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Krytan Same Sex Laws

in Human

Posted by: redslion.9675


oh my goooooood when is this bullkitten crying going to end Seriously people. So we have a lesbian couple (a cutesy one no less) Big. Freaking. Deal. It’s fairly low key, if you want something shoved in your face, go play mass effect with a same sex love interest.. shep is such a ho -_-… ANYKITTENWAY. Its a game, please get off your social justice high horse, and go cry in a blog or such where you can find other bigots to agree with your inanity.

It’s about how the in game reaction to that fit in the setting.

Humanity is in a REALLY bad spot right now, and usually we see “bigotry” rising, for unity reasons and similar. This is not Star Trek bright and progressive world, where everything is granted. Or, at least, it shouldn’t be. Societies whith this kind of tolerance are usually highly developed and in a really peaceful situations. I don’t find the Krytan kingdom to be peaceful. It might be developed and in decadence. And in decadent cultures who used to be in a position of power there is more focus on the individual.

From what I got, for example, it looks like nobility only cares for themselves and for their inner games of power.

Nobody says it’s right or wrong, but just saying “oh, whateva, nobody cares” might end up being a bit contrived. Especially within a monarchy with a rigid social scale.

You know, just so that this relationship means something more than cute fanservice/character developement going nowhere. It might actually tell us more on that kingdom.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

tPvP Phalanx Hybrid Might Supporter

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Ya I agree with Julie that GS doesn’t work that well at high levels of SPVP. If thats what shes saying but furthermore the notion of pairing a GS with a LB your only means to land 100 blades would be the immobilize which Like I said isn’t that relaible to be honest. One condi clear and you are out of it. So it wouldn’t work that well.

It might work ok in hot join and low levels of SPVP but i think its not going to work good at all in competitive levels TPVP.

And thats why we don’t see GS warriors in there that much. Outside of skullcracker warriors.

I was saying GS is my least favorite weapon, the gameplay is lame as lame can be. It’s DPS is actually pretty mediocre, has no hard CC. Yet everywhere I look (outside of PvP), I see GS warriors.

Because rolling your face on the keyboard locking people down is so much skilled. It’s been a long time since I lost respect towards hammer warriors (and this includes myself the rare times I use one).

GS is all about movement, and once you realize this you understand that 100 blades is just a support skill. It’s still incredibly useful, for you can delay resses with it, and probably force the resser away.

I think AA is really good, and GS #3 and #5 can land a lot of damage.

Is it pvp viable? I don’t know, because it has problems taking down bunker classes, for you don’t have much cc. But at least is more challenging than hammer.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: redslion.9675


@red: I think you linked the wrong build XD

I’m sorry :P

Here is the build:

I’m not sure about might stacking sigils (and runes of strenght might be even better), maybe I should use burst ones instead, but it might be fun to add even more damage.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Asura Animations & Visual Effects are Broken

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


They are also the color of the ground…

kitten ! New strategy! At the beginning of a match, dye your asura armor with colors that resemble the ground colors of every map.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

About meditation guardian

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Hi everyone, as a warrior not willing to play hambow, I decided to shake things up and tried to play meditation guardian.

I realized I like it. A lot. It has surprisingly good survivability and feels a lot more dynamic and active.

My question is: do you think this kind of guardian is viable, or it’s only bunker or GTFO?

If it’s viable, what do you usually do with it? You focus on helping your bunker at mid, do you go and hunt down squishies, do you try to burst down the enemy bunker? Are you suited to attack far/hold home or go treb in some situations? Which enemies should I avoid/go for?

Are there some tricks to know (like Binding Blade and Judgement Intervention for a sudden pull)?

I know something, but I don’t know whether it’s right or whether there is more to it.

Last question: Would this build work in your opinion?

It’s intended to get as much damage as possible, both AoE and single target. I think GS is the best when it comes for AoE, thanks to its pull, symbol and Whirling Wrath, other than the fact I need its leap for not having runes of speed.

I put rune of Strength and sigil of battle without testing them, I used to use Hoelbrak runes and Sigil of fire, and this last setup seemed to work decently, so I think adding more might and bonus damage might help aswell or more.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

sPvP - This is Hambow (Hammer/bow) By Vaanss

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


I must be the only warrior in history that just cannot use this spec. I’ve tried and tried and tried and I’m absolutely terrible with hambow. I can’t kill anybody, I have no sustain/survivability, I just die. As much as I’d like to try a “cheese” build as people put it and go “easy mode” I’ve never had such difficulty with a build before lol.

1) What race are you?
2) What is your build? Build makes 95% of a hambow.
3) You still need a TINY bit of practice.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

sPvP - This is Hambow (Hammer/bow) By Vaanss

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


I must be the only warrior in history that just cannot use this spec. I’ve tried and tried and tried and I’m absolutely terrible with hambow. I can’t kill anybody, I have no sustain/survivability, I just die. As much as I’d like to try a “cheese” build as people put it and go “easy mode” I’ve never had such difficulty with a build before lol.

1) What race are you?
2) What is your build? Build makes 95% of a hambow.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Proposed Changes To The "Professions" Page

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Only thing that makes ele weak is player lack of skill. Trust me i know.

I certainly hope you can give Jam some Elementalist lessons in-game, Junkpile.7439, maybe then he’ll stop biting my ear off.

But i don’t know how to play and that is main reason why i lose all fights. I try to some pro combo like RTL, updraft, burning speed and enemy always manage dodge it, but i know that ele isn’t bad. I just need to push buttons faster. Weird thing is that this combo worked much better in beta than nowadays.

That’s why eles are REALLY dangerous in teamfights, while the enemy can’t pay attention to them. And this is why IMHO you should always focus an elementalist in a teamfight if he is glass cannon. Even just one person to force him out of the fight.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Asura Animations & Visual Effects are Broken

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Believe me, ArenaNet is 100% fully aware of these issues. Before GW2 was even open to the public, alpha testers were already bringing up potential issues with Asura-scaled visuals and animations. At the end of every test week, all the testers got together with devs in a Ventrilo and we had a discussion fully focused on nothing but PvP. The Asura-scaled animation issue was brought up every…single…week.

It’s not about whether the devs know or not. They know. Trust me.

This is concerning not only to the players, but to spectators, too. From on outside viewpoint, spectators only see tiny Asuras running around in circles waving shivs. It’s difficult for spectators to notice the intricacies of major plays going on, and therefore it’s difficult for spectators to be engaged. It’s a huge limiting factor for PvP growth.

Yeah, they know, as another player reported in another thread

Q: Many people that played PvP, including BOON Control members, said that asura characters have a slight advantage due to their small size and therefore reduced visibility compared to other races. Do you believe this is a problem? What about putting all asura player-characters in golems during PvP matches?

Eric: We don’t feel that this advantage is significant once people become more familiar with the game.,a545

in this forum

I want to link this because credit for this interesting information goes to him.

It might be that “We don’t feel this advantage is significant once people become more familiar with the game” in fact means: “We don’t care about this issue, if it is a problem everyone will just reroll asura and it won’t be an issue anymore”

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

(edited by redslion.9675)

Convince me to make an asura

in Asura

Posted by: redslion.9675


Anybody who needs convincing to make an Asura is not Asura material.
We are the master race. All will serve us. It is inevitable.

PS : We will roll over the Charr legions with endless Golem armies.

And only 60% of them will turn against you!

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Asura Animations & Visual Effects are Broken

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


norn mesmer OP I can’t see anything with all those giant clones around

At least the mesmer won’t see anything aswell. It makes harder for one player to outplay the other.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

add seppuku to downed state

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Have to agree with redslion. The time you choose to bleed someone is the situation when you know the opponent has no way to interact and might as well be on respawn. The only skill/depth at play here is knowledge. Knowledge like this that can have such a large impact on the games outcome just acts as a barrier for entry and creates scenarios that just are not fun.

If I was playing competitively sure I would use it because it vastly improves win chance but otherwise I just feel like a kitten for doing it.

I mean, i’m half fine with it, but it’s sad you find depth only here and not during a fight.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

[PVP]warrior with axe/shield+GS build

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


1) Don’t use unsuspecting foe, just put sigil of intelligence on axe. Don’t use burst precision aswell: if you use eviscerate in your first three strikes, you don’t need either unsuspecting foe or burst precision as a setup. That frees up 30 trait points.
2) Healing signet is still superior to all other heals
3) Take cleansing Ire and berserker stance for condi removal. I don’t think that Frenzy is that useful (the combo is a one trick pony, and there are many ways to avoid it). IMHO you need at least both
4) You could go 30 points in defense for double endure pain.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

add seppuku to downed state

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


I’d like to say one thing though: in game depth should be there while everyone is still standing. Not after a battle is already done.

The battle isn’t over just because everyone isn’t standing, often it’s indeed very far from over.

And if you are downed there is a way to take your life: just don’t heal yourself. Sure, that might take some time but it’s usually not that long and I don’t see anyone complaining about respawn times anyway

Actually, letting an opponent bleed out is something you do when the fight at a point is over.

Ressing/stomping during a fight is often hindered by lag, clutter and a bit of luck (I’m not sure really close resses/stomps reward only strategy or a bit of luck).

As long as there is a chance of enemy reinforcements, coming, IMHO you should stomp, because

A: you don’t want rallies. Or resses.
B: Some classes can’t be left alone, like ranger for his self ress and mesmer for his phantasmal rogue (it’s more damage that might get you killed).

Another thing: downed fights reward build composition, more than active fighting. A bit different from what ANet advertised.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Asura Animations & Visual Effects are Broken

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


“Fear not fellow citiziens, our asura krewe are already working on a revolutionary solution to this problem. Soon you will all be able to transform into an asura, thanks to our newest invention – the Hologramo-Asurinatix. Our brightest researchers and technicians have been taking part in this project and, you may be sure of it, it will not fail!”

AKA “reroll”?

Typical Asuran mentality, using enormous amount of technology and obtaining the same result a bit of common sense would add.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Fighting Sword Thieves...

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


You can try and zone them with LB burst, and play evasive with GS yourself.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

add seppuku to downed state

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


I’d like to say one thing though: in game depth should be there while everyone is still standing. Not after a battle is already done.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Asura Animations & Visual Effects are Broken

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


From Reddit:

Arenanet always championed that they don’t want castbars in the UI because they want the game to be based around animations. A fair goal. Yet we are getting hit by damage we CLEARLY evaded just because some animations scale with character size, giving Asurans an incredible advantage in PVP because opponents cannot see where damage is.

After seeing Denshi reroll mini asura for his Ele in the ToL I did the same for my rather huge Norn ele. Noticing something strange I did some range check tests…

For reference, my female Norn is about 1/4th of the max Norn size, and my Asura is as small as they get.

First, Churning Earth.
Both the animation and the aoe range circle match, and the skill does damage inside this exact area. 1 and 2

Next, Drake’s Breath.
On the Norn, the animation matches up almost perfectly with the range the skill does damage at. Max Damage range: 3 and just ouside of range: 4

Also, yay, pretty ele animations.

Anyway, now see what happens when you compare the animation to the real range the skill has on the tiny asura:

The exact spot the Norn was standing on. 5
The animation doesn’t even reach half the range the skill really has. Your opponents can clearly stand outside of your burning fire yet still take damage from invisible things. This shouldn’t happen in a game that is based around reading the enemy through his animations to counter them.

I also tested Lightning Whip, Ring of Earth and Frozen Burst. They behave the same as Drake’s Breath, the animation not even reaching half the range the skill really has. 6 7 8

From some further tests on the elementalists it seems skills that are either projectiles (like Dagger Fire Auto attack) or have AOE indicator circles like Ring of Fire are the same size no matter your character size. But I suspect all Skills that aren’t single target and don’t fall into the 2 mentioned categories are effected by this animation issue (like Warrior Hammer swings and cleaves like that).
Which is huge.

Is this why all the mlg elite players use asura?

Either Asuras or humans.

Other than that, movement is more precise while playing an asura:

I love GS warrior a lot, and I used to play as a max sized norn. And I used to have a lot of problems moving precisely, I used to bang in places, fall from ledges (like clocktower) and so on.
So I decided to re-roll asura. You have no idea how much my movement and my effectiveness improved. I can whitstand 2v1s for a lot more time because I can see what the enemy is doing, and I can move around more efficiently.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

add seppuku to downed state

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


One might say that adding that second chance makes better plays harder to do. You can’t win a 2v1 if the enemies can ress each other. And makes tanky characters all that more important (you can stomp with an hambow, it’s trickier with a med guardian).

And it’s too fast considering the how it has been implemented: other than having response problems (Sometimes I press and nothing happens), if a downed enemy and a downed ally are one near each other, it’s the client to decide your option, unless you select your ally or your enemy, which is a mess in the clutter.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

sPvP - This is Hambow (Hammer/bow) By Vaanss

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


This build has bought more nerfs to warriors as a whole than all other builds combined. The overwhelming amount of nerfs to the profession that were directly instigated because of this build, and have now diminished all other hybrid/fringe/alt builds makes this a build toxic to warrior’s future. If you can’t win matches and duels with great sword, you ain’t a warrior..just a player riding off a 1-2-3 build.

I have truly come to hate this build because of how much it has diminished the warrior profession has a whole.

You are essentially hating the player, whereas you should hate the game.

He is blaming the player for not hating the game. And for showing pride in beating people up with hambow.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

(edited by redslion.9675)

Silven's PvP Guardian Build Guide

in Guardian

Posted by: redslion.9675


From testing so far I’ve found these two DPS/Burst builds to be the strongest so far:;1NFk30G3wF-90;9;494T4J1;309B;108-SRF6Y;1k2Ewk2Ew5BV


The sigils buffed the GS a gigantic amount, to the point it’s extremely viable.

What do you think of this build?

By putting 20 points in radiance instead of virtues, we get:

+10% damage against foes with condition
+10% sword damage
+3 stacks of vulnerabilities each time we blind a foe.

Without counting the increased precision.

This means that if we use GS blind, virtue of justice and swap to sword and use blind again, we will deal +29% damage compared to a build with 20 virtues.

I tried it, and seems like it’s working really well, for both AoE and single target.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself


in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


They have several times. If you wish to play with your friends, get a better computer or do hotjoins.

If instead you wish to have fun with your friends, play another game.

Like GW1.

Guild Wars 1 had dishonored as well, and it functioned exactly the same if you left a match.

But maybe it’s more fun

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself


in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


They have several times. If you wish to play with your friends, get a better computer or do hotjoins.

If instead you wish to have fun with your friends, play another game.

Like GW1.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Convince me to make an asura

in Asura

Posted by: redslion.9675


It’s much more cliché to have the small, kawaii race.

You say it like it’s a bad thing.

It is a bad thing that races have to follow clichés

Almost every race in every game has a whole bunch of clichés. Gw2 is no exception.
There is nothing wrong with Asura being cute.

Well, they have been advertised as being designed to be cute only at a first glance, but having traits similar to reptiles. That was nice.

And I fear GW2, who hyped itself as the grand savior, the MMORPG who would have changed everything and overthrown all we knew about other MMORPGs, can’t afford to have the same cliché races.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

War heal sig

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Warriors are the most tankiest class who have the best passive heal. OH! and they have skills that cleanse all conditions on them as well as skills where conditions cannot be applied to them!

Warriors are fine. Learn to play.

I have a level 80 warrior. I’d play him more for spvp if it weren’t for the fact it gets boring rotating through the same set of skills and not dying. Rolling my face against the keyboard would be more fun.

Stop playing hambow and go Greatsword then.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Convince me to make an asura

in Asura

Posted by: redslion.9675


It’s much more cliché to have the small, kawaii race.

You say it like it’s a bad thing.

It is a bad thing that races have to follow clichés

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Convince me to make an asura

in Asura

Posted by: redslion.9675


Asura aren’t Hylek or Quaggan… They’re not amphibians Oo
Also the’re hot blooded Asura too… No control-freak Asura too…

Please stop with cliché!

That would be cool, not cliché

It’s much more cliché to have the small, kawaii race.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Path of Ventari [TPvP Build]

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


How can you take all the credit for something when you are not the only player (not even the first one) to play this? I tested this before you have even been born.

Try to think of a less narcissistic name next time.

Love you

In general, all builds have already been tried.

IMHO the credit should go to the one that realizes its potential, its strengths, its weaknesses and persuades others to play it.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

how will classes counter this now?

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


a kiting engi and a blinding thief seem effective but either tactic would lose the point the warrior could sacrifice fast hands for cleansing ire easily enough as well with different runes.

not saying this is exactly the specific build but any variation of cavalier’s + burst precision + stun locking.

Take into account an engi might have protection injection, and thus have 33% damage reduction each time a warr like this will touch him. And that is pretty huge.

I mean, I LOVE that traits, it makes you much harder to be bursted down, fur bursts usually have an incapacitating setup.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

(edited by redslion.9675)

How to kill elementalist as a warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Interruptting Ether Renewal is a first step. They won’t have stability everytime they use it.

But as someone else stated, you can usually just pressure them into running of the point which is a win in s/tPvP.

Yeah, but they are so annoying, with that “Earth! Water! Fire! Air!” you REALLY want them dead.

And it becomes a problem when you are on Legacy of the Foefire, at mid.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

WAR Skill Poem

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Play necro and let your minions skillfully eat enemies.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

necro is the new fotm?

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


I want to propose a QoL change:

when someone is hit by Locust Swarm, we should hear this sound effect –

I’m sure it would greatly improve everyone’s lives, be them necros or not.

(And no, I don’t care if they are not the same animals XD)

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

12.8k warlock hit, I am clearly the best

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


regular 10/30/0/0/30 d/p thief build with berserker amulet
I’ve had the same swordsman numbers against guardians for example

So Pyro is right.

Seriously… what do people expect when they go full out glass cannon?

Well, nonetheless I never heard of that damage from phantasm mesmers before. Even in duels, they were known for their stable damage and durability, more than for bursts like these.

Ain’t not like they were some sort of shady and misterious build, nobody knew about…

That is suspicious, but I actually haven’t detected anomalies in the mess caused by eles (those effects need to be less flashy IMHO).

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

So what new Weapon we want?

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


What about claws, for pure berserker style?XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Messing with the knight's amulet in spvp

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


With this build I am pretty resistant to condi classes:;1NKVP0d4gL-60;9;4J-J-T28;218;257AINW4I;1CoF2CoF28u

Maxed out all condi cleanse I could get

It has awesome survivability and good AoE, which should make it a very good teamfighter, but can’t take down bunker-like builds alone.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Dredge and books conundrum

in Lore

Posted by: redslion.9675


I think they can probably amplify their eyesight through optics. They are like engineers with perma utility goggles on (which I don’t have to remember you give immunity to blind).

Considering their numbers and technology, probably the main thing stopping them from ruling Tyria is the fact that the surface is a hostile environment for them, but I don’t know much about the lore (I find dungeons and events not so challenging, so I avoid them), so I might be wrong.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Hostility in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Find a team and make decisions with it, so that when you make a mistake, you can all learn without trying to put the blame on anyone, for you have made it together.

The team is small enough it’s actually easy to find a common strategy and agree to find the good balance in builds between aid to the team, personal effectiveness and fun.

It’s normal to grow tired when you’ll tend to hate your allies more than your enemies, because they might be arrogant people who spout insults without helping (even if someone else tried to be constructive and discuss strategy), and there are those that are new but think they know how the game is played, who lead your team to defeat overextending and then insult the others who remained behind because they made less points.

Then there are the ones who are new, not arrogant but don’t know what they are able or unable to do, but they are much less annoying.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

PVP Class: New Player

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Actually, GS can do some serious damage.

Never said it can’t, rather that it’s usually very easy to avoid it. Stances, cantrips, blinks – every single one of those will prevent 100B from making serious, if any, damage.

With Mace you’ll lose AoE, but will gain single target cc and a good burst setup (you should invest 20 points into arms for unsuspecting foe, but if you go 20 in strength with good crit chance it should be okay aswell, take into account unsuspecting foe will only help you for the combo, Slashing power will help you for more).

Main hand mace actually has two stuns (“Pommel bash” and “Skullcrack”) which make “Unsuspecting foe” a pretty viable solution. Additionally “Pommel bash” can be extremely helpful for quickly disabling an enemy which tries to finish off a downed teammate because it stuns him for 1s and forces to restart his finisher after that. Very often that’s enough time for a teammate revive.

With longbow you’ll be better off in group fights with AoE power. You have one immobilize, but bunker builds won’t have a problem with that. Some use Frenzy and bullrush for burst, but in this condi meta you are going to need as much condi cleanse as possible.

A lot of warrior’s sustain against conditions is achieved through “Berserkers stance” which gives 8 seconds of total immunity to new (not existing) conditions and “Cleansing Ire” which works incredibly well with longbow burst. “Combustive shot” will remove a condition for every bar of adrenaline spent and since CS is AoE its almost impossible not to hit anything and achieve condition removal.

What I meant is that it doesn’t have the big unavoidable damage to take down a bunker, but enought AA damage to take down every other enemy. The problem is you fill out a completely different role than hambow, whittlind down all enemies.

About mace, while it’s true that unsuspectig foe is extremely effective, you can go strength instead of Arms aswell, to have stronger damage with greatsword out of stun and/or being able to use Knight’s Amulet (which actually is hard to make viable, but when you do you gain an incredibly good warrior).
You can make up with the loss of unsuspecting foe by putting sigil of intelligence on mace, which packs a high punch on Skull Crack, while +10% damage and + 200 power make damage from 100 blades similar.

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So what new Weapon we want?

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


There isn’t anything left that’s even remotely viable for warrior. It’s all magic related weapons and that’s not for warriors. Best you could find is dagger but even that doesn’t fit warriors.

Pistol shield might look like some sort of spec-ops soldier.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Krytan Same Sex Laws

in Human

Posted by: redslion.9675


There are dragons an emo sky pirates about, I think there are bigger things to worry about then who puts what lego brick where

Exactly, no place for cuteness in this world. Amirite?XD

Considering everyone is celebrating for everything, and they look all very happy, those dragons must not be that big of a threat.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

PVP Class: New Player

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Greatswords can be useful on warriors in sPvP if you trait “Leg specialist” or bring some stuns/kbs (i.e. mace offhand or “Bull’s charge”) but anyone with some decent experience in sPvP will have a stun breaker which will leave you completely defenseless while you channel your “Hundred blades”. They are however useful for adding mobility to the player but considering that some trait and weapon combinations can outweigh that usefulness by a large margin (i.e. “Warrior’s sprint” and a free slot for a more useful weapon) greatswords are not that much popular for warriors in sPvP (completely different story with guardians though).

As a beginner you might want to trait “Cleansing Ire” and bring a longbow but not so much for dealing damage as for removing conditions. If you however trait your warrior for condition damage (I can already hear the audience cheer) you will find longbows to be as good for condition removal as for inflicting heavy damage which is not immediate but builds over time. As for your other slot you can choose whatever you like but do take note in which direction you are heading with your build. I.e. if you trait for condition damage some weapons which are more suitable for DPS will not be a good pick, if you trait for CC then you’ll need to understand that you won’t achieve much with weapons which inflict damage from conditions).

One more thing. WvWvW and sPvP are two completely different game modes. Unless you plan to play exclusively as a roamer ganker (sniping people which are alone on the map) you’ll need to understand the difference how to gear up and set up your build to be successful in those modes.

Actually, GS can do some serious damage. The problem is that it doesn’t have an inherent burst. You have no way of locking your target down while you chain hundred blades, and other skills are about sustained damage. Other than that, with your mobility you can survive a ton of punishment.

As it is now, IMHO it is strong against classes that will go down fast: thieves, shatter mesmers and the like. On the other hand, you might have problems taking down bunker guardians and decap engies alone.

You can solve this problem by using the right weapon and utilities to complement the greatsword:

With longbow you’ll be better off in group fights with AoE power. You have one immobilize, but bunker builds won’t have a problem with that. Some use Frenzy and bullrush for burst, but in this condi meta you are going to need as much condi cleanse as possible.

With Mace you’ll lose AoE, but will gain single target cc and a good burst setup (you should invest 20 points into arms for unsuspecting foe, but if you go 20 in strength with good crit chance it should be okay aswell, take into account unsuspecting foe will only help you for the combo, Slashing power will help you for more).

Hammer is probably redundant, and requires you to get merciless hammer, but without burst mastery you might not use burst skills fast enough. Sigil of intelligence is recommended.

Axe + Sigil of intelligence might be an idea, but with all the randomness of a tourney you might end up wasting half your eviscerates.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

[Rune&Sigil]45% of something, Sigil of Battle

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


These 45% of something Runes need to go and balance with everyone else. The maximum of this type of rune should stay 30% like everyone else(exp. Rune of the Pack, Rune of Hoelbrak…)

All Runes with condition/boon duration buff should stay max 15%. This should be the limit to prevent any kind of imbalanced build that could pop out of nowhere.

On the other hand, Sigil of Battle, this sigil also playing a role of some classes start carrying a full stack of Might running around like he was born with it. The Might stack should be 2 not 3.

Build diversity doesn’t mean everyone AutoAttack has the damage of Backstab.

Before the patch might stacking runes gave +60%

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Convince me to make an asura

in Asura

Posted by: redslion.9675


I got one of those items that boost a character to 20, this will be my third character (first was a sylvari mesmer, second charr warrior) and I want to place a different race and looked at asura.

They seem neat, but I’m not totally sold yet, CONVINCE ME AT ONCE.

Because you can make some ugly asuras.

And in a game where everyone can be beautiful, there is nothing more valuable than ugliness. This makes them better than humans.

(and GS warrior is best played with Asura)

Just remember that Asura are cold blooded control-freak amphibians. DO NOT make them cute. They shouldn’t be cute.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

So What Profession Would Best Be A Detective?

in Lore

Posted by: redslion.9675



1) Summon the spirit of the recently killed.
2) Ask the spirit who killed him/her.
3) Profit.


That would make the most awful detective story the world would have ever seen.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

PVP Class: New Player

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Warrior has its own play style you can play cancer condi tank or cancer hambow warrior both are very good currently and you might find the cancer enjoyable.

Guardian can be fun playing as either dps cancer or as a bunky guardian.

How dps guardian is cancer?XD

However, you can also play BRUTAL balls to the wall dps GS warrior. Just don’t play charr or norn, or you will have problems dancing through opponents.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Krytan Same Sex Laws

in Human

Posted by: redslion.9675


The problem with the last same sex couple is that it’s cute.

I can’t stand the fact that in most MMORPGs they have to add cuteness everywhere. It just ridicules the lore.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Why you learn Pvp in tournament ?

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


^ There’s 1.5years of hotjoin mentality. It’ll be hard to change that.

What hotjoin mentality ?
Cant you understand and the other 300 kids around here that screwed pvp after 1 year and you forced them to have a hard<<reset> pvp , by removing 8v8 ,
that ppl go in hotjoin to have fun and not obey the kittening rules ?

What is the proper way to play conquest ?
Have you seen LoL 5-star conquest map been defended ?
Or the egyptan style in Smite ?
Or shooters like Titanfall or Cod ?

I don’t think they are talking about tournament tactics and rotations. That is something you actually learn in tournaments. They are talking about grasping things like these:

A) More than one person on the point won’t cap it faster
B) Fighting off point is dangerous
C) You should be able to understand if you can engage an NPC objective or not: if you can’t kill Svanir alone, don’t try it in a tournament. Tkae your time, practice in Heart of the Mists or hotjoin, but don’t do that in tournament.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

[sPvP] New Hammer Build

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Maybe his title was a bit misleading, but I agree 100% this this spec is the “new” hammbow meta.
Knight sit great on a warrior (shame that the power is not the main stat but still), ‘great fortitude’ to pump some vitally and strength and of course the new OP combination of rune of strength + battle sig (+fire blast).
This is actualy stronger then pre patch with lyssa, only lose some stability uptime.

Yes it’s nothing really new, but it is the meta.
Great build, you post it first GG

Knight is actually not that great in hambow IMHO: you don’t need much crit chance, for you’ll be dealing few, strong attacks with hammer, which will be guaranteed crits with Sigil of intelligence. But yeah, might stacking hambow is already meta.

I’m trying this build with knight, and I might be onto something:;1NKVP0d4gL-60;9;4J-J-T28;218;257AINl3L;1CoF2CoF28X

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

[sPvP] New Hammer Build

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Everytime I see leg specialist in a build I can’t helpbut wonder why …. can anyone explain how exactly is this trait useful?

Hammer #3 becomes an AoE immobilize, which might be pretty gamechanging, other than letting you setting up an AoE burst, it might help you stop the enemy long enough to secure a stomp/ress.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

[sPvP] New Hammer Build

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


New Meta Build?

I just tried it and win 3v1

Nothing new, I’m sorry but everyone has been waiting from something different than what dominated the warrior meta for more than half a year, while being a really easy build. I bet some are also getting tired of being called out because of that build.

One thing, though: how can the editor say 2000 power when you just stacked 10 points in Strength and Used runes of strength with Knight Amulet?

This is what I get, with adding points in strength, the runes and the amulet (I feel1800 power is borderline decent, still viable but I think you’d be better off with Soldier):;9;9;89;9;9;3H7W3H7W38F

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself