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Pride kept me from my true potential.

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


I’ll keep playing my warrior because I REALLY like the class.

I’ll just need to find hard builds to play.

Or I can craft OP faceroll builds, but ORIGINAL ones. So that the opponent will never have a chance to predict them.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Balance is imposible

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Well, with Unsuspecting Foe I can make FT a guaranteed crit.

And, better than that, it might definiteley be important. For example, I might down someone before he heals.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Balance is imposible

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


For those who haven’t figured it out already, balance is impossible to get in gw2. Many of the top pvp players figured this out a long time ago and quit. I’m not saying that you can’t enjoy pvp all the same but don’t expect balance and i will tell you why.
The trait system is to complex for balance to be achieved in this game. When the devs are trying to balance 1 skill they have to take into account all that traits that might affect it and then compare it to all the other classes and their skills with traits. Can you even imagine what’s that like?
Just think how weapon skills there are and then add all the utilities and then think of all the traits that can change those skills.
This game will never be balanced and it was never meant to be. GW2 pvp is about builds and counters to those builds. That’s why pvp teams are supposed to take bunkers, counter to bunkers, counters to condi spammers and so on.
If you are all expecting some sort of magical balance which allows you to kill a counter to your build with skill alone i am sad to tell you that will never happen. You can take comfort in finding builds and think of that as having skills but when it comes down to the action it’s not very much skill involved, there is some but not much.
TL;DR GW2 is about builds not skill

In Dark Souls, there is some sort of balance:

every player goes down in a few hits.

BUT if you build tanky, you have the chance to go down in a few hits more, while being able to take the enemy down in less hits (at the same time, you might be a bit less mobile). This makes a great difference.

If you build glassy, you can move fast and need less hits to take down people, but so will them, no matter how they are built.

Dark Souls doesn’t have such a wide array of abilities, but every weapon in that game is unique.

(there are some cheap spells and backstabs, but they are never used and with the right setup you can counter both).

Morale of the story: every setup (glassy, sustained, half and half) is playable, and requires you to work on its advantages in order to win, without someone being easier than the others.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Balance is imposible

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


But other arguments can be made as well- perhaps the player has high health, you get one lucky spike, and then he/she heals it back up. Just because it’s harder to predict doesn’t mean that it’s going to favor you. You could also argue that you might get lots of non-crits when your opponent is low on health, or that a good bunker will be able to heal (especially with Shelter) before he/she gets spiked to death. On the other hand, power doesn’t run into any of these problems- it’s going to be just as predictable for your opponent as it is for you. That way, you don’t start going into burst mode hoping for a lucky crit, and a good opponent will still heal his/her way through your damage just like he/she should’ve done against spike damage. Playing by hoping your opponent is incompetent is not a very good way to play.

Having higher crit chance as opposed to power could also mean that you’ll have exactly the amount of damage you don’t need at the wrong time- it’s a two-way street. It could also give you lots of damage but at a bad time (when your opponent blocks you, puts of prot, etc). It also makes it harder for you to predict how many hits it will take to take down an enemy. Your opponent might be suffering from the information game, but so are you, and there’s no reason to believe that you can get just as unlucky with your crits as you can get lucky.

Well, sure, high hp classes will have less problems. I was thinking about bunkers, who have low hp but can sustain potentially for ever. More crits might be decisive for taking down a bunker faster.

Even if you have a crit when you don’t need it, that doesn’t remove the fact you’ll be more likely to have one when you need it.

However, it’s also about the build. I’ll take the example of the warrior, because with engi is the only class I have the patience to play semi conistently, trying to avoid Fotm.

There is no worse thing for a power sword warrior to see his Final Thrust, for which he waited and spent some pretty high effort (wait until the enemy is at 50%, while waiting for the right moment to land a Shield Bash that will not be dodged/blocked), not crit.
Same goes for an axe warrior.

That means that I’ll have to stack enough crit chance to actually have a good chance for that burst to crit. Like unlocking unsuspecting Foe (by going 30 points into Arms, to get Blademaster and Attack of Opportunity too).

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Balance is imposible

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


There are only two differences between power and precision: first, that power is more consistent (though I use the averages from precision in my damage formula, so it doesn’t really matter), and second, the way power scales with damage as compared to precision. Precision is only 1/21 of a single percentage of critical chance; power scales directly with damage. Protection isn’t overridden by critical hits, though even if it was, the small amount of prot you can get in this game would still make power a very powerful trait (especially since I have some boonsteal, anyways). Your logic seems to be “if I see a large number in red on an opponent with protection, then power must suck because you don’t see a large number in red on an opponent with protection”. In all honesty, I use averages, because that’s the only way to objectively compare between stats, and because matters of chance are always going to trend towards an average anyways.

About this issue, you should also remember than spike damage is better than sustained damage. A big spike can down an opponent that is going to heal, is important when focusing targets and might be the ture thing that takes down a bunker.

The fact that someone can heal a lot over a long period of time is irrelevant if he/she can’t last that long.

Increasing crit chance might end up in less sustained damage, but has a higher chance of bringing exactly the damage you needed at the right time with a crit.

From what I’ve seen, glass cannons that really are glass (not hambows, and some might argue not even s/d because of their evades) play on burst, not spike.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Healing Singet

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Question do warriors even use other healing skills? It has been ages since i seen a warrior using a different heal. And its not like that warriors have only one allround heal skill (like necros).

I dont think hs is op but i think its a bad skill for the game (like many others) as it doesnt have a real counter play apart from poison. But poison is the bane of all healing skills, so…

This, other heals are not a consideration for warriors. Healing sig with adrenal health and easy access to regen give the warrior ridiculous heals per tick. Coupled with fantastic condi removal, there is no point in running other heals. That’s three stackable healing attributes, with BIG healing numbers.

No build needs more adrenaline gain from healing surge. And mending wounds has never been a good heal, while the new stance heal is only really viable in WvW Zerg play.

There’s also another problem: glass cannons have always been pushed away from the meta thanks to conditions.

Burst heals are superior to healing signet IF the fight is very short.

Example: if the fight lasts 15 seconds and you use your Healing Surge once, you’d heal for over 600 hps. Healing Signet always heals for 392.

Too bad you will never have such short fights anymore. No matter how glassy you build.

Other problem: Merciless Hammer. One of the reason hammer builds are so strong is because you have defense, CC and damage on the same traitline. Put it somewhere else and things will change.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

People have no clue how to "hold points"

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Also, not all Guardians are bunkers.

I know you think we all are, or all should be, but I’m DPS with powerful team wide boons, dangit.

You don’t know me. You can’t JUDGE ME! /throws chair

I can’t judge anyone, because I never changed my class for a bunker. Nobody ever asked me and I never asked anyone.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

1v1 2v2 Deathmatch Arena

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


I’d be happy for this. I realized one of the reasons why I suck at duels (different thing than 1v1 in tournaments) is because I can never practice. Sure, I can join the kong of the hill server, but I can duel only once every several minutes.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

"Lost in the leaderboard" (contains whining)

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


I’m sorry, but I think the advice Rezz gave is naive.

The win does not depend totally on you in 80% of SoloQ matches. It’s Conquest. You are 1/5 of the team. You cannot be everywhere at once.

But if u always die far 1v2 or afk and u loose it is 100% you fault of you that u loose.
Why even one Person can loose the game for his Team , but u are not able to carry the game alone? so sad

IMHO we should leave the issue about a team of people who are neither coordinated, and maybe not incredibly good, but are actually TRYING to win.

In that situation maybe you can make the difference, and make their job easier.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

(edited by redslion.9675)

Classes, not skill decide the outcome

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


What is this heresy?

It is SWAG that decides the outcome of a battle.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

A story about an Elementalist and a Warrior.

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Let’s make one thing clear:

ANet has to make another class, call it “Filthy CASUL” (not casual, mind you) and put the hambow build there.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

People have no clue how to "hold points"

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


If a team is all glass cannon, why aren’t people roaming and out-numbering on certain points?

If a team has a bunker, that guy needs to hold what point a team has and maybe rotate to what needs help depending on head count on that area.

People not holding or watching points on bunkers and staying on point with DPS builds is absurdly annoying to have in your team. This game really needs infrastructure or it will fail, sigh.

Problem is: when you capture a point, what should you do?

If you are a bunker:

Should I stay here and guard the point, with the risk no enemy will come here and wasting the entire match there while the enemy holds the other two points?
Or should I get away with the risk the enemy comes right after me and gets the point?

As a DPS (let’s assume a DPS build that is also crafted with 1v1 in mind, who just captured alone a point left empty):

Should I go away and help my team elsewhere, leaving this point to his destiny, or should I guard it, having a chance to defend it if only one enemy comes to defend it?

And then you run around like a headless chicken when you have no idea what your team is doing, and going on any point would be either useless (point already guarded) or suicide (point heavily guarded by the enemy, or contested by outnumbered teammates that are about to get downed.)

But if all the strategy people talk about is “k guize all go mid we win mid we win match EZ lel”, then you can expect an epic fail IMHO, because you can’t take a win at mid for granted and just bail the game if you don’t succeed.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Complaint Box

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Yeah. I wanted to try one actually but thought to myself: am I really bringing much to the table as yet another hambow? Meh.

You can kill them and be a better far point assaulter. And if you play different, you won’t be that easy to outplay.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Complaint Box

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Just here to see what troubles the Warrior profession has compared to other professions and the most important thing in post #1 is: “Don’t come here to complain about Warrior.”
You are indeed blessed by ArenaNet.

Pretty much. Some of the complaints against warriors are overwrought, but on the whole they are definitely at the top when it comes to power-to-difficulty ratio.

There’s a reason I see more warriors than any other class in the queues, by far.

More than that, hambow is an extremely straightforward and well rounded build which is effective in group fights. And is limited. And popular.

So someone just jumping to the warrior class has a meta build he can use right away.

IMHO it’s not the best warrior has, and there are some superior builds that few people use, but it’s the easiest hands down.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Balance is imposible

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


So when 2 people use the exact same build..and fight each other..There will be one winner based on what.. ? The build ? No,his skill.

a little skill but mostly luck, who’s rune procs or who gets more crits etc.

That’s ridiculous. Its all about skill and there’s a little luck involved.

I was saying that it’s THEORETICALLY possible that mirror fights might not be decided by skill.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

HoT join not encouraging new sPvP players

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


it is a good filtering process.

survival of the fittest.

if they can’t get past the hotjoin phase they probably are not fit to survive in solo arena or team arena as well.

It doesn’t filter. Nothing makes sense in hotjoin. I use it to warm up if I didn’t play for some time, just to retake control of my character.

Leave it as it is, but don’t give it too much weight.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

(edited by redslion.9675)

Balance is imposible

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


So when 2 people use the exact same build..and fight each other..There will be one winner based on what.. ? The build ? No,his skill.

Unless those builds are so limited it’s out of sheer luck.

Even though I’ve seen lots of hambow rerollers thinking they had to just smash buttons to win and made them bite the dust with my GS.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

(edited by redslion.9675)

Defektive's sPvP Bleed Build - Come take a look!

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


kitten, by seeing a thread with Defektive’s name in you raised my hopes

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Buff Final Thrust

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Just wanna say that leg specialist works amazingly with leap and final thrust, but I’m pretty sure you guys will still say it will miss 90% of the time…

It does, but because I’m crappy at judging distances, never got actually used to using it (I tend to use other sets’ bursts) and because I need it in one of those fights where 90% of skills get wasted for I can barely tell where I am.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Play cheese builds! Seriously play them.

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


play what you like.

exactly. and that is why a massive amount of the pvp population has stopped playing this game

that is all right.

once the purist 100% sPvP players have left the scene, the PvE / WvW players will move in to save sPvP.

Ok, enough of this stuff:

cheesy builds aren’t good for casuals either.

Ideally, the game should make you a better player the longer you play it, and should reward different sorts of skills (reflexes, tactical awereness, strategic experience, ability to adapt and so on…).

Cheesy builds should be changed for builds that require less reflexes, but much more strategy.

Example: a build might achieve high damage and high survivability. BUT hitting people should be HARD. Here, even tanky classes require skills now. They don’t reward fast reflexes, they reward tactical awareness and a fitting strategy.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

(edited by redslion.9675)

Play cheese builds! Seriously play them.

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


There’s cheese and then there’s meta builds. Sometimes the two overlap but they are not the same. Play cheese if you are not interested in improving your gameplay.

Alas, for some classes they overlap almost entirely. Like warrior.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Buff Final Thrust

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Theres olny 1 problem with sword..its burst is weak and i dont know why it wasnt buffed yet

It’s burst is powerful either for organized teams or for GS users. It’s a 5 seconds immobilize. Great for setting up bursts.

other than that, it’s great to make soldier builds in spvp without giving up too much damage.

So u saying that power dmg for flurry is powerful?

Hell yes! I could top 15k with the following hundred blades.

“But that’s another skill” you’ll ask.

Yeah, but what put a death sentence on the enemy were those 5 seconds of immobilize.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Buff Final Thrust

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Theres olny 1 problem with sword..its burst is weak and i dont know why it wasnt buffed yet

It’s burst is powerful either for organized teams or for GS users. It’s a 5 seconds immobilize. Great for setting up bursts.

other than that, it’s great to make soldier builds in spvp without giving up too much damage.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Funniest things you heard in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


when i say one far one hom one animal rest mid and i go mid
i am alone there is no helps guard no love because four go mid
i die
all is vain

I learnt the hard way it’s better to rush mid late than to rush mid alone.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Strongest 1v1 Class

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Remember: a character with protection and 2500 armor has the same damage reduction as one with 3750 armor. And I’ve seen eles with pretty high protection uptime. And they also have vigor. I don’t know about their hps, though.

So what? A character with 300 base extra armor and 8k base HP is still better.
That is the equivalent of 300 toughness and 800 vitality, which means only with Barbarian Amulet an Elementalist can match the baseline vitality of a Warrior, while still being far away compared to a Berserker Warrior in terms of overall devensive capability.

Protection uptime on Elementalist, also, is way lower that you might espect.
Elemental Attunement provides about 6.5s of protection with 30 in Arcana. Assuming you are popping in and out of Earth on cooldown, the protection uptime is about 50% of the time (including the attunement swap cooldown), that with at least 20 points of trait investment. In real time situations, the longer you stay in earth and the longer you don’t pop into earth while it is available, the lower is the uptime, bringing it to about 20-30% in real-time situations. That leads to the conclusion that having baseline higher damage resistance is better than having 20-30% uptime of protection, because as you weight down its benefits with the uptime, you realize that it isn’t that much.

Warriors have Vigor too, I don’t see the point. Warhorn alone, as far I know, provides condition cleansing along with perma-swiftness and perma-vigor. There is also Vigorous Focus, which provides quite an high uptime on stance warriors.

Yes, but we need that slot for other stuff.

And warhorn needs 20 points in tactics to be used that way, other than the fact it doesn’t give much utility for power builds.

However, try to play a GS berserker warrior. The problem with other weapons sets than hambow is that most of the time you can’t use all 3 slots for stances. Few warrs can afford endure pain other than hambow. And you are forced to stay melee, that means you’ll take even more damage. (GS burst needs Bull’s Charge and Frenzy, or Bolas if you want to play risky. Then you have to use stability for stomping/ressing. That leaves you with at most one slot)

And, you know, considering how things were some time ago, base stats don’t make the difference.

Try a 30/0/25/0/15 GS+LB build with ogre runes and zerker amulet w/ soldier’s jewel. Put a force sigil on GS and fire sigil on LB. Healing Sig and the three non-Frenzy stances. I’m sure somebody’s come up with that build before, but it’s the one I’ve been playing on my warrior and it works like a charm.

GS doesn’t need to use 100b to be good; it already has great mobility and relatively quick animations.

I used that, it works. Except for the fact you need 100 blades to take down decent bunkers fast with someone else. Or at least have a chance. And Pin Down doesn’t last long enough. 3.6 seconds aren’t much, considering you’ll lose some time in weapon swapping. And, in my experience, you need that spike to take bunkers down.

However, try with 30/0/20/0/20. Or, if you are a real warrior, 30/25/0/0/20. THAT is hard. And that is what I was talking about. Full glass.

What I was saying is: full glass warrior isn’t more survivable than soldier ele. Not talking about not-so-glass.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Buff Final Thrust

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Sword is indeed a good weapon.

@Redslion, in power build I indeed run with extra bleeding duration + 10% more damage on bleeding targets. makes sword AA almost same damage as Axe.
+ its easy to get furry with Flurry (trait for immob = fury) also

So yes sword is a good weapon and is in a good position.. but still all I do is savage leap > flurry and 111111111111…
Till you have opponent below 50% you hit a massive final thrust

So yes its good.. but I really think final thrust could need a buff on either its casttime or a small buff on damage/maby a different skill above 50% health.
Why should a skill be unused like 80% of the time in a fight?

Yes its called final thrust.. but its removed from AA where there wasn’t a health threshold and now only works below 50% health. rest of the time you only smash 11111111..

Try hit a final thrust on good players.. its often way to slow… so yes make it a real 0,75sec casttime or buff the skill for above 50% health.. because all people see is 1 massive crit from it below 50% but in good 1vs1 situations you wont use this skill for almost the complete fight just because there is no point to use it above 50% and its often way to slow when you do use it below 50%..

We can say its difficulty lies on the fact you can only rely on your movement to stay on target Leap is good to start, rest is not. And then land number 3.XD

You have to keep in mind you’ll have to always stay in front of the enemy to deal full damage.

So no full zerk-spam stances-hope for the best approach.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Guardian vs Warrior in terms of DPS

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Guardian can do some damage, but comparing to the OP God Mode Warrior in PvE about damage is kinda silly. No class in PvE can do as much damage as Warrior.
WvW and PvP, depends on spec, but Guardian in both of those modes usually go for bunker specs. Warrior in those can go either Bunker (Mace/Shield & GS builds) or damage and, if played well, manage to do pretty good.

There are also Guardian damage builds based around meditation that deal pretty good damage.

1 on 1 they are one of the strongest specs you’ll find around, but they are tricky, because of their low mobility. On narrow point, though, they are pretty dangerous.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Strongest 1v1 Class

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Remember: a character with protection and 2500 armor has the same damage reduction as one with 3750 armor. And I’ve seen eles with pretty high protection uptime. And they also have vigor. I don’t know about their hps, though.

So what? A character with 300 base extra armor and 8k base HP is still better.
That is the equivalent of 300 toughness and 800 vitality, which means only with Barbarian Amulet an Elementalist can match the baseline vitality of a Warrior, while still being far away compared to a Berserker Warrior in terms of overall devensive capability.

Protection uptime on Elementalist, also, is way lower that you might espect.
Elemental Attunement provides about 6.5s of protection with 30 in Arcana. Assuming you are popping in and out of Earth on cooldown, the protection uptime is about 50% of the time (including the attunement swap cooldown), that with at least 20 points of trait investment. In real time situations, the longer you stay in earth and the longer you don’t pop into earth while it is available, the lower is the uptime, bringing it to about 20-30% in real-time situations. That leads to the conclusion that having baseline higher damage resistance is better than having 20-30% uptime of protection, because as you weight down its benefits with the uptime, you realize that it isn’t that much.

Warriors have Vigor too, I don’t see the point. Warhorn alone, as far I know, provides condition cleansing along with perma-swiftness and perma-vigor. There is also Vigorous Focus, which provides quite an high uptime on stance warriors.

Yes, but we need that slot for other stuff.

And warhorn needs 20 points in tactics to be used that way, other than the fact it doesn’t give much utility for power builds.

However, try to play a GS berserker warrior. The problem with other weapons sets than hambow is that most of the time you can’t use all 3 slots for stances. Few warrs can afford endure pain other than hambow. And you are forced to stay melee, that means you’ll take even more damage. (GS burst needs Bull’s Charge and Frenzy, or Bolas if you want to play risky. Then you have to use stability for stomping/ressing. That leaves you with at most one slot)

And, you know, considering how things were some time ago, base stats don’t make the difference.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Buff Final Thrust

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


I think Sword might be the best candidate for a might stacking build.

True, Differently from GS you won’t achieve might so easily, but you gain from both direct and condition damage.

And remember: take deep cuts. Even if your bleed ticks for only 50, it will be at least a 15-20% damage increase.

Sword damage is deceptively high, even if numbers are unimpressive, remember Aa is really fast.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Strongest 1v1 Class

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Can we please give Arganthium personal 7% of damage reduction and 19k base hp, so he will finally become crazy godlike OP duel overlord and stop posting in this thread?

Actually, 7% extra base damage reduction and 19k base HP is a lot.
Take into consideration that an Elementalist with Soldier Amulet barely match the survivability of a Warrior with no amulet whatsoever.
That means that a Zerker warrior will be more survivable of a Soldier Elementalist.

That is without counting the 8s Condition Immunity, Cleansing Ire, Endure Pain, Shields, Healing Signet and any other goodies Warrior has access to.

True, Elementalist has Protection, but the uptime and the overall effectiveness is nowhere near the higher baseline damage reduction of Warriors.

That compares to pretty much any other profession in the game (I took elementalist because it is the other side of the spectrum),

Remember: a character with protection and 2500 armor has the same damage reduction as one with 3750 armor. And I’ve seen eles with pretty high protection uptime. And they also have vigor. I don’t know about their hps, though.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

(edited by redslion.9675)

Melee weapon range..

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Norn has the best racial elite ability by far…. they need to re-balance the racial elites.

I don’t agree with this idea – there would be no point in using anything but the larger classes if it were implemented.

Welcome to spvp.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Strongest 1v1 Class

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


warrior definetly requires least skill to spam stuff and get lucky even if you don’t know anything better than smashing your head on the keyboard

Play one and be my guest, then, I love farming hambows.XD

(except in group fights, where they are a bit more of a concern, but 1v1 I never lost to one yet)

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Strongest 1v1 Class

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


1 – Mesmer. Impossible to kill.
2 – S/D Thief. Infiltrator’s Return need be removed from game
3 – Thieves (other than S/D)
4 – AI (Pets, Spirits, Minions, Turrets, …)

it is already got removed kind of.. considering it has cast time now so you can’t use it while sitting in CC

.25 seconds is very low cast time to a skill that remove condition and remove the character from danger zone, not forgetting adjacent effects.
Thieves can just #2 > #3 > #3 > #2 and restart the chain again and again. They gap, steal boon and attack ferociously while walk over fire field, dodging every thing, and in the end back to safe place while remove condition, wait and choose how will kill the foe.

What he meant is that now S/D are much more vulnerable to hard ccs than before.

If you can’t stun them, they are unlockable, and before nerf it was the same for stuns.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

I'm red team. Red named players attacking me?

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


GW2 is broken?

Sticky plz

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

No thank you

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


I don’t know if thieves use smoke screen much. If not, they’ll use CnD twice for the combo: CnD, Steal, Backstab, Evade/dodge until you can CnD again.

By op’s combat log, he opened with cluster bomb, following with a backstab, the conclusion I got from that, is that he used cluster bomb for blast finisher to get stealth. And by the op’s word, he didn’t waited long enough for use 2xCnD after the backstab.

Right, I forgot there was a cluster bomb. I was saying that because I rarely see Smoke Screen used, but I don’t play thief so I don’t know.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Warrior it is!...or is it?

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


I wouldn’t roll a Warrior today. People will say that you are OP as an excuse for literally anything.

truth hurts doesn’kitten warriors are OP there is really no denying it. only people who don’t think warriors are OP are stupid warriors who think their “superior skill” is whats winning them fights

I bet you are one of those hambow rerollers I stomp every day.

If you are so skilled, when going to warrior you should curbstomp people like me, right?

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

My first forum post to all you Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


I have to start doing this each time I kill a hambow:

“Oh, I am sorry, are you from some class and rolled warrior sure it was the easiest things ever? How is the dust today?”

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Team Arena problem on the rise

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


or just remove leaderboard from teamQ and make it the unranked tournament it should be cause ranking in teamQ is inflated and respresnt in noway how good some palyer is

teams farm randoms and get for this free rank/glory/gold and a win/lose ratio even blizzard would laugh about

just look on the “top” (lol) 1000 games or something and 80+% won – seriously

this Q is total broken

Actually, wins against PUGs should not matter at all, considering they are much lower in the leaderboard.

By this reasoning, no Queue represents nothing.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

No thank you

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


you don’t need to lv to 80 tbh, just make a thief and go to pvp

as for war build, i see most ppl run either hambow or condi sword/longbow, you might wanna try that if you wanna join the bandwagon

as far as combat log, it might have been in wrong order due to lag

Cynz he could have used smoke screen, then cluster bomb for stealth as opening, but i don’t get why 2 CnD at the end, when he could just land a HS and do more dmg.

I don’t know if thieves use smoke screen much. If not, they’ll use CnD twice for the combo: CnD, Steal, Backstab, Evade/dodge until you can CnD again.

And about builds… if you like warrior, DON’T play those builds.XD

They are the limited OP crap. IMHO warriors offers a lot more.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Funniest things you heard in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Warrior in my team after recognizing we had 2 Mesmers in the team:

“Somebody changes to a meta build, or I leave”

…we still won with 2 Mesmers…

He is not a warrior.

He is a filthy hambow reroller. XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Funniest things you heard in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Tourney match. I was on the winning team, the engi and me got top scores. One guy from the opposite team says at the end of the match : “wp engi you’re the only one who did anything in this match.” The engi replies : “yes.” I was.. wtf?! O.o
Haha…good times!

It happens: sometimes I see one guy from the enemy team once in the entire match, and I’m all like: “where have you been the whole time?”XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

"Lost in the leaderboard" (contains whining)

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Most builds have a go-to must dodge skill. Its what makes them tick. Hambow is pindown and earthshaker, for example.

Pin Down is hard to dodge, because has only 0.25 seconds cast time. And you can tell it from an AA only when the animation ended. Only times when my Pin Down got evaded was when I used it on targets who were already dodging.

But I agree with you, by adding: be ready to either dodge or generally react to a skill. In general, be prepared.

AKA: when you are immobilized, be ready to blind the warrior/block/teleport/whatever defensive thing your build offers (if it has some).

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

No thank you

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


So, I came back after playing other games, let’s try how GW2 is these days. Rolled a dps warrior, went to do a PvP daily.
Got to a 1v1 match.
Spotted a thief a behind a corner, I was expecting him but I had meelee weapons equipped and I didn’t want to switch to avoid the switch cd. I started running towards him to engage in meelee. Then something happened and I was dead. In about a second.
Checked log. Cluster bomb 5k, Backstab 8k, 2x Cloak and dagger 2,5k apiece.

Granted, I was trying out new weapon combinations and I didn’t play (GW2) for quite some time but this is not okay. Having some freaking 1v1 1-second ttk predators is not cool at all.

I am not even going to bother finding out how this is “reasonable” or “doable” according to gear and traits available.

I am moving to next game. Hopefully this will be different when (if ever) I come back… I feel very disappointed.

As a warrior, there are some good condi or soldier builds around.

Start with those, to get more accostumed to the fight.

At first, I too was surprised and killed by thieves. It’s normal for newcomer, just like Bull’s Rush→Frenzy→100b, which is one of the hardest bursts to pull off, but is a famous “noobkiller”.

However, if I’m not mistaken backstab combo goes something like this:

Cloack and Dagger → Steal while using this, ending up in stealth → Backstab.

Cloack and Dagger has half a second cast time, if hits the thief goes stealth.
Steal makes the thief teleport to the target, if it hits grants an object which is profession specific and can be used once (in case of warriors, a spinning ability similar to axe #5, except it reflects projectiles).

The idea is: Thief initiates Cloack and Dagger from far away, and finishes near to you. Once entered in Stealth, can backstab you.

If you fight a d/p thief, they’ll go in stealth using Black powder+heartseeker and then teleport to you.

In general, expect thieves to teleport to you when they see you.

When they are in stealth, they’ll try to get to your back to deal max damage. Move in narrow circles and use your Greatsword or your sword to make random changes in direction.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Funniest things you heard in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Playing Team Arenas like LoL
p/p Thief pretending he’s Lucian

I’ve done it with my GS warrior, spamming “HUEHEUHEUHE” in map chat with “Mordekaiser es numero uno”XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

"Lost in the leaderboard" (contains whining)

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Class does matter I think.

My win percentage went way up with a bunker war versus my skirmish thief.

On my thief I could always get a ton of kills, which didn’t really amount to much in the end. But on the warrior I’m always just holding points which ends up winning the match more often than not.

If you can use a build that can reliably bunk mid then you can move way up in the leaderboards I think. That’s if you can consistently keep the point when it’s 1v2 against you. If you can hold it 1v2 for like 20 seconds reinforcement will come eventually and that can allow you to successfully hold mid.

Team that holds mid for extended period of time usually wins in my experience.

You’ll increase your win rate because bunkers are always important.

Same with Bunker guardians, for example.

Problem is you aren’t pushed to learn that much about tourney pvp, IMHO.

I’ve found myself to learn more as a roamer.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

4 easy ways to vastly improve tpvp experience

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Two worthless suggessions.
2) My EU alt is r10 and is at the mmr of r40-r50 players. Explain to me again how rank = skill.

If I find a lowbie, I don’t know.

If I find a guy with high rank, It’s more likely he know what he’s doing.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

We don't like Trahearne *Spoiler Warning* [merged]

in Personal Story

Posted by: redslion.9675


(. . . Ascalon is next.)

…not gonna happen, Tobi. :-/

You say that now . . .

But we all know it’s going to happen. How else do you think we get authentic charr plushies, made from real charr hide?

I’d love to!

My charr engineer definetely needs a human skin coat!XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Strongest 1v1 Class

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Hambow warrior, Condi warrior, Necro with full DS, skilled thief (either s/d or d/p), PU mesmer, MM necro, spirit ranger, DPS guard, skilled engis (unless you’re a condi necro- bonus points if you have full DS)

Basically any class or spec that do backpoint or far-point assault relatively well is by definition a great duelist.

Well, rules are a bit different in duels and far point assault:

in farpoint the fighting ground is more narrow.

On the other side, Farpoint assaulting requires you to take down the enemy fast, and backpoint defending requires you to be ready to sustain a 2v1 for some time.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Strongest 1v1 Class

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Other than PU mesmer, DPS guardian is probably the best 1v1 build you’ll find. Hambow on a point is pretty stupid too and S/D thief is still very strong.

Also because you need hard cc to fight s/d thieves and stop their evade chain, and many classes have a hard time putting cc in 1v1 builds.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Defending Trahearne - might not be his fault

in Personal Story

Posted by: redslion.9675


You are saying that Caladblog changed him from a grey, uncreative yet noble and highly experienced scholar into something similar to a machine?

Ok, that’s understandable. But that doesn’t remove the fact playing alongside such machine is boring.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself