Showing Posts For tattoohead.3217:

Arguments in favor of healing signet?

in Warrior

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Also consider the damage to PvE when you nerf healing ability’s. One of the builds i enjoy is a Bunker PvE warrior (just for fun) and i rely heavy on the sig for sustain.

11.2k backstab on a 3.3k armor warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Yeah with the same gear as the THF had, and food/buffs Kill shot + eviscerate would easily hit that hard. Heck i have one shot class cannon thfs plenty of times with lucky/buffed killshots

Not saying they were good but still i bet that kitten ed em off. The issue with THF isnt burst its stealth and the lack of “reliable” counters to it. And Anet is in the process of fixing that… albeit slowly

Arguments in favor of healing signet?

in Warrior

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I guess i just don’t see how its op… I mean you compare us to the ele sig, not really fare. Sure the sig has half the healing but it considered auto attacks from weapons as a “cast” so you can cast 3-4 skills per second effectively doubling the effectiveness of there heal while in combat. Then add the fact that they have… just… so many other heals at there disposal just from there weapon set.

Same thing goes for THF and there sig its insane HPS when done correctly the healing sig was taken from a broken “useless” state and made viable. On a beefy tank it does its job quite well but there is no reason you should not be able to out DPS 400 HPS because other than that we have no burst healing.

BTW my main is an Engi and i also play Necro and Ele so dont misunderstand im not overly pro WAR (i only use mine in PvE) but this is not one of the issues anyone should take with them.

Just made an engineer, halp!

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


If your looking for a cookie cutter build go with SD, I do lol. It’s mad burst.

I’ll explain the general build would be 0/30/0/0/30 (last 10 wherever) your focus is on crit damage (#1) and crit chance (#2) the old best in slot was obviously zerker gear but I’m thinking of switching to Assassins (more crit)

You run rifle for the high damage auto attack and the controll (survivability) and rifle turret, just for the fast cool down on f1. The other 2 slots very depending on the situation I like tool kit, also a fast cool on on tool belt skill plus it has a nice block aand pull. The last slot I usually run net turret for controll but recently I switched to rocket boots for some mobility and I like it.

For your heal go with med kit or turret (duh) med kit works nice because of the reduced cool down on your tool belt skills (your main heal)

Hope that helps, I have had a lot of success with it. I also run bunker it’s my second choice. I personally feel HGH is weak atm due to its lack of bleeding

Why wouldn't this engi die? GOD?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Hmm… Guardian is a better team choice atm for sure, can’t argue there. In just random 1vX situations I feel like a well played engi is still stronger. The reason you see teams rely on there guardian is for the support and while engi provides decent support it’s not as good as guardian.

Also my bunker build is selfish for sure lol

Why wouldn't this engi die? GOD?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


IMO in the right hands engi makes the best bunker. With perma vigor your dodges are insane and with the amount of water fields + blast finishers you have you outbreak almost anyone.

Oh and as far as toughness goes we are even with guardian, we win in the HP department though.

Flamethrower Builds?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I use FT from time to time, it has great dmg and some nice utility. Tip use seeker gear. The flame jet is amazing for sigil procs so I use strength. Its easy to maintain 20+ stacks of might with that setup. Add in HGH and my flame jet usually hits for 3.5-4.2k per jet.

11.2k backstab on a 3.3k armor warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I certainly won’t say THF is balanced and man it’s annoying getting bit that hard and then having the little kitten jump right back into stealth. Overall however THFs are in a bad place for pvp. They are pigeon holed into roaming morons because the don’t really bring much to the table in a group. Not a huge issue in wvw just follow the Zerg but in tPvP they kind of blow atm because they are to squishy.

My point here is they are not OP that build only works with the absolute best gear and omfg all the buffs in the world. And the rest of the time they are pretty weak. They need fixed not nerfed, as for your war if you get lucky and hit them out of stealth it’s a guarantee win for you (they cry about that on the thf forum)

It’s all about perspective guys

Looking for a roaming WvW build

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


What he said. Best thing you can do is play, log some hours on your current fave build untill you feel comfortable with the class. Then spend gold and fine tune a build that works for you.

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Man I hope it’s sticks around for a while I really enjoy the playstyle so far (and I found the runes for 4g)

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Op for one class one buld, I’m optimistic that they won’t get nerfed lol (sarcasm)


in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Just to add to this, 2-handed weapons will be allowed to slot 2 sigils in the future, to bring them up to par with dual wielding. This will be so much more convenient than carrying two weapons!


Engineer Signets

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I think sigs would be cool on Engi and I do like the OPs (and other) suggestions. To the op, I really like the idea of lowering the cool down of toolbelt skils but 20% feels too strong. Honestly 5% feels more in line with what other signets are like atm. Also a simple run speed sig would be cool.

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Oh man I love my shield something about a medium armored class with a gun and a shield is just so unique to the RPG genre. If elder scrolls had pistols I would play a p/s lol.

I do agree that off hand pistol needs some love and I would really like more access to bleeds (w/o nades)

Thanks for al the feedback guys I would have never truer the confusion build. Now to sink about 10g into runes that will probably see a nerf soon lol (just my luck not saying they are op)

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have been looking at Perplexity, I will have to do some testing first but I just wonder how many stacks you could really get. Anyone who runs a confusion build want to chime in?

Experience from my Mesmer, i can have more then 100% duration, i can spike stacks upwards of 17+ and everyone says that Engi are better at Confusion so i would assume it would be higher, Just running with FL and offhand Shield gives 4 interrupts if used right

if Tornado and Rampage interrupts (Elixir X) can proc it then you could possibly spike to 25 if done right i would think. Rocket Turret overload could be an interrupt every 2 seconds for 7 seconds on a 20second cool down but the turret itself has a 50second basic cool down as well as :

Slick Shoes interrupt
Battering Ram interrupt
Thumper Turret interrupt

Bomb Kit has interrupt and Confusion skill
Toolbelt has confusion skill
Pistol Man Hand has confusion skill

Im going to try this, any thoughts as to the build? im assuming a 30/30/x/x/x just for the condition duration?

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have been looking at Perplexity, I will have to do some testing first but I just wonder how many stacks you could really get. Anyone who runs a confusion build want to chime in?

Builds to work with Rabid Gear

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I’m not at home, but it’s a named exotic (Errol’s maybe?).

Filter on the TP and you’ll find it.

Found it :'s_armor

life savor tyvm

Builds to work with Rabid Gear

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I use Perplexity runes on a full Rabid set and on a full Dire set. Rabid was before Dire. I almost never use anything but Dire in WvW (all I play) now. Fully buffed I sit at 26K Hp and 3K armor.

With the new WvW meta coming tomorrow, I will also do a full Apothecary build.

How did you get exotic Dire armor? still cant find any for sale on my BLTC.

Help with conditions

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Hey Engineers,
I have been playing Engi from pre-release and I absolutely love the class. I would consider myself well versed with the Engi but I still have stuff to learn.

My current build’s are based on Pow/Crit and IMO it is just working so much better than my condition build. My issue is I LOVE my pistol collection and i want to play a p/p or p/s condition build.

Are there any builds you would recommend for PvE/WvW that don’t use grenades (been there done that, my wrists hate me for it)

Videos would be awesome!

Your Thoughts On This sPvP M/M Bunker Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Great idea, it is not totally new but it’s by no means the cookie cutter Necro bunker. One thing I would suggest is taking consume conditions over blood fiend. (especially with clarics) also consider running with a utility well, 3 pets is still enough but the extra condition removal/stability is wonderful (and without foot in the grave it’s your only source of stability)

Just a couple of tips from a fellow bunker and lover of minions, overall good build.

Is Minion Master better for PVE now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I used to run some easy mode stuff with 5 MMs. (Just for the fun of lol) with some extra HP I could see it being rather viable, especially with how strong weakness is now.

I still think that in order to truly fix minions for dungeons they need to have some AoE protection something to the tune of -50% AoE damage taken. MM is one of the best DPS builds we have (if all of your li’ll buddy’s actually attack the right target and don’t run off on there own)

It’s a step I the right direction for necros. To the OP I play MM while leveling and it’s great, go for the 50% HP trait first and keep regeneration on them using your staff and they will live forever.

3 friends looking for a better Gank scene

in Looking for...

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Man this seems interesting, I’m on DB and its nothin but a Zerg fest. I do like farming towers like that from time to time but I miss the old 5 man days.

Best of luck to you I have been thinking of a switch but I’m not sure I wouldn’t miss the competitive nature I the upper leagues.

Condition nerf incoming?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


We have great access to burning even without IP. don’t get me wrong… I love IP but I could live without it. What I would like is better access to bleeds w/o the use of grenades (my poor wrist)

The Lament of the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Consider the fact that Engineers need to might stack to achieve the DPS that other classes can get without might stacking. I think that’s a pretty serious flaw.

And the fact that certain skills are totally useless without traits is also a flaw (IE Toss Elixir B )

Consider that our raw dps capability is only really beaten by wars I’m on with that. We don’t have to stack might to be on par with other classes I do t know where your getting that from.

Even on a war… Lets say you wanted to run with a hammer in pve, would you cry because greatsword does more damage? No you would use GS just like everyone else. So it doesn’t really matter if the way you want to play your engi doesn’t match up with other classes. The class as a whole is a great dps class.

The only reason guardians and mesmers are more popular is because they make wars do more dps lol, running the right setup you are the 2nd best dps class on the game… And your complaining.

Sure some stuff can be fixed but its the same across the board. Just ask a Necro who wants to run Minions… Or a guardian who loves there spirit weapons… Or a staff ele… Or a warrior who doesn’t like hammers. See where I’m going with this yet??

Engineer or Necromancer for dungeons wvw

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


You will have to forgive VIV he’s a self hateing Engineer. Engi is fine for picking up groups, and tbh if your puging most of the time you need to find a beter guild.

Engineer or Necromancer for dungeons wvw

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have bolth, I play bolth with power and conditions. IMO Necro is the clear winner when it comes to conditions and Engineer is the winner when it comes to power/crit builds.

There play style is very different and I wouldn’t really say the Necro is easyer (maybe a little)

Sorry this probably doesn’t help much but I guess the take away is if you want to be master of conditions play Necro, if you want to be bursty and mobile play Engineer.

Oh and p.s. I don’t use nades and I do just fine. I run a SD build.

Condition nerf incoming?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Lol today I was wondering if I should go back to my condition build for a while… Thanks for my answer

Legendary/Ascended Wpn = waste of time/money

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Arenanet despises Engineers.

Maybe if people stopped defending our current state and started asking for buffs and bug fixes, we would start getting them.

What is extra interesting/frustrating is that in a recent interview Colin said that his main is an Engineer. If that is the case, how can he not be aware of or acknowledge the glaring issues with the class? Most of us aren’t looking for buffs, TBQH, we just want the class brought into line with the other classes with regard to bug fixes & balance.

The gimmicks that define the class are cool and what attracted me to it out the gate a year ago, but at times, it feels like due diligence was not executed to ensure these gimmicks were up to par with their counterparts.

There is a whole thread for this crap post it there please.

New Teleporter Turret!

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Lets face it, we all started an Engineer in some part because we loved the idea of TURRETS! (ok maybe not “all” of you but most)

However our dreams were quickly crushed when we found out how terabad turrets were. So we flood the forums and talk about buffing the HP of turrets giving them more damage and overall crazy OP stuff like that.

The thing about turrets is that they are already really strong, think about it turrets are a 3 in 1 ability you get the turret, the overcharge, and the tool belt. I can see why ANET is hesitant to just give out damage buffs.

IMO the issue with turrets isnt damage or HP its mobility! so here is my idea +1 if you like it.

New Elite Turret

~While deployed the Turret will provide some kind of buff to the other turrets in the area (my idea is a small shield around the turrets that blocks projectiles)
~The Overcharge will teleport the turret and all other turrets in the area to your location
~The Tool Belt will teleport you to the turret

I think we really need a new elite and this fits right in the playstyle of an Engineer without being IMO overpowered

Let me know what you think!

(edited by tattoohead.3217)

The Lament of the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Okay, I admit I was wrong that we don’t have many builds. I’ve never really explored those options because I despise kit-switching and elixirs. I rolled Engineer for three things:

1. Guns
2. Turrets
3. Gadgets

But it’s virtually impossible to make a build that uses Gadgets and regular weapons, because they have a huge cooldown, give mediocre effects (mostly), and Speedy Gadgets doesn’t affect toolbelts, which seems like a bug.

I’ve also tried making a turret build, and the result was “Place Turrets>Turrets Die>Get Downed”

Turrets should be formidable, static opponents. If I have a setup of three turrets, I should be putting out a lot of DPS on that alone. In PVP and WVW, enemies should be forced to focus on turrets to destroy them, rather than casually dropping AOE. My turret nest should be my domain, with a fully traited one offering insane DPS that can tear apart individual enemies.

Think TF2 engi, slightly less so.


I cannot emphasize enough how much these need improvement. Elementalists got a full revamp shortly after the release of the game, and we need one as well.

Im going to go ahead and agree with you for once… Turrets need some help in a big way. Ill still say that providing a realistic suggestion for fixing the issue is more valuable than just stating “there is a problem!”

So in the spirit of fixing stuff here is my idea for buffing turrets. IMO the damage done by turrets is ok (its on par with necro pets) the issue as i see it is mobility. Its easy to avoid a static turret and that is why they feel so weak damage wise.

To fix this i have 2 ideas
1. A new grand master trait that makes our Turrets mobile (not my favorite idea as it feels less “Turrety”)
2. New Elite Turret “Teleporter Turret”
~The turret while dropped would provide some kind of buff to the turrets near it
~The overcharge ability would teleport that Turret and all other Turrets near it to your location
~The toolbelt skill would teleport you to the turret.

Im rather proud of idea #2 so let me know what you think.

Oh and as a side note if you like gadgets play with Goggles and boots (rocket & Slick) all of those are really strong if used right. Also elixirs = win

condition build? carrion or rabid

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I use Rabid, its been my experience that Toughness>Vitality in “most” situations.

The new gear has me thinking of some potently great builds the Dire armor could make for a great Condition bunker. I was thinking of using this for my necromancer but i felt like i was too dependent on “on crit” conditions to make the switch.

With Engineer im on the fence, on crit burning and the extra bleeds are nice. Also we shouldn’t scoff at out direct damage that does add up.

But the potential is there for some great new builds, even without crit we can still maintain perma burn, poison, cripple. We have access to a lot of blinds and chills and some confusion and we will still be able to have “some bleeding”

w/o the need for crit we can focus on Malice and condition duration and still pump some great damage while being super buff tanks.

Ill try this later and post the results

Legendary/Ascended Wpn = waste of time/money

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Cant seem to find the patch fix notes online, would someone post the hotfix notes.

Or was it stealth?

Turret Cooldown

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


On to the turret issue i would love to see an ability added that allows you to summon your turrets, Turret Teleporter. Also i would like to see an Elite Turret “other than supply crate”

The Lament of the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


You should probably try an argument other than “you’re the only one who holds that position”, because that’s clearly not true.

I would understand disagreeing on some of my points, but saying “NO L2P ENGI IS PERFECT RITE NAO” is just being ignorant and disregarding blatant issues.

At this point its a moot argument… but for the record i don’t think Engineer is perfect (no class is perfect) we have some bugs i would love to see fixed. However we are no ware near the bottom. There are plenty of successful Engineers in sPvP, WvW, & PvE myself included. And we have a number of builds we can use in each scenario

~Pow/crit SD
~Pow/crit Grenades/Bombs
~Condition p/p HGH
~Condition Grenades
~Support EG/HT
~Support Turrets/Water fields

Those are just some of the cookie cutter builds that are popular atm there are some i left out and other more creative builds that have been tailored to specific situations. When you say “Engineers Suck” you better be prepared for backlash because your statement is wrong.

OFC you will get people too see your point of view and QQ about there class but most people who honestly believe Engineer’s are weak just suck at there class… so to that ill say it again L2P… better yet L2P War (you will still be bad you will just be better at it)

How to beat a necro?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I play Necro as my 2nd toon. I have to say that condition Engineers are one of the easiest classes to beat. Basically anything that throws conditions at my Necro will lose.

Still there are some things you can do that will make life hard for the crappy Necros that roam WvW.

~Run with Automated Response
~Run Elixir C or Elixir Gun
~Knock Down/Knock Back as much as possible
~Play super aggressive Ill have to explain this one, If your facing a good Necro (and your a condition build) you already lost. But if your facing a nub then playing aggressive will freak them out and throw them off there game.

Rock beats Scissors, Scissors cuts Paper, Paper covers Rock… simple as that (now if you add Lizard & Spock you have a battle!)

Ascended Weapons and kits

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I go back to my prediction, it will get a hotfix before too long.

Im willing to bet the original 5% buff was an oversight as kits used the current BiS as a measure for there damage. This will more than likely be updated as Ascended weapons become the norm.

Just think at one point our kits were based off rare damage. For now its a minor nerf.

Honestly the only thing im upset about with this patch is as far as i can tell the new weapons have no particle effects

Turret Cooldown

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I read the patch notes, i wouldn’t call it a nerf as much as i would call it a “re-working” of the spirit ranger. The up time on spirits is going to be close to the same for anyone worth there salt, and spirits provide there benefits even while knocked down.

Not a nerf, i agree not a buff and im sorry for posting w/o researching 1st (flame away i deserve it)

Chainsaw kit

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


To bank on my first post if this were an elite skill i think it should obviously be more powerful and provide some kind of buff (might, stability, ect) but it should have limited uses something like “fule” (like eles weapons) or maybe just a timer.

The Lament of the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I find it appalling that you can’t realize the difference between “high-skill, high-reward” gameplay and “high-difficulty, moderate reward”.

Compared to other classes, Engineers have a disadvantage. Half of our skills are bad. We can’t weapon switch. We have no synergy in 4 out of 5 of our trait bars. Our class has absolutely no synergy with its mechanic.

Kinds sounds like you just need to L2P.

Engineers have one of the highest skill caps… yes. But they also have some of the best “synergy” in the game. IMO Engineer has some of the most creative builds out there (stuff like using turrets to explode water fields for crazy healing that’s on par with ele)

And yeah… your point is invalid, you gotta stop saying “we” and just roll another class cuz your not getting it man. (best advice anyone has given you)

Ascended Weapons and kits

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


the way i see it ANET has 3 options when it comes to kits. All of them have a downside.

This is also assuming ascended weapons will get a damage buff (i think they will, old legendary had increased damage)

Option 1: Kits get buffed automatically when new weapons get released, removing the need for us to get new weapons & giving Engineers an overall free buff (my favored choice lol)

Option 2: Kits stay the same, Nerfing Engineer’s top end because other classes will have an edge in weapon damage. (my least favored)

Option 3: Kits are now based on weapon damage, forcing power/crit builds to use rifle (yes weapon damage is better then 2x sigil)

Overall Its a hard choice for them to make, Im predicting that kits will stay the same as they are now and get fixed in a later patch when ascended weapons are the norm.

Just my 2c

Oh and by the way atm its been confirmed that kits have a base damage not effected by your weapons

(edited by tattoohead.3217)

Turret Cooldown

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


look up spirit ranger, they are boss atm. If you read the whole patch notes its not that big of a buff though tbh.

Turret Cooldown

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Spirit ranger gets a buff… HAHAHAHAHAHA! i laugh to stop from crying.

Chainsaw kit

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


This may be the best idea… ever

One thing to add, make it an elite kit and give it a totally different look (something not like a bum sack)

Tesla Coil Build - SD/AccelerantTurrets

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I’ve been playing a lot with another variation of the build using Bombs in replace of the rocket turret.

Fire bomb + Big Ol’ Bomb & 2 turret detonations = 9 stacks of AE might that lasts for 30+ seconds and then all the extra might stacks from Battle sigil.

I’ve been using smoke bomb with the turret detonations like crazy. Since the detonation blast finisher happens where you are standing and not where your turret is placed, all you have to do is stand in the smoke field and blow up a turret (no matter where it may be). Skyhammer has been a lot of fun because on points A and C right before turning the corner into the point, I’ll throw a smoke bomb, get stealth, use magnet while invis and then toss them over the edge with launch or a exploding turret. They never see it coming .

- Lambchops

I didn’t realize the blast finisher from detonate turret was PBAoE thats pretty freaking cool. Think of what that means for water fields thats a lot of healing on a short cool down.

Static discharge dual pistol thoughts.

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


You know in beta Pistol had a much higher attack speed, and the power sailing on #2 is great so with some slight changes on ANET’s part i would see p/p or probably p/s working with SD but for now i would have to say Rifle wins by a landslide.

If it were close i would just say do whats fun, but its a big discrepancy tbh

The Lament of the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


nah spirits have a decent health pool, he can wear them down with Combustive Shot and arcin arrow but not quiet one shot them.

as a warrior he would just have a much easier time dealing with spirit rangers, necros, thief on 1v1 that he would have on an engi, but just because warrior counters meta doesnt mean engineers arent viable. js

Nobody ever said unviable. The point i was making was that given 2 players of the same skill level the engineer will lose 9/10.

yeah… not true.

That statement is true with a given build but Engineer’s power lies in the fact that we can build to deal with certain meta comps. For instance if im fighting a necro i can trait so that i have the advantage. same can be said for war. and thf has always been a joke to a good Engi

I dont face too many spirit rangers so i may lack experiences there but even if that was the paper to my rock its still just one build of one class.

and before you say we shouldn’t need to switch traits often to be viable… i dont

The Lament of the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


hmm, ok explain.

Perhaps you don’t do much pvp? Anyone who does knows that the way to beat a spirit ranger is to AOE down his spirits. That’s how you kill the effectiveness of a Spirit Ranger.

So why did a guy who played Engineer the whole time before suddenly switch to a warrior?

The meta has shifted. Engineers are no longer great as they were even in the best hands.

Um… so… war is better at killing spirit ranger, and that makes Engineers bad…

Yeah i was the one who missed the point there… Any way the reason for the change was a probably a team decision based on a comp they were facing… not just to AoE down spirits for one class.

The Lament of the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


hmm, ok explain.

The Lament of the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Paper is too strong rock needs buff

tPvP is a bit different… And I obviously didn’t go to pax so w/e.

The main point is stop the QQ fest we have all herd it. Engineer is a strong class overall you can’t expect it to be the best class just becaus that’s what you want.

The “issues” with the class that have been outlined are rather minor and everyone wants to make it a big deal. Lets face it your not going to pax… The issues those players have with engineer don’t even effect someone at your level. Or mine.

The Lament of the Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Man i had to laugh at this post!

Engineer is actually in a really good place right now. The only changes i would make would be cosmetic (hobo sacks)

Engineers have a high skill cap but once mastered they are godmode PvP and they can keep up with the top dogs of DPS in PvE.

I have an Engineer, Necromancer, Guardian & Warrior and I have to say i feel like my Engineer is tied with my Guardian in terms of PvP.