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Rifle Barrels?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


I know right?
Edit: I assume their reasoning was the 600 range overcharge which would be pretty strong in pvp.

(edited by robertul.3679)

Confused On How To Build An Engi Now

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


For cele rifle explosives(grenadier, aim-assisted rocket, siege rounds), inventions(automated medical response, mecha legs, bunker down), alchemy(protection injection, backpack regenerator, throw stimulant or hgh maybe if you prefer elixir gun over slick shoes). Intel and energy sigils. Vampirism rune still pretty strong.

Not sure about condition but probably firearms(instead of explosions) with chemical rounds, pinpoint distribution, incendiary powder with balthazar runes and rabid amulet.

Remorseless + Quickdraw too good

in Ranger

Posted by: robertul.3679


Signet of the hunt

how do you play a staff ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: robertul.3679


Fresh air is borderline viable because it has a pretty hard to avoid burst and quite a few defensive cooldowns with swirling, obsidian, magnetic wave and pretty spammable blind via air#2.

Jihad isn’t viable because it has no defensive cooldowns except utilities and avoiding the damage means “don’t stay in the fire circle”. Yes you can sometimes trap people in the static field and drop lava font on them but that’s literally all you can do.

Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: robertul.3679


So what ele doesn’t need a new offhand?

Did mesmer really need a new offhand given that it has sword, focus, torch, pistol? All good in various situations. Meanwhile the only viable mainhand is the sword.

At least ele has scepter which is a lot better than mesmer scepter. And dagger which is very strong.

BUG Mortar not activating streamlined kit ICD

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


It also allows you to spam the gunk thingy every 2s or so by swapping in and out of mortar. It does however go on cooldown if you proc it with other kits.

Engi was better before patch.

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Well you can take 3 defensive trait lines to achieve overpowered sustain with minimal dps loss.
At least on a berserker/celestial spec you can trait alchemy tools and inventions.

The new bunker down combined with protection injection, backpack regenerator, whatever the med pack on heal thing is, power wrench, mecha legs, adrenal implants and other stuff!

Didn’t have time to test sadly but does automated medical response, the one that recharges your heal when you drop under 25% hp really has 10s icd as in the tooltip? Cuz that’s a bit insane.

This patch kills condi necros in PvE

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Condition necro was never good in pve.
Actually necro itself was never good in pve either.

Why the half effort?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


If the new mortar is a placeholder why is it the ugliest placeholder ever?

If they would have used literally a simple metal tube it would look 1000 times better. Ye know, like the original mortar looked?

Or just pick from the infinite number of amazing looking rifles. Super hyperbeam alpha anybody?

Edit: Grenades are ugly too but that has already been stated over and over. They look like a bunch of coconuts tied together that dangle in an awkward way while you move. Meanwhile med kit gets fancy glowy syringes.

Self-harm necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Disclaimer: This is not a joke post. I’m serious!

I saw the master of corruption and I had the best idea ever.

Since necro belongs in the downstate for more dps, do you guys think a build that forces you to suicide as fast as possible to benefit from downstate traits will be viable?

I mean I saw plague form kills you pretty fast without anybody even attacking.

The new consume conditions help you get bursted down faster, and there is a built-in mechanism of self-blind if traited so you don’t accidentally deal damage back which might force the enemy to go into defensive mode.

tl;dr Do you guys think a 5-corruption utility bar would work to die faster to benefit from the OP downstate traits?

Streamlined Kits unsynergistic with itself.

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yes most of the “spells” are kinda bad. But think of them as freebies for taking speedy kits(despite the fact it’s a nerfed version of speedy kits).

The elixir gun, mortar, toolkit effects are pretty decent for free stuff. You probably won’t be able to control them with a 20s icd. But you get the IV buff icon so you at least know when they will occur.

Plague will be devastating after the update

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Plague was already better than lich because no competent enemy would let you freecast it.

If you add to that reasoning the 3stability vs 1 on lich which makes it easy to to remove even without boon removals, the damage nerf and now the duration nerf it’s pretty obvious what’s the best elite.

Nerfing vigor value by half a bit extreme?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Too many dodges. Too many random procs.

And I don’t mean just fire air cuz that’s whatever at this point.

Revert the Consume Condition changes!

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


This is so funny.
Consume conditions is one of the worst heal skills. It’s also the best heal necro has!

They could have added some way of helping necros make sure they get it off. Currently they have to use line of sight, spectral walk or wurm etc. because everybody that sees them casting it gonna spam them interrupts on that huge cast time.

Adding 1 stack of stability while casting, reduce cast time, literally anything to secure them getting it off. Especially since necros are the main target cuz they so easy to kill.

Well they got 5s nerf and 10 vuln stacks.
They also seem to buff the other 2 heals which are horribly bad. It’s like venomshare buffs all over again.

If it really needed a category for the “necromancer feel” they keep talking about just make it spectral and call it Spectral Feast or whatever.
So so funny!

Don't nerf death's embrace

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


What is the reasoning of the 50% nerf? Casual tears? Have said casuals even see the thief changes?

Necro downstate is supposed to be OP.
I thought anet finally fixed that because they realized that’s where necros belong. In downstate.

What did we do!?!

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Well necro was arguably one of the weakest zerkers in pvp anyway. The only weaker thing I can think of is static discharge engi.

Just wait for the changes and play thief. The strongest zerker spec, now with both panic and executioner and the ability to go balls deep in shadow arts for fancy sustain!

The new engi changes are hilariously silly

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yes speedy kits nerf is a nerf to mobility. By 50% to be exact. Mobility is more relevant out of combat than in combat anyway.

You compare 3s protection every 5s when cc to 4s on using shield skills? Yes they were on the same spot but if you went 6 alchemy you could take both. Why would people ever go 6 in alchemy you might ask. For exactly that, 3 amazing traits, taking them all.

The seeker rocket missile whatever thingy seems like another random proc. All them skillful procs that plague the game.

The reveal trait? That’s just to mess up with thieves. If it’s really your goal to do that, just take utility goggles. It seems like such a pointless thing while not addressing more important issues of the class.

The grenade range nerf doesn’t only matter for poisoning downstate from 1.5k. It also means you had ranged cleave because the class is not made to sustain itself in melee.

The new engi changes are hilariously silly

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Anet y u kill ingi?

Speedy kits dead. Merged it with another trait that used to be great before you killed it 2 years ago or whatever. Now that trait comes back from the grave and pulls speedy kits with it. Funny!

Invigorating speed and protection injection on same tier. Sneaky sneaky. Added garbage grandmasters to that line to put more salt in the wound.

Basically replace grenades with the new mortar stuff. “People don’t use mortar but they use grenades so we nerf the kitten out of grenades and move some of that functionality to mortar!” GJ!

Inventions line is still horrible. Obviously you put the only other mobilty trait there. Naturally. Merge it with leg mods too, which btw we could take instead of power wrench in the past.

It’s pretty hilarious mesmer gets super important traits such as illusionary elasticity, illusionary persona as class mechanics, thief gets executioner and panic strike in the same line etc.
Meanwhile core engi traits like speedy kits, invigorating speed are not.

Oh it’s also quite interesting you give us rng dps via rocket on crit or whatever. And reveal poor thieves while we spam skills in the air?
Nobody asked for any of this.

tl;dr I know casuals who roleplay inventions will bash me, but I know I am right.

Stop making us hide our weapons.

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


I would be glad with just the aura. You don’t need visual indication of what weapon an engi is using though.

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


The average player does care if the dungeons are 3 times as long, assuming your idea of average player includes running dungeons.

The mesmer difficulty thing is a joke. It’s not like the class is braindead now and needs fixing. Also they gonna buff phantasms apparently. Do you consider letting npcs do the work for you a highly difficult build?

I see you consider doing map completion a gauge of build efficiency. Well I believe a 0/0/0/0/0 rifle engi with no items except said rifle is good enough to do map.

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


He clearly has swiftness and fury on weapon swap. Signet of the wild is not really that great except in this matchup and then muddy terrain to immobilize you would have been better since necro is naturally so weak to immobilizes. Or just signet of renewal to counter your spite signet.

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s not a niche setup lol. Meta means the best choice in the current situation. Meta builds are by definition the best choices to be made given the current variables and knowledge.

I can’t honestly think of many builds that work with without a nearly stationary boss either. And even if the boss in question was permanently moving you can still achieve a pretty good rotation.

How is it relevant that the class is easy or hard to play? What makes you think anet actually cares about that? If they did they would just buff one of the many autoattacks and let engis camp it for max dps.

tl;dr Same thing as my first post. You want a good build you play a meta build. You want to play a non-meta build then why are you even asking for a simple answer?

No problem I give you advice. Go bomb kit, set first skill on autoattack and afk away. Best “alternative” thing you can do.

Role of Necromancer in sPvP (solo Q)

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Well the master trait in soul reaping is really optional. I prefer spectral mastery but near to death, soul marks, unyielding blast are good choices. Little known fact, it reduces the cooldown on last grasp too!

Same for spectral walk. Most people run armor cuz it gives more life force and protection. But when you are bursted it procs anyway from the minor trait. I really like spectral walk as you can’t be followed. You can also abuse it to negate fall damage and other things. And yes, it teleports you back anywhere. You used to be able to get back anywhere in wvw after waypointing but they fixed that.

max dps thief with range weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Since you had no problem using turret engi I would recommend a minion master thief. Guild of thieves, ambush, signet of shadows and fill the rest with racial skills.

Banner Bunker v.s Condi build help needed

in Warrior

Posted by: robertul.3679


Don’t play a bad build maybe.

Alternative PvE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Why do these threads exist? You want to run a good build run meta. You refuse to do that, just run whatever the kitten you want.

How do I beat a ranger?

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Don’t run the garbage people here suggest like mm or spectral grasp. Just use line of sight. Except legacy where rangers do shine there is rarely a “2500 range” situation. Which is also bullkitten cuz they can’t hit you at that range.

[Video] Necro vs kiting LB ranger

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


1/4 of the vid is random text. The rest includes insta spite signet, missing most of the transfers and pretty much every staff skill against a signet of the hunt ranger.

insta-dead falling damage?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yes it happens and it sucks. But you can take advantage from it because if you are about to die and you are guaranteed nobody will rez you it’s faster than being bleed off node.

World record?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


I was queueing with a friend so we socialized for a while. Then we realized it’s been 30min so we decided to see how long it would take.

Gave up after 1h3min or so. Maybe next time we go for 24h.

Role of Necromancer in sPvP (solo Q)

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


This spec is not for 1v1. You can do it but unlike other zerkers such as thief guard mes you have 0 disengage. So you risk dying instantly the fight becomes 1v2.

You say you have 1k games but you don’t know where to go? That makes no sense.

Traveler runes are not so great. You want to take them if you decide to go offhand dagger. They are a big drop in damage. Pack runes are so amazing with warhorn.

D/d ele has reflects? Except ring of earth(which blocks doesn’t reflect projectiles) they got nothing.
You want to use staff for ranged pressure or if you need the utility from marks. Chillblains is great for kiting and poison the downed too. Putrid mark is a blast finisher so you can combo area weakness and it’s also the highest damaging mark.

I prefer using spectral walk instead of armor and plague form instead of lich. Spectral walk is good to run away, kite and do fancy tricks like ninja immobilizes for decaps and whatnot.

Thoughts on how to nerf engineer

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Oh look it’s this garbage again!

World record?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


What do I win?


Life Force

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Don’t use axe or focus. They are both very bad in pvp. Same for shadow fiend and spectral grasp. Same for that trait that gives 5% life force on spectral use. See a pattern here? Don’t listen to casuals.

Power necro has pretty strong life force generation compared to condi.
You can trait soul marks but in my opinion it’s not worth it. It is however a perfectly viable choice if you so wish to.

You generate life force by autoattacking with either staff or dagger. Locust swarm is also insane generation. Just drop it and run through a group of enemies and it can potentially fill it from 0 to full.

The ability to manage your life force is considered a part of knowing to play the class. It’s both your offensive and defensive mechanic. I know it’s cool to see those big life blast crits but if you burn it all on that you will be very ineffective.

Kiting. Is the Kiter Noob or the Kited?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


The noob is always the ranger. No matter what he/she does.

Ignore the people that think a mace shield warrior is high risk and skillful. Trust me, it’s always the ranger.

Dear ANET, why do you hate me?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Hello ArenaNet. How are you today? I am not well. My MMR is dead. You killed it. Why you kill my MMR ANet? Why?
Why you kill pvp? It’s your only game mode that still has some pull. Do you think all the casuals chopping trees in queensdale and roleplaying will bring you a strong playerbase? Nope.
Do you think zerging in wvw is better? Well yes it is. But not by much. It’s basically 1 level above the guys mentioned before. Running around and autoattacking with their silly food buffs.

Do you consider it being normal that I get full signet bearbows and judgement signet guardians that randomly shoot the treb without any aim? Is that my level?
I am not the best player, heck I’m not even good. But I am much better than those. Why are they in my team, my dear ANet?

Is blind the only hard counter Necro uses?

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


What well that everybody uses?
Condi necro gets countered by blinds to an extent. Power does not.

Mortar Kit!

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Oh. Well, I don’t really play warrior – I just see the Signet way more often than the others.

Yea like staff is mandatory for guardians in every game mode. I keep seeing them so it must be true, right??

Awesome Idea! Redesign the Ready Up Button

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Many people hold off their “need to do” stuff till queue pops so they don’t miss it and then carry on doing whatever they need to do. Like bathroom breaks, smoking, refills or whatever.
Also, the time before the game starts can be used for things such as rerolling, changing build, discussing strategy(kidding) and whatnot.

All this talk about toxicity

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Lay off the jenk mate.

working on flame engineer pvp build

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Torment sigil is pretty bad cover except for pistol condi builds.
Frailty is probably better.

best 1v1 build vs ranger and mesmer

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Against rangers get close no matter what. They can’t dance around your grenades if they aren’t far away, their damage drops a lot and you can literally walk around them to negate every bow skill except barrage. If they swap to greatsword they probably will go hilt bash+maul combo, which you either dodge or cc. Hilt bash hits surprisingly far, while maul can be walked through, sidestepped. If they swap to block you magnet.
Try to force an early lightning reflexes by immobilize or overcharge. If they take the bait you are free to use skillshoes and pressure pretty hard.

Mesmers are not an easy matchup but doable. Most of them play really aggresively with their cooldowns and kite you. Dodge mirror blade, illusionary leap, don’t tank chaos storm nor blurred frenzy.
If you are condi you can static shield their blurred frenzy and skillfully proc a geomancy+doom kit swap, which combined with rng incendiary might force them to go defensive since they have no condi removal.

Engies what skill type you dont want?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


The problem with engi isn’t lacking utility skills but the limited space for it. Kits are mandatory for pretty much any build except the useless turret(which was better with toolkit or elixir gun anyway) and static discharge which also takes toolkit mostly.

That being said there is simply no place for more than 1 maybe 2 non-kit utility.

In pvp you need a stunbreak so that further limits choices and in pve the best utility is usually grenade flamethrower elixir gun with the odd toolkit for harder scenarios. As usual nobody cares about wvw so I’m not gonna mention it.

Mortar Kit!

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


For a warrior, Signet of Rage is almost a requirement if you’re not running banners

What banners?
Also all warrior elites are pretty strong and they are all used.

wvw nades or bombs playstile

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


How are bombs easier to land in a huge open field with no restrictions compared to a small circle at least 1 guy is forced to stay on?
Bombs kinda work in pvp just because of that. In wvw people can just kite you all day.

They still inferior to grenades because engineer lacks sustain to melee permanently but that’s another story!

Flamethrower damage display bug?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s a relatively recent undocumented change.

Ehm. No. Chain damage was like this since I can even remember.

Do you recall all those warrior heroes going “my hundred blades hits for 60k”? I do.

Returning player looking for PVE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


I know I’m basically farming for infractions at this point but can’t you use google?

Why are premades allowed to play in unranked?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


I agree. If you want to pvp you shouldn’t be allowed to do it with your friends. You can team up with your friends while farming silverwastes or whatever cool kids do these days.
But not pvp!

Power Ranger on sPvP... it sucks!

in Ranger

Posted by: robertul.3679


Now try shadow arts p/d thief and make a thread about that one sucking too! Or PU mesmer!

Backpack's Shoutbow Guide

in Warrior

Posted by: robertul.3679


I can’t believe he didn’t mention intel arcing arrow. I know it’s warrior basic stuff but new players might not know about it and it’s a huge part of the dps.