Mine is still just saying connection failed… retrying… endessly…
I am having the exact same issue. I would like to know what’s wrong or if I just need to wait it out…
Professions that could use it would include: Mesmer, Necro, Thief, Warrior, Guard, Ele
Why does the preview say “armor: light” at the top if it’s a weapon?
I just made mine over the course of 2 days. Out of the 250, I proc’d the 25 crit either 3 or 4 times.
I don’t know if I got lucky, but it saved me 45-60 gemstones in mats and gold. Thank God.
I love leveling. I actually sometimes wish I wasn’t lvl 80 so I could do it again. There is more of a sense of progression (masteries are also nice, but I finished the HoT ones). Plus, just playing the game and gaining traits/utlities as you go sort of forces you to try new things until you “unlock” the things you may think you already want.
I have several times completely changed how I thought I wanted to play a profession just because I found something else more fun while getting there. I kind of miss that experience.
The ones I miss the most are additional two-handed (and mostly warrior) options:
You could also make battle fans a 2-handed weapon (2-fans) if that would get you to endorse them. :B
Look how COOL they are!
Battle Fans X1000000
They would be a perfect fit for mesmer, thief, ele, necro, rev, and maybe even guardian.
Plus I could see them providing some interesting abilities and cone-effect attacks.
PLEASE anet.. You started it with the original mesmer with a fan. And don’t tell me it’s a “focus.” I want battlefans. They are so stylish, and I be the design teams would have a great time trying to create skills. Also, mesmer needs a new main hand. BATTLE FANS.
And you would honestly pay for 4 maps?
Yes I would honestly pay for 4 maps.
I would also honestly pay for 4 maps.
What I don’t think people understand is that this game is a quality game; games (in general) are one of the cheapest forms of entertainment. Quality entertainment that is a value at less than $1 per hour is extremely rare.
Do you remember the days when Nintendo games were like $70 each? NINTENDO. During a time when $70 was worth much much more than it is today.
There is nothing to complain about regarding pricing… You can do it, but it holds no water and I’m done listening. If you can’t afford to play guild wars, maybe it’s time to re-evaluate priorities (or interests) and take a break.
Burn-out is real; games (especially Arenanet games) are constantly in flux. Guild Wars 2 has changed from when it was launch, and will continue to expand and change over the course of its life. It won’t always be in a direction that satisfies all of your hopes and dreams for an MMO. You either take it as it is, or walk away. But, pricing? This game is probably one of the BEST values for our money (even the expansion) that gaming has to offer unless you just absolutely love free to play games for some inexplicable reason.
Also, the crystal desert would be cool, but I seriously hope it’s not just more sand dunes and crystal caves. I’d like to see something interesting. I’d rather save the endless sand dunes for Vabbi when and if we ever get there. I loved that setting.
Guild banquet schematics seem to be the most cost efficient (though they are way overpriced for what they do)…
I’m our guild scribe, and so far, I am only lvl 60. I refuse to spend 2k gold to lvl something for the guild on my own. We love decorations.. but.. come on.
My guild pitches in when they can. Especially with resonance shards, sand, and occasionally brown pigments.
It is still going to take… forever.
There are plenty of Karma items that say the exact same thing. A “bundle” implies a change to your weapon skills while you are carrying the bundle.
In this case, the item description is accurate, it seems you just weren’t aware what bundles are.
I just wanted to say that I have this problem too. I think we are in the minority here though. With practice, I got better at seeing it, and nobody else in my guild had a problem seeing them.
I have a feeling we just have to train ourselves to see these details better.
That being said, visual complaints should be taken seriously. People who suffer from red/green color-blindness are going to have a severe disadvantage here.
I know it’s a little late, but it’d be nice if maybe the guardians held different weapon silhouettes or something as well. So Blue could have a Staff, Red a sword, and Green a Shield or something. Just another visual indicator other than color.
Map completing is a pain, and the meta is impossible if people don’t try to learn how to navigate it, which takes work.
But I love the design. If it’s not your cup of tea, you can play elsewhere. But for people looking to feel lost and that sense of adventure, there is nowhere else like TD.
HoT is worth every penny. It is absolutely beautiful and the nooks and crannies of the maps are tremendously fun to find and explore for yourself if you enjoy exploration.
The end game of GW2 being what it is (essentially creating your own goals between content releases and living story updates) there is a ton here to occupy your time. Collections and achievements out the wazoo.
The story is fantastic (don’t expect it to take as much time as a full AAA game would, as every feature of the Xpack was enhanced, not simply a single focus on the story.) It is beautfully crafted, gets darker than the base story at times, and will lead into more living story content updates down the road.
Masteries and elite specs are wonderful (just don’t force yourself to do mindless repetitive junk to power through them and keep in mind that the masteries for HoT are only for navigating those maps more successfully… in other words, if you don’t feel like playing on a HoT map or have burned out on it for a bit, stop grinding masteries there and come back later when you’re feeling it again).
There is so much to do.
Soooo someone in my guild got a Tenebrous Crystal from the synthesized Ore node in our guild hall. Any idea what it is used for?
^ This exactly. It’s probably a million times harder trying to create the unlock reqs for new precursor crafting, fit them in the game, make sure they all trigger without bugging out, and create 3 (?) slightly different skins based on what tier you finished….
Than make some pretty art. Also, I’m pretty sure that the people who design weapons are not the same people who code and put legendaries into the game.
There is enough need for Coarse Sand that Drytop is far from dead atm.
The map reward system, and the collections seem to indeed be anets way to encourage people to do older maps. I, personally, think it will work so long as people see the advantages of these new reward systems and understand how they work.
Are we "forced" to "chose" the elite spec ?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: soakman.7539
Yeh, just try it out. If you aren’t comfortable taking the new spec, then don’t. The new specs are diversity options, not full-on upgrades. If you prefer your old way of playing, stick to it.
I recommend everyone try to switch things up now and then just to become more familiar with what a profession is capable of, but DO YOU.
Does anyone know where to get this? The name is different in two separate scribe tabs for the same item.
I know the “Gift of Illumination” comes from the 3rd tier of the Dawn Collection, but a Dev previously said that you would be able to get this from the Vet Air elementals at the top of the Hidden Garden in Mt. Maelstrom.
I don’t want to craft Dawn.. and if I have to get all the way to 3rd tier Dawn to use and item that would otherwise make a legendary just for a prettier guild hall fountain… that seems extreme.
So far, I don’t believe anyone has had it drop from the Hidden Garden, but I really want to know if this item is in the game and what it is actually called. If it is Essence of LIGHT… well then, it has nothing to do with Dawn.
This is for ascended equipment. Have you made any OTHER ascended equipment? Because this is the same as it has always been.
You also neglect to mention the ascended equipment is Best In Slot for the rest of the future of the game.
Did you even make it beyond Verdant Brink? That map has the most verticality/platforming. The new maps are amazing and beautiful.
Anet has always intended GW2 to push innovation in the MMO genre. If you want something that is ‘traditional’ you should probably play a traditional mmo.
I’m not being judgmental here, I’m just saying that the risks ANET takes when making new areas are not going to stop. I’m not 100% certain that the next expansion will focus on verticality, but the metroidvania style seems to be the trajectory for the expansions going forward. The mastery system was put into place to feel like progression.
There are ways to do this WITHOUT back-tracking to old areas, but then you will have a huge loss of player density and wastelands of old content that nobody is playing in. This is what they’re attempting to avoid by giving you objectives to do in various parts of every map as you progress.
ANET gave TONS of clues about how to survive
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: soakman.7539
I agree. The tools are there. People need to make use of them more often.
LFG isn’t only for dungeon runs.
Inform yourself before you post. They put out an address to the community saying they know that the numbers for the amount of people in the maguuma map settings is too low and that they are going to adjust it.
Also, hero point costs for elites are going to be lessened to 250.
Also, some adventures will be available more often instead of locked behind some events.
It helps to look for answers to your problems before you just spout them at the internet.
It IS a collection, with the reward for finishing it being the upgraded version of the backpiece. Once you get a piece of the collection, it automatically crosses it off of the collection list and you do not need it again.
I haven’t done a ton of research, but unless there is a mystic forge recipe involving these items, you do not need them.
Name: Wolves of the Falling Stars (WtFS)
Gameplay: Much Dungeon “Fungeoning,” Fractals of the Mist up to lvl 50, open PVE, weekly guild missions, TS3 chat channel, moderate SPvP and WvWvW presence.
Home World: Yak’s Bend (but so long as you are from NA, you can take part)
Time: Activities vary, but a few members at least are on most any time of day. Weeknight guild mission, with a make-up day on Saturday if you can’t make the first one.
About Us: We are a fun-loving LGBTQ friendly guild of moderate size that is constantly trying to expand both our roster and our knowledge. We’re not afraid to stand up for our friends and allies and are hoping to find like-minded players with positive attitudes. Hoping to jump into HoT headfirst in an attempt to gain a guild hall and begin working towards new guild goals.
If you have any questions, or want to join us, give me a message or whisper me in game! Hope to see you in Tyria!
Gliding is pretty sweet. Have you played the beta? It is waaaay more fun and useful than you would think.
They are an elite spec… specs are sort of what we used to refer to as trait lines. You get up to 3 specs in a build, only one can be an elite spec, but you do not have to pick an elite spec.
The longbow is an exclusive weapon choice for the Dragonhunter Elite Spec. One of your specs (your elite spec) must be Dragonhunter in order to use longbow at this time.
I hope they keep it this way because it would be easier for devs to balance skills and traits.
So no… you can’t play a normal guardian with longbow. But you CAN take 2 of normal guardians specs and the elite spec to use 2/3 of what you are currently using.
The only thing you won’t have control over is that if you slot Dragonhunter as your elite spec, your virtues will change and you will only be able to pick 2 of the current specs that your guard has access to instead of 3.
Not impressed you are not impressed.
I also want to give all the new players a hearty and friendly welcome! As long as all the restrictions keep the game from being exploited, I think this is a great idea. It gives everyone the opportunity to see all the hard work the devs have gone through in order to create such a sincerely beautiful and innovative game.
It probably isn’t the right experience for everyone, but this is the more honest option. Gamers on the fence can come in, test the waters, and make the choice for themselves.
I’ve had many friends who were interested in GW2 who wanted to give it a try and just didn’t want to make a commitment. Hardly any working adult has the time for two MMO’s and not many people are willing to make a switch unless they have a chance to see what they’re getting into.
Good luck to you all! Hope you love the game, and I’ll see you in Tyria!
What's your favourite specialization so far?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: soakman.7539
I don’t think it’s going to take much time at all. As far as we know, all you need are the hero points to unlock the associated skills and traits. It’d be nice if there was a story explanation for your character’s sudden growth, but I don’t see this happening. I’d be happy if it did, but it just doesn’t really seem like something ANET will want to set a precedent for since they will be releasing (hopefully) many more specs down the road.
If you put an LFG up saying that you want to watch the scenes during your playthrough, I’m sure people will join. A lot of people want to see those scenes again (or for the first time!) but feel rushed because they are with people they assume are trying to finish fast (and most are).
But other than that, and just youtube/googling them I unfortunately don’t have a link for you.
Yeah, I think the devs initially want to do more with this feature, and it just didn’t translate into the game. Don’t worry about it. It hasn’t been mentioned by devs maybe ever, so I doubt they’re going to introduce new content that is affected by it either.
What's your favourite specialization so far?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: soakman.7539
Daredevil. And I’m not even a huge thief fan. The reason why is simply because it is the ONLY elite spec so far that (to me) feels like it is a completely new/different playstyle. I thought that elite specs were supposed to feel this way, and so far, the majority of them have just been buffed versions of their core profession.
Daredevil encourages a shift AWAY from stealth based builds while still providing synergies should you choose to go that way with the spec anyway.
No other spec feels this fresh. Continuum Shift was a nice idea that could have felt this way in concept, but it is so skill reliant and short in duration that what it becomes is an elite CD management utility. Ultimately it plays almost identically to the current mesmer (which I ‘main,’ but am getting bored of… I am honestly thinking of changing when HoT launches).
The same can be said of the other Elite specs. In MY opinion, they just don’t feel like new gameplay. I’m hoping Forge (?) and Druid are different.
Don’t get me wrong, I will probably play all the new elite specs (because they ARE good)… but Daredevil is the only one that actually feels like how I thought elite specs were supposed to feel.
(edited by soakman.7539)
Why it “should” be? What makes you special that you should have it instead? Nothing.
Necro pretty much has none because they won’t allow us to stomp while in deathshroud for soem random reason.
@ Shinki – You actually CAN stomp in Deathshroud. This was changed quite some time ago. It makes stomping from a tight close match very easy. Almost dead? DS! Then stomp. I do it all the time in PvP.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: soakman.7539
The opinions in this thread are amazing to me. Really amazing.
The game was on sale several times already for $10. The game is worth less because it’s OLDER. It’s harder for new people to start.
If you buy the new WoW expansion, you pay $50 and you’re still paying a monthly fee, and you only have to buy the current expansion and WoW. Every single other expansion comes for free.
Guild Wars 2 must compete with other MMOs and they can’t do that by charging full price for every single expansion. What happens when there are two expansions? Three? The barrier to new players entering the game keeps going up.
EQ does the same thing. You get the game you get all the previous expansions.
I’m not even sure why this is such an issue.
I think most of us realize that it’s going to be cheaper after 3 years. But some cost (seems Anet/NC values GW2 core at about $10) is absorbed into the price of HoT. So it’s basically a $40 expansion that’s forcibly bundled with a $10 core game. It’s not really the best way to handle it. The bonus char slot for vets shouldn’t be limited to pre-purchasers only, or they should just sell a HoT-only package for $10 less. But that’s not even the issue for a lot of us.
The bigger issue is the impression Anet is giving that HoT isn’t really worth that $40(+$10). Bundle or not, I don’t mind paying $40-50 for an expansion, as long as it’s worth $40-50. But you can’t just say it’s fine because WoW/etc has a similar price, since we don’t know how much content we’re getting compared to a WoW expansion. And that is the problem. What Anet has to show so far doesn’t live up to the price.
No. It is a fifty dollar game with a free core game. They are doing this so the new community won’t be split into the “haves” & “have-nots” simply because of pricing.
Stop saying that the core game is $10. It is not. It is free with purchase.
Even though your typing and formatting is pretty awful, I completely agree.
I was expecting elite specs to feel like sub-professions with a more focused and specialized playstyle. They don’t seem to be doing this. They seem to be doing the opposite where the base profession is just enhanced.
I would prefer to see more drastic changes and a less generic playstyle for each elite spec. If you don’t like that playstyle, well then, it’s a good thing you can still play the base profession.
Not gonna lie, I’m a little annoyed that they chose to go this route. I’ll use them, but it’s not what I wanted or expected.
Elite Specialization was always meant to expand the class and evolve them without being an upgrade. You get a new play style with Reaper. Which is why all elite specs get their own icons. Guardian Virtues change as well the way its played.
all two hander elite specs get changed mechanics and 1hander elite specs get mechanic additions.
so Thief Elite specialization gets changes to steal into something new. Engineer gets changes to toolbelt. Ranger gets new mechanics.
Warrior gets new edition to mechanics.
I know what they are supposed to be. I don’t think they are. They do feel like an upgrade to me, not an evolution. That’s what I’m saying. Reaper feels a bit like an evolution. The others pretty much are flat upgrades at this point. Maybe other elite specs will change this, but I can’t imagine using just the base specs after HoT releases except on Necro if you want your DS instead of Reaper Shroud.
Even though your typing and formatting is pretty awful, I completely agree.
I was expecting elite specs to feel like sub-professions with a more focused and specialized playstyle. They don’t seem to be doing this. They seem to be doing the opposite where the base profession is just enhanced.
I would prefer to see more drastic changes and a less generic playstyle for each elite spec. If you don’t like that playstyle, well then, it’s a good thing you can still play the base profession.
Not gonna lie, I’m a little annoyed that they chose to go this route. I’ll use them, but it’s not what I wanted or expected.
I’m not saying that shatters should be removed when you spec into Chrono. But the elite spec shouldn’t be about shattering. The way traits are right now, the shatter traits are always going to be the best traits to take.
I also was not even thinking of Sig of Illusions.. I played without it and was still wiping people in PvP. Additionally, this isn’t about PvP specifically, and it’s also not about the current state of the game or even balancing numbers. Those things can be easily changed to reflect the meta if need be. This is about the problems that thematically irrelevant traits create for future elite specs or even deciding how to create traits for them.
I DID play guild wars 1, and I have played GW2 since launch. I don’t need a “history lesson.” None of those skills have to do with Chronomancy. They are mesmer skills, and I don’t understand why they should be buffed via a “Chronomancer” elite spec.
It is my belief (a very strong one at that) that we need to have elite specs very precisely tuned to the theme that they are trying to represent. If they are not, nobody is going to be able to intuit down the road why a chronomancer is better at shattering than a “Performing Artist” or a “Mind Flayer.” It is going to become a disjointed and confusing mess to remember what specs you want to trait into to create the playstyle you want.
(edited by soakman.7539)
I think Tempests and Reapers make sense. I was never fond of the idea of Dragon Hunters, but I could see it fitting to a degree (traps & bow… you know, Smaug from The Hobbit was weak to a precise shot from a bow in a weakspot in his underbelly)…
And I know that it’s an imperfect approach to elite specs as they stand now, but ANET really wants to hear our concerns, and frankly I think this is a big one.
If elite specs are going to be the way professions progress in the future, they need to be more cohesive. You can’t do all the cool things in one elite spec because when the next expansion comes around, you won’t have any new ground to tread because the bases have been covered.
Elite specs need to be precise and focused in their playstyle options. This will mean that if you don’t want to use a specific style of play, you can opt to use another, or the base set. This is how, from what I understand, ANET imagines the future of the professions. Losing focus and piling in loosely related mechanics (no matter how nice to have or how well implemented) will cause problems down the road for implementing other future elite specs.
I love the ambiance, the detail, and the verticality of the zone. It FEELS enormous, and the first time I saw day switching to night, the countdown terrified me. I was all alone in an area with no other allies around with less than a minute ticking… I panic’d a bit because I wanted backup but had somehow ventured just a LITTLE too far away into the jungle for that. It was a great feeling.
I love the new mobility options and some of the new mob mechanics. I personally have not had much trouble with any of them besides the smokescale (and I say keep them because as noted above, I like a little terror).
The differences in the story between sylvari and other races is terrific. I hope there is much more of this and that it gets a little deeper than just a few ambient sounds and voices.
The new map rewards is fantastic (though it is not very clear how they are awarded or cycle from the UI alone… I would suggest mail distribution or something to make it more explicit. Those that have been following the site very closely have an idea of how they work, others have no clue. And I’m still not sure if there is a specified number of events that will always give you the reward, or if it’s random-ish, and I also got a map bonus from doing a world boss which I didn’t realize was intended until it happened).
All in all, I found it to be a very successful beta. My only issues were thematic ones regarding the Chronomancer spec. (Here’s a link to my concerns… I know people will be disappointed if some of the more powerful traits disappear, but I really don’t feel like it’s a cohesive spec the way it is now https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/hot/Chrono-shatter-traits-do-not-seem-thematic/first#post5364825)
TLDR: I’m not saying that the shatter traits are bad. They are anything but. However, I do not see how they are in the least related to the concept of “Chronomancy.” I would prefer to see this intense shatter playstyle as it’s own elite spec… named Mind Flayer(?). Instead, focus on the time/support abilities seemingly intended to be the focus of the new ‘playstyle’ brought to mesmer with Chronomancer.
Even though they are very strong traits, I personally feel like all of the shatter traits are very misplaced in the Chronomancer elite spec. I don’t get what time-manipulation has to do with shattering the crap out of illusions. It is basically like just taking mesmer’s base gameplay and amplifying it. We know mesmers shatter. That’s their profession mechanic. I find it a very uninteresting way to advance the elite spec when there could be so many other new and exciting options. Plus the well trait is just plain horrible. My alternatives are below.
I would really prefer to see some kind of trait that causes conditions on you or allies to perhaps tick slower or simply shorten in duration. Sort of like a reverse alacrity for condi’s giving you more time to cleanse them or regen while they tick down. Maybe a trait that lets you rally a nearby ally if you shatter Diversion quickly enough while they are in downed state or maybe even when your continuum shift ends and ‘resets’ time.
As for the well trait, maybe wells could grant stability instead of condi removal making it easier to stay useful while standing in them. Standing in an alacrity well doesn’t do much if you spend that whole time on your kiester. Nobody is going to stand in your well simply to have condi’s removed, and there is no guaranteeing that they will even have condis on to remove in the first place. And if they DO, by the time the well has finished ticking down in its entirety they may have already lived out their duration.
As a bit of an extreme idea, we could use some sort of new stasis locking condition that prevents boons from being applied, sort of, in a way, like resistance but anti-boons? Perhaps this could be applied when struck by a phantasm or when afflicted with torment or something similar.
All of these would be more interesting than… let’s see what happens if mesmers could shatter everything twice, then get new things to shatter to replace the ones you just shattered, and then lets use mirror images and shatter again and possibly continuum shift and shatter, shatter, shatter, shatter.
I love pretty much all the other elite specs (though I didn’t try Dragon Hunter). I was disappointed by Chrono. It just doesn’t feel like a cohesive design in some ways. It feels like trying to take the base mesmer, make its shatters more powerful, and give some significant cooldown reduction abilities. Even continuum shifting, while interesting and a great idea, seems to be nothing more strategic that a more powerful version of the mimic utility we already have.
Contniuum shift can stay as it is core to the spec, but I really think the traits need to be more thematically tied. The shatters have amazing synergy with other trait lines, yes, but it just doesn’t feel like a Chronomancer to me or even one single elite spec. It feels like at least two.
(edited by soakman.7539)
Even though they are very strong traits, I personally feel like all of the shatter traits are very misplaced in the Chronomancer elite spec. I don’t get what time-manipulation has to do with shattering the crap out of illusions. It is basically like just taking mesmer’s base gameplay and amping it up. We know mesmers shatter. That’s their profession mechanic. I find it a very uninteresting way to advance the elite spec when there could be so many other new and exciting options. Plus the well trait is just plain horrible.
I would really prefer to see some kind of trait that causes conditions on you or allies to perhaps tick slower or shorten duration. Maybe something that lets you rally a nearby ally if you shatter Diversion quickly enough or maybe even if you blow your continuum shift. Maybe wells could grant stability instead of condi removal.
Nobody is going to stand in your well simply to have condi’s removed, and there is no guaranteeing that they will have condis on to remove in the first place. Especially by the time the well has finished ticking down in its entirety.
Maybe some sort of new stasis locking condition that prevents boons from being applied, sort of, in a way, like resistance but anti-boons? Maybe this could be applied when struck by a phantasm or something similar.
All of these would be more interesting than… let’s see what happens if mesmers could shatter everything twice, then get new things to shatter to replace the ones you just shattered, and then lets use mirror images and shatter again and possibly continuum shift and shatter, shatter, shatter, shatter.
(edited by soakman.7539)
Warhorn is FANTASTIC. Probably the best new weapon for an elite spec IMO. Brings the boonshares, brings some great dps, an ENORMOUS fire field with burning, and some very cool moving field effects.
I LOVE it. I will never use anything else. Scepter/Warhorn ftw for me. Love love love it.
You also have to remember that they were probably working on the recreation of the progression systems such as masteries, specializations, and also figuring out the elite specs. On top of this, the masteries are going to provide abilities that make traversing Maguuma more interesting. Gliding alone would take a lot of effort when building maps just because they have to make sure you can’t reach places that you aren’t supposed to yet.
Also, guild halls. And by the preview, they have had significant work done on those while creating entirely new systems (scribing/arena). The guild halls (whether you will use them or not) look BEAUTIFUL and have obviously taken a lot of time and art direction.
The foundations for all of these things would have taken a long time not to mention conceptualizing them and how they would work.
I do think the announcement was a little preemptive, but without it we also wouldn’t have the ability to beta test things as they put the finishing touches on, which in evidence of the revenant, is a great boon to us all.
Horns have a history of magical properties in a lot of mythology, for instance Gabriel’s Horn, the horns that brought down the walls of Jericho, and last (but not least) STORMCALLER! The horn Rurik used to turn back the Charr assault of Acalon!
Seriously, again, bringing up Stormcaller in a discussion about warhorns is about on the same level of relevance as mentioning Skyhammer when talking about pistols.
From the wiki:
_Stormcaller is the great horn that can conjure up rain and water upon the lands. _
It’s not much of a stretch, to be honest. The only thing I could grant you, and very reasonably so, is that Stormcaller is tied pretty strictly to the Human kingdom of Ascalon from GW1. Perhaps it would have been more lore-worthy to have Guardians get the Warhorn rather than Elementalists, but, eh.
I guess my point is, it’s not completely irrelevant; horns in the lore have been able to bring storms and Elementalists are well known for their elemental magic.
Thanks. Yeah, Stormcaller was a very large horn… but it was still a way to manipulate sound infused with elemental properties. And there’s nothing to say that other races couldn’t or wouldn’t have crafted similar devices since then.
Honestly, I’d be surprised if Asurans didn’t have some sort of elemental resonance frequency device. They probably do.
I just want to say that I am absolutely LOVING the concept of warhorn-wielding Tempests.
I want to make sure ANET knows that there are some of us that are very very happy. I’ve been waiting for a warhorn on ele since launch. Horns have a history of magical properties in a lot of mythology, for instance Gabriel’s Horn, the horns that brought down the walls of Jericho, and last (but not least) STORMCALLER! The horn Rurik used to turn back the Charr assault of Acalon!
The only thing is that I really wish that it could be a mainhand weapon. If mainhand warhorn makes sense on any profession, it is definitely Ele.
I can’t wait to see more info on the Tempest spec!
I think the idea is that the torment is a deterrent to keep the person you are fighting from running because if they do, they will take even more damage.
I don’t know for sure, but I think the base damage from your power stat keeps the auto-attack in line with necro scepter. If I recall, necro scepter doesn’t hit very hard if you remove the bleeding.
Guys, the ability to switch utility skills is there, there just are only 3 skills right now, cuz this is an unfinished class (beta remember?)
So far Anet said that was their to allow Revenant to move around skills on utility bar.
This. It’s a simple “keybind” option to allow you to configure the 3 utilities in a way that is comfortable for you. It does not mean there are more utilities coming.
But, I suppose there could be. Just don’t be surprised if they aren’t.
Q: Why this long of a wait? Why the pricing?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: soakman.7539
Nobody is going to be able to satisfy your request because you don’t want the actual answer. You want ANET to tell you that they’re reducing the price. Explaining why it is what it is will likely not make you less upset.
That being said, I find nothing wrong with the pricing at all. Considering their business model, the amount of content we’ve seen so far (quite a lot really), and the amount we haven’t seen (quite significant), and the fact that GW2 is known for living world updates that will likely increase both the size of the world and its content (some of which may only be in expansion accessible areas), I do not find the price to be too high.
Most triple A games nowadays are priced this way or higher, and the MMO’s usually have subs on top of that.
If you don’t think GW2 is a triple A tier game, and the price is not justified, maybe you should consider a game that meets your needs better?
I’m not saying this as a dig at you; I’m saying this because you may genuinely be happier with another game since it seems like you are disappointed with what you see before it has even launched yet. Try some other things out, wait for some reviews of HoT to come out, and if you don’t like what they have to say, then don’t come back. There’s no harm, because there’s no sub. That’s the beauty of the model. Nothing is holding any of us here. ANET has to make the game great for players to stick around. Everyone knows this.