Showing Highly Rated Posts By Vashoom.8512:

Back Item - trading post search filter

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


I remember shortly after launch people were asking “where can I get back items”.
Now almost a year later and I still see new players in divinities reach asking the same question.

Most veteran players like myself know you can search for the words “back”, “brace”, or “spineguard”, to find some back items, or if you know the exact name of a newer (event related) back skin you can search for this by name (eg, holographic dragon wing cover).

But what we really need is a filter in the trading post to search for “back item”, which also includes back skins and backpack covers, so people can browse and buy previous event back skins also.

Sure, players can use 3rd party sites to try and find back items/skins but we relly shouldn’t have to keep relying so much on other peoples websites to give us the information we that should be able to find out by playing the game.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vashoom.8512



Many weapons have special effects when drawn, we cannot see this from the wardrobe.

please have a tickbox to show the weapon wielded, or have it always wielded when previewing in the wardrobe.

in the meantime we will continue to spam chat to generate the skin links to click then click wielded in the preview window.


Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Deadeye Dunwell- impossible start (vid proof)

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


Sersiouly ???? What is this. -.-

How on earth are you supposed to dodge something when you can’t see anything?

RNG instant death mechanics should not exist in any MMO, there is no skill in RNG, and dying because “the game says you will” should not acceptable.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Small Interface - screws up fonts

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


As you can see in the picture attached, when you enable “small” interface size, all the fonts get mucked up so you can hardly read anything as its all pixelated.

It’s been this way since as long as I can remember the feature being implemented, I’ve waited this long to say anything as I assumed anet were aware of this obvious bug and working to fix it but many months have passed and nothing has been fixed, so here I comment to highlight the issue.


Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Whatever happened to the epic login screen?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


Beta.. was good times.. why did they change the login screen it to something so basic, simple, unimpressive and well a bit shoddy compared to the rest of the game?

I for one thought the original (beta) intro was fantastic! really got me excited to play gw2!

See beta login:

But now its like.. meh :/

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

(edited by Vashoom.8512)

Clearout old TP orders (below vendor value)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


The dev’s should really consider clearing out the Trading Post cobwebs since launch which still persist, it’s quite disappointing to see this still here after so long.

The thousands of buy orders such as 1copper, which are below vendor value can never be filled due to the changes made in the game a long time ago (preventing sale to any items to players below the vendor), so these buy orders will be here for eternity unless something is done about it.

Surely the server knows which bid belongs to whom, and I would assume it’s a simple enough process to refund all bids for items under vendor value (you can start with crafting materials as a priority).

I think we can all agree it’s obvious the Trading Post needs some development as it hasn’t changed much (if at all?) since beta. (obvious things like searching armor types, back items filter, etc..).
But before they develop it more they should really fix the impossible buy orders which can never be filled due to the new design of the game.

As it is impossible to fill these orders, why still have them here? There is no need for it.

If you are thinking “why does anybody care”, by doing this they will increase the TP sale value of the materials to at LEAST 1 copper above vendor value, so people can actually make some profit by selling to players instead throwing away the materials into the npc vendor abyss.


Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

(edited by Vashoom.8512)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


there is no change in the currency of changing a skin, just the user interface for it.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Instance Owners - remove this feature

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


In a party system where anybody can join or invite each other, and the “party leader” has no special privileges or authority, I cannot fathom why arena net decided to enforce this “party owner” system, where if the person who first runs into the instance logs out or leaves the instance, the entire group gets kicked out and the dungeon resets. (unless it has completed).

Can somebody suggest why this is a good idea and why this has been implemented? If not, I suggest to anet to remove this pointless annoying feature which is inconsistent with how groups are formed and used in gw2.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Token Wallet! Thank you a-net!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


thank you for streamlining gameplay between alts, adding yet another new approach to a feature of mmo gaming, instead of the old stale way of previous mmo’s.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Giant Slayer (achievement) - is this a joke?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


Please make more Giants in GW2, just like every other creature type so we can complete this achievement reasonably, or at least adjust this to include counting risen giants.

To complete the Giant Slayer achievement we must kill 1,000 giants, which would be fine normally, but unlike other creature types Giants do not appear in masses, there are only 3 places in tyria that spawn one giant each time.
With a full party and an estimated 6 minute cooldown on one of the scalable Giant summoning events, they say you can get 4 giants spawning.

Sure, if you have 4 other friends who like you, won’t need to sleep, eat or rest and play 24/7 for several months, you may be able to finish this achievement.

I can’t imagine many people in the world (if any?) have actually tried to complete this ridiculous achievement.

Either something was cancelled in development which was going to bring giants into the world of gw2 or this is devs trolling us, either way it’s not cool a year on to leave this oversight in the game.

Please adjust.

thank you.


Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

(edited by Vashoom.8512)

Aetherblade dungeon (Kiel not moving)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


yes we expernecied this also.
after the bit where she goes through a locked door and we jump up on springs to meet her, we engaged combat before she did and she didn’t join us to open the final boss door.
she just stood there, doing nothing. so we could not progress this dungeon.
this is a major progress blocking bug which needs to be fixed asap.

see video :

other bugs:

  • dragon coffer are named in japanese/chinese? ?????]
  • if you die from laser beams in the start of the dungeon, you cannot use waypoint res (says in combat)
Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Make Dyes Unlock for the Account

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


with the new account wallet streamlining and promoting gameplay of alts, this seems like the next logical step.

this is also the main reason I’ve never invested in expensive/rare dyes, even if i like them, because I swap between my level 80 chars often, depending on what gameplay style I want.

also I would suggest (a small thing but still), once you have unlocked dyes, allow these in the new character creation/makeover. (not sure if they appear in makeover kit currently, never used it)

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

my investments

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


posts like this which can affect the financial gain of the original poster (intended or not) should be banned and deleted, just like they are on the curse gw2 guru forums.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Fastest Possible BL Key Run? (22m?)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


Although you do more damage with axe than sword, I can’t see how it would be faster as you are sacrificing savage leap which is a great boost to movement speed, but maybe the kill speed makes up for that, hard to tell.

And as always.. pics or it didn’t happen
(though pics won’t show if a friend helped u either I guess.. bah >.< )

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

(edited by Vashoom.8512)

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vashoom.8512



we still can’t see our current back items in the hero pane, not even from the new wardrobe system.
You can see other back items but when clicking the current skin of your back item it does not show.

The only way to see your current back item is to make a skin chat link then clicking that to look in the preview window.

You might wanna review this… as it’s inconsistent with all other armor selection processes with the wardrobe.

And while you’re at it.. let’s keep the back item shown when /dance’ing please

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Aetherblade dungeon (Kiel not moving)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


dungeon is disabled now, my guess is because of a loot exploit somebody found, but let’s hope they are also fixing this bug.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

TP: selling - see value, not buy orders

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


On the “Sell on Trading Post” tab it would be more useful to know how much my items are selling for rather than the buy order values.

I really can’t understand this design decision as the true value of items are what they are sold at, not at an arbitrary number defined by a player.

as players generally will want to buy low and sell high this should be changed to make more sense.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

(edited by Vashoom.8512)

Tournament camera control is a joke

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


Not being able to zoom out because of the curved walls in the tournament makes killing these creatures and performing the tactics even harder than anywhere else in the game.

It’s fine to have detailed and complex tactics where you need to be on the move all the time, but forcing players to fight in first person camera mode zoomed right in for the majority of the arena is a bad idea.

I would suggest next time they do this festival they consider removing the roof so people can actually see what’s going on around them and react accordingly.

During the Modniir world boss fight I can easily dance around all the tornado’s because I am able to zoom out and actually see them moving around, unlike in this fight…

This helpful video clearly demonstrates my point.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Why don't risen attack pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


Thanks for explaining this kaz.

I’m happy to switch to a melee weapon for melee combat, when it’s required, but I don’t really want to have a GS always equipt in case they go for me, also traits tend to go in the direction of one weapon or another, you can’t be equally good at both ranged AND melee, just like guardians can’t be good at dps and survivability, everything with balance.

So with this in mind.. well, I understand they want to keep pets alive, but how about removing that ridiculous speed buff the risen get where it’s impossible to get out of melee range? if you are using a longbow you might as well give up and just die. Sure if it’s 1 mob you can knock it back a bit, but risen rarely travel alone.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

3 loading screens getting back to airship? :/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


If you logout while on the airship, you need to wait for 3 loading screen to get back on it. come on anet.. sort this out already.

If you already have the pass in your inventory why are you kicked off the airship when you log back in?
Why does it first load airship, then kick you off and load Gendarran Fields.. then load again to get back on it.

I don’t understand it.

Also it says “quick travel to all cities” on the tooltip of airship pass, but where is this? I don’t see this on the airship.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Insider trading is rampant...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


It doesn’t solve anything, only let a few more people in on the secret.

It solves the problem of people who are not happy with others having the advantage, which is the entire point of this post.

I would like to see some sort of “Beta patch notes” where they list changes. Those may or may not make it into the game, but will give everyone equal footing.

This is the most sensible and easily implementable solution to tackle this obvious problem.

Comments made by some users which are neither helpful or constructive and generally opposed to the idea of equality of information between players would lead us to conclude one of 2 things;
1.) they are are extremely naive and unaware of these things happening, or don’t believe they are happening
2.) they are these dodgy players in question attempting to downplay the seriousness of the situation in order to ensure personal sustained profit through said methods (more likely)

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

(edited by Vashoom.8512)

Why don't risen attack pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


I use bear type of pet as my primary pet on large groups and cat (lynx) for single target dps. For most mobs it’s fine really, it’s just the risen which ignore pet regardless and just come straight for you and stick to you in melee range with no way to avoid or get out of it.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Game developing a decade behind??

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


I already posted the correct link! >.<

Interesting article, why is this post in the suggestions forum? what are you suggesting arena net to with guild wars 2?

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

TP buttons disabled (buying/selling)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


ah thanks for the info, I didn’t notice gems and gold not showing from bottom of the window.

but why do we have to logout and login again to regain full functionality of the game, if we are still logged in and playing?
hopefully arena net will one day look into this problem and provide a solution.

if you are in the game playing it, and have not logged out, you should be able to buy and sell things, this is really poor quality from anet.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Clearout old TP orders (below vendor value)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


Also they hit the hard limit within 48 hours of release for number of items listed before having to redo the coding to allow for more items.

It is not possible to place any new buy orders below vendor value any more, so these orders will never change, they can take all the time in the world to do this… as they seem to be doing anyway… 9 months and counting? :/

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

People getting rich quick?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


you guys wanna be rich? here the #1 tip = don’t craft a legendary weapon.

only spend money on what can bring you more money.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Aetherblade dungeon (Kiel not moving)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


well since it seems a common bug with lots of ppl even on multiple playthroughs, I’m not going to waste time keep trying this instance, some acknowledgement from anet of this bug would be nice, so people know to not keep wasting time on a new dungeon which doesn’t always work.

I hope to see a new patch very soon with patch notes saying it’s been fixed, in the meantime I guess we will have to avoid it for now.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

BLC Epic Rewards

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


Dear Arena Net devs, how about implementing a new rule to force 3 DIFFERENT rewards per rng of the black lion chest reward?

Or create categories and have 1x rng per category of reward, that way you don’t get screwed over twice in one hit.



Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


A guild distribution mailing list would be a good idea, as would many other vital (and still never changed since launch) basic functions expected for guild interfacing such as members being able to deposit items to an existing stack in the guild bank, amongst other things.

Pre-launch they said they will be taking the best elements from other mmo’s and incorporating them into the new gw2 game, so they must know of guild features like this that other games have but for an unknown reason decided it was not important to spend time and money implementing to gw2, at least not yet anyway.

But definitely this is a good suggestion and I hope the devs pay attention, it would add new/more functionality to guilds.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Party Invite - see info before accepting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


What is the point in having a yes/no option to allow somebody to join your party if you can’t see their class or level?

My suggestion is to let people see info on mouseover of the player portrait (same like when they join party) so the party can decide if they want this class/level to join their party or not.

this is common sense to me but I don’t know about the rest of you.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Queen's gauntlet

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


There’s even a gambit system wherein you can increase the difficulty for a better reward.

It’s not quite like anything we’ve ever done before. I think some of you are really going to have fun with it.

erm.. fractals? :s

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Auto-stack guild bank deposits

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


Enable auto stacking to existing stacks of items in guild bank when depositing.

Currently, contributing to a stack in your guild bank requires you first remove the item, combine with already existing stack in your inventory, then re-depositing the new stack.. who’s clever idea was this?

please fix it as it creates unnecessary/boring admin work for guild leaders managing guild bank contents.

thank you.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

Clearout old TP orders (below vendor value)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


if value field x (buy value) is below value of field y (the vender value) then delete or raise to vender value which would keep all orders placed but raise the cost of them accordingly though that may be a concern for people who placed them having there order buy price raised automatically.

So the solution would be to delete orders

Deleting the buy orders would mean stealing peoples gold, and raising the buy orders to vendor value would be giving people free gold, either way is not a good idea.

Refunding is the only fair option to both parties.

They still wont make a profit due to the listing fees and sales tax.

Ok maybe not profit, but at least you would be able to sell your unwanted items without having to go to a vendor every time.
As it currently stands, you are unable to sell to the lowest buy orders for items like the one linked as the game doesn’t let you sell lower than vendor value.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

(edited by Vashoom.8512)

Loot covering up exit dungeon button -.-

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


Don’t know what anet were thinking with this recent change, intended or not, it exists and needs to be fixed.

Forcing people to wait for the loot list to dissapear from the screen before you can exit the dungeon.. (covering up the exit button, look in corner)


(and yes, I know leaving party exits dungeon but when you want to do another path this is a bit stupid to design this way)


Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)