I love the idea of the new legendary armor and that it transforms, nifty plan, give that guy a cookie. Some will like the design, others won’t, but with regards to the medium set, I am begging you… Please… No more trenchcoats, they are hideous and awful. It feels somewhat impossible to get a good medium set and we have too many trenchcoats already so before you settle on a design can you please move away from them.
Just wondering what others feel about medium sets and trenchcoats, yay or nay? For me it is a resounding NAY.
Fantastic guild, great fun and great community. They feel like a true family and get plenty done in game with none, some, loads of messing around If you need someone to play with during Oceanic hours then I can think of nobody better.
Also, it’s not been established if the Gems were used from any possible Ultimate Edition refund, which may be the determining factor negating a refund.
You can always post your ticket number in the Sticky for a review.
Good luck.
Not exactly sure what you by that but my ticket has been approved for refund according to the last GM but my questions have been ignored in the ticket so there is not enough information to make an informed decision on which is the best option.
Good to remind people about that sticky.
Hope this is the correct forum for this question.
I am wondering why when you submit a ticket to support, you never get the same GM responding to you, this can be incredibly frustrating as you have to re-explain with every single email what the problem while you ask your questions, most of them being ignored with auto-responses. Why doesn’t a single GM handle the ticket until it is resolved? Whenever I request a single GM to handle my ticket, this request is also ignored… Could I get some insight on this from a dev point of view?
Michael already stated that you could ask to speak to a Supervisor about issues with refunds. Have you done so in your ticket?
“If you request a refund FOR HEART OF THORNS and they respond with a “you acknowledge that your account will be terminated” please ask for a supervisor.”
He meant in that particular instance, and it has now taken 2 days, 6 different GMs handling a single ticket and barely any of my questions acknowledged. I have requested a specific GM in the tickets, twice now, as he was the only one to respond to any of my questions and that has been ignored. I question what the point of asking for a supervisor will do if they are not even reading the ticket before replying with auto-responses.
I don’t believe the ‘whole account’ is lost when refunding only Heart of Thorns. (They really should update the Knowledge Base.) Many have received refunds without losing their Core game account.
But, as stated above, having used the Gems may invalidate any possible refunds.
You can always contact the CS Team and ask.
Good luck.
They’ve already stated that the only way to refund HoT is to disable the whole account….
Here’s one example of a HoT refund without losing the core game:
This is correct. We should not be terminating your account for HoT refunds. You will lose any paid access features (i.e. You may go back to PFF if that was your game status before upgrading). If you request a refund FOR HEART OF THORNS and they respond with a “you acknowledge that your account will be terminated” please ask for a supervisor.
(Chargebacks are always terminated; no matter what portion you’ve placed the chargeback on).
Thank you for the response Michael, this does answer some questions, just not original question. If the ultimate edition CAN be refunded why is support telling us that it can’t be?
As I explain in my OP, ultimate players lose money since they are told they can’t be refunded…. I totally understand it not being on sale, not discounting already discount gems is a fair reason. But if you say we CAN and support says we CAN’T, then what can we do? It makes no sense to say there are no refunds when it is possible to essentially split the account codes and revert your account to whatever it was before.
Someone asked asked about masteries and I too have not received a response from support in 18 hours now… Best case scenario; let us say that all our HoT stuff is just locked, no progression is lost until we buy HoT again then it makes zero difference to the refund. That is why I suggest that anyone who recently bought the ultimate edition should have the difference refunded in gems (~1200), nobody loses money and it ensures that all the player base is treated the same. Now, worst case is of course we lose everything we worked on and have to work it back up there, but we are still granted a fair refund.
What are your thoughts?
How much work did you do in the core game? Do you have map completion? €22 is a sale price but probably worth what content you get out of it, it really depends on how often you play, what you enjoy in game.
As for catching up…. a week, again dependant on what you want. Raids have been cleared in pure exotics to show that it is still the highest basic armor set you want, ascended has been always stated as prestige armor. If you have an 80 character with exotics and map completion then you would have enough hero points to finish your characters specialization by spending a few hours on one or two of the 4 maps included. Take a day for the story and put all your mastery experience into points specifically used in raids and boom!; you are raid ready in under a week.
If you enjoy only playing pvp/wvw then nothing much has changed there and HoT makes little difference to those modes so I wouldnt say worth it for those.
When you equip a spear or trident they automatically slot into the water weapons and you can’t see them while on land so I would say that they are coded completely differently. Not saying they can’t do it but saying it would be unlikely for it to happen.
Is the ultimate edition even still available or has been available in the last 30 days? I thought is was just available for preorder, so any account that bought the ultimate edition has purchased HoT way before the 30 days refund period.
Yes it was still available up to and including last week. It was supposed to be a pre-purchase option only and they should have removed it once the game launched. By not doing so, they have created this problem.
Why? Because you’d be effectively running two discounts at the same time. Ultimate is just a deluxe edition with discounted gems added to it. Most businesses, even when they are running several discounts at the same time, won’t allow you to use more than one.
This is the same. You can either get a discounted game, and get the gems at full price, or buy the game at full price and gems at discount.
As I explain in the original post, the difference between deluxe and ultimate is just gems, nothing else. A refunded deluxe with full price gems still comes out at a cheaper price, you don’t get a double discount even if you included the gem discount.
I don’t believe the ‘whole account’ is lost when refunding only Heart of Thorns. (They really should update the Knowledge Base.) Many have received refunds without losing their Core game account.
But, as stated above, having used the Gems may invalidate any possible refunds.
You can always contact the CS Team and ask.
Good luck.
“We can look into refunding your Guild Wars 2 purchase. Please note that the code that you are requesting a refund for will be permanently disabled. If you registered the code, all features, including game access, will be removed. If you haven’t used the code, the code cannot be registered.”
I would do exactly that, but I would rather not lose my whole account, it would defeat the purpose.
The gems can be re-bought, I doubt each gem was unique, but as I stated in my post the gems are completely irrelevant as either way you look at it, purchasers of the Ultimate edition are losing out on money.
Just looking at the numbers between editions and I ask you, why not the Ultimate?
Standard: $45 down to $22.50
Deluxe: $75 down to $37.50
Ultimate: $100 (would be $50)
Now one can argue that the only difference between deluxe and ultimate is that it came with ‘free’ gems but if you take those 4000 gems and ignore the discount but price them full at $50, adding this to the price of the deluxe makes it $87.50 and technically the same as the ultimate. Now money is not the issue, $12.50 ($37.50 if you count freebie gems) could easily be spent back into the game but that is not the point I want to make.
How come the players who spend the most amount of money on your game are being penalised? I understand that money does not equal a more important player, but they are still a customer and entitled (yes, in the truest form of the word) to be treated like the other customers. One of the main issues that people had with HoT initially was that you were placing your efforts on newer players and ignoring the ones who had supported you for three years, this feels like much of the same here. You are telling us one group of players is more important than the other when you take actions like this.
The purchasers of the ultimate edition, the ones who spent the most amount of money to support HoT are getting the roughest deal here. shrug I don’t understand it, I really don’t.
Why not Ultimate?
Or rather….
Why Ultimate?
Try contacting support, they may ask you to upgrade through store and refund you the difference.
Growing Fast, OPR offers fun, frolics and fractals.
Do you work the night shift? Is right now your usual time to play? Maybe you are EU but prefer to play NA, ‘Off-Peak Raiders’ is your cradle. Join OPR and always have a guildy online, PM for info.
Come check out OPR Synosius
Hey Sush, come check out OPR and leave the pugging behind.
Howdy, OPR is a dungeon/frac/raid based guild. We are non rep and offer groupings for when NA usually sleeps.
Hi Phoenix, it sounds like you would fit in quite well with OPR but due to you being in EU server we would be unable to play together, if you ever consider switching to any NA server then you could definitely look us up, that is if you don’t care for WvW.
Check out OPR for those hours NA sleeps.
Do you work the night shift? Is right now your usual time to play? Maybe you are EU but prefer to play NA, ‘Off-Peak Raiders’ is your cradle. Join OPR and always have a guildy online, PM for info.
Hi everyone, I understand that sometimes it can be hard to find a good grouping when you work nights and play during the day, I have created OPR with the plan that people can still get content completed even when the rest of their guilds are asleep and that is what we wish to offer all of you.
This is an NA based server, but caters internationally for those who prefer to play on the NA servers. You will have to play on the NA servers in order to group together. We are non-rep as we feel many players are part of other guilds which already provide solid bonuses and we would not ask you to drop that just to be seen with a tag, keep your bonuses and get content done. We also provide a “Slack” server for guildies to chat and socialize outside of the game, discuss strategies and tips for your future raiders.
Do you usually play between these hours?
GMT – 8am ~ 6pm
PDT – 1am ~ 11am
EST – 4am ~ 2pm
SGT – 5pm ~ 3am
I am looking to create a small community who are dedicated to the Dungeons, Fractals & Raiding and don’t wish to pug at awkward hours. Off-Peak Raiders will fill that void by having a place for you to find like-minded players who get things done.
Please send an in-game mail to myself with any and all questions, I look forward to helping you.
(edited by Turial.1293)
Except Anet did nothing worth apologizing for. Just because people don’t agree with their product in it’s early state doesn’t mean they have to say sorry to everyone. People on the forums mock others for using this word but it’s a good word to describe people like you – entitled.
LOL – I disagree therefore I am entitled. I don’t want tons of free things, I wanted to be treated fairly, there is a difference mate.
which is not what anet did. anet said “$50 for the expansion. oh, you’re a new player too? welcome! step in the back, we have a special extra for you.”
It is exactly what they did, they lumped core game for free which is the problem and they have not offered an expansion-only version for players who have already paid for the game.
)In order for that to happen we have to retain our current player-base, bring people back to the game who stopped playing, and add as many new players as possible.
In order to do that though they need to NOT alienate their current player base which they have done and surely not ripping off their customers with an overly priced “expansion” they would bring in tons of new players. Yes, this is an expansion which means it has less content than a new game and it should not cost more than a new game. They are ridiculous.
the difference being that anet never offered gw+hot for $50. 50 is the price for the expansion. if that’s too much, don’t buy it.
bungie’s exec tried to imply the emotes were worth $80. not even the most diehard gw fan is going to agree with that.
The core game plus their two expansions are obviously what they included as the $80…..
Exapansion content aside…. Arkis, they actually apologised, used the word sorry and sometimes that means more but if you read the article they had bundled the game with the original plus other expansions like what Anet is doing now but after the backlash they SPLIT the expansion from the core for players AND dropped the price to what it was worth. People know what to expect from their expansion unlike HoT so they can decide if the price is actually worth it. A $10 character slot is not an apology and hardly a fix for their greed. As you said it is forced on us, who needs 2 character slots when you are still paying 3 times the price for unknown content.
Destiny/Bungie tried to do the exact same thing as Anet but their response was much, much better. I believe Anet needs to learn that THIS is the way to address concerns and not just offer a small digital item for a limited time if we still spend $50-100, not to mention they did one thing you did not and that is apologise. The Destiny community address has the word sorry and as you can see from the image linked, you, Anet, have not apologised at all. This is the reason I will never be spending another dime on your game along with many of your loyal vets.
I still won’t be pre-purchasing it or purchasing it. While the extra character slot is a nice incentive, it is also a band-aid response. What do we need 2 extra character slots for? Wouldn’t some gems have sufficed, how about dropping the prices of expansion by $10 on each version. The reason being is that they want your money via pre-purchase, they do not care once they have it. It is all a numbers game for them, HoT has already failed with its greedy and flawed business model. These goodwill bonuses of free character slots and gems will be gone upon release because they want you to feel that you ‘need’ these items and must pre-purchase but that is not true. If they cared about the playerbase they would have been standard given out to all current players now instead. They have showed us nothing about the expac that is worthy of 50, 75 or 100 dollars. Any trait/skill changes are happening to the game anyway so you don’t miss out, what are we paying for then? Does anyone actually know? A new class and a few maps is all I can see, is that worth it?
Well they have ruined what GW was for me, between lazy writing in the personal story, lackluster content with living story and the only content updates we ever see being gem store items upon gem store items…. GW is ruined.
I won’t be ever buying HoT, I am done with gems, screw every future expansion and giant middle finger to the greed of the company.
(That finger only half the size of the one they gave this community time and again)
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Turial.1293
I bought the original CE for $120 dollars and spend double that each year on gems. HoT ’’expansion’’ is a scam and rip-off. I will not be purchasing it and refuse to spend any more on gems. I will also be telling anyone wanting to get into how much they will be drained if they do. I refuse to support greed and won’t be supporting them any longer as they continue down this path.
Why they finally fixed it now after several years, who knows. I’d guess it was unintentionally fixed due to fixing something else.
This seems like the most logical reason, I hate to call ninja nerf but that was what it felt like when I saw it, a shocking fix.
The fear wasn’t always spammed. That’s likely a bug, especially considering it’ll throw two sets of crystals, though only one appears. Originally, the fear only happened once in a while to refresh the crystals. I’d guess they intentionally broke it back then to try to fear people into the crystals.
Proving my point that Jormag fight needs so many fixes other than this gun, whether intentional or not.
The challenge being you actually had to interact with the game world rather than afk-ing those spots. As I said, the unrelenting constant ‘fear’ (also read as lazy mechanic) happens far too often that you can’t block everything and it still had a recharge, albeit a fairly shorter one; the actual 30 second charge is so useless you may as well not even pick it up. The fact that there is afk spots should be a warning flag that there is something wrong with the fight, I wouldn’t say it had anything to do with the recharge on the gun.
So about a week or so ago Jormag had a ninja nerf/fix on the gun skill 5 and I have not seen a thread on it. You used to be able to cancel it while it was activated and it would reset to a default timer of ~3 seconds but now if you cancel, it is always the 30 second recharge. I am just curious why? It didn’t give an unfair advantage. Why this nerf or fix, why now, why this particular thing? There is SO much more broken about that fight and this is what is fixed? Really? Is there any point to the gun now? Block one attack every 30 seconds is worthless considering Jormag fears you 3-4 times within 10 seconds and that happens far too often than it should. Congratulations I say on making this fight even duller than it was. I liked the challenge of watching his attacks, using the gun at the right time to block, getting those rockets in with the right timing….. now I am forced to stand in the zerg and press 111111 until I get feared 4 times in a row and then walk back to 111 again. So I have to ask why? What exactly did this fix and how does it make Jormag worth doing? What happened to fun?
What do the rest of the players have to say on it?
The abundance of temporary content in this game is shocking. SAB, queens gauntlet, marionette fight from scarlet, the original karka queen event, the zephyr sanctum, frost/flame monocle reward item…. etc. Holiday events are the only events in any game that should be temporary.
Guild Wars 1 had a simple workaround for new/old content which was just a message on screen showing you were playing missions in the past and were experiencing what other heroes already did. The content was always there to do, you always had something to do in GW1 and they need to revisit doing that. Temporary content is absolutely ridiculous to have, designers and developers go to great lengths to create these things only to have it be temporary, or worse, one-shot content. The game already has a lack of content with no dungeons in 3 years, let us hope for HoT.
Yeah it is quite ridiculous that they have items in the game that are so useless now you have to toss them. Fingers crossed they wise up and make everything in the game useful. Perhaps these collections are the first stop.
Quick question, basically what do I now do with all these extra account-bound minis that no longer go into my bank? I understand there was a Priest-of-B recipe added to the forge but what about the rest?
Bump, no comments?
I have mentioned this multiple times, each time it gets no responses and just gets lost in the forums. It is things like this that show the game was only half-finished upon release and further cements the fact that Anet only care about putting in content that suits them and not the player. So many unfinished things that just let the game down so much.
I know there was a topic here during the week about this but without lack of a search function I am not gonna trawl through 100+ pages just to find it.
So basically, you light the beacons during this mish and once you help protect the lionguard, a dragon shows up…. well it should show up according the cutscene. Once it is over, dragon disappears and your mentor stands at the gate and nothing happens. My best guess is when you deleted the old Teq you deleted this copy/pasted dragon too so now you have bugged the Personal Story. Well done chaps.
Simply put, when will all skins be available in PvP? We are still missing PvP variants of legendaries, inquest weapons(red version of mystic/arcing), etc.
I was happy when you updated a ton of the skins, it was LONG overdue, now I am still waiting on the rest of PvP to be completed.
Please god, no more freaking back items, PLEASE!! I have more back pieces than I have characters.
I am sure this has been raised before but the search function is still broken on these forums so here is another request for the same thing devs.
Story paths for dungeons are long, boring and terrible. Most people do them once and never again if they can help it. This makes it quite annoying when people get together for their token runs and nobody has story mode (SM) done on that current character, which means someone has to take the time to switch to open the dungeon (this can kill a pug group with impatient people) and with people who have created 8+ characters, trying to remember which character has which SM done is a right pain in the hole.
So the request, as asked before a thousand times by the players, is a SM tracker to be implemented. Nobody wants to do SM when they have an EM team ready to go. My suggestion would be to place it into the Personal Story tracker tab of the hero panel because honestly when is this ever used?
I have been akitten LA for 15 minutes and been kicked before. When you afk at Teq, you get attacked and ressed which resets the timer each time. If they just kicked everyone off the map a minute before the event started that could help people get in easier and remove the afk people :P
They are not releasing that information at all but it will either be more expensive or less expensive to make, either way, it will screw some people and reward others.
I don’t see how it will be any different than any other gem shop/crafted release of skins… which I don’t find to inherently harm anyone.
The only ones I don’t like are the ones where you need to farm a dungon and have a small chance at getting the thing that you want.
It is completely different since the halloween skins mentioned in the topic are the crafted variants which were not in the TP at all. Your statement makes no sense.
There are also no skins where you need to farm a dungeon to drop. Fractals, molten facility and the upcoming TA update do not count as fractals have been mentioned are not dungeons, the molten facility was a single skin in a mini-dungeon and it was temporary, finally we do not not know how the new TA path will last so it is too soon to tell.
If the materials needed are not done in the same way as the black moa chick scavenger hunt from GW1 then I will be very upset. They would be foolish to not make a precursor crafting/scavenger hunt be once per character, if anyone can craft multiple precursors it will over-inflate the market eventually. People will have 4-5 legendaries on each of their characters eventually and there would be little reason to try putting exotics/rares in the mystic toilet anymore.
I do not mind if it will be a difficult trawl to make or find a precursor so long as people can be guaranteed one and only one through this new process and if you wish to sell legendaries on TP then you need to get lucky via the MF to get more to sell. I really just want them to do it right.
They are not releasing that information at all but it will either be more expensive or less expensive to make, either way, it will screw some people and reward others.
I disagree with you completely. The Karka event was at least fun, and everyone who participated at least got some rewards from it from ArenaNet because of the issues. This one is just pain that keeps getting worse. And honestly content-wise…. we already had a Tequatl before this update and there was almost no story added. (All we got was Rox in Sparkfly as far as I can tell) The Karka event had some compelling story, it jut failed for technical reasons.
And I disagree with you, how can an event be fun when it was a 1-time only event set during hours that half the community was asleep, more lag than anything else in the game ever before or since, disconnects, invisible enemies, no rewards for a huge portion of the player base for narly 2 months and it was only rewarded because it happened on such a large scale, unfair rewards, double rewards for the few players lucky enough to stay connected.
How can Teq continue to get worse when it has not changed during the update, the fight is still the same as it was on day one. The original Teq was a pushover that many people ignored out of boredom, bar the chest runners, and this updated Teq is a huge improvement on what dragon fights should be, I will look forward to future designs of the dragons. There was enough story for people to ask questions, like the initial F&F updates you did not get all the info at once if at all. Do not forget the scales to find in the 2 other areas which hints at further developments.
Karka failed immensely for technical reasons but the story also left a lot to be desired. Southsun was then abandoned for nearly a year, aside from Ori farming there was no incentive to enter this new area. Karka was a huge failure overall, Teq is only just out and people are kittening because of the difficulty, a dragon is not supposed to be easy to take down.
Multiple instances of this happening and still no response from devs on why it is SoU and Account bound, why both? Why not just one of these? is it bugged? Is it intended? Still no answer 18 days from OP.