Showing Posts For PattyCakeChamp.5268:

[GH] Grindhouse Gaming - SoS NA PvX

in Looking for...

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


Hi I’m Patty…

Bring back old ranking system

in WvW

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


Even if we don’t have the manpower to be in T1 (which we do you can tell it in our ppt when every one gets on) we have wayyy more than enough to crush T2 servers which would just end up making boring weeks for everyone involved.

You’d be surprised. TC has lost people post season. T2 has seen an influx of lots of players lately, and frankly, would there be an answer for SoS’s SEA/OCX crew? FA the first 2 weeks back in t2 brought close to t1 NA numbers, and still lost. SoS saw a few guilds transfer in the last week or two for NA prime to provide better competition for the other t2 servers. Unless your euro crew is massive still, you’d be just like Maguuma, who’s euro crew is good, but not enough to carry. Remember TC was t2 for a while before season 2, and the SoR exodus is the reason you went t1, and even then SoS would always catch up later in the week. Frankly I’m worried about going t1 if TC loses anymore people.

Superior Rune of the Dolyak info

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


There was a bit of talk about this in the Guardian forum, I think someone mentioned there that they got it up to 80 or so per tick at level 80 and traited for healing. Not amazing, but an improvement for sure.

Honestly, I’m thinking about these for an ultra tanky regen warrior.

Regen banners
Healing signet
Adrenal health
Dolyak runes
Feel like I’m forgetting something…

It starts adding up. Of course, you’ll hit like a truck made out of tissues…

You only hit like a noodle if you gear that way. I have been running the “worker” war for a long time now. On nights were its more small man, I run Cavs armor and zerk trinks, on reset night I go PTV armor and zerk trinks. Dat 9k final thrust from a worker war.

Also, shouts give more hps than regen banners, and offer more viability in wvw fights since movement is crucial.

How often do ya die?

in WvW

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


It wouldn’t be fair for me to post, I main war and my favorite wep sets include many escapes.

Guild Buying and Ethics - HELP!

in WvW

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


All I can say is, your guild made the worst decision ever.
You just tranferred to a server that has no real organization whatsoever. No inter-guild coordination. No teamspeak usage. No pugmanders. Most of the WvW population are fairweathers.

Did your leaders even bother to scout the server first? Or did they just see the money and say “yes” immediately?

If I were you, I’d ditch the guild and use your own money to join a real server.


Upleveling: useless?

in WvW

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


You should play around with your gear. You can get some very interesting stats from upleveling.

I think I have a s/s at home of my necro at lvl 5 in eotm with 35+k HP from guard stacks + lvl 2 gear.

Guild vs Guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


Yesterday there were more people on twitch watching the TA vs Agg gvg than most of the gw2 esports channels combined….

Anet your gold mine is waiting.

[Suggestion] Why is there no title given for Jump Puzzles?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


You should also get a title when you finish all slayer achievements, weapon master achievement, etc.

I wonder if anyone has shield master yet….

What are your expectations for Season 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


New dungeons, at least one and I’m hoping for an “elite” instance akin to UW/FoW. I’m going to assume that the story will be better. I also want a 3rd heavy class and tengu playable race. Thats about it..

Why not make Upgrade Extractor a Vendor item?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


I agree the upgrade extractor needs to be easier to obtain/use. Especially with how “alt friendly” you ascended gear is supposed to be. Its not alt friendly when my guardian uses traveler runes and my warrior uses melandru. Also, since this is related, give us the option to salvage upgrades from wvw armor. Remove the exotic salvage tables from the armor and have it only salvage the upgrade using same % on kits there already is (so you still need BL kit for 100% recovery).

Duelers in WvW and attitudes

in WvW

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


I guess I just care more for an even fight, and can look past the “huuurrrr red is ded” mentality. Besides, I’ve seen the same Mags for so long now, I recognize tags and ranks and know whether or not to stick around.

Duelers in WvW and attitudes

in WvW

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


If I’m anywhere on any wvw map and come across a 1v1 I’ll never join in unless its a guildie who I know isn’t dueling. One time on Eotm I had an uplvl rage at me for not helping him kill a lvl 80. Idk why cus he killed the 80… My personal favorites are the dinks who run by south ruins/sentry on BLs and yell at me when they jump an enemy who’s standing there obviously waiting for duels, and get tyrannosaurus rekt.

[Proposal] Tie Loot Quality earned to PPT

in WvW

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


There are already many benefits to having a high score in WvW, look at the benefits your server has Friday before reset under the WvW tab.

To bad he isn’t talking about the matchup score right? I actually was thinking about this today some and what if it was tied to player loot bags only? It kinda works against the intended purpose of facilitating defense of structure but hits the overall lack of reward we get from wvw. Ktrains would literally have no more rewards than what they are getting (just maybe a little more incentive to chase down that lone thief). Skill groups really would have more incentive to play the ppt game more, they cap more towers, they get better loot when they wipe a zerg. This even works backwards, make it worthwhile for siege hugging players to come out and try and get a few bags while they are ticking high. Realistically I can’t seen this causing more stacking than already exists, along with population imbalances and kitten everyone cries about. If your getting farmed at spawn, your incentive to even play on the map disappears, you leave map, enemy gets no loot. There’s more to these thoughts but I’m on a break and don’t feel like spending it typing this.

One other thing, this idea would really be good in a situation like t2 has at the moment. Mags can flip flop ppt lead during NA prime (even db comes out to fight and can tick high during NA prime).

Just some thoughts before more comments about “score” come in.

[Proposal] Tie Loot Quality earned to PPT

in WvW

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


To Rimmy, I don’t understand what you are saying in your response. There is no such thing as a higher PPT servers since PPT is maxed out at 695 PPT. Since you are seemingly concerned though, I will say that my in-game finances are fine.

So strange that you’d pretend to misunderstand when you decided to go Jenga.

How’s the music, are the wheels okay?

I see the cesspool of kitten is still on ebay. Thought the last of it moved to mags.

Hi, wannabe professional troll!

I have no interest in trolling, just stating an obvious fact followed by a statement. That is all.

[Proposal] Tie Loot Quality earned to PPT

in WvW

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


To Rimmy, I don’t understand what you are saying in your response. There is no such thing as a higher PPT servers since PPT is maxed out at 695 PPT. Since you are seemingly concerned though, I will say that my in-game finances are fine.

So strange that you’d pretend to misunderstand when you decided to go Jenga.

How’s the music, are the wheels okay?

I see the cesspool of kitten is still on ebay. Thought the last of it moved to mags.

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


Why do a small minority of people keep defending repeated failure?

I haven’t actually posted in defense, but if I cared enough I certainly would simply for the fact that it seems 95% of the posts chastising Anet are making kittened arguments. My personal favorites are “they had 9 weeks to get this right” and “this wouldn’t be a problem if they were at least letting us know”. Well, unfortunately unforseen bugs are unforseen, and getting a play by play on bug fixing doesn’t do kitten.

Unforeseen? Really? You’re that clueless? Season 1 rewards have not been delivered to all who deserve them. Anet knows this bug exists, it’s on their forums, dev’s have posted in the thread. This would lead any decent company to make sure the next season rewards came off without a hitch. Guess Anet was spending too much time in China and the gem store to test to make sure a known problem was taken care of for the next season. They had 9+ weeks to test the rewards process for season 2. They failed to do so.

Makes you wonder about the missing NPC on the day the rewards were given out. Did Anet know there would be a problem with the rewards and kept the npc out of the game until they saw how big the problem became? I’m pretty sure it doesn’t take 9+ weeks to program one NPC to appear that only takes one form of currency when they can produce a full game update for the living story in the same amount of time. I wonder that if the problem was less abundant whether or not the NPC would be active at this time. They knew the day the rewards were supposed to be given out, they knew they’d need an NPC for it. They either purposely decided to change the date and not inform us of the change (which I would have accepted just fine if they had said something ahead of time) or they knew there’d be a problem and kept it from being implemented until they saw how big the problem would be. IF, and that’s a big IF, they actually did have a problem with implementing it on the promised day it really shows how little they care about WvW.

The kitten you on about with the NPC? You mean how, even last season, the tournament “ends” on Friday but everything associated with it is in game till patch day Tuesday? I automatically assumed that when there wasn’t already an npc in game prior to the end that said “HERES YOUR WEAPONS”, it would most certainly be added the next patch. This all adds up to my point. Most people here can’t reason beyond the fact that they are kittening kitten about the situation.

Edit: post like the one right before this one are exactly what I’m talking about.

(edited by PattyCakeChamp.5268)

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


Why do a small minority of people keep defending repeated failure?

I haven’t actually posted in defense, but if I cared enough I certainly would simply for the fact that it seems 95% of the posts chastising Anet are making kittened arguments. My personal favorites are “they had 9 weeks to get this right” and “this wouldn’t be a problem if they were at least letting us know”. Well, unfortunately unforseen bugs are unforseen, and getting a play by play on bug fixing doesn’t do kitten.

Troll on Gunnars Hold server in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


Okay now I know we’re not allowed to name anyone on here but I know people on Gunnars will know who.. This guy sits in our keeps puts a commander tag on to confuse people and uses all supply in the keep building rams on the walls AND spams chat with abuse and other random crap..

The amount of reports this guy must of received and yet Anet takes no action? Seriously.. You trying to make people not want to play WvW Anet? Can something be done please?

If your in wvw, that means your not in spvp, and not helping esports. Its OK though, China will save our esports. Oh you had legitimate complaints and suggestions? Have some esports. While were at it let’s have a CDI about wvw, but then esports. You see, its that they don’t care, literally. Now if you would just step over to esports for a bit….

The EOTM K-Train: A Commanders Point Of View

in WvW

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


I am a pvx player, but I will always have focus on wvw over PvP/pve. That said I would like
to see a nerf in wxp and badges rewarded. I play the eotm k train for lvling purposes. I am absolutely upset that I have gotten more wxp lvling 2 chars in eotm than I have from countless hours of actual wvw gameplay. Wooden potatoes made a pretty kitten ing comment on one of his latest videos when he said why he was going to ride the eotm ktrain… “I need wxp levels”. That sounds so bullkitten to me. Why the hell is your wvw overflow map that is currently catering to wvw newcomers and farmers giving more wxp than the actual game mode. That rant being over, I hope the other rewards stay at similar levels. It gives me a place I actually care to lvl alts at. /opinion

BG: Bloodied but Unbroken | WvW Season 2

in Community Creations

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


It had nothing to do with rubbing it in the faces of JQ and TC. Hell they can make a video and rub it in our faces and we encourage them to do so.

This quote should just stand there as a monument…….

Does this mean we get to see a JQ video! Victors of S2?!

So, like, I read that your militia was totally more likely to see this thread. I have a story….

Dis Juan tim3, da JAy que n teeSEa all lie ance trid 2 tak hour sweg. But we R beeGee n we cn win. BT den wee lawst. Nao wee hve no sweg. D and.

BG: Bloodied but Unbroken | WvW Season 2

in Community Creations

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


Hi. Poopin again.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


This is a troll thread at best, and an attempt at inciting inflammatory, toxic bickering at worst. Legitimate requests for refund should be directed at support, not the forums. Please close this.

You rly shouldn’t call me a troll, im being serious and was unsure how or if it was even possible so i asked in the forum in the hope a mod would guide me.

Good god please give him a refund and close the account. We don’t need any more idiots touting the precious manifesto.

BG: Bloodied but Unbroken | WvW Season 2

in Community Creations

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


A lot of kitten people in this thread. I’m sorry.

You posted a glory video of your server on the official forums. What did you honestly expect. Should’ve just left it on your servers front page and be done with it.

Also, during the matchup with JQ/TC (I think week 3), at which point did you (the server) collectively go OH kitten. I kinda wanna see some reaction videos of this, like teamspeak/map chat logs/etc.

The matchup week 8 or whatever also interests me. Same reason, wanna see/hear the collective dispair when the mighty BG broke and gave up (see what I did there).

Both of those things I would like to see in video format on these forums.

SO kitten wipe those tears. It’s ok.

No tears. Only Dreams.

So which one of the drama filled servers are you from?

Hey hey now, let’s not get kitten. Remember, fiber, but I see you edited that out.
If you HAVE to know, I’ll give you some hints. I’ll be making these comments based on our collective server mentality.

We give zero kittens.


I would like to add that they cared enough to go along with a 2v1. Don’t make stupid choices, your obviously better than this.

BG: Bloodied but Unbroken | WvW Season 2

in Community Creations

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


A lot of kitten people in this thread. I’m sorry.

You posted a glory video of your server on the official forums. What did you honestly expect. Should’ve just left it on your servers front page and be done with it.

Also, during the matchup with JQ/TC (I think week 3), at which point did you (the server) collectively go OH kitten. I kinda wanna see some reaction videos of this, like teamspeak/map chat logs/etc.

The matchup week 8 or whatever also interests me. Same reason, wanna see/hear the collective dispair when the mighty BG broke and gave up (see what I did there).

Both of those things I would like to see in video format on these forums.

SO kitten wipe those tears. It’s ok.

No tears. Only Dreams.

So which one of the drama filled servers are you from?

Hey hey now, let’s not get kitten. Remember, fiber, but I see you edited that out.
If you HAVE to know, I’ll give you some hints. I’ll be making these comments based on our collective server mentality.

We give zero kittens.

BG: Bloodied but Unbroken | WvW Season 2

in Community Creations

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


A lot of kitten people in this thread. I’m sorry.

You posted a glory video of your server on the official forums. What did you honestly expect. Should’ve just left it on your servers front page and be done with it.

Also, during the matchup with JQ/TC (I think week 3), at which point did you (the server) collectively go OH kitten. I kinda wanna see some reaction videos of this, like teamspeak/map chat logs/etc.

The matchup week 8 or whatever also interests me. Same reason, wanna see/hear the collective dispair when the mighty BG broke and gave up (see what I did there).

Both of those things I would like to see in video format on these forums.

SO kitten wipe those tears. It’s ok.

No tears. I was bored on the pooper. Like the drama. My life is just so honky dorey that its fun to stir the kitten. Good thing I had fiber yesterday, otherwise you might be able to say I was literally kitten by tears comments.

BG: Bloodied but Unbroken | WvW Season 2

in Community Creations

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


A lot of kitten people in this thread. I’m sorry.

You posted a glory video of your server on the official forums. What did you honestly expect. Should’ve just left it on your servers front page and be done with it.

Also, during the matchup with JQ/TC (I think week 3), at which point did you (the server) collectively go OH kitten. I kinda wanna see some reaction videos of this, like teamspeak/map chat logs/etc.

The matchup week 8 or whatever also interests me. Same reason, wanna see/hear the collective dispair when the mighty BG broke and gave up (see what I did there).

Both of those things I would like to see in video format on these forums.

BG: Bloodied but Unbroken | WvW Season 2

in Community Creations

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


Good job BG. If ill decide to transfer to NA ill transfer to your server. Its always more interesting to play spartan than persian.

Hi. History lesson. Sparta was part of a coalition of city states that fought off the Persians. Therefore your analogy would be more correct in stating that JQ/TC is your coalition of city states (you can decide which one is Sparta, although I’d recommend JQ, TC is more like the Athenians) and they just wrecked the Persian Empire.

WvW Tourney and Customer Support

in WvW

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


The team is working on sending them out – I just don’t have the answers we’re looking for (I didn’t get mine yet either). Please stay positive in this thread. Thanks!

I would like to stay positive but it is kind of hard… because there seems to be a lot of issues rather than just one with no-rewards.

  • Battle Historian says my world placed second
  • Leaderboards says my world placed 3rd (though I am positive it said second earlier also, still after EU reset).
  • Achievements says my world placed 4th, and are still holding my chest hostage (which I assume isn’t even the correct chest to begin with).
  • Reddit says my world finished second.

Which am I supposed to believe here? I am inclined to trust the battle historian the most because that makes the only instance of two sources coinciding with one another (even though reddit can not be considered official, I have not seen anyone disputing it either).

And all this talk about season one rewards still missing in action, well let’s just say it does not exactly inspire confidence.

The leaderboards will not necessarily reflect your placement in the tournament. The leaderboard is totally separate. Example, in NA wvw, the 1st place gold league tournament winner is ranked 2nd, and the 2nd place tournament winner is ranked 1st. Where are you reading your ranking in the achievement panel btw? I can’t find it. And lastly, patience.

No "10 to X ppl" Features

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


Oh, you mean like raid? Sounds fun.

It truly does sound fun. Like when UW/FoW or SF opened in gw 1, or Urgoz/Deep was introduced in Factions. I’ll go ahead and say DoA also (I was pretty against the shadow form meta after a few months though). GW2 really needs an elite pve area that guilds/larger groups of friends can tackle, or “raid”. The early days of SF release when we had a blast going at it for hours at a time, some of my fondest memories.

Loss of Stax for Classes with single Wpn Set.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


No I’m pretty sure I got what your saying. I think its you who missed my point: I could care less about what you have to say about the subject and Anet’s apparent ineptitude. I care simply that they fix it, and make it as intended.

Dumping. Borderlands x3 for completion. Jokes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


stop being kittens guise. The op has a point. Pve ppl shouldn’t have to come to wvw to do pve things. They should just remove the wvw requirement for pve 100% map completion. I my self have it and didn’t really care because I play all aspects of the game but it isn’t fair for the people who just want to play the game in their own play style. Sure everyone looks down upon it but they bought the game too so let them have their fun in pve without being forced to come to wvw.

I find it really sad when I see a pve player walking around in wvw trying to get the map completion and I never attack them because it looks painful runnin all around the map being forced to do something you don’t want to do.

If anet can go ahead and remove the wvw maps requirement from the PVE world map that would be great. It is a kitten move to force the last 4% on them in wvw when 96% of it is pve.

No. To me 100 world completion is the exploration of the entire “Guild Wars 2” world, not just “Tyria”. In fact, I’d like to clamor for adding heart of the mist, eotm, obsidian sanctum, each PvP map AND each dungeon/fractal. It makes sense. Do it right, not kitten

Loss of Stax for Classes with single Wpn Set.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


I play all parts of the game to varying degrees. Where I’m coming from is IF they felt that using a underwater weapon to hold stacks is a problem, its a problem they should have noticed on their own long before going Live and if by some dark miracle of no-coffee-that-morning they missed it, its pretty kitten insulting that we talked about it at length in the class balance forum and they still missed it. We found the loophole for them and they couldn’t be bothered to so much as skim the feedback — all this weeks before release when they could have acted on it gracefully.

Changing it now raises questions like “Does your QA team/internal testing groups even TRY to break stuff?” and less flattering observations of the “How can you be so unfamiliar with the character sheet that you forgot those slots in the lower right-hand corner?” variety.

Fortunately the linked message does not indicate definitive action one way or the other. They still have the opportunity to just quietly back out of the room and keep their dignity.

The fractal comment was aimed at the fresh air comment. Anyways, how the hell does it make sense to change the way the sigil works so that it really can be worked around by buying a 2nd sigil for your underwater weapon? Sorry you feel so wronged after you brought it to their attention prior to patch, but it seems utterly ignorant to leave it as it is. Actually, its more insulting that they would leave it as “well you can get around it if you pay for it”. Sorry, but I can’t agree with any of that.

Loss of Stax for Classes with single Wpn Set.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


If you have the stack sigil on your underwater weapon you don’t lose the stacks when you swap weapons.

They said they will fix this.

Link? Because honestly, if they do I will file the whole episode under “firing offense-level stupid.”

Players spotted that interaction almost instantly. Any design team that didn’t and then doubled down on the ineptitude by not looking at the feedback threads spawned by their own public statements simply do not deserve to draw a paycheck.

Even if they don’t like it, they’re way better off letting it go that publicizing GROSS INCOMPETENCE by being at least a month late dealing with something they’ve re-classified as a loophole that should have been obvious long before it was pushed to the Live servers.

Wow, you need to get some fresh air.

You have to understand, Nike is a fractal’er. He repeatedly has to deal with off the wall moves.

Now really I don’t know where his comments are coming from, its clear the objective of the change was if you were to use a stacking sigil it HAS to be equipped. When my guildies found out about the water wep sigil work-around we knew as soon as Anet had a work around it would change. That was fairly easy to read into. I would actually say its silly to think they would let it go like that

Onto the sigil, it is an issue of how to determine what the player is doing. The prime example I can think of being what differentiates different combat states. If I’m wvw’ing and I go into the water for a few seconds, should I lose my stacks? I don’t know kitten about game programming but the only thing I can think of is if you seperated the stacks per combat state. Stacks on land/no stacks underwater.

Reduce max might stack or strength runes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


its no problem to stack 25 might in a few seconds and keep them in combination with runes of strength..

that’s +875 strength and +875 condition damage…

Issnt that a bit to much if you can keep it that high??

no idea why they buffed the runes.. and still don’t understand why you can stack 25 of them.. cant say this is balanced

and yes I use them also in pvp :-) still not happy it gives so much

The runes of strength are a funny topic. They got a small buff sure, but really they actually just work now. They were broken for a good while. Now the 25 stacks of might, I feel should be a thing, just not as simple as me putting a sigil of strength in my GS and running furious GS and phalanx on my war lol. While the DPS is lower in pve land compared to an optimized DPS build, one of these bad boys in a party makes EVERYTHING melt.

How many of you have 100% map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


15 Characters currently
Plenty of 80’s
0 Map completions.

Will never do it until World Completion is made to be completion of the actual Tyrian World Map and no longer forces players into WvW to chart the same areas over and over and over again (fake areas that don’t exist on the long-established Tyrian World Map) simply because they want to try to force players into modes of the game that they may otherwise have no interest in just to get it. They can keep their carrot, I’ll stick to the modes of play that I enjoy to get the things I want. If I can’t get the things I want while playing how I want, then I don’t get them…simple as that. Not getting it doesn’t bother me…it’s just disappointing that they would cheapen what that achievement used to stand for by tying it to their agenda of forcing as many players as possible to take part in their pet project of a game mode when it has nothing to do with what that achievement is actually for doing.

Can we all refuse to do the painstakingly boring 97% PvE world completion because it forces us into your game mode?

Absolutely. WvW only players shouldn’t have to enter PvE either, but to get this achievement, one would.

Forcing WvW players to do OW-PvE to get that achievement is unfair and illogical due to it being a PvE achievement, just as forcing PvE players into WvW to get it is.

Perhaps WvW can have their own title and icon on their name for mapping all of WvW. Do both WvW and PvE’s world completions and you have two different star-like icons on your name.

I feel more achievements should have a visual icon on our names when selected or highlighted. Would really help to make it readily apparent what this character/account has achieved.

This guy still beating that poor dead horse, its just a pile of bones. I like to view it as you’ve explored the whole guild wars “universe”. The mists is very much a part of that universe (don’t give me the language semantics shtick). I cant recall if heart of the mists isa requirement, but i feel like it most certainly should be for that matter. Also, fractals should have their own completion as well, and the dungeons.

Back on topic, 8 characters, 5 80’s, 1 total completion (that i finished this morning so i can finish bolt). I am the type that only needs to explore something once, but still enjoy going back once in a while, so before i had explored all the map, just across different characters. If I ever please RNGeesus again and receive a 2nd precursor I’ll do 100% again.

Do we really want classes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


I think letting anyone learn any skill is called free classing. It seems kind of strange to me that anet dumped the trinity but didn’t adopt free classing at the same time.

Because the trinity is based off the class system, not the other way around. I still have a feeling of unique play style from the classes we have. I don’t pve too much, but when I’m playing wvw/spvp I always feel like I’m filling a role on each class.

question about the Transmutation system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


btw is it backpack become skin as well?
what about Fotm’s backpack ( as i know, on PvP atm dont have Fotm’s backpack)

I haven’t seen a direct statement about back pieces, but I remember Anet said your LS rewards are in the wardrobe. Seeing as there are more than a couple LS related back pieces I would imagine that would include all back skins.

question about the Transmutation system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


1. The Stones exchange at 3 stones per charge. Crystals are 1 to 1. (let me know if i got these backwards, its the >80 3/1 and the lvl 80 1/1)

2. Not sure

3. Yes, the original legendary will still have its stat changing ability, but you can add the skin to a new weapon from the wardrobe panel.

Share your Mix 'n' Match TOWN CLOTHES!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


Don’t take this from me Anet, I need it. (creepy face)


Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


Patty Cake is always down to smash face, and bake some cakes…

I recently discovered Lionguard Mira in the Claw Island PS mission wears the same armor , Invaders w/ Ascalonion shoulders. Shame she didn’t have a gaskmask on otherwise she might not have went blind!

And because I get the comment a lot, The Stormtrooper


Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


Patty Cake is always down to smash face, and bake some cakes…

I recently discovered Lionguard Mira in the Claw Island PS mission wears the same armor , Invaders w/ Ascalonion shoulders. Shame she didn’t have a gaskmask on otherwise she might not have went blind!


(edited by PattyCakeChamp.5268)

What's the biggest mistake you've ever done?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


Misinterpreted what a developer stated on the forums during the first halloween, and thought I had to equip or transmute the ghastly grinning shield in order to keep it, because of the other temporary weapons which were available during the event.

I have nothing I can do with it, don’t like it on my engineer, hate the shield on the warrior and guardian. 1000 G shield sits in my bank doing nothing.

I actually contacted support when it happened, they stated that they understood how I could have thought that but didn’t have the ability to replace the item, and if they ever did they would like to. I’ve never got back to them because I kind of doubt they would stick to that after all this time.

Also, during that same Halloween, had two Chainsaw greatswords and a scythe drop, sold them all during the event for only like 90G total, the scythe is worth several hundred now, the chainsaw great sword is worth several thousand. I thought at the time, ‘I know these are going to go up, but ANets economist can’t seriously be stupid enough to keep these so rare, so they’ll go down next halloween.’ If only I had known John Smiths elitist-driven economic policies then…

OK that’s worse than mine, I flipped great saws like they were going out of style during the event, and after all was done only kept 2 for myself. I quit in January and came back in sept, sold one right off the bat so I had the gold to flip stuff (economy had inflated a lot). The other sits in the bank, waiting for that special day.

Increasing trading post tax.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


Save silver, lose gold!

No repair cost + less loot for those who win = reward for failure!!

It’s a bad sign when a game starts to reward failure.

Idk where your getting the basis for making your assumption, but it sounds kittened. BTW, the coin from champ bags was already kitten. So really, its all good.

Double WP Fees

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


I think if you dig through all the details on the feature patch, all players will be poorer overall anyway.

Overall, its a definite nerf to every players gold/bank balance. You will have additional costs buying new traits/runes/sigils/jewelry, have to pay double waypoint costs occasionally, less loot in ALL champion bags, unless you are in a mega guild you can’t do world bosses as often.

I don’t see the logic behind this yet. We don’t have numbers on anything, and everything you mention is speculative. You don’t know the costs of rune/sigils post patch, or what most of them will even be. Lastly, when I was poorer, if I got to the 2nd closest wp, I just ran there. I know that the guild I am in (that’s fairly large), we give 2 kittens about wp costs. I’d say let the patch hit, see what markets do, then begin forming opinions.

Double WP Fees

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


I think if you dig through all the details on the feature patch, all players will be poorer overall anyway.

Overall, its a definite nerf to every players gold/bank balance. You will have additional costs buying new traits/runes/sigils/jewelry, have to pay double waypoint costs occasionally, less loot in ALL champion bags, unless you are in a mega guild you can’t do world bosses as often.

Don’t forget that they found a way to make people buy transmutations more often through the Gem Store with their wardrobe changes.

Or that they finally managed to monetize a whole game-mode by tying your PvE appearance to sPvP.

Or that unidentified dyes will no longer drop in the open world and are being added to the Gem Store now.

Don’t forget you could and still can post patch farm stones in pve, and that if your truly worried about uni dyes watch the price crash post patch. Anything else?

[VOTE] Is Guild Wars 2 heading a good way?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


No. Reason? The players, and anets apparent attempt at listening to them. Ultima anyone?

Fix Lions Arch & Cosmetic System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


Your LA point is totally subjective, many people love it and it makes the world feel more living. Old cities get burned and others get built. That’s how a living world should be, this is what the MMO player-base have been asking for all the time [ for reference the MMO community is never happy whatever the devs do in any game as the player-base is huge and the opinions are different ].

Regarding your other points about skins, I agree. As a game heavily focused on skin collections, it would be great ot have some kind of a wardrobe where you can.

Not sure about the account-bound things on the other hand, it is a gaming company afterall they want their game alive and players to have something to do. Like WoW is focused on gear, it is focus on skins and looks here, at least you aren’t forced to do it here like you were in WoW as you won’t be able to play content without gear. Now, implementing account-bound skins etc. will lead to less activity from players to build different characters, something that the majority are doing as people fancy trying new profession/race combinations, building their stats and skins to look fancy.

Gonna state the obvious:

How does a now totally empty city which at one time was packed with many people make the game feel more alive?

Just saying…….

Is it supposed to be like that?


Your point is moot. If it was supposed to be empty, desolate and unpleasant to be in, then it shouldn’t be any surprise if it is precisely like that.

Moving one dead area to another makes it more alive for you?

If so – then I apologize as my version of alive and yours are obviously very different.

In the end all they did was swap one area for another.

I took the destruction of LA very differently it appears. Looking past the “story”, when I went into the ruins, I went around here and there talking to NPCs, watching them root through rubble and wreckage. That hour or so gave me enough to justify the entire LS. Im not from New Orleans, but I can say it gave me that same exact feeling when i saw the aftermath of Katrina (my regards to anyone who were effected by it). Its the little things like this that keeps me keeping on, and why I hope it takes us a year to rebuild LA. So even if all it did superficially was move us from one zone to another, its yet again the little things that made it awesome, and yet another person who ccan’t quite grasp this it seems.

Kudos to the devs for the experience.

Onto your wardrobe, they have data mined the existence of a soon to be system. It looks like it will be based around t stones/crystals. I’m totally fine with that.

Kindof dangerous to have nothing for 10days

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


^Go WvW and try reach rank 10k maybe?:D
Patience is everything, in EVERY game. I personally can wait and hope for something good in Season 2.

You mean I have to create my own carrot on a stick to keep me entertained in a theme park MMO?

That is some new approach to the genre. What is next, do I have to imagine conversations between NPCs myself? At least Braham would shut up then.

For some reason, the quote “play the way you want” comes to mind when I read this….

Living Story and Expansions, My Proposal

in Living World

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


I thought about this some and chatted with a few guild mates a couple weeks back and we thought it would be very nice if they did something like this. We were thinking of a LS season followed by a PS expansion, alternating until the end of time. I would be thrilled if they came out and told us we were getting a PS expansion and we kill mordy, and after a while they start up the LS to lead into the next one.


in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: PattyCakeChamp.5268


I got a few giggles out of the instance. As much as I see a number of players kittening about anets writing and how things like this are stupid, childish, etc., they have done this stuff since prophecies (even more so for each new title after it).