Showing Posts For Serious.7083:

Why is there no Stability F2

in Ranger

Posted by: Serious.7083


Your pet removes all stability and the ability to create stability from enemies in the area for 10 seconds, you and your allies gain ten stacks of stability for 10 seconds.

Attach to smokescale, F2, move present smoke skill to 3 and make it repeat every 5 seconds.

I think that would work

druid apparently back out of esports meta

in Ranger

Posted by: Serious.7083


What goes in sPvP also goes in WvW. Rangers are having a hard time everywhere outside of PvE.

New Ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Serious.7083


Ranger is best for it’s melee.

Isn’t every other class (i.e: warrior, guardian, thief, revenant) better than ranger at melee?

Depends on what you mean by “better”, and this is the crux of why you can’t compare professions in GW2 at a super basic level.

Anet has done a decent job balancing the professions. It’s not perfect, but you can’t look at druid and say “it does crap damage”. Why? Because druid is one of the most in-demand damage boosters.

Anet balanced the professions for PvE, where it works very well. They did not balance for sPvP or WvW where the ranger does less well.

Ranger is usually poor at melee. It is best at medium to long range fire fights.

Hunter's Shot goes on full cooldown

in Ranger

Posted by: Serious.7083


It’s not the only one with similar issues, you can rapid fire without any target, a real pain, and if they go behind you it fails and goes on full cooldown too.

The Ranger is particularly badly hit in WvW because of projectile reflects, blocks and evasion introduced in HoT.

While the druid staff gains in that it doesn’t have reflect issues on auto attack it also lacks any AoE or target penetration.

Then I hate the noise the Druid staff makes.

Fang of the Serpent in Hoelbrak

in Living World

Posted by: Serious.7083


An NPC in Holbrak still exclaims ‘To Eir, she’ll break the fang yet!"

To which another replies, ’I’m not so sure.’

Following the Norn story line and getting to help Beigarth the Smith make a weapon I was expecting all Norn characters to break it. This actually needed me to find some Deldrimor steel.

I think that Braham breaking it using Beigarth’s weapon would be a good option.

What would you call Aurene?

in Living World

Posted by: Serious.7083


Glint, Gleam… Glimmer.

Seems more appropriate.

Who is E?

in Living World

Posted by: Serious.7083


…and then being stuck in the jungle – how did Faren survive being in the jungle crawling with hostile hylek and mordrem, alone, for hours?

Because nothing fancies him.

E could be any of a lot of people, or more than one. We may not have met them yet.

Currency converter

in Living World

Posted by: Serious.7083


Why do people think there should be a ridiculous exchange rate on everything?

‘I need Euros for my hundred dollars?’ ’Here’s ten Euros and I’m being generous.’

In most cases I don’t think there should be an exchange option. Where they might exist it should be time gated and rates should be balanced, not excessive.

Replay Specific Story Chapter

in Living World

Posted by: Serious.7083


Which is my point: I don’t need to replay the whole EPISODE, just a couple CHAPTERS. Especially pertinent since I don’t really want to do the mostly dialogue funeral chapter again. Is there some way to just replay the parts I actually need to for the achievements, or am I stuck doing the entire thing over.

You don’t. You restart the episode on a toon that has already done it then go to the location of the instance you want. If you then don’t want to do anything else you can just abandon it.

Playing Scarlet's War as a Retrospect

in Living World

Posted by: Serious.7083


Feels like I’m stuck with an incomplete product then…

The principle is easy, it was made as a once only item. Anet were trying out a new way of designing content where you only got to play stuff if you were there at that specific time. A lot of the content required large numbers of players mindlessly bashing on Scarlett’s hordes. Several more weeks were spent fighting in the ruins of LA before final victory.

Anet thought the idea was good at the time, the problem being it left a massive hole behind for new players who would never experience it – then that did seem to be the idea. The newer stuff you can do because it was written to be always available.

Now comes the question, do you want them to update the old stuff, or do you want them to continue creating new content? They are supposedly ‘working on it’ but how long it might take and if anything will actually appear is anyone’s guess at the moment.

I personally would really like the Bazaar of the Four Winds to return but there is no indication if it ever will.

Has buying BL Chest Keys ever been worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


I didn’t buy because it’s effectively gambling, something we do far too much of in this game.

In most cases boosts aren’t worth having and most of the other items are of low value. If I want a specific Item I will buy it, or make it.

Still wanting to push for a new playable race

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


Obviously not in the near future any ideas for it to maybe be in a few years time?

In a few years time they will probably be working on GW3.

With the present races they have to create different armors for each race, which takes a lot of time. If they were to put in something like a playable tengu they would have to redesign all the armor to suit. They then have to create a new story line for them, which, of course, isn’t in the present game.

If there was some racial difference then there might be a point, but really, except for appearance and size they are all pretty much the same.

Bring back Mad Memoires + Toymaker’s Bag

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


I was one of the people who went to extremes to get Mad Memoires, even helping guildies get them with very low level toons. Really it’s now just the skin but I wouldn’t mind if they brought it back, providing people had to put a similar level of effort in.

As to the toymaker’s bag I tend to agree with Illconceived Was Na. I too spent a lot of time in GW1 and noted the collector’s items that I could never get. It was an item that was given to early people at Christmas. I think they might consider changing the design a bit and give a ‘new’ skin rather than the old one.

phantom patch?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


Patches tend to start with largest files and gradually end up with very small ones. The early part of a download is usually the largest part.

A.NET Create an NEW PVP/ESport Game PLEASE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


Have you read any of the threads about the small development team that creates Raids? Lol.

I would rather the studio keeps all hands on deck, personally.

Good luck.

Yep, I wondered if they did it all themselves or if they roped in a load of people who were supposed to be working on WvW, sPvP and PvE. The fact that the ’big WvW update vanished soon after was suspicious.

I have heard that some people who left anet may be working on two PvP esports games similar to that suggested by OP.

Dark Harvest achivement "bug"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Serious.7083


Bloodstone Fen is listed as part of Heart of Maguuma in the Wiki. I’m not sure why or how it was determined to be so. Maybe the Character Select backgrounds, or some code identifiers.

Still, as noted above, since the Achievement was created before the creation of Bloodstone Fen, it would not likely be included.

They pushed it in because it came after HoT. It also increased the available HoT mastery points slightly.

As stated above the Necromancer’s Cache is available only from the original 4 HoT zones. That was quite a bit before Bloodstone Fen became available and as this is so easy to map I doubt they will ever update it to give the cache.

I found Dragon Stand easiest to complete, if you get on a reasonable map you can do all of the map points locked in the southern area of the map in one go. Hero points are easy.

Verdict on Cannons

in WvW

Posted by: Serious.7083


If they put them into the present maximum siege cap limits then they will be fine. You will then have a choice of building another cata or a canon.

Gw2 will be IP block?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


Maybe NCSoft is selling publishing rights for that territory to another company.

Edit: yep

That is really nasty. I’m wondering how are they going to compensate the players for time and effort?

Update on the Economy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


Frankly, I’m not surprised that Arenanet have developed vast swathes of wasted content: their philosophy of emphasising play-it-once story content is mind-boggling!

This I can whole heartedly agree with. In GW1 the big thing was repeatable content, especially the personal story. Initially you did these by joining up with pick up groups, then guild members. Later you could do them with NPCs and hero NPCs, eventually resulting in them being included in the daily achievements.

Living story has repeatable instances, but where are the rewards for doing them repeatedly? Once you have done them and the associated achievements they become worthless. Therefore nobody repeats them.

Arena Net needs to think more about long term appeal to keep people doing these.

Spawn supply Desert Borderland

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Serious.7083


Aurora Glade. Yet again this supply drop location is full, but we cannot take any as it claims someone else owns it. This is a fairly ridiculous situation as no enemy can get in to take it. This has been the situation for quite some time.

Could you look into fixing it?

Bump Warning, what manual override button?

in Community Creations

Posted by: Serious.7083


Tried posting in The Neverending Journey (Story) thread, got a response…

An Error Prevented Saving:

Bump Warning: You are bumping a topic whose last post was seven days ago. Please select the manual override below if you still wish to post this.

Except there is no manual override button.

Using Firefox

Balance classes for raids

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Serious.7083


It seems that Gorseval has 21,600,000HP (source

If I remember rightly then to kill him you need just 12,000dps average per person damage to reduce his health by 1/3rd in 60 secs which will trigger the invulnerability stage and avoid the platform wipe entirely – no airborne stage.

10 people doing 15Kdps average should be more than capable of wiping his kitten for him. Which is why 5 people can kill him.

Why are 'adventures' locked?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Serious.7083


They have now added adventures to the dailies, this makes it probably about time the locks were revoked permanently.

Hardened Leather Section 30 silver? Wha???

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Serious.7083


Hardened leather was exorbitantly expensive before Halloween. I sold two stacks of squares I had, they went nearly instantly.

I reserved one, which is now badly depleted from me making things. It seems that drops for this have been greatly reduced for some reason, although doubtless they will deny it.

Please Nerf Gold Adventures !

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Serious.7083


I also maxed out, in order to complete Nevermore. If I hadn’t been making a HoT legendary I wouldn’t have bothered. This was without even bothering with many of the Mastery Adventure points.

Legendary Light Armor Set style

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Serious.7083


“human privilege” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah right. and santa clause kills mordremoth.

Shouldn’t that be Santa Claus sleighs Mordremoth?

Targeting controls: Players not allies?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Serious.7083


I believe it’s intentional. Originally we were not supposed to have dedicated healers. There were no single target heals, buffs or condition removals. By following anet logic this made selecting allies redundant.

Even if you do have a low health buddy you have to use an AoE heal, which does effectively make it redundant.

Unfortunately you have to find the said buddy first, which in a battle can be difficult.

About targeting

in WvW

Posted by: Serious.7083


1. Always prioritize players in target order or at least give us an option to remove walls, gates, random animals etc.

This has been asked for numerous times and anet won’t do it. The only reason I can think of is that it would allow bots to avoid taking on random items you don’t want to attack. I can’t damage a wall, so no point in me selecting it, but the stupid anet system selects it first cause I’m standing on it.

I have no interest in killing random non hostile mobs but again these will be selected, seemingly even if further away. I might have 5 enemies shooting at me, but the closest target is their ram, really? If I want to select a wall to check it’s health I can click on the wall. Same with a yellow mob or siege.

Actually normally when I want to select a piece of siege as target it’s surrounded by enemy players and I get one of them instead.

Supply camps should take longer to capture

in WvW

Posted by: Serious.7083


Just two people could take down an Iron guard camp fairly easily, provided there were no actual people there. Personally I would have left that option in. I’m sure many did take them down solo, a condi necro should be able to do that well enough.

Being a player of PVE and WVW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


Would be nice to have selective rune/sigil slots on all ascended/legendary armor and weapons so you could put multiple on and just select the one you want.

The Bifrost III Color study

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Serious.7083


Says green is Uplands Oasis, there is only one option on that map. Blue is Barrowstead, again only one possible location on the map.

So I’ve got no idea why it isn’t working.

Did our staff autoattack change?

in Ranger

Posted by: Serious.7083


I think so, Ranger staff as a whole was fairly poor before. Would be much better if rather than just going to a target it penetrated and continued for the duration of it’s range.

Longbow auto attack was better but now there are so many reflects/dodges/blocks that it’s also got problems.

too easy in pve :(

in Ranger

Posted by: Serious.7083


Quite simple really, they delete all the HoT skill/trait changes from the game and everything will be fine.

All neclected Ranger skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Serious.7083


Sic E’m is fairly useless except maybe for a very few in sPvP. You need to target the enemy and predict when they are going to use invisibility. I would like to see Sic E’m work without a target and affecting all invisible enemies in range for 10 seconds. This would make the Ranger better at countering enemies inside fortifications.

Signet of Renewal is similarly limited in capability. Most of the time you won’t have conditions and others removing one condition isn’t going to help.

Identities of Linked Worlds

in WvW

Posted by: Serious.7083


Greem/Red/Blue would be simplest, but not with the ‘guild x has captured’. The game is pushing guilds a bit too much. What if a pair of non-guild roamers cap a camp?

An alliance name would be useful but people have to remember which worlds are allied.

Another option would be to put ‘Your allies have captured <location>’ if your side caps something. Put the world name if an enemy captures a location. Then if you don’t see allies you know it’s not your side.

New suppestion for wvw balance

in WvW

Posted by: Serious.7083


Block FTP people from higher servers and push them towards lower tier servers.

Give people a free transfer down, even if just one tier.

Give higher rewards on lower tier servers.

Supply camps should take longer to capture

in WvW

Posted by: Serious.7083


With the HoT buffs camps are far too easy to take, I can take one on my ranger usually long before any defender turns up. The only time I had problems was a T3 camp with iron guards a long time ago, they started respawning before I could kill the last one.

Then, I do occasionally watch others get downed trying to take camps solo. I suspect them being new to camp capping.

ANET can't create good story final boss fight

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


In GW1, the Lich was a pushoff, the hard part was the Titans. Abaddon was way too easy, Great Destroyer was fine. Shiro probably was the best final boss encounter.

In GW2, both Zhaitan and Mordremoth encounter sucks. Zhaitan was joke and Mordemoth encounter was filled with bugs, it was also too long and boring.

Can we get a better encounter for the next dragon? Not too easy or too hard or too buggy?

I agree with Zhaitan.

Just one question.

Not too easy or too hard – for who?

If they make it not too easy for the elite players you might complain it’s too hard.

If they make it not too hard for the easy players you will complain it isn’t hard enough.

Unfortunately they can’t make the encounter suit everyone.

Stuff you want in the next Expansion :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


Flying mounts are already in game, they are called gliders. Mounts are in there too, broomsticks and magic carpets.

I would like a shuttle with three controls

A button marked ‘Take off and nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure!’

A button marked ‘automatically collect all the loot’

A button marked ‘Land safely in LA hangar.’

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


Problem is getting to that conclusion, personally I don’t think one is needed.

Tyria could continue on a long term path, we still have several elder dragons out there and they need to sort out the path before we kill them all. What happens to all that energy we’re going to release? It could be a disaster – Tyria in space anyone?

For those with issues about the Canthan capital, didn’t they tell you it had burned down in the great fire? Actually this is exactly what should have happened.

Then there is still the apple seller in LA offering ‘fresh Gandarran apples. where the kitten do they come from? (actually they could just be a variety grown in Tyria but don’t tell anet that!)

Mystic Forge DR ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


Just pure random. The Mystic Forge is a gold sink, anet balances the chances of you getting a precursor against you. The chance of getting a legendary out has to be very small in order to keep prices and rarity up.

Over the past 4 years I have had 2 precursors drop, neither from the forge. I have made a total of 13 legendaries, mostly from precursors I bought.

When they created the first HoT legendary weapons they said they should have started that way. I have been saying this since year 1. Reality is there is nothing legendary about the legendary weapons, you can buy them off the TP quite easily.

Remove Salvage Confirm for Rubies & Wood

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


Would be much better to have them tradeable to the relivant NPC for magic rather than salvageable, then they could be put into the wallet as with the Fractals currencies

BL: bots and buying orders

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


Here is a novel idea, don’t sell instantly put it up as an offer.

Bots buy items to resell at a higher price. If you sell it now at 0:07:06 and the offer to sell is 0:25:04 you are gifting them over two thirds of the value of the item.


For that matter anet should stop pushing people into selling by automatically selecting the ‘sell it now’ option.

Note of Interest Ley Line Anomaly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


And the clock is ticking is a Tengu NPC in the Scribe crafting area

I think he actually says hurry along now the clock is ticking and Tyria is at risk?…

(edited by Serious.7083)

The Bifrost III Color study

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Serious.7083


So far I made some paint brushes, canvases, orange, green and blue paint.

Went to Lamia Mire and did the orange study.

Went to Uplands Oasis, it did not offer me the option of painting this study.

Went to Barrowstead, same result, no option of color study.

Is it just me or is this bugged?

Legendary Armor Sound Suggestion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


‘Transformer like sounds’. I suspect any suitable mechanical sounds would do.

[Sueggestions] Disabling UI elements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serious.7083


Generally they need to go back and have another go at making the user interface much more customisable. The problem is they can’t find the time to do it. That probably means nothing will ever be done about any of this.

CoR...STILL hitting through gates....

in WvW

Posted by: Serious.7083


There are several classes that have skills that go straight through a gate, fix one and you would have to fix them all.

Nerf Minions Plz

in WvW

Posted by: Serious.7083


Yep, really funny. I almost smiled.

Necros don’t usually use Minions in WvW.

The King and Queens Horrorween 2016

in In-game Events

Posted by: Serious.7083


Thanks to everyone who turned up, including a certain developer and made Horrorween 2016 such a resounding success.

Some might have noticed a tiny Asura necro called Jack Rabbitt running around like a lunatic, jumping on things and hiding behind people. What I was doing was capping over 500 screenshots for the group in 4K high resolution.

If we manage to recover from that there may be another event in the future, and even a 12th Horroween next year.