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AR had some amazing art work in it, but mechanic-wise MF was superior except for the 1st boss fight. MF had one of the best trash packs design I’ve ever seen in any MMO, distinct and interesting mechanics, none-zergable, you had to pull mobs, pick some of them and burn them down or CC, watch out for their abilities and your position. AR trash while tough didn’t really have any tactic to it, just dodge, survive and nuke, nuke, nuke, besides visually mobs were less distinct. And last boss fight, MF just hands down better in every way. AR still a decent dungeon, it’s just MF was the great one.
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This song about making core game experience as strong as possible and all is going on for a 6 months now. And WvW did get a culling fix, and sPvP got CA and a Spectator mode, and PvE got … chunks and bits of Living Story i guess, well, there was an Orr fix and AC rework, i’am not sure if you can call AC rework a success though, since it’s deserted now, while it was quite lively before the update. So, first of all, the definition of the “core experience” is really spacious in GW2 and second, just imagine if the full expansion would be coming out in 2 months… Including all those already released features, like culling fix in WvW and PvE, CA, sMode, but on top of that new story, new continent, new modes for sPvP and new what not. Oh well, yea, no Living Story, how horrible. And no SAB prolly. Decide for yourself what would you choose. xP
What Colin said in this topic so far sounds to me like a damage control tbh, nothing more. Been there, heard that. It’s not like they’re going to roll out an expansion’s worth of content in next 2 months anyway. xP
Well, i had a thought that it might be their business plan, to monetize on those frequent Living Story updates, selling stuff and all, and to do that instead of making an expansion. And well, i think this is totally suck for us as players, at least for me personally. We’re getting close to a anniversary , 1 year from a launch of GW2 and look at how this game changed so far and what new content it have. There were some substantial and significant updates and chunks of content, like the last patch or the one that added FotM, but can it all be even nearly compared to a full expansion? To what Factions brought to GW? Obviously not. And Factions did come out exactly 1 year after the release of the original GW. So, i think this is really good for AN, because it’s probably way cheaper for them, because the amount of actual new content they need to produce is significantly smaller compared to a full expansion, yet it keeps the flow of sales more or less steady. And, i think, this is in general bad for players, because, while we do get some new stuff very often, overall we’re getting much less content, less stuff to do, times and times less. I understand their choice, all money are green after all, but i don’t have to support this or accept it.
Nuke the Black Citadel, introduce capes shortly after?
Chest yes, looks like CoF, but shoulders and a helm and gauntlets… not sure, but i don’t think so. Yet another lava/fire themed armor? How original. Pyromaniacs took over the AN!
Overall it’s a good news, potentially great, depends on the content. However i hope that this won’t hurt their work on a base/core of this game, because frankly some parts of the game haven’t seen any improvements for a very long time now (dungeons/meta events/world itself/fotm), i hope they’re not stretching out their resources too thin. And another thing is that i really hope we’re not getting this instead of a full expansion. Because what was introduced through Living Story so far can’t even come close to what Factions, for example, introduced to original GW, light years away. So here i’am… hoping. Yet again, silly me. xP
I would recommend checking out Emerald dye and Crisp Mint one.
I feel you OP. I hope AN will listen eventually and add more skills to the game and customisable skill bars for weapon. It’s one the main reasons why combat in PvE in this game is so boring, so repetitive. Their idea of easier balancing across PvE and PvP obviously didn’t work, they’re already splitting skills, so what’s the point in having current limited and somewhat primitive system?
Well, i really like the cutscene, so the journal is great and neat idea, nice memo.
It’s just a festival, it’s not bad at all for a festival, compared to such events in other MMO’s, although, ofc it’s nothing to write letters home about. Living Story bit seems to be really nice though, at least so far. 25th June update seems to be interesting and quiet big. And well, yes, i do hope as well that they have enough resources to work on expansion and every month updates simultaneously, and that Living Story is not here to replace a full expansion.
Well, i think this will be the most interesting update since…. probably the Halloween one. It looks promising on paper, but all will depend on implementation and execution, so we’ll see,
I wouldn’t hope for that. I’am curious to see next patch since it’s supposed to be a balance patch, particularly i’am curious to see Warrior changes, but i’am skeptical. Because it’s Anet. xP
No, i don’t want it, unless it will be easy enough to obtain. The main problem with asc. gear is that, given how hard (takes long time) it is to obtain, it will be somewhat impossible to make few armor sets for different builds, so basically it will further hurt players with multiple toons and who likes trying new things, builds, etc. GW2 already extremely unfriendly in this, ascended gear will make things even worse.
Yeah! xD Just read it in A Guide to Dragon Bash, Part Two. Cool. \o/
She is indeed. I liked the whole scene, moody and stylish, good work there AN. Can’t help but feel sad that it’s a one time temp. quest, GW2 could use some pieces like that one in permanent content.
No sub? Updates.
— Cantha.
— Alliance Battles.
— Reworked skill system which would let you choose skills from a list for each weapon and for F1-4 instead of fixed skill list like it is now.
— Bugs for skills and traits fixed (since, they’re obviously impotent to do it via regular updates) xP .
— Would be nice to see GW1-style quests making it back to the game, zones will have more background to them then, imo hearts are not enough.
— More modes for sPvP, ability to watch replays.
— Possibly new weapons, at least for some classes.
— Reworked dungeon system which would encourage players to do all dungeons instead of farming one to death (CoF p1).
— Audio engine is very glitchy, would be nice for them to finally fix it. xP
— Build and equipment manager, ability to swap builds of the fly.
— Ability to bind consumables, or an action bar for consumables n stuff.
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At it’s current state the meta event on SS is kinda kittened, it should be tweaked so that 4 pre-events don’t start when the Queen is already there, so they don’t block the passes to the Q. And, i guess, timer should be introduced there, since place is kinda dead, otherwise no one’s gonna do it, just for the chance of spawning. Overall, it’s poorly designed and the fight itself … not that bad compared to some other meta events, but that’s a low standard, for real fight blows as well. Too bad, AN still can’t nail it with open world events. Whole SS living story bit was starting good to my taste, but it ended in ashes: sucky dungeon, sucky meta event, oh well.
Laurels still will be a time gated currency, so what OP suggests won’t fix the issue. AN needs to step away from a time gated content, it’s not the way to go.
1000 regular ones. 1 ticket, 10 minis. I think this system is ok as long as we’re talking about RNG stuff, but for real, in my mind, these kinds of weapons should be rewarded for some challenging, interesting task, like it used to be in GW1, not for pure dumb luck.
Topics like this one outline one of the biggest issues in GW2, imo. The content, the gameplay, on it’s own, just isn’t fun enough, you need a reward to even consider sticking around. That’s why some people feel like they’re being forced to do daylies. Because daylies are time gated and provide unique currency in this game which used to gear up your toons. As soon as you stop carrying for the gear, laurels, for the gold and ectos in this game… suddenly there’s no reason to log in anymore.
I wonder what happened to “making our core game/world as strong as possible blablabla” stuff? Where are all those “revamped dungeons and events”? It seems like the only thing we’re getting on a regular basis here is all kinds of mini games. Looks like AN truly thinks that this is what GW2 needs. Not skills and traits fixes, not class balancing, not re-worked meta events and dungeons, but yet another mini game for 1 month and re-skinned LA. All the loyal, actual, fan base will leave this mess as soon as another worthy game comes out, the only ppl AN will be left with is new comers who will stick around for 1 month and then create yet another topic on forums about “Why people stop playing GW2”.
Make a fool to pray to God… To all the whiners who couldn’t go to another zone to farm them or guest to a less populated server — enjoy spending 2x more time now, when soloing these. Idiot’s dream came true.
I assume new circles should help colorblind people. But, tbh, for me they’re annoying for now, the animation is too fast, i find myself dazzled and distracted when they appear. I hope i will get used to them.
Yea, before SS was just a nice location, with vivid scenery and some of the best and diverse landscape designs in GW2. Now it’s also fun and lively, mobs are fun to fight and thus group events are rarely trivial, unless, ofc, a big fat zerg washes everything away. After MF, which was really good, had probably one of the best trash mechanics among most if not all MMO’s i’ve seen, i’am actually excited to see the end dungeon of SS event. So far, all around, gj. Let’s hope it’ll get even better.
Because it’s resilient enough not to need additional defenses?
This is not about these typical cases, it’s about the times it will sit on people and keep squashing them for ages
As i said, either your own fault or bad luck. If you got caught by this attack, in most cases, it’s your fault, and if you got caught by it in such place… well, then it’s also a bad luck on top of it, and i’am guessing it happens rarely, i didn’t experience anything like that so far. Imo it’s fine and i see veteran karkas going down so fast some times, when there’re like ~8-10 ppl around, that there’s just not enough time for it to perform anything, it just dies.
Agreed, definitely much more fun than F&F. Enjoyed sample collection, no dulfy, didn’t even read the hints in achieve tab, while in F&F the treasure hunting bs actually annoyed me.
-veteran karkas’ rolling attack hits objects and continues rolling in place, applying knockdown and damage for the duration. Stability and/or invulnerability is pretty much necessitated here (maybe a very tanky necro could DS through it?)
Why not just dodge through it? There are other ways to mitigate and avoid damage in this game, not just going full tank and hope that your health pool is large enough to go “through it”. Karkas and drakes can kick your butt, but they can’t one-shot you, and more often than not it’s quiet obvious what’s coming your way, so in my experience usually if i die to them it’s either my fault or just bad luck, kitten happens, but imo it’s better that way. Make their damage and mechanic trivial and faceroll while trying to not fall asleep? No, thank you.
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right now i feel i use the main attack (1) while keeping the rest (2) damage abilities on CD.
its just really bothers me, because outside of that, the game is really looks great, i just afraid that i will get bored fast after X time of doing the same.
You will get bored, especially in pve, where it’s much more repetitive, you’ll go through all weapons and will get bored of all of them. This game needs more skills, each weapon should have not fixed set of skills, but rather a list of skills available to choose from, auto-attack should become just a white attack like in wow and free 1st skill slot for a sterling skill, because right now it’s just a boring filler in already very short skill bar. And more viable utility skills ofc, a list of F1-4 skills to choose from. Imo thats what this game needs, otherwise 1-3 months, and you’ll get bored to death, unless they release bunch of new content, but then you’ll get bored again as soon as you’re through with this new content.
GW2’s PvE being boring is I think just from the mechanics of combat and not the repetitiveness. If combat itself is fun, you can spend 1000+ hours and never get bored, I had that in other games. In GW2 though, people may defend the action-oriented easy-accessible combat all they like, but I can’t even play GW2’s PvE for 1 hour without getting bored of killing every mob in exactly the same way.
This. Although repetitiveness is there as well, i agree with OP.
I think he’s ugly and i think he looks nothing like Eir. Who she had to screw to get a guy like him out of her? A grawl?
True. It was beautiful. Afaik you can’t get it anymore, even using console commands.
I’ve asked you what did you like to do in gw1 and to be specific about it and your answer was: blah gw1 was great blah asc gear is bad blah… This isn’t even close to the answer I was expecting. Sadly.
Oh, please, really. You asked me about what i CARED about in GW1. And i answered exactly that, in essence. I actually was considering just enumeration of my activities in GW1, but i thought that it wasn’t what you asked about. And in the end you treat me like that? Lol. AB, HA, Deep, UW, FoW, Urgoz, TA, missions with friends. Happy now?
No one said anything about getting anything for free. Challenge is welcome, dumb time sink without much challenge and fun — is not.
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Which isn’t the case as of now and if you just collect laurels you’ll be able to get that ascended gear too without much hassle
For ONE toon. You keep missing the main point.
And i wouldn’t mind the hassle, if this hassle would be about challenge, but instead, right now, it’s about time you invest/sacrifice. Currently, if you think about gearing up all of your toons equally good, it actually feels almost like a lifetime commitment. It’s just wrong, on so many levels.
PS. And not only one toon, but one toon with a single spec! …. Even wow is better than this.
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GW1 was truly casual in terms of time consumption and schedule. All my toons were equally developed in terms of gear and skill, i could choose whoever i liked or needed at any given moment in the game. Thats what i cared about in GW1. With how things turning out with ascended gear currently in GW2 it’s no longer the case. I don’t mind at all when there’s some shiny thing like legendary out there which requires you to grind for it for a very extended period of time (although it is yet another example of a really bad and lazy game design), but when it becomes like a routine, like a daily activity, when they suggest that i should spend months to equip just 1 toon in bis gear… it’s not a GW anymore, it’s some kittening horrible version of WoW. Guild mission are already like raids in WoW, they’re so restricted, so gated, that you need to have guild-scale schedule in order to do them, log in on some kittening specific time and day.
Everybody else just plays the game at absolutely no disadvantage.
This is false in regards to WvW, one piece maybe nothing, but they do stack up eventually, so in case you have a main, this toon, when equipped in full ascended jewelry and backpack, for example, will have en edge over full exotic character in terms of stats.
I never cared about achievements, besides, those achievements weren’t getting you anything except titles, so it was in line with horizontal progression thing, if you cared about it > you do it and get your titles and it doesn’t affect anything at all, if not, then you just ignore it, just like i did. Gear is different, it tied to your performance one way or another.
In my opinion situation with ascended gear is getting out of hand. Slowly, but surely GW2 forces you into the common MMO mindset/mentality where you supposed to have a main character, the one and only whom you will gear endlessly. I hate that. I don’t have a main, i don’t want to have a main, i come from GW1 where you had bunch of toons and played all of them with different builds and specs, and it was great. You can’t do that now, if you have this idea of making your toon as good as possible (the best you can) in what he/she does. Just look at how many new pink gadgets being introduced each update, there’re already 2 new currencies somewhat designed to hook you up onto this ascended gear treadmill system. It’s starting to feel like the whole game is being designed around this ascended horse kitten lately. Do the daily, save the laurel, do the fractals, get the kittening tokens, do the guild missions, get the commendations, each day, like it’s a work, where the hell this game is heading to? Is it some kind of a safe and lazy way to ensure the presence of so called end game content in the game? Of introducing new content to the game? Like next month you can introduce another bunch of pink kitten and a new currency for it and call it an update? Now, i’ve never even kittened about ascended gear before, but seriously, it’s time to stop guys, just let us play the great game you’ve made instead of making us farm gazillion kinds of currencies to get these pink kittening gadgets.
And what the kittens up with guild missions? Are they what community asked for? To have some content designed to play together with your friends and guildies? Only you’ll need to have gazillion of friends and guildies to even unlock this content and even then unlocking process will take like a week at least. Hey guys, we’re introducing some great new content into the game this month, but guess what, you can’t play it, at least not now, you have to farm influence and join some random huge guilds in order to get access to it, how about that kittenes? Who does that? It’s beyond good and evil for me, i don’t understand how anyone can make such a horrible game design decisions.
I’am sorry for being overly emotional and all, but i feel like it’s better to speak up now and see if i’am alone in this, or maybe significant part of GW community feels, more or less, the same way and then AN hopefully could pay some attention to these problems and keep them in mind while making future updates.
Nice vid. But. But what’s up with this freaking dubstep in every single video i see? Sorry to rant about that, just tired of getting my ears destroyed every time i watch GW2 video.
Here, little bit of creativity is always nice, second part of the video, i don’t listen to music like that either, but it’s nicely themed and made the video more fun.
We decided to remove them from the spawn points because far too many people were just bouncing into WvW so they could use all the services there for extended periods of time without actually going out and fighting in the map, which just exacerbated the queue issues for many servers.
At the same time, we were also looking to make the personnel upgrade path for keeps a little more enticing for players, so moving the bankers out of the safe areas and into the upgrade path was a way for us to tackle both issues at once.
Yes, people can still use the crafting stations in their server’s borderland map to reach their bank, but we consider that to be a bit of ‘home field advantage’ if you will, and so far those haven’t seemed to create a bunch of traffic that isn’t interested in just camping out in the safe zone.
They do it because otherwise they forced to load to HoM and then to LA, and LA’s loading times are very long, and fps is low and unstable there, so it’s unpleasant to be in area, i usually tab-out when i go there. Naturally ppl don’t like to waste their time.
This so called PvD or nightcapping is a real problem, AN better start listen to ppl complaining about it and start thinking on solution. No one likes to play the game where they don’t stand a chance and realize that they also can’t improve, there’s no hope that they will learn something, improve and in future maybe will rival the top server, no, because it’s not about skill or organisation, you can’t improve here, just you need to sleep, work, go to uni/school, w/e. I’ve said that in other topic and will say this again, there shouldn’t be 2 ladders to start with, if WvW supposed to be 24/7 game mode then there should be 1 global ladder, that’s all there’s to it. It makes sense, current system doesn’t make any sense. Unless they come up with some kind of intelligent scoring system, which i doubt they will, at least not in thins decade. xP
Agreed, old gear system (exotics) was more flexible. I see no reasons to go away from it.
Imo best solution would be to make one global ladder, and let guilds spread out, this way 24h servers will be created in natural way, without all the bs we saw in weeks prior to start of paid transfers. Should’ve been like that from the start.
Yes please, sir. The sooner the better, loved Cantha, my favorite region. Yea, corridor aspect wasn’t my favorite, but overall art style, Jade Sea… Loved it.
@Psybunny.8906 I don’t do zergs. War fulfills roamer’s role in tPvP just fine, sure it can be replaced, but so are most of the other classes. And good War feels just fine solo roaming in WvW. This whole OP, comparing War in GW1 and GW2, crying about how he gets owned by Rangers, and other silly arguments about inability to bring all the defense, condition cleansing, mobility, high burst, CC and ranged options in 1 build, 1 weapon set, if not 1 skill, imo is just ridiculous.
1. What kind of defense tools? There’re defensive traits which trigger BS&EP, gives you regen based on your adr.lvl., allows you to break immob, makes your shouts heal you. And there’s a shield stance and block on mh mace. Elaborate pls, what else do you need.
2. SoS, Mending, Soldier’s runes+shouts. I feel lazy to go into math now and compare, for example, D/D, S/D ele with War in that matter, probably Ele superior here, but no, i wouldn’t call it lacking anything.
3. Shouts, minor trait, signet heal.
4. Lol. Try playing a Thief and then tell me about it, i wish Thief’s skills were triggering like hammer ones do. No, can’t say i can complain about this, at the very least, warrior here in same situation as other classes, and in better one compared to Thief.
5. War can go ranged as well, and the funny thing is, he will be more effective in terms of single target burst damage than Ranger and will have superior range compared to Thief, and Grd just doesn’t have this option at all. Use these skills wisely, you want to be able to perform 100b on the move? It will be OP.
6. No pull, but TONS of gap closers and plenty of CC.
7. I’am familiar with Thief’s and Ele’s trait trees and all i can say in that matter is that Warrior have WAY better designed trait tree than those 2 classes, especially compared to ele, you actually have lots of viable choices in all branches, i can’t say same neither about Ele or Thief.
You need knockback to disengage from D/D ele and rrupt him for example, effectively screwing him over this way. Or chain CC on hammer. Or to keep your opponent out of cap point. How any1 can complain about having knockback?! oO
8. 40 sec cd for 8 sec stability is high cooldown? No, it’s not, if anything it’s OP. 90 seconds for EP is same as 90 seconds on Armor of Earth on Ele, it’s fine. Both of these skills can be traited for passive trigger as well. And just a side note, Shake if Off is on a 25 sec. cd. A break stun utility on 25 sec. cd. I can’t recall anything like that on Ele or Thief.
9. Sword MH is mobility and CC, OH is conds. Longbow have extremely powerful burst skill, great aoe damage coupled with aoe burn. I love it. Rifle? Check Taugrim’s WvW run and gun build, tell me what’s wrong with rifle.
10. Bugged mobile skills? What, where? Before you answer, do check bug lists in Ele, Necro, Engi subforums.
What you said about 1 v1 can be said about every other class out there. D/D ele will have hard times with a Warrior who knows how to play against them, etc.
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I’am playing 3 classes, 1 of them is warrior. I can’t complain about neither of em, they all have their issues, but nothing that would make me cry out omg it’s suck, i can’t do anything, a necro chills me, an ele owns me, a thief pwns me. This is ridiculous. And ty, your l2p input was invaluable, we need more posts like this, no arguments, just gtfo style all the way.
Lol, warrior whining about how weak he is. Incredible. This is a l2p issue. Highest dps in game, highest AL, highest HP, extremely high mobility, good CC and anti CC. In addition to that warrior is true 1 button class. Did you even ever notice how all warrior does for 90% of his time in WvW is spam 1, when he’s playing not alone but in group of, say, 10 ppl? 1,1,1,1,1,1,1. Warrior probably have the lowest requirement for personal skill in game of all classes, it’s very durable, very mobile, extremely bursty, very straight forward class, there’s no catch to it, no special flavor, all you gotta do is build it right and use it. It looks to me that what OP is complaining about is that he don’t have a WIN button on a Warrior. Hey, Anet, WTF? Give warrior a win button, it sucks badly!
It’s true, they’ve never promised it, but people who played original GW naturally assumed that it will be the same in GW2. So, i guess GW1 community got screwed here, AN did split the community that used to play together in GW1. Afaik the main reason given by AN for doing this was that the ping would be too high for ppl playing in different region. But i’am currently playing in NA being from EU and i can’t say i’ve noticed much difference in that regard. For me it’s a major game/server design flaw, but, can’t be helped i guess. It’s still much better than in most other mmo’s, but worse than in GW1 xP.
PS. Imo, this also brought PvD problem into WvW, global ladder would eliminate all the nightcapping problems and imbalances WvW suffering from atm in both regions.
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No. 80 is more than enough.