It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
You can get a nice bleed stack with sb auto, and with the high rate of fire, even the regular damage it does, can add up quite quickly. Celestial is good with SB because sb is a kind of hybrid weapon. You can stack up tons of bleeds, crit very often with the rate of fire, and deal quite high overall DPS if you run a hybrid build.
That’s not to say cele is the only good stat that works with SB, but it maximizes both aspects of the bow.
but the sb AA scales low with power right?
With celestial and depending on your traits you can get between 500 and 900 w/crits.
But the SB does hit quite low, but the rate of fire and the bleeds combine to make a very nice DPS with celestial.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
You can get a nice bleed stack with sb auto, and with the high rate of fire, even the regular damage it does, can add up quite quickly. Celestial is good with SB because sb is a kind of hybrid weapon. You can stack up tons of bleeds, crit very often with the rate of fire, and deal quite high overall DPS if you run a hybrid build.
That’s not to say cele is the only good stat that works with SB, but it maximizes both aspects of the bow.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
They should have separate cooldowns. Things like fire/air work together because of separate cooldowns, so I assume that would be the same.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Personally I think not talking about GvG is one of the better things that can happen to WvW.
With the introduction of GvG WvW will be completely dead. I still enjoy WvW and I do so because I do not have to leave my mostly PvE-centric guild and can still enjoy some larger-scale PvP. I do not want to lose that.
There are still plenty of people who would play WvW, heck I’m sure even GvG guilds would still play wvw to raid, they don’t GvG 100% of the time. However you do raise a good point. Playing for the tick does indeed seem to be a dying mentality, still popular in some areas though, but definitely declining.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
All of his points went completely over your head. As soon as you see the word GvG your brain seems to turn off.
If GvG was introduced then people wouldn’t be doing GvG’s in wvw anymore, which means the only reason to play WvW would be to play PPT. Right now there’s a split in the community between those who play for points and those who play for fights. If you take away the fighters and give them their own mode, then WvW becomes purely PPTers.
You saw the term GvG and decided that you would give an opinion on it that nobody cares about. If GvG had it’s own gamemode, everybody would be happy. I don’t see why that is so hard for you to understand.
I’ll admit I did overreact. That being said, even when re-reading, it wasn’t clear (to me at least) that what was said had to mean what you just explained here. Past posts on the matter as well as the attitude of many, here and in the game, has indeed left a bad taste in my mouth. Too many simply don’t care about others as long as they get what they want. But be sure to respect them though… but here it appear I was wrong.
Back to the point, sadly, I don’t see any of this being a solution to the current problem. Yes, the community is divided but GvG was always extremely marginal all things considered. The people talking about it here sometime seem to think only they exist but the reality of the matter is that GvG players in GW2 are a minority. The effect of removing something that is already supposed to be mainly happening inside OS or as a fringe event should at best be minimal. I hope you guys do get your playground, but I see nothing helping WvW in any meaningful ways. At best it’s yet another “let’s promote GvG” opportunity by beating a very dead horse.
It’s not just GvG, it’s the playing for fights instead of PPT game play the majority have adopted. You can say GvGers are in the minority, and I can agree with that. However, I can say that there are more people that play for fights more than PPT ( at least in EU) and that doesn’t mean GvG. Give a game mode that will be based on fights, as opposed to a PPT mechanic, and the fighters can get their fights, and the PPTers can get their PPT.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Nice post OP; This reply is to OP
“Who killed PPT WvW?
The short answer is, BG overstacking. The longer answer, ANet’s design choices.”At this point you became very difficult to believe. ( for me). Please Let me explain.
Who started the over stack treadmill;
Was it HOD, maybe maybe not, was it SoS, maybe maybe not, was it JQ, maybe maybe not Do I need to continue or can we take it as read that the cycle was started a long time ago . The stacking counter stacking issue has been a T1 vs the rest issue for years. T1 may have thrived at the expense of the other tiers, maybe maybe not.
Attributing the downfall of T1 PPT to a server that has not been there that long is IMHO, short sighted. IMHO, you need to look at your own server’s part in the “downfall”. Take responsibility for it and I will be able to read the rest of the post without wincing.
That said, you are entitled to your opinion.
TLDR version….. OP, IMHO, You aint no white knight, get off your horse!
Dude PPT is broken in EU too, away with your NA nonsense. BG or whoever stacking or not has no effect on why games are decided by saturday in EU as well.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
The clear solution is for an Arena-Net supported GvG format to be released (perhaps with the much rumored 2015 expansion??) to form the middle ground for guild focused players to get the competition they have been looking for.
Wait, what? How is that any solution to the WvW problem?
This change would turn WvW into purely PPT and the mode’s participants would shuffle greatly.
How? By ignoring all that makes WvW what it is?
With guild-based combatants finally having a format of their own, arguments of fights vs PPT would evaporate and PPT would truly become the determinator again.
But WvW is not a Guild based system and it is a server based system. Also, at least as many, probably a lot more, would not want WvW to disappear to introduce GvG. I can’t begin to understand why GvG is even talked about here. I for one would never want to play GvG. I hate the GvG dynamic. I hated it in GW1 for the same reasons some loved it (control and discipline freaks hobby is not for all). GvG is not WvW and it should never be.
In imbalanced matchups PPT is a pointless metric. The lower coverage servers concentrate on improving quality which leads to them dragging down the PPT server when coverage is even. If a lower server gains in quantity they inevitably attract people looking for an easy ride and the cycle starts over again.
I prefer a pointless metric in a server based game where people who have learned to be less dependent on score to have fun can play the build they want however than want than a metric that need to fall into the GvG rigid mind set to even have the right to play.
You want to play WvW: Just push the WvW button.
You want to play GvG: Well here are the unending kitten conditions you have no choice to agree with before you can even try it… No thank you.
All of his points went completely over your head. As soon as you see the word GvG your brain seems to turn off.
If GvG was introduced then people wouldn’t be doing GvG’s in wvw anymore, which means the only reason to play WvW would be to play PPT. Right now there’s a split in the community between those who play for points and those who play for fights. If you take away the fighters and give them their own mode, then WvW becomes purely PPTers.
You saw the term GvG and decided that you would give an opinion on it that nobody cares about. If GvG had it’s own gamemode, everybody would be happy. I don’t see why that is so hard for you to understand.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
In PvE maybe. Frankly I’d say there’s little increase to using one unless fighting stationary targets.
I know for a fact my pet makes literally zero difference in PvP formats because the attacks are so easily dodged and the movement patterns so slow.
Then use pets that offer CC and use CC yourself. Rangers have the most access to cripples and immobilize, utilize it.
That’s only true if you play S/D.
Further, that’s also only true if you play S/D and build around soft CC and that your opponent does not evade, use re-position skills, have access to cleanses, etc.
And that’s further only true if you’re running more effects to keep them locked down, in which case it’s very arguable that you could just build for more raw damage throughput as an individual.
There’s very little way to justify saying that pets offer a large portion of damage unless you build explicitly into BM and really spec your character out for utilizing the pet as your primary source of damage, which is only applicable/effective in a few scenarios.
All of our weapons except for two, have access to soft CC. All canines have a cripple and knockdown. All spiders have an immobilize, some have two. Snowy owl and polar bear have a chill. Point is, ranger has a very easy access to soft CC, we don’t only need S/D. I currently run a S/W + SB hybrid build that uses the new marks GM. I take a krytan hound and jungle spider along with entangle. Nearly everybody I fight cries about the immob, and you can very easily chain the immob if you time it right. With the GM trait it is a very nice combination, but even without it, the two pets are the primary source of my CC, and they work wonders.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
True, but I would imagine the rifle would be power based. Warrior’s rifle is power based, but their longbow isn’t. Unless the rifle was more condition based, I don’t see how it could differ from our current longbow.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Rifle doesn’t fit with any of the old lore, because rifles weren’t around then.
Rangers (and woodsmen, skirmishers, scouts, frontiersmen, trackers, hunters etc etc, whatever you want to call them) would be the first to adopt rifles, because of their accuracy and their expense.
You know who else were early adopters of rifles? Native Americans, who quickly recognised their value for both hunting and warfare. An accurate weapon that could be loaded while crouched, or while mounted on horseback made for an idea hunting weapon.
And as Atherakhia pointed out, rangers have a longbow, which already fits the long range accurate role. Rifle just doesn’t work with the gw2 ranger.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Call them Druids then. Or hunters, which they basically are.
And I don’t see Aragorn summoning spirits or using a pet either, so your example is totally invalid.
I suppose you’re ignorant to the fact the current ranger is a combination of 3 classes. One of which was pretty much the equivalent of aragorn. The other was the spirits, and the third was the beastmaster. Don’t quote me on any of that, as I’m not 100% sure (I do know ranger was multiple classes merged though) Anet merged them into the modern ranger. As I said before, the ranger is more based off aragorn than the soldiers you linked, I never said entirely.
Rifle just doesn’t fit with the ranger lore. The only weapon I can see rangers getting in the future is a staff that would benefit from investment into the nature magic line (much like longbow benefits from investment into marksmanship). Or maybe if anet added new weapons we could get a 2H spear, or perhaps a crossbow. But rifle just doesn’t suit the gw2 ranger.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
I suppose these American soldiers of yours also summoned spirits and tamed pets? People need to stop deluding themselves into thinking that the ranger class in gw2 is something other than a druid or naturalist. Let me guess, you want rangers to have pistols too right?
And as if the name Ranger is exclusive to some american soldier, give me a break. The ranger in gw2 is more based off of something like Aragorn, who was a ranger, than whatever you linked.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
They need to increase the recharge on Rapid-Fire or lower the damage by 20%. That’s about it.
Oh really? Make it worse than what is was even before the reduced the casting time on it? That’s excellent, excellent balancing (not).
I’d rather take the old 4,5 second channel back then, but the skill is fine as it is now.Rangers were find before. It’s was already a good WvW and PvP class. No class should have such burst damage skills at such long range. Right now Rapid Fire feels like the crit nerf never happen for that class.
Elementalists meteors were nerfed from 10k to 4k on full berserkers builds (60% nerf: crit nerf and meteornado nerf + aoe circle so you can dodge out). Backstab was nerfed from 12k to 7k with the crit nerf, yet rangers press 1 key and do 15k damage from a 1500 range.It’s totally unneeded and unwanted, and another fail balance mistake to add to the list.
You might want to go test things out before throwing those numbers around
Clearly he knows what he’s talking about. I’ve hit eleventy billion with my rapid fires, this guy got off easy.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
With the amount of might you’re getting, you might as well sacrifice some power or thoughness. You have an invuln with a water field + blast, so I think you should be ok going below 3k armour.
I personally would ditch the knights trinkets and go with beserker, or if you don’t want to lose too much toughness, celestial. I also think you’re hurting yourself with the food, but seeing as you have no condi cleanse aside from healing spring, I suppose it’s not a bad choice.
I mean if you really don’t want to lose toughness, just swap the knights armour for cavalier and take spotter instead of beastmasters might. I don’t think cavalier is the best option, but if you want to maintain that armour while getting more ferocity then it’s an option.
Either way though, always remember that crits are based off your power. With the amount of might you can stack with that set up, 156% won’t really be that bad tbh. It’s always better to have a high power with low crit damage than a low power and high crit damage.
My honest opinion though, swap out some of the knights armour for beserker. You honestly should be fine if you time your invuln right and don’t waste it for 3 might stacks. Also when running warhorn with healing spring, I would recommend saving call of the wild for when you drop your heal so you can blast it. If you blast your water and time your invuln, you should be fine with sacrificing a bit of armour.
PS: Ditch the bear. That little condi cleanse if offers will not save you against a proper condi spec, and considering you have 3 points into beastmastery, I think you would get more use out of an offensive pet. A bird, canine, or another feline would be better options in my opinion.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
(edited by warriorjrd.8695)
In PvE maybe. Frankly I’d say there’s little increase to using one unless fighting stationary targets.
I know for a fact my pet makes literally zero difference in PvP formats because the attacks are so easily dodged and the movement patterns so slow.
Then use pets that offer CC and use CC yourself. Rangers have the most access to cripples and immobilize, utilize it.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
How many times have they said there will never be a petless option?
We all rolled rangers, which was the pet class of the game. We did not roll archers, marksmen or anything of the sort.
The pet is not going anywhere. Deal with it.
Ironically, I rolled an “Archer” and my pet stays at my side on passive in battle because they are completely useless. Yes I will still do more damage to you by myself, rather than you and your pet can do to me.
No player should have a problem with a “choice” to keep their pet stowed with a boost or to actually use the pet. It’s none of my business how you want to play, nor is it any of your business on how I play mine. If I have the choice to keep my pet stowed to do increased damage, it’s nobody’s business.
Simply Anet, give us the choice to either play with the pet or not. Nobody should object to this, not a soul.
If you think you can out DPS a pet +ranger by yourself, you aren’t a very experienced ranger.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
It’s so hard for people to understand that “Ranger” does not mean “master of ranged weapons”, it means “wilderness roamer”. And, yes, while real-world rangers do and have used firearms, that doesn’t mean it fits within the context of this game world.
Rangers are the only class that has access to both Short and Longbows in addition to a third option (axes), which gives them versatility, and especially now that Longbows have been buffed they are probably the most proficient class at long range.
So, in short, Rangers don’t really need Rifle. I’d prefer another melee option.
While I agree with what you’re saying with the regard to the weapon options (would much prefer melee staff myself), a lot of people who argue about the whole ranger vs archer thing forget to look at the official class description.
“Unparalleled Archers” should implicate superior ranged firepower.
And we have that without a rifle. Especially with the recent LB buffs, and the fact we have the longest range ingame, also the fact we can use both bow, we are the archers of the game.
However, let’s not stick to that lame description because as I already mentioned, our highest DPS comes from melee weapons, and before the recent patch, our biggest burst was with GS. Regardless of that description, we are more naturalists than an archer.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
I idea you put forward was already in place before the game came out. The ranger class we see today is actually multiple ( 2 or 3, not 100% sure) classes merged into one
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
WvW is a minority slice of the game pop., GvG is a minority slice of a minority slice. Get real.
GvG only exists in wvw because there is no actual gamemode. If it was it’s own stand alone, I doubt it would be a “minority” as you put it. I wouldn’t be surprised if it over took tpvp, because how long have people been asking for a deathmatch type game?
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
You literally just described a longbow. Besides “Rangers” despite having “range” in their name do more dps with melee, and are more of a druid/naturalist class than an archer.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Condi rangers disagree with you.
My condi ranger disagree with you.
1. Torch and Dagger is a much superior offhand.
2. I don’t see bleeds/poison/burning/or any other condition in it.
Only way it would be good with condi is with the sharpened edges trait. It has the ability to stack quite a few bleeds considering it hits 16 times. However, it does still need something.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Just wondering wich servers have the most active roamers and roaming parties? High population servers are out of the question i am in one atm, and basically you always encounter a mini zerg after 5-10 min
Desolation currently doesn’t have many roaming teams, so we could surely use help on that. If you want the highest amount of ganking teams, go to Gandara or Kodash, but then don’t come here to complain that the enemy servers have less roaming teams. It would be better for the health of the roaming meta if the roamers would spread more evenly on different servers. If I run solo and encounter an enemy ganking team who chases me down and I see them harassing other Desolation players, I will surely summon enough players to kill them. And probably do it many times so that they will leave that map.
I disagree that you cannot roam on high population servers. Sure, it is difficult in EU tier 1, but if you are sneaky you can solo or duo towers and keeps even during the busiest prime time hours. Outside prime time, a typical commander party (the blue dorrito) is 2-10 players and most enemy teams are similar size, so it is almost like roaming. The number of players outside the prime time is low and that should alert the developers that something should be done to pull the players back to WvWvW.
Actually i wouldn’t call 10 people a roaming team, roaming teams for me are 2-4, max 5 to 6 people, anything beyond that is mini zerg
but i dunno why you wouldn’t agree that on tier 1 servers you cannot roam, you are bound to encounter enemy zerg within 10 min.
What do you guys think of Piken Square or Gunnar’s Hold?
You would be better off in a silver league server if you wanted to avoid the “mini zegs” you described. Harass anybody from a t1 server long enough and they will send multiple guys just to deal with one. You can roam on any server though, it’s not impossible, just much harder in t1 because of the size. I roam in t1, but I only roam once most people have gone to sleep, then I only run into other roamers, and not zergs. Albeit you still get the odd 20 man group if you’re not careful, but it’s always easier to roam after hours. I also find that more people roam outside of prime time, than in it, probably for the reasons mentioned above. So if you wanted to roam in t1, I would suggest roaming after hours, if that doesn’t fit your schedule then perhaps silver league servers would be a better option.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
I think if you gave evasive purity just blanket condi removal on dodge, that would make it worthy of a GM trait. Combine it with energy sigils and empathic bond, it would stop most condi builds in their tracks. It’s an interesting change, I never liked how it removed blind, because blind isn’t really hard to remove anyway. But if it were ever changed to remove 2 conditions on dodge (it would probably me knocked down to one every dodge) then I think it would be a GM.
it used to remove 3 condies on dodge, and it used to be a GM…. During beta.
mm, well I don’t remember much from the beta. Although I didn’t even know much then either, just 111111 spam bearbow back the beta days. Regardless the key word here is used. 3 condies on a dodge is pretty strong. I can understand one on a dodge being a GM, quite similar to warrior’s brawlers recovery. But three would just cancel out any condi build.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
I think if you gave evasive purity just blanket condi removal on dodge, that would make it worthy of a GM trait. Combine it with energy sigils and empathic bond, it would stop most condi builds in their tracks. It’s an interesting change, I never liked how it removed blind, because blind isn’t really hard to remove anyway. But if it were ever changed to remove 2 conditions on dodge (it would probably me knocked down to one every dodge) then I think it would be a GM.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
If you go play on a rink or in a field, the car isn’t going to follow you around without breaking some laws. Bad attempt to extend the analogy. If you keep moving from street to street and a car keeps following you, well, you can do what you want, and so can the person in the car.
That doesn’t stop the guy in the car from being a kitten.
You’re trying so hard to make it sound like “intentionally ruining other people’s fun for no other reason than your own twisted amusement” is totally fine because it’s “allowed”.
Just because something is allowed doesn’t make it okay. Infact, if the guy in the car followed you around for long enough, there would be fair grounds for a harassment charge. Harrasment is precisely this situation; doing something technically legal but with the intent of causing annoyance.
No matter how you spin it, intentionally causing misery to others for no reason is always, always, everywhere in life, a kittenbag move.
It’s strange that you don’t extend your logic to the core point I was making. So, I’ll do it for you: just because you “can” duel in WvW, doesn’t mean you should. You’re taking a queue spot from someone actually committed to the purpose of WvW and you’ve got options outside of WvW for dueling. Your activity is causing misery to that person in particular and to your team as a whole.
If we extend your logic even further and grant that all duels should never be interrupted, what if the server limit of people jumps into a map and does nothing but duel? Do you support that position? Are you in favor of a group of people wrecking WvW players’ fun by camping a map for a purpose for which it wasn’t designed?
Of course, you chose to leave out my last paragraph, which was the one that actually applied. The analogy of the car was a terrible one to begin with and argument by analogy is fundamentally limited. Which is why I made the point: “This whole discussion is silly. Duelers should accept they’re going to get ganked/interrupted and solo players interrupting a duel should be prepared to die alone. It’s pretty simple to understand.” I’m not advocating griefing; I’m advocating having your kitten handed to you in a PvP environment because you’re too busy playing for yourself, instead of your team. It doesn’t matter if you’re a dueler or an interrupter. There’s a war going on in WvW. Stop screwing around and run up the score!
Your whole post implies there are queues on every map, so hello Mr. T1 zergling. It also implies that people care about PPT, and somehow, playing for PPT makes you more worthy than not. You can’t even say duelists are elitist with a mentality like that…
If you really want to get into the tiny little details, that duelist is taking up a queue spot true (great point m8, didn’t see that one coming), however he also deals with at least one more enemy who is also dueling. Therefore it cancels out. Meaningless argument is meaningless.
As somebody already said, and you quoted in your post; if you duel, prepare to get interrupted, if you interrupt, prepare for an unassisted fight. It’s that simple, there is no right way to play the game.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Bottom line, if your using WvW primarily to duel.. don’t, get out, go to the proper venue.
I’m not saying this to tell you how to play, I’m saying this because if your “Red”, i’ll mow you down regardless of whether your dueling or not.
Given I play the class being whined the most about at the moment in full glass gear, I have the 1 skill that will do just that when I catch you by surprise… Which I will because your focused on dueling.
Lol, nice attempt at trying to be intimidating, but every ranger I see in wvw running a full glass longbow can’t play the game to save their life. Go ahead and interrupt those duels, whatever makes you feel significant. I just hope maybe you would try and interrupt mine with a build like yours, I never get tired of killing LB rangers
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Obsidian Sanctum has a dueling area which most people respect. PvP also has dueling servers which most people respect. That’s where WvW dueling should be done.
If you are dueling in the open field of your BL don’t cry cause someone interrupted you fight and stomped you. Anywhere other than the 2 places mentioned above is fair game.
Again, no duelist is complaining here. The person who failed to interrupt a duel is the one complaining. So I say the same argument back to you; if you try to interrupt a duel and get killed, don’t cry on the forums.
Actually the duelers are the ones complaining about being interrupted and some doing so in a rude and disrespectful manner. All because the original poster tried to point out that there was a pvp mode in game for dueling. Duelers can’t expect folks to do things their way and then not be respectful of non-duelers way of doing things.
This is especially true of those that resort to grouping people into derogatory groups just because they have opinion that is different then their own. If you get steamrolled for dueling in an open field don’t get mad in the forums when someone tries to guide you to the proper venue.
Did you even read the OP’s post? He’s mad because he interrupted a duel and died, as he should have. Moral of the story, don’t interrupt duels then get made if/when you die. Duelists are perfectly aware that people can interrupt the duel, as a result we don’t usually deal kindly with those who interrupt, that means watching a team mate die.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Ummmm keep the duelers in WvW please. That’s where they want to be. The red is dead mentality in pvp doesn’t always work, and duelers will want fair even fights that they are unlikely to get in pvp. Whatever the reason, this was a bad post to make, as someone who plays both game modes.
Why can’t they get fair fights in pvp? I see ZERO reasons for this. You can pick the server you want and duel whoever you want. Heck, I did it on servers where ppl were only there for just that.
In WvW you are on a battleground. You have to expect to be interrupted. The best you can hope for is to get to some very remote point of the map where you won’t be seen. But then again, why not just go in PVP with ppl who agree to do what you want to do.
Why not go to WvW where people agree and want to do that? Anyone can log into just about anywhere and interrupt a duel. These duelers want to be in WvW, why should you try to force them elsewhere? Remember that many builds aren’t possible in pvp due to amulets and food not being usable.
From my experience, the problem isn’t with the people outside the duel so much as the reaction of the duelers when they get interrupted for completely legitimate reasons. The same is true of GvG. People resent being interrupted despite playing in a field where they know they have a high chance of being interrupted.
Again, if you play hockey in the street, don’t whine when you have to move your goals and team aside eveytime a car comes by. You are in the street… Sure, you can kitten well play hockey there and noboby can tell you blabla… but you know you are in the street and with that knowledge should come awareness of potetial problems if you resent being interrupted and you know others will resent not being supported when they only wanted to help you.
Also, whether many of you agree or like it or not, there are expectations in the setting called WvW that no amount of rationalizations will make disapear. The guys sharing your colors expect your help and that you aim for the same general goal of scoring points while preventing others of doing the opposite.
As a side note to the guy saying you can’t rely on nobody. I wonder how things would be in the army if evey soldier had the “you cant rely on your fellow soldiers” mentality. Granted, this is a game and not the army, but still, asking for all to let go of natural and fundamental expectations is ludicrous. And I’m a pretty strong loner myself when I play 90% of the time.
If you’re going to use the hockey in the street analogy, imagine a car that just follows you around wherever you try and play and parks in the middle of your area. Just because he can. The hockey players even go out of their way to avoid cars, but this one car just follows them around and harasses them because he can. The players did nothing to him, but the car can, so he does.
Not the greatest of logic. “because I can” won’t get you far in life if that’s your main argument for things.
Pretty horrible “counter” analogy and understanding of the problem. The street IS for the cars like the WvW map is for the people who wants to contribute to PPT. Of course you can duel and GvG like yu can play hockey in the streets, but the legitimacy lies with the cars. Sorry, but that is reality.
If the cars was to follow you in a parc or a school yard, now he would get in a pretty bad spot and the legitimacy of your claim would switch in your favor (legally too). Also, I don’ know how you got the idea that people who interrupt duel do so “because they can”. They do so because they see an ennemy and a friend and they want to help the friend defeat the ennemy. That is a far cry from “because they can”.
This reply is a great of example of a peson who really doesn’t want to understand anything about what is actually said.
I know, I was naive, again…
Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. I can burn all a keep’s supply on arrow carts that can’t hit a thing, my excuse would be because I can and it’s part of the game mode, yet I’m gona go out on a limb here and say you would have an issue with that. Now ask yourself why, and you see the flaw in your argument of “it’s part of the game, I can, therefore I will”
Where and when did I ever imply this “I do because I can” BS? I explicitely said it was not a matter of doing something because one can, yet you still bring that. Do you read what I write?
One of your main arguments as to why a dueler shouldn’t be mad when their duel gets interrupted is because killing the enemy is part of the game, thus justifying harassing the duel. Do you read what you write?
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Ummmm keep the duelers in WvW please. That’s where they want to be. The red is dead mentality in pvp doesn’t always work, and duelers will want fair even fights that they are unlikely to get in pvp. Whatever the reason, this was a bad post to make, as someone who plays both game modes.
Why can’t they get fair fights in pvp? I see ZERO reasons for this. You can pick the server you want and duel whoever you want. Heck, I did it on servers where ppl were only there for just that.
In WvW you are on a battleground. You have to expect to be interrupted. The best you can hope for is to get to some very remote point of the map where you won’t be seen. But then again, why not just go in PVP with ppl who agree to do what you want to do.
Why not go to WvW where people agree and want to do that? Anyone can log into just about anywhere and interrupt a duel. These duelers want to be in WvW, why should you try to force them elsewhere? Remember that many builds aren’t possible in pvp due to amulets and food not being usable.
From my experience, the problem isn’t with the people outside the duel so much as the reaction of the duelers when they get interrupted for completely legitimate reasons. The same is true of GvG. People resent being interrupted despite playing in a field where they know they have a high chance of being interrupted.
Again, if you play hockey in the street, don’t whine when you have to move your goals and team aside eveytime a car comes by. You are in the street… Sure, you can kitten well play hockey there and noboby can tell you blabla… but you know you are in the street and with that knowledge should come awareness of potetial problems if you resent being interrupted and you know others will resent not being supported when they only wanted to help you.
Also, whether many of you agree or like it or not, there are expectations in the setting called WvW that no amount of rationalizations will make disapear. The guys sharing your colors expect your help and that you aim for the same general goal of scoring points while preventing others of doing the opposite.
As a side note to the guy saying you can’t rely on nobody. I wonder how things would be in the army if evey soldier had the “you cant rely on your fellow soldiers” mentality. Granted, this is a game and not the army, but still, asking for all to let go of natural and fundamental expectations is ludicrous. And I’m a pretty strong loner myself when I play 90% of the time.
If you’re going to use the hockey in the street analogy, imagine a car that just follows you around wherever you try and play and parks in the middle of your area. Just because he can. The hockey players even go out of their way to avoid cars, but this one car just follows them around and harasses them because he can. The players did nothing to him, but the car can, so he does.
Not the greatest of logic. “because I can” won’t get you far in life if that’s your main argument for things.
Pretty horrible “counter” analogy and understanding of the problem. The street IS for the cars like the WvW map is for the people who wants to contribute to PPT. Of course you can duel and GvG like yu can play hockey in the streets, but the legitimacy lies with the cars. Sorry, but that is reality.
If the cars was to follow you in a parc or a school yard, now he would get in a pretty bad spot and the legitimacy of your claim would switch in your favor (legally too). Also, I don’ know how you got the idea that people who interrupt duel do so “because they can”. They do so because they see an ennemy and a friend and they want to help the friend defeat the ennemy. That is a far cry from “because they can”.
This reply is a great of example of a peson who really doesn’t want to understand anything about what is actually said.
I know, I was naive, again…
Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. I can burn all a keep’s supply on arrow carts that can’t hit a thing, my excuse would be because I can and it’s part of the game mode, yet I’m gona go out on a limb here and say you would have an issue with that. Now ask yourself why, and you see the flaw in your argument of “it’s part of the game, I can, therefore I will”
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Ummmm keep the duelers in WvW please. That’s where they want to be. The red is dead mentality in pvp doesn’t always work, and duelers will want fair even fights that they are unlikely to get in pvp. Whatever the reason, this was a bad post to make, as someone who plays both game modes.
Why can’t they get fair fights in pvp? I see ZERO reasons for this. You can pick the server you want and duel whoever you want. Heck, I did it on servers where ppl were only there for just that.
In WvW you are on a battleground. You have to expect to be interrupted. The best you can hope for is to get to some very remote point of the map where you won’t be seen. But then again, why not just go in PVP with ppl who agree to do what you want to do.
Why not go to WvW where people agree and want to do that? Anyone can log into just about anywhere and interrupt a duel. These duelers want to be in WvW, why should you try to force them elsewhere? Remember that many builds aren’t possible in pvp due to amulets and food not being usable.
From my experience, the problem isn’t with the people outside the duel so much as the reaction of the duelers when they get interrupted for completely legitimate reasons. The same is true of GvG. People resent being interrupted despite playing in a field where they know they have a high chance of being interrupted.
Again, if you play hockey in the street, don’t whine when you have to move your goals and team aside eveytime a car comes by. You are in the street… Sure, you can kitten well play hockey there and noboby can tell you blabla… but you know you are in the street and with that knowledge should come awareness of potetial problems if you resent being interrupted and you know others will resent not being supported when they only wanted to help you.
Also, whether many of you agree or like it or not, there are expectations in the setting called WvW that no amount of rationalizations will make disapear. The guys sharing your colors expect your help and that you aim for the same general goal of scoring points while preventing others of doing the opposite.
As a side note to the guy saying you can’t rely on nobody. I wonder how things would be in the army if evey soldier had the “you cant rely on your fellow soldiers” mentality. Granted, this is a game and not the army, but still, asking for all to let go of natural and fundamental expectations is ludicrous. And I’m a pretty strong loner myself when I play 90% of the time.
If you’re going to use the hockey in the street analogy, imagine a car that just follows you around wherever you try and play and parks in the middle of your area. Just because he can. The hockey players even go out of their way to avoid cars, but this one car just follows them around and harasses them because he can. The players did nothing to him, but the car can, so he does.
Not the greatest of logic. “because I can” won’t get you far in life if that’s your main argument for things.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
If he goes and captures a camp, good for him, don’t get me started on how pointless PPT is again.
- Points are the name of the game in this mode. I don’t know why would anyone enter WvW if they don’t care about concepts like attacking and defending towers, running supplies, securing routes and siege. “PPT is pointless” is like playing chess and saying cornering the king is overrated.
Points are the name of the game mode. But the game mode is broken. Caring about the outcome of PPT is like caring about who wins a football match when one team has 9 players on the field and the other has 20.
The game mode is not broken. It works perfectly if you accept that matches were never designed to be fair. You just don’t like that mode. There is a difference.
A game mode that was intentionally designed to be competitive. Matches were never designed to be fair. Game mode is not broken.
I don’t think you understand what broken means, but try and find me any kind of competition that is intentionally unfair.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
I honestly think QQ is directly tied to the number of players playing that class. Warriors got buffs way back, and for months it was nonstop QQ about warriors. Then hammer nerfs, trait nerfs, healing signet nerfs, warriors aren’t as common and nobody complains anymore. I have this theory that it’s the same with ranger, because lets be honest, they are the only thing around right now due to the recent buffs. I kill people with my shortbow and they call me a LB noob. I kill them with my sword and they call me a LB noob (actually happened to me). Eventually the fair weathers who came just for the patch will leave and people will complain less because the class will be less prevalent. I look forward to that because I miss the compliments of killing people in wvw on my ranger, now all I get is raging kids calling me a noob because I play the new OP class. Makes me cry everytime =’(
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
If he goes and captures a camp, good for him, don’t get me started on how pointless PPT is again.
- Points are the name of the game in this mode. I don’t know why would anyone enter WvW if they don’t care about concepts like attacking and defending towers, running supplies, securing routes and siege. “PPT is pointless” is like playing chess and saying cornering the king is overrated.
Points are the name of the game mode. But the game mode is broken. Caring about the outcome of PPT is like caring about who wins a football match when one team has 9 players on the field and the other has 20.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
The problem I have seen is when the duel takes place at an objective or close to it. You see someone from your team and you decide to jump in to help him preserve or take the objective. Now imagine the surprise when the player, who made a move to help you thinking he would have your support, end up being alone in fighting the ennemy.
When you mainly play staff like me (ele), it can be a pretty unpleasant surprise to end up 1vs1 against someone whith a pure duel build while you are more support. Chances are, you get killed for your trouble and you seriously wonder WTF didn’t your pal lift a finger to help you.
People shouldn’t have to ask anything. The guy is red, he is a target, period. If duels were legitimate as you want them to be as opposed to what they are, GW would have included a “duel” status where only people in duel status could interreact with each others.
I totally prefer to have fair and balanced matches and I admire your honorable intentions. Sadly, you pick the wrong place to expect people to follow any kind of unwritten rule (that not everyone are aware of at all). It is not always obvious that you are having a duel rather than defending your life in WvW context. The knee jerk reaction will always be to help the people on your side and smack the red one.
And even so, why should we trust an ennemy dueller? What prevent him from taking a camp once we go away and he win his macth vs you? Yeah, I know, “honor”. The problem is, the world is composed of all sort of people and we don’t know all you know about him. I see way too many turn-coat and liar who are eager to just troll the kitten out of anybody…
You can duel all you want and I hope it will always go like you want, but my advise is to make yourself as invisible as possible or better yet, take a dedicated to duel pvp server.
I explained to you why you can’t duel in spvp, yet you still hit your head against the wall saying that it’s my best option. Go figure. Also who cares what he does or what happens to him after to duel. If he goes and captures a camp, good for him, don’t get me started on how pointless PPT is again. The point is, (and I don’t know where you are from where most people are unaware of not to interfere with duels) most people know when a duel is going on and should try and respect that. If they want to kill the guy after the fact, go for it, the duel is over. But if you get killed trying to interrupt a duel, well as I’ve said before, don’t cry.
Actually you explained a falsehood. There are servers dedicated for you to pick a fight with those that are there in a duel. You either don’t know it or don’t want to know about it. But that is a different matter.
As for saying my argument based on game mode is weak, it is only weak because you say so not because it is weak per se. It IS a conquest type game. The duelers and GvGers are akin to kids playing hockey in the streets telling cars to stop shouting at them. I’m sorry, but the cars have a pretty valid point if they tell you to go play elsewhere.
Sure it’s the “proper gamemode” but the majority of players gave up on that long ago. Just read the majority of wvw threads and see how many people are screaming for PPT to be fixed. Whether it be balance issues or flaws in the system itself, it is without a doubt the worst system in the game right now when considered competitive.
I have told you before, and this is the last time I’m going to tell you, so try reading it this time however hard that may be. Spvp limits builds and many can’t be replicated in spvp. I know of the dueling servers you speak of, but they allow 2 people in at a time, compared to running around sniping sentries and camps and dueling in between.
I know it’s a hard concept to grasp, anything other than PPT, but do try. As I also said before, no duelist is complaining. We aren’t the ones crying. We are the ones telling you that if you interrupt our duels, you won’t receive help from us and will likely die. That’s how it is, don’t like it? Go flip objectives in EOTM.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
The problem I have seen is when the duel takes place at an objective or close to it. You see someone from your team and you decide to jump in to help him preserve or take the objective. Now imagine the surprise when the player, who made a move to help you thinking he would have your support, end up being alone in fighting the ennemy.
When you mainly play staff like me (ele), it can be a pretty unpleasant surprise to end up 1vs1 against someone whith a pure duel build while you are more support. Chances are, you get killed for your trouble and you seriously wonder WTF didn’t your pal lift a finger to help you.
People shouldn’t have to ask anything. The guy is red, he is a target, period. If duels were legitimate as you want them to be as opposed to what they are, GW would have included a “duel” status where only people in duel status could interreact with each others.
I totally prefer to have fair and balanced matches and I admire your honorable intentions. Sadly, you pick the wrong place to expect people to follow any kind of unwritten rule (that not everyone are aware of at all). It is not always obvious that you are having a duel rather than defending your life in WvW context. The knee jerk reaction will always be to help the people on your side and smack the red one.
And even so, why should we trust an ennemy dueller? What prevent him from taking a camp once we go away and he win his macth vs you? Yeah, I know, “honor”. The problem is, the world is composed of all sort of people and we don’t know all you know about him. I see way too many turn-coat and liar who are eager to just troll the kitten out of anybody…
You can duel all you want and I hope it will always go like you want, but my advise is to make yourself as invisible as possible or better yet, take a dedicated to duel pvp server.
I explained to you why you can’t duel in spvp, yet you still hit your head against the wall saying that it’s my best option. Go figure. Also who cares what he does or what happens to him after to duel. If he goes and captures a camp, good for him, don’t get me started on how pointless PPT is again. The point is, (and I don’t know where you are from where most people are unaware of not to interfere with duels) most people know when a duel is going on and should try and respect that. If they want to kill the guy after the fact, go for it, the duel is over. But if you get killed trying to interrupt a duel, well as I’ve said before, don’t cry.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Obsidian Sanctum has a dueling area which most people respect. PvP also has dueling servers which most people respect. That’s where WvW dueling should be done.
If you are dueling in the open field of your BL don’t cry cause someone interrupted you fight and stomped you. Anywhere other than the 2 places mentioned above is fair game.
Again, no duelist is complaining here. The person who failed to interrupt a duel is the one complaining. So I say the same argument back to you; if you try to interrupt a duel and get killed, don’t cry on the forums.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
People like you have no honour for lack of a better word. To you spawn camping would be justified because you are obligated to as a wvw player because they are the enemy.
- Hah! You’re saying it’s honorable to leave your team mate to die. You probably won’t even help your team mate who is getting killed by enemy 1v1 because you think it’s a duel and they “deserve” it for not having 1v1 build on their character. Nobody gives a **** about your ego.
I would ask if it was a duel, if it wasn’t I would help him out. I don’t see why it’s so hard to grasp the concept of respecting an organized duel. I have saved plenty of people from getting stomped or in 2v1 situations. Just because I respect duels doesn’t mean I let my teammates die, stop thinking like an idiot.
The problem I have seen is when the duel takes place at an objective or close to it. You see someone from your team and you decide to jump in to help him preserve or take the objective. Now imagine the surprise when the player, who made a move to help you thinking he would have your support, end up being alone in fighting the ennemy.
When you mainly play staff like me (ele), it can be a pretty unpleasant surprise to end up 1vs1 against someone whith a pure duel build while you are more support. Chances are, you get killed for your trouble and you seriously wonder WTF didn’t your pal lift a finger to help you.
People shouldn’t have to ask anything. The guy is red, he is a target, period. If duels were legitimate as you want them to be as opposed to what they are, GW would have included a “duel” status where only people in duel status could interreact with each others.
OH MAI GAWD enough with the game mode nonsense. Honestly, I suppose you would endorse camping the enemy spawn with tons of siege making it impossible for them to leave, just because they are a read name. Running into somebody on the field and 1v1ing them doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a duel. There are dueling spots on each map, which most people should know that if two people are fighting there, it’s a duel and you should respect that. Maybe learn those spots before you run in there with your staff, or like I suggested, just ask if it’s a duel and if the guy wants help.
I personally don’t like 2v1ing a person, just because I like the practice of 1v1s and relying on myself and not somebody else assisting me. However, if I just run across somebody in the field I won’t stop attacking if an ally comes along. If it’s a proper duel however, in a dueling spot, where we bowed etc, then you can be kitten sure I won’t 2v1 the guy.
You seriously need to get some better arguments and stop relying on anet to tell you how to play the game. It was the same thing when you tried saying GvG’s were bad. The whole “it’s not the intended gamemode” garbage. I play on SFR, home to the biggest PPTers EU. All they care about is the tick, and they grasp this concept easier than you because when I ask them not to interfere, they don’t. Often times they will actually ask me if I want help, which seems to be too difficult for you I guess.
If want to keep leaning on your gamemode crux argument, go for it. But just understand that a lot of players completely disagree with you and have something of unwritten rules, where you respect duels, simple as that. I would also like to point out that in your ignorance of duels you seem to be under the delusion that spvp would ever be a better spot for them. First off there is no spvp server where you can just enter and pick a fight with other people in there like you can in wvw. Second, don’t even get me started on the stat differences between wvw and spvp, which for a lot of people make quite the difference in their builds and can’t be replicated in spvp.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
People like you have no honour for lack of a better word. To you spawn camping would be justified because you are obligated to as a wvw player because they are the enemy.
- Hah! You’re saying it’s honorable to leave your team mate to die. You probably won’t even help your team mate who is getting killed by enemy 1v1 because you think it’s a duel and they “deserve” it for not having 1v1 build on their character. Nobody gives a **** about your ego.
I would ask if it was a duel, if it wasn’t I would help him out. I don’t see why it’s so hard to grasp the concept of respecting an organized duel. I have saved plenty of people from getting stomped or in 2v1 situations. Just because I respect duels doesn’t mean I let my teammates die, stop thinking like an idiot.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
I see a lot of pretty irrelevant answers from many as usual. The OP does have a point about some duelist attitude and the play field they decide to poo on. Duel all you like, I sure do it myself, but do so inside the frame of WvW. Letting your team members get killed when they thought they could count on you is Justin Beiberesque idiotic. You aren’t in some Olympic scrimmage. You are at war. I never get angry when ppl use their superior numbers to pile on me because I’d do the same and it is expected of them.
You want fair fights? Go top PVP where all strive to be balanced. Otherwise, spare us your “fair fight” BS rhetoric to excuse you putrid lack of team play.
Don’t you have an arrow cart to man? If I’m having a duel with somebody, and it’s quite obvious to tell when somebody is dueling, and somebody interferes, first off I will ask them to kindly stop and say we are dueling. If they keep fighting then obviously I will watch as my opponent fights back. Most people that run into duels respect them, the few that don’t though are usually bads that get destroyed anyway.
If you can fight in WvW then dueling is part of it. Don’t get mad when another player chooses to play slightly different than you do and then you die as a result. Don’t even try to bring up the “way the game is meant to be played” PPT nonsense and understand some people don’t play the same way you do.
Ah the good ole “don’t you have an ac to man” line when one has nothing else to say… or cant read. I almost miss being on a server where ppl would spout that non-sense every time they have an opportunity to.
In this particular case, it clearly demonstrate you just don’t care to read a word others type. I did say I also duel now did I? Yes, I did. I’m never mad to see a duel. Heck, I indulge in them too and I love it. What I DO get mad about is when a duel become an excuse to be a complete kitten. It’s a team game first. You can be a loner all you want, I am, but ignoring a plea for help or feeling kitten because your precious duel is ruined by ppl doing what is expected of them is laughable.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but the interrupter of a duel, not the duelist made this thread, yes? So no duelist is complaining here, merely the fool who can’t respect a duel when it’s going on. I think it only reasonable to assume that the person asked the OP not to interfere and when he failed to do so he was killed. At least that’s how it goes down when it happens to me. If somebody asks you not to interfere and you do, one shouldn’t be surprised when their allies don’t assist them and laugh at them. You’re nothing more than a nuisance when you interfere with a duel after being asked not to.
People like you have no honour for lack of a better word. To you spawn camping would be justified because you are obligated to as a wvw player because they are the enemy. You need to learn to see past such foolish concepts. You can argue that I can’t complain when somebody interferes with my duel because “that’s how the game is meant to be played”, but then you can’t defend the guy who was killed by duelists. If you want to interfere with duels, go for it, but if you die, don’t complain. However, just because you can interfere, doesn’t mean you should. I know PPT is all you think about but try and see past that.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
I see a lot of pretty irrelevant answers from many as usual. The OP does have a point about some duelist attitude and the play field they decide to poo on. Duel all you like, I sure do it myself, but do so inside the frame of WvW. Letting your team members get killed when they thought they could count on you is Justin Beiberesque idiotic. You aren’t in some Olympic scrimmage. You are at war. I never get angry when ppl use their superior numbers to pile on me because I’d do the same and it is expected of them.
You want fair fights? Go top PVP where all strive to be balanced. Otherwise, spare us your “fair fight” BS rhetoric to excuse you putrid lack of team play.
Don’t you have an arrow cart to man? If I’m having a duel with somebody, and it’s quite obvious to tell when somebody is dueling, and somebody interferes, first off I will ask them to kindly stop and say we are dueling. If they keep fighting then obviously I will watch as my opponent fights back. Most people that run into duels respect them, the few that don’t though are usually bads that get destroyed anyway.
If you can fight in WvW then dueling is part of it. Don’t get mad when another player chooses to play slightly different than you do and then you die as a result. Don’t even try to bring up the “way the game is meant to be played” PPT nonsense and understand some people don’t play the same way you do.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
I totally agree, ranger needs a hardcore nerf and is completely over the top OP…ranger takes hands alot less effort to play succesfully even compared to warriors…who need to take in account stuff like: blind/evade/invuln/stealth/stunbreak and much more in order to succesfully burst…ranger however…rapid fire and 1 spam is full burst entire match…add the near perma evades pets and even some stealth ranger has… this is way way way to easy to play and OP…ranger hardcore nerf….yeap…also ranger can have full 12 sec of dmge immunity…..yes it’s true….warrior is ALOT harder to play succesfully than ranger
You should not talk about things you haven’t the slightest clue about, makes you look very foolish and tells everybody how uneducated you are on the topic.
Obvious sarcasm is obvious. Even if its not (based on post history, its probably not), do you have any counterpoints to offer against his opinion? I have several, but I would very much like to hear yours if you have anything to say?
- Rangers have 6 seconds of immunity only to physical damage. “Protect Me” doesn’t protect you from anything if you have any pet other than pigs and bears.
- Signet of Stone (our only “invulnerability”) is on a 20 second longer cool down than Endure pain.
- Endure Pain breaks stun, which is more valuable (in my opinion) than 2 more seconds of invulnerability. And you can trait Defy Pain, which uses Endure Pain automatically when below 25% health.
- Perma Evades aren’t possible on Longbow, and its not even possible on our weapons with evades attached to them. Switching to Sword/Dagger to do several seconds of continuous evades doesn’t do anything for damage. Lightning Reflexes is on a 40 second cooldown. It hardly gives perma evades.
There’s more counterpoints obviously, but that’s enough for now.
Pretty much what you said, although I didn’t fell the need to try and use logic against somebody who clearly lacked it. Let’s also not forget the amount of blocks warriors have. Like you said warriors, when traited can get a full 10s of physical immunity and 10s of condition immunity. I mean when somebody says ranger is easier to play than warrior, there really is no point in proving him wrong because of how much a stupid statement it was to begin with.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Thing is – if it has to be revived, it died for some reason or reasons. No doubt there is SOME interest, but just how niche is that interest? And have the reasons for its death/coma state really gone away?
Good luck to you all, but I think some are like the guy at the high school reunion that is still trying to live his glory days in HS football.
WvW as a whole is on the decline and as a result these GvG guilds may get a few GvGs here and there, but they are being forced to move to the few remaining populated servers. Without things to fight, people get bored and move to other games, but I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily GvG that died, more like it’s going down with WvW.
You make a valid point, but I don’t see guilds moving to server 6 just for GVG as who knows how volatile that will be. If we can’t hang (YB) and we rolled t3/t4 in seasons, how long will those servers stay? It’s almost like people would have to have multiple accounts on multiple servers and play the character in the right match – that isn’t happening……
I have no idea what guilds are doing on NA, but I know about a month ago give or take, three GvG guilds moved from lower tiers up to kitten get the remaining action =p
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
The cast time is too long for what it offers, however it can sometimes do some nice damage. With moderate power it can hit 3k with generous crits, and if you have sharpened edges, it’s 16 chances to inflict bleeding, which, again with generous crits, can add about 5-8 bleeds usually. But retal make it more harmful than useful, and the cast time is definitely a pain.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Thing is – if it has to be revived, it died for some reason or reasons. No doubt there is SOME interest, but just how niche is that interest? And have the reasons for its death/coma state really gone away?
Good luck to you all, but I think some are like the guy at the high school reunion that is still trying to live his glory days in HS football.
WvW as a whole is on the decline and as a result these GvG guilds may get a few GvGs here and there, but they are being forced to move to the few remaining populated servers. Without things to fight, people get bored and move to other games, but I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily GvG that died, more like it’s going down with WvW.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
And to call GW2 GvG “SMASHFACE” speaks volumes for your ignorance. GvG is all about good group composition, understanding role-specific strategies, and fast-paced decision making.
- good group composition: GWEN or GTFO
- understanding role-specific strategies: Warrior spam CC, Guardian spam boons, Necros spam wells and elementalists place the field the driver ask for. You can add a mesmer for a veil (optional).
- and fast-paced decision making: The driver is the only one that do this… All the other are jsut waiting for the driver calls and answer that ASAP.
Been there, done that… Mag was a experience I don’t want to repeat.
First off a theif and mesmer are invaluable members of a GvG team in what’s called a focus party, but I’m sure you knew that right. Rangers and Engineers are the only classes that don’t really fit in with GvG, but I’m not going to go into that.
If you just wait for your leader (none of this NA “driver” nonsense) to make the calls, you’re a bad player, and will most likely die. The leader calls the direction, low targets to focus, when to do regroups etc.
Each class does have it’s own unique role, don’t try and make it seem like it’s just mashing keys. Warriors don’t just spam CC, they wait for the right time and use it all together for maximum effect. Guardians don’t spam boons, they use the right boons when they are needed. Necros and eles bomb at the right time, they don’t just drop AOE when it’s off CD. Necros and eles can help out with theives and mesmers focusing down backline.
Don’t pretend you understand GvG, when I can see by what you type you clearly don’t.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
I totally agree, ranger needs a hardcore nerf and is completely over the top OP…ranger takes hands alot less effort to play succesfully even compared to warriors…who need to take in account stuff like: blind/evade/invuln/stealth/stunbreak and much more in order to succesfully burst…ranger however…rapid fire and 1 spam is full burst entire match…add the near perma evades pets and even some stealth ranger has… this is way way way to easy to play and OP…ranger hardcore nerf….yeap…also ranger can have full 12 sec of dmge immunity…..yes it’s true….warrior is ALOT harder to play succesfully than ranger
You should not talk about things you haven’t the slightest clue about, makes you look very foolish and tells everybody how uneducated you are on the topic.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
Or, you could just remove the AoE caps while in WvW and make the game require actual thinking.
^ A cure worse than the ‘disease’. Anyone suggesting this hasn’t done as much actual thinking as they believe.
AoE circles are too small to prevent zerging except in chokes – this would force a zerg to spread out a little but numbers would still carry the day. And WvW would be killed by the extremely un-fun instagib meta this would create.
No numbers would not mean win like now. Even a small group with good terrain positioning could completelly wreck a zerg that is completelly mindless, and is just walking together following a comander. AoE circles are big enough to do the job, and people with actual comunication would not put all their AoE in the same place…
Or, you could just remove the AoE caps while in WvW and make the game require actual thinking. Also Lol to whoever saying that zergs require tactics.
Skyrim? You want giants that toss people thousands of feet in the air across the map too?
Get higher lvl.
Zergs do require tactics. Otherwise smaller groups would not be able to wipe bigger groups. The amount of skill required maybe small but skill is required. Also, A-net stated a long long time ago that system limitation was the reason for the AE cap (around the time they removed culling). Been in a 3 way map blob fights for SM and the server crys :P.
Smaller groups will not win unless the zerg train includes 50% upscaled characters, and people who don’t know how to play their class. (which can of course be the case yes, but point still remains. numbers = win in pretty much all the situations)
Anet’s servers can barely handle wvw as it is now, do you honestly think removing the aoe cap will solve anything? Smaller numbers would still have an issue taking out larger forces without the aoe cap simply because the zerg would also have that benefit, and retal would end anybody who cast any aoe attack that does high damage. Removing the aoe cap is an appalling idea, even if anet’s servers could handle such a thing.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
You need to tell us how much armor you think you’ll want. If you’re confident straight up all glass is something you can pull off, then go full berserker.
If you want a minimum of 2600 armor throw in some cavalier.
Me personally, I’m going full valk with serker boots and pants with serker amulet and back with rest cavalier. But my main focus was to be able to share this set with my Thief. I personally don’t like playing Ranger with under 2900 armor (which should be relatively easy to get with SoS).
If you want toughness, go knights not cavalier. Even more so since the ferocity nerf, knights has higher damage output than cavalier. A PVT/zerk mix works well, or if you can handle it going full glass works better, most people can’t pull off full glass, and it can be tricky on a ranger compared to other classes.
You basically want to maximize your power without going too squishy for you liking.
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.
this thread gave me a brain tumor
It is not what you do, but how and why you do it that counts.