I like that there is races of different species. Quaggan have orcas, hylek have itzel. I hope we see different giants.
It was good episode until i got stuck with fighting my self in shining blade trial. I dont know what i need to do, so this episode was over for me i guess. Now waiting for dulfy’s help. This kind of puzzle should stay out of story instances or atleast give better hint what to do. Really gave me bad taste for this episode
Elite specs are supposed to change gameplay so petless ranger make sense.
Kudu was good villain. We killed him too fast, would have made good villain alongside with elder dragons. I hope we see more inquest in next expansion.
Next elite spec give thief 1200 range most likely and party support because thats what thief lacks.
Skills could be marks that show over enemies head (like what Mordrem Guard Sniper do) and allies deal more damage to marked foes or something. Weapon is Rifle or Longbow.
Big thief zerk with that build in wvw would be amazing sight. Jumping thieves everywhere
Use stealth and surprise enemy groups. That would make wvw much more entertaining.
Please no more mesmers. Last episode got Queen Jennah, Lady Valette Wi, Minister Estelle, many white mantle mesmers, Anise.
Dont melee jade armors use ranged attacks. Throw bloodstones at caudecus as fast as you can and use ranged attacks. Stay moving you die fast if you stay still.
If you have daredevil use dash trait it help getting to bloodstones fast and you have enough dodges to survive.
Living stories are made for veteran players in mind and are harder than core game. You need to master dodging and your skills and have updated armor and weapons.
Finally dead thieves find peace and stop haunting wvw fields.
Im almost satisfied with rev buffs but still waiting ventari tablet to move with me like spirit weapons. Skill 6 would be like command skill and i can manually move tablet. Then i think that mallyx elite needed some buffs and staff 2 faster interrupt. But its not bad update just not enough.
Fractal hammer
Candy-Cane hammer
I want to use Mjölnir but dont have money for it.
Revenant reminds me of Dervish and how they nerf it and left dying for years before reworking it. I hope we dont need to wait that long. If next balance patch dont fix many revenant problems like ventari tablet, then i dont believe they even want to.
In finnish taimi means sapling, so maybe Taimi will stop moving and root in place and become new pale tree
Next spec that have fusion skill that fuse ranger and pet to powerful form giving some of pets atribute to you and new weapon skills or utility skills.
I want Sword so i can use Bolt, we dont have real melee weapon. New mechanic could be elemental stances and GW1 elementalist wards. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Ward_Against_Melee
I want to go here https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Bottomless_pit and jump down. Eotn has so many interesting places. Rabbit hole, Draggar lake, Snowmen cave, bottomless pit etc.
This would be cool idea of how DSD corruption could work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDFqAPWbuy0
Veteran Root Behemoth is changed too. Still not like it was in gw1
Spellbreaker sounds like cc spec and we already have mace for that. Melee Staff Wammo would be interesting. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Wammo But dont take leaks too serious might be fake or they just change everything after.
Superior Sigil of Speed is good alternative for traveler runes.
skill 1 buff damage and healing
skill 2 swap the skills first daze second deal double damage to nearby enemies or just make punishing sweep fast attack like other interrupt skills.
I choose consortium because i want to know more of them. I know they are shady but priory is too obvious choice. I think there is coming 2 story depends which you choose but the ending is same, we are cured.
Maybe the orb is an egg of kuunavang and somehow ended up in tyria or just krait witches magical artifact or unknown civilizations.
I started as thief and it was good profession to start. I used sword/pistol and pistol/pistol. All you needed to do is start with 2 or just walk to the enemy and then 5 (to blind) and spam 3 (stun and evade)and 1 when out of initiative . If you need to attack in range use pistol 3. Normal and veteran foes die fast. But you are glassy and die fast if get hit.
Im thinking Maguuma is north and south america. Kryta is west europe. Ascalon is east europe. Far shiverpeak is scandinavia. Elona is africa and Cantha is china. Orr could be atlantis for how it sink to the ocean.
Power mesmer in pvp needs buffs no one plays them anymore because condi is stronger.
In pve mesmer is good, maybe little damage buff still needed.
Destroyers drag something heavy into the fissure. Possible dwarf that was guarding that machine. There is stone bed and wall fabric or flag with two hammers.
My Asura Thief who started messing with dimensions and kicked out of rata sum and joining order of whiskers then Mr. Saladman regruit her to pact where she accidently blow half of pact to ashes. Sometime later find herself hitting number 1 and watch as big dragon fall to his dead.
One thing i want to change is make tablet spawn when i change to ventari legend. Why i need to press 2 button to start use ventari skills?
We eventually killed that mosquito when we lure him and throw everything so he didnt have time to escape. But really annoying and needs to get nerfed.
I want to know why thief can stay stealthed and deal damage without get revealed. They are really annoying and unfair.
Staff 2 should be one skill that deal daze and deal more damage if you interrupt.
For now its hard to interrupt anyone with this. Other skills are fine imo.
I got Tooth of Frostfang from Legendary Shaman Lornarr Dragonseeker.
Spark, Rage, Carcharias from mystic toilet.
Something like this healing signet and trait that heal when crit and blindfields and caltrops and S/P.
(edited by Mara.6782)
Fresh air S/F works for me pve and pvp havent played wvw for a long time so dont know how good ele is there.
We refused to be marshall, Almorra took that as our resignation, and we went along with the idea. Apparently we’re out altogether now.
Now that we are no longer in pact we can have more story of orders.
Maybe order missions. I like the idea of daily order missions. Whispers give sneaky staff, in priory you researching ruins and artifacts and vigil is maybe killing dragon minions or something. I never liked pact. Personal story become boring after order story.
For me story was easy. You just need to know boss mechanic.
I think Justiciar Adrienne have more hp than other bosses.
Jade armors seems to die faster for condies.
Other enemies were like any normal mob you see in the world they die fast.
Hate these white mantle mesmers that you need to kill twice and ley line weapons hit hard.
For the millionth time, there are no culinary applications for bloodstone dust. None. No good can come from feeding it to living beings. – Chef Robertus.
Thats why enemies are weak.
You can play prophesies and factions story with nightfall character so i dont see problem playing zhaitan story with tengu. Not all gameplay needs to be tied to lore.
Trahearne’s memorial would not end well.
They might add new events between LW3 parts like ley line and bandit events but now we fight against destroyers.
Make them similar to GW1 versions. Make them invulnerable and stuck to guardian and only command skills make them move to target. keep the command skills as they are or buff a little. Buff spirit bow command skill to heal more.
Mainhand Mace.
Get Skin that looks like Hammer
Off Hand Focus, get a Skin that looks like a Stake or Nail
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wooden_Dagger_ not focus but closest one for stake
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Droknar's_Forgehammer_ only mace skin that have hammer skin
Here is some of my suggestions.
Change Forced Engagement to affect 5 enemy. It takes too much energy for just one foe and would be more useful.
Vengeful Hammers to inflict weakness and maybe heal more.
Change energy to be like Initiative and traits to give energy on critical hit etc.
Staff 2 would be good if it use Debilitating Slam first so you can interrupt immediately when needed. Then use Punishing Sweep to do more damage if enemy is not using skill.
In GW1 there were http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Cloudtouched_Simian monkeys in Tarnished Coast.
When i read this topic i though you mean these disappearing candy corn nodes you see sometimes
I like asura because animations but if you like to see your armor and weapons then human is best.
I would like spirit weapons like they were in guild wars 1. Unique boons that cant be remove. Or make spirit weapons stay near the guardian.