Showing Posts For robertul.3679:

Waiting for Q pop is so boring...

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


The map chat can be quite entertaining if you engage them with a wise remark like “when they gonna nerf these op rangers?” or “why isn’t the stealth mechanic removed already?”.

Engineer Builds good for 2v2

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


They didn’t win, but in this bed one, Wuilja went with a thief

And I know at least one tourney an engi+mesmer won.
That’s all the solid info i have.

It’s not really solid since the videos are very old.

Some guy from ...

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Are you really offended by lame insults like “your mom” and “virgin get a girlfriend”? Really? I know the game is ages 12 and up but still.

Sigil of Geomancy?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s the best for condi builds in pvp.

Stealth and Projectiles

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yea it would be nice to cloak and dagger on the pets every rapid fire to deny all dps.

Hammer Build for 40 & 50 Daily Fractals

in Guardian

Posted by: robertul.3679


Between skale venom that gives half the hits you take half the damage they normally would, permanent protection from hammer and if you want to go full afk mode signet of judgement you should be pretty safe. You can take focus+x(sword if you want blind/mace for block) as the second weapon set. You also get 2 aegis(es?), an invuln..basically you shouldn’t really die. Now if your whole team wipes while you survive in zerker gear in melee range..then get a better team!

I do not understand AN & engi.

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Kits do scale with weapon rarity(don’t quote me on it though but I’m 90% sure) and also you shouldn’t camp grenades in any game mode. Rifle is a big damage gain through jump shot which hits like a truck and also blunderbuss. Oh and toolbelt skills scale with the active weapon so you should ideally use grenade barrage for example with your rifle out to benefit the most.

Regarding point 2. Yes hobosacks suck and we all hate them and people complain for like 2.5years but anet don’t care cuz they too busy to make griffon mail effects.

Does our CC need to be nerfed?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


They both high risk high reward skills to various extents with overcharge shot being riskier. You self-knock when you launch.

Yes, it’s shorter duration than enemy but in team fights it gives the other team a chance to dps you pretty hard. It’s perfectly balanced the way it is. If it had any animation(please not the kitten swirling white lines of pindown/air blast/point blank shot all over again!) they would need to remove the self-knock. Oh and it bugs out a lot unless you directly face your target.

Slick shoes risk stands in wasting it for nothing against a target that has teleport/stability/invuln etc. Yes when it connects it’s basically 3s of dps spam but otherwise it’s just a wasted cooldown. And the risk to waste it is a lot even without the previously mentioned things.

You kinda need to circle around your target to get it right and the more you do that the less you benefit from its actual effects.

PvP Match Manipulation

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Why are you so mad about some patchwork knapsacks with green armor inside them? You want blue weird bird finisher?

PvP Feeding

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


22. While participating in Plaver-vs-Player (PvP) gameplay, you will not participate in any form of match manipulation. Match manipulation is defined as any action taken to fix or manipulate the outcome of a match or alter or manipulate the rankings or ratings of the ladder. This also includes disrupting other people’s game experience by not actively participating in matches in good faith, a.k.a leeching.

Does this leeching include playing full signet bearbow, turret engi, venomshare thief, pu mesmer and condi guard?

Remove foefire from map choice....

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Remove all maps except khylo. Remove treb from khylo. Done. Esports. Endgame.

Stronghold will fail.

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


This argument about not being able to see anything is kind of bad. If you have trouble figuring out what’s happening that’s user error.

If you’re talking about spectators then that’s even worse. Why would you even consider balancing a game around outside spectators.

Stop it with your esports. It won’t happen.

Can’t tell if trolling or

Besides arguing with idiotic things like “wvw is better cuz it has gear progression” you also mention that if you have trouble figuring out animations in large scale fights it’s player error. As the hardcore wvw-er you seem to be you should know that in GvG people don’t dodge animations but dodge together, double dodge etc.

That’s because it’s impossible to dodge more than 1 telegraph reliably, 2 if you are lucky. It’s not possible to dodge 10-20 telegraphs, if not by limtations caused by the human brain(can’t register so many actions) but by limtations of endurance.

Your zerg vs zerg is already considered a joke by many and that’s why it gets no support/popularity. Many skills are capped to 5 targets(yes, exceptions exist but they are rare), the stability spam and condi cleanse spam renders a lot of things useless including some classes and many builds and to be honest it’s all a big clusterkitten with some extra lag for good measure.

If this GvG, stronghold or whatever it’s called will be good it can only be in a spvp environment with normalized stats and objectives/mechanics that require coordinated splits.

Could I get an explanation on this pop :/

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


I don’t mind longer queue times but 40min that’s crazy! I’m not gonna afk in the mists so long for a “decent” matchup.
As for profession stacking algorithm it was a dumb idea and still is. In this current meta ele and engi is stackable, thief and mes are not.

Rank and matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Hello. Did your metrics(same that concluded courtyard is balanced) really show factoring in rank in matchmaking is a good thing? When I say rank I obviously mean animal rank not ladderborsd cuz who cares about that broken thing anyway.

You see being the super social busy bee that I am I made quite a few buddies in my tyrian adventures. Some of them ask me queue with them in pvp. But sadly not all of them are pro farmers like me to reach the best animal that is dragon in their search for dungeoneer, glorious armor, aqua breathers and mini llama.

When I queue with 2 of my dolyak amigos(who by a shocking occurence are better than some of the phoenix/dragons because they used to roam a lot in wvw or simply they fast learners) we get very bad matchups.

Yes, you might say “just carry” but it gets tedious! We get axe/axe rifle warrior(I do know you plan to buff the already borderline OP killshot warrior), dual pistol thief(I saw you guys use that in fractals so it might have some use in pvp that I’m not aware of), typical full signet double bow bearbow and other skillful builds played by equally skillful fellas.

tl;dr Please consider removing the rank requirement from matchmaking algorithm especially since quite a few people have multiple accounts and some guys just learn faster/slower than the current rank progression.

What's the justification for Gear Shield?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Well mr Eurantien. I would gladly give up gear shield if grenades wouldn’t require ground targeting and also shrapnel grenade would be 10 rapidly launched nades with 1800 range.
Also if a 3s block on a 16s cd(traited) is that op how about the mesmer outright invuln on sword? On a much lower cooldown too!
Oh and lol at the “shield a clearly warrior weapon” or whatever the other dude said. Where exactly does it say that? What about greatsword a clearly warrior weapon? When mesmer and even ranger use it better?

Relevant to your interests: Upcoming Balance Changes

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


However engineers need to be toned down with their CC/condies. At least add some tells on Rifle 4

And increase CD on Gear Shield or lower the duration because it’s insane.

Yea how about we just delete the engi class since nobody understands it but it’s OP so nerf away!
It’s like how people cried about warrior. That they have crazy healing condi removal immunity invuln and they also bleed immobilize and cc with hammer while also removing all the conditions and after you are low hp they eviscerate you. And after eviscerate there comes a final thrust with 100% crit chance from passive play. While also stacking 25 might obviously.

These balance changes are stupid because they should have just removed the amulet instead of nerfing literally everything around it.
If overcharge shot will have any animation whatsoever it needs to have no self knockback too.

PSA: Off-season Ladder Starts Saturday

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Will the stupid maps(skyham,spirit,courtyard) still be unranked only?

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Please don’t make animal hit harder!
I already got teams where 2 people down and then die to it.
Also the only time it makes a real difference if it’s a game winning thing towards the end.
Given the current celestial comps if you lose mid by rushing animal you will have a hard time getting it back.
Just make it spawn a bit later. Like after 1min or something.

vs turret engys

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s funny because 99% of the turret engies I fight on my ranger are just n00bs who expect me to just go melee range and spam LB#1 while they just stand there and turrets nuke me.

As a ranger (power build) I just stay at 1.2k range and pewpew them. They start to panic, and might eventualy leave the point they suppose to hold, or try to LoS me (lol ty pet)…

I really doubt I have fought a decent turret engie. And I have played much in pvp especially with ranger.

Just press 5 on longbow and murder their whole utility bar. Same tactic works for staff ele. Depending on turret placement and might stacks same thing works for cele engi.

What should I name my ranger?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: robertul.3679


Three Sixty Noscope.

How do I Cele engi?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Intel sigil also does wonders against necromancers while doom is more useful to other cele builds.

New to engineer, not doing enough damage.

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


No, this is not a level 80 character, made it about 2 days ago. This is also in pve, some people are surprisingly easy to hit with grenades, (if they use melee) they just go around a circle at the same distance and I can hit them easily.
And I thought exploding did nothing to helps healing?

You can’t hit people in pve!
Also wolfineer guides aren’t good for pve because he does only wvw. Check dulfy for a pve engi guide.

Engi's Future

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


It would be pretty stupid to nerf the classes instead of that cancer amulet that has no place in pvp anyway.
If they nerf renewing stamina, water traits, backpack regen and warrior healing signet they will kill the classes not just the builds. Warrior is at the edge of viable anyway.
Nerfing the amulet/battle sigil seems like the logical thing to do.

New to Engineer and I have a few questions.

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


You need kits for any kind of damage.
There are some gimmicky builds like HGH for condi or hybrid maybe. Static discharge for power. Those can thereotically go without any kits but they are both subpar even with kits.
So no, you do need kits. The way class is balanced is around the fact that you have no alternate weapons and kits make up for that. It’s like saying never swapping attunements on ele.

Small buff for Fumigate

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


They should make elixir gun like mesmer scepter. Slap some torment on the autoattack.

Cancel skill activation : do you use it ?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


You can bait dodges with magnet for sure. I don’t really see a lot of people dodging crate(especially since you use it in team fights more than 1v1).
So yea it’s worth to bait dodges with magnet but not with crate.

my opinion of how grenade kit should change

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Why you waste 6 trait points and 1 utility slot for some extra defense in phase2 is too hard to comprehend for me. But that’s totally off topic.
On topic: grenades need buffs. Like some torment, burn.

[PvP] Condi or Power?

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Condi is stronger but power is good enough to be viable if you enjoy it more.

my opinion of how grenade kit should change

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


words words words

First of all it’s hilarious how people reject the meta but slowly move towards it step by step.
Force is superior to both fire and air. Why do people run air/fire instead of force in pvp/wvw? Because unlike pve you can’t constantly hit your target.
Both grenade and bomb kits are suposed to be hybrid.
Bomb #1 scales purely with power while the rest(2 and 3) scale basically with condi. Grenades are a bit more power oriented but just a bit because of the bleeds.
There are no ranged options besides grenades unless you think elixir gun auto is strong enough.

I totally understand you hate grenades but asking for a nerf just because you dislike the kit is stupid.
Also, who said melee should always be more damage than ranged? Is that an unspoken
rule or something?

Balance doesn’t work that way. You have other things to consider too. Mainly the posibility of your skills to actually hit something, personal sustain in melee, the effectiveness of ranged vs melee skills and many other things.
Lets look at power ranger pvp version. They are strong at range because they are extremely weak in melee.

Grenades are ground targeted and don’t really hit anything at bigger ranges unless your target is forced to stay in a certain area(the node). They also don’t elicit enough pressure by themselves and require 6 points to make them viable because without grenadier they are literally useless.

Oh and nobody balances the game around pve lol. Otherwise necro wouldn’t be useless in pve for over 2 years or whatever the age of the game is.

Why Necro is useles now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Even if spectral wall reflected it wouldn’t be good. It fears mobs, procs defiant etc.

DS2 projectile speed, flesh wurm cast time, spectral armor stability are all pretty strong pvp buffs. People already cry about DS2 having the same animation as staff(hard to avoid), flesh wurm is a mandatory stunbreak in pvp and spectral armor stability might replace spectral walk as the second stunbreak.

Please show which kit Engineers are in.

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Except toolkit and bomb kit are identical. Also they are all big blobs of brown stuff with only elixir gun and flamethrower being somewhat more distinct.
An attunement icon like eles have would be more effective and reliable since they can change the kit every 1s and in the huge mess of particle effects it’s quite hard to tell which kit is which.
This would also totally solve the hobosack issue!
It’s a nice and clean solution to many problems. I expect it to be implemented in guild wars 7 in 2050.

I'm gonna regret asking I'm sure...

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Bombs are higher personal dps than grenades. So, for soloing, you should definitely use bomb auto over grenade 1 between cooldowns.

This is incorrect. Bombs have higher direct dps. They have lower personal dps(direct+condition) than grenades in both groups and solo.
When soloing you should rotate between bomb and grenade but grenade auto is superior because it procs on crit stuff like bleeds more effectively.

my opinion of how grenade kit should change

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


This whole thread just seems like “I don’t like to use grenades but I realize they’re the best so I want it changed so I don’t feel guilty about not using grenades”.

He just wants the 22min lupicus solo(LOL) with toolkit auto to be faster.

Engineer is a complex class indeed. Not many players are good enough to aim grenades or understand that the max dps rotation doesn’t involve only grenades but also blunderbuss,jump shot, flame blast, acid bomb, napalm. Grenade hits are skill shots and well..not everybody has them skills to land them shots.
Some just want to set the bomb/toolkit to auto and afk it away in their celestial gear with fortified turret traits.

But for us who not only don’t struggle with basic pve content but also pvp for aqua breathers and whatnot..nerfing grenades would hurt the engineer class a lot. It’s pretty obvious that engineers lack the sustain to be in melee all the time and also the chasing capabilities if their target decides to run away.
Don’t nerf grenades because people are too lazy to press a few buttons. This kills the class.

Is it me or are Engis LITTLE bit too strong?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Engineer needs some buffs. Like some extra conditions. Torment maybe? Fear? Another burn source like on flash grenade pehaps.

tPvP pistol build for medium skilled player

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Elixir S is very strong because it has stunbreak,invuln and also stealth. Slick shoes can lockdown a no stability/teleport class like necro pretty fast. And with necro being the main predator of engi it makes sense. They can still wurm out of it though but then they have to be very careful with positioning.
I just don’t like slick shoes because even if the stunbreak potential is superior(lower cooldown, ignores movement impairment) you can’t safestomp, survive very intense focus or stealth rez/disengage. It’s also a huge problem of landing it. You can’t really fail to land a stealth/invuln as much as a perma hard cc field. But if you land it it’s devastating. Too bad stability/teleport negates it so hard.

Basically you can burn slick shoes for nothing but you can’t burn elixir s for nothing. Except the stealth part when you rez but that’s your team being stupid enough to think they can rally on a 90% hp target.

Cele rifle role in pvp

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


You have a few skills that can go through projectile denial. Blunderbuss(goes through walls too), jump shot, box of nails(weak but nice cover condi and good blind removal should you ever need it), poison grenade, pry bar. I feel I’m missing something but whatever!

There are 2 mistakes you can do against s/f fresh air. Eat gale(happens more often than you expect and if you see a dragon tooth you must stunbreak or you are dead) and overcharge shot into their magnetic wave. They usually aren’t a huge problem 1v1 because you can tank the swirling duration. It lasts like 6s and your toolkit is 3s so just be careful with the gale. Oh and phoenix hits super hard too.

Try to bait a dodge with a fake magnet(cast it and interrupt). This applies to any encounter. Depending on your timing you can cancel at the last moment. They have no choice but to dodge because they risk magnet prybar overcharge netshot etc. combo chain which hurts. If they use stability(stupid idea) it’s even better because they just burned a very important cooldown for nothing. Oh and against other engis go magnet the moment you see them use toolkit block. It either forces them to dodge breaking the block or eating it which also breaks the block. This is assuming they used it because they needed some defense and not just randomly. It really cripples their sustain.

A big mistake that every engi does to a certain extent is spam stuff. Because you always have a good skill ready you feel tempted to use them all. It’s ok if you do just don’t waste key abilities.
Overcharge shot for example is one of your strongest skills. Being a launch it works on downed people too. It has no counterplay unless they expect you to do it(99% of the players will go to melee, swap to rifle and press 4 so as long as you avoid doing that you land it). Depending on how much the enemy focuses on the rez, you either poison grenade first or overcharge. If you see a bunch of people running to revive(usually if it’s their bunker or whatever they have that can tank the node pressure) try to overcharge as fast as possible and then poison.
A very important thing is cleave. You have very strong aoe capabilities with the grenades and if you have somebody on your team that can stomp safely(say ele using armor of earth or whatever) it’s better to just pressure the downed guy. Unless as mentioned above they really want to revive and then just launching away is better but poison afterwards.

I know I insist a lot on the rez/stomp thing but it’s game changing. If they fail to rez they most likely taken a lot of damage/wasted cooldowns so they are disadvantaged both defensively and in numbers.

Rotating into losing fights is bad but if you run with randoms it might be worth it if you can keep the node neutral. Most of the players have this “I gotta win that node I just died on!” attitude(mostly mid) so they will likely go there on respawn. Keeping it uncapped may help you a lot more than running to cap another node and lose it 10s later in a 3v1 while your team goes to the previous node and tries to 2v1 a tanky guy or whatever. You will get exploded and the tanky guy+1 or 2 of his team can stall the node long enough to get the cap you just tried to push(by another one) and then the capper will just outnumber your team badly. It happens a lot in unorganized groups.

(edited by robertul.3679)

Last Refuge is a Death Sentence

in Thief

Posted by: robertul.3679


Or just remove the trait completely since it does more harm than good? Rework it to some snare removal like “lose all movement impairing conditions” or whatever.

The Celestial Meta - It hurts.

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Hey I’ve been riding that sweet celestial train on my engi to farm the new aqua breathers in ranked. Just gonna chip in a bit.

Stop nerfing the classes that benefit from certain things. Like you nerf thief because of fire and air instead of fixing the sigils themselves. Arguably minor nerfs but still. Pointless.

If you nerf backpack regen, ele water traits, healing signet/restoration just because of some dumb amulet all you will do is further force them to run celestial because the other options will be even worse than they are now.

Depending on how hard you nerf you might just kill the class. Ele, engi, war out of the meta! All hail the new full signet bearbow overlords!
Why is it so hard to understand that you should never balance classes/builds around sigils and amulets? Is that such an elusive concept?

[Build] PvP Decap Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: robertul.3679


You can play scepter hammer dps so you both decap and know..dps stuff..

Meta Engi Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


words words words

So basically speaking about alliance stuff is not derailing the thread at all but me saying inventions is bad for any game mode(after you said that even if it’s not related to wvw it’s still valid to bring up which I totally did) is infraction-worthy?
Will I get permaban like nike dnt guy got after a joke video?
On topic: just play how you want OP. The meta is a lie and because of that any variation is possible!

you only get infracted for constantly insulting and attacking others, not for calling things bad

Not in this thread! I am fine with being infracted for insults(since when is casual an insult anyway) but in this case I didn’t!

Net Shot Should be a 100% projectile

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


I think net shot should be a 19% chance projectile. I think it should apply torment and be a 300 radius immobilize with a 5 target cap.

Meta Engi Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


words words words

So basically speaking about alliance stuff is not derailing the thread at all but me saying inventions is bad for any game mode(after you said that even if it’s not related to wvw it’s still valid to bring up which I totally did) is infraction-worthy?
Will I get permaban like nike dnt guy got after a joke video?
On topic: just play how you want OP. The meta is a lie and because of that any variation is possible!

Tips for Mai Trin?

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


I found locust swarm + harpy feathers the best More problem for me is her aimed projectile, I usually dodge + facetank it with life force and then regen it with skills, though idk if it would be so simple in higher lvl if you solo. that’s funny how necro instead of blocking, has to facetank with fake hp sometimes xD

You can ds#2 the pistol shot. It requires some good timing.

Variations on cele rifle build

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Since OP mentioned WTS this is about pvp not wvw. Not that it matters because it’s not like inventions line is good in wvw either. Or any game mode ever.

Variations on cele rifle build

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


The backbone of condi/cele builds is 6/x/x/4/2. The rest is personal preference.

12/14 traits should not be considered a “backbone”


Except it’s not really an option because 6 explosives is mandatory to deal good damage, 4 alchemy is just-about-mandatory to not be squishier than thieves and mesmers, and 2 in tools is pretty much mandatory for roaming and vigor. It is the “backbone”, and the rest is personal preference.

Yes. Either 2 in firearms for hair trigger and some extra bleeds(pistol builds only), 2 in tools for power wrench/leg mods(I find leg mods stupid compared to toolkit cd but some like it) or 2 in alchemy for protection injection.

I personally prefer 60044 for both cele and condi(p/p).

9300 final thrust in spvp, really?

in Warrior

Posted by: robertul.3679


If you walk even without swiftness the skill misses. What kind of thief are you staying so close for so long? Do you facetank hambows too?

Good staff build for tpvp?

in Elementalist

Posted by: robertul.3679


Nobody will let you freecast as zerker ele the moment they see how much damage you take and how much you deal. However against bad enemies you can basically wipe 5 people with meteor shower.

Any viable dagger focus ele in PVP?

in Elementalist

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yes just run the normal d/d build with d/f. It’s not as good but it’s more self reliant with projectile mitigation and an invuln to safestomp or saferez. Gale is pretty strong as well but updraft works on downed targets which can prevent a rez.

Best turrets and arrangement?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Rocket and heal are strong. Thumper is mediocre. The others suck.

Engineers Need A Rebalance-Please!

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yea man it’s hard. Maybe stun them? Before a shatter? If they burn the stunbreak they are dead. Replace decoy with stun mantra if you really want to faceroll them.