Personally I hate chronomancer, the thematic, the playstule, the weapon, the utilities, the only thing I like about it is that it’s played as a support, I can’t wait for them to implement pretty much anything else.
I do too. I loved heart of thorns (worth the 50 bucks imo). But i hated chronomancer. i was a mesmer main since 2009 until chronomancer pushed me into elementalist. with tempest and draghunter running around, mesmer offense felt even more pathetic. i got tired of taking twice as long to kill open world mobs on my mesmer than on my other professions, who clock in at twice her damage, even on regular enemies. i hope mirage remedies this. even if just for open world and exploring
. No one seems to disagree with me on this subject
They would have to refit every single piece of armor (light, medium, and heavy) for both Tengu and Kodan. The Tengu are only a few dialogue pieces away from being Gw1 stock enemies. The Kodan are annoying. For the amount of effort used to undertake this task, they could complete 2 new generations of legendary weapons and elite specializations
I’m happy that the plot is moving away from Elder Dragons (which I always found were a lazy and repetitive plot element). I’m happy we are seeing Gw1 Lore. I understand that making such an abrupt change requires some drastic, weird incohesive plot maneuvers but I will be patient with them because it is for the greater good of the story and franchise
A possible fix to the stale meta would be to re-introduce build diversity. But Anet is holding fast to the “players must use an elite spec with this exact grandmaster trait and amulet to play this profession” policy
I’m disappointed with light and medium armor. Light armor has another butt cape and medium armor is another trench coat. They also just overall look bad. Heavy armor looks good, no complaints there
Are you complaining that you can’t win a 1 vs. 3 fight using a single skill? Warrior resistance and invulnerability is already over-tuned. Is it so hard to only be able to faceroll 8/9 professions and have 1 profession out there than can counter you? Poor baby
During the first 2-3 years of this game, the festivals were the strongest. Halloween had story progression, and SAB was new and carried novelty. Obviously, festivals are now being rolled out without changes or preparation. But it’s hard to blame Anet when they are clearly devoting their resources to more important, year-round permanent content like raids, new legendaries and fractal content.
Think about it- what was there to do in this game before HoT? Basically the festivals and wait around for LS episodes. HoT added massive amounts of end game content that need resources to maintain, and my guess is that’s why we don’t have as many festivals.
Although I would like for Anet to step up their festival game, I don’t consider the recent lack of attention to festivals a “failure”
New professions
New races
New armors
Long campagin storyline
Beautiful and many new maps/areas
Going to Cantha and Elona
Bring back Paragon, Dervish, Ritualist and Monk.
I miss Gw1 too
elite specs and a longer, more fulfilling story
It’s immensely annoying for players who desperately want the new exclusive, but I think the target market is being catered to perfectly, and that’s people who actually buy keys. You have a chance to get these from the few keys you can get from key farming, but really it’s the people who will keep going until they get it that will. So I don’t think anything is owed to anyone or anyone is being mistreated. It stings horribly when I desperately want one of the new BL chest gliders, but I’m glad these stand alone skins are generating revenue for the game.
My sentiment exactly
A new race would really be Jumping the Shark. Not only would it require hiring new voice actors and refitting every piece of armor in the game, the entertainment it would provided would be as gimmicky and short lived as a child who takes home a gold fish in a bag from the state fair.
With the amount of resources it would take to do this you would be able to fix the competitive modes, release multiple new maps, add hours of story content, or grant pretty much every reasonable QoL request on this forum and reddit.
Please, no thank you
I think the real problem with PvP is much more severe: the game is old and people are bored. This game released in 2012-ish and the adrenaline is gone. PvE is expected to age gracefully because it attracts long time fans and casuals, but PvP appeals to short term players who have by now discovered other, newer, better competitive games.
WoW released in 2004 and still has tons and tons of players. Many many more players than GW2 does.
WoW is also one of the most infamously popular video games of all time. That and Starcraft were the League of Legends of their day, and will always have fans. Gw2 never, ever had or was expected to gain that much momentum. All I’m saying is, it isn’t completely Anet’s fault PvP is dying. A lot of it is just natural death
(edited by Alex Shatter.7956)
I think the real problem with PvP is much more severe: the game is old and people are bored. This game released in 2012-ish and the adrenaline is gone. PvE is expected to age gracefully because it attracts long time fans and casuals, but PvP appeals to short term players who have by now discovered other, newer, better competitive games.
When was the last time this was in the gem store? I’d really like to see it back so my necromancer can grab one
At the start of the match I’m not going to communicate my intentions to anyone, and me and my duo friend are gonna rush far and leave my team to die at mid. We won’t talk to anyone the entire match or cooperate. We will also not tell you when we decide it’s best to rush lord. Sound good? Okay BREAK!
Sigil of Penetration: Your next two attacks after swapping to this weapon are unblockable (cooldown 9 seconds)
Sigil of Destabilization: Your next attack after swapping to this weapon clears stability stacks on target (cooldown 9 seconds)
Sigil of Deflection: Knocks back an opponent (distance 150-300?) who has X damage blocked within Y seconds, maybe with an internal cooldown.
Could be an interesting way to promote timing blocks against bursts, sort of like a “perfect block” skill.
No. This would make guardian 2x more OP as it already is, and kill thief and necro from the meta. It would also make chronomancer 2x more annoying.
there are a ton, but…
oooh that’s a good one
Any of the fall damage traits because we can all literally fly now. They aren’t even useful on jumping puzzles
(edited by Alex Shatter.7956)
The history of Tempest in 2 sentences:
Concept artists make a epic image of an elementalist summoning a huge storm.
Developer takes that concept and turns it into a heal-bot profession, ruining the class gameplay variety and betraying the no-trinity element of the launch manifesto in the process.
Same with druid. Turn the ranger from a huntsman/warden into a healbot.
Nerf all their heal coefficients so they can’t run offensive builds and have to stack healing power gear.
lmao someone hasn’t been in this game for very long. Who’d you use your level 80 boost on bro
nerf warrior, buff revenant
Mesmers have gotten LESS fancy since Gw1. In Gw1, you were forced to wear tuxedos/dresses, and be human, and be pretty, and use a sceptor. No variation at all.
Now you can be a norn shaman in battle armor or a char or something, and use swords and shields and stuff.
Speaking of norn shamans and charr, there are plenty of beasts and demons who have been atypical mesmers in Gw history. Xera, for one, is a knight. And Abaddon was kind of mesmer, and so was the fortune teller peasant lady. not to mention raven witch in that cave by snowden drifts or something. There have been dwarf and jotun mesmer champions that just live in caves and use domination magic.
Gwen was an antifa goddess rebel warrior princess. Why the majority are noblemen and women and theater kids? idk, but i kinda like it
(edited by Alex Shatter.7956)
No one’s mentioned afk minion mancer asura named Flseh Gleom or Jggade Horror
- DPS: Traits- Pyromancer’s Training. Stay in Fire attunement and press 1, 2, and 5
- Offense: Traits: Fresh Air. Do not use fire traits. Use fire:5 and fire:2 as often as you can on mid. Spam CC from air:5, air:3, and air:1 air:2 for damage, and wait for air:overload, use it, and switch to earth:4. and water:4.
- Defense: Trait lines: water and earth. The above but exchange water:overload, water:6, and water:3 for the fire attunement spells
(edited by Alex Shatter.7956)
I sit in silver and it has worked out fabulously. My only expectation of PvP matches is that the games are consistently close (450:500 games are the best). It also makes ascended gear a bit easier to get, although I’ve been playing for a while and already have a boat load. My only real complaint is DH and warrior blocking and invulnerability access
Mesmer is a great profession for solo-ing the world, and best for jumping puzzles. I would say ranger, guardian and mesmer are the top. Although let it be known that torches are not practical light sources. There’s a lot of praise for necromancer on this forum but let it be known that although the are easy to play they are slllooooooooooowww movers for open world content
i took a break in october and came back to PvP last week and wow it has improved. rewards are better, class balance is better, matches are better (less blowouts, new pip system rocks). do any of the complainers even remember how bad it was right before halloween?
Illusions should not have any HP because they’re not real, and should disappear after 1 hit. Like swatting a puff of smoke from the campfire. And remove Moa. That skill is bad juju.
I think this sums up every unknowledgeable opinion of (and every bad argument against) mesmers on this forum pretty neatly
I haven’t played this game since the Halloween update, when PvP was at its lowest point ever in player population and saltiness. I’ve seen some auspicious things in forum posts and update notes (no more trap dazing, ele is kind of useful again, 2 man max ranked queue, new matchmaking / pip system).
But I’m also reading that guardian is still the most prevalent class, which is a sign not much has changed since October (I don’t mind guardian damage as much as dazing and pull, is that at least fixed?)
Is PvP as good as pre-HoT or any better at all? I’m an ele main who usually floated around in ruby soloq
(edited by Alex Shatter.7956)
Sylvari and Norn would crumble very quickly. They have very low populations, and the Norn in particular have poor abilities to organize themselves socially in the face of exterior threats. In addition, neither race has any substantial history of being conquerers or innovators (utopian, fairytale creature races usually die out pretty quickly in RPG lore).
Asura? I’m not sure. They are the personification of human progress (technologically advanced, small and energy efficient, live by intellectual virtues, socially well organized and communal), but they haven’t shown an aptitude for warfare or conquering, and I think this is by design.
Humans and Charr, the only two known conquerer races, are a bit of a toss up. Historically speaking they are tied, and the only major war the Charr won was with Abaddon’s help.
I got to the Ooze generator part, and Aurene wouldn’t drink / destroy the ooze generators. I tried dying to reset the part, but when I went to the holding area with the Luminate and Caithe, the Luminate wouldn’t talk to me to let me back in
My free key/chest — 1 ToT bag, 1 Transmutation Charge, 1 Tome. I feel like it wasn’t worth the effort of claiming it.
To be fair, the ToT bag was the most valuable thing I got in that chest.
this entire reply is savage
The changes made the chests so much worse. Who let the seasonal item thing happen? If someone were to tell me that Anet wanted to updated BL Chests, i would expect something more along the lines of “There is now a guaranteed 4th slot that is always a BL ticket scrap” or “instant bank / TP / merchant access items are now removed”
EDIT: Maybe they compensated for the 2 slots by making the rare items drop more often? even then i still feel cheated
(edited by Alex Shatter.7956)
So after the topic of “Easy mode raids”, “Training raids”, “Story mode Raids”. Its the time for the “Fractal like raids” so we can bring the same argument over and over again. Modes should start merging this topics.
If you dont have anything to bring to the table besides the “i want” stop creating topics like this. And do some research and will see a lot of bad reasons why this is not a good idea.You mean, a lot of good reasons? Because all that he can find against is “we don’t need because I don’t want to/devs must make more raids for me instead of modes for you all/l2p n00bs/who cares about statistics and other games, we don’t need it”.
Adding tiers or difficulty modes increases the amount of time the devs need to spend on raids, thus diverting resources from elsewhere. Thus fewer raids or fewer changes to fractals (including new ones) or slower release cadence for living world or…
I say this as someone who was against raids being added to the game in the first place, someone who hasn’t cleared a wing, and someone who isn’t likely to get 10 regulars or PUG aids any time in the near future.
Raids are doing exactly what they were intending to do: provide a type of challenging group content for the fraction of the player base that wants it. The vast majority of the game is designed to appeal to the rest of us.
How much time does it take to switch some numbers? Make bosses do less damage, and take more damage. Keep the mechanics as is so that people can eventually learn them and do the harder versions. Raids are already instanced, and mostly all of the content is there.
By making raids accessible to casual players, they are delivering comparatively a massive amount of content to casual players to the small amount of effort it would take to do so.
It’s ridiculous that so many developer resources and overhead time went into making these three fabulous raid chapters and only 10% of the player base gets to enjoy them. It’s just plain wasteful of content
EDIT: inb4 25% of players have completed a raid boss, but how many people run every raid once a week? Those are the only players that get true unrestricted enjoyment out of this game mode
(edited by Alex Shatter.7956)
Can’t set animation to medium if i can’t log in lol
You can’t get to the character select screen? I could get there, I crashed after that. You can change settings on char select screen.
ah didnt know i could do that. it works now, ty
Animation on Low = Crash , set to med or high to resolve it
Worked for me in LA & preview window else its crash upon preview or seeing it xD
Can’t set animation to medium if i can’t log in lol
This has already been addressed by players on reddit but is anyone else getting nonstop crashing this morning? I think it has something to do with the Ghostly Outfit
DH’s blocks are so OP they even blocked the nerf bat.
i giggled
Sigils, runes and boosters :0
But seriously, I think necromancer has it slightly better than elementalist. Chilled to the Bone and Flesh Golem are at least CC access
im surprised im the first one to comment saying that this is exactly how the system in Gw1 worked
what lol
I got to 173 without getting gold in any of the adventures and I’ve only completed one raid
Core Ranger Condition Builds are near top, or top for Condition Damage Builds.
not necromancer or engineer?
replace it with 2 thieves or necros.
That is to say, if they don’t delete epidemic too
If we are encouraged to change our gear a lot, please give us a better way of doing this. Making ascended gear stat selectable or make the mystic not 100g for changing all my gear would be lovely (inb4 legendaries are status items. it isn’t the majority of the player bases’ problem if their value depreciates. if cost of mats and ectos go down, that isn’t necessarily a bad thing either. and no, this wouldn’t make ascended gear more expensive. more players would be inclined to get it, but every account would need less sets overall)
Decreasing the base healing of celestial avatar and increasing the healing contribution will not cause players to stop running one build (heal/zerk) and start running two builds (heal and zerk). It will just cause them to go from one build (heal/zerk) to one build (heal)