because he doesn’t know it himself
because he doesn’t know it himself
There is no such thing as “trolling” in PvP as long as you are trying to win. It’s a stupid term ridiculously overused.
If the bunker goes far and you waste time trying to kill him, you’re not being “trolled” — you’re being beaten.
Or you just put one person there, while you own your point, and your team gifts the enemy at mid with a gruesome death, because they don’t have a bunker. This because a bunker can’t kill the guy left to cover his home.
I just brought what someone told me long time ago by showing this idea. What I think he meant was harassing. But sending your only bunker to harass at far, leaving mid uncovered isn’t a great idea.
Especially if you fight on a point the enemy already has.
Deciding when harassing the enemy is actually useful is a delicate matter, as to when attack far. What most people say against it is that it’s risky, because you don’t know how many people will respawn next.
From my experience, harassing should be done as long as you can keep the point yours or neuted, and you have less people on your side. If not, you can just overrun the point to get it, and then leave just 1/2 people on it.
Or it can be done from the beginning when you know the enemy will leave just one person on their home, and you know you can kill that person fast. That might actually apply more pressure than just mindlessly rushing at mid hoping to win. IMHO you can never be sure on the outcome of something as chaotic as a battle in mid with people you don’t know.
And even then, in Battle of Khylo you might not need a far point assaulter, but you’ll surely need a trebuchet assaulter. And that is as dangerous as far, for it’s near the enemy spawn point, and I fear you have to take down trebber and treb (or just trebber?).
because he doesn’t know it himself
(edited by redslion.9675)
This is just to much to have for one class… and basically they can take all of these into one build which is insane.. and shouldn’t be allowed.
Please post a link to this build.. I want to play it. Thanks!
(I’m serious.)
0 10 30 30 0
Longer bleeds dogged march cleansing ire spiked armor larger banner area quick breathing banner regen. Sword/horn + longbow or hammer Utilites= zerker stance balanced stance dolyak singet.Long bleeds on sword auto attack and pin down. 2 forms of immobilize. 2 forms of stability and 1 form of 0 condition dmg taken for 8 secs. 2 forms of condi cleansing. Constant retaliation. Shortened immobilize crippled etc… All while regening 500+ hp per second passively depends on gear or trinket if spvp.
I get the chills when i see builds like this.
You ain’t seen nuttin’
With condis it’s easy, but I can do stuff like that with soldier’s gear.
With the right traits, I can kill a hambow by just standing in their face and autoattacking. With sword.
I have too much armor and HP for their braindead spam.XD
After going too much in zerker amulet, I decided I needed something tougher, for more flexible gameplay.
because he doesn’t know it himself
As long as you don’t bring the bunker with you to far point for “trolling” purpose, it’s allright.
A far point assaulter should say it before the match starts, and say if he/she needs help.
because he doesn’t know it himself
quoted from Aidan Taylor[European Community Manager] in the official december 10th balance release patch :
“We don’t mind warriors doing massive damage……”
source : believe this means /thread.Have some very nice Holidays everyone!
Or that ANet is, quite simply, wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time for them, given what used to be the incredibly weak state of the warrior half a year ago as compared to where they are now.
Warriors always dealt massive damage.
Easy to avoid by just wiping out the warrior in seconds, but always massive.
The difference is that now they are more survivable. A bit too much, maybe. I wouldn’t mind a warrior with soldier amulet and properly specced dealing decent (not great, but enough to kill someone) damage. A glass cannon who has also good armor and immunity through stance is another thing, though.
because he doesn’t know it himself
because he doesn’t know it himself
Could I report people for botting when they leave their team behind in a 5v5 to split far?
I mean that must be a computer program because any one with a brain would not do this.
Oh yeah, you are one of those kitten s that lets the enemy team win even if they stay 100% match in mid.
If for some reason the enemy team fights better than you in a 5v5 fight (example: better class distribution) you’ll just lose.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Anytime people start playing the blame game/biotching at the end of a soloQ, I giggle a little. Because instead of communicating/being productive during the match they start talking at the end.
My is similar :p. I tried to comunicate tactics at start of the game and coordinate while the game was runing and only 1 guy did respond back/wrote in chat. Than we lost and at the end one guy, who didnt say anything whole match, said in map chat: “This team…”.
They are too skilled to talk about strategy, it seems to me.
However, I see that most of the time the strategy is “go mid”. If people lose the first fight at mid, they’ll keep running at it one at a time. So it will end up with people that keep dying.
Everyone is afraid to go far, but sometimes is important. I’ve seen many times people raging at two guys who got far, capped it and defended it for kinda long time until they got outnumbered. While the “pros” were trying to take down two guardians nesting on mid.
What I realized is: we all make mistakes in tourneys, this mode is pretty chaotic as it is. What brings the win is a coherent strategy that applies to the foe you are facing.
because he doesn’t know it himself
(edited by redslion.9675)
We need a “Remove target” hotkey.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Yeah, I’ve been trying sword sword and longbow with a bunker build the past week and I have to say that I am pretty much unstoppable in any 1v1 scenario.
I even killed a necro while standing in his wells and when I got to half health around 16k, I took a step back and used the longbow on him to finish it. If you compare the shield and the off-hand sword, I think most people will see that the sword is just flat-out better. Shorter cds, the same block if used during ranged attacks, and a ranged torment attack that is a two part skill with both resulting in high damage. In their efforts to make the War viable, they made them too viable and didn’t remove the things added in the process.
This current build is currently a monster though. I get self-healing out the wazoo and decent damage to wear down any class, even guard bunkers seem frail in comparison.
Remember: real men go power.XD
I’m trying Hammer/Sword, and even without cleansing Ire isn’t half bad.
because he doesn’t know it himself
(edited by redslion.9675)
People asking for ress when they are at less than 10% hp and two enemies focusing them.
Aka: they want someone else to share death with.
because he doesn’t know it himself
“warriors are balanced”
That’s what we have Balanced Stance for.
because he doesn’t know it himself
-If you actually got hit by pin down and complain about how op warrior is you need to learn how to avoid projectiles and get off the forums.
yeah i don’t know how people get hit by that. it’s not like pin down animation is identical to the auto attack animation…
I agree on that: the only times my Pin Down gets avoided is because of random dodges by people spamming a lot of them.
That’s how it goes: to solve the problem of hard to read/ too fast animation they give an over abundance of dodges. Thus it ends in people spamming them because it’s the best way to avoid stuff.
We are forced to do the same against every other proffesion so what is the problem here?Everyone can do it and a lot more than warrior.Game needs more telegraphed and animation on all classes especially ranged ones not just on warrior and all others get free pass.
What is the problem? Well, it’s not a balance problem (all classes have it), bu the game gets uglier.
because he doesn’t know it himself
-If you actually got hit by pin down and complain about how op warrior is you need to learn how to avoid projectiles and get off the forums.
yeah i don’t know how people get hit by that. it’s not like pin down animation is identical to the auto attack animation…
I agree on that: the only times my Pin Down gets avoided is because of random dodges by people spamming a lot of them.
That’s how it goes: to solve the problem of hard to read/ too fast animation they give an over abundance of dodges. Thus it ends in people spamming them because it’s the best way to avoid stuff.
because he doesn’t know it himself
With one of my old loves (solder sword-centered warrior build) I can facetank Hambow warrs and kill them by spamming autoattack. Many lols were had.XD
I use mace/sword to fight 3 of them at the time with one stability stance only .Lol does not even describe how easy they are to kill after the nerf.
Even before nerf. More than strong, I think their OPness comes from the fact they can work well in too many situations. So it’s full of them, and builds not designed to counter tham have a horrible time.
Said that, ANet might solve this problem by making possible tourney effective builds that can also counter these wars for more classes.
Then maybe we’d see less warrs in tourney.
because he doesn’t know it himself
teamQ is total broken and only good for people who likes to farm easy targets aka go in with team and farm randoms
like this ppl playing thief in wvw farming uplvled players running to there zerg
teamQ was never competive or fair
no other game would do something so stupid and let solo/duo … players join a teamQ
blizzard would laugh about when someone would ask “can i join solo the 3v3 arena please?”teamQ should be deleted and 5 people team join only – to have all other options is just pathetic
and to force now with more than double rewards solo players to play this is even more pathetic
I have a better time in team queue than in solo queue, even by joining solo.
Soloqueue players tend to rage more, teamqueue players are more relaxed. When flame starts, you are sure you lost. Everyone will freak out, and whatever strategy you might have had, it goes down the drain.
because he doesn’t know it himself
With one of my old loves (solder sword-centered warrior build) I can facetank Hambow warrs and kill them by spamming autoattack. Many lols were had.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
Easy fix, nerf GS #5 the same way they nerfed Ele’s RTL. I main a warrior and would totally be fine with that. It would slow down the GS/Sw-X troll warriors without wrecking other viable builds.
Do you mean where the CD is increased if it doesn’t hit anyone vs going on normal cooldown if it does? That’s an interesting notion if so.
Yeah, but then we should control the movement a bit better.
As of now, Rush rarely hits anyone.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Is 3 stacks okay or reverting it back to 1 is ideal?
I personally think 1 is best. I couldn’t bunker at all with my Guardian as a a Warrior used Pin Down and Throw Balas while the Necromancer just smashed me with conditions.
I was immobilized for 12 seconds and I couldn’t strip it with the constant flow of conditions.
I’d be ok even if Immob didn’t stack: Throw Bolas lasts for long enough itself to need no stacking.
If you play on EU, I might have been that warrior.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
Another thing: if you play solo, you are likely to get in group with others soloers.
This means they’ll probably don’t expect to have a lot of wins, and everything will be much more relaxed.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Yes, he has a bit more hp and a bit more armor than you, but probably won’t have much defense on his own. No point on defense traitline, Endure Pain at most.
A bit? I don’t really agree that warriors need to be ‘nerfed into the ground’ but you need to do some reading on the stats, 4000 HP between a warrior and a thief with the exact same build, and that isn’t even the worst, the Ele has 8000 HP less and has the lowest armor class. And they all deal at best equal damage.
It is completely laughable to say that the stat dichotomy in this game is currently balanced. The idea at launch was that squishier classes would have more defense in their abilities, but this has never been true for certain classes, the ele for example had defense in its utilities and healing in its weapon skills to balance out its stat drawbacks. And then it had every facet of its defense nerfed by nearly a third because they could stack those defensive abilities, and therein lies the impossible problem between balancing classes reliant on defensive abilities versus classes reliant on defensive stats. If you give them enough defensive abilities to have varying builds and methods of defense, they are going to stack them and it will be overpowered, if you don’t then they have nothing versus the inherent and ever-present defense of the stat-dependent classes.
Was comparing Warrior to Mesmer. A bit is 3k difference. It’s something, but not much.
Now, if you compare it to ele, yes, it’s a big difference, and that’s the main reason why eles never used zerker some time ago. And I agree they have been overnerfed/the rest has been overbuffed.
However, when I face glass warriors I know they go down pretty fast and are easy to hit, unless they use stances. Mesmers and thieves can cover themselves a bit better, IMHO, even if in group fights mesmers have more problems, and thieves make up for this cover with low hp.
because he doesn’t know it himself
(edited by redslion.9675)
I play a mesmer and just got hit by a war with 13 k eviscerate. I don’t mind the fact that it’s hard to avoid and it hits like a truck, what i do mind though is that it’s a class with more hp and more defence then me doing this damage. That’s a class with more condi removal and good mobility and what’s even more upsetting is that’s not even skillful playing. I don’t know how many of you play a mesmer but i can tell you that for a mesmer to output 13 k dps we have to go through a lot of trouble, while war has to switch to axe and press f1. I don’t even think any other class can have such a big burst.
I wish we had some dps meters to see just how pathetic all the other classes are compared to warriors. And if it’s not burst they do they have sustain like nobody else. Anyone managed to avoid longbow F1 so far while trying to defend a point ? The fact that the difference in power between classes is absurd and to the people saying if you think warriors are so strong why don’t you just play one i will say that i don’t want to play a game with only warriors and spirit rangers. 1 year and counting and balance is still nowhere to be found in gw2. I thought any class could do everything other classes can, but nothing can compare to warriors in any aspect of the game.
You got killed by a glass warrior.
Yes, he has a bit more hp and a bit more armor than you, but probably won’t have much defense on his own. No point on defense traitline, Endure Pain at most.
Glass warrior are still one of the hardest things to play because have almost no room for defense and still have to take damage to their teeth.
Before the buff warrior used to deal even higher damage. And they were the laughing stock of GW2 pvp
And no, Hambow isn’t glass at all.
because he doesn’t know it himself
to avoid trashtalk.
… You’re intentionally under-performing so some random idiot on the internet doesn’t call you names or something?
…whatever floats your boat I guess…
But… but hammer feels so OP…
I’ll get even worse than I actually am if I use it(
because he doesn’t know it himself
Other than that, I’m trying to make it work in a soldier build in spvp.
That’s because with Blademaster you can still keep a decent crit chance without giving up too much armor. I used it before sword rework, I stopped after buff, now I’ll try it again.
Maybe with Might Stacking to beef up all damage.
Honestly, if you wanna do sword and soldier stats I’d recommend hammer on switch and something like 0/20/20/0/30 (at least 0/20/20/0/20, last 10 points can be moved around at will). That way you can take advantage of unsuspecting foe + Earthshaker to guarantee a 50% crit chance Final Thrust when you land a hammer burst. It’s what I’m running on my War in WvW with great success (although I have mixed stats, not full soldier’s… which you can’t do in sPvP).
I’d rather not touch hammer to avoid trashtalk.
Longbro is as imba, but it’s less anoying because it doesn’t stunlock.
I realized that against enemies such as s/d thieves you need some hard cc, though. If not, they’ll just keep evading, and you won’t hit reliable damage.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Other than that, I’m trying to make it work in a soldier build in spvp.
That’s because with Blademaster you can still keep a decent crit chance without giving up too much armor. I used it before sword rework, I stopped after buff, now I’ll try it again.
Maybe with Might Stacking to beef up all damage.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Lol Guardian has no health.
But protection/aegis/perma vigor/blinds. Less health, but more defensive measures.
High cool down. Plus a guardian would likely have insufficient damage to down a warrior.
Aegis has a long CD, but multiple sources – a low CD for what is actually is. Vigor is “perma” (5 seconds on crit, ICD of 5 seconds), with low CD blinds. The protection uptime is absolutely ridiculous.
They do, indeed, have lower damage, but guess what – Guardians bunker, and they bunker well. A bunker isn’t supposed to survive and dish out massive damage (Warrior nerfed for this reason) they’re meant to hold, and hold, and hold, until someone with a bit more punch arrives.
Vigor is only permanent if they have decent crit. Damage is only lower if they go bunker. I imagine the duels will take place in spvp, where guardian protection is nerfed. And remember, even with all the mitigation, he will have to time it to make up for around 50% less health. That said, survive the burst, then plant them, wear out there defenses with constant pressure and finish them off.
Med guardian damage is nothing to sneeze at, too.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Ahhh good players play thief not the easy to survive war/guard. Think about what your saying op. Seriously after all the buffs yous have got while thieves get nerfed every month you think guards are good and wars bad players
Good players play Frenzy/HB warriors. Try to win with a highly telegraphed burst that works once per minute. Without all those fancy stances.
Craziest build ever.XD
Or might stacking glass war.
You are glass, deal sustained damage (not burst) and have to get in melee. Prepare to die.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
Talking about damage/resistance, IMHO meditation guardian is more solid than warrior.
Both have on-par healing (500 HPS, but guardian’s works better against spikes), but guardian has some protecion uptime, vigor and different blocks.
What guard lacks is cc, mobility (that’s the main reason why med guard isn’t played competively, IMHO: you are very slow for a roamer) and stability.
I’d say ret pally is mroe similar to meditation guardian, offering a mix of everything, and has to avoid ranged fights.
Unless you talk about Hambow, but that’s an abomination.
because he doesn’t know it himself
for camera, I only have 1 command and it’s lookback command, rest i use my mouse to rotate.
But it must be hard to control both your movement and your aim at the same time as a nade engi then, right?
because he doesn’t know it himself
The only think I’m not ok with about mesmer is the fact that one of their main mechanics revolves around making the game more messy.
Ain’t not like I can’t spot the real mesmer, but adding more things on group fights is annoying.XD
Said that, I wouldn’t know how to fix it, so I’d be ok with ANet toning down particle effects and reducing AI spam.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I just don’t want that ball of fur on my side.
Filthy AI.
because he doesn’t know it himself
This means controls warriors should have should be more similar to their immobilizes outside of Longbow?
I mean Flurry and Bolas, which are fast, can only be used at point blank range and can allow use of skills.
because he doesn’t know it himself
yes but healing signet and the stances buff the alraedy high EHP into oblivion
Numbers are kinda random, but that’s the calculation. There are many different variables, though, such as poison, dodges, blocks et cetera.
ANet’s idea was to give this to warrior to counter absence of protection and vigor. They overshot it.
because he doesn’t know it himself
bad is we dont have rly jerks here in gw2 making the math and sheats to show the EHP from classes
are somewhere intelligent people for this here ingame?i would bet EHP for warrior is far above every other class – but we need math for this^^
AND while having highest EHP warrior still do absurd damagethis is the problem
It wouldn’t mean much in a dynamic gameplay like this.
You have many different options than just soaking everything.
In fact, warriors have always had the highest EHP. That didn’t help them much before the buff to healing signet and berserker stance.
because he doesn’t know it himself
than check other classes heal amount + CD for it and than calculate how much heal a warrior get in this time
than you know why its different to other classes
So you think the actual problem is that now roles are inverted, and warrior tend to prolong the fight, so that they can make their HPS count?
I see, and it might be true (as a warrior fighting with signet but with very few defensive systems, I know how it feels to fight a hambow, land a full 100 blades and see them go into a stance/gaining time to regenerate).
Then if signet was reduced/stopped working while dodging or under the effect of certain abilities (Zerker Stance, Endure Pain, Shield Stance), would you feel it’s balanced?
because he doesn’t know it himself
Make them better, and make them shut up in combat.
I hate when they keep spouting “Fire!” “Water!” ’n stuff…
Until I was in the same room as a friend, doing dungeons together, I never realised quite how vocal elementalists are. Every few seconds I hear from their speakers “Spark to flame!”, “Earth!” or maybe a generic boon one like “There’s the power!”, all of it from me.
I barely notice what my own character says most of the time, but they’re definitely very chattery when played by other people. An option to turn down all players’ chatter might be useful sometimes.
In other words we have found the root of eles problem, luckily we can solve it in one step. Silence all eles! Trust me, you’ll never hear them complain ever again.
Well, that might be why eles meet less sympathy than they should.
However, I didn’t say they don’t need a buff.
Wait, they do not need them as much as we think: other classes need to be brought back. This meta is victim of crazy powercreep! Enough with buffing.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Make them better, and make them shut up in combat.
I hate when they keep spouting “Fire!” “Water!” ’n stuff…
because he doesn’t know it himself
My ideas for fixes:
1) Make healing signet more “similar” to the new signet of ether that mesmers have received. It would by achieved by this:
i) healing scales with adrenaline level (adrenaline spam for condi removal would mean much less healing, just like with the mesmer signet and it’s condi removal trait)
ii) healing would take place every 3 seconds (allowing for better burst impact on warriors)
iii) healing signet active would be changed to “recharge all stance skills”
iv) 40 seconds cooldown on activation (as almost every warrior takes sig cd recharge trait + active would be vastly more powerful than mesmer’s)2) and following changes would be made to stances:
i) base duration of every stance would be gutted to 1/4 of the current duration
ii) stance activation consumes adrenaline, for ever bar of adrenaline spent you gain 1/4 extra duration (meaning 3 bars would give full duration as it is now).
iii) the numbers are ad-hoc just to demonstrate the thought process, they could be like 1/2 and for full duration adrenaline must be spent but it’s all about the thought processThen our stances would go into our F2, F3 and F4?
ooo would be nice if we can slot stances into F2 F3 F4 !!!
but … only a few stances? O_O
we only got 4 stances.
Balanced Stance
Berserker Stance
Endure Pain
Frenzythen everyone packs balanced, zerrker, endure pain! O_O
Darn. I always forget about Frenzy.
Well, we could merge Berserker Stance and Endure Pain together, and put the whole thing on a 4s duration. How is it?
because he doesn’t know it himself
Actually confusion seems great it goes with the type of weapon, i hope some future patch would fix this because like this what is the point of auto attacking with hammer when every other weapon auto attack is better.
Wat? Why is hammer confusing..?
I’m confused…
If some huge hammer smashed you in the head and didn’t kill wouldn’t you be confused wondering what happened and where you at?
dazed AND confused
but i always aim for the kneecaps
You’d just be too busy picking your brain from the ground to care about anything.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
My ideas for fixes:
1) Make healing signet more “similar” to the new signet of ether that mesmers have received. It would by achieved by this:
i) healing scales with adrenaline level (adrenaline spam for condi removal would mean much less healing, just like with the mesmer signet and it’s condi removal trait)
ii) healing would take place every 3 seconds (allowing for better burst impact on warriors)
iii) healing signet active would be changed to “recharge all stance skills”
iv) 40 seconds cooldown on activation (as almost every warrior takes sig cd recharge trait + active would be vastly more powerful than mesmer’s)2) and following changes would be made to stances:
i) base duration of every stance would be gutted to 1/4 of the current duration
ii) stance activation consumes adrenaline, for ever bar of adrenaline spent you gain 1/4 extra duration (meaning 3 bars would give full duration as it is now).
iii) the numbers are ad-hoc just to demonstrate the thought process, they could be like 1/2 and for full duration adrenaline must be spent but it’s all about the thought process
Then our stances would go into our F2, F3 and F4?
because he doesn’t know it himself
Against meditation guardians i would say 50:50 (maybe more in favor of the warrior), against other builds, ether the warrior will win or the fight will never end. Ofc only if the skill level is similiar.
Even using CC warrior?
Asking because Med Guards don’t have stability.
But on the other side they have vigor, blocks and blinds that might work, and their heals are uninterruptable.
because he doesn’t know it himself
We need this said by an NPC in the mists.XD
An NPC which will explain to new players how things go.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
However, not all warriors use hambow/triple stance.
Do you feel they are OP too?
However, Healing Surge might be better if battles were much faster than what they are:
sure, if the fight last 15 seconds, and you have surge out of cd, it has much more hps than signet.
But the meta is full of attrition builds, and in attrition signet is better. And is much stronger with defensive setups. And most warriors go highly defensive now, thanks to hammer.
I repeat: IMHO the state of the warrior goes along with the state of the meta. And now both are kinda messy.
However, one reason why warriors are the most played class might be because they actually have an interesting fighting style. With a GS, for example, movement is integrated in doing damage. It’s a very dinamic and fun weapon. Other than that, warriors are very popular in pve when racing through dungeons is needed.
Warriors started as the “easy to learn, hard to master class”, maybe capable of keeping together both the casual and hardcore sides ofthe game and, most important, turning casuals into something more. Warriors used to be wonderfully designed, even if subpar (pre-june).
because he doesn’t know it himself
On my mesmer and engineer I had too many ways to counter getting locked down which made the skill a joke even if I was hit, on my thief I simply dodged it by not even using 0.01% of my brain …….. While at it, the only thing I ever disliked when fighting warriors was their passive/afk heal, and I think they should tone it down and instead in some way make them achieve same amount of heal, but instead from actively playing.
So this thread is saying Warriors are bad, then asking for a further nerf?
Yep. Definitely from the Thief forum. 2/10 for effort.
He isn’t asking for a nerf. He’s asking for out class not to be seen as the noob class.
Thank you, and I agree. I hope one day I won’t be forced to bring that signet.
because he doesn’t know it himself
You don’t need a degree to play a meditation guardian in pvp, be useful and have fun, though.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Warriors are made for the ppl that can’t play other classes.
But do you think it has always been like this? I think not!
I started as an engi, then I felt like good engi builds were pretty limited (same concepts… kit swapping, condi pressure, a bit of SD, a bit of bunkering…). At around April I switched to warrior in pvp. Yeah, when it was still considered the joke of gw2 pvp.
Recently I tried Meditation Guardian, and I feel like I can play it decently.XD
(and can still play engi)
The problem is that warrior is the perfect victim of power creep.
They buffed necros, thus had to buff warriors to give them a chance to actually get NEAR one of them. That was a delicate matter, and the warrior ended up to swat necros like flies with hammer ad mace. (IMHO other weapons are fine against conditioners, at most Zerker Stance is an issue… what about putting Cleansing Ire in Tactics, so that it’s harder for hammerers to reach it?)
But even then, warriors fell too quickly: their burst was easily avoidable or on long cooldown, they had to invest too much for it (remember the old Bull’s Charge + Frenzy build? It used 2 utility slots just to land that burst, and that meant to play with barely any defensive mechanic at all).
The problem was their healing wasn’t that great, considering they had to build zerker and stay in the enemy face all the time.
I remember playing engi bomb bunker a long time ago. I laughed at all those warriors desperately trying to take me down, outplaying me many times and then going down by my bomb autotattack. They were the only class I could kill in a 1v1 with my builds. I could hold others, but couldn’t take them down… they just needed to step away from bombs.
So ok, they buff the only healing skill that nobody used: healing signet. It only offered healing, and not much of that. Completely useless. Ok, it was a boring skill, too, and probably ANet should have changed that completely before buffing it.
That’s how warriors became OP.
If they didn’t buff necros, and instead brought up all other classes to the levels of necros and warriors, things would have got a lot better.
Before that, in order to be beaten by a warrior you had to be severely outnumbered, outplayed, outbuilt (AKA: you are playing a build that has a specific purpose and sacrifices all its 1v1 potential) or you had to be really really rookie.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
That’s exactly what I was saying.
Warrior needed that sustain when necros got buffed. And with the presence of Sword Dagger thieves and BM ranger. There was some unbalanced stuff.
Remember what many people were saying? Warrior was the best designed class, other classes should have been brought down to it, not the opposite.
Before the buffs, warrior was a simple class, but that was actually an interesting disadvantage to work around.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Stop relying on Signet of rage + Rune of lyssa and i might be impressed. Or stop relying on warrior
Leave signet of rage alone.
However, I have a question: do you suggest to keep the rotate view commands bound on the key?
because he doesn’t know it himself
Well, one might say zerker stance has risk on its cooldown, but it’s a skill who came up because of necro, IMHO.
However… you mean not to be OP I just don’t have to use Hammer or Longbow?
With GS, for example, I need at least one utility slot to get Bolas or Bull to hit people with 100 blades. Without using mace, I mean.
This means I either have to drop Zerker Stance, Endure Pain or stability.
And I don’t use Lyssa.
However, I’ve seen warrs going down to focused fire pretty fast. Once their stances are over (not saying anything, though).
because he doesn’t know it himself
3) Prevent players under glory rank 20 from queueing for tpvp.
whats wrong with players under rank 20? dont think rank = skill or whatever, and no im not saying my team is pro GG whatever, just am sick of all the kitten at ranks.
oh yeah, I learned to pvp in wvw ^^, just as my team(gvg!), but yeah that doesnt reflect in ranks:)
Well, that might be a premade vs a pug. It often happens to me when I join Team queue. My team has an average rank of 30-35, the enemy has a rank of 15-20, but they are a 5-man team, we are not.
I mostly win these fights, but they are not so easily won.
It’s true though, rank doesn’t necessarily means you suck. A WvW veteran will surely fight well.
The problem is that Conquest is a pretty delicate matter, as there never are obvious choices and many decisions are gambles based on enemy respawn/information you can gather from the UI. When you play alone, it’s much worse.
because he doesn’t know it himself