‘Add mounts’, ‘res shrines’ /yawn
Someone wake me up when he gets to cookies!
a direct hit
You can’t get more direct than a swift prybar upside the head
I use the waypoint system to fast travel to where the action is…other than that, i pretty much ignore them – it’s probably the same for most players so i don’t see why you’ve such a problem with it OP.
‘the abundance of waypoints in every map makes the experience feel less authentic’
Just how authentic should an imaginary world be anyway?
It could earn you a lot of money
Let’s see, 2 years down the line and Anet still haven’t bought into the whole race change idea despite ‘countless race change topics on the forums since release’…but yet you still imagine it to be a money-spinner idea?
Its a wonder that they’ve never considered this before? /sarcasm
(edited by Vitus Dance.4509)
Questions about Pricing and Payment [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Vitus Dance.4509
But it was like “no more payments, everything in future will be free, they said”
There was also supposed to be jetpacks in the future too, ‘they’ said so.
Well, this is the future, WHERE’S MY JETPACK?
Stopping the Hypetrain: It won`t be as good?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Vitus Dance.4509
Anet should slap a great big red sticker on anything they say (or release) simply stating ‘All information is subject to change!’.
Bye bye ‘hypetrain’ thread, bye bye speculative ‘hypetrain’ thread, bye bye son of speculative ‘hypetrain’ thread…ad infinitum.
Reality is, there is probably no expansion, and there is no good evidence to support this belief.
That makes no sense whatsoever.
Ho hum, yet another bout of ‘spoon fed’ LS drops…and has about as much impact as reading the papers on a Sunday morning.
More episodic, dragon related tom-foolery awaits…yawn.
Isn’t it about time Anet seriously considered, you’ve guessed it, an expansion?
Just how long can they trot out this humdrum content?
Answers on a postcard…
GW2 is like the Hotel California…’You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave!
I checked out for 8 months…yet here i am again
I used the boycott term as it is usually the last line of hope to get anything done IRL.
Face it, you’re a minuscule cog in a very large machine, so minuscule in fact that whether you play or boycott…the machine continues to work regardless.
is this true?
Never seen an ad before as adblock’s usually the first extension i install on a new browser…but even then i wouldn’t touch IE with a six foot pole either.
Halloween & Wintersday are just seasonal events…nothing to do with LS at all.
You could try posting in the warrior prof forum or, for better help from non-warrior players, try inputting your skill set into sites like gw2db.
Archeage, are doing well with population numbers
Sorry, just had to quote that! lol
Why minions don’t get an action bar (like Hunter pets) is beyond me.
4 sad-face smilies…in one post? (5 with the title!)
Anet listen, this issue DEMANDS attention!
It would also eliminate the need to pick traits that aren’t really beneficial to the build just to get to a run speed boost trait.
Isn’t that the whole point of build diversity? – that you have to sacrifice one trait for another even if it’s not particularly useful?
If every rune featured a run speed increase – generic builds would soon be the norm.
You may as well ask them to just increase everyone’s run speed – no faffing with runes or traits that way.
The cost does seem out of place compared to their usefulness.
It seems that way from practically everything you can craft in GW2.
I’ve made more from selling mats than i ever have from actually making anything which, to me anyhow, seems backwards.
Check out this one too: nice look back as we enter the third wvw season)
‘Nice gear’ lol
It seems that these trophies exist solely to polute the loot tables, and to force me to buy larger backpacks and/or clear out my inventory more often.
More useless cr@p than you can carry?
Welcome to the wonderful world of MMOs
What’d be the point of fielding an army of minions or pets if you could simply tab target the player?
I’d say it’s working as intended.
I made a bow.
It was account bound…but salvageable.
So I did and after pumping all those mats into making it…got 2 wood in return.
Ineffable is an apt description of the ‘effs & c-bombs’ that fell from my disbelieving jaw soon after.
I’m not making another one.
Does it even matter if they despawn? they don’t actually attack anything
I’ve notice this too – minions are the GW2 equivalent of young offenders doing community service…stood around doing naff all while you’re getting it handed to you on a plate.
What next, i wonder, less waypoints perhaps?…i can see new players getting confused by having too many of those
Perhaps they’ll introduce mounts soon too as there must be plenty of new players who’ve come to expect mounts from playing other MMOs and are confused by the lack of them here…
Yes all you (me included) veteran’s
You were doing so well…right up until you mentioned ‘veterans’.
Don’t worry, it’s not just you as people have been brandishing the term all over the forums recently
Can anyone really consider themselves a veteran because they’ve played since release or have a slew of level 80 characters?
WoW vets i can understand as WoW has been quite happily trundling along since November 2004 but GW2 is a mere baby by comparison at, just over, 2 years old.
I don’t know – perhaps it’s just one of those words…like moreish, to supposedly describe wanting more of something, that just sets my teeth on edge…who can say?
I’ve often wondered this for a while now but which professions (and skills), foregoing ‘traditional’ armour type of course, would best fit a trinity style of play?
Given GW2’s mix of profession skills, weapon skills and traits, which three (or more if necessary) professions could be considered the closest approximation of the trinity we all know?
Take the Guardian (pretty standard ‘tanking’ class) but, ignoring the heavy armour and relying on skills and traits alone, you’d have a support/healer class for an example…but are there better examples (or synergies) from the other professions?
an inspect feature for COSMETIC purposes only.
…or you could simply cut out the middle man, saving a programmer from a small headache in the process, and just ask the player what items they have on.
You’ll probably be doing this after you’ve inspected them anyway…so why wait?
‘Asking’ promotes community interaction too (so a double plus there for communication!)
What a fantastic guide.
It took me a while to understand the process ( i couldn’t figure out how to get past step 1…took me hours of experimenting with different button combos)…but i think i’m there now.
‘Open Inventory’…
‘Use Tomb of Knowledge’…
Amazing AND really easy too.
It’s a wonder i’ve never seen this on Dulfy…
Instead of adding new classes, weapons, or skills entirely to the same classes already in game, why not allow players to creatively MERGE classes together
I want to play as a Thief/Ranger – a bow wielding thief – all that GW1 ‘thiefy’ goodness…but with a bow too!
Wait, what do you mean ’that’s already in-game’?
Ok, bad example…what about a Warrior/Ranger then? huh?
A bow wielding warrior eh? eh? – warrior ‘powah!’…but with a bow!
Hang on…what do you mean ’that’s also in-game’?
Hmm, I see you’re a tough crowd to please….
Righto, this combo will knock your socks off…
An Elementalist…wait for it…wait for it…Thief! – BAM! magic plus, not just one, oh no…but two, yes, two daggers! A dual dagger wielding, magic missile lobbing ele!
Blows your mind, yeah?
What do you mean ‘No’?
Jeez, there’s no pleasing you people!
- Walks off in a huff…*
Dual professions already exist in GW2 (to an extent)…they’re just cleverly hidden.
Simple kittenbaggery.
You’re not the first person to be kicked because another prof claims they know how to play yours better…and you won’t be the last.
Chalk it up to experience and move on.
Why is it that whenever the old ‘new class’ chestnut get mentioned…someone always suggests monk?
We need you Anet to remember what made Guild Wars so successful years ago
A different team?
I like it.
The way it looks like note paper…but isn’t (not too big on the pie chart though!)
Guild Wars 2?
Don’t care.
Please do not try to play down the negativity this feature patch created.
I wasn’t playing down anything at all, merely suggesting a more constructive/concise alternative.
but I had to put this out there.
…ignoring the multitude of threads already posted on the subject.
I don’t know why Anet don’t put out a customer satisfaction survey after every patch?
It’d instantly erase all of the ‘samey samey’ threads in one hit.
I wrote a review complimenting GW2 for being playable on any PC old or new. I’m going to have to destroy my write up now.
Bring the AH’s back or I’m not invited my friends to play and I’m leaving myself.
Oh, the drama of it all /swoon
On a more serious note, however, you might want to edit that review – GW2 doesn’t play on every machine well.
My old laptop could only run the game at minimum settings (with help from razer game booster to pick up the fps a little) and BGs were often just a slide show at peak times – my current laptop, which is a huge improvement over the other one, can manage mid settings plus a bit of graphical ‘fluff’.
The game still lags occasionally…but that’s more down to my ISP, location etc.
You may find that asking for help, rather than demanding (with additional idle threats), might be better received…posting in ‘tech support’ is a good idea too.
I want to RP and PvE without having to deal with a bunch of prima donnas
…but prima donnas and RP are a match made in heaven – it’s a given
If I want action on something, I remain polite when asking for it.
Very admirable.
What happens when you’re ignored?
It doesn’t have to get personal.
…but it generally does.
Customers don’t see any specific individual, they see a company representative.
If you have a complaint, you want action or answers from the company (or person(s) representing that company) NOT the individual’s sympathies.
‘How to make Arena Net listen to you’
Kinda counter-productive, no?
When you type to the company, the company doesn’t read your response, people do.
Would that be the employees?
Employees that represent the company?
Employees that represent the company and reply following company procedure and policy?
…or just regular people?
If you folks at Anet want me back, all you have to do is reply
I’ve heard that holding your breath can also be advantageous in situations like these too.
Why can’t people bring across their complaints in a nice way
Human nature…erm, high five?
We’re upset because we would not have bought or played this game had it been like this on release.
If that were really the case…surely ‘we’ wouldn’t have known any difference?
As this thread’s a year old – i’d say to the OP ‘none’.
all uninstalled and logging off
…but you don’t get away that easily.
Give it another 12 months, you’ll be donning those rose-tinted specs, re-installing the game, logging in…and BAM! – everything will be exactly where you left it.
If you’re truly adamant that you’re going to leave – you should delete all of your characters before you uninstall.
It’s a lot harder to do than you’d think!
everyone should just play a warrior
Hmm, asking or telling?
I have 6 characters…and none are warriors.
Easy mode might appeal to some but i like a little more diversity in my games.