Showing Posts Upvoted By DarkSyze.8627:
To be fair most of the other elite spec are major power creep for the classes all though they lose more then just a line from the old classes where tempest loses nothing from ele other then just one line. There less added to tempest becuse there simply less lost from going from ele to tempest.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
My proposal is that 2 equal classes shouldnt be allowed within the same team, or al least not running the same build (2 shoutbow war, 2 d/d celestial ele etc)
The game is currently off balance (big time), but the comunity could display a better sense of deportivity and fair play by not abusing overpowered build.
it might seem a bit unfair to the people using the favored classes or the team that have been running 2 equal classes comps for a long time, but nobody was amused to see 2, 3 and up to 5 elementalists in ESL u AG.
PD: at the moment the elementalist is way too broken, but it will be someone else later on. So its not about the classes, is about trying to keep the copetition healthy and balanced.
Sorry my bad English
even more fun would be allowing only one amulet of each type
nomore cheese celestial bs comps gg
not gonna happen
I just saw this on GW2Reddit:
It looks so frikkin amazing! Hire her please!
(edited by Zaoda.1653)
of all the nerfs they didn’t change the actual problem.. 100% stun chance no matter what, its so stupid
So the lack of content is the reason for the lack of Trinity?
No, the reason for the lack of traditional Trinity is two-fold:
- The classes weren’t designed with the Trinity in mind (no dedicated, sustainable threat skills, no dedicated healing).
- The content wasn’t designed with the Trinity in mind.
As for some of the other issues:
- Farming is prevalent in dungeons in other games too. You farm for tokens, rare drops, xp etc.
- Selling dungeon runs happens in other games too (ever heard of ‘boosting’?).
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
(edited by TheDaiBish.9735)
They just need to rebalance the entire game, all the skills and all the traits.
Out of all the issues this meta currently has, Grenade bug abusers, Mesmers (lol really? People have problems with fighting mesmers?) Warriors hitting 10k damage with Rampage (WTT my 3 second delay Tornado trash for Rampage).
No matter what your opinion is on what is broken, bugged or balanced, it all has ONE thing in common.
Guild Wars 2 PvP is a newcomers nightmare.
I should not tell any of my friends who are interested in PvP, “oh, you might practicing against a guy with 3,000 games on his Mesmer.”
That is not okay. Unbalanced builds and classes be dammed, the real issue with unbalanced is the player skill level.
There needs to be a lot of changes to modes and I’m not just talking about unranked and ranked.
- Make a Practice Mode, a REAL practice mode.
PvP rewards for practice should reward players trying new classes. Win or lose, you need to reward players trying different classes, reward exploring your PvP system. I should get 500 points for practicing my warrior, I have 50 games on him. Why am I getting 500 points for ‘practicing’ on my Elementalist? I have 4,000 games on him, I should be getting less!
- Make a Beginner, Intermediate, Expert and Competitive Hotjoin modes.
Want to play a quick match with your Elementalist that has 4,000 games? This is the place. 500 if you win, 200 if you lose. Simple. Breaking the tiers into rank. To reward healthy playing, if you are rank 80 and going into beginner, you should get little reward for playing. Reward the community for playing at their level. Unlike practice mode, the hotjoin modes should limit what maps the play is experiencing.
-Mode Breakdown-
Beginner: Rank 1-20, Maps: Battle of Kyhlo, Forest of Niflhel, Legacy of the Foefire.
Intermediate: Rank 20-40, Maps: All above plus Temple of the Silent Storm, Courtyard.
Expert: Rank 40-60, Maps: All above plus Skyhammer, Spirit Watch.
Competitive: Rank 60-80, Maps: All maps available.
And more importantly, Spectate is LOCKED for the hotjoin modes.
- Make Random Arenas (GW1 style).
Get rid of unranked. For those that doesn’t know, Guild Wars 1 had a mode called Random Arenas, you are given a team and you play until you lose.
This is where PvP friendships are made and bonded. A single match with random people is not enough, especially the very next round you could play against each other. You want to reward your community for playing together, something GW2 PvP really lacks. Although, the amount of points to win needs to be toned down, preferably to 300 to win.
- Do NOT give everything at the start.
This sounds great on paper, but you want to ease people into PvP. Reward them for getting ranks, allowing them to play with more options as they go on. Allowing a rank 1 Warrior to go full berserker glass is toxic, the only thing he will learn is his downed state. Allow players to feel for their class and build. Start with easy to use Trinkets, Sigils and Runes. As their rank goes up, give them more options and eventually (probably around rank 20) they’ll have everything they’ll need to build whatever they want.
Lastly, get rid of using gold to unlock items, who the kitten thought that was a good idea?! Can I have his job? I promise you I can do better than that!
Guild Wars 2 combat has changed greatly, and some might disagree, it changed for the better. It’s fast, fun and exciting, however, the PvP modes needs to reflect the new combat. Guild Wars 2 combat has evolved past beta, the game modes however, are still 3 years behind.
(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)
We shouldn’t think this problem just as “your profession is better than mine”, but as a whole.
Currently burn damage is completely out of control. It provides too fast armor ignoring burst. The condition cleansing simply isn’t enough. Burn does too much dmg even using berserker/marauder amulet, which offers no condition damage. If a character hasn’t invested any points to condition damage stat, the burn should do considerably less dmg than it does now.
At the same time bleed damage feels a bit too weak.
Abundant stealth in combat in this game is still problematic. I recommend limiting stealth to max 8 sec. Player animation will turn semitransparent, if player still remains stealthed despite the “warning”, it will result 4 s revealed. More professions should have some stealth revealing skills e.g. warrior’s “fear me” / “on my mark” could give 2-4 s reveal.
The most commonly used sigils: fire/air/doom/geomancy/energy/intelligence need to be toned down
The most abused runes: strength/Hoelbrak/Pirate/Balthazar/Krait also need some readjusting.
I am also using them, so I am asking the developers to nerf my favorite sigils etc.
When it comes to professions here is my list:
super tier:
mesmer (too many stuns and other CC with very low cooldown, ability to set up massive burst from stealth, too long stealth, just too many escapes compared
to the burst potential it has, meaning it is low risk + high reward, mantras and PU +
Confounding Suggestions trait need toning down)
elementalist (cele D/D was already super tier before the patch and now it got buffed even more and D/F +staff is very strong as well. Ele has always been meta in WvWvW and pve. Ele’s ability to stack might, cleanse condition and stack burn should be nerfed)
guardian (ability stack burn needs to be turned down, “Feel my wrath” is ridicilously overpowered in WvWvW, giving permanent quickness to entire guardian
dominated zerg, other professions, which fit the same role e.g. warrior and engi, should have their sustain upgraded to same level as guardian)
mid tier:
necromancer (necromancer needs some of its hardest hitting abilities, like Lich form, toned down, but also get a bit long term sustain or perhaps an utility skill/elite which gives them a movement skill)
warrior (shout warrior sustain was nerfed a tiny bit too much, so it should be adjusted back to closer to the same levels as it was before the patch. Rampage is currently too strong, greatsword + forceful greatsword trait and berserker’s power
too powerful, burst skills recharge too quickly, allowing to spam burst skills without thinking, too low cd on hard CC skills)
thief (panic strike + executioner too strong, abundant stealth + shadowsteps + high burst in one builds counters all other berserker builds, besides mesmer, limiting meta,
pistol/pistol still too weak)
low tier:
ranger (signet of stone needs adjusting down, but please give ranger other defensive ability, not necessarily immunities, the ability to spam two rapid fires almost in a row needs to be toned down, pets should have a “spirit” mode, when they are totally deactivated, taking no dmg, but also doing nothing, this would be highly needed for AoE heavy envinroments, like contesting mid point with 3vs3, WvWvW zerg fights and pve dungeons),
engineer (previously super tier profession suffers from some very underpowered or even broken traits and lack of trait synergy, make rifled barrels trait baseline like planned, grenade kit was nerfed too hard, medkit skills should be “drop vial” like before and not thrown, engineer’s ability to stack burn with IP trait + pistol/pistol + flamethrower needs to be toned down, toolkit shield too good)
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Not a single ‘balance fix’…
While I can understand that ‘bug fixes’ are more important for Anet than ‘balance changes’, I’ve to admit that current state of game combined with silence from Dev Team is unbearable.
(edited by Morwath.9817)
welcome to the new age of 1Shot Wars 2
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
I don’t see a red tag on your name.
I’ve got one!!
You should block the account and then make no further attempt to interact with them directly or through a 3rd party (i.e. having a friend send an in-game mail).
If they continue to harass you submit a support ticket with as much detail as you can provide.
But this is no solution if a person put you on friend or blocklist and always knows when and where you are online. Why I’m not being displayed for a blocked person as always offline? The blocked person could not see my online status and also not the place where I am. Please change this
I agree that this is in need of a fix and we’ve asked for one. In the meantime; let me hunt ’em down for you. >=)
Twitter: @ANetCSLead
GM Delicious Intent.5928
See the following threads for proof:
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
(edited by MailMail.6534)
+1 informative thread.
It’s very obvious that since the June 23, 2015 patch, damage is significantly higher. You can love it or hate it. This is just an analysis of the causes.
Stats from Traits Moved to Gear
The amount of stats gained from traits in the old system can be valued at 1050. Out of the 10 stats which used to be on traits, the profession specific trait is valued at half (half of it became baseline), and boon and condition are valued at 0 because they were effectively removed. Over an average trait distribution, that yields 75% of the 1400 possible stat points, or 1050.
When you add together the base stat increase (926 to 1000 on 4 attributes) and the stat increase of a 3-stat PvP amulet, it’s 1064 stats. You can debate that number (i.e. the +74 base precision doesn’t count since crit chance is the same), but the number doesn’t vary too much.
However, an important point to consider is how the stats on traits were distributed to various attributes in the old system vs. the new system. In the old system, you could rarely pick up powerful stats (more return per point) like power without picking up lesser ones like healing. In the new system, you can avoid a lot of less powerful stats. Using the best-case distributions in the old system (6 in traits with ferocity), this typically yielded only 1000 stat points into powerful stats and the remaining 400 either lost (boon or condi duration which are gone) or in less desirable stats. If we say less powerful stats are 75% of the value of the powerful ones, then there is an effective 100 stats points, minimum, which have been gained in the new system.
Trait Overhaul
You can now choose what is effectively 18 trait points of the old system when before you could only choose 14, a gain of 4. The additions vary between professions, but in general, the additional traits will lean toward increased damage, especially when going with an offensive build.
In addition to being able to effectively select more traits, many old traits were combined or made baseline. This further increases the trait yield when compared to the old system. For example, power well necromancers could be viewed as gaining 6 trait points because they no longer need to spend 2 points for Focused Rituals.
The increased damage potential gained from additional and combined traits can be quantified at between 15 and 25% for offensive builds. Using 100 power as roughly a 5% damage increase, this change can be viewed as 300-500 stat points.
Types of Traits
In addition to the damage increases from traits, it’s worth looking into the types of traits added. In many cases, proc-based traits were added, with most builds gaining at least one. Most of these proc-based traits provide a chunk of damage which is either hard to predict (especially the first time fighting someone), realistically impossible to avoid, or both.
These are on top of existing sigils, runes, and traits which have these properties. Further, increased power values are also increasing the damage of many of these procs. The result is that damage bursts are larger and the increases are largely unavoidable – you can only delay them.
Condition Damage Changes
In general, you need multiple stacks of the new conditions to equal one stack of the old, even at higher condition damage numbers. Comparing old to new with some rounding, Bleeding is about 1:2 at 0 condi damage and almost 1:1 at around 1200. Poison is approximately 1:3 at 0 and around 1:2 at 1200, but has low damage overall. Burning has similar scaling to Poison, but the damage is higher than even Bleeding.
The big increases are clearly coming from burning. At 1200 condi damage, it’s dealing 317.5 damage per tick (old was 628).; if you apply 2 or more stacks, you’re doing more damage than in the old system. At 0 condition damage, 3 stacks eclipses the old burning. This seems okay until you consider that burning also gets applied in small quantities from various sources e.g. guardian attacks, finishers in fire fields, fire shield, burning procs from traits, etc. In the old system, all these short burning applications would just extend existing burning stacks and were typically lost. The overlap of these small sources is like having 2 or more of the old burning stacks ticking at once.
Condensing what is above:
- Total stats are about the same before and after, but in the new system, there is an effective increase of an additional 400-600 points from more favorable stat distribution and added/combined traits.
- Previously Burning was the steady damage condition, with Bleeding (and Torment and Confusion) allowing for burst. Now Burning is also capable of burst, but its numbers would imply that ANet is trying to maintain the feel of steady damage.
- Damage bursts have further increased due to an increase in the number of proc-based damage abilities.
I have been running around as a Condi Necro in PvE for a few dungeons and fractals now. I have been able to get 7k ticking bleeds on boss fights (over 5k is average 7k is just the highest I’ve seen). At first I thought we were screwed and power builds were the only option. But the condition damage changes have actually been really nice. I have been able to hit 40 stacks alone.
The thing that makes it so strong is the fact that lingering curse still allows you to go over 100% bleed duration. This does not stack linear. So when you have a 5 second bleed on scepter one it is now a 20 second bleed. Scepter 2 is a 28 second bleed. With the 20% from the first trait in curses the Krait Runes and Super Veggie Pizza you can hit 101% bleed duration.
You may notice I did not take Terror. This is because Blood is power on a 20 second cool down is just amazing. On top of that it gives you a 2 stack of Torment for 13 seconds that you can transfer back to the boss which will add up to a lot more damage then fear would of. I also did not take Dhuumfire. Well it is a fun trait sitting in death shroud longer then casting 2 and 5 lowers your bleed stacks by a lot.
For Blood Magic the 33% reduced cool down on dagger 5 combined with the small group damage increase and healing of Vampiric Presence make up a lot of damage and you can dodge roll every 8 seconds to put a mark of blood down another 2 stack of 16 second bleeds.
In Spite Spiteful Talisman gives a small increase to damage and allows you to use focus 4 more. With vulnerability increasing condition damage this is a nice little damage increase. Spinal Shivers is always a nice trait and on the few mobs that do put boons up it helps remove them for that 5% bonus. Close to Death and Signets of Suffering are both good choices. But Close to Death just does more damage output.
I have been having fun with this build in PvE I am not sure if it is as good as power. But it does have a lot of damage and I enjoy it. Feel free to make suggestions. This is the first time I’ve posted a build.
(edited by Azsune.7946)
We’ve reached the point where this has become a circular discussion. It’s clear that many are posting repeatedly and redundantly. We feel that at this point everyone interested in the topic has had a pretty good opportunity to express his or her opinion.
- We’re happy with those who like the new NPC.
- We respect the opinion of those who do not care of the new NPC.
- The NPC will remain in the game. After all, as many have pointed out, you’re free to avoid interactions with that one NPC, one of more than one hundred different NPCs in that one of six cities, more than 25 explorable zones and regions, and throughout the innumerable maps and areas of the game world, both large and small.
We will close this thread now. Thanks to those of you who, from any point of view, contributed to an interesting discussion.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Hi everyone, sorry for my english i try to do my best
As many of you i was robbed by the new NPC “ectoplasm skrit” i was thinking as the ram festival NPC it was a good way for make some money, or just a little, but not to lose everything, now i know this NPC is just a simple slot machine, he will take all your currencies (gold and globs).
Is it funny when u salvage a yellow item you will get a warning message, and when u will have a chance lose everything you have no warning pop up appear, so i lost my 1000 glob and around 100gold, i’ve read alot ppl lost more than me, but i’m not a “farmer” i’m a normal player so i made it in 3 years of game (ok i’ve also spent some money and globs for ascended gear).
So i’ve open a ticket for explain and see if is possible to get a refund or a roll back, but it seems is not possible, i understand was my bad, because i trusted in ANET, i was thinking this is a videogame, not a casino, so i never thought to lose everything.
This topic is not only about my lose, but about the trust, about the gaming, in the past, with gw2 i had 3 fotm ascended back, and when they made a wardrobe i lost 500 glob (this is what you need for make them luminiscent) but i’ve just told “oh cr***” those chance make me lose money, but they didn’t made it for some bad purpose, so i was ok, i’ve also made bad mistake with TP loosing alot of money, but ok, is my bad i’ve got my risk, my fault is my fault, never asked a rollback for this reason anbd i’ve lost more money than now, i’m not here for crying because i’ve lost my currencies but because i feel cheated, because the only purpose of this NPC was to steel money and glob from players without any warning, that’s why i asked a rollback or golds and ectos refund, but they dont wanna do this.
I feel cheated, betrayed, no warning, no limits… “another skritt like the ram festival should be the same” i was thinking, “something good for the new lions arch, something for help player for make some globs for the upcoming expansion…” no man, this isn’t, you lost what you earned in this years, but the real problem is the fun has gone, disappointment has take his spot.
Those days was really bad for ANET the merchadise mistake (prices and slot stuff) but i feel this one strongest, because i understand they need money for live and work on this game, but i dont understand why they have to ruin the gameplay and give so bad feelings to players…
Guys this is a game let us have fun, and if u wanna place gamble game just write a big WARNING, dont place the NPC that usually is safe, like tha ram one, or others….
Is that all?
My man DarkSyze – scroll to 8 minute 30 second mark. Not my video but you will be taught how to handle rangers rapid fire. I would have assumed you learned to dodge by now or follow any of the other 30 or so tips and tricks fellow players passed along to you
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
How would you feel if your hard work and what you’ve dedicated a year or two to, was ridiculed and hated before it was even released?
As a human? Like crud.
As an artist? Like I should really try harder at improvement.
As a businessman? Like I should re-evaluate my whole approach & strategy.
Companies aren’t your friend. It is in their best interest to pretend like they are, but it’s certainly not in your best interests to let them. In the end your question is irrelevant.
Go ahead, take a bullet for ArenaNet/NCSoft. Do realize they’ll be searching through your pockets & won’t be attending your funeral.
We had the forum explode, Face book soon followed. Twitter was ablaze, and Reddit was on fire! PCGamer weighs in:
“Guild Wars 2 players rightly upset…”
“People who don’t yet own Guild Wars 2 are getting an amazing deal. People who do—who have potentially supported the game for three years—are not.”
PC Gamer gets it. Why doesn’t Anet?
"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: SkyFallsInThunder.8257
I’ve found a vid that exactly represents my thoughts on the HoT pricing policy.
I’m really amused over people complaining over $10 USD
please tell me what you’re going to do with that $10?Going to go on Steam and buy 2-3 games that you will only play for a week before forgetting about them?
Going to go to starbucks and buy 2 cups of coffee?
Going to the movies and only have 1 lrg popcorn?
You buy games on Steam for value and worth: correct?
You go to the movies and have 1 large popcorn for value and worth: correct?This is not about pricing, this is about value and worth
You’re absolutely right. It comes down to value and worth. 100 true. Value and worth.
And so far, Anet has not shown that the game is worth $50 to a lot of people, which is absolutely not the same as showing the game is not worth $50. It’s just that there’s so much info we don’t yet have.
No one, not one single person, can honestly say the game isn’t worth $50. All anyone can honestly say is that we don’t have enough information to know.
Which means, for some people they’ve seen enough of value, like me and for some people they haven’t seen enough of value…yet.
That means those people are not obligated to preorder the game and they can wait for more information. What those people can’t say is the game isn’t worth it, because they don’t know.
You are completely wrong about whether or not someone can honestly say HoT is worth $50 at this point.
We know enough for someone to potentially make that judgement for them-self.
Someone enjoying GW2 for what it is but not enough to spend more money without the addition of an additional tier of gear to work towards.
Or someone who isnt willing to spend more money without getting open world dueling.
Or open world PvP.
Or an increased stat benefit on ascnded gear compared to exotic
Or the removal of ascended gear.
Or the removal of the gem-gold market.
Or the addition of Cantha.
Or a change to ascended so that all characters get BiS by max level.
Or a change in content design removing vertical map design.
There are plenty of things that we know arent going to happen or are that could be sufficient for someone to find HoT not worth $50 to them.
Heck all it would take is for someone to not care for the region its set in.
It’s not their responsibility it’s their option. And you know, it’s my option to convince a bigot that he’s wrong, but that doesn’t mean all the trying in the world is going to make a difference. If you have your mind up that you’re paying extra for it, there’s no way anyone can convince you otherwise and if I were Anet, I wouldn’t waste my time trying.
If Anet came out with a direct statement that said, we were always going to sell the expansion for $50 and we decided after that to include the core game for new users after the fact, would you believe them?
You realize you sound as if you called me a bigot? I’d edit that if that wasn’t your intention. If it was then our exchanges will sound less formal from here on.
Of course it wasn’t my intention. It’s not even remotely implying that. I’m simply pointing out that if someone has made up their mind, then no amount of trying to convince them is going to work. I could have used a religious person and trying to argue them out of god, or a liberal or conservative, trying to change their mind. Once someone makes up their mind, it’s not always so easy to change it.
You’re saying it’s Anet’s responsibility to convince you. How would you suggest they do that. If they had always intended the price to be $50 and they didn’t raise it when they decided to include the base game for new purchasers, how could they convince you.
Assuming they didn’t tape that meeting. Would telling you that convince you? Would having sworn, notorized statements convince you? Would having everyone who was at the meeting confirm it convince you.
It’s obvious to me, that one decision was made at one point and it was rethought, which happens in business all the time. I don’t see anything startling or underhanded about it.
Pistol 4 is intended to use as an instant interrupt to stop key skills or healing skills. Putting a cast time will literally render the skill utter useless.
They already needed thief mobility when they fixed the patching with SB5. Now I can’t use 90% of the old spots to get around, so we aren’t as mobile as we used to be.
We are meant to excel at 1v1. We and mesmers, which both do pretty well imo. Shatter Mesmer and backstab thief is all about who land their combo first, pretty much.
Saying thief are op are a testament to your skill tbh, because I have no trouble countering them when using other professions….
Opinions are irrelevent. Thief is a mainstay in the meta. It is an “apex predator” spec. These are FACTS not opinions. Look at the team set ups every decent team uses. All have a thief because thief is too strong. Any class required in the meta is too strong and needs significant nerfs. Opinions are irrelevent. If you HAD to run a necro to be competitive that should be nerfed too. Same for any class. Thief is the only class who you HAVE to have really.
Each team has a Thief, because Thief can do something that other classes can’t, not because Thief is too strong ‘stat’ wise.
Thief makes the game lame. All those times I kite like a boss and line of sight. When there is no thief on the other team its easy. I can stay alive due to skill. I can do good plays. When there is a thief all this is made irrelevant. Thief completely negates good positioning and clever cooldown usage. It is completely broken and it ruins the game. Every other class in the game there is some counterplay to. Thief there is none. If you are low, anywhere on the battlefield, the thief presses 1 button and you are dead….no matter how well you kited, no matter how well you line of sight.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
(edited by Lordrosicky.5813)
Funny, the thief received no buffs but nerfs in several past months. Back then there was match making topics every day complaining that thieves are dead weight and predict to be lost game if you had those squishies in your team.
Now player created meta has moved on and suddenly thief is considered strong again. Cure for meta issues is not change of code but evolve with meta.
It’s just the unique design of thief that’s good possibly the best I wish every class had initiative and a certain freedom in weapon skills, they can’t really make us dead weight without literally breaking us, the learning curve and the skill cap also play in this, terrible when new great when mastered every class should be like that so it becomes easier to balance. The other classes are lacking.
The Dhuumfire thread
Hi frands, Teef Teef Teef Teef here, retired best multiclass NA!
I have come to share my closing thoughts on the biggest glaring issue with PvP! The biggest problem with this game is.. you guessed it, TEEF.
Thief is the most overpowered class in the game. It has the highest map mobility, the highest map control in general, the highest burst setup combined with the 3rd best burst, virtual invincibility with instant 1200 range teleports combined with long stealth durations and high evasiveness via weapon skills, without even traiting for acro.
Now, obviously most top players don’t see Thief as overpowered in 1v1. While in an actual duel a thief will never lose, in a conquest setting it is often not ideal for a thief to engage in 1v1s. Why is this? It’s because with the amount of map control the class has, it’s better to literally run around the map insta killing people in +1s and decapping points than it is to actually contest anything, because thief can force a camp as well, because otherwise the second an enemy leaves a point it’ll get decapped. No other class can influence the map even close to this extent.
Not only that, but then there’s the element of stealth. You might think you have the map under control, but the second you leave a point, there will literally be a thief that pops out of stealth and decaps it before you can react. This is an awful mechanic because there is no counterplay to stealth AT ALL in this game.
Finally, my personal biggest problem. Thief hardcounters necro, mes, and ranger in a conquest environment as well as a 1v1 environment. Having been a necro main when I quit the game, this was one of the worst parts for me. The chances of a good thief losing to a necro in any situation is minimal… same for mes and ranger. This would be ok if you could get away but noooooooo thief will ALWAYS catch you. There is no escape from the most OP class.
Suggested nerfs to Thief:
Reduce all shadowstep ranges by 1/3. i.e. SS max range 800.
Reduce all stealth durations on ALL classes by 1/3. i.e. BP would give 2s stealth instead of 3s.
Change the maximum stealth duration to 5s, down from 13s or whatever it is now.
Reduce thief blind durations to 1s, right now kittenty thieves just spam DP 3 and win instead of actually using it to predict something and dodge it.
Give pistol 4 a 1s cast time and raise initiative cost to 6. In return give it a 2s daze.
Remove panic strike from the game, replace it with some useless trait so people go back to CS Thief.
Gut vampirism runes.
These changes would keep Thief strong as a burst class and wouldn’t effect its 1v1 too much, but it would give the class more counterplay.
I’ll make more threads on what I think the PvP in this game needs. ArenaNet will obviously do none of it, but I don’t really have much to do over the summer XD
I’m not coming back, not that you care.
(edited by Elitist.8701)
Forum war at its finest.
This is nothing compared to what the “Profession Balance” forum had.