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Ventari's tablet underwater

in Revenant

Posted by: robertul.3679


Well since horses can swim it would totally ruin my immersion if they didn’t include it.

Energy cost on weapons

in Revenant

Posted by: robertul.3679


The new changes are cool and whatnot but can we remove the energy costs from weapons?

Balance cooldowns afterwards but it’s either autoattack spam to be able to use utilities or use weapon skills only at this point.

Not. Fun.

Water trait (Piercing shards) question :D

in Elementalist

Posted by: robertul.3679


You go water mainly for icebow. And yes your 20% more damage is obviously better than 150 power.

war build that can pwn cele signet necro?

in Warrior

Posted by: robertul.3679


I do not get how a cele ele is an easier matchup for you than a signet necro.
Just spam hammer in their face while using zerker stance. If all else fails just rampage them.

Sword 3 not an evade?

in Revenant

Posted by: robertul.3679


Why would it not be an evade? Mesmer blurred frenzy is, they both root you etc. Yea it also gap closes but still not justified since it’s a suicide button against anything.

[Feedback] on Revenant Beta

in Revenant

Posted by: robertul.3679


What about animations? I know they pretty and all but waaaaay too flashy. This is a pvp concern cuz anybody will dodge sword 3 for example, your main and only gap closer.

Meanwhile super important skills like corrupt boon, dark path have very generic animations that are identical to staff skills and some things like overcharge shot have no animation at all.

This is also about other classes which got flashy stuff with the new specs as well.

It is kinda funny how for a while every skill got the pindown whirly animation treatment and now all this.

Who can hardcounter eles 1v1 on point?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Thing is, while cele signets necro can counter d/d ele pretty well it has bad matchups to a lot of things except guardians perhaps.

Most hated spec?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


d/d cele ele
At least stun mesmers die eventually.

Combat sustain

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Between backpack regenerator and bunker down you have plenty sustain. Add mortar and elixir gun and you should be even better.

When did D/D ele become good again?

in Elementalist

Posted by: robertul.3679


tl;dr d/d ele came back when cele amulet got buffed, then was replaced by the shoutbow, now shoutbow is dead and ele can go full fire for more might and blinds, also burn OP

Academy Gaming: Disaster

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Oh boy! They said the f-word! In /s chat!
Golly gee they deserve to be permabanned…

[Suggestion] Spectral walk becoming a blink

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


How about make flesh wurm instant cast instead? Like almost every blink-type skill there? Doesn’t even need to poison, blast finish or even stunbreak. Just the cast time is the real issue.

Spectral walk is fine as it is except perhaps the too long cooldown.

Strategies for Beating Mesmers

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Avoid mirror blade and try to LOS the zerker.
If they run s/t you gotta watch for the leap and dodge it.
If they run staff obviously don’t stand in chaos storm.

Don’t ever panic stunbreak their cc, especially illusionary wave since they tend to use that after a large burst because most people tend to instantly heal up and necro heals are just super easy to interrupt.

You have to however stunbreak if they stun+mirror blade or stun+leap you.

Try to negate non-combo shatters by killing clones with staff marks and locust swarm because even with energy sigil you still lack the dodges for that.

Also combo chillblains and putrid mark for ranged weakness if they aren’t close for enfeeble procs. It’s not like they put any meaningful condis on you anyway, except the zerker cripple which you should try to transfer if possible.

If you in dagger set it’s perfectly fine to autoattack the clones if the mesmer is stealthed or far away.

(edited by robertul.3679)

New Necro looking for tips

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Dagger with focus and warhorn. Staff is good for things such as pvp/wvw/certain pve builds with deathshroud but overall dagger is the best.

Reasons for dagger supremacy:
1) It’s power based meaning your damage is instant, no ramp-up time which matters when leveling.
2) It’s the only weapon that has reliable cleave(2 targets but better than nothing). Staff marks are aoe but you need cleave on autoattack. Yes, staff pierces but you won’t get mobs in a nice line to benefit from that.
3) It attacks fast so you get a more normalized overall damage.

Resistance on Elixir S?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


The whole point of this seems to be so you don’t accidentally die from conditions while low hp. Having the resistance on toss/other elixirs wouldn’t be as useful.

Why so much complain from necroes?

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


All these “who cares what’s played on top tier if most people don’t play in top tier” are so silly.
People play what they play in top tier because it’s arguably the best choice. They play to win so they play what has the highest chance of winning.

How can you even argue that? It’s like saying every class and build combo is equal cuz they all can win in hotjoin. This negates the reason for any balance ever since anything can technically win, no?

So much Revenant Hate

in Revenant

Posted by: robertul.3679


How is making everybody happy or not relevant?

What is so confusing to you? Did you honestly expect people to just go “well you get shiny and pretty skills..and that’s enough to make me happy!” ?

The class as it is it’s just in a bad state. You can use the whole “but it’s not finished!” argument. It doesn’t matter. Bad things are bad cuz they are.

Condi Engi Issues

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


The problem is they took condi traits and power traits and kinda scrambled them between firearms and explosives randomly.

Short fuse and shrapnel do not belong in explosives. Arguably siege rounds neither.
High caliber, no scope suck anyway but even if they weren’t so bad they don’t belong in firearms.

tl;dr The dps traits are a huge mess and seem to be made and combined randomly.

Well of darkness discussion

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


1. No
2. I like that it kinda blinds sometimes. I don’t like that it’s a waste of utility slot.
3. It should stealth. Or work like sanctuary. Honestly there is no possible change that would make me wanna take it except something like that.

Lich Form skills Discussion

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Lich used to be decent a long time ago. Then they nerfed the stat scaling, the duration, then the stability nerf with lich getting only 1 stack instead of the normal 3 each transformation ever has.
Now with the duration nerf it’s pretty much dead.

It was bad before patch too because it didn’t even require boon removal just 2ccs in a 3-second time frame which is totally doable in team fights. Or you know, a random thief steal, mesmer shatter, other necro dark path etc.

Lich was and still is a huge green punching bag. At least it has its own dance so you can still use it to entertain your friends.

why do people hate mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yea mate just open with stability. Mesmer will just spam his mantra on your stability and go all like “why doesn’t this button work anymore? maybe I write a bug report”.

why do people hate mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: robertul.3679


People hate mesmers for 3 reasons
Domination : CS spammable stuns no counterplay whatsoever, power block on heals is pretty guaranteed win, and the 30% more shatter damage is not too shabby either.

Dueling: Perma fury on targets under 75%, blind on shatter which is strong in itself but also goes through things it shouldn’t.

Inspiration: healing mantra removes 4 condis(6 after the bug gets fixed on last cast), aoe team heal too, heal on shatter, more heal etc.

Patch Notes

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Why is everybody so salty about a trait that almost nobody ever used? It’s not like necro even has that much blind. I guess you could get a lot of chill from plague and well of darkness. So what does that really acomplish except maybe kitten people off cuz they walk too slow?

The real issue is obviously the whole heal nerf. They nerfed an already bad heal, and now they ever so slightly reduced the nerf. It’s still in a much worse state than pre-patch you know that right?

The current purpose of staff

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Staff on necro is like shortbow on thief for pvp. Mandatory.
Good luck being 24/7 in melee as power necro.

Ideas to buff necro sustain

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Or they just stop nerfing the heals and elites?
Or make blood magic lifesteals actually be comparable to the weakest boon ever called regeneration?

PVP Wurm placement?

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Necro wurm placement is the same as blink spots.
Here is a super old but probably still overall relevant list of blink spots in all maps. It even includes the rip raid on the capricon.

Rampage needs looking at

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Rampage is fine but it should work like plague/lich does. They both kill all your minions and spectral effects.

Rampage should make you lose all your stances so warriors can’t go berserker stance+endure pain and be immortal during it.

Tool Kit - Magnet Visibility

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


You can hide it completely by being stealthed.
You can hide most of it, except the very first part, by casting and quickly swapping to another kit.

Normally is highly visible in 1v1s and 2v2s. In team fights people end up eating pindowns so extra visibility wouldn’t help there anyway.

Before you nuke the mesmer via pvp complaints

in Mesmer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Berserker amulet is already nerfed so hard that many run marauder instead.

I want my hobosack back...

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Where am I supposed to store the 5 different types of bombs/grenades/mortar rounds and 4 different med packs?

Well where were you supposed to store the 5 different backpacks themselves? It’s not like you drag them in a shopping cart around or anything.

State of the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yes engi has been gutted.
Many classes have been also hit pretty hard but they found solutions in the new traits.

The new engi traits focus kitten sustain but none of them really offers any dps. Engi was designed as a dps class so yea they suck.

Necros have made PvP un-fun

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Yea yea nobody likes the passive plague signet, the weakness on crit, the chill of death etc.
But what can they do? Anet keeps nerfing and balancing around these passives and transfers.

Also it’s not like engi doesn’t get esports rocket on 10s cd but without the cc part.
Or the 600hp every 2s.
Procs go both ways.

SPVP, a huge problem for me

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Don’t go into tools.
Take inventions.

Thoughts on Staff Ele Build

in Elementalist

Posted by: robertul.3679


You don’t need air signet because the adept minor in air is basically a built-in air signet.

[Forum Specialist] Specialization Update

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Revert consume conditions changes. Actually buff the version it was before. Add some resistance or something to it. Warriors get resistance on their signet which is purely passive among a lot of other things.

The whole master of corruption trait idea is dumb unless the corruption skills are actually strong enough. Like corrupt boon is. Other corruptions suck.

Thoughts on Staff Ele Build

in Elementalist

Posted by: robertul.3679


Overall is pretty spot-on for pve.

Bountiful power or elemental surge instead of evasive arcana. Probably bountiful power.

There is also an option to take water traits(piercing shards and aquamancer training) instead of arcana to use on icebow. So your rotation becomes earth(eruption), air (glyph of storms), water cast and use icebow then drop, fire lava font and auto.

Mortar nerf

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


you all seem to be arguing as if mortar is supposed to be a primary weapon. its clearly is not. this is like arguing med kit or elixir gun dps is not on

No. People are just salty because we used to have our 1500 range grenades. Anet nerfed them extremely by reducing the range to 900. This huge nerf was justified by the fact that we can take mortar to achieve ranged pressure.

Then when we tried mortar, we saw it’s weaker than grenades used to be. But we said “fine, it still kinda works!”. Now for absolutely no reason they nerfed the damage by 28%, rendering it pretty much a waste of slot.

tl;dr Anet pretty much outright lied to us. Was it a knee jerk reaction? A dumb decision like most of their balance ones? Who knows..

So how do you deal with Mesmers now? o.o

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Eles are still stuck with water+arcana as pretty much mandatory. If they trait earth they will deal 0 dps so they are forced to either fire or air. And since air kinda sucks right now, the general consensus is fire water arcana for celestial builds at least.

It’s not the same for mesmer as other classes. Every class got a free trait line but mesmers got basically 2.
First the extra one all classes got and the second one because there is no need to trait illusions anymore.

It’s like if thieves got sleight of hand, bountiful theft and thrill of the crime as class mechanics. Or eles got evasive arcana, elemental attunement and whatever vigor on crit is called as baseline. See the problem?

What are the best stats for a ranger for pve?

in Ranger

Posted by: robertul.3679



So how do you deal with Mesmers now? o.o

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


If they go into Inspiration, they don’t have enough damage to kill a Cele DD Ele. It’s a close match up even if they go full offensive.

They can already take domination and dueling which are basically the power dps lines.

They used to be limited by the fact that they needed 6 into illusions for persona, elasticity and 30% shatter cooldown.
Now they get 15% of shatter cooldown as base and the other traits as baseline.

Add to all this the option to trait full inspiration for sustain and the overpowered gamebreaking powerblock which makes them rather problematic to deal with.

Cleric Med kit inferior to healing turret

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


I guess it’s time to nerf the heal on turret by 28%

So how do you deal with Mesmers now? o.o

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


ITT: People that don’t know mesmers go inspiration for overpowered sustain via mantra passive heals and condi removals.
They aren’t the squishy zerkers that they used to be.

Mortar nerf

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Some people just want to roleplay their stupid bomb builds so they say mortar nerf is justified.
Also lol at the “strongest fields”. Except water what strong field? Poison strong field? Ice field strong too amirite?? You can blast for frost aura! Light field? Funny.

Strongest fields are water, fire, smoke. The rest are not strong.

Mortar nerf

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Fun while it lasted it was a little too good to be true, with the amount of node pressure it offered in spvp.

You mean the node pressure that’s inferior to what grenades used to be?
Grenades which got nerfed heavily from 1500 to 900 because they were supposed to be replaced by mortar at range?

It’s like bait and switch in a way.

Also it took them 1 kittening year to nerf turret engi despite daily complaint threads about it. Daily. Nobody really complained about mortar yet it was nerfed in 24h.

PvP is garbage

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


First of all there is too much dps going around overall.

Secondly a lot of that dps is passive procs that require no skill and have no counterplay. If somehow it’s not completely passive, it’s instacast with no telegraph.

There is 0 logic behind all these changes. Nobody asked for most of them.

For example you give necro 5 condis transfer on crit? And boon conversion too? Did anybody ask for this? No. They asked for more sustain. And what do you do? You nerf their heal. Absolutely no logic. And no, some hipster 100hp leeching from blood magic that’s worse than the regeneration boon isn’t enough.

Thieves still have their fun with their deadly arts executioner+panic, shadow arts and trickery. Rolfstomping from stealth then disengaging if things go bad.

Guards get immobilize on pressing f1? They already had smite condition which combined very nicely with leeching, hydro and glacial heart too. Much skill indeed. Especially with judge’s intervention.

Mesmer shatter dps is crazy high, most of them run daze mantra too for more instacast fun.

Rangers still suck but nobody cares about rangers obviously. They are giggling they can stack 25 bleeds with their gimmicky splitblade geomancy sharpening stone combo.

Elementalists can go blinding ashes for random procs of burn and blind.

Engineers get their rng rocket and whatever the tools trait is called. They have really low damage though because of the overpowered sustain from alchemy and inventions combined.

Thirdly your balancing choices seem extremely random. Almost as random as them procs you keep pushing into the game. Like engi mortar kit. You brought it into usage just to remove it 24h later!

Good job!

Why the half effort?

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Eh doesn’t matter anymore cuz mortar was borderline viable now it’s garbage.

Going to get nerfed hard. Enjoy it 4 now

in Ranger

Posted by: robertul.3679


Rangers always had burst bleeds especially with stuff like sharpening stone and earth sigils. Axe stacks bleeds faster though.
Not op, just gimmicky.

Consume Conditions alternative nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Nobody understands.
Who came up with the change? Some idiot probably.

Adrenal Implant making first minor obsolete

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Well it’s probably there because the endurance gain traits were converted to give vigor. Like feline grace.
Also adrenal implants isn’t the only grandmaster in tools. Problem is it does what an energy sigil does, so there is no real reason to waste trait points in it.

how do you play a staff ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: robertul.3679


Fresh air is borderline viable because it has a pretty hard to avoid burst and quite a few defensive cooldowns with swirling, obsidian, magnetic wave and pretty spammable blind via air#2.

Jihad isn’t viable because it has no defensive cooldowns except utilities and avoiding the damage means “don’t stay in the fire circle”. Yes you can sometimes trap people in the static field and drop lava font on them but that’s literally all you can do.

In a 1v1 situation sure, but I’m assuming that anyone playing staff in 1v1 should expect to lose regardless of build unless they massively outplay the other guy, and at that point your build is sort of irrelevant anyway.
In a multiplayer scenario you have massive amounts of baseline support regardless of your stats, and can take advantage of other people’s control and terrain to get your damage out.

It’s actually the other way around. In 1v1 you only have to pay attention to 1 person. In a team fight you are too easy to single out by the enemy team. Also the point of zerkers is not to duel but to +1 fights and when you do that you want to kill as fast as possible not try to trap people in your lava fonts.

When you +1 as fresh air you can blink phoenix(or burning speed for hipster d/f) and finish the job pretty quickly with some quick swaps. Meanwhile on staff you press 2 and hope for the best.