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PvP Condi Beast Master ??

in Ranger

Posted by: robertul.3679


Devourer is bad animal.
If you go beast master you might as well trait in nature magic for the silly “Guard!” shout. It gives your pet much more sustain than the line ironically called “beastmastery” does. It also gives you perma regen.
You will end up with a decent build for what it does(sustain) but it’s simply outclassed by wars/eles that also give boons to the team.

cleric guardian runes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Mercy runes. Gotta rez them noobs cuz they go down with their glasscannon yolo builds.

Mortar Shall become a Kit in HoT

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s not like the only drawback of mortar was the stationary aspect of it. It still deals bad damage.
I can see some uses if they keep the stability part while giving the user mobility.

Racial skills in dungeons/fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Unblockable chill from avatar of grenth for grawl shaman and whatnot.
Pretty decent immobilize from grasping vines and avatar of melandru.
Technobabble for instant cast daze. The elite golems to tank stuff for you.
Snow leopard gives decent stealth should you ever need that for some reason.

somewhat new to guardian in fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Well hammer is nice because you can use the holy trinity of afk-ing.
Hammer guard, phalanx war, staff ele.
Rotations are:
For guard: 1111111.
War: 235111111.
Ele: 251111111.
Second ele: see above.
Thief: 51111..eventually 222.
Easy rotations, dps isn’t absolute top but it’s high enough on the effort/reward scale.

Impact on PVP with no stats from traits

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


I would be more worried about overpowered adept and master traits. Like elemental shielding!

As for stats they are more of a nice bonus than build-defining. What’s really important is boon/condition duration and especially class mechanic cooldown from last line that might make a real difference.

[Pro Tip] How to have a mechanical advantage

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


You say it works on any skill that has animation and cast time.
Well go ahead and try it on ranger longbow skills like point blank shot which is very similar to pin down regarding animation and cast time(faster though).

Also worth mentioning conjure weapon skills, engi kits etc. can’t be stowed.

Berserker Meta Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


What a stupid idea.

When will berserker amulet be fixed?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yes when thieves gank me at 30% hp with panic strike it’s pure skill and it all comes from mastering the power of the amulet.
Medi guard dies in a few blows. They only got focus block, aegis, stability, blinds, heal block, invulnerability elite that also heals them.. Really paper build.
Troll harder.

Hahaha xD bhurt from thieves

If you don’t destroy the focus block, you are going to have a bad time, so in a way you really should be dishing out damage to a blocking guard. The focus block explosion hurts.

You don’t have to CC a berserker to finish them off. They die just as well with stability on xD

Aegis is 1 shot thing, which goes away even if they have focus shield/shelter/elite so it really IS 1-2 hit thing xD

All in all, you need to learn to play. I mean sure, if you are a thief, you’re probably going to have a hard time against mediguard. However you need to acknowledge the fact that mediguard’s sole purpose is to counter other berserkers. It completely flops vs any other semi-bunker build.

Cry harder

You post is basically a mash of and “cri harder”. It makes you seem dumb. You probably are.

give ascended equipment ability to stat swap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


I doubt you a good player if you play cleric guard lol

When will berserker amulet be fixed?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yes when thieves gank me at 30% hp with panic strike it’s pure skill and it all comes from mastering the power of the amulet.
Medi guard dies in a few blows. They only got focus block, aegis, stability, blinds, heal block, invulnerability elite that also heals them.. Really paper build.
Troll harder.

When will berserker amulet be fixed?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s pretty broken and that fact is obvious because it’s the default amulet of most meta builds. It’s just so prevalent.
Guardians, mesmers, necromancers, rangers, thieves all use it as part of their meta build.
Heck, even warriors and elementalists have very strong builds that use it.

Will it ever be toned down to be more in line with celestial? I mean celestial is only usable on warrior, engineer, elementalist and perhaps rangers. That’s 3/8 compared to 5/8.

Maybe buff celestial so the other classes can benefit from it.

Even before turrets, fix slick shoes.

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


- Healing Turret. tends to be more effective than it should be and is an unjustifiably fast cast huge heal.

- Their damage in celestial is incredibly potent even without the need for might stacking. Its an unusual circumstance to have as much fire power and defense without a huge reliance on boons to make up for weaker stats. There is much to be said about Engineers ability to pull of Celestial while other classes cannot, the issue isn’t the amulet itself but perhaps a base-to-coefficient issue for engineer abilities.

- They have absurd cover, a single (unblockable) grenade can apply something like 6-7 conditions in a single throw. That cover begins to extend to the point of uncounterable, especially since most full-cleanses have really long cooldowns and grenades frequently stack amazing condition pressure.

ALL of that said, a nerf doesn’t have to hit like a rocket turret (hehe). Minor adjustments across the board could fairly easily fix some of these issues without deleting the engineer in the process, so long as it isn’t handled like the Turret “nerf”.

Some GENERAL IDEAS (don’t think too deeply into this)
- Reduce Confusion on Pry Bar to 4.
- Increase cast time of Healing Turret to 1 second.
- Frost grenade is no longer unblockable.
- Either Net shot or OCS gain a .5 second semi-noticable cast. (If net, increase the missile speed)
- Rework IP to something more active.

And this doesn’t have to be without buffs, sure, add a bit of condi removal in replace for some needed tone-downs, and in the long run, people start being happier and when the dust settles, Engineer will still be just fine, just like Hambow was after an arguably much harsher nerf.


Heal turret is a nice heal but you can still prevent it unlike..I don’t know..heal signet? Signet of restoration? Also it’s the only condition removal beside rng transmute so many times engis are forced to burn it just to remove condis.
What grenade applies 6-7 conditions?
Freeze grenade isn’t unblockable.
Net shot is only arguably undodgeable in melee. And that has to do with the fact that for some reason the net animation begins to be visible after around 100 range or so.

Nemesis 101 ranked game marathon

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Nemesis has been wrong about pretty much everything so far.
But I have to admit he makes some valid points.

Food =)

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


I’d like to propose the idea to add consumables to pvp. Namely harpy feathers.
I think having on demand stealth on 5s cooldown would really help to add a great deal of versatility to this dull meta.


Pls increase ele base HP

in Elementalist

Posted by: robertul.3679


A simple increase by 50%. lol

Yup! turret nerf inc!

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s not like turrets were useful in pve or wvw to start with.

(edited by robertul.3679)

What's up with the water

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


I noticed this a while back but for some reason I didn’t post so whatever.
There is a lot of excess water near the svanir area in forest and near the waterfall in legacy.
So what is up with that?

[suggestion] Gate Ranked games

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


So you suggest if I buy a second account I should have to be forced to hotjoin my way to ranked with every class?

Food =)

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


I’d like to propose the idea to add consumables to pvp. Namely harpy feathers.
I think having on demand stealth on 5s cooldown would really help to add a great deal of versatility to this dull meta.

Why are there so Few Sheild Wielding Engis?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


I really enjoy watching people mashing their buttons with no judgement at all.
Great video!
Oh as for shield it’s used a lot for condi builds. It’s better than offhand pistol because it defends you! But blowtorch is so strong dps some people go yolo mode to get them deeps going.

to much stealth and teleports?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


You say you losing motivation but still use a smiley face which makes me believe you see the light at the end of this tunnel. Good for you. I can’t wait till thieves and mesmers are out of the pvp meta either!

Necromancer: Close to Death trait

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yea man 5 vuln stacks are totally comparable to 20% flat damage increase.
I like the super speed idea though. That’s what necros do best. Run like little kittenes.

How long can you survie as a moa?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Moa is dodgeable, blockable, blindable and a huge cooldown. It’s one of the most risky skills. It is obvious it should be rewarding. Even so, it’s pretty easy to survive as a moa if your team bothers to peel for you.
Just use normal dodges to avoid stuff and skill 5 when you are immobilized.

Turrets will get nerfed

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


“the effectiveness of turret engineer is something we’re looking into very closely right now”
That doesn’t mean it’s a nerf. For all we know it means they might even buff them cuz they are considered not effective enough in top tier play.
New trait: Turrets unbound- turrets now follow the engineer.

Power Necro 4/0/4/0/6 Build for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


How is staff a condi build weapon more than power? Except fear which can be traited for it doesn’t have much going in the condition department. Chill isn’t a damaging condition, transfers don’t scale with your stats so it basically only has 2 silly bleed stacks and some poison(which is more utility than dps to negate heals and whatnot).

The auto scales with power. It’s even better in power builds than in condition because necro spends most of the time autoattacking.
Axe range is a joke and will force you to position badly.
Staff is purely for utility/kiting/range pressure. That’s why it’s used in all the builds.

GW2 All-time fanasy team. Who is your 5?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Thief Cruuk
Necro Vingador
Engineer Oli E
Thief2 Teomoun
Guard Tharrius

Feeling helpless in PvP...

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Engi doesn’t counter thief unless it’s condi and you hit static shield and such.

I don’t understand how your split works. You send 1 close 1 far 3 mid? And enemy does the exact same thing? Like every single time?
Are you sure they aren’t just going 1 close 4 mid and with your split you force a temporary 3v4 at the mid?

Also don’t assume your close guy can win the 1v1 if they push for it. Maybe he is a mesmer and the enemy thief just lol shortbow spam him to death.

It’s better to just +1 him to end it quickly then you can both snowball to mid and have a 5v4 situation on your side, which can guarantee a double cap at start. Then you can either match numbers depending on how they react or just simply push far with 2 and hope they are stupid enough to get farmed the whole match. You could also go straight to far after helping close but considering the respawn you will just get 2v2 on their node and that’s a bad thing to do!

why do people spam in down state #1?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Because except the situation where an ally stealths you, it’s a good thing to do.
You keep the enemy in combat longer and certain downstates are pretty strong. The engineer one can stack a lot of chill which if they can’t remove it makes it very hard for them to run to another place and if they do remove it maybe they waste an important cooldown for that.
Also necro traited downstate.

New Engineer Player Here

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Except healing turret which is simply the best most turrets are useless or situational.
The net turret is amazing in certain situations to almost permanently immobilize a target along with net shot from rifle.
Thumper toolbelt is a blast finisher that allows you to use it out of combat without wasting an otherwise important cooldown.
Rifle turret is used in static discharge builds sometimes.

Power Necro 4/0/4/0/6 Build for PvP?

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


No stunbreaks on the most easily focused class, especially after the life force at start nerf.
No condi removal except a long cast easy to interrupt skill that also is your heal.
3s of protection won’t save you. Soul comprehension is a nice passive but it’s not worth building around it at all.

Oh and you severely lack ranged pressure. Staff may not be much but it has crazy life force generation. Axe range is a joke and only works to kite pure melee with no gap closers which honestly doesn’t even exist.

You will get targeted, chain immobilized and stunned and you won’t be able to do anything about it because you are right in their face with that silly 600 range axe has.

Condi or power for silverwastes farm?

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


You won’t tag as much with condi as with power.
Also don’t ever take advice from map chat, especially on silverwastes lol

Best solo pve spec to level?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Also use power-focused gear. And a sigil of bloodlust is cheap and goes a long way.

[Suggestions] Improval of life.

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Protective shield shouldn’t have the cooldown reduced but the protection duration buffed to 10s and merged with protection injection. In alchemy of course.

Inventions line is supposed to be useless just like blood magic is for necros. Just let it be.


in Ranger

Posted by: robertul.3679


You can stack over 10 bleeds by just autoattacking without considering traits/sigils/food buffs. The only counterplay to that is facing the ranger otherwise everybody will just crumble and die to auto spam.

Making Spirit Weapons Viable

in Guardian

Posted by: robertul.3679


They shouldn’t be viable in pvp at least. We have enough braindead npc builds with all those turret engis and whatnot.

New player, Ele - what is this "meta"?

in Elementalist

Posted by: robertul.3679


Meta is a combination of popularity and effectiveness. What the community as a whole considers “the best”.
There are plenty of alternatives to it.

For example in pve d/f isn’t meta because scepter LH builds deal more damage and most people just stack might and swap to staff these days.

In pvp it’s a viable anternative to d/d cele but it offers less heal, giving projectile mitigation and invuln as a tradeoff. it’s a viable choice nonetheless. There is also a zerker fresh air variant of it.

Rifle problems

in Warrior

Posted by: robertul.3679


If rifle on war would be the same dps as power ranger every ranger would reroll to it because it has stances and other defensive stuff while being naturally tanky.

PvE build looking for feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: robertul.3679


Besides what miku said runes of rage are a decent choice and extremely cheap. Between for great justice and rage signet you should have perma fury.

Celestial Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: robertul.3679


Even if you dont like speedruns zerker longbow ranger is pretty strong. Also ascended weapons benefit zerker more than condi.
As for celestial I could imagine a trapper build of sorts working to a certain extent.

Well known Warrior says this is not cheat

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


It doesn’t matter if it’s a good tactic or not. It’s obviously unintended.

Stronghold caters to mobility classes?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


You can get enough mobility with travelers and greatsword is just amazing to group up and kill the enemy npcs. Now if you wanna roleplay condi guard then that’s another story.

The new engineer meta build for sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


@CallousEye: Experimental turrets for a much lower vigor uptime than invigorating speed?Basically a grandmaster trait just for your heal? Strength over hoelbrak? I will assume you are trolling.

Also maybe actually check my build since I also have energized armor so it isn’t “better power” unless you assume rune/amulet choices which I already stated are optional/preference.

How is battle sigil more might stack than a spammable blast finisher on flamethrower while having 2 fire fields?

@ choovanski: Mine is horribly bad. Self regulating defenses will either kill you or get you decapped.

Obviously protection injection is better than stabilized armor but that’s not the point. Stabilized is less trait investment despite being 20% vs 33% damage reduction. This lets you go into tools for 50% vigor uptime. Dodging is better than protection tanking. It also helps against conditions which hurt engineer the most.

Sooo if I wanted to .....

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


If you hate grenades go bombs. If you hate bombs too then you might as well use whatever else you want because you won’t deal damage.

One profession per match

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


You were on turret engi for multiple hours yesterday, queueing ranked. Here you said you were on it because of a mistake during rerolling. That’s not true. Hence a lie.
Stating facts is rude? I never called you a liar though so read harder!

Also I deeply regret not having a screenshot of when you started thrash talking your team that they don’t rotate properly while you camped the node with your npcs. Hilarious as well.

Solo queu

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Also premades vs pugs is irrelevant if the pugs are good and the premades are bad.
“But what if they equal skill level?” Well you said matchmaking is broken so same skill level would be impossible to occur.

f#@$ing rangers!!!!!!!!!! :'(

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


I see anet logo. Nice. Would you imply you 1v2 those? Cuz it seems highly unlikely. Did the wrong wolf chill them to death? There is a reason people take the regular boring wolf over white fang. It’s the overpowered fear.

I love PvP but Anet, realise the problem..

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


The real problem is when people face this abomination they act kittened.
Instead of going d/f or staff ele and spawn camping the respawns they just give up.
Or worse. They reroll necro because kitten kitten necro counters engi right?
It’s not an impossible to beat comp.

I keep hearing that people participating in tournaments think 5 turret is OP but they don’t use it because it’s shameful. I honestly doub that’s the case. A winning comp will be played no matter how cheesy it’s considered.

The only thing everybody seems to refuse to admit is that if you face more than 2 turret engis you gotta start counter-comping. Reroll something with stability, sustain, aoe. Spawn camp the respawns before they reach the node. Simply killing rocket turret is often enough.

But when you manage to facetank 2 turrets and their crates by the magic of celestial and your team just dies around you and never cleaves the downed..well..

One profession per match

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


The reason why I am playing a turret engi on that shot is because I made a mistake during rerolling and ended up with a character I was last playing six months ago.

This is extremely hilarious.
First of all you are obviously lying. Unless you made that “mistake” for a few hours of perpetual turret engineer play. Throwing my games too.

Secondly this is funny because a turret engi is complaining about turret engis. That’s pure gold man. Gold I tell you!

My Teef S/D (anti-engi) condi build & video

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Just like condi guard it’s great to troll engis but not amazing otherwise. Zerker builds that work have a fair tradeoff between the dps you put out(as in burst) and the sustain/range you have.