Hey guys!
So feel like im getting comfortable with mesmer and would love some vid guides from good mesmers, suggestions?
Similar to what engineers have in Wolfineer, Teldo or Sirkiroshi.
- Impact Savant: This trait now affects dazes in addition to stuns.
I was hoping for this!
Only 1 response before launch, thats great thats really great.
You/we saw this coming, now make peace.
Weird, because the whole fast-paced “meta” was killed off by anet’s balancing mostly due to these forums whining about it.
Really? I see a few needed nerfs after 23rd. The power is still there. People just choose not to die instantly.
After a series of Power nerfs, and sustain buffs
What buffs/nerfs, there were one or 2 out of control things, but those were not a large decrease in power?
People moved to sustain/bunkery because they don’t like being blown up instantly and condis allow you to still deal good damage.
It was a natural progression of the meta. Blame the fact that power is higher that more people play bunkery.
Pistol 5 is useless for a skill 5 though, its just because burning is ridiculous if you stack it hard.
Shield is fine. Moderate the burning access engi has and they are both equal.
One defensive, one offensive, as it should be.
Can YOU PLEASE not grey out the screen when Q pops or force chat closure.
It creates EXTREMELY frustrating interaction with chat and guild/bank/hero panel.
Type a message in Map or Guild and somehow swaps to whispering a random friend as soon as Q pops.
Good Abbadon, this is frustrating!
I don’t find null field worth running over portal.
Are you sure?
Because now you have to choose between giving up PU, giving up portal, or continuing to get roflstomped by burn guards and engis.
Yeah I would rather give up PU than Portal
Thanks everyone! Appreciate!
So ive been running the meta PU build and condis are a bit annoying.
In this build is the generosity sigil the only source of cleanse or am i missing something?
I don’t find null field worth running over portal.
What should i give up for Inspiration if i am facing a condi heavy comp? Chaos?
Any news on this?
I don’t think there is anything wrong with Runes of Vampirism.
Don’t know how to explain my opinion though.
Magnet is still unreliable.
Not as bad as before so far, or ive just been luckier.
Anet, implement a punishment system with HoT THAT WORKS!
Warrior goes far, warrior dies almost instantly, warrior ragequits.
Yes, in a ranked game.
At least it does not happen often to me but kitten there is NOTHING to discourage this behaviour!
Want PvP to grow CONSISTENTLY, then do it right.
(edited by GrandHaven.1052)
-Healbot Gyro and Purge gyro might need to be combined and a new Gyro might have to take Purge Gyros place because, I don’t see myself taking Purge Gyro or Healbot Gyro when I’ve got healing turret.
Not a bad idea at all!
I fall in between here.
Honestly think a SLIGHT power buff in either damage or clean HP or a bit more mitigation is needed. And by slight, i mean a TINY bit.
Backstabs take quite a bit of investment but do too little damage for example, especially now that you need to give up so much team support and defense to get the assured crit in crit strikes.
Bumbpity bump, bumpbump!
There are reason as to why it doesn’t “make too much sense”
As for the OP condition removal skills will always remove the condition that was last applied to you unless the skill states otherwise. LastInFirstOut.
Nope, this was changed months ago.
You don’t even understand them fully but complain?
Wait and see, in time you will be able to telegraph and time the CDs of these blocks.
Toughness is a non-issue by the way.
PLEASE add a reliable method of cleansing like from left to right(the way it used to be). Or prioritize burning/torment/confusion.
The current RNG removal is precisely the time of thing that should never exist in a competitive game.
Extremely frustrating to remove all but the one you WANT to remove just to run out of cleanse.
Rigth now spamming conditions is encouraged, which is dumbed down and skill-less.
(edited by GrandHaven.1052)
You get everything you need to buy for karma directly at the rewardtracks.
No, you don’t.
The game mode has potential. It just is flawed NOW and needs more tweaking, now that it has a separate Q they can play around with a longer time limit and more incentive to actual fight other PvPers in the map.
OP I agree.
PistolsFight off point, you can even bring scorpion wire and drag them off point and dps away.
Kite around if needed.Engie:
PistolFight off point, kite around if needed.
Can even use turrets and just make it rain on him.
Could also use mortar and turn it into a ranged fight.
basically, use the same mechanics you use to fight turret engies.
I don’t use turrets. But thanks anyway.
Wait spike trap is a waste almost 90% of the time (stability, triggered by AI, dodged… etc)
Flame trap last 3 sec
Nest deals 0 dmg
Frost is buggedI suggest more l2p and less QQ
As others said before, having traps means having less stunbreaks and such so stunlock is a threat but don’t forget the taunt which trapper will try to use defensively when pressured.
Also if you play zerker thief with 11k hp and no condi removal that’s your own fault.
The assumptions in this post is disgustingly offensive!
I am asking for suggestions on how to deal wiht it and you jump on the l2p train?
You are part of the problem of this forum.
Go away.
Nah, i have something much better AND safer.
Anyone else getting this?
Tested my GPU extensively on other games and nothing like this.
Seems to be tied to transforms that screw out the textures or something.
The screen just freaks out and throws these planes and blobs around constantly.
The trap is usually where the ranger is standing because the points are small. Dodge through it or bait the ranger out (condi ranger usually has no lb). The animations for traps are obvious so just avoid the area or dodge through it and out.
Not hard to counter at all.
Except the CAP is invested by it, so what are you supposed to do?
Just leave them on cap and do what?
Dodge through the cap, then still gotta get off cap, then ranger just drops another round of traps.
So what do you do vs trappers?
NOTHING more annoying and NOTING more STUPID in mechanics.
Why does this exist?
How to deal with them????
EDIT : Playing thief and engi.
Seems im not sleeping yet. :/
Could be related to the skillQing bug thats still a thing.
Soooooo irenio finally said something on the forum. Thats nice…
Can we get feedback now?
It is not redundant it is an additionally heal, and for Engis who do not want to choose the scrapper line it is not redundant.
Yeah for them its downight bad.
Everyone seems to be focussing on Blinding ashes for an ele nerf, but hell I don’t think its that broken.
Burning fire on the other hand is loaded with some SERIOUS amount of passives.
3 might on cantrip use.
3 stacks of burning on passive proc 40sec ICD.
3 condis removed at the same interval.
This trait is super loaded.
Anyone agree? I have not seen any comments about it.
So fun to play vs them… Or not…
I must be missing something. I thought that title went to ranger.
As a mesmer main, I really feel the only nerf I can accept is to PU.
This PvP meta has already been super sustain. Every meta class has ridiculously high survivability. Players should really get punished more for their mistakes instead of having 100+ panic buttons.
The last thing we need is keeping tuning down damage and help people survive. Shatters all have very clear visual tell. If you can’t dodge it, then it’s your problem.
Most mesmer players like mesmer as a high risk high reward class. PU, one one hand, helps less experienced players play the class more successfully but have other players feel really frustrated fighting against one. So I think tuning down PU to a level that satisfies both should be the way to go.
That makes sense too. I just don’t think PU is the root cause. But it will serve the same goal without gutting the class.
I don’t understand why this trait even still exists if the scrapper just does it better?
It looks like it was just flat upgraded in scrapper?
So whats going on? Are there plans to relook at these pointless traits?
What is the point of this thread exactly?
Your max number of chest depends on your personal level.
lvl 1-10 : no chest
lvl 11-20: one chest max
lvl 21-30 : two chest maxBeware though the bonus is counted when you enter the fractal. The day I turned 21 I only got one chest.
To trigger the chest you also have to complete a fractal of the tier. If you are personal lvl 22 and do a 15 and a 17 you’ll have one chest, not two.
That said, I’m not even sure I fully understand the system myself. Globally I think the system of FOTM from agony resistance requirements to tiers via bonus chests is one thing they could explain way better in game. It is impossible to really get it without the wiki page and even that source is not so clear.
Maybe the reshuffle coming with HoT will clarify the system and make it more straightforward to understand but the golem in the entrance should explain a bit more how it works…
Thanks, makes more sense now !
Right so I did a 29 again today, got bonus chest.
Then did a 38 and got another bonus chest.
I am confused as to how this works….
Reward level 22 today.
You do realise the mind wrack damage trait was nerfed by 5% unless the target is standing still picking their nose then you get a 10% boost over the old trait. Wait picking your nose counts as a skill, I mean stand there drooling mindlessly.
Additionally the greatsword mirror blade with IP before it was made baseline hit 3 times, that’s been dropped down to 2 and you can’t get it back. With a 0.75s cast time where they raise the sword over their head, it’s very easy to see and dodge.
The counter to PU condition is to cleanse and get someone to +1 and burst the mesmer, no dire stats so they are more susceptible. They can’t chain invis or they’re just losing the point. In WvW this is more of an issue due to no point cap but this isn’t the WvW forum.
You can’ telegraph a mirror blade with a good PU mesmer, they won’t waste it out of invis.
And yes PU condi is a problem JUST in SoloQ and in WvW. I did specify.
Nothing to see here, move along -_-u
1) Mental Anguish good damage is only in effect if the target is under the effect of a daze/stun. That’s large enough of an investement already for this trait. Reduce the effect any and Power Block wins out 100% hands down not only for straight up damage, but also its additional effects. As a note, most Mesmers run PB over MA…
2) So you want to reduce Mesmer power burst and replace it with sustained raned AA spam…. like this is a good idea….
3) Phants reveal the Mesmer? Got a problem with phants? Just focus and kill them. It takes about two hits. Or kite and watch as they run through fire fields and AoE over and over. 3 isnt a bit rough, it’s dumb.
Before you start throwing around “solutions”, first convince me they’re needed.
1. the increased dmg ALSO applies when they attack you out of invis when you arn’t in combat. 5/10% is a small nerf.
2. Sarcasm aside, the GS auto has been broken for a long time, it needs fixing and even though it gets a small buff, it won’t replace the burst, it will just allow more counterpressure if the burst isn’t as effective.
3. The problem with PU condi is that they can freely counterpressure while invis, by making phants reveal the mesmer it lessens that free pressure a little bit while still allowing the mesmer to counterpressure and invis(for safety) with skill.
Just read, and you will see I did give reason.
(edited by GrandHaven.1052)
Right we all know Ele is broken as all hell and needs plenty changes, however some don’t agree that mesmers are a bit too strong too. Most people think PU is the cause, I don’t completely agree.
I think PU allows them to get hard damage out of invis with a x4 shatter (self included) and then backup. In short I think Mind Wrack dmg is too high when traited.
I also think PU condi needs toning down.
How? Well by 3 small changes, 2 of them are essentially a nerf, and the last is actually a buff to compensate!
1. Reduce Mental Anguish damage increase by 5% and 10% (for a 10% and 20% increase respectively).
2. Buff or fix the GS autoattack by around 15% dmg OR by fixing the aftercast that has been broken for the longest time! I prefer the second option here.
These 2 changes basically allow mesmer to deal less burst, but thanks to the massive range on GS auto, they can maintain pressure better than previous, making them less reliant on burst in the process.
This is the healthiest way to fix them in my opinion without gutting them.
This next suggestion is a bit more controversial and I really am not sure what kind of impact it would have. However, I do think Condition Shatter mesmer needs toning down for SoloQ. It has way too much counter pressure while being able to camp out invis.
3. Phantasm reveal the mesmer when they complete an attack.
This will also limited power PU a bit, which is good, but still allow plenty of plays with clones.
What do you guys think?
3 is a bit rough, but 1 and 2 is soemthing that needs to happen.
Ah okay, thanks.
Ran a 29, got bonus.
Ran 38, got nothing.
Ran 19, got nothing.
About to do a 49. Hope to get one.
What am i doing wrong?
Personal reward level is 19.
Matchmaking is always trying to make 50/50 matches. There is no active streak-prevention built into matchmaking other than the fact that your MMR adjusts each game. Since you’ve been playing so much, your MMR is ‘certain’ and changes slowly. It has certainly adjusted over the course of the weekend, though.
I suggest watching your game history via a site like http://gw2efficiency.com/account/pvp that uses our new PvP API. This way you know exactly what streaks you’re on.
Edit: Both your streaks were when you played Engineer, which has a lower profession MMR than your account and other professions. Looks like you win more often on Thief
The flaw in this is pinballing MMR/games.
MMR should never try to force a 50% winrate, that will happen in time as your MMR rises.
Seems whenever stealth comes up everyone just thinks OH MY! while back at the ranch by nerfing whats BEHIND the stealth is what matters.
Stealth doesn’t win matches.
And as much as mesmer dps with same gear from 300 range mesmer great sword auto attack makes 5x less damage than warriors great sword auto attack and from over 900 range 2.1x less dmg (yea I know warriors need to be in melee range ) but if we loose burst our dps has to be buffed alot to be on same lvl as rest of classes
I would be perfectly happy with that! Greatsword auto is poor and the aftercast has needed fixing for the longest time.
I just think that condi PU has too much defense for its counterpressure and that mind wrack has too much pure power dmg when traited. Welcome to compensate a 10% mindwrack nerf for a 15% auto attack dmg increase.
(edited by GrandHaven.1052)
Hmm stop just stop please ur making fool of urself…. permanent blind lol it has 120 range so all auto attacks have more range than this…. small tip don’t stand in it… and eaven if you stand in it the ammount of inisative it needs is alot….
Yeah I’m not even willing to respond.
It isn’t even relevant to the post. But he always does this, so no inclination to respond.