Showing Posts For robertul.3679:

All we really want is actual EndGame content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


Wardrobe is endgame. Fact.

New race/profession would stop complaints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


Why is tengu vs largos a thing? Winged assassins that look cool against chubby short bird people?
No new race no new class because the 8 classes we have are already badly balanced. No need to add more to the clusterkitten really.

Lets be real.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yes they are easy! A buy2play platform gets the money from new players! A subscription game gets the money from hardcore grindy endgame.
It’s either skinner’s box or credit card!

Just one more touch for flamethrower

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


This is nice because flamethrower is terrible everywhere. Yea it’s nice for decap because of the low cd push but nobody serious about the game uses the auto unless you want to tag stuff or whatever. Actually thats true for a lot of kits. Auto just sucks! You use it to proc traits/runes but mostly you use every other skill!
Retaliation hurts on engi. It’s just the way it is. Grenades proc 3 retals every 0.8s or so..flamethrower is get the idea!
Also you can’t go very close because you lack stability! So you just have a decent range.

[PvX] [Ranger] Pet Skills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yea if you alternate attack and return on the same skill you will get so many issues it’s not even funny. They are already buggy as it is. Pet is one of the reasons ranger is not meta anywhere(not the main but still). Adding an evade frame every time the ranger gets an evade frame would go a long way in balancing the class. The protection on dodge(which you have to trait for) is not cutting it.

medi guards replace warrior

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


Best warrior build is hambow. It’s not because of the damage output but because of the control it has over a node and team support through that control.
Guardian dps in a pure dps build is very high indeed. It’s also reliant on whirling wrath/symbol+smite which are all easily avoidable. You can argue it’s the same for axebow but it’s gonna be nerfed into the ground by the adrenaline “fix”. Missing an eviscerate is bad for axe war but after the nerf it will mean you are useless.
Guard is stuck in a bunker build like warrior is stuck in hambow like necro will be stuck in condi(zerker necro was decent but highly gimmicky).
RIP in peace build diversity. Too hard to balance.

Best pve classes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


“Best” means something that surpasses everything else. There is only one thing that can be best.
Also warrior. Warrior is the best solo class.

Making the best of it before the nerf :c

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Lmao that could be fun!

Btw, Abe the noobfais had a really good idea for making the best use of FGS too:

Thought I’d share it as well since it made me lol at how awesome it is.

With good circle rng the tree tonic might be better.

PSA: HoTW Troll is easy

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


its untelegraphed fear

It’s highly telegraphed. So much misinformation.
It’s an easy and fun boss unless you are a necromancer but if that’s the case why are you in pve? Reroll.

Who won the Skill Bar Previews?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


Who won: Ranger and Engi.
Who lost: the rest.

Don't dumb down the game!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


Remember when they wanted to add the option for players to chose in which combo field they execute the finishers? And then said it might be “confusing” to people?
Or now when they keep refusing to do pvp/pve skill splits because it’s also “confusing”?
Fun stuff.

Help with a build please?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


This is the current meta dungeon and fotm build.

Go for 2 points in “Alchemy” for “I” -> Vigor on Speed or if you don’t need the survivablity go for 2 points in “Tools” for “VI” -> Speed on Kit.
If you got really hard times, go for both and reduce 2 points of “Firearms”.
If you have enought utility and might buffs, you can pick a rifle over P/S and change “Firearms” “III” for “IX” for 10% more rifle dmg.

This build is the best for actually everything in PvE.

Adapt utilities to the situation.

Meta. Forceful explosives. L O L.
Removing 2 points from firearms is gimping dps badly. There is no situation where you need both speedy kits with infused pericision and invigorating speed in pve. Retrait is available anywhere and free now.

(edited by robertul.3679)

Ancient Ooze engineer solo (melee, no dodge)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Can you please post your build? I’m trying to improve my engineer skills and this is helpful. What elite you recommend if I don’t have mistfire wolf? Is stability on mistfire wolf mandatory? Doesn’t it survive enough without it? I will buy deluxe edition if I have to but I would rather not.

PSA: HoTW Troll is easy

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Every guardian just spam ability!!!
Edit: You can dodge once for the big jump anywhere. You just need to time it right and try to end up right in his circle. Or hers.

(edited by robertul.3679)

Dungeon selling: request deposit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


I see you didn’t really read the whole post. You completely ignored the part about using 3 fillers. That’s ok! A lot of people joining sell lfgs do the same thing!
Your logic is a bit flawed though. When you say 2 griefers enter and kick you also say you have to refund the other 2 spots. 2+2=4. Where are the fillers? Are you suggesting people are silly enough to kick the guy they just sent gold to? Well that’s no longer your problem.
Of course everybody understands what a deposit is! It took me only 5minutes to explain someone that I’m selling the run and it’s not in fact a group to “kill zaithan”! Even if they do there are a bunch of trust issues. Do you trust strangers? Especially when it involves money(virtual or not)?
As for making less if someone griefs you..well you make less if you have no internet connection. Or a computer. Please refer to the whole 3 filler thingy.
Are you NA? In EU nobody uses proxies because the hassle isn’t worth it. Also the whole explaining issue you conveniently ignore.

Dungeon selling: request deposit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Hey OP! Terrible idea! Here is why:
1)No one will give you double the price especially after you mention scamming. It’s the n-word of any transaction!

2)It takes too long to explain. I guess it’s faster in NA but good luck doing that in EU where people can’t talk! Some don’t speak any language at all. Odd right? Some don’t even know where they are! God knows how many times I had to ask my french/german friends to translate for me.

3)Fillers are easier to employ, faster and the most important part safer. Just use 3 fillers! Asking friends to stay in your party while they afk/chat/pvp/wvw is not the big deal everybody claims to be.

4)Using proxies further prolongs the whole thing making selling even less profitable than it already is.

CDI topics does not mention dungeon....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Probably because even ANet knows if they gave everyone access to it, 3/4th of the posts would be “fix stacking”, “nerf berserker”, “make x easier” etc.?

Which is why I hope they rather ask known (hardcore) dungeon guilds. Othwerwise you get feedback from people who have done ~5 dungeons in their lifetime

Guess which of those 2 is their target audience.

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


I actually just caught onto this via MMO-Champion. Looks really nice… if we can actually get it to show for more than 2% of the time.

Maybe the leatherworker one with the bear will be large enough to cover the hobosacks. Who knows.

Why Anet don`t want to make hard mode?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Because even if they did we all know it’s gonna be like the living story “hard mode” rewards. Some random loot junk, geodes etc. you get 10 times more of if you spam 1 randomly with some mobs nearby.

Are there only GMs on NA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


About that picture, might be because you kept Brie at half HP and she couldn’t attack you back?

Standing outside a stationary boss’s range is not an exploit, the boss “should” reset after an extended period of time, but is not. This is an example of poor boss implementation, and not an exploit.

Are there only GMs on NA?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


AC p1 thief “solo” is still a huge thing in EU. So no. Also dungeon selling is bad now. Arah p3 is like 3g. You’re better off afk in LA.

Fractal Character suggestion?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Engineer survivability is pretty great considering you can trait for permanent vigor and take shield+toolkit for 2 duration blocks while also having decent access to blinds. It’s just lacking passive heal signet but the turret is fine especially if your team chips in with some blasts when needed.

Selling dungeon paths, reportable?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Unfortunately A-net has no idea if somebody is actually exploiting or not :|

This makes me sick.

Make All Dungeons Open World

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


To quote my beloved friend Elite Koptev…No no no no no no no no no no no no no.
In case that’s not clear, I mean I disagree with the whole idea deeply.

new/more player reporting for dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


If you want people to stop breaking a rule you remove their means to acomplish that instead of enforcing a punishment. It’s more effective, less frustrating and it lacks the risk of a wrongful punishment. The most obvious solution is sequencing bosses and/or events! The current method they employ is invisible walls. They do not work. They also ruin the fun of exploring the beautiful maps.

Safespots and Exploits

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


It’s pretty obvious that a nonexploit nonsafespot lupicus kill involves meleeing in phase1, meleeing in phase2 while occasionally running away to get hit by shadowstep and greenbolt thingy and of course in phase3 you dance in front of him at 300 range or so.
Another weird thing ooze does is if you use engineer traited grenades, ranger traited longbow and such from 1500range it doesn’t aggro! Is that exploit or just clever use of mechanics?

No More Instance Owner!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Everybody is qqing about dungeon sellers and griefers but there are many upsides.
For example imagine you get kicked so people can sell your instance, they post the lfg, you join with a friend and kick them. Then they join again and the whole thing repeats itself. That would be such an adventure you might even call it the way they reworked dungeons to be less stale!

Mesmer: Change the changes!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


There is no need to counter i-leap since nobody uses sword as mesmer in competitive pvp.

FGS nerf will remove it from play

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


So I guess we’re back to 3war1mes1guard meta?

Mesmer: Change the changes!

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


And lol at the “mesmer is just portal bot in pve” you obviously know nothing about mesmers

Except mesmer IS portal bot in PvE.
Look at any record run that uses mesmers and you will see they barely fight. They just run around portaling people! Sad, yet true.

[Thief] Teleportation to non even terrain

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


While OP made a bunch of silly threads demanding nerfs I have to agree with him om this one.

Hammer racism in pve

in Warrior

Posted by: robertul.3679


Ok I got commander tag now.

PvE rotation

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Bomb AA deals about 30% more damage than grenade AA. However grenade AA applies 3x as much vulnerability as the bomb AA.

I see you completely ignore the bleeds you get on grenade.

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


I’d like to point something out right now. Look at their answers in the recent interview. No SAB, no FoV increase option, no first-person viewcam, no answer to precursor crafting.

None of this is coming anytime soon, and the entire userbase has been asking about these almost since launch.

In light of this, hobosacks are clearly not coming any time soon. We should make a bigger effort to spread awareness beyond this thread.

Q: “So about all these changes you promised(like precursor crafting and new legendaries at the end of 2013) ’cause people are ask-”
A:“Lolnope. Idk man we can’t say anything except..idk man..”

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


OP makes thread about team construction and someone posts the mandatory condition war solo. Great time to be alive.

Because people don’t always understand why condi builds are not optimal in groups.

It was posted for e-pen and we all know it.

[Mesmer] Phantasmal Disenchanter

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


From all the mesmer gamebreaking bugs you pick this one?

Thief - combat mobility is too much

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


As others have stated a thief without mobility is useless.

Stop living in your fantasy world!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: robertul.3679


ARE YOU kittenIDDING ME ? Almost 2 years and no pvp , www update and now when there is one , pve 1111 cryers come here and whine that this update isnt for them ?! Oh I am so sorry , and yes I hope that soon we will have more rewards for playing pvp and www , so sry pvers you will have to play pvp to get it .

This is actually great. I will queue for tpvp. I’m not sure what to do but it’s all good cuz I will press all the buttons! Is cleric bear ranger still pvp meta?

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yeah, this’ll probably just end up being ‘and now the models make everyone look the same, for balance reasons, and, uh, no, Engineers still have hobosacks.’

Engineer will be a giant hobosack with arms and legs! A walking bag of shame.

Engineer not viable in high level pvp?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Engineer is viable in every game mode but not ideal in any! You are a maverick, a wildcard!

Solution against jealous kids?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Hey there buddy!
Have you heard about these things called fillers? They amazing!

I’m playing the game to enjoy it, not to struggle against human stupidity.
Nor do i have other accounts to use them as “fillers”, nor willing to ask others to spend their time on a pointless thing because of poor design.

Oh sorry. Silly me thinking you want a solution to your problem(as stated).
The design is indeed poor. But what can you do? Either find a good solution or suck it up! Many things make people unhappy. Some work around it. Some stick to their guns and ragequit! Only you can decide.
By the way, a lot of people are willing to fill. I always seem to find people to do that for me. I do the same for them! It’s not the best scenario but it works pretty nicely.

Condition vs Power: PvE team construction

in Profession Balance

Posted by: robertul.3679


OP makes thread about team construction and someone posts the mandatory condition war solo. Great time to be alive.

Class for dungeoning

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Since the only class that’s worth getting multiple of is ele you should roll that since it diminishes the risk of overlapping. On the other hand pugs love them 4war1guard meta(still) so you will have an easier time if you want to pug. Hell, I even heard of eles getting kicked cuz they wanted a 3rd war.

Solution against jealous kids?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Hey there buddy!
Have you heard about these things called fillers? They amazing!

PVP dsquared build

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


I see. Which exact combo you use to disengage with stealth?
I know Vee Wee isn’t the best pve player(or close) but in pvp it’s not so bad.
Edit: Going into explosives and at least a bit in alchemy is mandatory for engi. In every game mode. You’re not reinveting the wheel.

(edited by robertul.3679)

Meleeing Lupicus?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


“melee lupi” is an attempt to find decent players since it seems more reliable than “experienced”.

LFG 4 people to do daily fotm with (everyday)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


How do you know people kittenpond here are better than pugs?

Kicked by a childlish act from FotM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yea people are mean.

No one reads lfg descriptions anymore

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679



wonder what anet will do about this

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: robertul.3679


Goodbye mesmers, your feedback will no longer be needed.

temporal curtain?

Banish :P
