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Where are poeple calculating the gold from?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Why is not arah p1 part of the tour but 3 is?
Selling p4 for 15g in 15min is a dream come true. It’s more like 10g max in 30.

Engineer Build this against the Meta (PVE)

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s called meta because it’s optimized. Improving on the current meta build will just invent a new meta. That’s how things work.

Your invested in synaptic overload but you only have 2 knockbacks, one with 30s cd.
You invested in gadgeteer but you have 1 gadget.
You say it’s static discharge but your toolbelts have all pretty big cds.

(PVE) Runes of strength or Scholar

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Are you having a dedicated might stacker? Like a proper ele or phalanx war that can maintain 25 stacks? If not strength. The dps loss is not that big and the extra might duration is priceless. Especially since fights tend to be longer there.

Bess class for FotM and Dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Best class for fractals and dungeons is ele.

Are Engineers so bad at pve?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


… Since there isn’t a “best” class in pve anyways,

There is. It’s called elementalist.
And lol at might stacking guard.

Healing Altruistic Engineer updated

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


This is hilarious.

"Experienced lvl 80 ONLY", PSA

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Oh I’m a dungeon master myself. We should have a meeting sometime and talk about mastering them dungeons.

Are Engineers so bad at pve?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


How many warriors does your guild use/recommends?

Damage with grenades?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Well runes are a huge deal. Also most of your stats come from trinkets and weapons.
Bleeds are important. Poison is not and it was nerfed.

no legit necro look legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


What about engineer’s legendaries having no effects unless you’re actually using the weapons? There is no real engi build(read:good) that doesn’t use kits. In any game type.

Bess class for FotM and Dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


I guess you’d still want a guardian in fractals. The engi reflect is meh because of rng and long cd. Ranger one roots you. It seems very unreliable.
But by all means, make engi meta. I’m sick of 3-4 war groups and given how slow pugs catch up with meta the sooner the better.

Build Feedback / PvE Build (mostly for solo)

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


What content do you wanna use? Dungeons? Open world? Scarlet-style zergs?

Arah Skips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Mesmer really isn’t that hard, you just stick on PU and slot in stealth skills.

Except torch most mesmer stealth skills have a long cooldown. Also the duration of each is unimpressive. And the biggest issue is the lack of swiftness. Assuming solo run with no help from the group. Even if you get decent stealth being so slow with only blink and 12s swiftness means it will either run out or you’re gonna be the last to get in on the action.

Most difficult boss in the game?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


They need to drop that hotw story end boss in Arah p3, replacing the crusher/hunter combo… Do it!

Can confirm hotw story boss is hard in smaller than 5 groups. 5 randoms can still faceroll it by kiting and rezzing since he has mostly single target/small cleave attacks.

Is this a bannable offense?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Apparently starting a dungeon and sitting on your bottom while everyone else steamrolls the dungeon is grounds for banning, so that’s why I asked. Ty for reply though, question answered

That doesn’t sound true at all.

AP = Horrible measure of skill

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


There isn’t anything in this game that actually requires skill. So what’s the issue?

now it’s your turn

Skill. Warrior. LoL.

Arah Skips

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


P4 doesn’t have any hard skips. Actually it doesn’t really have skips at all. Only a bit before melandru.
Be careful with greatsword #3 and sword #3 because they can get you in combat.
Not wanting to be a kitten but warrior is so easy to skip with. Have you tried mesmer/necro?

How do you "casual" ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


How to casual as engi. Use flamethrower, don’t use Juggernaught.

Use flamethrower elixirgun and bomb kit. P/p weapons. Use all the bombs on cooldown, elixir gun 3 and auto flamethrower to kill party’s fps. Roll face on the keyboard occasionally.

Assistance: Medic Engi Build

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Support guards are terrible in fractals. They are totally useless. A waste of slots. Heal bomb engi is kinda the same. For wvw it might work.

in which case you can also drop grenade kit and pick up something else (minekit for example)

wtf is minekit?

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Hobosacks won’t be fixed. Legendaries won’t be fixed on engi to actually work with kits. They should just delete engi.

[PvE] buildcheck - bomb-grenade-rifleturret

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


So basically you took a meta build and tried to make it worse by adding bad runes and some extra swiftness?

Lupicus solo engi

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Well leaving aside the grubs and the not hitting lupicus part. Toolkit auto is bad. Never use it. Pistol is the same. Pistol 3 might have some uses because confusion and it can blind locusts maybe.
Bombs are a decent choice but grenades should be better. Elixir R is not needed. Get vigor on swiftness trait and swiftness on crit and you’re covered. Try to use bomb toolbelt because it is a dps gain and a blast finisher. If you’re ok with sacrificing some heal you can blast with shield too. Even heal turret. In phase 1 you should never get hit so blasting firefields will help a lot.
Food is koi cakes which are cheap enough and help you a lot, especially on grenades because those proc so much vuln and bleed.
Edit: Why rifle mod? You’re not even using rifle.

(edited by robertul.3679)


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Because a warrior using axe auto or 100b on cooldown is more dps than whatever pug necros run like condition heal or MinionMaster. At least a warrior dropping a banner helps a lot. Not that dumb tactics one though. Also pugs think warrior is infinite dps and guardian keeps people alive using his/her magic. Mesmer also gets a spot because they saw a video of lupicus skipping from phase 1 to 2 transition straight to death. They want that. Does it happen? No.
In speedruns they bring nothing useful. Like absolutely nothing.

Did I jsut get cheated

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Is this a troll account/post? It really seems like it.

Arah p2 Question...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


As with any npc bugs try wiping once(for example on the mobs from waypoint to alphard. Then try going at the start waypoint and then go back to rotten armada. Should work. If not, repeat.

Absolute maximum premade Engi PvE DPS

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


For solo play sacrificing shield blast(3 might) for rifle’s higher dps is probably worth it, right?

Pug Dungeon Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


As guang said might is easier to come by than vuln and no defiant buff can interfere. Only pug guardian light fields.
So your primary focus is stacking vuln. Then might. Luckily you stack vuln by just attacking so it is better to build around that.
Not sure if sneaking a sigil of malice to compensate for the giver weapon loss is worth it or not. Or if running like a berserker ascended pistol and a giver shield with malice. I still am not sure that kits actually scale with weapon rarity and more importantly, if they scale with mainhand you can profit from that because the stat gain doesn’t seem so huge.

Pug Dungeon Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


That’s also completely disregarding the extra 10 or so stacks of vuln you’re getting from the grenades pushing their direct DPS up even higher.

Because it’s not like those 10 stacks can’t come from anyone else. It’s really kind of mind-boggling that you would even argue this. I run on my guardian and warrior regularly in dungeons and fractals and we’re constantly hitting 25 vulnerability even without an engineer in the group.

Like an elementalist with might stacking, we’re definitely best at providing vulnerability, but we’re not the only route to achieving max stacks.

The others are supposed to already chip in 10 stacks of vuln. Also this is about dungeon bosses not tequatl. Also, cause I am sure you will mention it, on the rare situation the target is a structure bombs are better there obviously.
But back to most parts of most dungeons.
When you run on your guardian you don’t use wall because elementalists can reflect with staff and mitigate with focus? And use it ONLY if there is no other possible way?
Saying others should cap vuln while you as engi are the best to help make this happen is like an ele not might stacking because the other 4 surely can make a firefield and some blasts between them.
And no, a boss that is not mashed with fgs will not have vuln capped too long. With fiery rush blinks nerfed people struggle with corner unfriendly bosses and there are discussions around exactly vuln caps which are harder to achieve.
But lets think about non boss mobs. Well even there the sooner you cap vuln the faster they die. While in most groups it takes a bit and they usually die before a normal group caps it engi can press like 2-3 autos and it’s done.
Most important thing this is about pugs.

(edited by robertul.3679)

Group Filtering Tools

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


I think GearScore would only add to toxic mindsets and behavior. Making it so that nobody will let me in their lvl 45 exp Dungeon group unless I’m 80 with full ascended berserker.

You can still make your own lfg. But that would be like crazy, right?
Also it could separate people who ask for exotic berserkers from the actual toxic people who think ascended is better no matter the stats.

Why doesnt anyone like TA Aether?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Wasn’t TAFU the one where you could afk range the big oak thing? With almost no spider aggro?

Pug Dungeon Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Good luck capping 25 vuln without fgs or a grenade engi. And not for a few secs to push a fancy feedback but for the whole fight.

(edited by robertul.3679)

Why so much hate for dungeon sellers?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


The hate they experience is similar to when you just finished p1/p3 arah and post the sell thinking “I’m the only one I can go 7g” and then see 3 more pop up with 4.5g. And then you notice their icons are yellow/blue.

Engineer Solo Dungeon Runners

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Arah p3 is not harder. Engi has a lot of defensive stuff. with 3s of block from toolkit and the bonus one from shield and either elixir s or even c(first 2 bosses) it’s really hard to die. Mage crusher can be problematic if close but you have like 1500 range. Lupicus is..lupicus. Wraith you just kite with bombs or grenades at around 600 range.
If you’re EU I was thinking of making an all engineer arah run. Sadly I can’t find people who play it even on an average level in pve.

Pug Dungeon Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Pugs don’t deal 0 dps. Even with bad gear/traits/rotations. Either troll or average pug war hero going 6 signets. Either way group buff is better than self buff.

Also lol at the guy that says elixir gun is useful because of the cripple. You’re just reading tooltips and throwing words around. Cripple, heal, weakness, stunbreak. To keep the weakness up you must use it constantly because of the short duration. That means you’re useless. Cripple? When was the last time you were in a dungeon and someone said “guys we need more cripple!”?
It’s pretty clear you stopped reading after the part you quoted. Otherwise you wouldn’t relist all the things I said were bad without as much as a counter argument.
A weapon of mass destruction? Because acid bomb might be a minor dps gain compared to grenade auto? While the other skills do almost no damage?

(edited by robertul.3679)

Oh For Crying Out Loud

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: robertul.3679


I’m so sorry for you. Weird thing actually. I’ve been having some problems with my girlfriend because she thinks I’m emotionally distant to her when I play gw2 especially world bosses where I need to focus because lag and freeze are really hurting my gameplay. She suggested 2 things. First that I should play less and spend more time together. Lol. She silly. Second I buy better internet. I am student. I cannot pay better connection. Worst was she laughed when I wiped at behemoth.
So yes. I feel your pain.

Utility Goggles - Reveal Stealthed Enemies

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Adding reveal to skills feels like a band aid solution. Rather than improving the implementation of stealth itself, adding another layer of balancing issues on top it feels counter-productive. Although I do agree that something needs to be changed.

how about we remove stealth altogether, and while we’re at it lets take kits away from engis too, and rangers pets, and eles mist form, and necros death shroud, and mesmer clones, and just make all the classes the same… thatll make every1 happy :/

Call me crazy, but I would probably enjoy the game a little more without most of that, just saiyan xD

Kk guise here is plan. All play worrior. We boycott class diversity!!

Why duel wield agility is no good Updated

in Warrior

Posted by: robertul.3679


This shows warriors are still hung up on the old “meta” of “4 zerks”. Grasping for every single % and arguing with passion about it. They do stack eles in record runs where warrior is merely bannerbot but in their heart they dream about the ever increasing number of 100b now that the new metas have killed it. Also pure axe is like super boring.

Power Engineer for PvE

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Actually kits and conjures don’t seem to scale with ascended besides the power stat gain.
Surprise shot is a dps gain but unless you’re maxed on might thumper turret is better. Toolkit for extra block(lupicus for example).

I did a check on this and it does seem to scale even though the tooltip doesn’t update. I didn’t test that extensively though so I may be wrong.

It would be weird for tooltip to be wrong. The damage on it never is. The cast time is bonkers though.
Having a special formula that takes tooltip damage and then scales with weapons(secretly) instead of just putting it doesn’t sound right to me. It means you have to actually have 2 separate equations. One for tooltip and one for actual damage. Kinda fishy.

Pug Dungeon Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


You must run grenades. Pugs do not stack vuln. The dps gain of 15% on bosses and 25% on thrash is invaluable.
You must use bomb kit and strength runes. Pugs don’t stack might.
Build around grenade dps but use bombs for utility. Blinds, might, stealth.
Gear is full zerker obviously. Weapons can be giver(p/s) or zerker(rifle).
Even if a lot of people love elixir gun it’s useless. The stunbreak(not necessary in pve) can be covered by thumper turret. The heal is an absolute joke. The blast finisher is ok but also any turret will work for that. Only ok thing is fumigate but running around cleaning conditions means you’re not doing much else.
Elixir U is good if you need projectile mitigation.
Elixir R toolbelt won’t save anyone downed if the mobs keep hitting them.

TPVP Information

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Sniper is fun but it’s a sad version of thief. Doesn’t work as well. You’re better off with roaming with condi bomb/grenade. Both are nice but since you can’t trait for both pick one. Elixir S is stomp/revive mastery. Like the better version of mist form.

Power Engineer for PvE

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Actually kits and conjures don’t seem to scale with ascended besides the power stat gain.
Surprise shot is a dps gain but unless you’re maxed on might thumper turret is better. Toolkit for extra block(lupicus for example).

Problems of engineer's invisibility

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


You have the same issues to a lesser extent with blasting smokescreen. Work around it. Stealth is more thief specific so they have an easier time. BoB has a huge radius(insane if traited). Use smaller blasts like turrets. Be aware of on crit procs like incendiary, shrapnel etc.
In pve you can find safe spots to blast and in pvp..well stealth is for stomps and the elixir s has small radius.

Dungeons for farming

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Don’t forget to crate your lfg with “*P1, 80, zerker, experienced”(something like that) to get experienced players.
and good luck

Dat sarcasm.

How to push lupi?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Try to push to the area right behind where he is spawn. The terrain is a bit uneven so he will stay there. When he starts moving there are 2 situations: he runs from you or follows you. Adjust your movement accordingly. Best spot is the corner between wall and a door. Be careful of green arrow hits(rare situation) and if he gets to the door itself he resets(often).

LFG Language Flags

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


This really annoys me too.

Skipping in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


So my post got deleted cause I was mean. Sorry. I did not mean to offend you in any way. I did not mean to be mean. I just tried to help. I really hope anet will hear your complaint about people that do not play to your liking and replace them with others more up to your standards.
The whole design is flawed. It’s not your fault.
I too wish there was some way to redesign people. Make them nicer and obedient. I wish I could delete people. Maybe humanity 2.0 will be less about efficiency and more about fulfiling your every whim.

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Forever probably. The least played class. Not considered meta anywhere. Just give up and reroll warrior. That’s what anet wants. All the things about being necessary in pvp are obvious lies. what about toolkit and bomb kit being identical? At least redesign them. Or give some choices.

Which dungeons have I made?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Do them all again. Work for that title.

Why we hear nothing but Silence from ANet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


They are ninjas. They stealthly fix and break stuff since launch. IF they reply they say “we’re looking into it” and then after 1 year it’s ninja fixed. Or ignored. Ninja!

Warrior obsession in AC.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Pugging AC is solid proof people hate themselves. It’s one of the worst things you can do.