If an individual’s, “attitude,” is a valid reason for his desired or preferred gameplay mode to not be developed we would see a complete cessation of development of WvW, sPvP, open world PvE, instanced PvE, and so on.
better to prevent a problem then to fuel the fire.
Actually… E = 3 backwards…
Half-Life 3 confirmed.
actually there is a different letter bound to that, the 3 is just simple talk. (sadly the forum doesn’t accept the ASCII code)
There’s plenty of open world dueling, it is called WvW.
If that form of it doesn’t stand well with you then place your complaints there.
Or at least ask for it in the sPvP area, where it would probably do some good.Some folks in various threads like this have made the claim it would bring back people into the PvE maps. If that were the case ANet should really put the duel system in the Mists because there’s been constant wailing that sPvP is boring.
PvP belongs in the Mist, plain and simple. PvE needs a stronger story, interesting dynamics, and various other polish to some dungeons.
Back in GW1 times it was the Battle isles, which was separated from the PvE elements.
Yes other games might have this in their titles, but GW2 is not them.
It is GW2 and it should do what it wants instead of following other games.Should I wish for skiing jet pack battle armor since Tribes has it?
Or ask for the Meld from Firefall? Pandas as a playable race?
No, because that’s not GW2.If you miss the days of open PvP and can find titles that do such a mechanic go play them for a while. Bringing it to the open map will not guarantee it stop folks from camping Lion’s Arch.
The PvE map is for cooperation on missions and playing out storylines, the Mists is where people should go to bash one another’s heads in.
As stated earlier in my post, if any place needs dueling it would be the Mists because playing capture point game mode time and time again is boring.Yes Costume Brawl exists and it is mostly played in the cities (LA the prime example) in at least my server. I’ve rarely seen anyone use it in PvE. No doubt they would fear someone troll them by dragging mobs to their area.
So if they are in PvE and try to Costume Brawl, chances are they would be in a remote area. We might as well keep them in a safe remote area like the Mists so their PvP experience isn’t interrupted.Another point to address, “It’s simply change this code…” No chances are the coding isn’t a simple manner. If it were why wasn’t it added already? They have bigger issues to handle and if that were to ever occur it would have to wait.
tldr version PvP folks need the Mists cleaned/improved upon. PvE just need better story and rewards to drag folks out into maps. Combining the two doesn’t make sense when technically we have two game modes and a “middle ground”.
I’m willing to accept a pvp only in the mists idea…but my main issue is I want to be able to duel with my pve/wvw gear against friends on different servers…i’m on YB and have friends on BG, SOR, hell even Manvil Rock. If they had some sort of battle arenas where all you would have to do is guest to a server and duel someone i’d be 100% happy with that.
there is a “simple” solution for this, what they need to do is add the ability to customize the rules in 1v1 custom arena’s and have an option to allow PvE gear.
i can’t stand even seeing PvP in PvE area’s but am not against it, as you said as long as it stays in the mist there will not be any problems.
keep it in ether WvWvW or sPvP, PvE doesn’t include PvP period.
NO to duel.
probably a negligible detail OP chose to omit: Tera offers this feature ONLY on the few dedicated open PvP servers and you actively choose to play there from the very beginning of your character to cap.
Tera is not GW2.
exactly why not, if you want open world GvG go play tera on a open PvP server, no need to ruin it for ppl who don’t want to see any mention on PvP at all in a PvE open world.
I don’t see how Open world GvG would ruin GW2. So Tera is the only game which is supposed to have Open world GvG and no other games?
oh there are plenty, i just never participate in them.
and how would it ruin GW2?
i never said the entire GW2 game, i said the PvE open world.
i choose not to play PvP and i love to stay as far away as possible from it, the reason why it works in other games is because they have dedicated PvP servers, GW2 doesn’t.the only way you will ever see this is when Anet decides to add PvP servers, till then you can hold your breath for a long time.
I’m not sure you read my post. GvG will be for the guilds in active Guild War. Players that aren’t in a Guild War won’t be affected. If you don’t want to be in a Guild War, then you don’t. GW2 don’t need PvP servers for Open world GvG, as the Guild War is optional and not forced upon you as a player.
ok, then how do you prevent a GvG from ruining my end of the game’s enjoyment, how do you make sure i don’t see them, how do you make sure they don’t bother me, how do you make sure they don’t kill events, etc…
you’re only thinking about one side, think about the other side to for a change.
probably a negligible detail OP chose to omit: Tera offers this feature ONLY on the few dedicated open PvP servers and you actively choose to play there from the very beginning of your character to cap.
Tera is not GW2.
exactly why not, if you want open world GvG go play tera on a open PvP server, no need to ruin it for ppl who don’t want to see any mention on PvP at all in a PvE open world.
I don’t see how Open world GvG would ruin GW2. So Tera is the only game which is supposed to have Open world GvG and no other games?
oh there are plenty, i just never participate in them.
and how would it ruin GW2?
i never said the entire GW2 game, i said the PvE open world.
i choose not to play PvP and i love to stay as far away as possible from it, the reason why it works in other games is because they have dedicated PvP servers, GW2 doesn’t.
the only way you will ever see this is when Anet decides to add PvP servers, till then you can hold your breath for a long time.
probably a negligible detail OP chose to omit: Tera offers this feature ONLY on the few dedicated open PvP servers and you actively choose to play there from the very beginning of your character to cap.
Tera is not GW2.
exactly why not, if you want open world GvG go play tera on a open PvP server, no need to ruin it for ppl who don’t want to see any mention on PvP at all in a PvE open world.
kitten you don’t get kicked because of dying once lol.
I have been kicked for dying once and I wasn’t even doing anything dumb, I swear! Maybe I just have bad luck with groups… I don’t join groups that I don’t fit the req’s for maybe I just come across the meanies on a daily basis.. oh well!
the problem are the obsessed kids, they don’t know the difference anymore between a game and truly important things.
everyone makes mistakes and everyone has to start out at some point, they just forget that they were the beginners they are now cursing at.
but now it’s one huge mess, they should make a suggestion forum with categorized suggestion sub forums.
i would like to see the difference between a suggestion and the rest of the bunch, makes it easier for the user and the devs all together.
Everyone has different ways they like to play games. I just think it would be awesome to see a great game like this come to console so long as it didn’t hold the pc players back.
Consoles, will always hold PC back. PC updates near constantly, new consoles come out every 10 years ish.
Consoles usually come out every 5 years (last gen was just unusually long). Plus the next-gen systems are designed to updated games all the time without developers having to pay a fee. Plus GW2 is not graphics heavy
dev’s always need to pay a fee to run their game on a console, that’s why the console version is always at least 10 bucks more expensive then the PC version.
also, the PC version can be updated for better graphics, the console version can’t.
ah, how i miss the material and rare material trader, now that is a stable market.
putting this on a console is like giving acid to a cat and hide the smell, it’s a horrible idea and kills a cat.
let alone that you;re talking about aPS4……ugh.(not that the XBone is any better, they both suck)
This armor.
Maybe if we post this enough, we’ll get it!
only if we also get this:
I gotta say from Dec 10 to Jan 21 has been great so far, and it proves that yes we can survive just fine without having an update happen every two weeks.
i disagree with this. I’ve been waiting for a next LS update for at least a week or so now. I’m ready for Wintersday to be over.
I’ve enjoyed the LS over the last year and it’s kept me entertained and playing this game. Without it, the champ farms, CoverageVsCoverageVsCoverage, Dungeon farming, and sPvP would be very stale very fast.
i actually hope champ farms become really stale, it’s one of the reasons why exploring the world go’s hand to hand with zergs ruining the experience.
I thought this game wasn’t supposed to be grindy?
I hear people talking about “speed runs”, and thinking to myself, why would anyone ever want to do a speedrun, anyway?
The answer is simple. You speed run because you want the reward, but not the content.
And why wouldn’t you want the content? Because it’s repeat. You’ve already done it.
So, why not reward enough dungeon currency to buy a piece of armor or weapon each and every run.
Or, just put it in the chest at the end as a choice of the entire dungeon set – each run gets you one.
The ONLY reason not to do this is to keep people grinding the same content over and over and over, because you need people on that treadmill to keep them busy because you don’t have enough content to satisfy them.
We were told this is a non-grindy game, so what gives?
Another one that wants a Silver platter to be handed over. Bad news for you cause your playing an MMO!? All MMO are grindy so move forward.
actually the MMO needs to move forward, the way it is now is from 2004…..it’s 2014 in case you forgot.
This should be in suggestions, but they won’t do this. They already made the huge change from Soulbound to Accountbound. Sorry, but it is the way it has to be.
They removed the suggestions forum, which is really, really stupid. So now all suggestions will wind up in general.
Actually all suggestions are supposed to go into the relevant section, so the developers who are working on that aspect of the game will see it instead of all of them having to trawl through the jumbled mess that was the Suggestions section.
For example this one should probably be in the Black Lion section since it’s about a gem store item.
a suggestion forum keeps all the suggestions in one forum, now you have argumens and suggestions in one sub forum.
that’s a bigger mess then any, a better idea would be to make sub forums in the suggestion forum so you have an organized suggestion forum.
i like the bazaar of the four winds the most because:
1) it’s a new place to explore
2.) when reading trough the lore i had hopes for a crystal desert expansion.
i think the bazaar should eventually be permanent, it would be a perfect starting point for a crystal desert LS.
my list:
-town clothing: this has become a huge debate but remains useless from the get go, i miss buying a costume and using it in battle.
-quests: you might think about generic quests but the world of MMO’s has evolved and they can be allot better then the old ones, i just think making hearts wastes a whole area from potential while quests fills places far better.
-no skill choice on weapons: the idea of weapon skills is a good one but i rather decide what i use, part of the fun in builds is deciding what you use but if the game treats us as babies where everything needs to be pre-done removes the fun of it and makes the game enormously boring eventually.
-achievements: now i did asked for achievements but for now the game runs on achievements, in GW1 we have titles but they did not run the game.
would be better if they improved the game instead of dumping even more achievements, it works in GW1 so why would it not in GW2.
-champions: the reason why this is a design flaw is because more and more ppl are more playing to farm champions and less to simply explore and do activities with players, that’s the exact opposite of GW1 where ppl do play for the fun of it and where a boss isn’t important except for elite capping.
(edited by sorudo.9054)
and maybe, just maybe, if ppl start slowing down instead of rushing trough the game…
really, 1X should be enough for a dungeon exclusive armor, doing it 3-4X for the same is already a grind in my eyes.
and you know what, i love to take my sweet time, i bet most of you don’t even care about the story or the environment Anet worked so hard to create.
but now we have a problem, i was about to reply to a thread in the suggestion forum and now i can’t.
so now a discussion falls in to nothingness and nothing is solved, if they did it right they at least would move some of the threads to the proper forum.
also, now everything becomes one huge mess, you can’t see the difference anymore between a suggestion or a discussion.
they should simply bring the suggestion forum back, no use making the forums a huge mess.
if the living story was an actual story instead of a bunch of achievements then we would not have this problem, i don’t play it because i don’t see a story in it, just a grind fest.
the store simply loads quite slow, switch tabs until it loads something.
i have this from point one, even have a new PC and it doesn’t solve a thing unless i switch tabs.
IMO when you transmute an item it should go account bound regardless of it’s rarity, if i want to use a rare armor and have a skin from the gem store it should go account bound, same with transmutation stones.
i find soulbind it self a ridicules concept, it adds nothing more then frustration and never did anyone any good.
removing soulbind from items would crash the market, so it will never ever happen
not if it changes in account bound.
It would be great to just be able to trap someone into the well for 2-3 sec, or maybe a real cripple (not conversion). Warrior need to be in close combat we can’t make him stay there even with spectral grasp. So duration on wells is not a problem it’s mostly about the effects.
Best way to do this is to cast the well on a downed player.
He’s trapped! (And he is a trap for would be rezzers)
lol yeah, drop WoD with WoS and you don’t even need to finish him/her
probability only works if you know the exact chance, a 1/4 chance is to rough a number.
if, for instance, you get 1 in 5 runs and then 2 in 5 runs then the 2/5 or 1/5 is way to rough to measure. (that would be 1/30 btw)
mesmers make sense to dress sorta skimpy though.. mesmers are the class of beauty seduction and mind games… they are the actors/actresses of gw 2..
they also dont need heavy armor because of their illusions and ability to distort space/time around them to dodge attacks.
isn’t that more a necro thing, dark seductive yet deadly, there is a reason why ppl want to play as a evil mistress
OMG dude. You had time. While the Ritualist was my favourite class on GW1, I am not sure it has a place on this game. Lots of GW1 class concepts (specially the Ritualist, the Paragon, the Dervish and the Assassin) have been implemented (or merged) into GW2. You can see some of the Ritualist on the Engineer and some of Mesmer’s phantasms, for instance. I would LOVE to see Splinter Weapon back in the game, I just don’t know how it would play with balance, though, now that the melee classes hit all the enemies in front of them.
oh, i see no spirits or weapon spells or overall ritualist-ish anywhere, no mechanic turret is going to replace a spirit, ever.
also, where are the other 3 then, the thief doesn’t even get close to the speed and independence of an assassin, no profession has a scythe in it’s kitten nal or speer and i have yet to play a profession that truly is what ppl wanted to see in it’s GW2 counterpart.
uhmm, isn’t that .25%…..1/4 of 20 is 5….
Personally, I dunno why people want new maps. Nothing is going to get people to give up Queensdale.
a proper new map might…
Waypoints do what mounts do, but more effective in every way. There’s absolutely no reason to bring mounts into the game just to bring them into the game.
it destroys any kind or type of immersion, doesn’t allow true RP-ing, you pretty much skip 80% of the map because you’ve already bin there…..
sure, more effective -_-
I’d like to see the Experience Scroll in the Gemstore.
Since the first 20 levels are quite annoying with certain classes it would be great to skip them. :-D
would also be nice if it worked above lvl 20, some are so annoyingly weak without an elite to back it up i find it pathetic.
love to see it change in to “when your character is above lvl 20, it increases character’s level to level 30”, would like to go up to lvl 35 but let’s leave it at that.
in real life we don’t have mages and holy warriors as we have them in GW2, that RL stuff is one of the weakest arguments you can use against a fantasy world.
the player characters are all heroes.. champions and leaders.. in a war is it not wise to strike down the leaders? that is why the enemy targets you.. rather go for the leader than the footsoldiers in their way.
in GW2, we are just majors among the footsoldiers, only in GW1 you are the hero and even there they only target the monk first.
ok, i was waiting to use this, now you know too.
the lock boxes are items made to make money for Anet, if you simply ignore the whole ordeal then you’re better of.
i did none, i don’t like the mentality there so i rather avoid fights.
for what, having a flawed system in the first place?
i think the big problem ppl see in mounts is that it makes cities way to messy and makes DE’s one big mount fest.
the solution is there, simply make mounts impossible in any city and make mounts disappear in combat.
PS. i already mentioned prof specific traveling but ppl were to much focused on mounts in general.
i have 1 main and 8 alts, only my main is lvl 80.
yeah sure, alt friendly…..-_-Alt friendly doesn’t equal “Lazy-kitten friendly”.
I have one main and five alts. Four out of five are level 80 and three of them are decently geared.
oh yeah sure, it’s so alt friendly….you need to be on every single day and have no life but it’s alt friendly….
i have a job and not a light one ether, i also have other things to do then playing games.
maybe you have time to waste but i play games for the enjoyment, if the game is made to farm and grind rather then having fun and to relax then i don’t see why the game exists at all.You’re not the only one with a job/career, mate, but it’s always hilarious to see people use that argument as a last resort.
and it’s insulting for ppl to call having only one lvl 80 being lazy, you obviously have more time on your hands then i do.
i have 1 main and 8 alts, only my main is lvl 80.
yeah sure, alt friendly…..-_-Alt friendly doesn’t equal “Lazy-kitten friendly”.
I have one main and five alts. Four out of five are level 80 and three of them are decently geared.
oh yeah sure, it’s so alt friendly….you need to be on every single day and have no life but it’s alt friendly….
i have a job and not a light one ether, i also have other things to do then playing games.
maybe you have time to waste but i play games for the enjoyment, if the game is made to farm and grind rather then having fun and to relax then i don’t see why the game exists at all.
i have 1 main and 8 alts, only my main is lvl 80.
yeah sure, alt friendly…..-_-
maybe i am playing MR obvious here but that’s what i have bin saying all the time, simply have a way to “clone” your armor instead of replacing it.
they can aways make both the “cloned” armor and the original armor account based ones it’s “cloned”…..
the only first person view i want to see is a true first person view, i don’t want to see a floating camera on eye height while i can’t even see my body.
it works and i would like this, the reason why GW1 is somewhat balanced is because PvE isn’t ruined just because PvP has a balance problem and vise verse ofcouse.
they should do this for GW2 also, just because it’s difficult to balance 8 professions doesn’t mean one side has to be screwed over to satisfy the other.
i play PvE exclusive, if a change is made that only benefits PvP but screws over PvE i would never accept it, separating the two is superior in every way.
There are a lot of cool titles and nifty skins rewarded from them, so I sympathize with you OP and am hoping they will implement a system where players can enjoy LS chapters of the past.
Giving skins would be too much I think. Skins should be participant exclusive. Players should be rewarded for their commitment.
what commitment, the greed or the farming?
in GW1 you can get a skin by simply be there when the event is in it’s last phase, not to farm your butt of just to get a glimpse of your exclusive skin.
better yet, GW1 currently has a token system where you can get previous year skins and they can be gained with only the minimal amount of effort, just so you don’t have to grind for a simple skin.
i rather have a skin by simply participating rather then getting it after weeks of grinding achievements, that at least promotes good will, not greed.
How much does it take to explore a single map in gw2? 3-4 hours? That’s not so much for a MMO game… And AN have to spend a lot of time developing it. So I don’t think that adding new maps to just explore them is going to make the game any better.
Then I think we have to disagree, because I believe it makes all the difference.
GW2 is 16 months old. When GW1 was 18 months old, it had expanded to 3 continents, nearly tripling its original size. This also included two very lengthy story lines, which were much much better than the living story.
So I’m not talking about just 1 new map to explore, I’m talking about 50. It took me 6 years to get as bored with GW1 as I am with GW2 right now. The development time has not been better spent on jumping puzzles, mini-games, and Scarlet.
But gw2 is a different game. It took them 6 years to develop the world that we currently have. So it does seem as the current game system requires a far more effort to expand the world. So it doesn’t seem to me as tripling the game world size in 18 months is possible. And with that in mind I don’t think that adding new maps is going to help the game.
it also took them 5-6 years to make GW1, ever thought about that?
also, they were making cantha 2-3 years before GW1 was released, so their plans were solid and made ppl happy to see more to do.
in GW2, we have allot of crappy LS junk with a barrel full of grind in the form of achievements and gold grind and let’s not forget that the game has barely expanded at all.
just because the game is a bit more next gen doesn’t excuse the lack of expansion, making a map is actually really easy when you know what you’re doing (and i am an environmental artist so yes, i know what i am talking about).
the only 3 problems you’re faced on is
1.) how is the story connect the rest of the world?
2.) what is the main attraction going to be?
3.) what is the focus going to be?
sure, you first need to design the map but mostly that’s what happens while you make the map, sort of like “go with the flow”.
so the question we really need to ask is not if we need a map but what we want to see added, is it something as simple as the crystal desert or do we rather see a big expansion like cantha or elona?
The other thing about CoH and outfits is when you bought a costume pack, it was available on every character you have now and ever make in the future. Of course CoH isn’t around anymore that an argument could be made that they didn’t understand how to maximize income from a cash shop. But it garnered a lot of goodwill from their players.
GW1 waves at you, wondering why you’re talking about CoH while GW1 has it too.
why does it “have” to be a lvl 80 map, why not have some new mid/high level maps?
a while ago i was discussing on what level cantha should start, we ended up with a decision that it should start as a lvl 50 area and build up to lvl 80.
this is so mid level characters can enjoy cantha while not making it to much a “let’s rush there with a new character” expansion, it’s just right.
you might think that you want more with a lvl 80 character but it beg’s the question, we already have southsun and look how many are actually playing there.
also, a max character already has allot of exclusive things, having something in a mid level opens up the game so much.
even the presents of wintersday are way to much focused on max level, any character on the appropriate level are struggling to even take out one doll.so to ask for a new lvl 80-only map is like asking Anet to make the same mistake they already did, it’s better to expand what we need rather then expand to lower boredom.
But why we need level 50 area?! I don’t get it…
i didn’t say that…..and what’s wrong with wanting a new mid level map?