Showing Posts For Boysenberry.1869:

Snowy maps = least interesting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The Maguuma (regular, not HoT) and Kryta maps always seemed kind of boring and generic to me.

Cant wait for 5th birthday present!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I’m hoping for another Mini Queen Jennah!

Build templates PLEASE!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I’d love to see the general discussion forum have 20 build template threads posted each and every day until implemented (or confirmed they are going to make it happen). It was a great feature in GW1 (and most other RPGs I’ve played). It’s baffling that it still doesn’t exist in GW2. There’s something about this game that makes it difficult for me to remember exactly what build choices I want when I swap builds and writing it down or saving it on websites is tedious.

Is WvW really only about numbers?

in WvW

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The winner of WvW has always been whoever has the most players. Skill and other smaller things only factor in if the numbers are relatively close.

When can ride dragon? Like Game of Thrones

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Aurene mount confirmed*!

Coming Soon*


Someone kill the "Commander"!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I do wish there was more of a difference in gameplay depending on your race. I mostly play Asura and how I can make it through so many conversations without calling those around me idiots is beyond my comprehension. Even worse was when Anise was questioning my intelligence during a living story mission! How can I tolerate a Bookah questioning my intelligence?!

most over played class in the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The most overplayed class in most games seems to be Warrior (or the game’s equivalent). It seems the majority of people just like running up and beating on things. I prefer playing a more nuanced role myself than mindless bashing.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Careful. Next time you try to kill your Raptor you’ll bonk your head on an invisible block and fall to your doom. Yoshi revenge!

Really Devs, One against 20 in the story mode

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I must have had a bugged instance because most of the mobs ignored me until I personally attacked them. They were all focused on villagers. It made killing them very easy.

The boss was also hyper-focused on killing villagers. I don’t think I ever took a single point of damage from the boss. She came towards me a couple of times and charged up her big attack but there was more than enough time to stroll out of the way. 90% of the time she completely ignored me as I was attacking her. She was obsessed with killing NPCs and other NPCs kept rezzing them so it was an endless cycle of her fighting NPCs.

What is a good solo (PVE) class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I’ve always loved the Necromancer (Reaper). It makes most open-world PvE quite easy. Decent damage, minions if you need some allies (minions who are pretty sturdy and can heal you constantly as they attack), lots of health plus a secondary health pool (shroud). I can fight at range but also be comfortable fighting close-up.

What would your "only" 80 be?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Asura because…obviously…Asura master race! Necromancer because that’s my main.

Jade Quarry Desert Borderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Is there any hope for improvement?

Yes! Introducing…Skritt Burglars to the Desert Borderlands! Now players will have something to chase while waiting for another player to show up!

Reminder about Forum Etiquette

in WvW

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


But…everybody on [that world] really does have stinky feet! I’ve smelled them! (don’t ask)

Story is too complex for me to follow

in Living World

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I can sum up each story:

Follow the green star. Kill everything in sight.

Introducing the: stretchable equipment bag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Interesting idea. I’m in favor of anything that brings us closer to build/equipment saving.

perma tapping keeps? totally not an exploit

in WvW

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


One thing that bothers me about ghost-thief perma-tapping is that they rarely use it for strategic purposes. Most of them perma-tap for the sole purpose of annoying others. Their server is hopelessly crushed to they might as well just log on and annoy people. Most of the time these thieves can be ignored since, A) The locked WP doesn’t matter at this point in the match and/or, B ) The Perma-Tapping-Thief is no threat to players since most of them run away at the sight of even a rank 1 newbie.

Skipping waypoints

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I liked Guild Wars 1’s map method where you could only map to cities and towns and then had to explore from there. If you died, each map had a handful of resurrection points. You unlocked them as you explored and they allowed you to re-spawn if you died, but you still had to journey back to your spot of death.

Guild Wars 2 is just completely flooded with waypoints every 3 feet. Oh no I died…oh who cares because I can re-spawn right where I died.

Save and Load Presets Like GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


This has been suggested for years and years. Every week or two this post comes up. And I welcome every single post like this one. I keep hoping if these keep appearing over and over the devs will get tired of seeing them and finally implement build saving.

So, those broken Waypoints

in Living World

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The Krewe assigned to repair the broken waypoints is on vacation. Or blown up in a lab accident. I forget which.

About AFK farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


You can’t stay logged in. You have to use a skill or you get kicked out.

All players have to do is be close enough to press 1 button every 15 minutes or so. And according to the rules laid out by the dev, they can AFK farm as much as they want as long as they respond to a dev message asking if they’re AFK. Set up your AFKer and then go do some housework, play another game in the background, solve world hunger…the sky is the limit!

Remove the Cap on Daily Achievement Points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I like the cap. I look forward to the day when I hit the cap and no longer have to feel the need to log in each day in order to complete 3 menial tasks.

Interesting. If they remove the cap, does that mean you would log in every day to get your 10 AP?

Probably…or at least most days. This may be a good thing for Anet but I would find it a little aggravating. I know I don’t have to log in and collect those 10 AP, but part of me is bothered if I don’t do it. That’s why if the cap remained and I hit it, a load would be off my mind.

Remove the Cap on Daily Achievement Points

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I like the cap. I look forward to the day when I hit the cap and no longer have to feel the need to log in each day in order to complete 3 menial tasks.

player statistics on MAX crafting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I’ve maxed all crafting disciplines except for Scribe (easier to solo a raid than to find a compatible guild). I find myself using all of them semi-frequently except for Jeweler. I would use them even more often but I’m a tad lazy sometimes. Overall I am glad that I took the time to max them.

Skill Balance Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Can’t wait for the necro “minor fixes”

Leaked Necro changes:
- Necromancer minions now turn on their master after 30 seconds.
- Epidemic now spreads conditions to allies.
- Necromancer base movement speed decreased by 50%.

Watchers Hollow Jumping Puzzle - BAD

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I’m rather confused myself. This isn’t even a jumping puzzle. It’s just a standard map area with a POI. Lots of POIs across the game require a couple of jumps to get to and lots are far more difficult than this one. The most difficult part for me was just finding the way in as I often passed the little cave without ever noticing it. My first visit to the peach tree was flying down on it from the vista above.

afk farming everywhere

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Having to report all these players disturbs my daily run for Winterberries.

If it disturbs your run, skip the reporting and just enjoy the game. AFKers aren’t exactly breaking the bank with their little scheme. If I stopped to call the police for every driver I saw going 5 mph over the speed limit, it would greatly disturb my driving. So I wouldn’t do it. Let ANET/others handle the AFKers.

Achievements tied to Winning and Losing

in Living World

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Just as bad as creating fail conditions are the people who are so obsessive about completing achievements ASAP that they actually get upset over the activities of other players. I blame them just as much as the poorly designed system.

The meta achievement is still easily completed thanks to all of the hidden achievements counting towards it. The angry entitled people who think “I deserve my achievements NOW NOW NOW and to heck with everyone else” need to stop and take a deep breath. They aren’t going anywhere. And to the people receiving the chat abuse…I say just laugh and ignore the crazy people.

Yes Anet created a bad system that makes it more difficult to achieve what we want. But it is the troubled minds of spoiled brats that actually turns it into a bad playing experience.

How can I possibly map complete Doric?

in Living World

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


A cheap tactic you can use to make it to the POI or tower stone is to run until you are near death (25% or so, any lower and lag might kill you) and then quickly log off to the character select screen and back on again. On return you will be at full health and all mobs will have lost aggro (the sharpshooters will probably see you and start attacking right away). Repeat until you reach your goal. It’s not the most noble route, but it works.

Seige Events - Not tuned right

in Living World

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


This is the running theme with almost all events in the game where you have to protect an area from incoming mobs. Lots of standing around bored while mobs trickle in 2 at a time. These kinds of events need to be shortened significantly and have the mobs spawn much faster (but still scaled properly for the number of player in the event).

Thank you for final fight changes

in Living World

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


all I had to do was press Special ability in time and avoid all the circles and telegraphic attacks. Interesting fight, medium difficulty, I had fun!

I think most people keep missing the importance of using the Special Skill during certain fights. It’s there for a reason.

The problem with the special skill is that the time you have to press it is significantly shorter than the time you have to dodge red circles or respond to any other game mechanic. It’s under 1 second. If you have even the slightest bit of lag you have no shot.

Caudecus= Not everyone is a Guardian

in Living World

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


This fight has a few problems that I can see.

1. The room is too small. I personally solo story missions but I know a lot of people like to do things in groups and I can’t imagine trying to squeeze a group fight into that room.

2. Too unforgiving for a story. Make a single mistake and barely clip the edge of just one of the 100 red circles in that room and you’re CC’d for 5-10 seconds straight.

3. Reflexes required to use your special skill against Caudecus is too quick for most people who are also trying to dodge and kill a large number of mobs/circles. It seems to be under 1 second to use your skill before you are sent into a stun lock and knocked around for 5-10 seconds. This gives players far less time than normal to react when compared to red circles or most other game mechanics.

Used a Minion Master to fight him. Two health bars and vampiric minions mitigated some of the nonsense that was going on in there.

Rewards to transfer to low population server

in WvW

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


One problem with draining the “full” servers is that “full” isn’t anything like it used to be. Even a “full” server will rarely have a queue outside of reset. If every server was balanced then you’d have the population spread far too thin.

Balancing the tiers would be best to allow different types of matchups. Some players like blob match-ups and some like sparse match-ups. But this would be extremely difficult to achieve. If you think JQ has too many players…when JQ plays say BG or Maguuma then JQ gets run over. Right now we have a tier 1 (Mag, BG), tier 1.5 (TC, JQ), and then lots of tier 3 and 4s.

Remove Bell Choir "Play as you like" portion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Give people 30 seconds to construct a tune and then randomly assign everyones’ tunes to other people and have them attempt the swapped tunes for greater rewards.

Implemented as follows:
As the “play whatever you want” section starts, your character gets 30 ammo for or ringing bells and a one second recharge between consecutive bell swings. Every time you ring a note, an orb goes away from your character towards the end of the lane that note usually approaches from.

When the 30 seconds are up, you get to try someone else’s composition. If you get it right, you get 5 presents. If the person on the other end gets your tune at least 80% right, you get another 5 presents.

Sounds like fun. I’d mash the keyboard and another player gets to agonize over all 8 notes flying at them super fast and completely random!

Loot Sack?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Maybe because they can drop Glacial Fragments.

Glacial Fragments and market flippers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Like anything in life involving currency, you have to make a choice. Do you value the object you seek more than the price it costs?

Remove Bell Choir "Play as you like" portion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


This sounds like a good idea. It’s always bad when you warp into the map and it’s already on the “play as you like” part. Almost nobody actually plays anything during this section so any arguments involving “fun” are negated since obviously people don’t find it fun.

Daily Checklist

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Most of the tabs on the Ley-Energy Matter Converter can only be used once per day.

What Guilds Mean in Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I don’t feel there’s any problems with GW2 Guilds that don’t exist elsewhere. Most guilds are pretty much the same in every game. They’re full of random people that interact with each other very little. Each guild will have a small group of friends that group together and then everyone else just exists to take part in whatever perks the guild might have to offer while they largely end up PUGing most content. People frequently come and go and there’s little cohesion and almost never any true leadership.

I’m sure there are rare exceptions but I haven’t been fortunate enough to be a part of any of those. In GW2 I’ve been guildless since launch and there really isn’t that much of a difference since I would end up having to solo content anyways. I wouldn’t blame the game so much as just as I would the people that participate in it (as with any other game).

Hopes n Dreams about Expac 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


More elite specs.
More skills.
Build Saver.
Crystal Desert

And a story-line that involves my Asura absorbing all of the magic from all of the Elder Dragons and using it to enslave all of the other races (and less intelligent Asura). Asura master race!

I mean…a pleasant tale where we save the day from evil baddies. Yes…

Monthly Ap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


You aren’t ‘missing out’, as you can always acquire the 10 AP….until you can’t anymore.

Which is exactly the part I envy. I’d love to not have it on my mind anymore. I’d love to just be at the cap right now and be done with it.

Monthly Ap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Lucky them. It’s not wonderful to have hit the cap.

I envy those that have hit the cap. Not having a tick in the back of my mind telling me I’m missing out on an easy 10 AP would be refreshing on days I just don’t feel like playing.

New Scoring System

in WvW

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The first place server should get double teamed. At least, far more often than they do. It makes sense for the second place team to want to catch up to first place and the third place team will want to lessen the first place lead so that they won’t lose as many points.

As it is now, everyone just beats up on whichever server currently has the fewest numbers online, which is silly. It doesn’t help PPT much (since 2 teams do it together) and the people who always claim to want “fights” still end up going after the fewest players and avoiding real fights.

Ardent Glorious Armor Issue

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Too many players left feeling a tad vulnerable?

This game needs commander test

in WvW

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Commander Test!

1. When being asked to defend your tier 3 Keep, you should:

a. Laugh at them and go AFK.
b. Tell them you are coming but really just run around randomly looking for roamers to kill.
c. Immediately rush to their aid.
d. Pretend you didn’t see their 75 cries for help and continue to lay siege to a Keep you have no chance of taking.

entering and leaving combat

in WvW

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I figure if a player runs away from me for any reason, they can’t kill me. Therefore I just go about my business as if they didn’t exist. I don’t bother chasing people as it simply isn’t fun. Let the thieves have their fun tagging Keeps and running away. That’s about as much harm as most of them can do.

What Reward for Winning a Match?

in WvW

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


A giant trophy that reads “Bandwagon of the Week!”

Or in the case of Blackgate, “Bandwagon of the Century!”

Why 3 harvests? (QoL?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I’ve seen a regular (non-rich) mining or lumber node give 4 units off of 3 hits (and using generic tools from a merchant). The first and second hits give 1 unit like normal but the third gives 2 units. I’ve even seen this happen on the Home Instance nodes on rare occasion even though they normally seem to only be able to give 3 units. It’s great for people rushing dailies when they don’t have to hit that extra node to get the last unit.

How to make the game world more interesting?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I agree most of the open world is boring but I’m not sure there is a viable way to fix it given how this game is designed. There seem to be two types of maps now and both have big problems.

1. The old central Tyria maps. Unless you are fighting a world boss or mapping them, these maps have nothing to offer anymore. The ooooh and aaaaah of exploration doesn’t last past the first couple of visits.

2. Season Two and on maps. These maps offer dynamic map-wide meta events and lots of quality loot. The big problem…they get replaced every couple of months with another map that offers a new dynamic map-wide meta event and new piles of shinies. People ditch the old map and go to the new one. Once you get what you want from one of these maps, you’ll never need/want to go back.

Adding new mobs won’t solve the core problem of the maps. Open world PvP would only irritate a ton of players (I’m okay with consensual open world PvP but that won’t happen either). Spawning tons of mobs at will would lead to massive amounts of farming…unless you took away their loot and then fighting them would get old fast.

I’m not sure if this can be fixed.

Why 3 harvests? (QoL?)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Given how much stuff I have in my Home Instance now, it certainly would be nice if I was able to just press F once per node. Farming my Home Instance now takes longer than doing dailies.

Desert Borderlands neds an update

in WvW

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


1. Remove Keeps and Towers. Their walls get in the way of exploring!
2. Replace Camps with generators that constantly spawn Champions for all of your bag collecting needs!
3. Perma-ban players who attack each other. Because they are so mean!