They just need to give necros are couple of leap options and be done with it then they will be like every other class. Right now they are expected to be this super tanking class with no mobility. They got the no mobility part right but the amount they tank doesn’t not make up for the lack of mobility.
I would level up in EOTM if you plan on doing WvW. It is faster than Queensdale. You will get tons of badges what you can use to buy wvw gear when you hit 80.
I find most havok groups very bad knowing when to run. Also, you need a class with escape. Running a necro is a bad idea. Basically, it is simple after that. You get a zerg to waste their time chasing you, once it stops, you turn around and pick off the few that kept coming. Rinse and repeat. Take a camp and hold it. Kill small groups that come in but once the odds are to big, escape. The most effective group I seen was one with just engineers, thieves, and mezmers. Even if you downed them, it was impossible to stomp. Even if you did that, as long as one survived, they all got rezzed.
It is a place where people can level their alts and PVEers from small servers can get their wvwvw achievements.
Funny, I didn’t see these threads with JQ was getting double teamed by BG and SoS. Where were the saviors of fair play then? All I saw were poorly remade videos of Mr. youknowwho in his berlin bunker. Sorry, your guild buying, stacking and hacking isn’t working. … one feels sorry for you. Just quit and restack on HoD and pretend you were always there.
15 years of Mmo history has shown 1vs1 doesn’t work. Especially when you have stuff like coverage determine the outcome. If anything, the next Large scale pvp MMO should have more servers linked. It would be even harder for one server to dominate. Of course there would be challenges with lag, but a well designed 5-7 servers all duking it out would be interesting
Winning and losing isn’t important to 90% of the GW2 population. If it was, they all would have joined BG months ago. I think what most people are enjoying is griefing the 10% that do care.
MMOers are concerned with fair. In fact, they are the opposite. They want to be a higher level, have better equipment, more coverage, OP classes, etc. They don’t want equal. Let’s face it, half of them would not be very good if that was the case. If Anet made it even, suicide rates would go up as MMOer learn that only do they lose at life, they can’t even win at a video game.
The way it was done in SWG, if you got killed by someone, you were given the option before you rezzed to place a bounty on them. It would show the current amount of credits they had and you could add more. There names would then show up on bounty mission terminals.
I guess you could have something like that. Placing the bounty would be easy. How to make hunting them would be a little more difficult. It could be just you kill that person by random chance, you get the gold. That isn’t very fun. If you do anything more though, it could be exploited to track commanders.
I was actually looking for a change of pace dropping tiers. However, they are pretty much the same. Every server blobs around the map in karma trains. I find less 1 on 1 battles in the lower tiers than I did in tier 1.
If you were burnt out about fighting BG and JQ……why would you join a server that is fighting them now? Makes no sense to me.
WvWvW is probably heading to a red, green, blue format. Less and less people are playing the game. GW2 had its window but it decided to focus on being another warcraft clone. Like the other clones, it is losing people because they are sick of warcraft. These people are lost in cyberspace hopping from MMO to MMO until something truly different comes about. With how expensive MMOs have become, that day may never come because only big software companies can produce them. These companies are run by the same type people that run the music business, tv, and Hollywood. So get ready for more Justin Bieber, reality shows, Super Hero movies, and Warcraft clones.
Every guardian has AOE stability. Just about ever class has stability. Every class has stun breakers. Hammmer trains aim for the biggest mass of red. BG has the worse open field.
No problem here, just a troll.
It should have been a necro only spell. Since they have the worse mobility, they should have gotten a decent spell that causes immobility.
The way it should work, you have to stop moving for the duration of it will add another second and another stack. Leaping and teleports should add like 5 stacks and 5 seconds. Probably have to make it a single target only spell.
Necros need something special to make up for no mobility. Needs to only work on players also. Could be exploited on mobs.
Roamers shouldn’t be roamers if they die a lot or get caught by zergs.
and what’s even worse, is that they replaced it with a map that gives no incentive for victory.
PPT is the false incentive
I do it the pump.
I don’t think you get it. If the enemy is dropping water fields and healing, they will win. Yeah, they heal less from poison but you caused your side to heal 100% less. Who is going to win that battle?
I think your armor is a little to low. I also am a fan of AH in group fights. You will be twice as sturdy. One empower is almost a full heal. The most important person to heal in the group is you. If you are killed you can’t heal. Maybe replace your trinkets with knights. That should get you to 3K. I would also swap runes to get -condition duration. With how fast they fly around it is better to have a perma reduction in duration than -3 wipe every 40 seconds. I would also switch the mace trait for precision. You will be using staff more than mace in WvW. You have an easier chance to give out might. Each might heals you.
It isn’t that bad. I have played on EU servers and didn’t notice much lag. I know IRON played on SoR and never really complained. Just switch it up. Sometimes you play in NA other times you play in EU.
If you want to fight SoR, you know where they are. No amount of name calling is really going to change it. WvW is baseball, the richest teams usually win. EOTM is like the football, everyone is on equal footing. That is why football is king in the US.
I suggested this months ago. However, it would probably work better if you used the best EU and the worse NA and the best NA with the worse EU. The top tier servers are power houses and do not need much help. Two mid tier servers would cover a lot of their gap times.
What is the problem really? You are winning like you wanted and SoR is having fun where less populated servers can.
It is a win win.
EOTM is the future. Get use to it BG and JQ. Coverage Wars II has died.
I completely agree with Ironvos, for those people claiming that there is no server pride or no one cares about community, I have to say you are wrong. Maybe you don’t care about server pride or your gvg guild doesn’t care, but plenty of people do. That’s why there are vibrant server TS and server websites exist.
Switching the whole WvW mode to EoTM will be a horrible idea. The map is new and interesting and adds a bit variety to normal WvW play. However if the whole WvW is like the color based system where no one knows each other and care about each other, it will get old really fast.
I will take this style of wvw over fighting for something I know will just be taken when I am asleep.
What’s going on? Someone made a good post?
Because people whined and Anet responded. Now people are whining the other way. Since they found out they can get some money out of it, they haven’t bothered to change it. BG pays $10000000 a week to buy guilds. You think they want to stop that cash flow?
I find low graphics so much easier. Less flashes, your side is all one color, you can see at the red circles. The server lags before my piece of crap laptop does.
For WvW, don’t bother solo fighting. You will be out-matched for the most part. Stick with the zerg and karma train. If you are going to level just with wvw, I would invest in +toughness gear. Then +toughness and +vitality when you get two stats. When you get to 3 stats you can pick what you wanna play. Your goal in WvW is not to get downed and be a free rally for the enemy and a heal. That will cause you not to get any xps and your side to lose.
You also want to tag as many players as possible for xps. I would recommend longbow because combustive shot is 9 seconds of range radius tagging magic. Arcing arrow is also a nice AOE. You can also shoot NPCs on walls and seige. All give xps. Most importantly, it is a range weapon. You can launch it from a safe distance.
Next, use sword and warhorn. You want perma-swiftness so you don’t get run downed and a leap so you can quickly catch up to your zerg. Also, sword is a great clean-up weapon. At the start of the battle you are going to be at range firing AOE attacks. Once the other side starts dropping, go in with sword and tag them with bleed. They are downed so they cannot cleanse. In addition, the bleed stops any channel heal in the down state. So they will not rezz without help or a rally. A few ticks of bleed and you get credit and bags. Just pay attention to where the enemy melee train is. If you see it charging in your direction, remember it will go toward the biggest mass of players on your side. You can often avoid damage just from not standing near a blob of people. A lot of times some enemies will break off and try to chase you, but with sword leap you can often make unprofitable for them. Their goal is to kill as many players as possible so they can look cool in their videos and think they do not suck at life. If they have to spend 10 seconds chasing you, they lose out on that.
Of course, you need to be on a server that has good wvw guilds that can down people. It also has to be a wvw guild that aren’t jerks to newbies. Most are super elitist that think being good at a video game actually matters. If you do not die, they won’t mind for the most part. If they do, who cares. They can’t stop you. Just do not expect to be invited to any groups.
I use to run this for giggles. Not a total selfish bot since I am providing a decent regen to people with a small banner heal, swiftness, and CC.
The idea was to use the tactic banner to build about 40 seconds of regen and over 2 minutes of swiftness while the zerg moved around. When the battle first started, I would charge in with the other melees and use the tactics #2 banner to absorb the initial burst. Blast the banner down and then I just start tagging and CCing people. I prefer spiked armor to help with the tag credit.
During 3 way zerg fights where you can’t off anything, it worked great because the the heals are passive. It also works great at gates. You can give regen to ram users and a decent 1K heal with banner #2. Drop it for blast heal, someone else picks it up and uses the #2 and blasts. Repeat. 3 people can keep a heal non-stop for 800-900 healing per skill plus the regen. Was always fun to see how much I absorbed before I had to back off.
If you want more selfishness. Switch battle standard for rampage. If you get zerged on, you have an amazing amount of mobility. Use rush on banner, pop your sword leap and then go into rampage. You get an awesome second leap on 6 second cooldown. If someone is close, throw a boulder at them. Facing doesn’t matter. Funny has hell watching the boulder clock someone has you throw it behind you. It is also great for chasing people down because the auto has a daze and you have two stuns.
You do no damage but you can survive anything.
There is a big difference between pvp and pve. Pvp you need to think about mobility and counters to stuff like stun locks and condition overloads. PVE, you ignore that and find the fastest way to kill stuff while the thing you fight does the same exact thing as it did the first 5000000000 times you did it.
I would rethink using well of suffering. It doesn’t really do much for you since you are condition damage. I would use the blindness one esp since you have the chill trait. Then again, I probably wouldn’t use wells for roaming. They are more for zerg battles. I would use more spectral skills because you can get some added protection and an extra fear.
I would also switch ruins. Get speed for auto 25% movement. That frees up another utility slot. I wouldn’t worry about having 100% duration. It doesn’t make that much difference and you give up a lot for it.
The only other thing is you got to watch where you are at. You can’t run so you have to have a pre-made exit strategy. If you are going to venture far from a tower, stick near a cliff. With spectral walk you can buy yourself time by jumping down and porting back up. I am thinking about rerolling mine and making a Norn for leopard. Just sucks getting zerged on without any way to run. Travel with a guardian. They patch a lot of your weaknesses.
So glad this guy isn’t looking for a challenge and just wants to flock to the easiest server. Go to BG, you will feel right at home.
Having played a thief, warrior, elementalist, ranger, guardian and nerco all to 80. I mainly wvwed with each of them over 100 hours, here is my ranking on them from mainly that point of view.
1. Ranger – Bunch a problems with pets. They do not work in wvw or Pve. No excuse for pet missing so much. Increase their movement speed to account for the crappy AI. Copy WoW if you have to or even Star Wars Galaxies, they seemed to have pets right.
2. Necro – Necro either needs more leeching to account for its lousy mobility or some leap mobility skills. Makes no sense when you compare them to other tanking classes.
3. Elementalist – Been awhile since I played mine, but I never liked how I was forced into defense so much. If I am going to be a pocket rocket, give me more offense. Bright wizard of warhammer comes to mind.
4. Guardian – Great in zerg warfare. Wish some of the teleport skills were non-targeted leaps, but it is a solid class. Vitality should get a bump. It is a warrior class.
5. Thief – I know they are good, I just sucked at them. Ironically, they aren’t as bad as people think in zerg vs zerg. Some fun zerg builds that rack up bags and can cause a lot of havok.
6. Warrior – If you are not good at MMOs and clicking skills, warrior is great. It is also very easy. It has great mobility (which is a must in WvW). Can get 3K armor without much effort. Decent power or condition damage. The passive heal is nice. I remember using it back when it was like 230 heal per second. The day they bumped it up to 410 I didn’t read the patch notes so I had no idea. I just remember saying to myself…kitten , for some reason I am doing super awesome today. I must rock.
Warriors can get it also several ways. Then again, they get everything
I am not sure what is worse, people using it to get ppt or people crying over it. WWWWWWHHHHHHAAAAAAA
If you want to do any solo or small group roaming, Norn snow leopard comes in handy. If you are going purely on looks, human female. Otherwise, big norn dude in pink armor will stand out.
Been running semi-zerker necro for awhile in wvw. All long as you pay attention to position, you will do ok. Most train guilds are predictable. They go for the biggest glob of people.
I always carry one weapon to stack power then switch it out to the other once I have 25 especially in WvW. I never go into battle without 25 stacks.
WvW is slowly dying because it is nothing more than who has the most off hour coverage. Until that is fixed, it is a waste of time.
Two years already? I never got my 2nd birthday booster
Can we please get rid of dungeons or put the entrances in pvp zones so I can kill people that actually think they are fun. When they do that, they can get rid of Queensdale.
If you are going to do roaming wvw, norn would be best. Snow leopard will allow you to escape zergs. Otherwise, you have to stick around keeps and such. I hate playing my necro for that reason, one little chill and I am at the end of the zerg getting chased down by warriors and thieves.
Should have seen them when orbs were still in the game.
Would help to see your build. Necro is a bad match-up for most guardian builds in spvp. The best way to kill them is with stun and knockdowns, something guardians don’t have a lot of. Only thing I could think of is stacking condition removals. Purging flames is a nice 3 removal one on a shorter duration than contemplation of purity. It also reduces duration of conditions by 33%. However, you lose a stun break. You could take both. That would be one full condition wipe, two that remove 3 if you take the virtue, and 2 passives on 10 second timer. If you have renewed focus as an elite, that gives you another 3 with virtue reset. That gives you one utility slot to play with. Space your removals out and only use it when you have some serious stacks of bleeds.
Get rid of healing stats and replace with vitality.
Even then, I am pretty sure a decent necro would out-last a guardian 1v1. That is where you teammates come in. As easy as it is for a necro vs you, a necro is a bad match-up vs other classes. A warrior with tons of stuns and cleansing ire will make quick work of them.
I’ve been REALLY wanting to dual wield swords(just got a Jormag’s Breath and have the Fiery Dragon Sword through HoM)
….and while I do not like Mesmer…and do like Warrior, I plan to use them on warrior….
however, my warrior right now is a Axe/Mace + GS cookie cutter build….and i don’t really want to change all of my gear, but can if it would hamper me that much
anyways….is a Zerker Sword/Sword build viable?
if not, list your condi build if you have it too, and if i should take Carrion, or Ravager(i think thats the other condi prefix armor)
Kinda depends on what you plan on doing. PVE, sPvP, WvW zerg, WvW roaming in small group, or WvW roaming solo.
Then you have to consider if you want to be tanky or dps.
This is a pointless conversation when people don’t even listen to what the opposing viewpoint is saying.
Some people get fixated on the word night. And timezones. The issue is not about "night"capping or where you live on a round planet (too bad the world isn’t flat) or when you work or when you sleep or any of that.
Its about different numbers of people playing at different times in our 24-hour cycle around the sun. And its about fun. Funny the way some people decrying some method of balance talk about fun. Thats exactly why people have talked about this since launch.
It is more fun to play when you have a relatively equal number of people involved. And it is more fun when the score is close.
Anyway, I’m betting by July WvW will have gone to Red vs. Green vs. Blue. They can do it with the EOTM map and that will be the testing ground. Soon after it’ll expand to WvW proper.
Common sense…who would have tunk it
Attackers already have the advantage, which goes against all logic and common sense. No need to make it even worse.
Not sure where you play, but I’ve seen groups of 5 well coordinated teams who can hold a tower against 20 people indefinitely. Most attackers will just move along.
I have seen 5 players take a tower from 20. Doesn’t prove anything.
The wvw system has some fundamental flaws. It rewards people who flock to the winning server. Off hour players have more influence over the out-come of a match than prime time players. There is no incentive for the two weaker servers to gang up on the stronger server. In fact, the opposite happens, the two stronger servers annihilate the weaker one to the point many players just do not play.
WvW is baseball when it needs to be football.
Agree with above on ruins. For weapons, I like AOE torment on longbow and poison on sword. Cutting someone’s heal by 50% is golden and the extra torment helps on runners and kitters.