Showing Posts For Lunar Corporation.5720:

Rotation Help Page

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Just an opinion but rotations between home, mid and far points are way more important than skill rotations in fights… the former is less intuitive as the latter. I came here thinking that’s what this post was about, but alas…

Just call me Lunar

Ele Arcane power in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

. . .

Arcane Power. the skill that was buffed since last patch? >.<

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

New meta analysis and what went wrong.

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Hey Skittled I think we need to consider the nerfs in context with the removal of all on crit sigils as well. playing the game feels a little cleaner? if that makes any sense? looking outside of team composition and individual profession skills, we are facing a general shift in gameplay with this patch than anything else, which i for one am somewhat excited about. we always think in terms of nerf, buff, but it’s pretty apparent that the object of this patch was more overreaching, to the general state of play? but maybe I’m just overthinking it X)

Just call me Lunar

Ele Arcane power in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

So been asking around in game about this skill to no avail, meaning no responses. I’ve been running it on cavalier amulet with s/d and it’s been a blast. CD is the only problem— but when it’s up it wrecks especially in team fights. any other ele players been pugging with this skill in mind?

Just call me Lunar

Let's talk about the new patch, here.

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

First of all, the turret rework is appreciated, but similar to what they did with Utility Goggles a few patches ago by reducing its cooldown, it’s just not enough to make them worth taking over gyros.

ArenaNet feels the need to just chip away at the foundations of our class, literally pigeonholing us to our elite specialization and its blase, passive-riddled existence.

For such a mechanically diverse and creative profession, it’s a serious travesty what ArenaNet has done to this profession. In PvE you’re stuck either AFK bomb autoing or playing a piano.

>speaking as a pvp engi player main, the changes don’t really add up to much. I much enjoyed thumper turret blasting enemies off nodes for an easy decap than anything else but that’s gone now. and coordinating blast finishers w/ turrets has gotten some getting accustomed to. Pretty minor.

>The old system of traitlines and getting to combine your amulet with the lesser trinket added more variety and contempation to builds for engi or say ele… but i secretly like elite specializations. Now i don’t have to think much about which build i am going to use. passives and CC are still problems imo. engineer has always been as much of a culprit as any other class tho in both respects.

>Like pve, you can play literally what ever you want to in pvp. on engi you can blast finisher up 20 might on a super tanky build and go to town. It’s entertaining. of course half the time my combo gets interrupted, but hey, the other half is pretty funny. …Now (ed.) my might stack just gets stolen X(

“Competition” in this game is not so much as playing the “accepted build” as it is playing smart with the build you’re running.

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

dragon hunters are not ok

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

If you dodge the judges intervention/trap combo you will probably win the fight. if you can’t time the dodge (which is purely intuitive with no sign of cast or anything) then you’re set on what ever invul skill you have. If both dodges and invul are on cooldown, you’re a done deal.

I have held point to two dh trap builds on mesmer with some extremely lucky dodges and the excess invul, blocks, etc. they weren’t medi so i could handle em X) but the class is really punishing when you don’t have that intuitive thought of “first thing they are going to do is their full dps combo.” consequently, many die instantly.

probably not a good mechanic tho.

Just call me Lunar

PvP is dead

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

I love this game because of its PvP system. Well, that’s the PAST now, we would definitely love to see a change in PvP like rebalancing? team of 4 PvP? Or maybe something that can get the thrill back to PvP? Oh please Anet! Just answer us! Let us know what you are going to do next! Don’t fool us anymore! You have already killed WvW, don’t kill PvP too!

Been playing conquest for a while… enjoy it because every pug comp is so random that you will be playing a bit differently regardless of the map you’re playing. But yea, another mode that’s not king of the hill on three diff hills with 5 point arm wrestling matches thrown in there would be great. just pls no pve with my pvp… Capture the flag would be cool.

Just call me Lunar

SAB Dukk's Boom Box

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

DusK u rock man, I’m blasting your tracks all over tyria

Just call me Lunar

SAB Dukk's Boom Box

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Oh sry just read your edit, yea that clears it up.

Just call me Lunar

SAB Dukk's Boom Box

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

I cleared world 1 trib and got the first box yesterday. Currently neither items can be purchased. . . . . . The Wiki is telling me i can complete trib again and the items will be available for purchase again . . . ?

Just call me Lunar

SAB Dukk's Boom Box

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

I am just trying to clarify: I need to complete tribulation mode in all worlds for the two Dusk boom boxes to be available for purchase from moto in rata sum?


Just call me Lunar

State of the Game: sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

“We will also be refunding all spent World Ability Points of all characters in the game at the start of the season. This will allow you to decide on a particular play style for the season and load your characters the way you wish to play them”

Terrible way to collect data for pvpers on a bigger scale. (sarcasm) guys this is good for everyone i dun know why anyone would be complaining. Shouldn’t this go to the wvw forum?

Just call me Lunar

Stability needs a visual queue

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Yes. It is true. One can only determine stab by the little boon icon, how well Ive gotten to know that one. Why not move the retal animation to stab and ex nil the retal frames…

Just call me Lunar

Jon Sharp and The Wire

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

^lol! (15 chars)

Just call me Lunar

Jon Sharp and The Wire

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Overall, interesting observations. You must have studied film at some point!

But fiction is still fiction. If anything you identify some points that are obvious parts of almost any organization that meets ends, deadlines, and people (faces we know on livestreams, casts, etc,), who face the great conflicts of organizational culture. Overall I think we got a pretty solid team if there are some mediators willing to talk to us, the product buyers, obviously this is a threshold value for ANET from top to bottom.

Just call me Lunar

sPvP, balance, a little philosophy, and life.

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

For the pvp community: A time to gather stones and a time to scatter them.
for build variety: a time to destroy and a time to build up.
who ever wants to hear that can understand that. Keep doing w/e you’re going to do because no one is out here to force you to stay or leave. Thanks for the post Jon.

Just call me Lunar

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

first point, Balance is a lot deeper than just how many peeps u got on ur team. It goes into a build/class effectiveness issue too. I like trying different traits, but when people start getting angry, because you dont choose the fotm traits to win, it can get annoying. Some parts are play to win, others are play to see what works for you. pretty sure a good balance of both makes the experience worth while.

The community is crap, IM on anvil rock, the biggest pvp server, and I just don’t talk to anyone. Even if i say something like “nice combo” I get cussed at lol.


(ed. i guess that sounded really negative. But truth is there are a lot of great people Ive met too, and discussed builds, the game, life, so forth. There’re good and bad apples)

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Explain how this is possible

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Not taking any rank seriously that is less than 100 games in the solo q. (self included -.-)

Just call me Lunar

Um Are we the counter to spirit rangers?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Spirit rangers will be down stated, and then get back up, upstate new york style, while we’ll be in the bronx. west side story.

Just call me Lunar

As a scepter/focus ele....

in Elementalist

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

earth 5, two awesome blinds earth 3 and air 3, in addition to that knock back… if you see immunity to conditions on the warrior wait 8 seconds before laying conditions down and use earthen armor. storm glyph in earth is useful too. GL

Just call me Lunar

Is Warrior any good in PvP?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Tournament wise… other damage dealing specs like thief or mesmer have quite a few more tricks and can burst likewise, and have great mobility for capping back point or pushing far.

But this leads me to a question… GS warrior+bulls rush+sword main hand is super mobility in game. no one will catch it. but I never see them going far point. guess Ill have to try it myself and see how well it may be.

Maybe a full cleric “inspiring battle standard” /heal signet warrior banking home could do some work too. those r my thoughts take them as you will.

If you’re going to do spvp I like a classic zerker build tyvm. 8 on 8, anything goes gl

Just call me Lunar

Current state of the meta.

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

^Vitality (having atleast 20k) will help you a lot. The problem is that the boon stripping and attack power that comes from necros likewise is an agonizing venture.

I play hot join. I have found no issue with the “chaos”, there are definitely some chaotic games. But there are some competitive games there too where you learn a lot about team dynamics on the spot (little communication involved except player animations and boons—-Which to me is enough). I don’t like tournys for the fact that there are a lot of players who are very serious about their comp and tell you what they want you to run.

Fair enough. There should be a strategy, and I dont mean to knock it. But the meta isn’t broken because some people are flavoring up their comps with post patch considerations. ANET has pushed an initiative from the past update and for PAX this will be a big re-think for your comp.

Is that a bad thing? do you want to keep running what you have? do you despise a challenge against “No Names”? ask yourself those questions. Hopefully you’ve already got a sure answer that you can stick up for yourself and not bother others with some insecurities about a “condi spam” meta. Yeah Ive been chain feared. ive been powered out 1v1, even on my warrior in full zerker which i play not so kitten bad at, by some light armor necro in a 30/30/… build. It was shameful. but I’ve learned what to slot since those encounters, and pace the fight out.

All the best to competitive teams out there, like paradigm, enjoy watching u play.

edit; I want to see you crush this new zombie meta, not give in to it

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Dont forget to nerf bomb engi

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Warriors also play on a high skill cap. A warrior with mace/shield and gs with say 0/20/20/0/30, will completely shut down a bomb engi dont care how u r built. its the perfect counter build because most engineers only run one stun break. so that player with a high skill in that build will follow u and stun u all day long and u will be completely useless to your team… atleast other than occupying that warrior’s time for a while eheh

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Finally deciding to share top tier WvW builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Hey Lord Titan, Looking for some advice on my current PVP warrior.

I am a GS, Bow Warrior running 0/0/20/30/20 with the Knights Amulet. Ive chosen this for the 30k xp for many pesky attrition/condi builds these days. My atk power rests at roughly 2900, (which is low imo), but my crit rate is at 44 with precision signet, and 20% in crit damage helps. Of course I take mobility for anything else on the discipline line.

I run war banner with grandmaster regen from banners on the vit tree. so while my damage increase i get health regen too. Even with the insane cast time I usually click it when a team mate is downed.

I like this build because of the mobility and the condi cleanse, but wish I had more power. I cant burst a ele down which is dissapointing, I usually just ignore them. I wish I had more power with this build and I dunno what I should do to keep the vit and the precision, the mobility, and getting a better burst capability.


Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

post patch explanations

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

I look at my necro, with almost standard condition / half-bunker / corrupt boon + signet of undeath + epidemic + plague. With recent changes it’s not viable anymore

Well, I don’t think anet had nerfing your particular build in mind… If you find some way to benefit from some of the changes I think that would be best. Although how you did things before may have worked, perhaps going full condition will benefit u, blood is power after all.

I would love to hear reasons why break stun was changed, and how they see new builds on pvp. What they wanted to nerf, and why.

This is an awesome question, i want to know too ! Warrior found some awesome stun breakrs now. plus there are some stun breakers that r adding stability for 1 second as well. Seems like Movement from class to class has taken a big change. Disengaging fights is a little different in the mists now… Eles casting seems way faster now X(

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

post patch explanations

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Thanks for adding this, I never played GW1 to see a patch note there and didn’t check. But, content wise there is much less than what we find for example in our most recent patch. Its hard to compare but I see a little more what the op expects.

So when can we expect the rationale behind these changes to be released to us so we understand why the changes have been made?

I guess my real advice is this: It’s just about profession balancing. The meta is evolving and we can learn with it or leave it. For example, I watched some tournys the other day, but, now we should expect to find new builds that begin to plateau. simple as that in my mind

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

post patch explanations

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

i dun see any problem here, there is a lot of info on the web previewing the upcoming changes, especially about necro… last “state of the game” too gave us info. the reason is simply put, “profession balance,” and “a varied meta,” avoiding any pigeon holes to the way we trait or equip. i don’t think there is any contradiction with the previous vision of how the company views class roles/way to play, just, the traits needed revamping, and devs r advancing that priority in our most recent patch.

if your wondering, it will lead to A. players who learn and adapt and help the meta to plateau and B. the player base that will leave a meta they see that wont plateau. kind of a catch 22

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

GW2 as it is...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Mr Operator:

About your grind statement: My kid’s pretty clever too, but shiny things are enough for him to be preoccupied (atleast for a bit). bring out the next shiny thing and he’s pretty excited again lol.

Look, GW2 is nothing like some other cash shop games. some B2P games, in order to compete in the end game, you must cash shop. That doesn’t happen here. Gems r optional for aesthetics. The grind (for Ectos, 400+ mats, on TP) is affected by the cash shop . . . and which affects the economy. but there is nothing that tampers with build variety or profession balance that can be derived from an excess in gems. It’s not a bad thing, the economy is not broken. A vast majority of essential tokens/items can only be grinded for with the help of friends, and, you have the opportunity to make new friends this way, if you lost some in your guild.

But, I am not writing here to convince you to play the game. I am here to say I think the devs work hard to make things happen, but it’s happening on a profession-balance mechanic, creatively, way more than anywhere else. I play consistently in the mists and am having a blast, also I think the skill level is huge when you get to know several different professions and keep up with the trendy “flavors of the mo”. I like doing that, I feel like as the game evolves, I’m keeping in step and learning more too.

It’ just… I’m really surprised that the devs have juggled profession balancing and build variety in the mix of their long priority list FOR THIS LONG. I thought the point that the updates and tweaking to professions would be minimized would come sooner… but now we have a patch that is vastly changing some professions (by the sounds of it) That makes me nervous, and uncertain but well see, it’s a step that will be a bit risky but I think it’s a sign they are trying to advance the due date on this one. Hopefully this company can take hold of their own objectives for the professions and let it settle. regardless, Should see a peaking point that will leave professions in a fix position soon enough… Or see a large player base leave because the game wont form into a varied meta.

I’ve sat playing since launch. There’s been a lot of changes. But I can agree with something stated. The AI is “preteen” (lol). Seriously, though, some thing needs to be done in regards to AI… some kind of consistent aggro/pull mechanics would be awesome IMO. would make dungeons a hell of a lot easier to strategize on the player part and developer part. Hopefully when the profession balance, then AI can improve in the future.

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Is HgH really OP?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

@this individual,

Still waiting on in-game video that shows HGH being OP. Anyone have some?

Looking up the player attributed as “mask” may be the confirmation u need.

retaliation + might stacking makes me a smelly fish

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Are videogames art or just entertainment?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Id like to state also, video games make a lot more of the “fantastic” art that we enjoy… Ive come to call it fart F A R T

Just call me Lunar

Are videogames art or just entertainment?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720


Car COMPANIES, have a quota to meet, and their designs are often bent on the gains and wains of the economy, which broadly speaking any artist, really, is socially accountable to. But we venture into a “fine art”, when something is created that uncovers a relational aspect with our own human experience. I don’t know any car that I have truly felt bound to emotionally. Although I have met car collectors who have made beautiful things out of old cars. The car trick company Braubus in Germany is an awesome example of this too.

Similarly ANET’s a company bound by quota to make it’s ends. I think that this company has “tricked out” the videogame industry, with a sense of novelty. I have played games that I’ve thought have some real reflection with the culture that we live in, some to a positive degree, others to a negative degree. That doesn’t change my behavior, maybe I’ll sit thinking in the bathtub a little longer about something, but all in all I am just living with a new, fresh view of what I have already known…

I am a much more traditional person who has a high degree of beauty in art. I enjoy landscapes. I am not about to say that this game is a “fine art” in comparison with walking into a museum or reading Tolstoy, but there are elements that draw me into the work, in which case I would say it is a successful production, while other parts of it do fail. but that’s for a different thread.

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Are videogames art or just entertainment?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

They’re a service.

And this is profound.

Just call me Lunar

Are videogames art or just entertainment?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Art is a varied term. It once meant beauty, sacrament, a tribute to gods… now we have museums, bubble gum walls, graphitti and urinals. What was once strictly cultural tradition also has become art in a variety of ways, thus TIME is essential, as the OP suggests, “the age of itself”…

Is this art? My conclusion is yes, because of the amount of culture that has become enthralled not just PLAYING video games, but also a language, lifestyle, with its own arrangement of norms and traditions. I have no doubt some day 100 years from now videogame culture will be different, and so will today’s norm be tomorrow’s thoughtful reflection. I’d say that is in the tradition of art.

As a practice, however, we get into some mediums that may seem controversial in calling video games an artistic discipline. take a step back, is graphic design considered art? when you look at a magazine are there elements of artistic scope in any designs? absolutely, likewise with graphic art, so the virtual as well. There is scope and artistic elements that are timeless, that I have no doubt developers of guild wars even have studied them.

Another suggestion from the OP comes from an artistic reflection of the art critic. I.E., those who experience the work. when one sees a work of art, what impressions are drawn, which are contextual, which are historical, which have connections with other mediums and make their own circles of comparison? “Winning” is the common aspect in games, that we experience. But I’d argue that when we view a comedy or a tragedy, we also incorporate ourselves into that character, so we feel their success, their failures, and walk away with a sense of meaning by identifying with art, so because we can identify within a degree with the characters we encounter, or relate to, or make judgments about, we automatically enter the realm of criticism.

So. Narrative and criticism are capable. A sense of tradition and culture are there. and there are degrees of artistic scope in design. Now anyone can come and compare the degree to which the artistic scope goes, whether it is Good, meaningful, or lousy and lazy, whether there are any adherences to tradition or culture, either, can be considered. but to some degree in GW2, I think all these are present.

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Q: FT Engineer Gear

in Engineer

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

It really depends on your traits. If you are 30 into explosives, sure soldier gear is awesome, in which case bomb/grenade are both great. Knights is impressive because you are at max toughness (in pve) or max vitality (in spvp). I do recommend it.

My experience? I run straight rabid gear which has some toughness (less than knights) and I have no probs in any dungeon including arah… my HP is 20000~ I think cuz of wvw bonuses, I am usually at 19k~ For me? most of the time I am in the face of bosses w/ toolkit in hand and pumping quickness, and still walk away scott free. You may be getting more damage if you are a pure power build by choosing knights.

Differences for you to consider: Because the FT #1 hits a lot, you have a lot of opportunity for crits. If you have atleast 25 down the precision tree, then you are bleeding and doing +damage to bleeding foes while in the kit (damage to burning foes has also been buffed w/ flamethrower from the last update too). So gaining precision from knights gear, I think, would be huge and even make up for power lost from your soldier gear, while keeping high toughness (in PVE)/vit (In PVP)

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Bot Hot Spots

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Hey, I’m on anvil rock, and since doing my map completion I noticed a LOT of bots on the Orr maps, especially “Leap” in a matter of 5 minutes i ran into 3 bots there. Reported them all. It’s easy to tell when they are jumping from resources, or attacking mobs there oddly… But I always CHAT them to see if they respond, “Hey can you help me”, try to annoy them, when there is no response I report.

Just call me Lunar

Recruiting all [SBTC] Christian guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Saved by the Cross [SBTC] North American guild recruiting all players of any level for community, chat, group events, guild quests, dungeons, WvWvW, PVP, . . . feel free to write a message in the thread or by PM if you’re looking for a solid guild, Im on pacific standard time ~ Love God or not, the aim is love anyway!!!!!!

JUST STARTING UP, have 5,000 influence, Need officers and all the like. Would be great if any group of players looking for a guild would like to join, I play often invitation is for anyone who enjoys gw2 and would like to join a guild TYVM

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Best way to get Monthly Master Crafting...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Awesome thanks for the replies, on the road to completing this monthly! looks like im going the way of embroidered jute insignias. Again thanks a lot

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Best way to get Monthly Master Crafting...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Looking for the cheapest, easiest and quickest way to level a crafting skill that will produce green items so I can get my monthly done … I am not a fan of crafting :/ please be clear and concise! Right now I have Chef and Armorsmith at roughly lvl 50. Willing to choose another craft just to get this monthly done. THANKS IN ADVANCE!

Just call me Lunar

I want to keep playing- but lost at 80

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

I play the game, WvW, dungeon runs, random parties r fun, don’t really have a goal, no promises made, but usually keep coming back for one reason or another. I prefer it that way, got enough goals IRL that r stressful enough why make the game stressful lol. I know what you mean about SPVP tho. I get a kick out of it anyway, not having any promises or anything, just playin and see what happens. I was really hoping for some kind of rank (number), not one that scales like leveling, but scales w/ your wins… but no. So kinda lame on that. but Maybe you can get really good and join the top tier roster ;p

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Grenade build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Well, op can vow for what ever they like most about Grenade kit.

but those are THE builds for condition damage and direct damage with grenade kit. No two ways about it.

Bellyboomer says they want to stick in the kit more than the weapon, so I guess it wouldn’t matter, just go for the stats that work out for your build. Thanks for the correction, weapon STATS affect kits.

EG 30/30/0/0/10, you want to choose weapon(s) with top condition damage stats (rabid, carrion)
30/10/0/0/30, you want to chooseweapon(s) with top damage with +crit per cent (berzerker).

and likewise, you want to choose same armor stats and trinkets. GL!

1 more thing @maullus … a zerker is a zerker is a zerker w/e utilities you prefer. condi is condi is condi, though of course some utilities work more for either spec.
HGH is our boon (might) spec. if you want to rely on boons for your power (attack, stat, damage…?), go for it, there are a lot of great traits down the alchemy tree. It’s an option.

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Grenade build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Yes thankfully traiting for Grenades is pretty straight forward… 30/30/0/0/10 is THE option going for condi damage from grenades and using carrion or rabid gear/trinkets/upgrades. Another option is 30/10/0/0/30 (my personal favorite with the grenades) which is THE straight damage build, equipping Berzerker/rampage armor. Rampage is pretty good accross the board for either spec, but you do lose some of the damage. Those are THE builds for grenades. I would suggest you try what you like most about grenades. I’ve seen people go all into condi duration but little into condi damage, that is really effective too Makes things like Freeze Grenade and poison really deadly.

One more tip for you is use a rifle if you’re using grenades. Your kit scales with your weapon power, where rifle deals a lot more damage than the dual pistols.

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Arah Vets grouping together to do Arah Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Row Tatao
Condi/direct dmag hybrid
Have experience with path tree

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Tips/Advice for my Condi/Crit Engi?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

hey, I run a similar build, 10/30/0/20/10, with rabid and rampager mix, and a mix of monk runes and water runes for +boon duration. I typically have p/s, and use a flamethrower to ensure longer burns on tougher enemies. I love all the traits mentioned here. One thing id like to point out is how effective a rifle is too for your build, as it is very easy to swap the traits for better dps output for certain fights. plus i find myself switching to range sometimes too.

I always keep up trait “I” in alchemy with speedy kits for constant vigor. I think it’s huge especially for kiting tough bosses (like lup). usually when I run dungeons I find myself always switching to rifle to support dps.?with crit and some damage, which you have, it is worth it IMO

Just call me Lunar

Flamethrower is still not worth the slot

in Engineer

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

um 30 in firearms, 30 in alchemy, as far as I’m concerned, got a pretty huge buff. espcially those HGH builds that run Flamethrower. you’re dealing just less than +60% damage against bleeding foes, burning foes, with nice might stacks (with VII in alchemy). With pure zerker armor/trinkets that is huge. lets forget that you’re also dealing condi. gonna argue why this kit doesn’t rock? LOLZZZ

Just call me Lunar

My 3 kit build .

in Engineer

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Your English ain’t half bad. Plus this is the forums, no one writing a Textbook or some new literary novel here as far as I’m aware.

I’m interested in this build because I run a lot of the same utilities, I.E. Healing Turret, EG, FT. And I run a Pistol Shield. In terms of traits the only thing we have in common is the 20 in alchemy. But I take the I and VII routes. I have 30 in firearms with Infused shots, which gives me perma vigor. my Crit rate is 40% with knights gear armor and rabid trinkets. (really like the ascended Hymn to the Prophets amulet).

I have perma vigor which is huge for this class as we deal lots of damage in a neutral zone, which is gained through crits and kit swapping while zeroing in on the enemy. The other advantage i see with the update which I think was awesome for engineers is the fact that we can gain mega power off of the flamethrower.

As engi, I get my power from +damage % traits and generally avoid power gear (working on switching to rabid Orrian armor). So VII in alchemy gives you 15% damage boost, against burning foes thats +25% damage. might be a big help for u in terms of damage w/ flamer eh. I think 23% crit for engi is low :/ But I get that you have a power/tough build which streams better together with lesser crit. I just find that I have a lot more damage as engi with rabid gear, plus survivability from toughness provided.

In terms of those classes, No, it’s not just you, I have trouble with them in my condition build too (10/30/0/20/10) when there is the opportunity to clear conditions while running away. I use slick shoes in PVP just to track down the guys who pull their OH kitten moves to deny the escape route. But sometimes tricky with thieves.

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Burst spec discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Hey have a main Engineer/Warrior duo and have spec’d at one time or another in the 100nade/100blade respectively. Also been on the receiving end of both to understand the mechanics pretty well as I have done countless pvp matches. I’ve said in past posts 100b and 100nade are vastly different, so glad to have the opportunity to comment here.

In terms of damage on either profession, these combos are the ultimate snare strategy, prying on engaging a player that is not suspecting the burst eg occupied in another fight with another player, or when that player is ignorant of the combo that prelude the burst damage. They are the same in this way.

Where they vastly differ is in a player’s opportunity for mitigation. a 100b burst will shut down a knocked down/stunned player, a 100nade burst will shut down an immobilized player. For the warrior, there are many more opportunities that make 100b more notorious, because there are a variety of means that players get knocked down, stunned, and we enter a scenario where you can very suddenly burst without having to bullrush, use a knockdown, etc.

Engi has to be much more careful with 100nade, which makes it such a different move. largely the player has to have more control, hitting the immobilize themselves, or using a pull, which is always an indicator for the other player to easily avoid the burst. Five Gauge’s videos testify to this, as in 99% of the times he hits the combo, he is standing in the immobilized character’s model to barrage and swap. some just do a pull and barrage/swap, but for less burst damage there, but still one can put up aegis, blind, shield, etc.

To summarize, 100b is a better move because it suggests we SHOULD put in a stun breaker, as does mesmer burst and pistol whip thief—without the stunbreak we otherwise face the combo. What does 100nade bring us to slot? Guardian doesn’t have to slot anything to avoid damage there. It’s a snare for players who don’t look/think twice, but easily countered when the whole barrage can count for “miss”.

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Not your usual question.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Don’t waste your time on dating sites, and, generally, thinking about ways you can get what you want. the fact that you aren’t getting something may be the biggest message for you to sit with, fighting may be like fire and brimstone.

td:lr Don’t waste time on random sites, ur not gonna get what u want.

Just call me Lunar

A Rational Explanation for Price Increases

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

I think one thing that breaks any kind of real economic speculation about well, getting resources, and putting resources in the market, is the RNG factor. Sure players love being noticed, but I think we love being lucky way more.

Mystic forge really changes any sane look at economic factors in game. Of course higher ups are the ones putting more into the system (e.g. endgame zone farming, crafting for 400 in smithing, jeweling, etc,) that adds a lot … but salvages/ putting things into the forge (both which have added benefits, just not economic), add a game element that really breaks any true economic speculation . . .

How, for example, does a player that does not buy gems, does not trade gold, but farms the game for mats to put into the forge, add an element to the game? It’s a classic RNG set up when that player say farms some exotics from Orr and puts them all into the forge and gets a precursor. That would be a huge amount of profit.

But, on the other hand, lodestones are a perfect example of something to farm for in game that would be a projected, replenishing and diminishing cash and supply. Hard to get, higher cash. Fractals is good for the economy in this sense, because we would not have much of an economy without added opportunity. And the added opportunity adds to our interest right, adds to our cost. However, In the end I think the economy comes down to a crazy balance that really can’t be managed by any standard economic practice, because of an RNG lottery mechanic, WHILE getting gold from steady sources here and there.

From my perspective, food is the steadiest source of economic trade in game. Other than that, I’d say there would be more supply/demand were tokens from dungeons no longer account bound, which would be pretty steady because getting any great ITEMS from dungeons is so lacking as it stands (low RNG, stronger economic system).

(ed. What exists is a mix of economy and RNG, it’s the MMO world, not the real world. So, really, players can achieve something really great by playing the game, and not even touching the market, but suddenly be thrown into the market if they get their hands on something they can sell to fund for what they’re goin for in the long run… Unless the game was totally built off of some cash shop to get precursors, lodestones, clovers, etc, e.g. pay for packs, Thank —- this isn’t that, we have a pretty classic GAMING economy).

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

is it me are engi's in a rough spot right now

in Engineer

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

Sorry but i really do think this is a L2P issue . . . Learn to play engi, and get to know other classes takes time. Learning engineer is a great place to start, it is a more difficult class to get down in terms of the type of damage you are dealing and survival too (nothing like rifle warrior, mobility and boons of an ele, conditions of ranger, aoe of necro, etc), But you do have access to all these things. You can get it all down pretty quick (I personally rely on rabid specs across the board) … when against other classes the more you play against them — P/S beats any glass cannon thief spec, as does well timed rifle ccs, mesmer illusionary duelist dies so quick its laughable, as for turrets, thumper really is your only best bet there as it’s high health and holds a point in pvp, immune to conditions so forth. Engi is great condi support. Plus you bring knock backs on enemy dps which disrupts any combos set up on u and your teammates. Just look out for warriors. Im a big fan of P/S with flame thrower, battering ram and slick shoes, 800+ wins in spvp – rank 36, all done by my engineer.

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Flamethrower change in January patch

in Engineer

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

definitely noticing the difference too in PvE, THANKS DEVS!!!!! XD

Just call me Lunar