—-—Art Of Invasion [ART]——-
Gate of Madness
(edited by Wraith.4103)
Im her guildie and support for restoration.
I have been playing since Headstart and now, more than ever everyone on game have been getting lot of scam.
Even my girlfriend almost got catch in one scam through a in game mail telling about account suspesion. I know theres a message below mail saying its not from arenanet, but in the panic, for all your hard work, sometimes you just ignore it, get in panic and click on link to check…
The point is: Brazen always been a awesome guildie, always worked hard for everything she got, always supported GW2 and for a long long time.
We CANT get on a point where we just ignore what happened and why it happened, ignore all the scammers works and just crucife a victim. She made a mistake indeed, ONCE, everyone does, but she really deserve to be that hard punished for it? Im sure she learned and will not happen again.
I understand restoration could be exploitable if not fully investigated, but if need to be FULLY investigated just please go ahead track the mail that came from her account in the time she was hacked and get to the real ones who deserve to be punished.
Give her stuff back would not be a big deal, will not change the Market, and if they can track mails they can delete what was stolen… I really hope you guys from Anet read this while keep in mind all time and hard work she had for years playing and supporting the game and company.
For us who somethins like this never happened, cant even imagine how it is, I would be stricken if something like this ever happened to my account and work I had for years… its time and money we put into it, and time = life time.
I hope everything goes ok, because its a real sad event… =(
(edited by Wraith.4103)
I kinda dont care about people wasting dodge because of a few stacks of bleeding or whatever lol Still works, I make more clones and more and more… will just take more time to get them down.
BUT, Ive read something about a change on clone generation from deceptive evasion after you reach 3. Wich would mean we couldnt sacrifice our clones anymore to activate on clone death effect.
Ive been looking for something to confirm this, can someone tell me?
Whats up?
Here are some videos I made to post before update
VS All classes:
VS Thieves:
So lets resume:
10.4k heal +6 condi clean each 10 seconds
2.6k heal on charge + 6 condi clean each 20 seconds
AoE conditions
On overall good variety of conditions making it a pain to clean
Lot of dodge
Still heavy on mantras
I’ve been testing it for around 4 months and I have lost on a 1v1 encounter/duel only for 3 persons and I do it A LOT.
Everything I say here is WVW wise, I dont play SPVP and this build dont works so well there.
Once again I have a post right before a new update, and I kinda did this on purpose
New update keep things fresh and for sure Ill be testing a new build, so when I post its something I expect will be old for me.
Now scepter will apply torment and illusionary elasticity will finally works, Ill probably drop restorative mantras and some other trait to try IE out. If worth, no idea yet.
On clone death traits will get nerfed, wich is bad, but is not something I would cry for.
What really would hurt, would be no clone generation on deceptive evasion spam to sacrifice your own clones and so apply on clone death effect. lol
Well, was good while it lasted XD
Traits: Can be seen on video.
Weapons: Scepter+Pistol and Staff
Sigils: Sigil of energy + sigil of hydromancy
Armor: Full rampager
Runes: Works with anything… for real, just doesnt matter what runes you get. I have a set with speed ones and a set with torment ones.(Torment may be better for new update)
Trinkets: Ascended Dire (Ascended if possible for the extra precision)
Skills: Mantra of recovery, Mantra of resolve, Mirror Image, decoy, Mistfirewolf/Moa/Mass Invisi
Thanks god someone using PU that not got the signet heal.. For real, I think the healing signet sucks even if you have 3 illusions up. If someone burst on you, you will have to get out and wait until your life come back. How long?
Good Build by the way.Heal sig has high base healing not to mention phanta cd on the active. With 3 illusions and no healing power u gain like 900 per 3. What do youget with others? 2 sec reflection? The only thing compareable is ether feast but u must have illus up to supass sig of ether. Both are viable
Yep dude, but tell me someone who can keep 3 illusion all the time. lol
Not talking about perfect situations but real ones, not saying also his choice is the best, but I like people who try to change what everyone else think is the best or not;
Great video! Really nice to see how you handle a thief.
Heres one with torment runes pos patch I said was recording:
3 more thieves for you lolz
Give more info. You want condi, power, hybrid?
You want to support your groups/zerg, want to give good damage to enemy’s group/zerg or want to roam and 1v1s.
Theres plenty of builds some excel on 1 of the things I said, some goes good for almost all of them.
Tell us what you want to do
Thanks god someone using PU that not got the signet heal.. For real, I think the healing signet sucks even if you have 3 illusions up. If someone burst on you, you will have to get out and wait until your life come back. How long?
Good Build by the way.
The weapons you use are the same as my build I posted days ago: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/Faust-s-Build-WvW-1v1-Support-Solo-camp
Its also a hybrid confusion/torment build.
Good to see someone else know how to use a good pistol!
A constructive criticism if you allow me: Not sure how you will deal with thieves and larger groups, looks a bit too squish for my taste.
I would take out chaotic dampening because illusionist celerity already make staff atk #2 reduced on cooldown and 50+ tough is nothing at all. With a extra 10 points you can get Menders purity and inspiration. So you get mantra of recovery as main heal, it will clean 2 condi each use (has 2 use as base) and also apply the torment from your runes.
Mad King did not have 6 pieces. It had 4 pieces and a toy.
Yep, you are right!
15 stacks on my hybrid mantra build and stay alive A LOT.
(edited by Wraith.4103)
i noticed the mantra only heals you when u cast it for the first time to get it ready, it whont heal you when you activat its skill..it also says it here.
Yes sir, if it heal on each use would be OP.
No idea why you was think the opposite.
What I meant is: Mantra of pain have a low cooldown, thats why u can heal each 4-5 seconds.
Your heal skill will give you 2,7k health for the CHARGE+ 2×2,7k for the heal skill itself
Also each 20 seconds you will get more 2,7k using mantra of resolve.
I got witch outfit, mad king outfit and bloodyprince outfit because I used to mix it outside of battle…
Witch and mad king have 4 (errata, ty for correction RemiRome) parts each, bloody only 2 so I understand a full outfit on bloody but why madking??
You guys have taken out lot of choices we had and now we will just roam with same cloths… Oh great we still can change colors..
For real, I’m sad.
Arenanet made a amazing job but this part was a fail, for me at least.
I’ll ask, but I’m sure it wont be made: Put back all sets on separate slots so we can mix and play the way we like with the look we want. The only change you guys could have made was allow towncloth on battle, no need to all that outfit stuff and tonics…
I really want to ask for a refund, I always support the game, I’m playing since second beta non stop.. but even with a refund I fell like something that I really enjoyed was taken out from me, from game.
(edited by Wraith.4103)
Thanks, video would be great!
Here, sorry for quality. Next ones Ill make higher. Had problem uploading, dont know exactly what happened…
By the way if you ask me why I didnt killed the necro is because I dont kill uplvls, only if they keep attacking me. lol
(edited by Wraith.4103)
Sorry Im not familiar with forum abreviations, whats a DE? Deceptive evasion?
I’ll try with my build:
Not sure if worth, but since I heal A LOT it may help not myself but my group too. I just need to see the amount will heal with my own eyes to see if worth..
Very cool build! I was messing around last night and switched to it for the zerg I was running with and also to do some roaming. In the zerg I lasted just fine and in roaming I did pretty well by beating a warrior and a ranger (I am not very good btw). I did come across a shatter PU mesmer that beat the kitten out of me. I faced him 3-4X and he destroyed me each time but I learned a couple of things to do better next time.
I still need to get the trinkets your recommend and the sigil’s but for starters I really enjoyed it. I am using the runes of torment and hope that after the patch that this build is even stronger. How do the runes work when you use a healing skill? Does it stack 2 new stacks of torment every 20 sec you use a healing skill even if you already have 5 stacks from a block with your scepter?
What I really like about it is that if I want to roam I can just switch some of my utilities and I am good to go. I don’t have to respec and switch to a different set of gear/weapons.
Thanks for the build!
I’ll post a video today/try cause im having some problem with youtube and quality, so you can see what I do and how I do on battle. Im glad you liked it
And yep, they will get 7 stacks of torment. (Scepter+heal). Pay attention on the range, you will need to heal next to them.
Its also good to aoe kill phantasms and illusions.
About the PU mesmer, theres 2 ways or you keep pressure or you run from them and let your phantasms do the job also you need to ever pay attention to the time they attack you. They usually sucks at condi clean, so your torment will be what will get them. But is hard to block their attack not the illusion/phantasm, so you will get the way with time.
Would interupt build be gg for this build? Jst from a glance with auto mantra i feel ud get hard cced when trying to channel mantras or do you use decoy when cd is about to pop
Everything depends on battle. Usually or I use decoy at the start of battle or I keep when my heal mantra is about to end cooldown.
The more people know what you doing more they will try to time interrupt you, but does not matter is not the mantra that kills them. Just be carefull to not be interrupted on the heal one.
About interrupt, I never tried a interrupt focused build mixed with this build but already tried 3 mantras at same time with power and condi, so I would go for something like this:
Domination: whatever you choose, whatever you choose, XI or XII or the new interrupt trait (Power Block).
Dueling: II (Phantasmal Fury) and X (Deceptive Evasion)
Inspiration: IV(Menders Purity) and X(Restorative Mantras)
Healing Skill:
Mantra of Recovery
Decoy, Mantra of Resolve, Mantra of Distraction
Mist Fire Wolf
(edited by Wraith.4103)
I recomend a changed version of my build.
If small groups keep the way it is, if zergs only you can change condition to power.
Get sentinel or invader armor, any rune you think worth (speed ones since you will not be condi anymore), trinkets go for opal/assassin
Dueling: II (Phantasmal Fury) and X (Deceptive Evasion)
Inspiration: IV(Menders Purity), X(Restorative Mantras) and VII (Warden Feedback)
And 30 free points to do what you want, can go into power tree or condi. Can get to PU ( I personaly dont like PU buils, but still works), well whatever you want.
Skill will be like:
Healing Skill:
Mantra of Recovery
Veil,Nullfield, Mantra of Pain (If small group get Nullfield, Mantra of resolve, mantra of pain)
Mass ivisibility or Time Warp
Resume: You will deal good damage with greatsword, will reflect projectiles with focus, will aoe heal you and your friends (2,6k ish each charged mantra – So with mantra of pain its like each 4 to 5 seconds), null field to take out foe’s boons like stability wich is a must on zerg battles also timewarp or mass invisi for surprise attack or retreat.
Note: You said organized group, so they must understand what you do, the aoe heal have a short range, so tell them to stay near you.
Yet we still need runes or moa feather a for full time speed.
Both expansive and take out some other good options for your builds…
I think a passive speed signet would be good…
But yep, not your problem only, we are not good at chasing if people really want to escape, you cant make a portal foward but the mobility on battle is good enough lol
(edited by Wraith.4103)
Very nice, Mr. Faust. I see you roaming out there in WvW all the time. You are quite good. People would be wise to take your advice.
This build is incredibly annoying to fight.
Thank you! Everyone I see from your guild are incredible players too.
kitten , I’ve just started gearing zerker shatter because the lack of damage i was getting from condition, I love s/p/staff this sounds perfect
Well, still lower in damage than any zerker build.
But as you see:
- Your Duelist will have 50%(trait+oil+stat) ish critical chance with 2k ish dmg and 50% ish critical damage and of course + 15% damage (trait)
-You will apply 5 or 6 staks of torment(if you get torment sigil)
- Chill foes everytime you change weapons and stack up to 18-20 confusion(interrupt +shatters+scepter)
- Heal a lot
- Clean ton of condition
- Support your group
You can of course boost it with guard stack from wvw trait points, but I dont like to use stacks at all, I got all my points on sieges to help my guildies.
This build is about be versatile, theres no “nemesis” at all, depends a lot on you.
Also never forget “Koi Cake”, its 40% more condition duration, face it like 40% more damage for your conditions.
(edited by Wraith.4103)
The thing is, mantra only auto atk when you are doing nothing, usually on scepter, where I recommend not use skill#1 cause you will overwrite the staff illusion that gives way more damage.
For example, if you are on a battle and is actually hitting someone with staff skill#1 the auto-atk mantra will not charge, also you can alway interrupt the cast to do something.
Not to forget that on wvw when swords are already popped up on a tower, just let your mantra auto atk a door and stay near ram or your group. You will heal way more than a elementalist would also you will not have to smash buttons all the time.
(edited by Wraith.4103)
Sometimes I use torment even not on patch cause help kill thieves faster, but my build also works with next patch if they dont nerf anything.
I dont go PU, and I also dont think the regen stuff is the best.
I’m also tankish with TONS of clean conditions, and heals.
It also works for full dire if you change celestial for dire, and get a torch or whatever you choose. But I dont use other off hand if not pistol as said in my post.
Reserved for future.
-How the build works:————-
Control+click mantra of pain let it on automatic, everytime you use a mantra it will heal you. So you tell me “Oh but I already knew that”, yes but most of people who try this want to full support, and you dont need a SINGLE healing power to make it heal you 2,7k.
Mantra of resolve will heal you when you charge, and also of course cleans your conditons, and my friend, have no fear to spam it. “Oh but Ill waster all my condi clean”, I got you covered…
Mantra of recovery will heal you when u charge: 2,7k ish + 2 charges of the mantra itself = 2×2,8k ish. So you will have 8,3k heal each 10 seconds…“But hey you said me you got me covered! What about condition?” Each charge of the mantra you clean 2 conditions on you.
So lets see again 8,3k heal+4 condition clean (10sec recharge) and 2,7k heal+4 condition clean (20 sec recharge)
“Oh but I cant kill people with mantra!” You are right, thats why you will use mantra of pain everytime you are not dealing dmg.
Illusionary counter>block+5 stacks torment (8 sec recharge) > Will be your best weapon against thieves< Try to not dodge with scepter, unless you want to shatter!
Confusing Images> Confusion
Pistol: You will put as much duelist as you can, they are your burst, they make people run and waste dodge, try to use magic bullet on a skill use to get your 5 stacks confusion
Staff: kite #2 extra block or interrupt#5 and dodge, a lot, spam illusions cause they hit as hard as your #1, make them bleed. lol
Decoy: The only thing id say for you to use carefully because the recharge is big. I recomend to use on the begin of the battle, you WILL stay alive enough for a second uses.
Mist Firewolves: We will not do TONS of damage, its a slower proccess than other builds, thats why wolves are here! It will give a burst to take down squish guys like thieves, also it have a aoe, mesmer lack of it.
On WvW support:
Veil, to hide your zerg on the start of battle.
Null field and not mantra of resolve because null field is not to take out YOUR condition, its to take out enemys zerg BOONS. Its a MUST to take out the stability and can change the tide.
Timer warp or veil, ask what your group/zerg want.
Mantra of pain will be your MAIN attack on zerg you will heal up to four peoples for 2,7k each 4 to 5 seconds.
On Camps/Champs:
On camp or tower champ attack always one rogue and stack on him, use pistol #4 then #5 change to staff#5 when they all gather together, dodge, make at least 2 more illusions, use mistfire wolf, then use F3 to daze the enemys and let mistfire do his job. He will aoe almost all npcs, keep spaming illusions, shatter, blocks, confusion.
On full upgraded camps you will need to start with the Cabalist, pull them one by one and when they gone, repeat the tactic above.
Almost the same build works with power/dmg dealer, but I didnt like it at all and I think a mix works better.
The only classes I have most problem to face are d/d thieves (the good ones, 90% ish of them you will melt) AND another Mesmers BOTH classes goes towards who make the first mistake. So at least on another mesmers I recommend you to run from illusions and phantasm cause they need to walk at you to start attack, try to see the exactly time mesmer will attack and melt him with torment, duelist, magic bullet, wolves and confusion, wait the time to burst.
Was good to share this with you guys, have a good use!
Anything just whisper me, I’ll really try to help.
Bye, all the bests from your favorite clown! o/
Gate Of Madness
Guild: Art of Invasion [ART]
(edited by Wraith.4103)
That build works with torment from new patch also! \o/ So I’ll add a section below, on the build post to the torment one, enjoy.
Torment post patch: (UPDATE – 04/17/14)
Perplexity pre patch:
Ill make another Perplexity pos patch soon.
_______________Start of the Post_____________________________________
Hi! I’m Adrian Faust, and I promise that with this build you will: Kill 95% of people you find on WvW (1v1 and sometimes even 2v1 and 3v1), Solo Full upgraded camps, Solo champion tower, and support your group or zerg on WvW.<-
I also dont want to be rude but I’m not posting this to ask anyone’s opinion, it works, Ill still use it and its your choice to test or not.
Ive been running this build for months, something like 6 ish, I dont like to create guides nor teach (Im bad at it) and I never share my build with anyone and I also never use pre made forum build cause I like to test and learn what everysingle thing does… but I’m BORED, its been months and VERY few people killed me, most time for my mistake cause I’m to impulsive.
Everything started when my girlfriend helped me to make my quip, she said: “You will use this thing even if they nerf every build with pistol”
And I though: “But my eye of rodgort is so awesome, and now I got my scythe skin!! I want condi!!”
And so I made it work.
-Weapon set:———————————————————-
Staff (Dire)
Scepter (Dire) and Pistol (Celestial)
It works with torch, but I dont get enough burst, also I HAVE to use my quip, remember??
If you choose torch go full dire on trinkets, works the same way, but you dont have enough burst. So I dont promise its the best for 1v1.
-Torment based
Traits: Dueling: II (Phantasmal Fury) and X (Deceptive Evasion)
Inspiration: IV(Menders Purity) and X(Restorative Mantras)
Illusions: V(Master of misdirection), X(Phantasmal haste) and XIII (Maim the Disillusioned)
-Confusion Based
Dueling: II (Phantasmal Fury) and X (Deceptive Evasion)
Chaos: V (Debiliting Dissipation)
Inspiration: IV(Menders Purity) and X(Restorative Mantras) anda 5 more points here (Phantasmal Stregth)
Illusions: V(Master of misdirection) and 5 more points here (Illusionist Celerity)
Theres another variations I use but the main one I said above its what I like most, the other are:
Dueling: II (Phantasmal Fury) and X (Deceptive Evasion)
Chaos: V (Debiliting Dissipation)
Inspiration: IV(Menders Purity), X(Restorative Mantras) and XI or VII or VII ( Shattered conditions, malicious sorcerer or Warden Feedback) <- The pro is, you can change to warden feedback when on a zerg and change pistol for a focus, so it reflect and and of course pull
Illusions: V(Master of misdirection) and X(Phantasmal Haste)
Healing Skill:
Mantra of Recovery
Decoy, Mantra of Resolve, Mantra of Pain
Mist Fire Wolf
->Variation for Zerg:
Healing Skill:
Mantra of Recovery
Veil,Nullfield, Mantra of Pain
Mass ivisibility or Time Warp
-Armor and rune Set—————————————-
Full Dire set on Armor
Full Celestial on Trinkets(If u havent got celestial, it Works with mix of Assassin Stat and Dire also)
Runes you can go all Perplexity or Torment, on this update they have changed perplexity so torment looks more worth to invest. (Expansive)
Lots of things works, but for me, the best is Hydromancer on staff and pistol.
I dont like stacks, so I use torment sigil on scepter and staff.
You can also get the energy one for more dodge = more shatter = more torment
Since they have added so many new effects on old sigils, stick with what you think is better for your play style.
Koi Cake
Oil (more critical chance), Crystal (more condition dmg), or the best buff you can get: Moa feather (+SPEED) but its a bit expansive .
(edited by Wraith.4103)
It just didnt work.
Thieves, at least on WvW still perma stealthing all the way and doing lot of dmg, the second part is ok, the first one, just no…
I understand that thieves dont have lot of GOOD viable builds, but thats just ridiculous. Its not a problem of the player, it looks like a problem to fix something arenanet it self created.
Im playing since second beta, and dude, it just looks wrost cause they are really trying to balance the classes but for some reason thief is always a “problem”.
Im not here taking any side like “thief must be nerfed”, I can use a thief and do the same thing. Dont come with the old “thief are supposed to excel on 1v1, they do nothing on groups”, no dude, just no, thats the problem.
They need more viable builds, give them aoe, give them more hp or tough give them some utility on a Zerg, BUT when you fight with something u almost never see and IF you are closer to kill they just vanish, doesnt look fair.
You can say “just because you cant see do not mean you cant hit”, I say depends. Depends on what weapon you are using, you need a target cause the projectiles dont go foward.
Ive seen perma thieves taking down full light dire sets like paper in 3 to 4 hits and leather dire with 5 to 6. lol
They can hit and wait, hit and wait, faster than any heal could recharge.
Well thats my opinion, and my point of view.
Thief need a rework.
Taked out quote cause thats not the one Im looking for. I need oz.
Let me guess, nubs from OZ ganking lone lowbie people near camps? lol What a fun Id say! U probably had so much loot.
If any of u wanna a 1vs1 I have pleasure to smash each singleone of ur face into the ground; whisper me
(edited by Wraith.4103)
Awesome idea, hard to implement I think. But we have lot of agmes comming with naval battle. So would be good arenanet try something like this.
Pistol for warrior offhand.
Pistol for mesmer main hand.
Whip for mesmers, ranger, thieves and eles
Sword for elementalist and necro
Rifle for Thieves
Spear! Implement spears like the fisrt concept u guys had before choose to use only in water.
I think that guys defined what I was think. Thanks!
Honestly, Scarlet is a very weak villain, her story was dropped on us out of nowhere and it has dragged on for far too long. We have a background story for her on the website with a hilariously over powered origin that ended up being partially contradicted by a German interview. She’s been getting help from the evil races of Tyria, even the ones that specifically don’t work with outsiders, she has an entire world full of expendable pirates and tries to randomly invade zones around the world with basically no point except to ‘cause chaos’ or something.
Please, end the Scarlet part of the LS, there is no reason it should have lasted any longer than a couple months. Do something with the dragons, they’re actually interesting."
Seen some people talking about thief, thats now its underpower and he was supposed to be a assassin and the best on 1vs1 cause he lacks in every other aspect and asked wth what arenanet net was doing, like if arenanet dont know his own creation.
What I think is, the difference on this game is that I can fill lot of roles with one profession. They should give thief more diversity so they can fill more roles but never make them the best 1vs1 class or anything, cause we want no better, I think the comunnity want a balanced class.
Since I started play this game theres was no such “if you wanna do this, get a thief!” or “if u wanna do that get a warrior!”, cause I could do everysingle part with anything I choose, and I really hope it remains like this. That free will arenanet gave was and still unique to their game, our game.
Thieves being the best burst class is no excuse to let them take down anyone in 1 or 2 hits like before (waaaay before, not talking about that patch) without anyway to counter it, cause people want a fair battle, want every class well played to take down any thief and every thief well played to take down any class.
(edited by Wraith.4103)
Ill repost part of something Ive posted on mesmer forum if most devs dont go there.
First of all:
Food boons on WvW and mesmers:
Most people know the right mesmer is the one with food boon, and that make no sense at all because that way any damage dealer thief can just hide and wait we show up. Wasnt mesmer supposed to confund their enemys? So please, Would be great to hide all food boons OR better, show that same boons on illusions.
Mantras on spvp and WvW:
Hide from our enemys what mantras we have up and how many of them, its really unfair to have my enemys knowing how many mantras of resolve I have up or not, its not a boon, its a utility skill!
They will know what Im using and they will know what kind of utility I have so they will know how to proceed on the battle giving them a unfair advantage way before the battle begins.
The problem:
Mesmer are too slow, mobility wise I mean. We need to make a special build just to keep our speed boons on, none of our weapon skill let us go foward, like warrior, rangers, thieves or guardians for example. The only way to get speed (if we are not using focus) is from a random boon.
That issue make almost impossible to most mesmer builds, chase ANY enemy running from battle. Sometimes we get killed because they run away and come back after restore full HP and we have lot of high cooldowns going on.
I know we have compound celerity, but that just works if we got clones, and we cant clone without a target…
The solution:
Anything too keep our speed boon up thats not just a random chance. A passive speed movement signet would be good.
The problem:
The focus itself is usefull but not for everyone.
Temporal curtain
give you a speed boon, cripple on enemy IF he pass by and pull up to five enemys, but we had a “cooldown” added that we cant even pull people right after cast, it can reflect IF you have warden feedback on traits… I dont think its good enough for a weapon skill. We cant even stack up speed!
Phantasmal Warden
Well he dont move… Some people use them as a safe spot to stay, some try them as damage dealer (wich he is great with enough precision). I wouldnt say that skill have a problem, I just think we could get something that make it works for different builds
The solution:
Temporal Curtain
Warden feedback should be OFF traits and be part of the focus skill itself. Give warden feedback on temporal curtain would save us trait points and make focus acceptable for lot of build, even as a support on dungeons and wvw.
Phantasmal Warden
Maybe a trait to choose if he moves or not would be great.
90 seconds cooldown.
Too much cooldown for only 2 seconds stealth, even if we can run back to reapply, it only works on certain situations. When u need to move foward its just almost uselless.
Maybe a 4 second stealth, OR a 60 seconds cooldown could work too.
Time warp and mass invisibility
It just dont look “elite” enough… Wait Ill explain
Guardians give a 50% speed boon for allies too, he can use it 2 times before the elite skill goes off. With one difference, its only one of their set of five skills! 1 for atk, 2 for cripple, 3 for might, 4 for 50% speed and 5 for knockdown foes… wth. Thats what we call a elite!! If Im not mistaken time warp give the buff to a limited amount of people…
And mass invisibility with 5 sec stealth time is not something we could call a elite, I just dont get it as a elite, never got. I remember arenanet saying on betas that elites wold tunr the tide of the battle, the first one to use would probably be the first one the die.
Mass invisibility should have have at least a 6 seconds stealth
For Time Warp I have 2 ideas: Make the duration from 10 to 12 seconds OR make it give random boons and conditions like a big chaos storm.
The problem:
Chaos storm and the random boons. It just dont last enough… in fact It never made the difference on a battle for me at least…
The solution: Chaos storm, make the boons it gives have a bit higher duration or make it give the boon on a shorter time for them to stack.
I think thats all, just want to say thats my point of view, Im not saying I have the best solutions or anything. Cya
Ive been playing since second beta weekend, and play mesmer for over a year as my main. Ive been testing all the mesmer changes until now, so thats what I think, guys:
First of all:
Food boons on WvW and mesmers:
Most people know the right mesmer is the one with food boon, and that make no sense at all because that way any damage dealer thief can just hide and wait we show up. Wasnt mesmer supposed to confund their enemys? So please, Would be great to hide all food boons OR better, show that same boons on illusions.
Mantras on spvp and WvW:
Hide from our enemys what mantras we have up and how many of them, its really unfair to have my enemys knowing how many mantras of resolve I have up or not, its not a boon, its a utility skill!
They will know what Im using and they will know what kind of utility I have so they will know how to proceed on the battle giving them a unfair advantage way before the battle begins.
The problem:
Mesmer are too slow, mobility wise I mean. We need to make a special build just to keep our speed boons on, none of our weapon skill let us go foward, like warrior, rangers, thieves or guardians for example. The only way to get speed (if we are not using focus) is from a random boon.
That issue make almost impossible to most mesmer builds, chase ANY enemy running from battle. Sometimes we get killed because they run away and come back after restore full HP and we have lot of high cooldowns going on.
I know we have compound celerity, but that just works if we got clones, and we cant clone without a target…
The solution:
Anything too keep our speed boon up thats not just a random chance. A passive speed movement signet would be good.
The problem:
The focus itself is usefull but not for everyone.
Temporal curtain
give you a speed boon, cripple on enemy IF he pass by and pull up to five enemys, but we had a “cooldown” added that we cant even pull people right after cast, it can reflect IF you have warden feedback on traits… I dont think its good enough for a weapon skill. We cant even stack up speed!
Phantasmal Warden
Well he dont move… Some people use them as a safe spot to stay, some try them as damage dealer (wich he is great with enough precision). I wouldnt say that skill have a problem, I just think we could get something that make it works for different builds
The solution:
Temporal Curtain
Warden feedback should be OFF traits and be part of the focus skill itself. Give warden feedback on temporal curtain would save us trait points and make focus acceptable for lot of build, even as a support on dungeons and wvw.
Phantasmal Warden
Maybe a trait to choose if he moves or not would be great.
The problem:
I think scepter is awesome the way it is now, the only thing that NEED a change is the ether bolt (number 1 skill).
Its useless…
Our beam on confusin images is kinda messed, but works and its great! But I dont know how to explain, maybe because it have like a charge time after right after you cast
The solution:
Ether bolt, I dont have idea to make it good and not overpower. Scepter itself is a awesome weapon and I hope it dont change much. So maybe speed up the attack or make the attack higher and let it hit more enemys, maybe make clones apply chill or cripple or even a clone that give us boons… Im out of idea on this one.
Confusing images, well just let us use our beam right after we cast him. lol
-Downed state
The Problem:
We NEED to have a target to teleport ourselves, wich make impossible to use it if someone is stealthed.
Another problem is, why we have a TAG on ourselves after use the downed number 2 skill? If we disappear or not make it useless to survive cause people will still know who we are.
The Solution:
Just let us disappear and make the clone wait to attack the first target we hit after we appear again.
Also, dont tag us for people, just make clone more squish, so they will know after hit that they are going to the right one or not. It can give us time to use the number 3 skill, wich we hardly can use since we die right after appear again tagged up. lol
So, on the match with Fergusson crossing, Gate of Madness and DarkHaven, we got a glitch on Quentin Lake, where a mesmer can port up to the keep without take down any gate or wall.
DarkHaven have been exploiting this since the reset lot and lot of times (please check the logs), and theres nothing we (Gate of madness) can do about it, so we cant even upgrade QL.
I hope u guys take a look and fix it soon, I have screens shot of the location and also of ppl trying to glitch it right before we take it back.
See you later and keep good work! Thanks.
Its NOT overpower.
LOT of classes can counter this kind of ranger, one of them necromancer, want another? Guards; Another one? Elementalist.
You will not be a god on WvW nor SPvP, the problem is: MOST people just dont care about condition removal skills/traits/etc.
When In fact you play with someone that knows how to play against this you will see how useless you can turn in lots of situations on a 1vs1 battle.
I know you probably kill most of necros and guard you see, but most part if not all is because of the reason I stated above.
Condition Warriors AND thieves (now with torment) can be as much OP as a ranger too.
So I dont see the reason to this kind of thread, wanting what? To nerf a already hard to play class? We are getting better and I hope it continues that way.
Ok I found a way to work. At least worked for me. Here it goes:
Windows via shortcut
You can execute switches directly from your Guild Wars 2 shortcut:
1. Right click on your Guild Wars 2 shortcut and select ‘Properties’.
2. In the ‘Target Area’ field you will see the location of your Guild Wars 2 executable file: …\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe
3. Write the desired command line arguments after the quote marks, each beginning with a space: “…\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -perf -windowed
Windows via start/run
If you don’t plan on using an argument frequently, it can be easier to use the Windows’ Run command for a single invocation.
1. Click the “Start” button
2. Select “Run” (not required for Windows 7)
3. Enter the path to the GW2.exe in quotes followed by the arguments you wish to use (same as above, but in a single line).
4. Press enter.
Stop your lottery with items on gem store.
Simples as that, want us to buy a skin? Sell THE skin on gem, give a chance to DROP for ppl that not buy gems. Make a higher price but make me sure that Ill get what Im paying for.
Ur attittude, arenanet, on the crates for example is just stupid and unfair.
Do you make a huge amount of profit making people play with their luck? Im sure you make, but do you think its correct?
Do you think people will support you? Will spread how good you as a company is with their costumers?
Know what will happen? They will not support you anymore, will not tell their friends to join and will leave you for the next great game that comes out. Simple.
OH great! The only real good elite for pvp we have and someone want to delete.
Im ok with this if u delete thief stealth. Because its one of the only ways I can use to beat a thief, plus it have a huge cooldown.
By the way 1vs1 is not unbalanced anyway, its all about ur build. Some builds just CANT win another, thats how it works. The problem is, to counter “x” build sometimes u need to get a not so versatile one.
(edited by Wraith.4103)
to come here and read the posts before WASTING my money on the crates from gem store…
karka shells? Really?
Why do I need to have a ridiculous low chance to get a SKIN when I use my real money on it.
I mean, what arenanet lose giving us a maybe… SINGLE ticket each 10 crates?
Its a skin on a fantasy world, for the money I work for on the real world. (Oh but u can farm cof all day to get ur gems? Great, I have a life so I dont have time for this.)
AGAIN it turns on a gacha, a lottery, like on mini pets from december event.
I’ll not support with my money this kind of attitude from Arenanet, and I hope you guys dont too.
I wouldnt have ANY problem if I was unluck at all, but it happened with everysingle person that brought theses crates…
They don give us a answer on any post about that topic, why? Because they want us to forget and be happy about the next patch.
They will not give our money back nor give us a gift (maybe our ticket??) for beign fools and trust once more on that company. Dont get me wrong, I know theres LOT of good ppl in there, but for some reason its happening over and over again, it doesnt looks like arenanet from gw1 at all…
So I was fooled once again, when I really think they have changed.
I know theres focus, some random chances to get that buff, etc etc etc
But why cant I get this from one of my utilitys, or a trait?
My main point is, lot of other classes have tons of mobility stuff while I cant chase my opponents without sacrifice for example, my pistol for a focus. Nor run away… I can stealth, teleport on small distance but I just cant run like almost every other class.
If Im talking non senses please teach me what u guys do about that situation.
I wouldnt care if they nerf thief DAMAGE too, or at least their endless stealth. Create some reveal stealth skill…
Now I rly want to see what class can take down a thief…
What I just hate is their ability to reset battles.
Or YOU get killed by the thief or he RUN OUT of the battle.
They stealth SO MUCH TIME that I CANT hit enough in like what 3 or 4 seconds, to kill them nor I can keep condition because EVEN THE STEALTH TAKE OUT CONDITION WTH.
Its just ridiculous, the worst class, unbalaced A LOT, you thieves tell me how many okittenilled someone and now tell how many of u died for someone.
Theres just no way to kill them, put some REVEAL skill for other classes, do something about they run over and over again and you waste your cooldowns while they reset battles and come back with full life.
The main argument agains a was that it was a “give everyone everything” type situation. I personally prefer option b because it gives me the opportunity to gamble a little and then if I fail save up to buy the mini I want with gold. It is exciting and also makes you feel that you’ve worked for your prize.
If the mini wasnt account bound… maybe yes dude. Now its just a gamble with real money for pixel’s model with a ridiculous low drop rate.
I definitely would have preferred paying 500 gems for a set of minis. I’d have paid twice so I could get the Quaggan, too…
Yeah, me too. Theres just no reason to make it account bound AND random drop other than get our money. There’s a difference in sell something and get people’s money; Hallowen was account bound but 100% chance, karka wasnt account bound but random, anyway you could trade or sell yours to get what you want. Now its account bound and random with a lame drop rate. lol
I wish I had a refund. But ok, I know it will not happens and I was the fool. But that’s it, a gamble. Dont feel festive at all too, so at least I’ll try to give a warn to others.
Ok, so I’ve got like 4 or 5 to try a chance to get a ACCOUNT BOUND MINI, that I could not even sell later to make profit, but ok I have a chance to get a quaggan and I love quaggans! In the karka chest, the minis werent account bound.
What I got? Nothing… nor dye, nor skin, nor mini, nor a single usefull thing. Well ok now I can be a golem or a snowman with the useless tonics, that could be fun together with some usefull stuff!
In hallowen we could buy 3 minis, they were account bound too but not that gasha lame thing!
Is that what we get with your new nexon’s cash manager? A free to play gasha thing?
Good job again, and dont wait to have my money again too soon arena net.
Im not trolling, that’s the only game I play, I’ll just not waste more money here with this kind of management. This is money, we work hard for that, why a CHANCE in something that only I can use? I mean… Great work.
Here you can see a post about people who tried with like, 100 dollars! See for yourself what they are trying to do with this drop rate, and remember its account bound.
Want to give us a christmas gift arena net? Send our minis or give our money back and make the chest drop at least one each time, its ACCOUNT BOUND… anything that dont feel like we used our money in a free to play gasha cashshop.
(edited by Wraith.4103)
Illharess and bwillb
The company need to think about all the -if- when a Idea may be viable.
Or do you guys think they come here, get a suggestion and do the exactly way someone’s said?
I’m giving a suggestion but of course I cant give a manual with every possible -if-, the -if- is ArenaNet’s Job to implement in their way.
We can help with one or another -if-, but in a part we just dont have all the knowledge to. So I cant give you all a correct answer, just a opinion/suggestion if you really want.
I just started a point…
When you ask me:
“How quickly would a player need to complete the captcha?”
If I tell you 1 minute or 1 hour, even if you think its ok or not, I do not work in the game to gather all the information needed to estimate something like that. But do not means they cant (Anet); and do not means they cant take our suggestions to start with.
So please, all of you, dont see my last post as a “complete flawless suggestion” that should cover every corner. Just saying…
Why dont you guys try to answer your own questions with your knowledge about the game, flawless or not, and then give it back as a suggestions for the "if"s we do not have in the main suggestion? It’s a great help.
For example: “What if someone is afk?”
As I said in the first post and I’ll repeat: – “The game knows when you are active or not, the game even log you off if you stay inactive, so the captcha will not affect afk players.”
So let’s try: What kind of bot would stay inactive and for what? Do you know a way to let your character doing something while you are afk for a long time? Can you stay for example, running plus attacking while afk? With the answer we can exclude some variables and so on.
In this case, in my view captcha should appears only for characters who was reported and was in movement + attacking/collecting materials.
Just to add:
What about the idea I gave to contact a GM (When I say GM, read this like “anyone who can do something about”) in game ONLY to confirm a cracker program user? Will affect other players? A guy teleporting from mob to mob isnt hard to confirm and for sure afk or not you just cant teleport so will not affect real players.
Some of the ones I saw last night still in the same place, doing the same path killing the same things ruinning the same events.
(edited by Wraith.4103)
A instant captcha* the time someone are reported for botting.
- The game knows when you are active or not, the game even log you off if you stay innactive, so the captcha will NOT affect afk players.
-If you are active and you are really there, you will complete the captcha. I’m not saying it need to appear in the middle of your screen while you playing, so maybe in a corner of the screen.
Use -> images <- with letters and numbers for the Captchas or random questions, because if the system just say something like “repeat: ABc.12T” they can program a bot to copy everything after “:”
If they do not complete the captcha they will be logged off and their “place in Arena Net’s verification botting list” will become priority.
Maybe even some bots have someone watching the screen to complete the captcha but not all the time, because is just impossible someone watching over their bots doing the same thing in the same map across the same path for 24hrs.
Somes are not just bots, they are cracker programs (I’ll not say hack because hackers deserve respect). They use programs that affect the game, like +speed, teleporting, etc
About this, Arena Net need more security and/or like other games, they need a GM online to come see what’s going on when a player call for this issue ONLY. Then instant BAN for them.
They are ruining events, the economy…
I’m not saying all the mess with bots will be cleaned but maybe help.
Well its open for more suggestions give yours
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