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No Hero Points for the new Elite Spec

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The Champ Troll Hero Point in TD can also be solo’d pretty easily. I don’t know if it’s a bug or not but I found this troll does a very meager amount of damage for a Champion. There is an Elite Troll that can spawn near this HP that actually does way more damage than the Champion. Clear out all of the nearby trolls first before spawning this Champ.

The Chak Gerent is just fine

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


My gripes with this Meta are as follows:

1. The difficulty is vastly different than the other 3 maps. More difficulty is fine, but this map is way over-tuned when compared to the others. Verdant Brink is just a numbers game. Octovine is pretty much automatic now as long as someone doesn’t kill too early. Dragon’s Stand is also automatic. Some of these may be a tad too easy, but TD is a bit over-tuned.

2. TD is completely unforgiving. Why does failing say the second un-burrowing automatically fail the entire event? That lane still has a third area and should still be given that chance even though they will be behind the DPS race. They should still at least be able to try. I would also like to see one further chance to fight the Gerent when he un-burrows to atatck the canons if the lane failed to kill him in time. Make the cannons slightly tougher and give the players one final shot to try to take him down before he destroys the cannon (would only be viable for those groups that got him down to say 5%).

Adventure: Flying Circus

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The snipers shoot me even when I’m stealth gliding. The mini-game is irritating enough without the snipers going all Nuhoch Stealth Detection on me.

I’ve noticed that if you stealth after they’ve already seen you (even if they haven’t aimed yet) then the stealth will not be effective. You have to know the placement of the Snipers and stealth in advance in order for stealth to work.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Laranthir can be the secretary.

What’s on the agenda today Laranthir? Pact reconstruction manifests…er…you can take care of those right? Automated Ration Request Forms? I don’t even know what that is. Isn’t it…automated? Just get rid of that. Pact siege plans in Fireheart Rise? Why is the Pact even there. Move them to Frostgorge! General assembly meeting? I’m kinda busy…take care of that won’t you. A Dragon Champion needs slaying somewhere?! I’m on it! Hold my calls I’m out of the office for the next few weeks!

Best class for solo'ing HoT content

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I find the Reaper with minions trivializes most of the HoT maps. Plenty of damage, plenty of sustainability, plenty of CC, minions for distraction purposes, etc. The only way to die is to fall asleep inside of an AoE circle.

Ideal Kill Order for the next 4 Dragons

in Lore

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Jormag-Kralkatorrik-DSD+Primordus I think

This is probably how I would like to see the order go.

An angry and vengeful Braham confronts the Fang of Jormag and manages to chip off a millimeter sized chunk. This somehow inspires the team to hunt down Jormag. I’ve love to see the Far Shiverpeaks again and the area surrounding the Eye of the North. One problem here is that a lot of the Far Shiverpeaks was turned into a giant lake. With Anet moving away from underwater combat this might make them shy away from this area.

So after my Asura builds the Jormag-Kill-o-Golem and saves the day then maybe Glint’s Egg hatches and tells us to go after Kralkatorrik. I’d love to see what has become of the Crystal Desert and with the minions of Kralkatorrik and maybe the minions of Joko hanging around, it would be an exciting place to visit. The problem here though…killing Kralkatorrik would remove some of the excuse as to why we can’t go to Elona. But they can just say Joko’s army is too powerful and move on…I guess.

After that we find out that the Deep Sea Dragon is killed by…er…Baby Glint I suppose. Anything to avoid more underwater zones.

Finally, Primordus has to be the final final boss. Too many potential fun things to name here. Revisiting the Depths of Tyria and the Central Transfer Chamber. Running into a couple of Stone Dwarves deeeep underground. Maybe some Easter eggs giving some hints at what happened to some GW1 heroes and if they knew/challenged Primordus. My characters will channel the power of the deceased GW1 heroes and cast the most powerful of magics to defeat him! The GW1 version of Pain Inverter!

Wow that ending was really bad, ANet (Rant)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


That thing you fought is called “MOUTH of Mordremoth”.

Mouth is, just a mouth, like “mouth of zhaitan” so to speak.

Their status is just equal to something like “Teq the Sunless”, a champion of the Elder Dragon.

We never see the real physical Mordremoth, which is what I was looking for so much :/
I’m extremely disappointed with the ending as welll. Why is Mordremoth, a supposedly dragon that symbolize MIND, is so WEAK, and so SMALL in his own realm, “Mind”?

Mordremoth’s body is the jungle itself. You see it everywhere, especially when the floor of the jungle is exposed.

From the wiki: “Due to Mordremoth’s expansive body, its physical, non-plant-like body is called the Mouth of Mordremoth.” Mordremoth’s Mouth cannot be compared to the Mouth of Zhaitan. Zhaitan’s Mouths were mere minions. The Mouth of Mordremoth is attached to Mordremoth’s body.

I don’t think they explain everything very well in-game but I thought the idea was very well done. Mordremoth is too huge to fight the entire body all at once. Mordremoth’s entire body stretches across several maps. You can’t fight that by normal means. So fighting the critical Mouth end that eats the Ley Energy and fighting him from the inside was a very clever way of defeating Mordremoth.

Wow that ending was really bad, ANet (Rant)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The battle against Mordremoth is actually two different fights. Spoilers…

Fight number 1 is the Pact’s battle in Dragon’s Stand against the real physical Mordremoth. This is an epic fight pitting the Pact fleet against the Elder Dragon. But the Pact alone cannot kill Mordemoth because he can just regrow.

Fight number 2 is where the Player and crew go behind enemy lines and ultimate fight Mordremoth from the inside (his mind). The Pact fleet keeps the main force at bay allowing the Player to do this. The “Barney the Dinosaur” is just a figment image of Mordremoth (although yeah, a little weak looking). It is important that the Player kills Mordy inside his mind so that when the Pact kills the body, Mordremoth is dead for good.

What are your essential inventory items?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Another option: WvW. WvW contains quick and free access to the Bank, Crafting Stations, Merchants, etc. And you can return for free to the PvE spot you left once you’re done.

"Leave it to Me"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


LOL, thank you.. hadn’t thought of that. I’ve learned you can also do “Leave it to me” with a party. the instance owner stays put. The rest of the party runs in and wipes the boss.

Anet loves shutting down exploits as soon as they see them but the fact that this well known trick has kept going since HoT launch tells me even they realize how awful this achievement is to get the “right way”.

What are your essential inventory items?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Salvage kit(s), food, possible gear swaps, and any map specific keys I need. With all the loot that pours out of HoT, anything else would be a waste of space.

Casual player struggling with inventory

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The loot sure does come quickly in Heart of Thorns. After every Meta event completion I find myself spending anywhere from 5-15 minutes salvaging the piles of stuff the game gives me. Then I have to open piles of champ bags which gives me more piles of stuff I need to salvage. Then I open those little chest cache things and they give me more champ bags which in turn give me more loot I need to salvage…again. Then I have to visit the TP to sell valuable items and then stop by the bank to clear any stuff I want to keep. I use WvW for quick access to the TP and Bank.

It’s a tedious process but the only alternative is to just not get loot. I’d rather have the loot!

Participation Changes

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The whole participation/map process is really bizarre. Tonight I earn about 130% participation in TD. I then swap characters and do whatever for 20 minutes. I then return to my original character…and I still have my 130%. Things I don’t understand:

- If I had afk’d for that long my participation probably would have started dropping but playing another character for awhile holds the participation without any degradation?
- The game can somehow remember which instance a previous character was in 20 minutes ago and return me to that instance with full participation. But then on a million occasions I’ve swapped characters and back in seconds and suddenly I’m in a new map with 0% participation. The original map wasn’t even full given that it was quiet with no organization (the game doesn’t fill maps on its own without player taxis).

There is zero consistency when it comes to where the game decides to place you and thus if you retain your participation or not. I wish I understood it.

Honorary Ogre Achievement

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Probably. I had to go back and rerun the entire chain when I did it since I didn’t remember which parts I had previously completed.

PvE Build Manager

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Why they didn’t carry over the much loved and needed Build Saver concept from GW1 we may never know. Three years in and probably dozens if not hundreds of posts later, nothing. Visual nerfs, farming nerfs, rushed content…yes! Build Saver…no!

"Joining too many groups'' bug?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


They create a system where you are forced to use LFG to find a decent map. But since half (estimate/opinion) the LFG posts are bogus you are forced to join multiple groups to finally get to where you want to go. But then they decide to create a system to prevent people from using their only means of finding other players to play with. Everything involving grouping in this game is broken.

Dragon's Stand meta blighting towers

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The typical strategy for the Blighting Towers is to split into two groups.

The Zerg group starts by circling the area and killing the preservers only. They then continue the rest of the event doing nothing but circling and killing the preservers.

The Boss group starts by following behind the Zerg group and killing the pods. After the three pods are killed, they then move on and kill the boss.

The Pods are important in that if they respawn, the boss will regenerate forcing that lane to start the chain over again. The Preservers can respawn the pods if they are allowed to reach the pod spawn area alive. Therefore it is important to kill the preservers ASAP to make sure the pods do not respawn. So the pods are very important, but if you are following a competent zerg, you should never have to bother with them.

Smokescales...kill or save time?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I think Smokescales are fine as is. They are easy to kill once you learn their mechanic. But like most mobs in the game, I just run past them since there’s really nothing to gain from stopping to kill random mobs when compared to skipping and doing something more productive.

Congrats! The 1st time in the GW Franchise

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Legendary equipment is certainly shiny and can change stats on the fly but that is just a matter of aesthetics and convenience. Every single player in the game can still craft the highest stat values gear can have without running a single second of any raid. Top tier (in terms of what really matters: Stats) is not gated behind raids. I myself am a player who will probably never be able to participate in raids and I have no problem with this.

Congrats! The 1st time in the GW Franchise

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Don’t Legendary items have the same stats as Ascended or did something change that I missed? If they are the same, nothing is locked behind raids but skins.

Open World Feels Dead :(

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


this games population is so high that theres dozens of maps open at once, just open lfg and merge because instead of maps filling on their own, it locates you to wheres best for you by guild and such and not by capacity

This is the main problem I’ve had with the Mega-server system, especially since HoT came out. There are way too many maps being opened. Say there are 500 players. The game creates 20 maps for these players and tosses 25 players into each map. People don’t want to play this way so they have to taxi around. Why can’t Anet change it so that instead of 20 empty maps, have 5-6 full maps? People would always log into full maps and won’t have to play the taxi game.

That guy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I typically don’t stop to fight mobs so I often end up with a train of mobs chasing behind me. If I get too far away, the mob will lose interest and attack the next closest thing which may be an afk player. I do not know who is afk or not so I go about my business and don’t worry about what path I take as I go along. If someone wants to afk they need to choose a safe location. A safe location is not one that just happens to be mob free at that moment. A safe location is one that mobs simply can’t get to (cliffside, a town, static camp surrounded by tons of NPCs).

How I feel about adventures

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Some adventures need to be balanced better and most adventures need a lot more up-time. Too many are locked 95% of the time. With players getting bored of the Meta events now, many adventures remain locked most of the time.

Yesterday I went to do my daily run of Salvage Pit for easy xp. I saw about 5 people standing right by the Locked Adventure Flag waiting for it to open. The event (blowing up the colossal vine) needing to unlock it was going on right next to them…but not a single person was running the event (although someone must have brought it to this point). I ended up having to solo the final event (annoying to go back and forth between both zones) just so I could run the adventure. Nobody down below would help.

(Be honest!) Have you ever...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I haven’t leaped to my doom but I have jumped off many small cliffs in Central Tyria and instinctively held down my spacebar.

What race Revenant

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Asura. Asura for everything. Bookahs are just fodder.

how are people making gold now?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Mindless farming and being opportunistic.

This morning as soon as the patch came out I read the notes and saw that Heavy Supply Bags were re-introduced. I immediately went into WvW and farmed as many as I could and sold them for nearly 3g each before people could remove their buy orders. It was a good morning!

New "visual" improvements 12/1/2015

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


A lot of people like to say that everyone needs to stop complaining and just give Anet the time it needs to sort everything out. I understand that fixing the myriad of problems in the game takes time. What bothers me the most is that Anet prioritizes fixing/changing the oddest things over game breaking problems.

A lot of critical progress blocking content still simply doesn’t work half the time and yet it looks like they’ve spent a lot of energy lately nerfing visual effects. Huh? Has anyone ever sat down to play GW2 and complained the game was too visually appealing and that it needs to be made bland? Did I miss that post?


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I have lost participation while actively participating in a DS boss fight before but after completing the event I was awarded credit still. It appeared to only have been a graphical bug for me but I’m not sure if your case is the same.

New Players Feedback On HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The HoT maps are definitely more challenging than the regular Central Tyria maps. You really have to pay extra attention to your surrounding and to what special abilities each mob has. As far as a Zerker Warrior goes, a Zerker is a type of character that makes themselves extra squishy for the benefit of dealing extra damage. Zerker gear is recommended for experienced players who have learned how to avoid damage altogether and do not need the extra armor to keep them alive. You could also try using ranged weapons if you’re not already. It’s not always an ideal DPS setup but you deal more damage going ranged than you do being dead. Once you learn a bit more about the mobs you can then choose when you want to wade into melee range.

Account visibility/location- against stalkers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I do not care, once again, what anyone thinks about me, or my character,

People who don’t care about random online opinions against them do not repeatedly try to explain/defend themselves over and over and over. They simply leave the thread. But then this is the internet and everyone has to win.

Sanctum Sprint - Please fix Lightning Pull

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I rarely run this but I think I know the part you’re talking about. I’ve had trouble making the pulls there too. What works for me is to get on the very edge of the platforms before attempting.

Who else is enjoying HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


There’s lots of improvements and bug fixes that need to be done but overall I am enjoying HoT (although it’s starting to get a little stale).

What is your favorite part in the HoT Personal Story? (Spoiler tags please!)
The golems "dying". Mr. Sparkles and Scruffy are the only moving losses in Heart of Thorns!

What Specialization have you tried so far? Which is your favorite? What one will you try next?
Reaper, Dragonhunter, Herald, Tempest and Chronomancer. Reaper is my favorite because Necro is my favorite. I’m working on Druid next.

What is your favorite event or map in HoT?
The Blighting Towers in Dragon’s Stand. I always follow/lead the zerg and it’s exciting wading into a horde of 30+ Vet/Elite/Champ Mordrem just so you can kill one and run off into the next one. Trying to keep your character alive and keep the cycle going is fun for me.

Are there any other areas you are excited by? PvP? Fractals? WvW? Guild Halls? Masteries? Raids?
Just working on collections.

What are you most looking forward to now?
Finishing the specialization weapons I want.

Taxi Wars 2 and Missing Events.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


If it’s any consolation, the Meta probably failed so you didn’t miss much.

Having a couple of instanced adventures when all other adventures are built into the map is a big flaw. It greatly discourages players from running those adventures at all. You can either participate on the map and skip those adventures or show up just for the adventures and know that you can’t participate on the map at all because you won’t be returning. It’s a bad system that needs to be addressed.

Auric Basin Powered Up Achivement

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Did you participate in the event that comes before the pylons? There is an Event at Northwatch where you have to collect Exalted thingies from a pit that powers up the Northwatch outpost. It is what allows the waypoint there to become uncontested.

Disable ALL HPs in HoT with meta up

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I’m not sure Hero Points have much of an impact on Meta completion. It might matter a little on Verdant Brink where you have to spread out so much but it probably has zero impact on the other three. Octovine scales well. Just having 8-10 people per side is enough to complete. Tangled Depths…well…that Meta is going to fail whether people are at the HPs or not! And of course Dragon’s Stand HPs are the locked ones.

Buying gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Not only will you risk being banned but a lot of gold buying sites actively try to hack into your game account and/or just your computer in general. Never risk it.

Bizarre Semi-Invulnerable Mobs in DS

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


So…I have never seen this happen before in Guild Wars 2. And I’m not sure how or why it happened. But earlier tonight the mobs that spawned in the South lane of Dragon’s Stand were almost unkillable.

A few hours ago I start running the Dragon’s Stand Meta on South. Everything is going smoothly for everyone until after South kills the first Spitfire. While doing the event where you have to pacify the beetles, many people there including myself noticed that the Chak inside the caverns were taking forever to kill. 5 players were pounding away on one Veteran Level 80 Chak for about 4 minutes before it died. One Chak! Odd, but we finished and moved on.

South then began the second escort event. The Thornheart popped up and lumbered towards our group of 30ish. We began to throw everything we had at it…but its health bar was moving agonizingly slow, even after breaking the Break Bar. Then I check the combat log and notice not a single one of my attacks is doing more than 105 damage. Most were doing 20-40 damage. Every single one. And it wasn’t just me. Nobody on South was able to dish out any meaningful damage to this Thornheart.

But it got worse. Lots of Mordrem started showing up. Vets, Elites, Champions all poured in. Under normal circumstances they would be fodder…but this go around they too were not taking meaningful damage. It wasn’t a “bad players” thing. They were literally taking less than a 10th the damage they normally should be taking and it extended to all mobs on just the South lane and affected every player that participated on South. South was starting to get overrun with mobs that just weren’t dying when it got even worse. A semi-invulnerable Legendary shows up and joins in the fun!

This is when we were starting to panic and sounding off in map chat that we were in big trouble. Understandably, the other lanes didn’t believe what we were telling them that the mobs just were not taking meaningful damage. I wouldn’t have believed it myself if I wasn’t there. I had never ever seen something like this happen before. Every single mob in South now was semi-invulnerable and was barely taking damage at all as if they all had some kind of hidden shield buff. Conditions were doing a bit more damage but they just weren’t enough at this point to overcome crushing odds. (We did somehow kill the Legendary during all of this, not that it helped overall)

The Pact troops on the march were eventually slaughtered by the hordes of unkillable bad guys. Worse, the camp was run over very quickly right after that. The South lane had to start their lane from the very beginning with about an hour left on the timer. Meanwhile the other lanes were just about at their gates.

In the end we redid the events and the second time around the mobs all behaved normally. We killed everything and despite a few coordination hiccups later on we somehow managed to complete the Towers with 5 minutes to spare and ultimately kill Mordy.

It's Time to Completely Remove DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Here is the problem I have with this thread;

Who else has ever encountered the specific issue that the OP is describing? I know I haven’t, and farming openworld is 99% of what I do in this game. So I don’t think the OP has encountered something that’s systematic with the dynamics of the game. Sounds like either 1) misinterpretation or 2) some kind of weird bug.

For the record, I’ve never noticed DR on events, especially after 30 minutes, nor doing map completions. So go forth with the confidence you do can map completion … AND get your proper, full rewards doing it.

Since I’ve returned to the forums when HoT arrived I have seen many posts (and in-game chat) about people’s issues with DR. People are even experiencing DR on the HoT maps with which it supposedly disabled. I’m not the only person in the world who is playing the game normally and experiencing DR. That’s great that you don’t experience DR. But your arguments follow the same line as those people who enter threads about Game Crashes and telling those OPs that “I personally don’t crash so all is fine!”.

There is no misinterpretation. I know what DR is. I know what it has an impact on. But since Anet would never disclose exacting details of how DR kicks in, it would be impossible to tell if it is a bug or not. All I know is that right now, for me, and many others, it does not work within the confines of how players want to play the game.

That is my argument for getting rid of it. If you have an opposing view, that’s fine. But saying it doesn’t happen to you or that I must be exaggerating things doesn’t help solve the problem.

More populated map invite bugged ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


The system Anet has in place will always dump you into an empty map whether it’s from you first zoning into the map or if you accept their map transfer thingy. The fatal flaw in their system is that they refuse to realize that players want FULL maps to run Meta events. Players want 5 FULL maps and Anet gives them 20 empty maps where players have to taxi around to create their full maps leaving those that don’t LFG Taxi in even emptier maps.

It's Time to Completely Remove DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


I think the whole DR system is completely borked. The wiki might not fully understand the process but DR has definitely always had an impact on XP, loot, Karma, and just about everything. The original point of this thread is that DR is damaging players who are simply trying to play the game as designed. They designed these map bonus rewards and they have a system that harms players (through DR) who try to play on maps for these rewards.

In my opinion DR needs to be completely removed. In my situation it either bugged out and gave me DR way too quickly in which they need to address this….or the system is grossly flawed in which they need to address that. If someone thinks of a way to design DR that doesn’t harm players (but stops BOTS) then great, DR can stay. But until then, it needs to go.

Adventure remove participation

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Not being returned to your original map is definitely a design flaw that unfortunately strikes everywhere. Having an instanced adventure is just silly and seems like an effort to troll players. They could have designed underground caverns for those adventures and kept them on the same map so that players wouldn’t lose their progress. Or…just return players to their original map.

Tangled depths(not meta crying)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


It is best to arrive on TD right at the beginning of the Outpost phase when all the events reset. Maps usually have enough players to get through them all. The problem lies 30 minutes after that when all of the events are done and the Meta event won’t start for another hour or more. Players at this point get bored and leave. So make sure you arrive there early.

Account visibility/location- against stalkers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Invisible needs to be truly invisible. Somehow people always know when I’m online when I’m “Invisible”. And some of these people get offended when I come back “Online” and they ask why I was “hiding”. I just want to be alone sometimes!

I should also be able to remove people from my Followers list and prevent them from following me. Who are these bajillion people I’ve never heard of?! Why are they following me when we never communicate for months on end? (and they are still actively playing)

I love GW2 - but Taxi Wars kills it for me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


A lot of problems would be solved if Anet decided to….STOP OPENING SO MANY MAPS.

Instead of the current system of opening 15 maps and dumping 20 players per map…how about only open a new map if ALL current maps are 90% full? This would result in a few very populated maps that players can immediately participate on (a few unlucky leftovers will end up on the last map but that map might fill up to 90% eventually too).

Treasure Mushroom

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Yes, they only give you bonus rewards once a day.

It's Time to Completely Remove DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


You did not encounter DR after 30 minutes. What you describe in your opening post is not how DR works.

It might not supposed to work that way but it most certainly did for me. I’ll repeat myself again and maybe make it clearer:

My Elementalist was doing Hero Points on the HoT maps. I then hop over to Cursed Shore where I spent about 30 minutes and ran the 10 events I needed to get the Giant’s Eye. For the next 8 hours I was either offline or playing other characters. I then returned to my Elementalist who I had left in Cursed Shore and attempted to resume running events. On the very first event I was hit with DR (gold event xp down to 17k) and each event after that it dropped 1k or 2k per event. Actual gameplay time until the first DR was hit was about 30 minutes (give or take another minute or two to find an event upon returning) and the 11th event was the beginning of DR.

This happened. Maybe it isn’t supposed to. But it did. You can’t earn these map bonus rewards without hitting DR very quickly.

I will repeat: what you are calling DR is not. DR doesn’t even impact XP. DR affects loot drops from mobs, not event rewards. I don’t know what happened to you, but you did not experience the DR that’s in place to prevent people from farming in a map for too long.

Incorrect. A snippet from the wiki:

Open world DR is area specific, i.e. it triggers after a character passes a set limit of events, believed to include cycling through events on a map for over three hours or remaining within a narrow portion of that map for similarly long periods. Event rewards and loot will often show a dramatic decline after hitting this limit. Unlike dungeon DR, open world DR is character-specific and can be removed by switching between characters.

Affected dynamic events

It's Time to Completely Remove DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


You did not encounter DR after 30 minutes. What you describe in your opening post is not how DR works.

It might not supposed to work that way but it most certainly did for me. I’ll repeat myself again and maybe make it clearer:

My Elementalist was doing Hero Points on the HoT maps. I then hop over to Cursed Shore where I spent about 30 minutes and ran the 10 events I needed to get the Giant’s Eye. For the next 8 hours I was either offline or playing other characters. I then returned to my Elementalist who I had left in Cursed Shore and attempted to resume running events. On the very first event I was hit with DR (gold event xp down to 17k) and each event after that it dropped 1k or 2k per event. Actual gameplay time until the first DR was hit was about 30 minutes (give or take another minute or two to find an event upon returning) and the 11th event was the beginning of DR.

This happened. Maybe it isn’t supposed to. But it did. You can’t earn these map bonus rewards without hitting DR very quickly.

Leave It To Me achievement bad design

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


Here’s what you should do. Create a party and rerun the mission. When you get to the Rabbit room, the instance owner should stay inside the starting area. All other party members go and kill the mobs without transforming as long as the instance owner stays put. Easy and quick achievement. And if you feel this would somehow cheapen the achievement…you already earned it. A D/C stole it from you so just pick up your earnings this way.

Semi-Casual LF Guild on JQ [NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


It’s been a week so I’ll give this post a bump. Still looking.

mandatory adventures

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Boysenberry.1869


^^^ So my dear friend.
Can u tell ne how i will get map completion (Auric Basin)if i don’t max Adrenal Mashrooms (Itzell Mastery No6) for the “Toxin Cured Hog Hero Point”???

That hero point could be completed with nothing but the 6 skill. It never required Adrenal Mushrooms and it never required other players trying to heal you. All it took was proper timing. Before it was shut down for an xp exploit, I took my characters through there alone no problem to get the points. I still do not have Adrenal Mushrooms unlocked.