Showing Posts For robertul.3679:

PvP bag reward track

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


A pretty cool thing is bringing back those pvp-only skins that are currently unobtainable. Like tribal and such.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


Well this is what you get when endgame is champ farm instead of donjons.

Why everybody is an engineer?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Well, challenge is open to anyone- decap me in 60 seconds while I beat off alt+tabbed in a different window… That includes you robertful.

In this thread: Engi mains: "Guys engineer is so hard we have so many buttons to press. Incendiary powder is balanced and takes skill. also, other classes stack might harder, and supply crate is noob skill but I still take it every game, even though it only affects noobs. "

every single non-engi: “Engineers are easy-mode and take no skill”

So lemme get this straight. You won’t move and use any skills except dropping some turrets? Are you NA or EU?

Why everybody is an engineer?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Supply crate stun is dodgeable. Turrets don’t proc IP.
Why you even let engi stay on point? They have 1 stunbreak! They don’t even survive pressure especially condition pressure or cc!
Also I wanna see the 1vs1 proposed earlier.

Why everybody is an engineer?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


I’m pretty sure many engi players would like to have incendiary powder added to a skill instead of random procs.

Can you balance the passives first?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


to be fair I don’t think lich form was ever intended to work that way. Pre-patch it would greatly increase well damage to the point of it being a death sentence, and my spinal shivers from chill of death trait for proc for like 6k in lich form, lol. That couldn’t have been intended.

I don’t get why everybody is kittening about nightmare runes though, when runes of strength are about 5 times more powerful and more common. I’m guessing the people kittening about nightmare runes use strength runes and don’t want to admit how much more OP they are. You seriously think 90 second passive fear proc is more potent than 45% might duration + 5% damage? You’re drunk.

I see you have a problem with engi as necro. Sorry but in this case i can’t take anything you say seriously. Also your weird porn obssession isn’t helping!

Celestial shouldn't exist

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


a soldier hambow does thrice the dps a dd-cele-ele (lol) does, has more effective and more frequent knockdowns, sustains just as much or even more and doesn’t melt instantly when focused.

hey, how about we remove all the amulets and runes, give every profession the same base stats and only give stats over builds. i mean, it would just be fair, that a condi mesmer, who doesn’t invest a single point in the condi traitline and has to even that out with rabid/carrion amulet and krait runes, gets no condi damage. right guys?


It’s about fixing certain broken aspects. Intelligence sigil is an issue but it’s not as big as celestial is.

You obviously don’t get the point. It’s not about taking an amulet/rune that benefits your build adding stats to condition or power or whatever. It’s about taking an amulet that gives you strong defensive stats, decent power and condition but which then gets carried to the top by might stacks buffing it’s offensive power through the roof.

Basically a celestial ele with 0 might is fine. With 25 might it’s not. Battle sigil is part of the problem too as others have said. Ele still has 3 blast finishers+the dodge one. But celestial works great even with 0 blasts as it happens in the engi rifle build!

The amulet benefits classes that can either apply enough condition and direct pressure or can stack might. Namely engi and ele. It works pretty great with warriors too.

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


I meant the way it was corrected to match the broken tooltip. Arguably broken though.
Don’t get me wrong, I am very glad they removed the icd like it was before. It made rangers viable in pve again.

I hate the grenade kit. What are why options?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Well to be decent in basically any game mode except some cheese situations(decap/turret) or hipster builds(static discharge) you need bomb/grenade. Some may argue that elixir gun is good dps but it’s really too weak to be your main kit.
Most engineers take toolkit and then pick a main dps one between bomb and grenade, traiting their explosive line around them. You can take both obviously but keep in mind that without grenadier the grenade kit is useless.

Can you balance the passives first?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


You nerfed s/d thief because it was strong. Why is it strong? Because of fire and air procs.
You nerf power necro which works in a similar way.
What’s next? Nerf ele because celestial? If you do that you might as well delete it.
I know the nerfs are minor but slowly peeling away will render the builds useless at some point. Should we talk dhuumfire now?

Sigil procs are powerful because they add burst where it shouldn’t be.
Celestial is strong because of might stacking which means you get a lot of dps combined with sustain.
Reaper’s protection and nightmare rune procs?

Isn’t it obvious that most complaints are about passives that have almost 0 counterplay? The problem gets worse when you notice that without these procs the builds become terrible. Just add some of the traits/rune effects into skills so the player can use them actively. This means the builds will still be viable but without the rng component.

While we’re on the same area. How about some reduction in the npc fest? Ogre runes, privateer etc. Turret engi! Actually I’m ok with turret engi because it means we 5vs4. All these npcs clutter the screen and turn the game into pve skirmishes. Just keep that kitten to wvw.

Edit: Totally forgot about the current surge of complaints about rangers and how they can’t be ignored as much as before. They are about rapid fire. guessed it..procs fire and air!
Edit2: When I say passive I mean passive procs/effects. Not passive like +5% damage with sigil of force or stat bonuses.

(edited by robertul.3679)

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


The frost spirit “change” was fixed in what? 1 week? I get that it was easier to do but still. It’s been 2 years. No legendary effects(at least auras!), still hobosacks.. We even have standard models for pvp. There is no excuse..

Celestial shouldn't exist

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Everybody says it’s not the amulet it’s the might stacking blabla.
Well what can you do? Change the way classes stack might? Change skill functions? It’s crazy!
Just fix the kitten celestial already! Yes might stacking allows it to function as good as it does but the real issue is the sustain it allows.
Nobody decent complains about defensive builds like bunker guards or soldier hambows and neither about high burst builds like shatter mesmer and anything thieves run. It’s when you combine both it becomes a huge issue.
Celestial has no place in pvp because it’s impossible to balance. It was underpowered and now it’s overpowered. You can’t balance an all stats spread.

Can I perform well in PVE without grenades?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Between rifle 3 and 5, flamethrower 2 and sometimes 4, toolbelt kills, elixir gun 4…you really don’t spend that much time using grenades. You should use grenade 2 and 4 on cooldown and sneak a few autoattacks here and there but mostly you really won’t autoattack that much.
All this can be overwhelming but the good thing is most of your skills do enough damage so even using everything on cooldown is fine unless you are the designated might stacker.

"farm servers"

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


This isn’t illegal it’s just a lame thing to do. Different stuff.

Arah p2, WP between Belka and Abom

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


It was “fixed” because people used to activate it while doing p1. Why they did that you may ask. Because p1 tar wp didn’t work so if you wiped at lupi, which was pretty common in the good ol’ days lacking guardian tricks, you had to run the whole map to get back.

Interrupting Acid Bomb all the time :<

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


You can’t really be too late..just mash the stow kit button.

Burn baby burn flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!

Vee Wee ran a 0/30/0/30/10 Flamethrower + team fury build last night in Fractals 50! The 10k Flame Jets are real! That was without banners! Vee Wee could definitely dish out more with more selfish traits! Vee Wee thinks PvE players put too much stock into running OMFGLEETEST builds! This isn’t PvP where your build actually matters! You can run 5 condi Necros with cleric gear and still beat end game PvE! The PvE in this game is pathetically easy! Unless you are trying for some CoF P1 world record speed run where you strive to beat some other 5 guys by 0.8 seconds, Vee Wee thinks you should run whatever you find enjoyable! Wahoo!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

“Endgame”. Heh.
Builds actually matter in pve be it easy or not. It’s about being effective. 5 cleric condi necros won’t come out 0.8s short. They will be 15min short or more. It adds up if you do a bunch of dungeons in a row. Factoring in the average skill of a condi necro in cleric really adds up! It doesn’t add much obviously if you do a random path and just autoattack everything from max range then saying “lol pve so easy”.
It’s really not about just finishing the path/fractal/whatever but doing it in decent time. Not record time. Just decent.
Pvp players just like to kitten on pve claiming it’s easier cuz you fight scripts but isn’t pvp just running around and killing people? Especially with all of them sigil procs? It’s rng mostly.

[SPvP]Offensive Turretier

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


This is ok for those rare situations where you fight 5 rangers who use 2 on cooldown. Otherwise it won’t do much. Building to counter a single build isn’t very productive. Also barrage will melt turrets and it’s not even reflectable.
An easier way to counter rangers is to avoid their rapid fire while going in melee. They don’t handle melee at all. Bait empathic bond with some random criple or even pistol/elixir auto. Some don’t even run it because it’s quite the dps loss.

Runes for shared celestial

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


I can see celestial on engi. I can’t on ranger though.

Unholy Sanctuary: Pointless

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


This is like the thief stability trait thing nobody cares about! Anet trying to push “unpopular”(read: bad) builds and traits again. Just ignore.

What is it best to do if your party exploits?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s not a kittening exploit. Geez people throw that word around so much. It’s clever use of mechanics!
Yes it is cheesy but it’s not illegal in any way.

Flame Blast with the Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Don’t look too much from above i.e don’t target it into the ground or it goes right through the floor for some reason. Also, like all engineer stuff you have to mash the button for it to work reliably.

Nerf medi Guard sustain or burst

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


There are many counters to dps guards. The main one is the dodge button. It pretty much negates all their burst! There are 4 lesser counters known as keys: W,A,S,D. Not as effective as dodge but still pretty decent.

Dungeon Sellers guild

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s pointless since that’s what your friend list currently does.
Also they can still join and kick so selling is dead basically..yea..

I dont want to bother my friends every time i want to sell a path.
And how can they join and kick, if the rest of the slots are filled with your people? They cant, thats the purpose of this. I think you did not understand the concept.

Why do people exagerate the “bother” part I can’t understand. They basically just stay in a party doing nothing. Especially if you have people who also sell in your friend list it’s a mutual service really. No reason to start a guild for that but to each his own.
As for the griefing part. Fun story! A friend tried to sell arah p3 today. Got 3 fillers and everything. Guy joins, guy pays, guy’s friend joins and together they kick everybody! They didn’t post lfg however so I assume they just gave it away! My friend whispers him with kind words and the guy says he is sorry, gives him back gold(more than he paid but less than the profit he would have made) and then adds him as friend! Even asks him to do an arah run together! Crazy world.

Dungeon Sellers guild

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s pointless since that’s what your friend list currently does.
Also they can still join and kick so selling is dead basically..yea..

FotM: Colossus broken

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


I’ve had this happen only once before and that was only with my engineer. Problem occurred when I had the hammer in my hands and accidentally swapped to a kit, timer still kept ticking but I couldn’t drop it and died at 40 stacks. But after this we were able to get it back by suiciding and respawning.

This is an engineer specific thing that happens with a lot of bundles. For example you can lose the ooze orb in arah p1 by swapping utility. It seems to have something to do with internal cooldowns but I’m not sure.

Only kits cause this. You can freely swap gadgets, turrets and elixirs around when holding bundles but swapping a kit to a different utility does this. Swapping from a turret to a kit is fine but if you swap that kit back to something else it bugs out.

The case I described above occured when i swapped from elixir s(after using toolbelt) to slick shoes to run with the orb faster. Hence why I thought it had to do with cooldowns.

FotM: Colossus broken

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


I’ve had this happen only once before and that was only with my engineer. Problem occurred when I had the hammer in my hands and accidentally swapped to a kit, timer still kept ticking but I couldn’t drop it and died at 40 stacks. But after this we were able to get it back by suiciding and respawning.

This is an engineer specific thing that happens with a lot of bundles. For example you can lose the ooze orb in arah p1 by swapping utility. It seems to have something to do with internal cooldowns but I’m not sure.

Dungeon owner sometimes required!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


This is very confusing. So about kicking people and inviting friends..basically hijacking instances..yay or nay?

Warrior rifle actually got nerfed, not buff.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


Rifle was and is garbage for pvp. Nothing changed.

Crashes after patch

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s not map specific. It crashes the game. I got 3-4 crashes in a row. That means as soon as map almost finished loading(I presume) the game crashed again. Disabled both “features” and it seems to work fine.
It’s not isolated either. A lot of matches got to 3vs5 or even 3vs3 because of people keep crashing.
It’s game breaking. Just like the stomp “feature”. You can still stomp if you don’t press right mouse click while doing it’s annoying.

really?nobody is going to mention this?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yes but rangers fall to pieces if you get in their melee range. They can hiltbash you and use the kick on the block but then they are basically useless. Also the condition removal is pretty bad unless they trait for empatic bond.

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


At least they don’t clip with other back pieces any more …

it’s something.

Such a kitten move!
Anet: “Oh so you guys had issues with the backpieces clipping through the hobosacks? No problem! We just disabled the backpieces completely when you equip a kit”
Engineer: “But..I thought i could at least overwrite them with the new crafting backpieces so at least i get some choice..”
Anet: “lolnop…go play warrior if you want to look good!”

(edited by robertul.3679)

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


…. Although the total of 10 people in the whole game who actually like them aren’t really a crowd by any means.

Please provide your scientific evidence or poll data to support your “assumption”. I have no problem with the kit backpacks (to be honest, I hate all the flashy, cutsie, or over-blown effects back pieces most players run around in). That being said, I wouldn’t turn down more options on customizing how my characters look.
Did it ever dawn on you the reason Anet does not appear to care is that your perception of how many people HATE the backpacks is actually closer to 10 than those that like them or are simply indifferent to them?

Hey there!
The thread about hobosacks is very old! It has 22 pages of people from the engineer community complaining about them! It even has a red post from some anet guy that says he understands the problem because he plays engineer and he is also annoyed about not being able to show his backpiece!
Not sure if you noticed but a lot of the living story(endgame lol) rewards are backpieces which are negated completely for the engineer. It’s like a huge “kitten you engi” sign.
It’s been one of the top threads in that subforum since it was started. The guy who started it even quit the game and I will assume this was the reason!
Should the engineer community start a poll about them just to please you random forum guy? Because apparently the whole research topic about people looking at kits in pvp to check what the engineer was running isnt enough! Spoiler: Nobody looks at the kits for 2 reasons.
1) They are hard to see in the clusterkitten of animations and even if you saw them tool and bomb are identical. Not similar, identical! The rest are close enough. They have the same gorgeous brown color!
2) You must be very..lacking in intelligence to see a big flame, a bunch of grenades thrown at you or the engi planting red circles right next to him to go all “Golly Gee! I wonder what kit he is using! Let me look at his back for a second!”

Engi skill ceiling might be too high

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Every class isn’t for everybody. I know I’ve tried certain classes multiple times that I just can’t get into.

I agree. I just deleted my engi. Lvl 80 Charr. Going to level my Warrior now.

That’s for the best. It seems warrior is the class that really suits your playstyle. You can press the buttons in any way you want and still be pretty effective.

More 4v5 Complaints

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Take it as a challenge! How can you improve yourself if you are always in your comfort zone?

Noscoc's necro build is OP, balance broken.

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


bug fix.

Noscoc's necro build is OP, balance broken.

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Is this the elusive 6/6/6/6/6 celestial minion condition terror lich necro with battle strength doom geomancy generosity energy renewal corruption bloodlust sigils? It seems OP indeed.
How do I beat it with engineer?

Camping kits [suggestion]

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Oh boy here we go again.
OP. Stop. Please.
Why do you hate swapping so much? More than that, there are many classes that don’t require that much swapping.
What’s next? Make a thread in the ranger forum about the best weapon to keep auto on while you clean your house? Actually I have a great idea. If you invest heavily in the pet and get a beefy one like drake you can just put it on guard mode and afk. Pet will kill stuff as long as you position yourself to get hit.

What buffs would I give to kits to camp them? For example grenades. Increase base damage by 20% and every crit grants 20s might with no internal cooldown. Double the duration of steel packed powder and precise sights vuln. Oh and merge explosive powder with incendiary powder and short fuse. All 3 traits are good and it may confuse new players and god forbid that! No pve/pvp split as usual.

Do Rangers really suck that bad? Help!

in Ranger

Posted by: robertul.3679


The thing is OP, classes don’t suck. Are other classes easier to play and easier to be effective with atm? Yes.

That’s kinda like contradicting yourself. Overcoming stuff by being a better player doesn’t make the class choice less inferior.

Frost spirit ICD

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


Spirits need an overhaul. All four of them need to be re-worked into a more strategic form of buff as opposed to a % chance to proc an effect. We wouldn’t need to go far for ideas, as Guild Wars had plenty of great ones.

Leave them destroyable, leave the traits. Change their primary effect and their names to match.

Really, take your pick:

And many of these could easily be adapted to fit the GW2 combat engine. Energizing Wind? Maybe reduce the cooldowns of all skills by 10% for up to 5 allies in range of the spirit?

Eh, I’ll keep dreaming.

Edge of extinction!

How Many people regularly pug?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Just ask for no warriors and it’s fine.

new collection? what? explain?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


In their example, you now get a reward for collecting spoons all across Tyria. You will get AP and a reward. Don’t ask what kind of reward because until it’s out, no one knows.

It’s pretty obvious it will be a spoon backpiece.

No hobbo sack fix *sigh*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s very easy to please both crowds. Although the total of 10 people in the whole game who actually like them aren’t really a crowd by any means.
Backpiece turned to be shown=> overwrites the hobosack.
Backpiece disabled=> hobosack.
Easy. Done. Anet doesn’t care.

Turret Master Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Could you recommend me a youtube channel for this build?
To watch while I play it?

Engineers turrents

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


Short answer: l2p.
Long answer:
1) They have 0 mobility. Since a team has 5 people and there are only 3 nodes it means they must be outnumbered somewhere! Use that to your advantage. They can’t move away from their turrents! What would they do without them? Rifle auto? lol.
2) In team fights torrents will die to random cleave/aoe pretty fast.
3) I admit the knockback trait on turrit destruction is annoying as hell but that’s it really. Torrets engi is a troll build. It’s not good. It’s bad. Annoying for sure but bad. Like decap is!

14 seconds of area stealth

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


What is the trick to getting it to stack so many times? When I try, I get a similar maybe 9 second timeframe (at best).

Are there tools and tricks to make it easier or more reliable? Are others having trouble getting the hang of it?

I tend to drop HT, then BOB, then smoke, blow turret, magnetic and if I could move fast enough e-gun.

Also, it seems like it is only 2 seconds per blast and not 3 that the Wiki mentions. Correct or am I just having trouble max stacking the combination?

in my experience u can get 3 finishers max, then u can use toss elixir s, to get it to 14 s, my guess is stealth is capped to 3 finishers, if gained w finishers, then u can use other stealth skills maybe, like shadow refugee, toss elixir s, and whatever else is out there

You can get 5 finishers. Each finisher is 3s but the first tick/second isnt shown. That may give the false idea that it’s only 2s because you see the number after it passed.
Acid bomb is the last you use because it also helps you gain a head start. No need to cancel it.

14 seconds of area stealth

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yes and now you burned 1 utility cooldown for 50s.
You can blast with magnetic inversion, detonate heal turret, big ol’ bomb, rumble and acid bomb and have all your utility slots free!
And it’s like the 100th time I have to mention this but whatever. Flame turret doesn’t create a smoke field unless it has a target that it’s attacking.

Engineer - why not perma swift and others?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Engi has good mobility. You can trait perma swiftness and have quite a bit of movement skills. Compare to mesmer.

[IX] Poliswag - FULL Arah P3 Solo

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s a waste of time to clear the mobs at the gate when you can just skip them. Also separating the bosses. The immobilize is dodgeable. If that fails you have 2blocks with shield or block and immob cure with rifle.
Bunker down is bad. Modified ammo is guaranteed while bunker procs are iffy. You can spam blocks and evades with perma vigor. You can even slot an energy sigil if you need more.
For orb solo you kinda need healing power because the damage is % not fixed. That means you die as fast with 10k as you do with 20k.

[IX] Poliswag - FULL Arah P3 Solo

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


That was awesome. And about that lupi solo: That’s like half the time of the current record. Can’t wait to see it!

Elixir U on the wall.