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[PvE] Ranger PuG Fractal Build?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


To be honest you should just bite the bullet and play another class.

But if you insist on ranger replace the longbow with an offhand dagger for an extra evade.
Longbow is nice single target burst to open up or to finish a fight. It’s not that nice when the fight is dragged out by your party’s super low dps.

Also you can use greatsword if the sword root becomes a problem but at this point you are compromising so much already.

Just reroll if you plan to pug fractals.

Cheers Nightmare!

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


I got matched against their 3-man queue once while soloing. It was sad.
It ended like 500-450 for them if I’m not mistaken. It was sad because we got kinda bad pugs on both sides.
Also nightmare had this weird greatsword roleplay build.

Staff Play

in Guardian

Posted by: robertul.3679


But..staff is part of the bunker guard build. Some may say it fell off meta but it’s still strong.

Mace or hammer in fractal ? DPS meta guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: robertul.3679


Hammer is used for protection. If you don’t need it just go with sword. Mace might be more theoretical dps but in the end you will be the guy blamed for yet another area retaliation.

Good Zerker Ranger Build for Arah?

in Ranger

Posted by: robertul.3679


Ideally you go sword/axe+longbow.

In unorganized groups where you need to sustain yourself because your team doesn’t do it for you sword/axe+offhand dagger is fine. Or offhand warhorn if your group lacks fury. Greatsword is really not good damage.

Offhand skills can be used to cancel the sword root which is also beneficial in the whole not dying thing.

Oh and you have traited spirits but no frost spirit. I guess that’s a mistake and not deliberate.

The sword problem, how can it be fixed?

in Ranger

Posted by: robertul.3679


The argument from anet is that it’s strong in pvp.

It’s not strong in pvp.

celestial gear

in Elementalist

Posted by: robertul.3679


Cele is very strong in pvp because of the limited combinations from amulets. You can’t mix and match like in pve/wvw. Your best bet is to do this mix via trinkets to get a combo you are comfortable with.

Defend the Engi - Dungeons

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Get to 80 before you do dungeons and get some proper gear and trait setup too.
I’m tired of people qqing about a class before they have any idea how to play it and aren’t even max level.

Request a Personal Stylist

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Sadly the futuristic look will most likely clash with the hobosacks badly.
I would recommend a more old timey/steampunk theme.
Rogue, duelist, krytan, rubicon chest pieces fit really nicely. You can tech it up with some monocle/starting engi helm etc.

Kit refinement is pretty good!

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Going with 2 people to animal at start, losing mid just for some random stability, 3v1 turret at mid, double cap it afterwards, 2v1 some suiciding ele close..then proceed to 3v1 and 2v1 at mid and close for the whole match.
Pretty standard gameplay I suppose.

[VIDEO] Beating the #1 EU Turret engi

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


To be honest turret engi leaderboard farming is pretty effective. You AFK whole match doing whatever you want and then still gain something from it.
It’s basically anet-approved botting.

Engineer's grenades outdistance rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


How can shrinking yourself makes you invulnerable? Shouldn’t you be more squishy?
How can you even shrink yourself? You can’t shrink atoms! The only way would be to reduce the number of them. That would totally break the geometry.
How do our characters even survive without constant food or sleep?
What is the meaning of life?

Nerf Celestial Already

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


What’s the 4th profession that uses celestial effectively?

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


Dude it’s like…ye know..easy. Each guild may have certain rules. Since repping is a guild mechanic of sorts every guild takes a position regarding it.

Some go “no rep needed” or “rep from time to time” or “we want to be your main guild” or “100% rep no exceptions omg!”. Or whatever.
There are plenty of no representation guilds. Before you thrasing their rules please go and join one of those and see how dead it looks.

The issue with 100% representation guilds is that they tend to be these huge conglomerates or 500-something people that have literally nothing in common because the guild has been recruiting spamming stupid map chat texts of “pvp/pve/wvw/world boss tour/fractals/farming everybody welcome” when they actually can only do world bosses and even that ineffectively.

AFK on purpose

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Your topic doesn’t provide anything meaningful either. You try to form it as a question of sorts. Like you wonder what’s the people’s opinion on this.
What do you think people think about it? Well, I can’t speak for others but I totally think it’s cool when people go afk mid match to spite me.
For real?
Also there is a report for “hacking”. It’s called “botting”. Bad wording I know, but rather obvious otherwise.

[VIDEO] Beating the #1 EU Turret engi

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


If they gonna add leaderboards for pve mobs based on how many players they kill then there would be no actual players in top 100.
Well, congrats for winning against rank farmers! Quite a feat! I guess I should have recorded my solo vs 5 premade win! More useless thread incoming!

Pushy Guild Representation - Right or Wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


You accept the guild rules you stay in the guild. You don’t accept their rules you leave.
Why the kitten is this a thread??

Engi and Dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


Don’t pug! Get friends or whatever. The quality of pugs in NA is pure kitten. On EU there are still some decent ones but rather scarce.

Proposal: Making worldbosses less lame

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Can you guys stop dissing on guang? I mean you forum heroes seem to forget the contribution he had to the game pve-wise.
Dps guardian instead of that stupid “anchor”? Staff ele? Countless other builds?

On topic: He is right. The main problem with open world content is that because it’s open world it has to be balanced around the average nomad staff guard casual. Making every properly geared/traited person useless in the countless sea of randoms. Instanced content would take care of that by letting one pick who he/she teams up with.

This would open up the posibility of actually challenging content instead of the “well our playerbase is bad so we have to make easy open world content”.

AFK on purpose

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yes. Accepting a queue pop is the same as signing a real life contract. To be honest, anet should just send the cops to your home and take you to jail for afking. Top logic mate.

[VIDEO] Beating the #1 EU Turret engi

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Amazing. You beat both turret AND premade.
I once 1v5 some moas in queensdale. They were premade moas too! Maybe I go make video of that.

Dungeon LFGers way to picky.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yea man you are like a kittening hero carrying them underlevel necro minion masters through dungeons.
Most people don’t want to do that. Now can you stop ego tripping on this useless thread? It’s basically an opinion statement and nothing more. It adds nothing, it contributes nothing.

A Discussion on Sigil Balance (Doom/Energy)

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Half of meta uses cele? It’s only 3 classes. You could then say half of the meta uses zerk so zerk needs nerf too!
Energy isn’t as strong as you say. It’s a sacrifice you make by not taking another sigil. Be it fire/air, leeching, geomancy, intel etc.
Doom is just an answer to the sustainy meta.
Do you want them to nerf everything to make stupid kitten like hobbling viable?

dummies can't pvp, this is how to.

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Rule #9000: Run a non meta build when you don’t even know how to pvp to begin with. Auto win

Well… For example when you play engi, it’s better to get used to pvp using a p/s rabid build instead of the meta cele one. Or playing a PU mesmer istead of a shatter mesmer. You see the idea.

Except p/s rabid is pretty meta.

Do Not Nerf Turret Engi

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Is this the pvp you really want?
With the constant buffing and adjusting of “popular but subpar” builds like venomshare(which got countless buffs) and turret engi they are both slowly creeping into viability. They are not there yet but they are rather close.

I ask you again! Is this the pvp you want? Venomshare thieves and turret engis?

Your mighty nerfhammer slowly murdered minion necro. It was a tedious yet glorious victory of player against AI!
It is that time again. To rise and murder this atrocity! It does not matter it’s weak. Like the great philosopher Spinoza said “kill it before it lays eggs”.

Revenant is celestial in a nutshell

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


It always confused people as to why ANET didn’t nerf the horribly imba celestial for so long. And when they finally did they nerfed only things tangential to it. Like the might nerf that hurt everything else more than cele builds.
Basically it forced other builds that might stacked to be subpar and made celestial the only viable choice by pushing the rest out of the meta.

It is almost like nerfing a boon like stability to push the bunker guards out of the meta to make space for our new hybrid overlords. Oh wait they totally will do that!

Revenant and celestial:
1) Hybrid type damage, more pressure than burst check.
2)Strong sustain via condi removal or boons check.
3)Good team support check.

tl;dr They loved the celestial so much they made it into a class.

Thief SPvP S/D- P/D

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


People may disagree all they want but this is way better than the decapitation build I was blessed to know in my NA adventures.

Edit: Oh and did anybody notice the whole “why do people under level 80 enter pvp?” ? Hilarious.

(edited by robertul.3679)

Why Assassins's?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Vulnerability is more important than might because it’s harder to come by and sustain and it also stacks multiplicatively with other percentage modifiers.
With the recent might nerf berserker might be better than assassin anyway. The difference wasn’t so large. Assassin brings your damage to more consistent values since you get more crits. It also procs more vuln and bleeds.

IP and accelerant-packed turrets

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Like doom, leeching, both shield skills, toolkit block etc. Not that hard to add a buff icon.

As for kit refinement..well it was slowly murdered just like dhuumfire. Namely the grenade barrage and super elixir being replaced and the huge 20s cooldown slapped in too. I don’t remember much from the time it was popular but I think they didn’t share a global cooldown either.

Engineer in PvE

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


So you guys basically repeating what I said except putting ranger above warrior.
Guardian dps fluctuates a lot depending of UC uptime. Just like mesmer dps with phantasms.
You can’t add team dps contribution to personal dps. Like saying “well X stacks 15 vuln so it has 15% more dps than Y because Y doesn’t stack any vuln”. That’s crazy! Yes, team dps is always considered but it has no place in dps rankings!

Also axe warrior is stronger than gs war but people still wanna roleplay their twilight/eternity. If you add seaweed to axe(which you can’t with gs) it’s even more obvious which one wins. They used to be close as seen by the hybrid rotation of swapping both to maintain optimal dps.

Now on topic:
The meta engi build is 66002 and has been posted over and over again. There are still some debates regarding adept and master traits. Namely empowering adrenaline vs shrapnel, short fuse vs explosive powder, fireforge trigger vs rifle mod vs hair trigger.

Given that most fights are short(less than 10s, never more than 15s with very few exceptions) direct modifiers tend to win. So empowering adrenaline, explosive powder are better. The only real debate is fireforge trigger vs rifle mod but I personally believe fireforge is better because of easier rotation and more blast finishers.
Keep in mind that dodge bomb deals more damage than grenade auto. I’m not sure if it’s worth it to dodge instead of auto but given that it happens anyway in real fights you pretty much have the benefit of empowering adrenaline.

Now I shall let the bomb roleplayers bash and thrash talk about how you totally cap vuln on bosses without grenades and precise sights!

IP and accelerant-packed turrets

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Dhuumfire changes weren’t only “skillful play” by moving them to ds auto. They basically killed the trait.

Engineer in PvE

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


A lot of missinformation flying around as usual.
Dps rankings usually go by tiers because of the variables.
Highest dps is ele and thief depending on how long the fight is and how big is the target. Thief shines in short fights against smaller targets while ele is strong against larger/multiple targets. The thief is slightly ahead but for all purposes they pretty much the same dps.
Then engi and warrior have comparable dps depending on how much your conditions matter and how good are your rotations. Engineer is slightly ahead though.
Then mesmer and guard is variable given special circumstances like unscathed and phantasm uptime.
Necro and ranger are “who cares” tier.

How to fight celestial engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


If you get hit by Overcharged Shot, you lose!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

Only if shadowstep is on cooldown or not on your skillbar.

Thief has a decent chance against cele engi. It dies instantly to condi but cele is more or less fair matchup.
Just try to shortbow auto a lot. Their range options are pretty bad so they will try to get close. Kiting with shortbow is a legit tactic to pressure while denying their counterpressure.

“Go in for the kill” or so to speak when you see them go defensive. Just take a hit and run tactic by pressuring and kiting. They will miss everything if you aren’t close and constantly moving which forces them to resort to autoattacking which is very low dps.
Basically try to outplay them.

Updated Spvp To Do List

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


I support this.

Nerf Turret engi already?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


words words words

Yes net shot is a better immobilize than dark pact.
Now that we can pick random skills from different classes to compare. Why doesn’t engi get an instant cast fear on a 20s cooldown? Or 2 condi transfers?
Or deathshroud? Call it exoskeletical tank suit!

PvP - Full of anger and insuling...

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


From what i understand:

Pic1: there were multiple downed people on both sides and somebody from your team didn’t stomp/finish an enemy which resulted in a lost team fight.
Pic2:Someone went to kill animal and as a result the team fight was outnumbered in enemy’s favor. And apparently after that someone mockingly said “you can thank me” for the npc kill.
Pic3:A lord push was needed to win and that push almost failed because not all players were present despite it being announced and even blinked on the minimap.

The language and attitude is bad, the reasons might not be.

Stronghold is skyhammer 2.0

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yes I simply can’t imagine people queueing separately. I mean they would sure miss the surprise factor of it all without multiple choices.
Skyham has lasers stronghold doesn’t so it’s totally different! Just like temple has buffs and legacy has doors and khylo has treb so it’s like totally different game mode! Jeez.

Stronghold is skyhammer 2.0

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


“We might see new builds in stronghold like permanent stealth builds to stealth doorbreakers and heroes.”
“One thing we have noticed while testing is that people started bringing a lot more control and stability skills in their builds. Underutilized skills like the Thief’s Needle Trap, Tripwire and Scorpion Wire or the Engineer’s Magnetic Bomb and Personal Battering Ram, now suddenly have real lethal potential.”
Now instead of 5 engi rerolls we get 5 thief rerolls.

“One of the goals for Stronghold was to put more gameplay in the map.”
“From a design perspective, the PvP team really wanted to create a super-weapon map where your team fights to control it so they can control the map.”

“People who have played this map already have been more excited about playing PvP. Skyhammer has a really dynamic, old-school feel; like a Quake map.”
Sadly I can’t find a quote for stronghold being a MOBA copy-paste.

Have you learned nothing ANET? More gimmicks less pvp?

Also despite being a totally different game mode(more so than courtyard and skyhammer) you add it to the same queue as others. Same queue!
I know you don’t want to fragmentate your precious player-base but this basically killed activities in the past. For no reason.

God forbid players do different things and not everybody the same thing! God forbid!

You do know many players still doublecap nodes and die at svanir right? Oh boy I’m sure those guys will totally do fine in a map with such complex mechanics!
Maybe I go full premade to 500-0 pugs like a popular streamer does.

(edited by robertul.3679)

What about nerfing turrets ?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


I literally only met one halfway decent turret engi(the one from the esports rocket vid) and he was still losing the fight. Yes the homing on rocket is stupidly broken but it’s really not a huge deal.
Turret engi is basically not a huge deal. Killing them is like taking out the garbage. It has the whole “aww man I gotta do this AGAIN” kinda vibe to it. A mere nuissance.

Turret engi too strong

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yes turret engi is one of the strongest engineer specs in the game hence why it has been part of the tournaments for quite a while now. But there are ways around it.
If the enemy has only 1 turret engi just outrotate it. Play other nodes.

If there are multiple turret engis you might have to reroll.
The best thing to counter turret engi is cele ele staff with earth’s embrace. It’s one of those builds that you can go 12345 then swap attunements forever and still be quite effective. Just meteor shower with stability up and the turrets are gone.

If you don’t want to go easymode staff ele you can always just exploit the general engi weakness. Condi removal and cc vulnerability. Both soft and hard cc work. Turret has no disengage potential.
After you killed it, try to remember respawn time and go engange it before it gets to a node. You either force them to drop turrets on the way or just die. Neither is good for it.
Note: I say “it” cuz I don’t consider them actual humans.

I can't handle this no more...

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s pretty obvious that just like your turrets, your hobosacks count as a target for the enemy. Hence you generate more threat.
Maybe do you run fire/air sigil or static discharge? Forceful explosives? Anything that makes you tag more stuff?
Maybe you don’t dodge stuff! Maybe you don’t blind stuff!
Anyway, you can take perma vigor and pistol/shield and toolkit. Maybe an energy sigil. If you still die then maybe play the other classes you say you can afk auto with.

Throw rock

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


The warrior throws a hammer not a rock.

Armor in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


The reason I keep hearing people say this requirement even exists is to prevent players from going naked. Which is stupid anyway.

Sigil of Geomancy?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Hydromancy has its uses as an on demand chill and secondary sigil. Grenth doesn’t because it has the same condition damage as balthazar but instead of giving +45% strong and damaging burn duration it gives 30% of mostly useless chill. You see there is a difference between chill on demand and rng chill.
People take hydromancy for the chill not for the damage. Chill which only really hurts eles and gives you some chasing potential which you don’t really lack as engi with pulls, immobilizes, your very own chill grenade and 1500 range.

I have no idea what people in hotjoin use these days but i doubt there is so much cleansing going around to constantly remove conditions. Yes there are still eles, shoutbows and whatnot but balthazar is pretty much the strongest option for a condi engi right now.

Again, I said hydromancy is good just because of the chill. That’s the whole point. Nobody takes it for the whatever damage it does.

Fixes/Balancing Wishlist BEFORE HoT

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Don’t you dare touch the freaking grenades.

what if they overhauled grenadier and the base kit to make it have less of a discrepancy between traited and untraited

ie make grenadier a +15% damage and +25% range trait, nerf the base hits by 15%, and make it throw 3 untraited

or would condi engi just go completely bonkers since they would only go 4 in explosives…

So that’s basicall a nerf. Grenadier is fine the way it is. The normal grenade kit is not. It’s a grandmaster trait that feels like a grandmaster. You basically specialize in that kit to make it from mundane to amazing.

If they added similar things to other kits and weapons with the same basic idea in mind it would be good. Like people who run bombs take short fuse/forceful explosives. Maybe they can merge those 2 into a grandmaster called bombmaster or whatever. You know, the kind of thing that makes you say “ok i spent 6 trait points but it was worth it” not “meh, there is just nothing else to take really”.

Grenades have been nerfed time and time again. From base damage to poison duration to shrapnel nerf recently. Enough is enough.

Thank you for listening

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


After people have cried and wept about lack of real pve content that’s challenging they have finally listened. No more doing the same stacking and skipping either. It’s finally done and it’s soon to come! Guaranteed to please both dungeon runners but also the anti-meta crowd.

Example adventure shown – using a flamethrower to kill mobs/vines. This particular adventure require a certain amount of vines to be torched within the time limit to win.
Getting good at this adventure requires quick reflexes, good memory of the vine locations, and avoiding the Mordrem trolls that are trying to disrupt you.
It’s basically a sub 5 lupi.

The hopes of the guy only known as the Hoodied Neckbeard Thug of “pve that’s not gonna be terrible” were not in vain.

Fixes/Balancing Wishlist BEFORE HoT

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Don’t you dare touch the freaking grenades.

Sigil of Geomancy?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Grenth rune lel. Bleeds are cover condis? Since when? Bleeds used to cover cripple? Bad troll is bad.

Yea you gotta chill them enemies. They can’t run away when chilled. Too bad they got nothing to run away from because you deal 0 damage. Who needs crazy burn uptime when you got chills. Hydromancy is another story and it has its uses.

Bleeds do get cleansed and that’s why geomancy is good among other reasons. More applying potential. More stacks, more sources. More overall bleeds. Bleeds, surprisingly to nobody but you, deal damage. A lot.

To restate the obvious. Geomancy is mandatory. The 2nd sigil can be leeching, doom or energy if you really need it. Energy is not mandatory/needed in any way but I admit it can help.

Another nice choice for the 2nd sigil is torment. The damage it deals is quite weak but it’s another condi that ticks away and also covers the rest giving you access to every condition except fear(and reliable immobilize if you don’t have bomb/offhand pistol).

Did I mention geomancy has no counterplay? It’s a reliable way to get some damage done to a fast moving target like thief!

tl;dr Some sigils have dominated pvp for a while now. Geomancy, doom, battle, intelligence and strictly for zerker specs fire and air. They are the best choices in various builds.

(edited by robertul.3679)

Warrior or Engi?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s funny how you try to compare classes but use race as a big part of your agument. Funny, yet silly.

Hammer and flying bots confirmed for Engie!

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


The flying bots are probably just another visual enhancing thing for artistic purposes. Like that polearm also present in the trailer.
I don’t really care for the hammer if they remove the hobosacks that’s all the specialization I would ever need.