Showing Posts For tattoohead.3217:

Support - Engineer vs Mesmer

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


First +1 to the OP Engineer and Mesmer bring different things to the table but fill slimier roles. It will be nice to see some discussion here.

In PvE I run a support build with my guild (in pug’s I run a burst build) ill outline some of the benefits and try to list what Mesmer brings as well.

-As a pure Support we tend to dish out more constant DPS than a Mesmer but Mesmer does have some nice burst.
-With blast finishers group healing is on par with Mesmer
-Vuln stacking with grenades is probably the best in the game
-Might stacking through runes is easy with Med Kit
-Condition removal with Elixirs/Elixir Gun
-Our hard CC is the best in the game

-Access to might stacking is good but not as good as other classes
-Our group boons are less than Mesmer other that Regain
-Group healing requires a lot of coordination (if your not in vent then people will miss the heals)
-There may be more but meh…

-have no clue my mes has been lvl 10 sense launch lol (group Quickness is pretty cool though)

Im not sure how a mesmer can maintain 25 stacks of might or perma protect retal ect but if that’s legit than i may just level mine lol

BTW the #s for healing on blast finisher is 1,320 + 20% of healing power ie BOSS

(edited by tattoohead.3217)

Add Throw mine too Tool Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have started to play around with the Tool Kit for fun recently (i use it in my burst build but just for Throw Wrench and Magnet Pull)

The #1 and #2 skills are very strong but Box of Nails is lame, if it were instant with a lower cool down it would be a little OP but as is its meh…

My idea get rid of BoN and place the seldom used Throw Mine as the toolkit #2 its a blast finisher and a boon stripper and even though you lose the tool belt ability i think this will give Tool Kit some new life

Just bored at work but +1 if you like this idea and if you use Throw Mine in your build effectively post your build and how you use it because i dont see any builds utilizing this skill.

Tesla Coil Build - SD/AccelerantTurrets

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


The healing from this build would be insane you have 4+ blast finishers and a water field that’s 1.5k healing per finisher on top of the regain and healing from turret. I is a little hard to micro manage the set up for all of that though. I would suggest Net Turret instead of rocket for PvP the added control makes up for the lack of damage.

How is engi supposed to..

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


The best way to fight a stunlock war is to be aggressive. The defense we have while stunned in good but a full rotation will still take you down to >50% health. If you see a war with this shield out KNOCK HIM DOWN then blow his gimmicky butt up! if you try to counter the stun he will just follow with another stun, if you rely on your defense you are starting a fight at a disadvantage and will still lose it will just take longer.

Skull crack needs a nerf (dont QQ you know its true) and imo so does 100 blades (mostly imo for PvE not for PvP) but until that happens (never) just kill them first.

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Slightly modified version for a WvW build. Front line TK build. I was torn between taking 10 points out of Tools to put into Inventions, to get the +90 toughness with Shield and Pistol. But I think being front line, the Aegis from being crit would come in more handy, then the extra ~200 toughness.

Your build looks interesting I will have to try it out. Also +200 toughness is 1/15 of what you already have in total armor meaning you would be taking 93.75% of the damage you were taking before(damage taken scales inversely with armor rating and you have 16/15 what you had before, so 1/(16/15) results in a lowered attack damage to 15/16 of what it was). Aegis will negate one attack every 25s at best, so that is only 4% less damage you would be taking on average if you were being attacked an average of once per second which seems fair in most fights, at least with more than one opponent, meaning you would take 96% of what you would normally take. So the aegis actually is not as beneficial as the +200 toughness, ignoring of course any positives from the extra toolbelt recharge and crit damage. If however you were anticipating more 1v1s the aegis would probably be best due to lower number of attacks per time period.
Personally I prefer the faster endurance regen over aegis trait because with the 10% endurance regen on toolbelt skill use, you are able to dodge frequently and I like dodging more than blocking.
That said I am interested in trying that build out, it seems much more durable than the one I have posted even if it lacks some of the damage or face-melting goodness from acidic elixirs. I could see the toolkit damage from that still being high and being able to get more hits off with it though seeing as you would have to kite less and you could live longer.

This is why i don’t focus on def, i just get enough Vit to hit 20k and dodge/block the rest

Rabid vs Zerker Grenades in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Nades are fun on towers, both attacking and defending. And just because your not killing people does not mean your not useful, every second they are not shooting at your team helps. Plus IMO a lot of PvP is psychological having stuff blow up in your face is scarry man lol it makes you move a lot more often than having someone shoot at you.

How is engi supposed to..

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I had this issue last night, so i switched up my build for a similar stunlock burst build and with range we have the advantage over the war every time.

I run with Rifle and Tool Kit/Bomb Kit (my gear is a mix before PVT Knights & Zerker)
The shutdown combo is simple “kind of”

1. Use overcharge shot on war (just to psyc him out)
2. Jump into TK and drop Box of Nails
3. Drop Big Ol Bomb
4. Use Magnet Pull on war (by this time they will be charging anyhow so you need to be quick)
5. Use Blunderbuss + Jumpshot combo
6. BoB will be going off just as your landing your Jumpshot
7. Netshot and laugh at them then finish them as they try and run away from your EPIC self

Rabid vs Zerker Grenades in WvW

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


The spread on grenades is the same at max range as it is at close range.

If the grenade hits something in flight, it will detonate, so very very close range can seem like there is almost no spread.

^ Not 100% true, the target area is the same no matter what range but nades spread out as they travel so if your close they will all land in the center of the target area (i.e. all hit 1 person) and st max range they all land at the outside edge of the target area.

To the OP i would say atm nades are built for conditions the Zerker nade build is ok and it may even preform better in a zerg (direct damage is best for taging) BUT there are better power builds.

In short if you love nades go rabid, if you just want a good power build experiment try a Static Discharge build with rifle, great for zerging. Power FT with Might stacking also works well.

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have always wondered if the +90 Toughness from shield is active while you are in a kit. I am at work or i would just test it myself but i seem to remember the trait not really being reflected in my stats when i had it active.

Could be an interesting combo with Juggernaut (off topic sorry =P)

Anyhow to OP i have used rifle with TK and Bomb Kit and had great success but not with your build (excited to try it when i get home) it is not necessarily “squishy” but imo it is harder to use the control from rifle defensively than it is to use shield.

It is imo best with 1v1 P/S is better 1vX

A viable toolkit build?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217



This is a cool build for sure but you get the (+1) for making me laugh =D

It is sad that Elixer R is no linger a stun breaker BUT you can replace it with bomb kit and have some INSANE burst lol ( best with rifle, but pry bar would do fine)

You drop box of nails, Big Ol Bomb, then you magnet pull them and pry bar them in the face while BoB blows them sky high.

Works best with rifle because you can use the Blunderbuss + Jump Shot combo instead of Pry Bar for more dmg.

Can Flamethrower get Torment?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Wouldn’t box of nails on toolkit be a better fit for torment?

Torment is a DOT, but it’s also a mobility punisher. So I view it as a subtle way to control an enemy’s movement or make them pay for ignoring it.

Box of Nails has a built in cripple to limit mobility. Plus TK also has magnet.

FT doesn’t have any mobility control skills other than the knock back, and it works counter to the FT’s design. FT requires a pretty short range, so Torment would be helpful to punish those who can effectively kite out of range or force them to stay in range.

Also, TK is a power weapon which wouldn’t benefit from the damage from Torment much imo. FT however, given an efficient way to dish out Torment, could then become an effective condition weapon. Now we have burns, bleeds on crit, and torment.

To the last part FT is really a power weapon it may cause burn but it works best with might stacking. Torment as a movement impairing ability is an interesting twist and i do agree that that would work best on FT but i wonder how much dmg Torment will do on a power build.

And please don’t reduce the # of ticks from flame jet, that would make this weapon 100% useless. We really rely on those 10 ticks to get our on crit sigils off, stacking might, bleeds, sigil of air for some added dmg, or sigil of fire. A good counter to retaliation is pay attention lol if they pop retaliation drop FT and use this time to heal/CC (in other words play pvp)

HELP ME! just coming back to engi

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


sad day 86 views and no one cares lol

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217



Bombs, Grenades or both.

Use the Flamethrower.

fixed it for ya

You won’t deal as much damage with the FT as grenades, but you will have more utility since most times FT builds utilize EG as well. Also, it’s less spammy & carpal tunnely. [/quote]

^THIS I hate the feeling i get after spamming nades for a few hrs. My hand looks like i have just had a stroke

S/P PvE levelling build?

in Thief

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


S/P is a great way to level, it really shines mid way through leveling (in the early levels D/D & SB win because mobs have less health and you can AoE with conditions quite well)

Anyhow S/D is awesome for hard fights with Black Powder and easy mobs can be burst down fast with Pistol Whip. Bit of advice would be to add defensive utilitys so you can focus on glass cannon gear. There are some unforgiving situations but you can always stealth away and restart.

Heavy up the thief

in Thief

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I lold this is a joke right, so… so many things wrong with this. (i posted something similar on the “heavy up the engi” post but that is at least arguable)

I also think thf needs to have more access to stealth and a little bit more burst.

And if we could only do something about our limited mobility.

HELP ME! just coming back to engi

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Its been a while, I have been playing necromancer but im getting bored and i want to give my engineer some love. I have a few builds that i run but i taught i would ask the forum for some ideas.

Im looking for a “bunkerish” build for WvW and solo PvE (have my sPvP/tPvP builds down already) I would like to use rifle (close to getting my legendary) and Im coming from a PVT necro with around 35k hp so if I go full zerker i fear ill be to squishy for my own good.

So a zerker/PVT hybrid or maybe Knights?

Any control rifle builds that are doing well atm?

Viable zerker build?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Something you may be interested in is a Might stacking FT build. I have been running a condition build for a while now (i just like the way 2 pistols look lol) BUT i used to run FT hybrid “kind of” like your build. I switched to full zerker and used a Might on crit sigil + might duration runes. and i would maintain around 15-18 stacks of might w/o elixer B. I would recommend using P/S so you get a 2nd sigil for your FT (Precision on kill comes to mind)

Anyhow your flame jet will be BOSS and the FT has some good utility.

PET Control UI

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


It would be too hard to implement, for necros and guardians. Think about it, how would you control said UI f1-f4? well then what about death shroud? On a necro it may fit but on a guardian there is no way. I think thats the real reason the devs have not placed this in the system.

Dont get me wrong I want to have something like this for my necro, i really want to love my pets and i hope the devs do something but i dont think this is a plausible solution.

IMHO the biggest issue with pets viability is there survivability. I think if our “Minions” had a large 50-75% resistance to AoE dmg and an improved health regeneration (maybe through traits) that would go a long way to fixing our issues in PvE and WvW.

Also the Minion master traits are useless, honestly who cares about a little poison when your pet is dead…

Death Shroud Burst Hybrid

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


You aren’t maximizing your damage potential with PTV. I run a similar build with Cav and Valk stuff and do just as much dmg as someone in full zerk. Except i survive a lot longer than the zerkers.
I will tell you however its not a great idea to bring a DS build to pvp, as DS just isn’t all that sustainable. One soft CC and the whole shroud is wasted. But for pve insane damage with insane sustain. I highly recommend it.
I just looked at your build, don’t go scepter/dagger. Go axe/wh and dagger/wh since you dont have greater marks. Otherwise you are gonna have a really hard time building DS.

Ha i just realized i didnt chose the right weapons i totally agree Axe/x is the way to go I have not played much tPvP with this build but in WvW it works nicely for tPvP and sPvP i run the fotm 30/30/10 build =P

You are right though about the gear, TBH im probably just being cheap and trying to justify my PVT gear from a different build

Death Shroud Burst Hybrid

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Hey forum!

I am in the process of revamping my death shroud build, with the introduction of Deathly Perception there is a lot more flexibility in our gear choice when trying to do some good damage.

Disclaimer at times i can be a min/maxer but i truly feel like the full 100blades zerker builds out there are not the best way to play this game PvE or PvP. Agree, disagree idc its just my 2c please dont flame on this thats not what were here for

Ahem… gets off soap box
To the point, Death Shroud is freaking cool. Its one of the best class mechanics in the game and one of the most misunderstood devs agree I like building to max this out but i was getting tired of my 0/0/20/20/30 build

So i built this 20/20/0/0/30

This post is already long so ill break it down fast and then i would love some feedback

The Key Elements are:
Deathly Perception for the extra crit so you can use PVT gear.
Furious Demise even more crit is always a good thing.
Spectral Skills the traits are easy to pick up and this gives good utility + Life Force

I run with full PVT gear lots of power and survivability and between having 20 in Curses getting Fury from Furious Demise and Deathly Perception doing what it does i have around 82% crit in death shroud and my power is around 3500. In short I wreck face!

Let me know what you think and if you have a different build focusing on Death Shroud maybe one for a condition build i would love to here it!

MM Hybrid Build 0/20/30/20/0

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Hey Forum Necros!
First a disclaimer, i have wanted to love my MM for so long now i really have. I have played a full PVT well Tankmancer (34k hp was pretty fun tbh) I also play a 30/30/10 conditionmancer. (waiting on a nerf for this, hoping it wont come) My current favored build is my MM hybrid I play PvE, Dungeons (not cof speed spams), WvW, Guild Missions, Solo Champions ect with this build. I have Yet to try in in tPvP but i don’t think it would shine there.

Lets get right into it, ill try and make this quick

The Build

Skill Breakdown

Healing: Well of Blood, the reason to take WoB over BF is simple it provides more group utility. It has a nice AoE heal and a Light combo field BF has almost 0 skitten healing and you will have enough sustained healing without it.


Epidemic: I focus on spreading conditions to take out large groups of bad guys while my meat shields soak up damage this is kind of self explanatory.

Shadow Fiend: just cuz i can and now that it has hp regain ooc it helps a ton

Bone Minions: Because 2 heads are better than one! and the recast is low so its an all around good skill.


Flesh Golem: Well duh…

Traits explained
Rather than go through each one and tell you what you already know, or could find out real quick ill focus on the important ones.

Terror: This is your spike damage and it does hurt if you have not tried this trait yet do yourself a favor and try it out.

Death Magic
Get the staff traits they are worth it.

Flesh of the Master: 50% HP yes please!

Blood Magic
Transfusion: This is a crucial trait it does a solid ammount of healing to your pets ANG your group.

Deathly Invigoration: this just adds to the healing you do, for solo play you can slot in Vampiric Master it adds nice self sustain.

Now lets talk about why i dont go 20 into Spite for +30% minion DMG, Simply putt going 20 into Curses adds far more damage through conditions alone, add Terror and there is no question.

you have some freedom here, with Runes i like to stack Regeneration Duration and Bleed Duration but you can also just go for added Condition DMG if you plan on running with a group a lot and need extra Spike DMG

Sigils are meh… you wont have enough crit to make use of sigil of earth, i use Sigil of Corruption and Sigil of Life on my S/D and i have Sigil of Geomancy on my staff in PvE and in PvP i use Sigil of Hydromancy on my staff.

I hope this interests would be MMs and encourages you to give your undead flesh bags some much needed love. Feel free to comment, flame, discuss, or leave your feedback if you want to try this build out. If you have any questions ill be watching my posts closely cuz im bored at work

Crit Chance cap Or Deathly Perception bug?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have noticed this as well i run PVT gear so my crit chance is low (like 10%) when i used the trait i was disappointed because i feel like i crit maybe 20% of the time.

Im thinking there may be a bug here and i bet we get a hot fix…. although i feel like the trait may be too strong if it worked right lol at least for power builds.

Roaming/WvW which buid (pow or cond) ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Nice videos, Im really liking condition in groups as well my normal roaming team has a condition engi and then a few power builds so epidermic shines.

Sometimes i miss the 30k+ hp and well bombing after DS #5 for some nice AoE burst oh yeah and being immortal.

Roaming/WvW which buid (pow or cond) ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I run full PVT gear and wells (sometimes i use a spectral build) in zergs it really doesn’t matter but plague form is BEAST! I have 32k HP over 3k armor and 3500 atk and i feel so OP when a thf jumps me and i just dance/laugh at him.

I am thinking of switching to a condition build i here 30/30/10/0/0 is the fotm build but i wouldn’t run that for solo roaming as you will be too squishy. If you play in a small group the condition is fun i will say.

Automated Response Needs Re-Working

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


gotta say i lold as i red this, the only time i take this trait is if im fighting a necro OFC you want a nerf. tyvm for your 2c now go burn something with your new BAMF self

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


hmm it doesn’t root my whole screen just my toon, for a free game im honestly impressed by anets polish im sure they will fix it one day but i feel like there may be more pressing matters. Overall rocket boots kick kitten

[BUG] - Rocket Boots Movement Bug

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


in all honesty its a minor bug, i agree a more fluid motion would be nice but it doesn’t effect the skill adversely.

Imbalances among Healing Skills

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


WoB and BF are pretty cool man, WoB does the most party healing and its useful for PvP and PvE, BF does DAMAGE! no other heal does that…. so no your wrong on all accounts from all viewpoints. I understand your entitled to your opinion but your still so wrong on so many levels.

Oh and devs read this stuff that’s why people are cheezed because topics like this bring nerfs i agree with tobby lets this post die (lol im just board ar work)

Most party healing? Transfusion do better party healing than WoB.
BF does damage? ~300 damage every 2 seconds? Yep. But it can be killed anytime and your only healing skill is kittened.

I don’t know based on what you say that I’m wrong on many viewpoint, but it really looks quite arrogant from your side.

If people don’t agree with me it doesn’t mean I’m wrong.
People are wrong sometimes. Actually, they are wrong also quite often, especially when talking about balance.
Some example? Thief instagib build. Most people said “it is fine, l2p” but, yet, it was nerfed.
Another example? Hundred Blades. Most people complained at a time it was too strong, still, the skill is left untouched.
Another example? Terror+Burning. Most people here, actually some of them are also the same who are saying I’m wrong, said it is fine and people should learn to play. Yet, it will be nerfed the next patch.

I can keep digging into the GW2 forum past saying how many times people were wrong.
This assuming that what ArenaNet does is the right call, otherwise, it all goes up to a matter of opinion, which means it makes no sense you say I’m wrong.

Yes, I’m sure, if I’m going MM and aren’t going to be fighting something like Lupi where it’s just going to die to AoE. I’m actually gonna try running with it on my condi build since I already have hella condi clear but would like the sustain to give me more uptime on spamming Scepter 1.

Which, again, isn’t to say that BF couldn’t use a buff. But that’s more a problem with minions in general.

It still makes your heal exposed. Any enemy can just focus your floating heal and burst you down in any form of PvP.
In PvE, it just blows out from AoE, which makes that skill pretty much useless.

It heals teammates, so by definition it’s a support heal. Healing Spring is probably a bit better, but that’s more a symptom of Ranger heals being in trouble than anything else. However, it must be said that Well of Blood applies direct heals, not Regen stacks, so it’s actually better when your team already has a source of Regen (like, for example, Staff #2).

Yet, your teammates have to ball up in the well to get healed, which makes them more exposed to the AoEs. This completely overshadow the poor base heals WoB gives.

Which means the other heals likely need to be buffed. Not that CC needs to be nerfed.

Which is what I said multiple times. I proposed both the solution, but people tends to negate the issue if there is the possibility it can bring to a nerf.
The issue isn’t “CC should be nerfed”, the issue is “there is an imbalance through healing skills”.

hmm i wish i didnt bite but here goes….

WoB i challenge you to find a #6 skill that does more party healing than WoB, maybe healing spring and HS is a water field but still that’s the only one i can think of. Yes transfusion does decent group healing and eles have great group healing but WoB is one of the best if not the best #6 skill for aoe heals.

Blood Fiends damage adds up in a MM build and the constant healing does quite a bit over time, im PvE this is a great skill

necros are the most powerful and diverse healers out there (with our #6) so that why i say your wrong and its not really a matter of opinion… and yes im arrogant but its well deserved

Imbalances among Healing Skills

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


WoB and BF are pretty cool man, WoB does the most party healing and its useful for PvP and PvE, BF does DAMAGE! no other heal does that…. so no your wrong on all accounts from all viewpoints. I understand your entitled to your opinion but your still so wrong on so many levels.

Oh and devs read this stuff that’s why people are cheezed because topics like this bring nerfs i agree with tobby lets this post die (lol im just board ar work)

All Necro Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


To be clear this is not a live guild yet, I’m creating an all necromancer guild for random events and WvW and I wanted to see if people were interested before we begin.

We are on dragonbrand and no you would not have to rep outside of the events you do.

This would be a place where necros can come to learn from other necros and just have fun spreading death and mayham in a swarm of necrotic goodness

We will be running guild events, schedualed WvW events, trying all Necro dungeon runs, and a lot more just for fun.

If this sounds like something you would be interested In joining post here with your name and what hours (server time) you usually play. Also if you are interested in joining and have name suggestions post that as well, when we get enough interest we will putt the name to a vote.

Necro Build 30/30/10

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


As someone recently returning to the game and wanting to try this out, what kind of gear works best with this build? Should I still run rabid gear or go for more power based?

Rabid for sure its a DPS build and your spike comes from conditions and fear (which is buffed by condition dmg)

Imbalances among Healing Skills

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


The philosophy of the OP is the reason so many mmos have failed. When you have options that are sub-par, you don’t nerf the ones that are not sub-par…you buff the ones that are sub-par.

I do understand where your coming from and your not… wrong… but your still wrong. Let me explain. If you Nerf powerful ability because others of the same school are weak yes your classes become weaker (duh) and people QQ. BUT if you just keep buffing ability to match the more powerful ones then you create an environment where classes are too strong. Then the devs have to a) nerf the crap out of everything or b) make content harder, if they go with B and make content harder then you create a bigger gear gap and the game becomes un-accessible to new players.

IMHO just leave well enough alone, this post should have never happened i really hope the devs dont nerf Consume Conditions

Imbalances among Healing Skills

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Oh and when i am running MM i deferentially take my minion heal its pretty kitten HoT and it is the only heal in the game that does dmg

Imbalances among Healing Skills

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


People have stated that Consume Conditions is the strongest heal in the game… I call BS and besides its a pretty crucial skill for the necro. If you take our lack of blocking and stability plus the lack of stun breakers (we do have more now but compared to most its still a bit weak) Our high HP and healing is what makes this class if you take away that you really do kill the necro

Bombgineer (PvE/PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have had some fun with a PVT Bommer build 20/0/30/20/0 i used it mostly for soloing champs but it was fun in zergfights in WvW

Please buff Elixir U or move the stunbreaker

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Hmm everyone keeps saying no one uses Elixir U. While i agree its a dangerous tool in sPvP & tPvP, in PvE and WvW its pretty BOSS you get a wall and Quickness.

I run a P/P condition Engi and sometimes a SD Rifle build. When i Run my condition build i like elixir U for the burst

But to get on topic, i think removing the stun breaker from it would be kinda lame seeing as other classes get a stun breaker on quickness. You need to realize that a stun breaker is not always a defensive move at times its important to break a stun so you can finish someone off, in those cases 25% more dmg or no endurance is no big deal because the other player is trying to GTFO and your not in any danger.

Im an aggressive player so high risk high reward skills pay off for my play style and i would never use Elixir U defensibly its more of a finisher for me.

Just food for thought i am bummed about the elixir R nerf but overall i dont notice my build changed too much if you need a stun break use the boots the speed boost is great in 1vx battles

Looking for kitless P/S PVE build

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Perma swiftness from speedy kits is nice in WvW though…. outside of that elixir B is good enough. Another idea is to use tool kit, yeah you will lose the gun but you would only use it as an OH CRAP for the block lol

Looking for kitless P/S PVE build

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


So let me get this straight, you want speedy kits, but you don’t want to use kits? You’re planning on speccing for kit swapping but not use that kit? You would basically waste a utility slot just for speed and for a cosmetic look. Not to mention its hard to find a viable build without kit use.

He said he was willing to, not that he required it. Kit-swapping can get you permanent swiftness, vigor and might, which is nothing to sneeze at… if it’s appropriate for the build.

Heck, I slot bomb kit just for the toolbelt and fire field, if I’m stacking might for a dungeon group (Big ’ol Bomb, Thumper Turret, Magnetic Inversion, Runes of Altruism, 18 stacks of might for everyone. 21 if I feel like dropping supply crate.)

I have no build suggestions for primarily P/S or P/P though.

“I’m willing to swap to a kit QUICKLY for Speedy Kits purposes”
Reading this tells me that he only wants to swap to a kit for speed, and that utility would never be used because he prefers to look at his cosmetic weapons. There is no point speccing for kit swapping speed if you are going to waste a utility slot on a kit you will never use. Hes better off bringing Elixir B and getting swiftness/fury/might/retaliation.

I disagree, i mean i see your point but Med Kit is awesome even if you only swap into it for swiftness and use the toolbelt skill. Also FT is great for that same reason, on a condition the toolbelt skill is worth the utility slot.

If i had Quip i would not be chillin in a Kit for very long

What is the best condition dmg build in WvW?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I posted this in another forum so no flaming for re-posts but i thaught it may help you out
I play a no kit P/S and P/P build (same build i carry both) Im a pvp player mostly but with full rabid I am a condition machine in PvE. The only spot i feel weak is world events (due to bleed stacking) and then who cares…

Anyhow here is the build 10/30/0/20/10

I focus on elixirs (yes i thought about getting HGH but speedy kits is worth it in WvW maybe for PvE you can just go for HGH)

Rocket boots cuz there fun and the toolbelt skill is BOSS

Elixir B for a lot of reasons i mean swiftness is nice and so is might but between the fury on this and med kit i have around 100% up time on fury when i feel like maintaining it.

Elixir U double edged sword but its a great burst skill, stack up your buffs and then spam #1 and get bleed stacks.

Oh one last thing if its a P/S build you can swap MEd kit for Healing Turret for the extra water fields If you use f1 + rocket boots then drop ur turret overcharge and #4 it will be some nice healing.

Looking for kitless P/S PVE build

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I play a no kit P/S and P/P build (same build i carry both) Im a pvp player mostly but with full rabid I am a condition machine in PvE. The only spot i feel weak is world events (due to bleed stacking) and then who cares…

Anyhow here is the build 10/30/0/20/10

I focus on elixers (yes i thought about getting HGH but speedy kits is worth it in WvW maybe for PvE you can just go for HGH)

Rocket boots cuz there fun and the toolbelt skill is BOSS

Elixer B for a lot of reasons i mean swiftness is nice and so is might but between the fury on this and med kit i have around 100% uptime on fure when i feel like maintaining it.

Elixer U double edged sword but its a great burst skill, stack up your buffs and then spam #1 and get bleed stacks.

Im more fond of P/P but with Quip i would go P/S unless you want to get 2 Quips lol

Oh one last thing if its a P/S build you can swap MEd kit for Healing Turret for the extra water fields If you use f1 + rocket boots then drop ur turret overcharge and #4 it will be some nice healing.

(edited by tattoohead.3217)

Net Turret Nerf/Fix

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Honestly it was just a bug fix not a nerf, When i run net turret in tPvP im using it mostly for the tool belt skill and the occasional overcharge but i rarely drop that turret. Good players can stunbreak and kill your turret too fast.

New generation of SD rifle build?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I wouldnt use SD berserk for roaming, its better for small grp where others can cover your weaknesses.[/quote]

I use a similar build for roaming but not full Zerker gear i run almost half PVT with Ruby orbs, Also i sacrifice some burst for control so i use Tool Kit, Net Turret, and PBR. And ill be using the new Sitting Duck trait.

For PvE i use the same build 10/30/0/0/30 but i run full Zerker Rifle Turret, Tool Kit (the dmg on wrench is BA) and Goggles.

I want to find a way to add rocket boots jumping around sounds fun i could see getting rid of PBR ill have to test it out later

Oh and btw Jump shot fix was a bigger deal than i thought. im thinking of opening my burst by closing the gap with Rocket Boots, then Net shot, Jump Shot, Blunderbuss, and Overcharge shot, Then run through my tool belt and SD to death.

Brushing off the Flamethrower

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


They also lowered the animation and recast time on flame jet by a good bit (efectivly increasing the damage) and with the buff to Napalm Specialist 33% up from 20% burn duration, not to mention that Rocket Boots are making a comeback and the toolbelt skill adds burn. I think we have a very viable FT condition build.

Easy to stack Bleeds and Poison with pistol + the quick attacks from FT and 100% up time on burn should be easy now. PvE a zerker build may still win “may” but in PvP and WvW im very excited for my new BUNINATOR!!! (homestar runner reference for those old enough)

6/25 Patch notes~

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Also rocket boots making a comeback + more burn time from traits = me going back to my condition build, and that excites me

6/25 Patch notes~

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Yeah if you look at the other class patch notes a lot of stun breaks were nerfed, so all in all its not really a nerf to engineer but a nerf to everyone. and that’s well…. balanced.

Static Discharge for Dungeons?

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have been running SD build for a while now, i love it. I use Rifle, Med Kit (the f1 is so boss) Rifle Turret (f2 has a 7s cool down) Tool Kit (throw wrench is on a short cool down and hits hard) and the last slot i change from Goggles (vuln stacking and easy to hit SD) Rocket Turret (high dmg and knock back) and PBR (because i like beer =P )

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have long said that if they would fix the bleed cap problem, condition necros would be the king of PVE.


…you do realize I just said that Condinec deals not much more damage then a GS autohitting Guardian. While that was slightly exaggerated, I dont se ANY way you outdamage a warrior. 9k DPS on 3 targets with + 30% / + 40% damagebuff for the entire party.

there are people that are new and might just believe that statement.

just saying

I guess if every part of the game is measured against COF 1, then you will always feel this way… but personally I would love to watch your full team of zerker warriors deal with the 10+ mobs on the ascalon fractal over level 40.

Not arguing survival vs. damage, but I am arguing that sustaining 9k dps on mobs is not possible if you actually have to dodge or intelligently avoid attacks.

Against a target golem though yeah, I agree with you.

But I am willing to be proven wrong. There is a risen champion giant thing that roams around alone in Orr. I challenge you to go kill with any class of your choosing solo, and I will go kill it with my condition necro, and I would be willing to bet I can kill it faster. (Yes it stomps, yes it summons adds, but hey… your a mega DPS machine… it should be no problem).

People get way to hung up on the idea they can go full glass and mash keys. My point was that the at least somewhat difficult content in this game isn’t that way.

^ this tyvm sir, please stop just spam running COF 1 and thinking your cool. You don’t even have to get into fractals to realize 100 blades speed teams are really only for a handful of content. Go play HoW or Arah sure we need dps but ill be kitten ed if i pick your glass kitten up off the ground when you get one shot.

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


Ill record a video

Necromancer DPS low?

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I have been playing Necro sense launch and not only is it not bad its kitten… Just to be clear i have a war and i lvled it (and a mez) just for speed runs, if your looking to run CoF path 1 over and over… well roll a war guardian or mes (tyvm devs for not fixing this yet…) The idea that this game runs best with pure glass cannon builds is just wrong.

My necro tts out really nice DPS not DPA like war but overall its stronger, i run PVT gear and have over 3500 atk my Axe #2 (yes i run Axe sometimes) hits for around 10k and its on a 6s cooldown switch to dagger for dagger #2 and #1 and i have a nice burst combo (not including wells) Plus i have 28k hp and 3k def

bottom line i will fight you, i will win lol =P

…and i dont care about speed runs so if thats your think then, yeah…

How are you hitting 10k with PVT gear?

the “P” in PVT stands for Powrer lol, jk jk. I was surprised as well but trust me with 3500 atk your pretty beast! Crit + Crit dmg ie zerker gear is better but i like PVT play style. ill have to find it but i recently watched a video of a necro doing around 30k with Axe #2 (it was obviously set up perfectly but still impressive) so its easy to see how thats possible and i should prolly clarify that it ranges from 8k – 10k depending on the mob.

Really i just want people especially new players to necro to understand thakittens a wicked powerful class and if its your style its a lot of fun but its really hard to master.

I asked because I run full beserker and I cant hit anywhere near 10k with 3500 attack unless I crit. PVT shouldnt be criting so you should be hitting about 4k. That video was a 30k hit on a risen beserker (has frenzy so it takes double damage).

I have about 1k more atk than i do in my zerker gear (my zerker gear is exotic my PVT is ascended + Frost Fang)

I'm an engi player

in Necromancer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


the 2 hardest class, but i rock with em.