(edited by Flippetized.2657)
Showing Posts For Flippetized.2657:
Auto running through mobs while salvaging crap and opening sacks in my inventory,
Hi, I would like to make this a suggestion thread to improve Mesmers as a class.
Some of my suggestions:
- Phantasms using legendary weapons (gs, staff, sword, pistol) if the player has that legendary.
- Being able to summon clones (not phantasms) via dodge or utility without a target or without a nearby target while in combat.
- More mobility skills (without the need for a target), just because Mesmers are one of the slowest classes.
- Pistol main hand!!
(edited by Flippetized.2657)
After the new Wings of the Sunless was released, I had to make this new Succubus armor set for my human mesmer!
I thought the title was written sarcastically… I propose a new kind of back skin that we can customize in some way – at the cost of a few gems per customization..
Hi, instead of introducing new content every 2 weeks, we should get an update to balance, polish, fix, and a little bit of new content for weapons, armors, skills, quests, and other things like the UI or pvp/wvw. This can be every 4 weeks or so, with new content and update to the living story every 4 weeks also.
This way, every sequence of the Living Story will be able to stay in game a bit longer, giving everyone a chance to play them and catch up if necessary. We also like things to be fixed, instead of just throwing us tons of new content that we all don’t have the time for, and end up whining about how broken they are. I know ANet reads the forums, and trust me, even if a post that suggests things does not have that many replies or as popular, there are a lot of other players that agree/support it.
suggestion: PLZ give minstrel an aura that changes/flashes the color according to the note-trail ! you have the aura already coded so it cannot be hard to add it where it would really be needed.
Mesmer’s GS 1 skill should just chain to other targets, and the issue of targets being obstructed when they’re clearly not needs to be fixed.
Warrior’s war banner elite skill – for skill 2 that gives allies stability – this needs to able to be cast while the user is moving…
One request for Mesmers (which will probably be ignored) is to be able to spawn clones (not phantasms, cause that would be OP) without a target…
If I transmuted a legendary weapon into a white rarity and lose it’s legendaryness, move it across characters via bank, and use a transmutation splitter on another character, will that other character be able to have the weapon with the legendaryness restored?
(edited by Flippetized.2657)
After magic find was taken out, it now only has +20 precision and +2% crit damage.
Ruby is zerker,
Opal is assassin,
exquisite ruby jewel is +24 power, +3% crit damage, and +15 precision,
exquisite opal jewel is +24 precision, +3% crit damage, and +15 power,
Ruby orb is +20 power, +2% crit damage, and +14 precision,
but Opal orb is only +20 precision, +2% crit damage and no power…
(edited by Flippetized.2657)
No aura, no footsteps. Sure, more flying notes… that can barely be seen! It looks more like a rare named exotic than a legendary at best…
What will happen to account bound (white) Legendaries that are just sitting in the bank? We should at least get a “yes” or “no” from ANet on whether Legendaries will be account bound or not.
Also, what’s stopping from everyone buying all the fine and masterwork items now to salvage after the update for magic find? How many items/salvages will it take to get the max +300% magic find?
Lastly, how many more “once a day” materials will we have to make? Not only do I have to do dailies and the charged quartz, but now I have to add to my daily to-do list possibly several other “charged quartz like” materials. Can we at least be given an extra UI feature of a checklist that we can edit of some sort?
According to the Wiki’s upcoming changes, there will be an update on legendaries’ features with stats. This update is to be released this year (hopefully soon). I was just wondering if legendaries will also get a polish update, since it makes sense to do that also along with the update.
(I really just want The Minstrel to actually look like a legendary!!)
Ever since this patch, my game has been crashing every 30 minutes or so.. I’ve been playing on a laptop, but I have never had this problem before with the laptop. The crashes happens even if I’m alone in a map with nothing happening, and I have to restart the computer.. Anyone else have this problem?
Would it be considered cheating if we use some third party program to automatically swap our gear (out of combat of course)? For example, I can bind a key to equip another armor set along with trinkets from my inventory. This would save me time double clicking (and dragging for 2 trinkets) every single item.
I don’t know any tool that can do that, but should I be even searching? Would it be considered cheating? And could this be a possible gem store bought feature for each character/account?
I would very much like it if there were items on the gem store that will enable us to change parts of our character appearance; kind of like the self-style hair kit, and for less than the cost of a total makeover kit.
I find myself wanting to change just the face, or just the height, or just the skin tone of my characters, but forced to buy the total makeover kits. I think players (mostly for human characters haha) would appreciate this.
Less “rares” and more named exotics should return better results.
NEW ARMOR PLEASE. I’m hoping for this one:
They already have this armor’s models for all races and gender, but currently only available in pvp… As Vahkris said, the karka queen event is similar to the Orr temple events, which spawns a vendor – that gave unique armor!
An official response from ANet would be awesome. I need to know if the new armor vendor will only have new ‘settler’ stats with recycled armor, or brand new pve armor (because I can’t wait)…
You lose the normal upgrade.I hope they fix this soon.
Are the new back pieces only able to be upgraded by infusion upgrades only and not normal upgrades? I tried transmuting it to a non-infusion-upgrade-slot back item and I lose the upgrade.
(I wanted to transmute it to a normal exotic magic find back piece with the mf orb upgrade for 7% mf, because these new back armors (and ascended back armors) can only go up to 5% mf)
Your friend did nothing against the rules. The guild should have been smart enough to see this coming. The guild can’t do anything to your friend, and if they go announcing this, they are also announcing how careless they are.
If I can paraphrase the opener’s post:
“I got my legendary and now I want to make sure noone else can get their legendary so that I can feel like an extra special snowflake.”
So… Why not make dungeon tokens be able to buy cores/lodestone from the dungeon vendors in LA? Maybe something like CoE tokens be able to buy charged, or CoF tokens be able to buy molten… ANet can then determine how much tokens are appropriate for a core/lodestone. This will give us players a sure way of getting them without having to suffer on not knowing if we will get a drop from monster/chests because of RNG.
I would rather work on something I know I will eventually get rewarded for, rather than something I MIGHT get rewarded for.
I set my dodge to be the middle (scroll wheel) click of my mouse. I found it easier to dodge jump like this and practice every time I am just traveling. Do this and you will be able to dodge jump on command 99% of the time.
I actually started practicing this months ago after seeing someone do it and thought it looked awesome…
any opened/soon to be opened? (NA)
For each tier, if the same 3 worlds keeps facing each other every single week, their borderlands location should be rotated…
3 reasons:
- gives a chance to players to finish their map completion
- commanders can plan better plan zerg routes based on experience from being on the other borderlands
- WvW will be more engaging (or for some, not so boring anymore)
AP could be used as currency to buy precursors and whatnot. Just have the number shown for the player be the total AP earned, and have another label in the inventory UI (next to the laurels) to be the amount of spendable AP.
The more players play all aspects of the game should be rewarded with what they want most from the game.
I recently bought 800 gems with a credit card and immediately bought a Total Makeover Kit after getting my gems. I have waited about 7 minutes and I still have yet to receive the total makeover kit.
Will the Tribal Armor set be available for PVE?
This armor is currently not available in PVE… Was this armor intended to be available for PVE and was just forgotten? Will this be made available in PVE? I know that I’m not the only one who wants this armor set.
I think she needs to be poisoned to be aoe damaged while invisible…
90% of zerglings ranges, so you might want to use a gs for wvw. For PVE, your goal could be not to be hit in the first place.
I would like to suggest to the developers to make illusion summoning skills to not have a target requirement, and to summon illusions on the caster’s position (or somewhere nearby). They could then attack foes that the caster attacks. If the caster doesn’t do anything, the illusions would just stand there until a certain amount of time until a target is attacked (or they could find enemies on their own). They would still disappear when the target they attacked dies. An exception to this could be skills that spawns clones/phantasms right next to the target.
I would REALLY like this idea implemented, or something similar. This could be useful in pvp where, for example, we don’t have to wait until an invisible thief comes up behind, to summon our illusions. Instead we could summon our illusions first, then anyone who tries to assassinate us will have figure out which illusion is the real one.
The demands for dawn and dusk are different, therefore their worth is not the same
Gambling my money on a video game is bad enough. Not knowing the odds is even worse.
Has anyone ever tried combining 4 named weapons? Also maybe dungeon weapons and mystic weapons?
World First Legendary Eternity Updated with recipe and video
in Crafting
Posted by: Flippetized.2657
can I join your guild?
Simin, High Priestess of Dwayna, from Arah seer path, seems close to impossible to kill. Anyone who’ve at least tried this boss fight knows how frustrating kiting the sparks in place can be. What is the intended way of that part? It seems like the sparks only go in place if we’re lucky, and I hate leaving anything to chance. I wonder if ANet actually played this boss fight smoothly and in an appropriate amount of time.
I want to suggest changing (I feel like the word is “fixing”) how to do the sparks so that we know a sure way of doing that part in the amount of time that would not require 2 hours overall fight duration. If this is likely not happening, I would like to know EXACTLY the intended way of doing this fight without exploiting any bugs or glitches.
I remember ANet kept annoying us to change our passwords. I did, and my account is fine.
This would probably take a long time to implement into the game, but it could be something that can be bought from the gem store: Being able to customize jumps.
For example, a forward jump action would could be customized to be a front flip, a back jump could be a back flip, and side dodges could be cartwheels, etc… I know I’m not the only one who likes jumping everywhere, and if it is in the gem store to be able to change how I jump/dodge, I would definitely buy it.
PUGs are terrible.
Should be Arah exp. more rewarding/time consuming than the others dungeons?
Posted by: Flippetized.2657
The way I see it, the harder and more time consuming a dungeon is, the more worth its rewards have. So people will be more impressed looking at your character if you had the Arah gear than if you had the CoF gear, because the Arah gear had more worth to it.
I just finished path 2, got 60…
then I finished path 1, got 30, why?
You probably ran path 1 before the daily reset.
I think everyone will feel uncomfortable the very first time they play a certain class. If you just keep playing, you will eventually get used to it, and get better at making builds. I guess it all comes down to how you want your armor to look like (light, medium, heavy), and what kind of weapons you would want to be seen using (maybe for a legendary weapon?). Anyway, I think all classes are great.
It would be nice if we were able to sell the dungeon gear we bought back to the vendor for maybe half the price. Anything that has been transmuted to a dungeon gear skin would also work. What do you think?