(edited by Erika.8256)
Showing Posts For Erika.8256:
And I’m having a difficult time seeing people run 40s even moderately and not getting a drop. ~75% of the runs I had in 40s had a guy link a weapon at the end. And my luck is generally very poor regarding drops in the game, so this is one instance I cannot believe anyone who claims 40s wont drop anything if you do them daily.
the last few runs i’ve done at 48 nobody has gotten a weapon. believe it or not, its true lol.
You’ve never seen the poor unlucky souls who do it daily and get nothing. I’ve been in several 48s with no skins dropping or in some that the same person receives the same skin as before, ending up with copies of harpoons etc.
And we get it, “500” is low – we don’t know how many we’ve done past that so 500+ is a way of saying "we’ve at least got our achievements done and can give a reference to it.
From the PoV of someone with 500+ fractals done and 1 skin, I’d like to ask what “stay hard” means for you. I recently got my very first fractal weapon skin (a shield) after over 500 fractals (stopped counting after the achievement was completed). Felt random, completely useless for me and all I could say was “I love RNG” in a very sarcastic tone.
Sure, the fact that they now drop from a very easy level means more casual players who don’t want to/cannot get past level 10-19 will also get them, but they could before with a bit of help from friends (ex: I ran L48 fractals multiple times with players at 10-20 as their personal level).
So yah, sure, let it stay hard by actually giving us a method of acquiring them. I don’t mind doing challenging content knowing I’ll get the weapon I want, but RNG still remains….so skin acquirement was NEVER hard, just a tedious grind with no sense whatsoever except kitten us off.
I guess ArenaNet just wants me to log in for a day every two weeks. I guess that works.
Yup, got that right! Been doing this since…well, this entire year. 13/14 now and waiting to log in when new daily is available, finish it and go play something less…repetitive and boring. All I did was run in circles killing the mobs I needed to finish the achievements. Not really that fun honestly…it was fun, the first time I did each event. Thanks for adding 24 more (in some cases) and sending me off to see the same map again just to be able to press F and click once.
I wish I could go back to the first month of GW2 where everything was new, fun and exciting and I could do whatever I wanted, even just run off on a road just discovered. But that was then. I get that some people simply enjoy the loot (zerg), others the running around and discovering the locations. But after playing since the release, I’m sorry if my expectations exceed the same routine:
1. Kill x of these
2. Do x events
3. Press F x times on y maps
4. Eat/collect x items
5. Play a mini-game
This isn’t content and achievements should never be QUESTS. Honestly, I feel like I log in, “pick up my quests” by watching the achievements and go do what the “quest giver” (description from achievement) tells me for extra experience, the achievement point and possibly a loot item that is useless or just something I’ll never see again (hello home instance…sorry for being rude, but I don’t really spend time there…no bank, no TP).
Sorry for the sarcasm that you might find throughout the post. I tried to keep it out as much as possible.
For those of you who still enjoy the game and find new things to do – enjoy it while you can and try to see it from our point of view also when responding.
Small edit as I forgot to add this:
For those who always say “Just quit then”, I kind of did. But still, I log in and do my silly little achievements every new LS (unfortunately, for a day) in the hopes that the game added something that might just make me want to come back, play it and have fun. However, LS will most likely never make that happen, which is the sad truth.
And here’s a thought for everyone:
I am able to watch a tv series or focus on something else while in Guild Wars 2. This is not something I consider “playing”, when I’m not even required to pay attention in most content released. Do you? Is pressing 1 (also known as auto-attack for most) really how you wish to play your game? Because this patch for example requires nothing more. Sure, I can press all my skills, but whatever for? In most cases, you’re lucky to hit the mobs with 1 skill in a zerg.
(edited by Erika.8256)
Those are the ones I have found as well. Can’t think of any other places right now. The part that is a bit confusing is the one where they can be found on the mobs themselves? o.O Anyone experienced that or just story-based nonsense?
honey, I beat the clock tower last year <3
Same here.
It is my impression or there is no reason to complete this again?
Is there any new achieve, chest prize or something?
You get gloves instead of boots this time around.
My entire party got it the first time we did it. True enough, we’re guildies and use voice. I looked at the achievements before hand and asked them to stop in the door – which they did. Then, we observed the pattern and all ran to the first platform. Kept running to the next one while observing the pattern and standing in the safe spots. Regardless, it’s true that the easiest ways to get it – without having to spend more time there – is to portal/use invulnerability etc.
The second run I had…well…a random decided to enter the room alone and hop onto the 1st platform, causing the people needing that achievement to get teleported into the room and electrocuted almost instantly. That is the unfair part in my opinion – the fact that the teleport sends you randomly to one of the 4 platforms if you’re not there at the start instead of the safe-platform or the door.
I got a mace skin from W1-Z3 TM chest first time I did it. And thanks for the video
Just pulled off a jump over the tidal wave perfectly, got nothing.
Me too. Heard about a hidden achi, checked it out and realised I’d already done it and gotten nothing.
Do you have the title unlocked?
I got my title and then found the secret achievement by mistake and it awarded it to me (gives 0 points). Jumped from mega laser pad towards the turrets.
It’s a hidden achievement exactly not to promote group failure.
Not to mention, it gives 0 achievement points so why get so worked up about it?
I got mine and was surprised and amused. Survived the wave and got rewarded with an awesome view and a reminder of that.
I don’t really see the issue. True enough, some fail it on purpose to get it, but it’s like saying others should be blamed for how we act. Some fail it on purpose just to troll – how’s that different? :\
My only complaint is that a player has a chance to get only blues (except the rare from the 3rd dragon chest and a green from 2nd chest) for defeating Tequatl. The fight itself isn’t long, but organizing it, coordinating people and providing even consumables for those who don’t have them is not worth the blues. True enough, it is great and the fight’s amazing when you get your own coordinated players mobilized, but this feeling will go away eventually and for blues…yah..no. At least give us greens. Blues are insulting.
Right now events fail either because people don’t know the event yet and haven’t read tactics or watched the videos. Another reason for failing is having too many AFK players. Yet another reason is players being unwilling to listen, learn and do as they are told – most prefer to go afk or argue as obviously, they know better.
Want examples?
Me: “Please target Tequatl everytime you press 2 so it doesn’t hit something else”
Random person at another turret: " Neah, i’m better than that… "
Later in the fight: " Umz…please…stop hitting the fingers with the 2nd skill "
Want more proof?
“Please dodge or jump over waves. If you have FPS issues, place things at low and disable following settings (list of settings..). If you still have issues, go defend instead”
Later in the fight: 15+ dead and several whining about FPS while being dead
Another example:
“Please teleport to waypoint if you’re dead. We will ress the downed, but some will die eventually – please, don’t waste the DPS making us spend triple the time ressing you”
Later on in the fight: "Guys, rez please! " ; " REZZ ME!! " ; “OMG, REZ ME”; “Why are you guys so elitist?! spend a few seconds to rezz me”;
Even explaining that we had a 0.001% wipe previously due to lack of dps at that hour…people still remained dead.
Yet another example:
“Don’t use berserk if you’re dpsing tequatl. Use soldier/cleric etc etc. "
Random person: “Pft, I can use berserk!”
Later on: …berserkers usually die faster or get 1 shotted if multiple poisons;
And the list goes on…endlessly. People need to stop for a second and actually listen to those of us trying to help. Really…it’s all it takes. We offer advise on builds, utility skills, rotations, positions, gear etc etc. But half of what we say is ignored.
So yes, you will get it done – you just need to make people listen to you somehow. And you won’t get it by whining or crying etc. Speak nicely to people, don’t insult and actually talk. Convince players to join you into discussing it. Furthermore, guilds that belong to all servers are appearing just to organize for tequatl. This patch made us communicate, discuss, theorycraft, bond and enjoy the time spent, as well as offer us that “1% wipe feeling” that drives you crazy and motivates at the same time.
Not everyone wants the same type of content – it’s fine, you have other dragons. Just come back later when more servers have the entire fight figured out. Or ask the guilds to help your server. Just…communicate and try to solve it, not “erase” it.
Greens, blues and a rare. All the reward for 3 chests + boss’s final chest. Ah well..achievements will do.
Still need folks. We have cookies, TS, nice long chats and a beach full of fish…:)
Tequatl will be here soon so jump in quickly and join us in explaining tactics if you don’t know them (do say if you don’t).
Tequatl was killed on overflow before last patch came in (well, actually when last patch arrived). If our main server is full, we organize and have people join same overflow – it’s easier than actually waiting x hours for a chance to get back on our main server.
shrug you’re late, deso/sfr/vabbi/random others got together on random overflow and did it before patch…somehow not being on our main servers made it more epic
Good morning folks! This is a bright morning to smack the “dragon” once more.
This is a call for those who are still awake at this hour. We know the fight, we have the tactics, we just need some extra dps so we don’t repeat the 0.002% fail that occurred on last attempt.
As it’s early (just 4 am gmt) …join us by guesting on desolation and let’s kill the tequila teakettle (also known as tequatl).
2 weeks – was answered by a dev earlier. Can find the link if you want.
Yah well, getting kicked for patch mid-event while others don’t get kicked out, feels horrible. :\
I just want to thank you so much for the “5 minute” patch just when we started on Tequatl after waiting and discussing tactics for over an hour.
Furthermore, I really want to thank you for the crash after the patch announcement that affected about 30% of the players on TS. It made our day, especially with how hard is to get all of us in the same overflow/server and to organize ourselves. All that work ruined.
Otherwise..yes, I enjoy the fight, i like the difficulty and how we must communicate etc…but these small things like dcing, crashing, patches mid-fight…they really really can burn your resolve.
Seafarer’s Rest got him to ~60%, but still a long way to go. :P
Yes please. That way, we can actually coordinate, speak and work as a group instead of having random x and random Y appear to troll the day. While open world bosses are fun the first 1-4 times and the idea sounds promising, what actually happens is:
1. Random people I don’t know are around me while my friends/guildies cannot join my server
2. Even with a good/very good PC, you still encounter FPS drops in encounters that spam AOE (and yes, the best details available is what i’m talking about – i’m not playing this game to see everyone look the same and male -_-)
3. Events are either zerg-press 1 button or actually need tactics , in which case…shoot, randoms don’t coordinate, overflows have all languages and some don’t even know english..or people troll, accuse others, think that the advice given is not good it or worth their time…etc etc..
4. You end up with loot and go home, without actually interacting with the random people – oh yay..
I’m also lazy to take a screenshot, but thoughts:
W1-Z1: Rocks and even a bit of latency – not fun (those before boss); too many cheap traps
W1-Z2: I actually liked most of it
W1-Z3: Lilypads and even a bit of latency – not fun
W2-Z1: Long, but decent, was easy, but too many cheap invisible traps for my taste
W2-Z2: No comment – it’s a meh zone, long and boring, with cheap traps and forced deaths or potion use (trib. cloud loves us..). After the patch, I’d say I hate this zone the most – can’t play with people who are new to the zone without having to assist through the death-checkpoint spam.
W2-Z3: I loved it because it required actual jumping and precision instead of the trial and error
Overall: Fix the bugs and please stop using trial and error as a mechanic, it’s not fun or challenging, it’s just a memory game. I don’t mind traps, but make them visible. SAB was about jumping, not about cheap traps. And think about players with higher latency too, it’s really not fun to die 30+ times in a place because the server considers you’re not actually on a lilypad / in the air and must be killed/knocked. That requires no skill…unless you’re testing someone’s patience.
When I was going through that stage I was getting killed by the checkpoint it pulls you back to because you spawn in spikes that will kill you if you don’t load fast enough to get out of them. Lots of cheap deaths there.
That indeed sucks. At least you do get out of them, however I was running with a friend to show him the path. He died and due to slow loading screen…kept on dying. Quit because it’s pointless to just keep wasting lives.
So this bug ruined it for quite a few players and no hot fix is sad (i mean really..how hard is to move/remove those kitten spikes)
It’s a graphical glitch that I’ve encountered as well. While I was seeing 5 keys required, my partner saw 2. Also due to this glitch other weird stuff happened. But yes, you can open it with just 1 key.
Bugged Associate of Baubles Achievement
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Erika.8256
I think W2-Z3 is also bugged, having spent several hours going through every single nook, corner and impossible zone. Still, nothing. Would love a count…it’s not fun to spend time looking for something that might not even exist.
You can still jump on the rock, but your character will look as if hanging in the air – basically, you’re touching, but not touching the stone.
It’s a bug I’ve also encountered. It considers you to be “in the acid” instead of on the pad. Only method I know to avoid it is to wait a second or two and then jump on it.
Joining the club. W2-Z3 TM…crash right at end. Wasted time, cannot rejoin my fellow party members. Great epic feeling. Must do that all over again….alone this time.
Comfort It’s okay, at least you lost a life.
I just got disconnected, followed one second later by a crash, exactly when I saw the boss portal in W2-Z3 TM. I’m still unsure if cursing, hitting my keyboard, using ALT+F4 or just shut down is the best choice…. And insanely enough i’m considering starting the level again. But even that I cannot do as my friend is still inside and if i leave the party, he’ll be kicked out. :\
That is the sad feeling I’m experiencing atm.
Weaponsmith, huntsman and artificer are now 500. Most likely you’re trying to level something else.
How to reach the honey from W1-Z1 Tribulation mode? Sorry if this has been asked before – for some reason my search refuses to search properly.
The game is at this very moment a chore and everything that was fun about it, became a grinding nightmare.
Care to add another +1. This is the best short-version that a lot of players feel.
Well, I’m one of the players who finished W1 in April without any issues, before guides were out. I had fun, it was amusing and great to do with guildies over TS.
And it’s back. Unfortunately, the “old platform methods” are something not many people enjoy anymore – hence why they are old methods. Tribulation mode is not about your skill, but rather your memory or how long you waited for a guide. I entered W1 on tribulation first, because I already finished W1 on normal before. I got rewarded with death from flowers, clouds, push-backs into pits. What was fun about losing several lives ONCE before I knew what/how/where to avoid it? From my point of view, nothing.
My issue with the coin is that it’s very convenient and for those who cannot afford to grind their lives, they have two options: buy the coin (making it mandatory for them due to time restraint etc) or wait for a guide (taking away the fun altogether).
So yes, I do recommend to players who just want the achievements to wait for guides – at least then you don’t have to do anything other than follow instructions.
For those of us who actually wanted to be surprised and enjoy SAB, it’s not fun to play a memory game. Doing the silly achievements and then taking my guild in a step by step tutorial instead of all playing together to discover is not what I had in mind from the previous SAB.
And it can be considered a “P2W” because achievements result in laurels, consumables and gold/gems at certain stages, but let’s not go that far – it’s not much of a “win” in SAB, it’s just…finish it faster.
To be honest, this living story has been dull and empty for me. Except for Scarlet which made me laugh at the silly lines and her awesome voice, I really didn’t find anything amazing or fun in the event.
First time you do the invasion – you’re into it, you want to discover it, beat the events etc. But to do it hourly, it quickly becomes a tedious and repetitive cycle. The achievement is like a part-time job right now…“log in at x.58, see new map, see if it’s the map required, go there, do some events…get bored, wait for it to end..see if achievement progress was made…/sigh if not…wait for another map you need to pop up”. What’s fun in this? I really don’t get it.
I don’t really consider a game fun if I can auto-attack while playing another game or watching a movie. It’s just mindless, requires no effort. Sure, you can rate the event as a 5 if you enjoy farming…but even then, thanks for the rewards, but auto-attacking as a guardian on staff (for example)…free loot for 0 effort.
So yay for living story content. 0-2/10 is where this is. Best part tho: disconnects, crashes, getting sent on an overflow without the event, having people whine and yell and insult each other on the map chat because of the content…Yes, this living story really shows how good a community we are.
Can still do it as a zerk guardian with sword/focus, choosing crowd favorite over the squeamish gambit (personal choice tbh).
For it to be easier, you must go to one of the areans that spawn the quaggan further away from deadaye – just so you can use the 2nd sword skill on deadaye and have the quaggan attack you from behind to avoid you attacking him by mistake with some aoe etc..
I’ve answered my own question. All it took was a break from the game and apparently doing it at an odd hour.
0/0/10/30/30 with power/tough/vit gear (happened to be my current equipped slot, you don’t really need this type of gear)
Skills: Shelter, Hold the Line, Save Yourselves!, Retreat, Renewed Focus
Weapons: GS + scepter/focus
Phase 1 just avoid aoe, kill the pulling orb, kite clones into the light and toss the shard
Phase 2: Move towards the light, if you can’t dodge the aoe, use either the heal or the elite skill. Use shouts to remove conditions and scepter away.
Those buffs from NPCs in the middle dont work…you will lose them when you enter the arena.
- They do, you only lose them when you die. Or at least when i did it.
I did her with 0/0/10 (VI) / 30 (II, IX, XI) / 30 (II, IX, VIII) with the same type of stats as yours. Scepter/focus was my choice as well.
Utilities – hold the line, save yourselves, retreat – all shouts that remove conditions when used and also give nice buffs. Elite skill is renewed focus as an emergency button.
Heal is between signet and shelter.
Phase 1 is easy as you can strafe and not get hit. Phase 2, i just run in circles attacking her and using the chains to keep her from spamming me with her cripple.
Tips to survive – get the endurance buff from the middle (hoelbrak), endurance food if you feel like you need it. Otherwise, you shouldn’t have an issue with her.
Oh and phase 2 – stand in the middle so you can get in place, then just run in circles near the wall. You can time dodge the AoE – they hit about 2 seconds after they appear. Or just dodge to the blank-safe-zones.
I’ve tried that using the guardian’s 5th skill from the GS – pulling them all into that, but they despawn before i can use all of them and not always are all the shades transformed, sometimes just one or two instead of 3-4.
So i would love to hear an answer from someone who did it. Thanks for the replies
I would like someone who did this achievement to spare a few minutes of his/her time to answer a few questions:
1. Class
2. Traits and utilities
3. Gear choice
4. Difficulty in doing (as in took 1000 attempts or easy 5 attempts..etc)
I’m wondering what exactly is the best method, i usually run out of time on a tanky class, while my high dps characters are squishy or lack enough dodge/mobility.
Thank you in advance.
NOTE: This is not a QQ thread, i’m not whining, merely asking for advice. If you want to whine, several other threads are already open.
Yes, it can be done by every class – just the bosses.
I’d love some of those who finished all/most of the achievements to come forward and tell us how they did them.
How do you do the Subject 7 achievement as a Mesmer?
What boss did you pick for 5 gambits?
What class/build did you use for the 8 orb achievement?I honestly would love to know the answers to those…as these achievements CANNOT be done by every class imho. Bosses..sure..whatever, specific achievements…not so much.
I’ve done all of the achievements on my Necromancer, using a full berserker build traited 30/25/0/0/15. So I guess that answers question 3. I can’t answer question 1 as I don’t play mesmer…if it helps, on my Necro, I just used the dagger with is strictly single target dps. So…whatever weapon is strictly single target for mesmer, use that and I imagine you won’t have any trouble. When Subject 7 splits, he retains his name. The adds will be named ‘ooze’, so you can target subject 7 and make sure you don’t kill the adds. For the five gambits I chose the tier 1 boss, as she’s by far the easiest of the 3.
She who? As in the boss. And the achievement states “tier 3” – so the tier 1 boss is confusing.
Another really cool bug – after someone wipes on the oozes or falls, the oozes have a high chance not to despawn. I think I’ve wasted around 10 tickets due to this, having to fight mini oozes + my boss.
Yes, it can be done by every class – just the bosses.
I’d love some of those who finished all/most of the achievements to come forward and tell us how they did them.
How do you do the Subject 7 achievement as a Mesmer?
What boss did you pick for 5 gambits?
What class/build did you use for the 8 orb achievement?
I honestly would love to know the answers to those…as these achievements CANNOT be done by every class imho. Bosses..sure..whatever, specific achievements…not so much.
As stated above so many times, the permanent content added are features that should have been in the game from the start or shortly after, not almost one year later. But fine, I’ll cut some slack on that regard.
It’s cool that features are being added – but that is not content.
Where are new dungeons? I only saw temporary ones. Why is it that new fractals only now just surfaced? The entire fractal idea doesn’t really have to be all lore-related or anything…so many new fractals that could be created to keep us “pve fans” busy.
How about new maps? New locations? Or will they only appear for expansions? We can all see portals to other zones not yet unlocked…
Honestly, my main complaint is that no one ever considers that maybe, just maybe, those who finished world explore once or multiple times might want something new. I’m bored of the same old zones. I’m sick of the 2-week events where i can already guess the achievements by reading the “preview” and have to roll my eyes and sigh at the idea of having to again go through the entire map just to get my achievement done.
I stopped having fun after the 3rd repetitive “living story” where i had to go kill x stuff, press F x times (loot bags, light effigies, open chest, do something…) and watch a short cutscene.
While the theme is different, the same repetitive boring actions are taken.
I want more dungeons like the F&F content had…it was fun. This..i don’t really know what to say, it doesn’t feel that fun anymore. Maybe I need a break from GW2. As someone said earlier, maybe the 1 year celebration will be worth it.
Sorry for the length of the post and try not to throw tomatoes my way.
I really never have any issues targeting so I really don’t see how it’s hard to actually click on the actual person. In my team, i usually am the one calling the targets for everyone else – it helps others not bother “trying to target” (as you’ve stated it).
It’s stupid to even ask for clones to be ignored on tab..or minions or pets for that matter. People use those pets to force others to work for their hits, not just press tab and voila – everything is easy. Stealth mechanics also force the other player’s target to change to a pet/clone etc…should you tab and select the stealther or tab after he’s out and behind a pillar… then auto attack to position yourself towards him. Wow, just can’t express the amount of lazyness.
Stop QQ-ing about how crappy and hard it is to target and learn how to target instead – or how to position yourself and your camera.
Oh a side now…fix the vines being “obstructed” to players..it’s frustrating when you must aoe them or use a cleanse to get out of them because you can’t hit them.
Ah, all these new warriors, yet another reason why Corrupt Boon will never leave my bar.
This. End of “how to counter”. It’s so amusing watching the boons transformed. Add a fear afterwards..see how well it goes.
You can get “some rewards” – bags and dyes.
As for the reasons of not playing, there are several:
1. Tpvp system is not set in place, solo queue versus team queue is no different, causing unbalance
2. Only one game mode – while it was fun and dandy, it becomes tiresome to always do the same thing. Whenever i see a patch releasing a new map, I tend to go “oh way, another capture map”. I understand why this happens, which leads me to point 3.
3. Balance issues – lack of versatile builds for many classes, “rotation” spam for quite a few, not much of a “what should i pick” questions arising
To move on to cosmetic and rank issues:
1. Grind grind grind….
2. Rank means nothing
3. Gear is random, crafting is bullkitten
4. Cannot use the skins from PvE freely in PvP
And the list can go on…not to mention the name of the game is wrong – you don’t have GvG, instead…well..you have…yah..nevermind.
I still play from time to time, mostly for the daily.
you should not be rewarded more just because you have more alts end of discussion
Sadly, no. It’s not the end of the discussion. Quite far from it. Right now, having more alts means you are better rewarded in some aspects of the game, as listed below. Time gating is not the answer to the "how alts = profits " discussion.
More alts, more dungeon tokens per day, more fractal rewards per day, more farming (due to diminishing returns), more choices (considering the dungeon trend at the moment) etc etc….
So i don’t know what game you are playing, but you are rewarded for having more alts at the moment. They started to change it using account bound rewards. I consider that is enough , no need to add time gating to an account bound reward also. It’s just silly. Look at the celestial gear…it’s account bound, requires account bound materials. That was enough. But no, only once every 5 days (if i remember correctly) do you get 1 item. It’s a lazy design on “How to keep our players in the game”.
Even if ascended gear were not time-gated, it could still require significant effort to gear your characters. I consider the gear and key materials being account bound being enough of a limitation itself.
This. <3
Not only can we not profit from them, it allows us to gear however we want.
You said it yourself. You dug your own grave.
Yes, very productive. We dug our own graves for:
1. Picking a class with multiple specs or wanting to play more than one part of the game (maybe the content should also be gated….that way, it solves all our issues! oh wait..no)
2. Being new at the game and behind everyone (new players are also affected and put off by the wall between players – gear wise and “requirement” wise for everything)
3. Wanting to spend more time in the game to get the materials than others
4. Being more active than most (shocker)
5. Having more than one character (how dare we use the slots provided and buy more?! )
Thank you for your answer, but please try and add arguments to your statements instead of just picking words you fancy from others.
Edit: Thanks for reading and hope you don’t mind the small dose of sarcasm that was involved in this post. Repeating the same thing over and over again tends to cause it.
(edited by Erika.8256)