Showing Posts For Woodsman Silencio.9361:

PoF Demo - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Here are my thoughts about the PoF demo:

The good:

  • The animations for the sandshark attacks are very fun.
  • The Hydra’s; my beloved hatred for them was instantly back into my mind.
  • The Chef mastery point. I did not get it in the first few tries i made, wich i consider to be a good thing. I should feel like a “master” when completing those mastery points.
  • The reward chest on top of the pyramid guarded by the Elite Devourer. I had much fun getting on top there with the knock back mechanic hampering the climb. And then a decent fight to get hold of the contents of the chest. But i wil get back to this in The Bad part…..

The neutral:

  • Map size. on foot it feels big but am not overly sure that it wil bring back the feeling of an enormous map like i had in the gw1 deserts. The higher speed of the mounts does not help giving me the feeling that the map is huge.
  • Trade contracts and the other coin types. My comment would be: John Smith, we here in Europe got rid of our different country currencies for a reason. Are you sure that having so many currencies is the only way for the trading to be fair ?
  • Identification of drops. Mweh never liked it in gw1, just did it because you would get more coin for your drops. ( and people knew that; so a statistical metric about popularity would be flawed there ).

The Bad:

  • Are all maps once again being level 80. Why on earth did you make the scale down system for ??? Not just for those few maps in the core game i hope.
  • The story telling. I partnered up with one of my guildies that came back into the demo after me. As steady partner of the commander you get utterly and totally ignored, even that stupid NPC Ryttlock has more lines then me about the commander not doing everything alone. I really felt like: hello, Hello, HELLO, HEELLLLOOOOO I AM HERE TOO!!!!
  • Back to the top of the pyramid. I have climbed it; dodged the sandtwisters and i even managed to beat the Elite Devourer guarding the Elonian chest. Time to relax and have me a good look around right? Well forget about the relaxing: the sand twister mechanic can NOT be killed, is NOT turned off for a little while but wil keep on knocking you around just when you finally have managed the camera to give you a good screen shot…
    It infuriated me to a point that i had to log out take a half hour break just to cool myself down a bit. This mechanic not being turned off right after an intense fight is like having written a good and several page long story and then your boss sneaks up on you and destroying your work over a flimsy tiny spelling error. This mechnic not being turned off for a propper amount of time is very close to a deal breaker for me.

Overall, i think the demo was a pretty ecperience.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Treasure Trove/ Deep Cave Permission Levels?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

My suggestion would be to first rename the Deep Cave and Treasure Trove to a similar name. Something like
Treasure Trove South Wing / Treasure Trove North Wing
of my favourite:
Deep Cave South Wing / Deep Cave North Wing

This has 2 advantages that i can think of:
1. It is more clear that you give permission for both of the parts of said parts of the guild storage
2. It wil be easily possible to add more storage to guild banks in the future if needed.

Then to suggestion of the poster:
Yes i would like to see seperate permissions for each part of the guild bank storage. However i do realice that any permission coding is a headache. The logic to make it work propper can be a tedious task. And then the testing of it can be an even bigger headache. So yes i would like to see it but i am not expecting it soon.
( Maybe it’s a good test for the logical prowers of a new developer ? )

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

This discussion made me think about a book i recently reread, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. In the comment he made for a reprint of the book A. Huxley said that there should be introduced a new Human Right. This one:
The right of a human being to be in-efficient.
I play this game not to be efficient but to be in-efficient. I want to explore and get lost hopelessly only to find that one event almost nobody has seen before.
I want the option of having to fail an event and get rewarded by a follow up event to right my wrong in letting that first event fail.
I want to take my guildies that only show up on friday evening on an epic 5 hour run to get the raid wing done. Note, i have not done it yet but i imagine it to be somewhat like Underworld orFissure of Woe were in GW1. Very hard content but with a group that is dedicated to spend hours on end once every 3 months you could do it. I just hope that raid wings can offer that.

To me being casual stands for the right to be in-efficient. That’s my opinion.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

64bit client won't update/run

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Same problem with updating with the 64 bit client here.

@Nyox.6278: You can download the client from My Account on this site.
Then goto the post where the installation of the 64 bit client is explained. Just read 32 bit client where it says 64 bit client.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

My 2 cents: Why not make the core game to give a base of 6 character slots after expansion goes live?

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

End of Servers versus Storybooks

in Living World

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

They won’t do it, simply because it doesn’t make sense from a cost standpoint. Not to mention the nightmare of server administration it would be.

i know that it’s hard to make it cost effective. Funny fact is now that they found a perfect justification for story telling for a subscription fee based MMO. But their own no subscription rule is standing in their way to fully developped it.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

End of Servers versus Storybooks

in Living World

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

you forget a important point:
frequency of the updates. The newest LS updates can be done at a lower frequence then that of the already excisting LS content.

for instance.
You convince a friend to start playing, he goes onto a LS season 1 server.
You help him out as he gets his weekly updates.
In between you get your 2 or 3 or 4 weekly updates on the latest story.
After 1 or 2 years both of you wil be on the same “page” or part of the story.
And both of you wil have experienced all of the content.

The story books have as big downside that the developers/storytellers can not have much of an impact on how area’s look and feel or else it wil be so far outside what is presented in the story books that it wil feel too much off.
That is already happening with the Town of Prosperity….

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

End of Servers versus Storybooks

in Living World

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

tldr version: return to LS1 style and after the GW2 story is at the end (probably far into future), restart it.

@OP: That’s… kinda pointless suggestion at this time, don’t you think? Return in 7-8 years when all the dragons are dead and GW3 is announced?

i personally would rather see:

  • start up servers
  • sequence servers for Living Stories 1 and 2
  • End of story part servers
  • start up servers for Living story Heart of Maguuma
  • sequence servers for Heart of Mauuma
  • end of story part servers
  • start up servers for Living story the next expansion

and so on

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

End of Servers versus Storybooks

in Living World

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

The general idea here is that instead of the storybooks we go back to the temporary episodes. To do this worlds or servers should be forced to end, at the end of the story of course. Then we can go back and restart the whole story sequence. Or if people don’t want to start the story again, they can stay on non-updating end of story serverworlds.


  • To bring back the feeling of playing in a everchanging world back.
  • By restarting serverworlds on a regular base, new players can experience the whole story from it’s beginnings
  • Players on the same serverworld are being on the same part of the story wich gives more of a community feeling. At least it did that for me.
  • With servers ending regurarly it wil be much easier to find fun ways to end the life of a underpopulated server.
  • There should be some end of story servers available so that players that are inactive for a time, can come back and then move to a fresh starting server. This to achieve that they can replay the story once again.
  • More possibilities to experience the story, for instance Story parts that can be FAILED as a server, preferably by underpopulated servers. But there are more ideas to be worked out here.

Problem areas:

  • What to do with guilds from serverworlds that are ended?
    • My first solution: restart the guild with all it’s benefits in a new server decided by the guild leader. More problems to be solved there though.
    • My second solution: the players of the guild that is being ended all get a certain amount of influence to spend. Problem there would be how much is fair? and in what form?
  • Should players be able to move freely across all the servers?
    • My initial thoughts say: no. People should only be able to go back in the story sequence or stay on the same page but on another worldserver.
    • With a server Failing a story sequence part there should be put in some thoughts on whereto let them go? For instance wil they have to go into other servers that are close to the sequence part they were in? Or can they freely move back to a start up server?

Financial Problems?

  • Restarting servers wil never be a 100% automated event. Therefore:
    • People are allowed to go into start up servers as many times as they have character slots. Currently that would be 5 times for a standard account. With a weekly update schedule that would be a total of roughly 5 years of playtime.
    • People should be allowed not to restart. Instead they should have the opputinity to stay on non updating end of the story servers.

tl:dnr: Split world servers up into:

  • Start up servers. Let people get to know each other and forming of guilds
  • Story sequence servers. Let people experience the story in daily/weekly/2 weekly/ monthly updates
  • End of Story servers. Let people that have experienced the story once take a break, level a new character, farm a new armor/weaponset etc. Without any updates.
    This instead of the story books.
Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

New Narrative Director at ANet

in Living World

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Let me reply on behalf of Braham to all these deep thoughts in the previous posts:


How is that for depth? Braham is a sponge soaking up knowledge meanwhile providing protection to his friends. He wil have his day.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Home Portal Stone, a way to guildarea's/hall?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

I am wondering if this is doable:

Make a part of every Home Instance a guildarea like the Royal Terrace. Make a seperate entrance for the guildarea inside the home instance.
Make it possible for guilds to unlock the services like traders/crafting stations/Mystic Forge.
I just miss an area to gather up /relax seperated from the rest of the world as guild sooo much.

Possible extra developments:
Make certain area’s in the game guild only, likewise the Royal Terrace.
Then have guilds gain access to 1 of these area’s through a daily / weekly / monthly contribution of influence.
If more then 1 guild wants the same area, the guild with the most influence “wins”.
Guildarea’s are 1 for each server ( wil bring back the importance of servers a bit more ).
Guildmembers can access this area through their home instance guildportal or through a areal portal.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Mount maelstrom loading screen freeze [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

I have no problems anymore, used the guesting feature with 1 character and got into MM. Mapchat indicates that people are getting back in now. My 2nd character did load into MM right away without having to guest.

edit: i used guesting to Gunnar’s Hold server.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Mount maelstrom loading screen freeze [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

I have the same problem at this moment. Got 2 characters that are in Mount Maelstrom, can’t get into the zone with both

Server: Gandara
1st character: Woodsmaid Silencia
2nd character: Tinkering Silencio.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Min. 1% price-difference

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Let’s simmer down a bit, this is getting necessarily heated. I believe the issue in question is, does a minimum increment of of 1c effectively represent a different willingness to pay or willingness to buy from the original price being compared against, and does that answer change relative to the end price of the item.

Obviously, in some cases 1c is just fine, but is that true in all cases? Why or Why not?
It’s much harder to prove that it is the same price because “technically” it’s a different price, so the origin lies on those who believe that it’s not an effective difference. I think an argument can be made somewhere, but lets do it as academically as possible. have to run, but I’ll be back to check on this shortly.

Other arguement in this discussion. The moral of the honest Stockbroker. The task of a honest stockbroker is to provide a solid sealing for direct buyers and to provide a solid bottom to direct sellers. The people undercutting the Stockbrokers should be the people that have gained the items ingame and have the patience to wait for their item to sell and on the other end the people that want to buy and wait a bit for their items to overprice the Stockbrokers.
Question now becomes: wil a 1% undercut/overprice rule make more people want to become a stockbroker. Secondly is 1% the right difference.
On 1) With a bigger increment between prices the sealing and bottom wil become much easier to detect and might draw some more people towards the bottom / sealing.
On 2) I think a 1% difference is too small. It would give just 15 or even less steps of pricing between the bottom and the sealing. i think 1 promille ( 1/1,000 ) would be better.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Charge for All Episodes - regardless

in Living World

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

I disagree with the OP. There are other ways for Anet to make money out of content.
Option 1) is to add paid “extra” side stories to the main ( stil free of charge ) Living Story.\
Option 2) is to add paid extra episodes of the Personal Story.

That is of course if the upcoming changes to handle stories in your Hero panel works flawless.

Put in words of comparising to a tv channel. They wil have 1 channel that is free of charge ( if you buy a tv { the buy to play model part }). If you miss an episode you can stil buy it afterwards. And then they also have a second/third/etc. channel to broadcast paid content for those who don’t have enough content on the free of charge channel.
There are of course a load of pro’s and con’s here to revieuw but it could be a very good working model.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Double Punishment in Reward for Boss Blitz

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

why should a player be forced to join a large guild in order to complete an event that is open to all?

Nobody’s forced to join any guilds to do this. I’m currently in a guild all by myself, with nobody else as members, but I’ve already spent a couple of hourse two days in a row collecting gold rewards in the pavillion (and I am definitely not a farming kind of player).

Keep an eye on the lfg tool (open world -> living story) for people offering taxi service to organized pavillion instances, or just put up a group yourself looking for a taxi, and you’ll find a decent instance to do this event fairly quickly. It actually requires a lot less on the part of the people around you than for example the marionette fight did, it’s a simple, straight-forward event. As long as people communicate on map chat and don’t just blindly hit anything that crosses their path, things go surprisingly smooth.

off topic, although there is good advice in it.

As for double punishment, it’s a question of reward vs. attendance price. If you do it wrong, the event fails … only this time, the fail is so obvious (by drawing out the fight for hours in some cases) that I’m surprised to see the number of people still trying to zerg this event. I’m all for making large events accessible for casual players, but this one already is so easy, putting a deadline on it would really amount to handing out loot for just showing up.

The thing is: this event NEVER EVER gets the failed reward. The instance stays open untill everybody has left it and nobody gets placed in it by the megaserver system. I have been into some of those instances where no boss was killed and the timer was completely gone.
Putting a deadline on it would at least give a chance to regroup and rethink and remake groups.
For instance they could give us 8 minutes to kill all the bosses. Once the timer hits zero the game takes a look at how many bosses killed and rewards for the amount of bosses killed. 1 to 3 bosses: Event fail reward ( that’s something like 1 silver and some xp ). 4 bosses killed, bronze reward, 5 bosses killed silver reward, all bosses killed gold reward. If it would be this way people wouldn’t be fighting for i don’t know how long and get a diminishing reward for the time they are spending.
Other way around would be, give the “gold” reward no matter how long it takes. People wil stil prefer to go with organiced instances, simply because you don’t want to spend a hour of your day to mindlessly zerg the bosses if you can get it done with a bit of effort in 6 to 8 minutes. For those who don’t want to organice things they stil can collect their reward though, they just loose ( alot of ) time.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Double Punishment in Reward for Boss Blitz

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

  • You do it properly, you get gold reward.
  • You do it with mistakes, you get silver reward.
  • You do it wrong, you get bronze reward.
  • You do nothing and simply wait for bosses to die from age – yes, you deserve nothing.
  • You try to do it again and do it wrong, you get bronze reward.
  • You try to do it again and learn enough, you get silver reward.
  • You try to do it again and master it, you get gold reward.

Seems perfectly fair too me.

You are unable to read map chat? Give away part of your reward.

You are unable to see the turret with large red swords and a buff icon on the boss? Give away part of your reward.

You’ve been happily running with your friends in Queensdale and now they can’t organise even 6 groups of 7 people by typing letters? Give away part of your reward.

You are unable to find a large enough guild which exists on every server and advertises often? (Reminder: you can join up to 5 of them.) Give away part of your reward.

Sorry, you’re out of rewards. Please try again later or improve your skills to, well, get rewarded and not presented with something.

What i miss in this responce: Is it acceptable to punish people double for mistakes they are making.
Once again: i am not against hard content, i do like a challenge and is not in discussion here. What i am not against is having to organice things, i see that is part of the challence.

Once again: Is acceptable to punish double. Take time away from people AND give less reward. Or should it be: Either take time away from people OR give less reward after a certain given time?

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Double Punishment in Reward for Boss Blitz

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

First of all, i really love the new AI on the bosses in the Pavillon. Second of all, i like that you have to split up and organice to get the best result. No discussion about that in this topic.

What i do want to discuss:

There is a double punishment in the reward system. To me that is game breaking.

The longer i need with the people i get around me ( wich is random since i am not in a big guild ) the less reward i get. So:

1) i loose time and can do the Boss Blitz less often.
2) i get less reward if i don’t get things done in time

In my opinion this is unfair up to the point i find it cruel ( personal opinion ).

Question is: Is it fair to be rewarded in that way?

Fair to me would be:
1) You kill all 6 bosses and get the same reward at the end. The faster you do things the more often you can restart the Blitz, getting more rewards in the end.
Or 2) You have a timer to kill once timer hits zero you get rewarded or get a failed reward.

Have fun discussing this about rewards.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

WvW Titles

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

The titles and achievement point values for WvW play are absolutely out of character with the rest of the game and we will be addressing that. What form that will take specifically I am not entirely sure.

Make an CDI out of it ?

On a personal note: i think with the math i would go as follows: 10 years of playing roughly 4 hours a day should bring you the majority of the titles.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

NO reason that immob stacking should exist

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

The real issue is that Immobilize is a CC that is treated like a condition etc. Stacking should not exist in any MMO. CC chaining is something that should utilize player skill not target mark spamming.

I think it also violates their own philosophy of Damage / Control / Support. By treating control skills the same way as damage skills ( to wich i count the condition damage ) they convert the control into damage.
Stacking damage i can certainly live with. It utilices playerskill since you have to pay attention to wich target you apply your stack of condition damage.
Stacking Control. It just sounds off the moment you say it and that should say it already. You either have control or you don’t, you don’t have a stack of it……

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

dragonite/empyreal star

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

The increase in damage going from exotic to ascended weapons is 5%,

Its actually at least 10%.

With asc armor the actual stats may not be that much of an advantage I would think the greatest advantage is going to be in the increase in base armor values.

Max damage on Ascended GS = 1155
Max damage on Exotic GS = 1100

% increase = (1155 – 1100)/1100 = 0.05 = 5%

The math is not very strong in you.

There is another issue at hand here too. It’s called relativity.

You base your increase on the relation between Ascended and Exotic.

If you however take the white GS as base for the calculation you get:

Max Damage on White GS = 670
Max Damage on Exotic GS = 1,100
Max Damage on Ascended GS = 1,155

Exotic GS is then ( 1,100 / 670 ) * 100% = 164%
Ascended GS is then ( 1,155/670 ) *100% = 172%

The difference then is 8%

Personally i prefer to make the calculations this way, because making the white weapons/armors/trinkets to be the base for your calculations gives a fixed point for what is 100%.

it’s just a side note though in the greater scheme of discussions.

have fun.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Account bound WXP

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Thank you so much Anet for this change, instead of 8 characters between level 30 and 40 i wil now be just over level 250.
And even better: i can spend it differently across my characters so if i feel like defending i can grab a strong defender character, if i feel like killing off the oppositions dolyaks i can grab the alt that’s been progressed for that etc etc etc. I am very excited about this chance.

Once again thanks Anet for making this happen.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

The Historian - for people who missed content

in Living World

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Putting historical story content into fractals is NOT a solution. Fractals are high end content, you’re putting another barrier up for content that players should have ready access to. If you want people to enjoy your story then let them play it -_-

I think you missed the whole point: Historical Content is NOT readily accessible henche the expression: Historical. I think putting in new high end content into the fractals with some NPC historian telling you, how, why and what was happening during that fractal of time would give people more reasons to play fractal.

About OP: whoa what a good worked out idea. I also love the fact that it is being worked on to fit into the world ( without disrupting it ).

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

18/10 Desolation/Abaddon's Mouth/Gandara

in Match-ups

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Both AM and Gandara made it possible for Deso to pick who becomes 2nd place earlier this week. They let Deso get a comfortable lead wich Deso is now “cashing in”. Strategie in a 3 way fight is played out over the whole week. If AM and Gandara hadn’t fought each other over 2nd place earlier on in the week and focussed more on getting 1st place they might have been closer in score to Deso and thus not giving them the oppertunity to choose who becomes 2nd.
All water under the bridge now, rematch in 6 weeks and i personally look forward to it and to all the weeks in between. A lot of strategy added to the game with this league system. Planning 7 weeks ahead is much more challenging, given all the possible situations you have to consider. And to AM: Yes we as Gandarans are to blame for getting 2nd place handed out to us, just as much as you.

have fun all.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

PvEers and you

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Let me try to give an anologie to best i can:

You (the wvw adict player) are working in a computer repairshop as volunteer. After learning how to do this you become skilled and enjoy yourself with your also skilled co-workers. Then on a good day the boss decides to advertice in a well read paper and website.
All hell breaks loose: your flooded with customers (PvE players)wanting a repair/fix. What would you do then? complain endlessly about the fact you have so many customers that there is a queu outside the store? Or do the best you can and keep your eyes open for more volunteers? Does your boss really need to tell you to keep your eyes open? Don’t you think your boss is blind to the fact that there are queus outside ?

Just thinking random thoughts, have fun.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

1) Commander functionality
2) Guild Buff on structures and it’s functionality.
3) Length of Leagues, general Leagues issues.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Leagues are a success

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Moan or Mentor,

So far i have read a lot of moaning about skill lag, about players only entering for the Achievement etc. etc.

May i suggest to those moaners to start mentoring? Instead of using up your time to scare away new influx of players by moaning on this forum, you could also use it to mentor the newbie PvE players.

Just my 2 cents.

P.S. WvWvW should be the place where sPvP and hardcore PvE spend their time togheter to better themselfs for their respective game modes. Yes i know, haters gona hate, but that won’t stop me from dreaming about more cooperation.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

A case for the Holy Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

They designed and built a car. Asking for wings to make it fly or a hull so it can drive on water isn’t going to happen.

That is the problem… they said they were going to make a car without wheels… so we were all expecting some new kind of mobility, some hover system or anything… instead they did what they said… they built a car without wheels and nothing more. A simple car without wheels.

It’s easy to say we will remove the trinity just like that… so hey, whats new? what will replace it? nothing… lot of classes that can do everything. We are single players doing the same next to each other.

What’s new is for you the player to learn to adapt to a system where it’s someone else’s job to keep you alive in battle or to keep the critters off your back. It’s about dodging and flanking rather than simple mindless fixed roles. The challenge in dungeons, where you are forced to have a fixed size party, is about strategy of near equals not the super specialized.

The concept of Fighter, MU, Cleric, Thief has been around for 40 years in gaming. Very fixed roles with loads of limitations that niche each of those archetypes game play styles simply because of those limitations. This got propagated into video games, first fantasy RPGs and then FPS games when they introduced classes. It’s ingrained today so much that when a game like GW2 tries to break that mold many consider that it’s the game that’s broken rather than our preconceptions.

But the game is broken, not because we think so but on paper and math it is broken. From the very moment where you make a game without tanks and healers and provide those 2 stats for players to gear. You say other roles will replace the ones missing but there are none. They implement a design where range (safeness) comes in exchange for damage (risk) but at the very end, the system itself has so many flaws that playing this game is like playing Simon so you learn it by hard sooner or later and those safeness is nothing but a waste or burden leaving damage as only choice. And what happens when you balance damage to how close you are but don’t provide some classes of close combat weapons? (see rangers and engineers)

This is the first MMORPG I’ve seen where EVERYONE goes for the same stats… no matter class, race, “role” (if you can mention another than dps); they all go for zerk stat. Do you really think this is a coincidence? The core of the game is bad designed and that is a symptom. You don’t need to be a genius to see it. Another symptom is how much of a slap to the face this game is to players who plays far from the servers or have a bad internet connection… one shot skills, dodge or die design… not very good with an average of 500 latency.

So I don’t think it is a preconception of what an MMO should be, but what it is by definition. You can’t release an RPG and deliver a car racing game because you are innovating. So why are we all playing like if was some kind of MMORPG when it’s actually an MMO action/platform game?

Although i do agree that we need more defined roles, I am completely against the return of the trinity. Wich is a broken mechanic to me too. I think we would find more enjoyment if we get the car to hover and learn how to drive that, then from getting a set of wheels under it ( wich wil fit badly if at all ).

What i am missing is the Heroes system from guildwars1. Some of the more interesting foes implemented into guildwars1 expansions came from the builds that the community made through the use of heroes. There is no such input possible from the community in this game as far as i know. The only input so far is that we can solve about any fight in PvE with Beserker Gear. Now it’s time for the skill development team to counter that. Let’s hope that they find a fun and interesting way for this soon.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

A case for the Holy Trinity.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

I think most is already said in this thread but i would like to add my 2 cents.

I disagree with OP that the holy trinity is the only or best way to go. What i want for this game is to improof the 8 roles they have ( guardian, warrior, ranger etc. ). For Instance if you need to knock down a certain mob the only difference between the roles now is the animation. All great and so but after awhile you have seen it.

In other words i want to be able to hop on 1 of my characters and have more variaty then we would get from the trinity. I want to see that when people see me with my ranger they think: hey there’s a ranger ( or engineer or elementalist etc. ) he wil do this and that, so if i do such and so we wil be stronger togheter. This is in parts already in this game but either we need to teach each other more about the other classes and how to work togheter ( horrific thought for some, having to explain others how to get more of what they do togheter ). Or we are in need for better tell signs so we can make these combo’s happen ( without the screen exploding in big group fights ).

I really don’t want to be forced back into the old days where i had to change to my healer or tank because we otherwhise couldn’t do our dungeon run as a guild.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Looking for a server that plays defense

in Looking for...

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

defending is underrated the best defence is a good offensive and a lil bit communication (some scouts etc)

My answer to this one liner is another one:

The strongest offence comes from a strong defence.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

The time to say no to a level cap increase?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

The only moment that i would welcome a Level cap increase is when the day comes that they have done the math to totally drop the level cap. Untilll then they can add more variations to the game almost endlessly and have us go for the next set of armor/weapons/jewelry.

For instance: they could make a dragon stand up and undefeatable unless the majority has type x armor/weapon/jewelry. The math to make this happen doesn’t need a level cap increase.

As gw1 altoholic veteran i can honestly say that i got more then enough to do on my 8 characters for the coming 8 years at least and that’s without the upcoming ascended armor. That wil add another 4 years or so.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.


in Match-ups

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Nice zoomhacks Jade Sea.. Asura ele at LW.

Get some skills instead and you wont have to zoomhack when you take towers and keeps.

edit:Phenix [PHX] bronze squire reported.

I presume you talk about me

No need to zoomhack to see the arrow carts on the wall : there’s a little elevation in front of the door. I go there. And there, you can see the top of the arrow cart. Press “CTRL” to see where they are, target, and then go at the door, and use dragon tooth from the scepter to depop the siege engine.

And if you can’t see the machine, target the man, It works too.

I smell a skill update coming the necromancers way. The same mesmers we’re able to do a couple of months ago. They could target and attack things inside Towers and Keeps as long as they we’re in range. The update they got was the addition of Line of Sight.
The whole point of having walls is to be able to go out of line of sight as defender.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Numbers for WvW titles

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Devon has already said they will be looking into bringing these wvw achievements inline with others.

If I may make an educated guess then they haven’t gotten enough data yet to make those numbers a bit more inline.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Beginner to this game...Confused....

in Crafting

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

I agree on tailoring and artificing being the best crafts to have for an elementalist. Don’t worry about your income so far i have not been in much problems. Just sell what you gathered and don’t need on the Tradingpost and don’t buy too much normal materials on it. As long as you do tasks / events you should do fine on your income.

Note on farming: since everybody can use a farming node at the same time the respawning of a gathering spot is very long. Best to farm whatever is on your way ( the spots are on your radar/mini map ). Another good way to get materials is to salvage all white drops you get. the blue/green drops you can sell to any trader. the orange ( rare ) drops you can sell on TP or use them yourself.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Let's break down legendaries as they are now

in Crafting

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Personally i think they can leave the legendary weapon as it is now. A legendary weapon would then be just that: a legendary weapon.
A excisting solution of showing off your skill excists in gw1: the GWAMM title track. Although a lot of this was tied of you spending ingame gold, a fair amount of these titles were/are earned by you mastering the game gw1. A similiar overall title track / achievement track could be added with titles and all.
Would this satisfy you all?

As for the suggestion of adding a time limited dungeon: HORRIBLE. To me that defines grind: being forced to wait a week before i can do it again. But then again, i am all against the current form of dungeons already ( whole different discussion, in short dungeons remove the Massive from MMOrpg ).

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Let's break down legendaries as they are now

in Crafting

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

only problem i see is: no solution to the problem. Very clearly stated problem though, you can obtain a legendary weapon without YOU being legendary, you yourself have just to invest ingame gold. But then again: just the weapon is a legendary one, it’s nowhere stated that the owner should be a legend…

And i stil am on the standpoint: this game has little grind other then the grind you put yourself up to.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Fixing the zerg: New objectives, GvG-style

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Personally, i think these objectives already excist in the form of Supply Dolyaks, NPC helper outposts (quaggans etc.) and supply camps.
But at least this wil bring these small objectives once again under the attention of the community as being objectives for small groups to fight over.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Buying commander with Badges of honor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

I think a better currency would be influence. There are some possilble uses for a commander icon in PvE maps. Or maybe even a combination of influence and gold. Or as suggested by Rill, that you have both options, pay 100g or an equivalent of that in badges of honor.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

We don't want PVE in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

My 2 cents: first of all, i disagree with OP. So for sure he is talking for himself or at least not for all.
If recall well, there was an interview with the wvwvw developers in wich they stated that they are hestitant towards putting more vE elements into the WvWvW maps. And i think rightly so. The current vE elements need to be adressed first to make them more valuable.
Personally i am an PvE orientated player. Only WvWvW has some attractiveness to me. Being able to use Siege weapons ( wich i consider an vE element ) to support my team is wonderfull. To capture / befriend some NPC’s to support my team is fun to do.
I think that as long as the vE elements bring strategical points into play then they are “good”. When the vE elements just draws away people from objectives ( assaulting towers/keeps, supply denial ). then they are “bad”.
As far as i have read from Anet, they wanted WvWvW to be the middle ground between PvE and sPvP. I think the current situation is “good” enough. There might be some tweaks to be done here and there but not big things like: remove all vE content and also not add a big new Boss. I’d rather see they’d balance out the current factors first before even considering adding new things.

Have Fun.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Willing to share WvW details?

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

I made a suggestion about waypoints in the suggestions thread

Ok now we can discuss that there have more questions here.

question i have is this: Wil the option for not being able to enter WvWvW for awhile after a server transfer be implemented?

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

WvWvW Waypoint contested by control area.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Current situation in WvWvW is that when a Keep has a waypoint then people stil can get in during a second interval between 2 Defending dynamic event restarts.

This is being seen as a bug by the devolepers. Suggestion as solution would be to let the contested period be just a bit longer then the timer of the event. So this can be solved.
That however would create a new problem, namely people can perma contest the said waypoint by just making a hit to a guard or wall rendering this high tier upgrade useless.

My idea: Make the front of a gate a contestable area. If the owner of the keep controls this area, then the waypoint is open. If an attacker controls this area the waypoint becomes contested.
Once an attacker controls the area in front of the gate you might even have some NPC spawn there. Strength of the helping NPC’s for the attacker should be less then the strength of the patrol upgrade from the defender. This wil make the patrol a more valuable option to have.

Have Fun discussing this, and for the developers have fun implementing this or any other good solution.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Downed State and its effect on WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

I never see mentioned the fact that the game already has a mechanic that punishes a downed player. And there is one. After being downed once if you get downed again within the next minutes you get a lot less downed health. And that mechanic is one that stacks.
Rezzing and the whole mechanic should not be removed. They however might need some balancing. As in how many are rezzing .This is limited now to 5 i think, maybe should be brought back to 3 or even 2 max . This would make for a longer rez time, giving the opponent a more valuable window to finish the downed player or to down the rezzer and finish them both.
Those are more vailable options to ask for.
The game balance is very much tied to the Downed state and the possibility to rez another. But asking for it’s removal is plain right non sense. Asking for a sensible rebalance is the way to go.
Have fun discussing this.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

ps: what the holidays proofed to you Piken is that you guys have a weakness: your randoms have not as good as an organiciation behind them as with us on Gandara or as on Augury Rock.

It is funny since all that proved the exact contrary about piken’s randoms.I remember Ar had a huge lead because of their new player transfers and xmass night getting them a big boost ,and while piken was 90% of the time outmanned by you guys we still hold our own pretty well and the week ended almost a tie between Gandara and Piken.These are just simple facts and it actually proved to the guilds that randoms have an equal part on our server.Also for everyone’s information Piken’s EB was always 90% randoms especially since GoodGame started exploring the other Bls and i don’t think that being a random is by any mean an insult to anyone on my server.

As i said,pretty funny that you claim that Piken’s weakness is it’s randoms when in fact they actually held you guys back for 2 weeks so glamorously.

Also funny how the same poor weak randoms held EB and your keeps all night and capped your keeps the other nights last week.


With half of your normal W3 guilds gone, your randoms could only match up with AR and Gandara. We are almost completely relying on them. That means to me: they are just as strong as us, but the people commanding them are not doing well enough ( they do well, but not good enough ). The problem that you wil get yourself into if you don’t better yourself is that in a higher tier your randoms wil not match up like they did against us.
It’s ok now in this tier. the W3 guilds are ready for 1 tier higher. Are you sure that your commanders are up for commanding the randoms in that higher tier? Because i think they might be close but close won’t do it…

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x4!

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

All i want to say is this:
Piken Square: Closed Community, good W3 guilds, not attractive play for randoms.
Gandara / Augury Rock: Open Community, good W3 commanders, more attractive for randoms.

Both ways of organiciation have their place. Some people like to just play in organiced guilds, some don’t that’s all.

Have Fun, cya all monday and thursday. Won’t be joining up for the other days this week. Been There done it.

ps: what the holidays proofed to you Piken is that you guys have a weakness: your randoms have not as good as an organiciation behind them as with us on Gandara or as on Augury Rock.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock x3!

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

I don’t think that WvWvW is suited as a spectator thing. A good siege over for instance Bay for instance:

  • a whole night of skirmishing to get all towers and all keeps on a borderland upgraded to tier 2 / 3.
  • a whole morning of finishing the upgrading of the tier 2 and placing of Siege weapons in them.
  • the hour or more of skirmishing for the breaking out.
  • the 2 hour Siege over Briar Tower.
  • the 4 hour Siege over Bay Keep.

    That’s a summary of 1 of the best Siege’s i was ever involved in. In the end we as Gandara lost the Bay Keep and Fort Ranik could claim victory on that part of the map ( however they dropped below 100 points overall ).
    Tell me, how can you get that into a video without an organiciation behind it. because you wil need to have multiple people frapping the action. And then you need a editor to make it into a video.
    No, i do not think that WvWvW is something for spectators. But it’s more for participating.
    By the way, i am not all for the guild vs guild in WvWvW. But if you really want to do it, do it over an capture point. Simple rule: the guild holding the capture point at the end of the 15 min tick is the winner.

And now i am going to think about how to get our forts and keeps to tier3 upgrading, since we are in imbalance lately during the night. Ít’s a lot harder to get our Gandaran Towers / Keeps up to tier 3 now. And to be honest: i don’t come to W3 to defend a tier1 Tower or Keep anymore. Been There done that.

Have Fun all, keep up the good fights.

ps. going to have a sneak peak on Piken BL now. Since you guys rule the european night i expect to find all in tier 2 / 3 shape for tonights battles.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Thoughts on WvW Aug-Jan.

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Critical note on: Stop zerging from being effictive.

First of all, i make a distinction between a zerg and a squad. A zerg i define as a large group of players at the same spot playing on their own. A squad i define as a large group of players playing at the same spot togheter.

This is a MassiveMMO, i don’t think making big groups less effictive is a good idea. What is needed is to make those large groups having to play togheter more. And that this becomes visible somehow. At the moment the only visible way for me to see cooperation is the building of Siegeweapons. The fleeting cooperation of combo skills is now overlooked by most zergs, once people learn this they become squads instead of zergs. But it should somehow be more noticable for people. Or maybe the server communities should learn this better to one another.

About the more diverse maps, would love to see more and bigger maps in the future too.

About having more NPC mobs intervening, not sure about that. I don’t think that that wil attract more PvE players into WvWvW. But anything that can draw more PvE players and more sPvP into WvWvW should be considered. It should be somehow not intervere with the squad clashes. Also more objectives / fighting grounds for small groups would possibly draw some sPvP players into the fray.

About points: i think your on the right way when saying that all and any capturing should not give the same amount of points. Upgrading should change the amount of points given to the holding server. Capturing a well defended tier3 Keep can take hours, this should be reflected in the score for both defender as well as for the attacker.

About Waypoints: i think the current system is ok, as long your keep doesn’t get attacked you can hop quickly over the map, once under attack you have a restriction. Maybe the timer for the defence event should be longer and that the current jump in time should become a bit longer. I mean, have the DE for defending run for 10 min. When this resets a 5 or10 second window let’s people come in then. Instead of the current 3 minutes and 1 or 2 second window. HHmmm, maybe this is worth a seperate post in the suggestion threads.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

WvW Tactics!

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

If you truly want this be answered then you should give the solution on fighting this gimmick too….

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

The Fundamental Flaw of WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

I think the Glicko system would be more “reliable” if we go to a poule system like this:

Tier 1: Containing the top 3 Servers, Winner Stays, no 2 and 3 go down to Tier 2.
Tier 2: Containing Servers 4 to 9, Both Winners goto Tier 1, no 2 and 3 go down to Tier 3
Tier 3: Containing Servers 10 to 21, Winners goto Tier2, no 2 Stays, no 3 goes down to Tier 4.
Tier 4: Containing Servers 21 to 27 ( current number of servers ), no 1 and 2 goto Tier 3, the no 3 stays.

Other set ups are of course also possible but this way you can mix up more. and getting to and staying in Tier1 is more fair this way in my opinion. Plus you playing versus more servers as a server wil make the Glicko points somewhat more reliable.

Have Fun.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

How do you stop a game from becoming routine?

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

I don’t agree with that more chatter means better gameplay. If i may compare it to any other sport (like Football/soccer ) or any bordgame (like monopoly ).
The first thing people should be discussing about is: when wil you be online. Not much discussion needed for this.
Secondly: the leadership, as long as they can find ways to motivate people / keep on teaching people the tactics, then there wil not be much to discuss but it stil wil be fun to play. Again, not much discussion needed here. Good guides are more important.
Thirdly being skilled and tactically formed should give you an advantage over other less skilled and tactical formed players. The longer it takes to “learn” a certain tactic the better it is. This game isn’t been around long enough to show it’s merits ( it has promisses but i think it’s far from there yet ). Once again, not much discussion needed here. More and better guides however are needed.

Having a lot of chatter about a game means to me no more then that, having a lot of chatter. The depth of game can maybe measured somewhat by this but not much. If it wil survive in the long run, and i am talking 10’s of years here not years like so many. I would rather take the amount of guides as measurement.

My conclusion: chatter isn’t enough of a measurement to see if a game is fun enough or has depth enough to last for decades, no videogame has been around long enough to proof this ( not even WoW ).

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.

Piken Square Vs Gandara vs Augury Rock Rnd 2

in WvW

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Well well, AR and Piken are working together again, and this time in the Jumping Puzzle.

At one point SM switched very quickly w/o yellow swords and i went to check all around to spot leftover siege,wich i haven’t(pretty normal lately), but was probabily a golem rush right ? :)This paranoia :D

This is a ( i think ) well known low population strategy.

1) Treb Down the outer walls from Stonemist castle ( or any other keep )
note: this takes some time wich you need to get the opponent going off guard.
2) Have someone scout for human guards
3) Rush the inner gate with 1 to 4 Golems and take out the lord ( 4 Golems obviously is preferred ).
4) Enjoy your victory.

Alternative is to also rush the outer gate with the golems although this might be tricky since you wil use the golems for a longer period.

Have Fun trying this out if you ever get on an almost empty map.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.