because he doesn’t know it himself
because he doesn’t know it himself
Right, come to think of it it’s better to bet on burst and try not to get hit in the first place.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I played aheap of sd engineer when the patch hit, and it does hit insanely hard assuming your amazing at counting to 10 for every auto damage proc you see go off, its a huge problem for the current sd engi that half of our burst output comes from auto procs we need llegitimate traits that improve our damage output for sd engi instead of these automatic damage traits.
Wait, is that tiny rocket really THAT important? Inventions might improve your survivability by a lot and give even better group support with bunker down. Other than that, it will let you use AED , which gives you one more SD proc and another opener.
im not sure what your trying to get at as i didnt mention anything about surviveability and the new sd engineer is much more tanky since you can take elixir S over utility goggles and have more damage then pre patch sd engineers but i play the explosives/firearms/tools sd version and take all the damage boosters i can get, i dont half kitten my burst yo, my problem is that half my damage is from automatic procs and i cant expect them to be available when i actually need them except from openers, i think that the fact that current sd engineers cant control the extra damage output is actually a huge hindrance to the build, given the chance to actually use them when id like to there would be a whole lot of times id have killed enemy’s simply because i got that extra damage when i wanted it.
essentially give me control over my damage output please.
I never trusted Elixir S because I don’t like long cooldowns, but I’m sure it might work well, however it’s one skill less you can use with Static Discharge.
What I was saying was that I wonder which specialization would be better between Explosives and Inventions.
With Explosives you have
Glass Cannon, which is something
Aim-Assisted Rocket, which adds more damage that can’t be controlled.
Siege Rounds which is good for burst but also gives some nice buffs with mortar fields and double blast.
On the other hand, Iventions has:
AMR, which lets you use AED without fear, which ends up as being awesome for survivability (if you don’t go down too fast, it’s 1.2k hps) and lets you equip a stun in the toolbelt (which means another opener).
Mecha legs, which reduces snares (and opens up another option in tools instead of Streamlined Kits if you don’t mind moving slower).
Bunker Down, which gives stimulant drops for everybody and proximity mines.
Now, I don’t know how proximity mines work, but if you already are close they should probably explode when you drop them, right? If this works, you have more sustain and more sustained damage.
What do you think might be better? A bit more burst or survivability (AED+AMR might be tricky though) and more sustain?
Oh, one more thing: how do you andle d/p thieves on this kind of build?
because he doesn’t know it himself
I played aheap of sd engineer when the patch hit, and it does hit insanely hard assuming your amazing at counting to 10 for every auto damage proc you see go off, its a huge problem for the current sd engi that half of our burst output comes from auto procs we need llegitimate traits that improve our damage output for sd engi instead of these automatic damage traits.
Wait, is that tiny rocket really THAT important? Inventions might improve your survivability by a lot and give even better group support with bunker down. Other than that, it will let you use AED , which gives you one more SD proc and another opener.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Welcome to GreatswordWars, where Gratsword is your answer to all questions.
Well, to be fair Greatsword is the answer to all question even outside of Guild Wars 2.
Warcraft 3? Greatswords
Berserk? Greatswords
Dragon Age? With which weapon do you kill the Archdemon? Thought so.
Dark Souls? Which weapon is Artorias using? Which weapon is Gwyn using? Thought so.
Final Fantasy VII? Don’t even make me start on that one.
See? Greatsword is ALWAYS the answer.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
Well, technically the bug is still there. It has just been sealed away from this world…
(it might become a potential villain for an upcoming living world arch)
because he doesn’t know it himself
Well, I tried it and failed, but maybe it’s because I am stupid and slow.
Sometimes spike is so high that when you reach 25% and the cooldown resets the you won’t last those 0.75 needed to use it.
Maybe I’m wrong, but seems like if you get targeted by a thief you won’t last enough to use it (or I’m just way too slow for this).
It might be because I took it in hotjoin and it’s all a great mess (you get jumped by 1v1 oriented builds, 3v1s and so on).
Or because I tested it along with a build camping flamethrower so I was too near to everything.
Come to think of it, if you use HGH you might also think about using Elixir H, it removes 2 conditions and gets 636 hps (even if you have to survive one whole second). Plus it has one more thrown Elixir (cleanse+condi removal).
Well, with Alchemy, Elixir C and other stuff you might become pretty impervious to condis (you might also add Sigils of Purity and Generosity).
because he doesn’t know it himself
Well, on the plus side, making Whirlwind “slower” means it will deal a lot more damage to people. Mesmers will come out of stealth DEAD.XD
That is why i only ask to give Rush a speed buff :-)
I dunno, seems like as of now Rush is programmed to make you go in the worst position possible that can be found in the range. If you increase its range it might find even WORSE positions to put you into.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
1. Who invented it?
2. Who made it viable in both WvW and PvP?Thank you for answer.
The trait setup made it a very logical setup, so many people thought of it and decided to try it. Not only that, at least a year ago it was popular in WvWvW.
because he doesn’t know it himself
It’s what every warrior is running.
It’s what every sheep is running.
Fixed for you. Not EVERY warrior is running that build.
You know, damage dealer builds with greatsword have always been the warrior’s highest calling.
Let’s face it, warrior’s greatsword is the most elegant weapon in the whole game. You play by dancing around the battlefield like a graceous wrecking ball.
Berserker/Marauder Greatsword/X is beautiful, that’s why every warrior ends up running them sooner or later and sticking to them if they are good.
Sword might now be faster, but its movement skills will always be gap closers, not made to control the flow of a battle like Whirlwind blade.
However, I play it with Rune of the Wurm. 2x Defy Pain + 26k hp means you just refuse to die XD
Eh, no, no, and uh… no. The GS is not elegant, in my opinion. It’s not as mobile as it used to be. I have seen warriors running variants of Axe/Shield + Mace/X and outperform GS/X users. The weapon does not always matter, skill does. A lot of these ‘elegant’ GS users googled some build and thought “Oh look, I will be OP now!” when they don’t even know how to use the class.
It’s not about effectiveness, is about looking good.XD
Sure you can outperform somebody, but still the Greatsword is a lot of fun and unique. What I mean is: I have always used greatsword and will always be on warrior because I love it, especially in a damage oriented build. Don’t care if others are using the obvious best setups for a greatsword (Strength, Defense and Discipline/Arms), you can still use the greatsword with your own style.
No matter skill, there will always be a weapon set you will like and one you won’t like. And many warrior people love greatswords. Axe for many feels a lot generic.
because he doesn’t know it himself
It’s what every warrior is running.
Real Warriors run Skullcracker.
Shhh…..shhhh…I don’t care that Hammer is AoE…I have reflects.
Problem is mace has no gap closers and is not as bombtastic as Hammer.
because he doesn’t know it himself
So i get that you dont like the extra distance Rush was giving with swiftness.
(aldo it still reduces when your using quickness)But GS was all about mobility, now its completely gone and the weapon is really bad now in wvw, i have not been able to run away atleast once in wvw from nobody! any class can get me now without a problem.
You may say it should be like that, sure i can kinda understand that nike warriors was a bit too much.. but its from 100% to almost 0% chance to escape.
Anyways.. i am having this problem also to engage! its very very frustating to use both whirlwind/rush AND bulls charge to even reach your opponent.. and they just leap or blink away.
pls reconsider increasing the speed of rush back to atleast 20%
Well, on the plus side, making Whirlwind “slower” means it will deal a lot more damage to people. Mesmers will come out of stealth DEAD.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
It’s what every warrior is running.
It’s what every sheep is running.
Fixed for you. Not EVERY warrior is running that build.
You know, damage dealer builds with greatsword have always been the warrior’s highest calling.
Let’s face it, warrior’s greatsword is the most elegant weapon in the whole game. You play by dancing around the battlefield like a graceous wrecking ball.
Berserker/Marauder Greatsword/X is beautiful, that’s why every warrior ends up running them sooner or later and sticking to them if they are good.
Sword might now be faster, but its movement skills will always be gap closers, not made to control the flow of a battle like Whirlwind blade.
However, I play it with Rune of the Wurm. 2x Defy Pain + 26k hp means you just refuse to die XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
Came to report the ‘bashing the rock with your flamethrower’ glitch. Glad to see it is already reported and noted on this consolidated and detailed list.
Maybe that’s the reason why the flamejet is missing…XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
This skill always misses when shooting towards an opponent slighty sideways of yourself while moving.
Repeatablity: go to heart of the mists, and find a golem. put yourself 3m away from the golem and strafe around it by running circles. look slighty away from the golem. Your autoattack will hit just fine, but blowtorch will always miss. This is really annoying as this skill has a lot of damage.Here is a screen. you can clearly see the fire trail going straight through the golem, yet no burn is applied. one’s an old issue that may not really be part of the bugs. It’s same story with the flamethrower: Both Blowtorch and FT #1 shoot where the center of the camera is, even if your character seems to aim somewhere else. It’s a fact that you can use smartly once you have some practice, but I can understand the confusion.
Well, even while cricling across my opponents even the smallest variation is enough to miss completely. It’s a bit of a dealbreaker for the FT
because he doesn’t know it himself
Is it just me or Flamethrower’s autoattack has issues hitting moving targets?
If you try to use it on the moving golem in the Mists, you’ll sometimes (50% of the time) see the Jet standing on top of it but no damage being applied.
Seems like moving the camera helps but you have no visual clue on where the Jet is actually hitting, because the animations alway stays on target.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Flamethrower damage is actually pretty decent right now with a build with Firearms (and it sinergize well with the rocket from explosives).
I have been hitting for 4k on heavy golems and up to 6k on thieves (without counting other procs or burning). It’s like a mini Hundred Blades you can perform while moving.
There is a problem though: it seems to miss when the enemy is moving, even while standing right in the cone. Seems like you need to aim the camera manually in order for it to hit, but you don’t have any visual clue of where you are pointing at, because the Jet will be always pointed at your target, even when it’s missing (aka the camera is not aligned).
because he doesn’t know it himself
I tried AMR + AER. In theory it might be the best use of AMR.
The tricky part is that if you activate AED too early, you waste it. If you activate it too late, you die before finishing the cast (it happens when you have 15k hp to begin with and so AMR kicks in at 3.5k). With Marauder it didn’t improve much: people can burst you for 10k or even more, but not always, so there’s the risk of either not use it and die or use it and waste it if the burst doesn’t come.
I tried it with Berserker Amulet, Marauder and Rabid, and the problem of these amulets is that you are a bit too squishy (Rabid leaves you with a very small margin, Marauder leaves you open to big bursts and Berserker has both problems).
I think Celestial might be much better for this and might end up giving us a 10s cd AED which is 1.2k hps.
because he doesn’t know it himself
This is exactly how I feel when I watch Counter Strike or Smite. Or a lot of games. (Albeit without particle effects.) I dunno wtf is going on so I get bored and switch to GW2 on twitch.
It is just generally true that without having knowledge of most things it will seem like random jibberish without context.
This is true for words.
This is true for pictures.
This is true for games. etc.^ This.
OP, you forget that people who already watch streams and tournament video games, have played the game prior and understood its mechanics previously.Want me to tell you what American Football looks like to outsiders? I can make it sound very uninteresting.
Well, actually if you see pro twitch streams seems like even them have trouble seeing what the enemy is doing. If you watch closely, you’ll find many situations where they waste a cooldown on a block or an invuln. The game is hard to see even for pros. XD
I think one of the reasons why is that when you pvp you have to focus at the centre of the screen, away from your status bar and the enemy one.
“But it was like that in all MMOs” you might say.
True, that is why all the people playing MMOs that allowed addons used tons of them just to make the interface more readable.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I was trying to see how much of an immortal I’d be with AED and AMR, well… I surely made the wrong build (I wanted to try and add stability so I tried to make a FT glass cannon), and looks like knowing when to use AED might be an issue: many different builds have different bursts. However I think this might go well with something like celestial amulet to normalize the burst, but that pigeonholes us into a HGH build. Maybe a Marauder+Wurm SD build might work.
because he doesn’t know it himself
The problem with pvp is that has no in-game purpose. You are not fighting for your faction or your guild. You are fighting just because.
And IMHO some situations where there is open world pvp might actually be nice: it’s hard for me to feel engaged in a world where all enemies I find are weaklings or big punchbags bound to get zerged to death.
No offense, but sometimes I feel like this game should be called Carebear Wars 2 instead of Guild Wars 2.XD
Also because there are no fights among guilds. Which is SAD.
True, you could say there is no purpose if copying a zone like Metrica Province into the mists, and adapting the events etc for pvp. But it can be given a purpose similar to how wvw has a purpose. The only difference is you’re on another map (like EotM), which gives you a variety in the landscape.
For players who find open world pve combat insanely boring at end game, there is no reason to revisit 90% of the world space created for this game (not taking into account dungeon and fractal maps…), which is a huge loss for these playeres in that they can’t enjoy what I consider to be one of the best aspects of GW2 – the art and design of pve maps.
When I talk about purpose, I mean something that makes sense in the game world.
Like for example joining with the flame legion as a mercenary and kill Vigil. Or become a cultist of Zhaitan and hunt down Pact scouts. Stuff like that.
WvsWvsW feels too much “strapped on”
because he doesn’t know it himself
The problem with pvp is that has no in-game purpose. You are not fighting for your faction or your guild. You are fighting just because.
And IMHO some situations where there is open world pvp might actually be nice: it’s hard for me to feel engaged in a world where all enemies I find are weaklings or big punchbags bound to get zerged to death.
No offense, but sometimes I feel like this game should be called Carebear Wars 2 instead of Guild Wars 2.XD
Also because there are no fights among guilds. Which is SAD.
because he doesn’t know it himself
There was a poll like this before, it got ~400 responses to remove skyhammer, so mods removed the thread.
Maybe if we ask to remove the thread mods will remove Skyhammer.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I think the main process that people seem to miss, is that the majority of esports games (aside from Starcraft) were created naturally and are never “forced” or built to be “esports”
Moba style games were built by players essentially from the RTS genre, Counter Strike was a Half-Life mod that became super competitive naturally, Street Fighter was just an arcade game.
The problem is, you need something players want to play consistently, something that is fun, something engaging, and something that can be calculated. Then it comes down to the PLAYERS to make it into a sport…not forced by the developers.
One thing for sure: none of these games is spectacular or flashy. I think that seeing what’s going on might actually be one of the main thing to ensure while thinking about esports.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Well, maybe because strong magicians don’t necessarly make powerful fighters.
I remember the main campaing in Neverwinter Nights. At some point, you had to rescue an archmage who was got prisoner by the gnoll. She was REALLY high level, while the gnolls (or another humanoid I don’t remember) were pretty low level. She had the power to destroy them, but as soon as she saw the blood spilling during the fight in her camp she freaked out and lost her concentration.
Morale of the story: the reason why you don’t see only magical fighters is because it’s impossible to study and develop your power to its full potential while being trained to focus while someone is trying to bash your head with something really heavy.
And that might be the reason why Mesmer NPCs’ power seems endless, while players don’t have that kind of power.
because he doesn’t know it himself
The only faction I see that’s had strong gender roles is the Flame Legion, and they get a lot of kitten for it (To the point of revolution). However, that said… their ‘backward’ stance on female place does explain how they manage to consistently stand against the other three legions combined – they’re not getting their females killed in battle. Terrible policy for rights and freedoms, but frighteningly effective for creating resilient populations – A population with five males and fifteen females regrows much faster than one with ten males and ten females, which grows far faster than fifteen males and five females. Of course, to prevent these sorts of allowed population imbalances to result in a shift of power toward the female, the culture usually systematically enforces oppressive/restrictive expectations on the females to keep them from uniting their voices. The question now is “Did the flame legion learn their lesson from the rebellion?” Which I doubt, but it’s possible without the other legions caring anymore, once the issue turned from “They are abusing women” to “They worship false gods that keep us down and are destroying our homeland and lives”
Do Charr even have anything like Marriage? I know this is the human forum, but this sort of subject doesn’t come up over there. As far as I can tell, Charr just dump whatever kids pop out onto the nearest fahrar (or is it primus?) ASAP to be raised by the legion in a new warband-to-be, and get back on with their lives – no strong connection between parents and offspring to bother with family units or the institution of marriage as we know it. (They’re probably also capable of carrying multiple births, but Iron/Ash/Blood legion mothers-to-be only carry one at a time to further keep reproduction from interfering with their duties)
It reminds me of the Qunari in Dragon Age: Origins. At first you thought “OMG, so bigot, they don’t make women fight.” Then you learn about broodmothers, and how the Darkspawn threaten to take out everyone escept them.
And you understand WHY they don’t have a problem with the Darkspawn: if you don’t send women to fight them, they are less likely to capture them and turn them into broodmothers, which are gigantic monsters who spawn thousands of darkspawn. Without broodmothers, the Darkspawn can’t renew they armies → they can’t keep on fighting.
However, about the Charrs, while it’s true marriage shouldn’t exist in such a society, I’d still believe reproduction is seen as a duty. Something you do to strengthen the Legion. Everything turning your habits away from reproduction might be seen as a vice. Something you are not supposed to do. Not a crime, but something to be ashamed of and not to talk about.
However, one of the problems of GW2 is that it’s patronizing: your enemies are always stupid, evil or bigots. Whatever your enemies do, it must be wrong.
Whatever your allies do, it’s righteous and correct.
There is only one choice. And has already been made for you.
So much effort for a PERSONAL story, and then it gives your character LESS freedom than a game devoid of story with traditional quest. Great.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Issues with sexuality in our world have historically been based on religion. It’s not hard to look back at a lot of points in history -cough- ancient greece -cough- where sexuality was completely a non-issue for people.
It stands to reason that since there is no religious doctrine that takes issue with sexuality that we can observe in Tyria – there is no issue.
I don’t understand why you’re all still having this meaningless argument.
Well, among the most brutal persecutors of homosexuals we find kitten Germany, who didn’t do it based on religious beliefs.
In URSS they were persecuted aswell.
And in ancient Rome it was a sign of weakness and not worthy of a vir. Cathullus made some poems accusing Caesar of having an affair with one of his political allies, and that was seen as insulting.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Rank doesn’t matter its like achievement points, the longer u play the more you get.
I think they aren’t saying rank=mad skilllzzzz MLG.
They are saying Extremely low rank = You probably still lack basic pvp common sense.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I tried this build and it’s good. I played stun lock before Hammer/Mace and Shield. I feel like the Warrior is on a sweet spot right now, it’s fairly easy to use but I can outskill it fairly easy aswell with my elementalist. I have 5 champion classes and I think its a good build people hating it are just noobs sorry but that is the truth.
Yeah, the problem is that you’ll get bored quick. It’s like the game is playing itself. That’s what I’m complaining about, as a warrior who wants to enjoy his class and weapons and actually get better at them. IMHO Hammer should have more depth.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Hambow might not be the strongest thing around. But is still too plain.
As a warrior, I can say all this faceroll-oriented balance definetely is
because he doesn’t know it himself
Well, most of the people don’t go into hotjoin to win, but to screw around/test builds/go kitten.
because he doesn’t know it himself
But I think Charrs might actually use some steam powered device to augment their prowess in one way or another. Even just a chainsword.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Wanna old players to come back?
Just make dam dragon finisher @ 3kk points and looking something like…this
lol not this cheap 1kk 3D Max fail dragon wannabe animation
#maxrankin4months #lovepveheroes #esphartzz
Enough particle effects in the game.
If we can’t get something epic without making it flashy, we are doing it wrong.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I think it is because warriors are trained with rifles…
While engineers are just crazy.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
Medi guard has a low barrier to entry, but also a low skill cap. Anyone who is familiar with how a medi guard works can avoid most of the burst with a single dodge or avoidance cooldown and then kiting the guardian. So it works well in hot join and maybe solo queue, but in tournaments, many players just avoid the damage spike. Because that spike is a fairly long cooldown and medi guard has little else going for it, it then becomes useless.
Sword autoattack is IMHO pretty effective at applying pressure, same as GS. And less reliant on spike. I use sword #3 more as a ress stopper.
And Whirling Wrath is effective on enemies forces on a point/on treb. And if you put the pull at the right time, it won’t be a miss.
because he doesn’t know it himself
My bet is it procced something, I’d never use a staff in a dps build. Too static.
However yeah, AA med guard (GS and Sword) is IMHO more dangerous, but take into account he has just vigor and some hps to help him, few blocks, no evades.
It’s extremely good against other bursty guys, though.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I’d like to know what builds you were using.
If I go GS warrior, and then switch to hambow for a match, It’s like a different world. There is nothing you can’t kill and very few thing can kill you. And they need a lot of effort to do that.
Heck, I even played a game where I had so much lag I saw people running around with no particular effect and then suddenly dropping dead, and something like 1 second delay between command and action, and I still was able to hold mid.
I said any decent build in pvp. Any pvp build with gs is, IMHO, worthless.
My hambow build is the usual 0/0/6/2/6 soldier (or berserk), rune of strength. No surprises there.
It is a good build, but its effectiveness/difficulty ratio is pretty much the same of other builds (such as: condition dps, banner bunker or axe dps), and I never found them so hard to beat in 1v1.
That’s the problem: seems like all the warrior builds that take effort are in fact worthless. Not saying you are wrong here, I tried to make GS work, but I’m not sure I managed it. I wouldn’t think so considering how easy things become the rare times I try hambow.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Game would be absolutely no fun at all if it were balanced 1v1.
Are we sure it wouldn’t still be an improvement from current situation?XD
However, problem is top tier tourney specs are also the most beginner-friendly ones. Or I should say unfriendly, because they don’t actually teach you anything. See hambow.
because he doesn’t know it himself
The damage comes from two big skills:
The guardian will cast the first skill, wait until it’s about to break up, then use Judge’s Intervention ( to teleport to you, blow the shield up in your face and cast the second skill. As soon as you hit him with anything, you’ll recieve the damage from Protector’s Strike aswell.
Shield of Wrath might offer a telegraph on what’s going to happen, and you can deal with it according to your class. Once the guardian is near you, try not to hit him until Protector’s Strike wears off.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Hallo people!!!!
I wanna make a warrior but cant really decide asura or charr?(both male)
Charr seems cool and armor might look great..however i really like asura..
as far animation and gear models which of them would you suggest to me? ^^
If you want to pvp → Asura
If you want to do jump puzzles → Asura
If you want to WvWvW → Asura
They are easy to maneuver (something really important considering War GS is ALL about movement) and all their visual effect are in fact smaller than the actual effect, thus making them the trickiest race to deal with in pvp.
And I haven’t even started talking about animations. Min-sized asura counters the main drawback of the class.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Considering an asuran warrior deals the same damage as a norn warrior doing the same thing, I think in GW2 individual strength doesn’t matter at highest levels, because the armor you wear is an exoskeleton that greatly enhances your capabilities.
Game mechanics.
I am from Dark Souls school: Game Mechanics = Game World phenomena
because he doesn’t know it himself
I see, thank you all!^^
So however as a med guard my role is to kill other far point assaulter and assault far myself with allies, and in a teamfight to deal AoE damage and hunt down Mesmers, thieves and warriors, right?
However, one of the problems with warrior is that to fight boredom I always feel I have to kitten myself, and that feels silly.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
I still prefer this finisher.
AoE blind.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I know about the buffs.
It’s simply that I played lots of different warrior builds in pvp, and I think that hambow is the hardest to play (maybe on par with axe dps). The effectiveness/diffulty ratio is pretty much the same for all usable warrior builds in pvp.
I’d like to know what builds you were using.
If I go GS warrior, and then switch to hambow for a match, It’s like a different world. There is nothing you can’t kill and very few thing can kill you. And they need a lot of effort to do that.
Heck, I even played a game where I had so much lag I saw people running around with no particular effect and then suddenly dropping dead, and something like 1 second delay between command and action, and I still was able to hold mid.
because he doesn’t know it himself
if you think quaggan consist only of fat, you are highly mistaken, sir. you should try it out, their consistency is similar to frog legs. the taste is something between pork and fish. sure, it an unusual taste, but once you’re hooked, you’ll never want to miss it.
Nah, thank you very much, I prefer human flesh. I enjoy the taste of arrogance and decadence.
But you can also make soap out of quaggans. Or oil for the machines. That might be useful. And you’d end up with less quaggans around. Which is nice.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Considering an asuran warrior deals the same damage as a norn warrior doing the same thing, I think in GW2 individual strength doesn’t matter at highest levels, because the armor you wear is an exoskeleton that greatly enhances your capabilities.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I don’t get the popular saying “hambow braindead build”.
In pvp I played a war as condition dps, condition bunker and axe dps, ad a guardian bunker… and they’re much more “braindead” than hammer.
Also, hammer isn’t that great for 1vs1. At least, both as condition and axe dps warrior i’ve had very little problems vs hambows.Anyway, I think soldier is better than berserker in a tpvp. I also think that leg specialist is almost a must.
war condi is not much harder to play. And axe dps… it depends on who you are facing.
Actually, hammer before buffs was considered hardmode. The difference is that now is incredibly more effective, even if you land half your hits, because warriors came from one of the squishiest classes to juggernauts, thanks to better healing and condi cleanse. What matters it the effectiveness/difficulty ratio.XD
because he doesn’t know it himself
I havent played the game for a VERY long time, just redownloading now…
When I last played this build was just becoming popular, I find it indescribably funny that someone mentioned greatsword like gs is underused, from day 1 greatsword was the preferred weapon for warrior.
The number of builds built around spamming hundred blades in different ways is just disgusting. It says something that Hammer/Bow is the only combination using hammer that has ever had success on the Warrior… I’m willing to admit Hammer/Bow may have been overpowered when I used to use it, but Hammer desperately needs to be made usable in other builds
Not in the heart of the mists, honey.
Spamming hundred blades means you are dead.
because he doesn’t know it himself
Anybody who needs convincing to make an Asura is not Asura material.
We are the master race. All will serve us. It is inevitable.PS : We will roll over the Charr legions with endless Golem armies.
And only 60% of them will turn against you!
Nice. Clearly there have been major breakthroughs in Golemetic Subservience Protocol since I last canvased the subject.
I was fully prepared to have to subdue 90% of them after Operation: Catnap…
Wait. What security level is this channel?
So you just hope they’ll just stand and watch while you subdue 90% of your army gone haywire and trying to kill you?XD
However, that’s why I think Asurans are better off not being cute. They are cooler when they talk about the superiority of their race.XD
(and humans should have more inquisition.XD)
because he doesn’t know it himself
These are some changes I would like to see made to the official Professions webpage as it is very outdated.
The page can be found at:
It’s all really cool but…
what about the guardian one? Has med guardian become more popular than the bunker?
because he doesn’t know it himself