Lack of class roles - Everything devolves into a mindless DPS race. Could be alleviated with better encounter design but I doubt there’s anything that can really be done to fix such a basic issue with the game.
No collision detection and AoE limiting - Different issues but together make for poor group combat. All stack on top of each other… dull.
Focus on cosmetic items - Admittedly from day one they said this was the focus, rather than upgrading stats etc. However, if this is the focus there needs to be some exceptionally designed armour, weapons etc. Not kittenty backpacks, pets and whatever generic armours you come up with.
Downed System - I admit at first this sounded like a good idea. In practice it is terrible. Completely eliminates any sense of achievement or whatever from killing someone when they just spring up again, or wait until you’re killed by an ally and spring up… no.
GEM STORE - Has just been done terribly. (IMO) a lot of the game is designed around ways to bring in money through the gem store (DR and so on). Others may disagree but I see the ugly influence of the cash shop with every update.
Another underwhelming release by the sounds of it. I’ll carry on hoping there’ll be a reason to play this game some day.
Introduction of holy trinity and class roles in some form.
One can hope…
Yeah it got boring 6 months ago, at least. Keep coming back for a week or so to try and get into it but there is no real content to play.
An example, have you gone and fought those Lv80 Champ at Brisban Wildlands? Tried going solo against all dungeon/fotm paths? Fought WvW/Spvp naked? Played the TP market? Crafting without guides? Running to Orr, without help, with a Low lvl char? Or playing naked in high lvl events? So many things to do, some you mght find interesting or amaybe everything is boring..
What’s the point? Thinking of every little thing you can do to eke out a little more play time with this game. Just play something else that’s actually fun
make the game world 2x bigger ALLOT of new zones and zone events and dungeons.
So players are even more thinly spread and the world feels even more empty?
…writers from Bioware…
Depends what class for me, Guardian bores me to tears but mesmer is quite engaging. Still, the gameplay in GW2 generally is pretty dull.
…10 man raid where u have to just fight one massive boss who takes a ton of organization and player skill. something not meant for everyone to be able to complete. its nice to have things like this in ur game to attract a bigger variety of players.
Really like this idea. Hope Anet is thinking along these lines in terms of challenging end game content.
I don’t think this thread contains one piece of constructive criticism so far all. What looks bad about them? What specifically do you not like? What would make it look better?
Well I’m not emplyed as a graphic designer or artist so it’s not for me to give suggestions exactly how it should be. It is just underwhelming generally though, far too generic. For ascended armour, the top tier with a large time investment, it should stand out more.
Heavy looks… ok, medium and light pretty bad. Nothing special considering the investment involved and that it is the top tier.
I mean one thing you can say about WoW… they had good armour designers.
(edited by Eridani.8317)
Ultimate Dominator: Get 250,000 total kills in WvW.
Yakslapper: Destroy 1,000,000 total caravans in WvW.
Ultimate Chaperone: Escort 500,000 total caravans in WvW.
Ultimate Fabricator: Use 2,500,000 total supply in WvW.
Ultimate Technician: Use 1,000,000 total supply for repairs in WvW.
Ultimate Besieger: Use 1,000,000 total supply to build siege weapons in WvW.
Ultimate Conqueror: Capture 1,000,000 total objectives in WvW.
Ultimate Raider: Capture 100,000 total supply camps in WvW.
Ultimate Aggressor: Capture 100,000 total towers in WvW.
Ultimate Subjugator: Capture 100,000 total keeps in WvW.
Ultimate Liberator: Capture Stonemist Castle 25,000 times in WvW.
Ultimate Vanquisher: Defend 1,000,000 total objectives in WvW.
Ultimate Stalwart: Defend 500,000 total supply camps in WvW.
Ultimate Protector: Defend 500,000 keeps in WvW.
Ultimate Defender: Defend 500,000 total towers in WvW.
Ultimate Sentinel: Defend Stonemist Castle 500,000 times in WvW
Yep seriously a lot of things to do.
This forum needs a facepalm emoticon for posts like this.
If I did this I would probably think it’s a good idea until about 5 minutes after rerolling the new character and realising what I’d thrown away. Then quit in disgust and never play GW2 again.
Personally I would just buy the gems with real money (did it myself a couple of days ago) but realise that isn’t an option for everyone.
I just noticed that they changed the XP too, few months ago I levelled a couple of characters to 80 with crafting and it was a lot cheaper and easier than it will be now. Just tried it and spent around 80g getting them all to 400, including the lvl 20 scroll I was only about 75. Not worth going above 400 for levelling purposes, unless you have plenty of spare gold.
Because 90% of the original designers of GW2 haven’t already been laid off… (you do realize your dungeon designer is gone right?)
Any source for that or are you just making kitten up?
Also before even thinking in Esports, removed downed state from Spvp.
Why?You know that feeling, when you, or someone you are watching, completely owns 3 players at the same time
And emerges victorious with 10 hp? Well not in GW2… Those guys are gonna throw rocks at you
until you fall, die and ress them. And there goes any kind of rewarding skilled players.
This. So much.
so they will not confirm there will be level caps or no level caps etc?
for example,
1. we will raise level caps.
2. we will not raise level caps.its neither?
Schrodinger’s Cat.
Again, as some people have said, this isn’t an issue. Normally it would take a few weeks of play, at the least, to get to the next chest.
What happened to evil , dark things .Enough of the candy floss for kiddies please , lets get back to what this games about and stop making it disney-fied.
Most people realised what direction Anet was taking a long time ago. At the very latest the bow shooting unicorns should have been a clue.
Another clue about this could be the new Speedy Reader achievement in Ebonhawke. For those that don’t know, it includes references to marching south to meet a threat coming from Crystal Desert. That was several hundred years ago in-game and it could just be adding an achievement that was needed, but could also be pointing towards it.
Just give it a couple of weeks and you won’t even remember what the old UI looked like.
We’re what, one/two updates into the two week update schedule? BotFW, IMO, looks like it will be one of the best updates so far. Yet already you have kittenes here whining, give them a chance at least.
I don’t get all the complaining about not being able to complete 100% of every piece of content. I’ve barely touched this aetherblade update because I don’t care about minis. Does it really matter that I haven’t done every part of the meta achi?
(edited by Eridani.8317)
I haven’t gotten anything from the world bosses let alone what you mentioned. I’m glad to hear somebody is. Perhaps I’ve just gottenon the wrong side of the RNG?
Yeah, I’ve yet to get an exotic drop in a year playing, so you’re not alone.
Not going to say I’m expecting anything but it would be cool. But then would they give it to every character when they reached a year, or when your account reaches a year, or just characters a year old when they are celebrating the year’s anniversary.
I always liked what they did in Rift, every three months subscription you had you got a new package with a unique armour set and some other stuff in.
Had this a lot while levelling an alt since the patch.
Maybe you guys are right, but for now I’m still holding out hope they know what they’re doing. So yeah, we’ll see.
Yeah you flavour of the month guys won’t be missed. The real mesmers will carry on and work with whatever we have. Personally I’m going to enjoy trying out a condition damage build with the changes to scepter skills and traits.
Nine Samurai.
Was just going through my mp3 library and seemed to fit ok for mesmer.
Welcome to the internet OP, you must be new.
For some reason I thought this was a permanent dungeon. Oh well, disappointing.
If they are fake, then that troll deserves a medal.
Yeah this. If they are fake that’s probably the most effort I’ve ever seen put into trolling.
If anything, I’m the opposite. My character on the BWEs was a warrior but after seeing so many around I went with Guardian on release. Got that to 80 and noticed there were a lot of guardians around so rolled a mesmer (and later an ele). Though I haven’t gone as far as to make an engi or necro yet.
I always thought of Rift as kind of a mid-point in the evolution of MMOs from the traditional WoW type to what we see in GW2. At least in regards to solo PvE, questing, events etc.
Agree completely. I think something like, no CC abilities until you have damaged them would solve a lot of the frustration. It just makes it a chore to travel anywhere currently.
Honestly I think it’s just something you have to live with in GW2. Norns/Charrs/Asura all suffer from terrible clipping.
Got a few boxes from the Southsun events (which, by the way, are still going) and got a skin ticket.
Bought 5 boxes from the gemstore; got one more.
Your bad luck is not a reflection of everyone else.
You should feel good. You’re probably the luckiest person playing this game.
This wasn’t so bad last night, managed to farm the minions a bit and get 100 or so chests. Today has been terrible though, feel sorry for people who can only play at prime time, no chance of getting that “So Lifelike” achievement.
Seems like the only way to actually get any is just to camp them, so forget trying to actually play the game and come across them?
Cheer up, you’re playing an mmo for free.
£10 a month is nothing. I would rather pay that than have this gem store infecting every aspect of the game.
Meh, i don’t feel gems are the issue. If anet spent the time to produce armor skins as well, for the events, and sell all the above on the gem store straight out, <strong>they would make as much money as they would with people swapping gold for gems and purchasing coffers. </strong>
Well in other threads there’s people saying they’ve spent hundreds of dollars buying coffers to try and get skins. The phrase “more money than sense” springs to mind. Nevertheless, I don’t think the increase in people buying them if they were to just sell skins would make it balance out (but that’s just speculations).
Personally, I’ve been saying it from launch, I would rather this game just had a subscription than this insidious gem store. I mean I want content introduced that is going to enhance the game, most of what we are seeing is just more ways for them to make money.
So I guess the real lesson from this thread is don’t be tricked into buying the boxes on the gem store.
Seriously though, this is terrible business practice. Yes they might make some money on gem sales in the short term but it isn’t worth it if they really do see GW2 as a long term project.
It’s pretty fun but as others have said very laggy and full of exploiters at the moment.
Apologies if there’s a thread on this already.
Currently, a lot of people are using consumables to gain the +health per second buff while playing Dragon Ball to such an extent that they’re impossible to kill.
Yeah you really need to rebind. Personally I have 1-5 as E, R, F, C and X, heal on Q and 6-9 as S+E, S+R, S+F and S+C. Class abilities on C+E, C+R, C+F, C+C. Dodge on mouse wheel click.
No one can play efficiently with the default keybindings. It is physically impossible to access any key higher than 5 fast enough (ie. in PvP) on a normal keyboard. Don’t even mention the default class skills on F1 etc… useless.
If you’re having problems adjusting, hitting the wrong key etc. just stick with it. After a couple of weeks (probably less) muscle memory will set in and you’ll never look back.
And for what it’s worth, spending money on one of these fancy MMO mice or keyboards is a complete waste as far as GW2 is concerned. Maybe something like WoW where there’s a lot of skills but it’s unnecessary for this.
Skinner Box nonsense …
Wish people would stop throwing that term around as if it automatically validates their argument.
Great, another festival… these constant parties with temporary activities are boring.
Sounds like you need to relax a little OP. Sticks and Stones and all that, names never hurt anybody.
The problem I see with their current model of content updates is that it doesn’t (at least so far) add much permanent content to the game. For example, World of Warcraft in its first year added several high level dungeons, Battlegrounds, the Honour System a 40 man raid and a 20 man raid. You can’t really compare directly but my point is that that is a lot of content that is ‘in’ the game. Additional things you can do. Maybe the next update will make it outdated or obsolete to an extent but you can always go back and do it.
Personally I stopped playing GW2 back in November, came back for a couple of weeks in feb to check out F&F and then stopped playing until now. Nothing has really been added. There is still a lack of options at 80, just the place to hang around is South Sun not Orr for now. Not to mention that even levelling an alt (as people used to recommend while we waited for more content) is pretty tiresome now with the sparsely populated zones.
I love watching people crying about no endgame in a pretty newly released game.
I don’t think GW2 can be classed as newly released any more. It’s almost a year old.
And if you’re happy doing the same thing day after day then more power to you. Thousands of people aren’t, hence why this game has been bleeding players for months.
Also for gods sake, dont move this post to suggestions,
Too late.
Curious as to what they mean by a community focused game though (didn’t read the link). Does that mean including features asked for by the community (so focusing on what the community wants) or making community the focus of the game (whatever that means).
A lot of complaints in this thread seem to be that some classes will be better flag carriers than others. But so what? That isn’t the only role that is going to be needed, like Guardians Line of Warding I expect will be extremely useful to slow a pursuing group down (just one example).
Not sure if this was answered but will Mesmer veil cause the orb to be dropped? I presume so but it could potentially lead to some kind of griefing.
Getting this in the first few weeks while it was 24hr matches… feels good brah.