’t help them at all.
But anyway, this 2 week ban only makes it easier for high WvW population servers to win.
Even if newcomers can’t join, they have plenty of players and queues anyway. Meanwhile, smaller servers could use all the help they could get, but the newcomers can’t join in and help.
Atleast remove the restriction for low wvw population servers? Pretty please? It would help balance things out a bit.
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
Repeatable personal story (not from the beginning, but letting you choose which ones you want to do).
Hard mode personal story (from the beginning).
You don’t know that though, you’re making an assumption. It might be that you’ll end up with mostly your server’s people on your map.
Keep in mind not everyone plays on giant screens. So maybe the UI is fine for you, but for some of us, it’s claustrophobic. Screens also come in different aspect ratios, which can make it worse or better depending on what you have.
Even if we have same screen sizes, if you have a higher resolution and/or higher aspect ratio, your UI will look smaller than mine.
This is because of FOV (on certain screens). Try shrinking your game window, and you’ll see the UI get smaller and roomier. See my signature link/attachments for examples.
Combined with a low FOV, the top WvW bar + enemy bar can take up too much screen at the top middle of the screen. Unfortunately this led to me making my character walk sideways like a crab, so I can see the enemies I’m fighting. And I turn the camera to the side so I’m looking at the enemy on the leftmost part of the screen, instead of ahead of me where I should be looking. This would make me a really predictable enemy in PvP.
My “solution” was to shrink the window to half it’s vertical size. In other words, I made my GW2 window skinny. This makes the UI shrink and I can see more, even though the window is much smaller!
Letting me make the FOV higher (to my particular needs) without having to shrink the window would pretty much improve things for me.
The enemy bar at the top screen makes it so I have to aim the camera up when fighting tall enemies, so I can see their tells. Otherwise all I can see are their feet. When I look up my character’s butt gets in the way, though!
I need to zoom in when playing melee so I can see the enemy tells amid all the skill effect fireworks. But when I do this, I can’t see the battlefield at the top middle of the screen because of enemy bar, or WvW bar. Again, I need to walk/look sideways when fighting, so I can actually see the enemy.
The buttons at the top left of the screen shouldn’t be there all the time. You either use the keybinds, or you click the icons. The icons needn’t be visible all the time. They should only appear if you put your mouse there.
The grungy black window border hides too much of the battlefield. Don’t believe me? Hit Ctrl Shift H. Again, this depends on your FOV. Shrink your window to see. The border looks thinner or fatter depending on your FOV / aspect ratio.
The experience bar doesn’t need to be visible at all times, only when you get lots of experience at once like when finishing a personal story or dungeon, or when leveling up.
I could go on but atleast those would be common sense.
Problem is that some of us are on low-populated servers for a reason.
So, why not let the players choose instead of forcing the “multiplayer” thing on us?
If there are to be several map copies anyway, it seems reasonable to let players see which ones are highly populated and which are empty. Than choose what they prefer. Map selected by the megaserver system could display as a suggestion only.Umm, this is a multiplayer game. Perhaps you should switch to e.g. Skyrim if that is a problem for you.
The fact that it is an mmo should not be a reason to punish the players who prefer playing alone. Till now there always was a choice of choosing server or less popular map. I don’t see why should it be removed completely.
I honestly can’t see any reason why it’s better to be on your own versus having other players around you in GW2. They’ve made it so that everything is better with more players. Maybe you can enlighten me.
- Less skill/particle effects covering up the screen.
- A co-op RPG feel to the game by playing with a few select friends or randoms instead of having a massive amount of players around you. To me it’s more social with less people.
- Higher opportunity for more engaging combat.
- Enemies die too easily already even with just one or two players, add more players and it’s an insult. Worse, they’re making the game even easier (can’t find the quote for that right now)
- Higher frame rates.
- Faster loading screens (I’ll take the 15 sec loading screens instead of 2 min+ thank you very much!)
- Don’t have to see other player’s poor sense of fashion (dumb stuff like quaggan hats or glowing armor).
The biggest reason for me by far is the co-op feel and more tactical combat.
Hopefully by having my home server as a low population world will still leave me in low populated maps with the new changes. I wouldn’t mind having a few extra people, I just don’t want it to be like launch where you could barely tag any enemies before they died.
Click to move. You click a spot and your character automatically goes there.,
Gunnar’s hold has it now
Why don’t I or anyone else in my server have bobbleheads?
Short answer … No
You are in a category of players that are more susceptible to “motion sickness” in video games than others … more correctly referred to as “simulator sickness,” since, unlike traditional cases of motion sickness, your queasiness isn’t triggered by actual movement.
It’s been brought up before and ANet did try to improve the situation. Many believed, however, it was just made worse.
I only do jumping puzzles, if I happen over one with my lead Asura … even then, you can get the same problems happening.
I disagree. It I’d bring triggered by actual movement. camera movement.
. I’m the same as OP and I don’t get sick in other games here I can set up the appropriate FoV for my needs, and games where he camera doesn’t adjust back and forth. In gw2 the camera tries to automatically adjust to objects around you, so it shakes a lot like its having an epilepsy attack. It’s incredibly dizzying. The camera should cut through objects/terrain instead of trying to adjust. This would even help a lot when playing in tiny rooms like cadecus manor. I can’t we anything when I’m playing the because the camera gets confused when it tries to adjust to the low ceilings and claustrophobic walls.
I don’t get motion sickness even sailing a boat or roller skating.
I will try some tiny tonics as someone suggested (I thought you couldn’t jump as a tonic)? I wonder if bringing a transparent / modeless mist would prevent camera from moving. If so, can we have a tonic like that anet?
And yup I control the camera with the mouse but it seems to make it worse. It increases the chances the camera tries to adjust to terrain.
I like doing spontaneous jumping puzzles in other games when I find a cool place to explore. But in gw2 I don’t.
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
Press B and go to Edge of the Mists, there never seems to be a queue there. Depending where you spawn the re-traiter is right in front of you, or up the stairs, (I don’t know about the other spawn)
You can then press B again, and there’s an arrow on the bottom right of that window that you can click to go back to PvE.
So long as the “Friendly play 1 2 3” posts aren’t about limiting what you can do at each level like it is in the China client, I can’t complain.
A bit sad about the dye changes because I have so few of them, but other than that, eh.
The PvP changes will be great for a lot of people. Personally I’m not a sucker for rewards, so it makes no difference for me, but a lot of people will enjoy it and PvP will be more active. That could be good for people who complain about WvW queues… when there’s a big queue they could go PvP a bit and still have their time be worth something.
Speaking of rewards, my biggest wish is Anet would stop making the game a candy shop, and make the game more fun to play. Can you imagine playing sonic the hedgehog for rewards? You played it for fun, not rewards.
There is already so much candy in the game. When everyone has shinny rewards, how can you make it even more rewarding? I can imagine them making it so you can wear 5 back pieces at once: one behind your head, one on each shoulder, one on your back, and one behind your bum!
What I really wanted was for open-world content to be more populated. Wardrobe won’t do this, all you have to do is waypoint in, go to heart npc, get your skin, waypoint out. Traits won’t do this, it doesn’t apply to old characters.
I’m sad they are making lower level areas even easier. It’s already too boring, and that’s saying something since I play solo.
I want open-world to be end game content: challenging fights that require skill (not number stats), events that require group/guild coordination, different events depending on time of day, automatic grouping and un-grouping with people doing events with you (so you can see health and status effects), etc.
Maybe Friendly Play will implement these changes, but I’m not keeping my hopes up.
You don’t even have a LFG tab for open world content (the map you’re on), only for living story!
None of that really helps me Gumball. You could already wear fancy skins at early levels if you bought transmutation stones. For me it actually makes it worse because I like waiting until end game. Gives me more stuff to do later on. But I’ll probably be too tempted and get the cool skins early. Totally my fault, I don’t deny that.
I just want to go do dungeons and WvW once I get bored with open world. Don’t pretend Anet will add challenging content, they won’t. They think nerfing zerker gear is an amazing change when it’s not. They don’t know how to add challenging monster AI, what makes you think they’ll suddenly make the whole world more fun and challenging to play?
So far I’ve been doing dungeons on my alts starting level 30, but I put off doing WvW until 60. With this change it seems I’ll have to wait for dungeons until 60, and wait for WvW until 80.
There’s nothing really we can do at this point, I guess I just want to feel better about this. Because as soon as I hit 30 I’m dreading doing more open world content, and I can’t imagine putting up with it until 60.
Teaching mechanics and such would be good for new players, but at this point I don’t need it and I doubt most older players do. If I need help I can ask guildies and server mates, go to the PvP zone to practice, etc.
I’m just wondering if they thought about this issue at all… I’ll see how it goes I guess.
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)
I’m worried that it will make it worse for <80s to get into dungeons. It’s bad enough now. There’s also newbie first timers who aren’t very good fighters yet or could be under-geared. Not having adept and master traits will hurt them.
Once I get to level 30, I’m already bored with the world. So I start doing dungeons. What am I going to do now? I don’t know if I’ll be able to pull my weight without the trait abilities. I also don’t want to go to WvW to level up if I’m going to be a burden on my team.
Female: nothing different than we have already. Naked.
Males: nothing different than we have already. Covered head to toe in a long skirts/robes.
Not exactly what I want more of.
What I want: more exposed skin for men, less skirts, less robes, less buttcapes, less massive shoulders, asymmetrical designs, stylish boots, etc.
I would attach examples but I know better than to waste my time, anet doesnt care.
I’m doing ascalonian catacombs and my character is walking backwards.
I use WASD.
If I press W he walks towards me. If I press A he walks right instead of left. If I press D he goes left instead of right.. If I press S he goes forward instead of backwards.
Even when I push the left and right mouse buttons, which usually makes my character walk forward (away from the screen), he walks backwards (facing me and walking towards me)
My controls are correct (same as usual) but he’s still walking like that.
But you get random buffs on turrets and gadgets. Stop whining.
(edited by lorazcyk.8927)