Raids a not casual friendly.
Having said that, you can still PUG them if you so desire.
To pug raids you are still going to need the proper gear and the proper build to get invited into one, as pugs would usually require you to link your gear and raid items to prove that you have killed particular bosses before. That is going to be hard for you especially if you are not experienced.
And to top it off you’re playing a guardian, which is useless except for one of the bosses, where groups usually need a dragon hunter with hammer for permanent group protection aoe.
-No pugs are going to be willing to take you
-No raiding guilds are going to take youBottom line, you will not succeed in raids as you are right now. You will need to change classes or find yourself a noobie raiding guild to join, as established PVE guilds already have their rosters optimized and stuff.
Stop lying to him with your own negative opinions! Raids are casual friendly as long as you are quick to learn! As he said the other parts of the game are too easy for him he might be a very quick learner in pve! Also stop trying to phrase the entire raid community in your own wicked words, raiding guild will take a guard, pugs will take a guard too so just stop. He is just asking about using a guard in raids and it certainly is viable with hammer, that’s all you had to say. Geez people like you should keep your own thoughts to yourself, trying to corrupt a new player interested in raiding with your twisted words!
Since when do pugs usually require you to ping your gear and trophies to be able to raid with them? I’ve been in quite a few successful pugs and even created a few pug groups of my own and I’ve nvr asked that of anyone. At most I would ask what build is he running and what he can do, after that I judge based on his/her skill lvl when we begin raiding. I might also ask about his/her experience raiding but I will take them on their word. If they are lying it would show in gameplay.
And to OP guards are nice to have in raids and especially in sab now where 1 or 2 hammer guards will benefit your group quite nicely! Who know future wings might also require more stuff that guards excel at! Atm you are better suited to running a hammer guard in current content^^ or dps if you want:D any class can dps if played well. I suggest googling abit about some hammer guard builds for raids, and a condi guard build for dps^^
(edited by Zach.2618)
I’d do them! Or make them drop anything that isn’t convertible into gold, I think I’d be a good idea to revive this piece of content. More content, more hours to play, less bored people, interest new players in skins! It would be awesome!
It’s a shoulder skin, how can you wear an outfit and a piece of shoulder skin? It’s doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out lol. In any case you didn’t even have to watch the twitch stream, just do a quick search on winters presence outfit on Google will net you your answer in 2 mins. Seems like another case of blind purchasing, often happens when you got too much purchasing power.
Ok, my 2 cents on why I feel excluded. Since I’m full time working guy I can commit about 2 hours a day into gaming. I have full ascended + legendaries, no problem with gearing. The problem is, that since I login in, I really need to have a strict regime in order to do raids. If I’m lucky, I manage to find a group, set up the roles, wait for the group to fill in in about the half of the time I have the ability to commit. Which means that half of my time goes into getting ready. I can hardly call this fun. Then we are doing the raid. By the time the team is starting to get better, I have to leave it, since, you know, real life stuff. Final result: no kills, no sense of achievement, 2 hours wasted. After a few evenings like that I’m giving up, because of the feeling that I’m only wasting my playing time. Any advice on how to get back to raiding?
After raiding add the people who you think are good, ask people to add you ( they may or may not depending on how good they find you) tell them you will be raising around this time. Next day ask the people you added if they want to raid, some might want some might not, fill the rest of the spots with pugs. Rinse and repeat until you get a good group. If you wanna speed up the process you got to be more heartless, kick people who are bringing your group down, people who always cause a wipe, especially if they are dps because they are easy to replace. Keep doing this and you’ll clear the raids within a week. Ofc you have to pull your weight too, give advice to new comers make sure you know what you are doing and have fun. If you just keep looking for new group members who don’t know what they are doing everyday you are going to have a bad time. These are raids, supposedly hardest content, least you could do is make some friends to make your life easier, friends are also more fun to play with.
Also raiding no matter how good you are you will feel like you wasted your time if you only look at the rewards, even the best groups wipe a ton before learning and clearing. The trick is to find the fun in the process. It’s like RL you study so many useless topics in school only to nvr use them once you get a job, but is it meaningless? No you make friends you have fun and learn life lessons. It’s the same for raids, if you can’t find joy in the process but only the rewards than I’m sorry but raids isn’t for you. Raids are meant to be for people who enjoy overcoming a challenge to wipe and try again until they beat it, raids were not created just to provide you with legendary armor.
(edited by Zach.2618)
At the end of the day people who are bad will still be bad whether in exotics or ascended, people who are good will still be good whether in exotics or ascended. Bad people tend to complain a lot, it’s as if it’s a kind of behavior exclusive to them.
Lol blood red arachnid are you a troll? If you can’t use ascended use exotics who cares, the video did it with their whole group in exotics, but in a real scenerio even in a pug group your whole party won’t be in full exotics. Find a group who will let you use exotics it’s not much of a big dps loss. Even if you were given full ascended you won’t be able to clear the raids, it’s not as if ascended is a magical piece of armor that once worn will allow you to clear the raids in your first attempt. Whether you are in ascended or exotics you will still have to spend hours practicing the boss, unless you are carried, to be able to kill it. If your problem is that people are not accepting you in exotics than its not the issue with the game but more so yourself, there are many groups out there who don’t require you to be in full ascended, most who do are the ones who already cleared and are doing it weekly. If you as a person hasn’t even cleared it once and wants to join groups like those than I have nothing to say. Stop trying to be carried, open your eyes in lfg and you will be able to find groups willing to accept you in exotics.
Just wait for after fractal patch when the buff matrices drop rate, wait awhile for more people to do fractals because of buffed rewards, and ofc wait awhile when not everyone is trying to craft unbound right this moment.
A simple solution, give each fractal a rating, swamp, maw and molten duo obviously being the easiest with the lowest rating for example 1, and volcanic or reactor being on a higher rating maybe 3, something like that. So to complete a daily you will need let’s say 5 rating points, that way people who are good and want to complete it fast will do reactor for 3 rating points, while people who are not that good can do 5 swamps or a mixture of swamps and duos to get their daily but would take longer. Maybe the daily rating for this example is too low but you get the idea, maybe swamp will be 1 rating, reactor will be 5 rating and daily rating required might be 15. And ofc make the higher rating fractals drop better loot than the lower rating ones. Fractals fixed! The less skilled people who just want dailies will be happy, the more skilled people who want rewards and variety will be happy. And moss man will not be killed a thousand and 1 times everyday. Even better make each fractal drop exclusive rare rewards from that fractal. Or make golden fractal relics drop from higher rating fractal end chests.
Plus one this! Lupi is diff from almost every pve fight in gw2 because you gotta dodge so many attacks and not just mechanics, would be awesome to have it as a raid boss. As the 2nd Wing is supposed to be harder making more attacks that everyone has to dodge would be awesome, unlike now where you can be pretty much be carried in raids as long as you bring enough dps. Let’s face it some classes in raids now are just dps bots lol they don’t really play any complicated roles but just dps. Where’s the excitement of dodging that grub shot attack or any attack for that matter, current raid bosses don’t really have much attacks to dodge. I feel more excitement when that frog champion thingy from the vb is chasing me than any of the attacks in raids, except for maybe sabetha’s flame wall when you are exceptionally close to it lol
(edited by Zach.2618)
If you are trying to use the exploit which 1 shots lupi using reflects, Mesmer feedback can’t do it. Feedback only reflects whatever projectiles are aimed at you. What you need to do is trait in reflect on focus, push lupi to the wall and place the reflect around his middle area, that way you reflect every single projectile that comes out of him. Same can be done with guardian wall or any place able reflect. People always say that it’s not an exploit but most don’t know how the 1 shot works, they say it reflects from your party members so it deals that much dmg but in actual fact it doesn’t, the only reason you will be able to 1 shot it is if lupi is inside a wall so you can place a wall at his torso.
Your title seems so constructive but your thread is like buff the rev to be the Incredible Hulk. Maybe you meant suggestion to balance the rev around the Incredible Hulk?
Haha that comic is funnyXD nvr played wow but seems like it’s common between all mmos!
What trap?:o sry I’m not up to date with online behavior such as traps lol I nvr understood how can words trap someone. Is he trying to capture me?:o
Look at his signature.
But he brought up a valid misconception some people may have lol. Is that considered trolling?:o seems like everything and anything can be classified under trolling lol, what is the actual definition of trolling anyways.
What kind of noob think that players who wear PVT lack of skill.
Wearing pvt doesn’t mean you have a lack of skill:) unwillingness to change to suit your party needs with the reason of feeling safer in your pvt is a lack of skil^^ in the right context any gear can be used, just depends on your party:)
You felt right in his trap. You don’t know Junkpile yet
What trap?:o sry I’m not up to date with online behavior such as traps lol I nvr understood how can words trap someone. Is he trying to capture me?:o
What kind of noob think that players who wear PVT lack of skill.
Wearing pvt doesn’t mean you have a lack of skill:) unwillingness to change to suit your party needs with the reason of feeling safer in your pvt is a lack of skil^^ in the right context any gear can be used, just depends on your party:)
Reading the forums and Reddit on various topics I realize there are a few kind of players who usually post.
Casual player with lack of time:
‘Raids suck now because I have a life and gw2 now only caters to no lifers who spend 10 to 12 hours raiding!’
Casual player with lack of time #2:
’I’m a casual player who only plays 2 to 3 hours a week and I’ve recently beat vg and am currently close to beating gors’
Casual player with lack of skill:
‘I feel raids are too biased towards gear choices, gw2’s moto was play how you want but Anet broke their promise because I can’t use my soldiers gear in raids as no group wants me’
Casual player with lack of skill #2:
‘Man raids are so hard now, I’m having so much trouble beating the 1st boss with my guild but it is so much fun. We are constantly tweaking our builds and compositions, we should be close to beating vg next week!’
Casual player with lack of funds:
’Omg raids totally destroyed gw2, every group out there now requires you to have full ascended and multiple sets for different classes, how the kitten does Anet expect us to get the gear to raid?! Raids drop ascended but to raid you got to have ascended, gg well played Anet way to ruin the game.
Casual player with lack of funds #2:
‘Hey just beat vg with full exotics playing a insert class here. Since I didn’t have much funds or ascended to begin with I decided to play a class which doesn’t require me to min max my stats. And ascended was not really required anyway, I just found a group which accepted me using exotics and we cleared it! Gl guys!’
No issue player:
‘Well raids are fun I guess, been pugging a few and doing some with my guild of late, love the challenging content, hope to beat it soon.’
Elite player with lack of funds:
‘Wow raids are bull kitten, I’ve been playing gw2 for 3 years now and nvr really had much trouble doing other pve content (fractal 49, dungeoneer, insert other pve elite achievements etc) but now with raids I’m FORCED to get ascended gear?! Gg well played Anet for locking content behind a gear wall. Guess I’ll be finding another game now.’
Elite player with lack of funds #2:
‘All those people saying that you need ascended gear to raid are just full of it, I just got the eternal title today with exotic armor and weapons, we managed to kill most of the bosses with time to spare, if people tell you you NEED ascended to raid that’s a lie’
Friendly elite player:
‘Woo I love raids, just cleared through all 3 bosses took only 1 to 2 hours! It was really fun and challenging, if any of you have questions on the boss mechanics and need help feel free to add me in game and I’ll try to help you!’
Toxic elite player:
‘Git gud scrub’
Sympathetic elite player:
‘Well I just cleared raid wing 1 with the eternal title, it was fun and challenging and all, but I got to agree that Anet should really implement some way for more people to clear it. I don’t want to see a majority of the players being left out of such fun content’
Casual< ME < elitist kittenbag (everyone below me is a casual everyone above is an elitist kittenbag):
‘I won’t call myself the best player but I’m am by no means the worst, technically I’m quite good at pve, but when I raid, I can’t help but notice the toxicity in it. People asking for food checks, threatening to kick if I mess up too many times and just in general telling me what to do.’
The forum raider:
‘Judging from all the posts on forums and all the people complaining I won’t even bother trying to attempt raids or any of the new content, until Anet decides to change their current path I’ll just talk with my wallet, gg well played time to find another game. next day comes back and repeat the same thing perseverance and determination, the forum raider.’
That is all the different types of opinions and people I can think about or have read in the last few weeks:D if you think you have any kind I miss out feel free to add! So what kind of player are you?!
Remember guys, there is always 2 sides in which you can face life:D whether it be your problems or how you view others, there is always another option.
(edited by Zach.2618)
I think people are over sensitive. Most of the time people just want smooth runs.
But one thing about elitist is if you are so elite, please be elite enough to find other elite players to play with regularly instead of bothering other more casual players.
Isn’t it like the casual players usually want to find the elite players? Elite players will always want to find elite players unless they are feeling particularly helpful lol. Than again ‘elite’ players will always be everyone better than me, and ‘casual’ players will be everyone worse than me.
Yeah they really need to stop funneling players into what they want them to do.. Bring back dungeons, bring back trains, bring back everything people loved to do in gw2. Why would a game remove content from itself? I don’t understand.
Me too lol and after updating and logging in client crashed
I agree, being casual has nothing whatsoever to do with raids. You can play 1 hour a week and still clear raids, do some research beforehand find a good group you trust and clear it. If you can’t that means you got to improve that’s all. Raids are meant to be hard and require abit more higher order gameplay, that doesn’t mean you can’t clear it if you are a casual (lack of gameplay time), unless casual to you means that you suck more than the average player than that can be fixed as OP stated just improve. Maybe for once try not to bring the content down to your lvl but meet the requirements of the content. ‘Elitism/better players’ are just people who decided to meet the requirements of the content they do.
To answer you question, I’m not toxic:D and I raid:D so no not everyone who raids and fotms are jerks. Toxic also depends on the person on the receiving end though, some people cannot take as much criticism as others, and some might take any form of Criticism be it good or bad as bad. So yeah it actually depends on both sides^^
There’s totally no difference between a pug and a group lol, there are good pugs there are bad pugs, good groups and bad groups. In a pug it’s just that we don’t know each other, where does it say that we have to know each other to be good lol. At the end of the day it’s the players who determine if the raid is a success or not. Pugs can use ts, groups can use ts, pugs can have optimal dps setups, groups can also have optimal dps setups, pugs can have full eternal title players, guilds can have full eternal title players. There’s basically no difference between a pug and a guild group in terms of capability to clear the raid.
1. equip zerk gear and sword
3. equip shiro
4. press 1
5. ????
6. top DPS chartsIt’s disgraceful that a class like this exists and also poops out boons like it consumed a bottle of laxatives at the same time.
99,9% of all revs are just horribel bad and don´t even understand the basics of this class.
And non-rev haters are even worse.Are you saying he is wrong? That is literally how to top charts with Rev.
Yes he’s wrong. We are talking about raid here and most revenant here don’t use Shiro, they use Mallyx. Shiro is a better option only if you have no Chronomancer or your Chronomancer can’t give you perma quickness.
In raid, you use 6 utilities skills, swap between the 2 legend and auto-attack. True, that doesn’t make it hard of a profession, but we are far from Shiro, Press 1 rotation.
oh sorry let me fix it then.
1. equip zerker gear and sword
2. equip relevent legend
3. press 1
4. ????
5. top dps charts.of course it was an exaggeration, but it’s pretty hilarious that a class relies on the auto attack to maximize dps.
here’s a guide for WvW:
1. equip zerker gear and hammer
2. press 2
3. ???
4. obliterate everyone in sight.Why is it that the easiest classes to play are the most rewarding too? one would think a class with a higher skill ceiling would have the potential to do the most damage when well played… instead we get revenant.
Revs do great dmg yes, but the best dmg? I don’t think so, many class builds played optimally probably out dpses it
If you must know, there isn’t such a grand story behind raids, just some people got captured, some soul eating monster and we go in to free them. There’s not much dialogue and no cutscenes at all. At most the npcs will shout 1 or 2 sentences which don’t really mean anything like ‘we must hurry’ or ‘die’ or something like that. Your cof p1 has more in depth story than raids. You’re not missing much if you are worried about story.
Perhaps maybe you and I would not find either of that to be valuable, but the point of me writing this is to provide community feedback on the merits of the model itself before it becomes precedent as a way to deliver new content.
Yes but from your original post you seemed to portray a different opinion than what you have now, maybe you prematurely judged raids and in a haste created a post without much understanding. That is understandable, you are worried Anet will gate an important part of the story or core elements behind raids, but that is not the case. Besides the nice reward of legendary armor (which isn’t required in any game mode) raids currently are not blocking people out of any core content. Maybe your post was directed towards future raid wings which would make more sense, but might have carried a little too much prejudgment. As of now you don’t have to worry about losing anything by not doing raids, the only exclusive thing you are losing will be the legendary armor.
You’re mistaking “begin participating” with “winning”. Raids are very challenging and it’s very important to provide that tone to the game. To say that it’s unfair to put exclusive rewards behind difficult content is absurd on its face.
I’ve amended my original position to make it clear that I am not arguing against exclusive rewards for challenge, but more exclusion from the lore, story and aesthetics of the content. As mentioned by other posters, there is an intention for it to be core content. I don’t want the game to end up in a position like WoW was in WotLK where the pinnacle of the Warcraft universe and story, the conclusion of the story of Arthas, a story many people had become enthralled with since the first time they played Warcraft III as a kid, was locked behind a skill and gear barrier that people with busy lives who could not commit the time to practice and progress with a raiding guild were unable to see and experience.
This is completely incongruous with what you’re saying. WoW has four difficulty levels for every current dungeon and four difficulty levels for every raid. Surely, it should therefore be far, far less toxic than GW2, but that’s nowhere near the case. Some of the people I’ve met in LFR and LFD systems are vile people who I’d never play with.
That is a very interesting point, but one that I feel does not detract from the merits of my arguments. Four difficulty levels in WoW is a relatively new concept, only appearing within the last two expansions. That’s roughly 10 years since it’s conception. The game’s culture of trolling and elitism had already been firmly established from a decade of core content that could only be completed by a percentage of the community. This is what people have come to associate and expect from WoW and 10 years of it’s existence has firmly established that as a social norm and what is acceptable. Just simply throwing in a casual mode difficulty is not going to railroad something like that; it’s just too little too late.
In fact, it really supports the importance of addressing this issue before the game we both passionately enjoy gets set on releasing all it’s future content via “raids”.
If you must know, there isn’t such a grand story behind raids, just some people got captured, some soul eating monster and we go in to free them. There’s not much dialogue and no cutscenes at all. At most the npcs will shout 1 or 2 sentences which don’t really mean anything like ‘we must hurry’ or ‘die’ or something like that. Your cof p1 has more in depth story than raids. You’re not missing much if you are worried about story.
Or unless you got 1500 gold:D after 10 weeks the price will probably drop as everyone sells theirs haha
Ascended was released almost at the same time gw2 was launched so technically you had almost 3 years to get it, trinkets barely cost a gold and only requires commendations or relics, or fotm dailies. Weapons cost abit but in 3 years you should probably be able to save The gold for 1 weapon at least. Armor tbh is not even needed since it’s like 2.5% difference. Anet did stick to their words of no grinding needed to enjoy content, ascended has always been available it is just that YOU have nvr found any reason to get it till now that’s why your last minute effort to get it is so hard. Anet did not release a new BIS tier, they just released content which made a 3 year old BIS tier recommended. If after all this you still don’t want to get it just do it in exotics.
not everyone bought the game at launch.
Well than when did they buy it? A year ago? A month ago? A week ago? Is it that much harder to get ascended now? Trinkets can still be bought for commendations, rings can still be gotten from fractals, amulets can be bought with laurels. If you’ve gotten the game a least a month ago you should be able to get ascended trinkets by now and maybe close to an ascended weapon if you have been saving up your gold. I played a staff ele in raids using exotic zerkers armor, ascended trinkets and 1 ascended staff.
You will always be able to do raids, it’s just your willingness to find the right party and willingness to commit to it.
Also regarding your previous post about not being able to find a party without the right class/build, yes that’s true, that’s life. If you don’t have a medical degree to be a doctor you can’t be one, if you don’t hold a gun you can win a gun fight. It’s pretty ridiculous to want to be able to play any class/build in every situation don’t you think? Than there would nvr be any strategy in gw2 anymore, gw2 will become like a mindless hack and slash mmo where you just do whatever you want and just kill stuff sorts like dynasty warriors if you’ve ever played it.
After pugging raids a couple of times I can tell you not many people even asks for gear checks, you enter the raid and just do what you are supposed to do, if you are good at it no one will question what gear you are using, if you are in exotics and doing perfect Dos rotations you are definitely going to output more dps than someone in full ascended doing subpar rotations. Just play well have a good attitude and no one will question you. Ofc if you only decide to look at all the pug groups that demand full ascended and complain than I’ve nothing more to say to you.
(edited by Zach.2618)
Ascended was released almost at the same time gw2 was launched so technically you had almost 3 years to get it, trinkets barely cost a gold and only requires commendations or relics, or fotm dailies. Weapons cost abit but in 3 years you should probably be able to save The gold for 1 weapon at least. Armor tbh is not even needed since it’s like 2.5% difference. Anet did stick to their words of no grinding needed to enjoy content, ascended has always been available it is just that YOU have nvr found any reason to get it till now that’s why your last minute effort to get it is so hard. Anet did not release a new BIS tier, they just released content which made a 3 year old BIS tier recommended. If after all this you still don’t want to get it just do it in exotics.
And like the post above me said, since so many people agreed with you in this thread you guys should form a raid squad lol, it’s definitely possible to do it in exotics since people have cleared it with a ton of extra time. If you guys are as good as you claim to be and that gear is the only thing stopping you from enjoying raids than why not stop complaining and get together, beat raids and come brag on the forums, pug group beat raid in full exotics. But that will nvr happen, because people who complain will just always find something else to blame their inability on instead of actually doing something so very possible right in front of them.
(edited by Zach.2618)
He’s not looking for a raid guild but to be carried lol, wants to learn mechanics, doesn’t want to pull his weight using optimal builds, wants to clear it slowly but eventually. Sounds like you just want to know the mechanics and survive through the raids in your celestial and eventually beat it. It’s possible if you find a Super optimal group but than again they gotta be willing to carry you.
Pls Anet for the love of god make dungeons rewarding again, doesn’t have to be gold, just any form of reward that will revive it. Recently I’ve been finding myself with lack of stuff to do. Log on daily fotm, more daily fotm with guildies, random fotm just for fun with random people on lfg, some meta events ds ab etc, raids on some days when I feel like it.. That’s it.. It gets boring after awhile. Playing around with diff builds I find there’s practically nowhere to try them out besides fotm, I’ve recently resorted to just killing random stuff in vb. I know you want people to focus on your beloved pvp (as someone with 4K matches played I’ve got my fill of it), fotm and raids, but it is not enough entertainment to sustain.
I know we can still do dungeons for fun, I sometimes still do dungeons for fun, but it gets really old once you find out you just wasted 15 mins of your life doing something meaningless. Once or twice for fun it’s ok, maybe once or twice a week I’ll run a few meaningless dungeons, but that’s all.
Pls Anet stop funnelling us players, reward us for whatever that we desire to play. At the moment you are sticking to your phrase ‘play how you want’ but it’s kind of twisted now, like ‘play how you want, but don’t expect to get rewarded’.
PS: I’m not asking for gold to be rewarded again, I’m just saying pls revive dungeons, make a new dungeon exclusive collection, a new title, exclusive items, make them give more tokens, remove token daily limit, whatever you want to do just pls revive it.
If you don’t revive dungeons, pls add more instanced content, more fractals? More raids? Anything that allows us to party up and have some fun! Because seriously there’s nothing much to do nowadays.
An idea how about just rewarding the harder dungeon paths? The paths that pugs don’t usually speed run for gold (well technically all paths can be but the harder ones relative to their counterparts). How bout fixing all the dungeon bugs (particularly lupi) and some stacking spots. I mean there are so many ways to fix dungeons and make them fun again. These fixes don’t have to be crisps and polished, just add an invisible wall in various stacking spots. Now dungeons will be harder, and only reward the hardest of the paths.
(edited by Zach.2618)
Except newer ascended combinations such as viper are much better than older combinations like sinister. Which is still a creep.
I had a engi in my party solo the red guard because he was in full asc viper. Thats min of 40K ticks on his burns…Thats some serious power creep.
Min (minimum?) of 40k burn tick? Lolol maybe he was using a hack or something you should report him. I’ve played all kinds of condi with full ascended and have nvr seen a 30k burn single tick let alone a 40k tick minimum. That would be like 35 to 40 stacks of burn at maybe more than max condi dmg at 25 might and vuln. Even if he spammed all his burn skills as an engi at one shot assuming no cast time or button pressing time he still wouldn’t be able to get that amount of burn stacks. Come on lol 40k burn tick bahaha that’s funny.
Run in with sword and swiftness before your Zerg slash everything and drop wells lol than run back haha. The reaction time of the mobs are so slow it’s as if they don’t see you until you run pass them. Only Attack you gotta watch for is the sniper lines other than than you should be fine
Seriously why so complicated. It’s just a game. You sit at the computer and play for fun. You like to pvp do it, pve do it, raid do it, craft legendaries do it, don’t like to do anything don’t do it. Feel the game is no longer fun quit. There’s no need to come on to the forums with your imaginary supporters (entitled players) to complain that you can’t get something. I quit this game for 2 years and came back for HoT and am having a blast. It’s just a game, no need to try to dig up so much ‘smarty pants’ stuff to try to explain your entitlement. Ohoni you have been complaining since before HoT launched and you’re still here complaining lol, if you are having so much dissatisfaction as you say you are I don’t see why you are still here. No one is forcing you to play you know.
Why so many wings. Gem store black and white wings. Fractal backpiece wing. Pvp backpiece wings. Sclerite karka shell looks like some kind of tentacle wing. Spinal backpiece also look like wings, bat wing glider well is obviously in its name, butterfly wings, shiny winx club wings. Why so many wings? I’m all for wings, I LOVE wings! But pls Anet, unless you have some obsession with becoming an angel/batman/bird/Demon, I don’t see why is there a need for so many wing designs. Can we have more variety? Maybe an actual backpack that represents something other than mastery of your crafting profession for once in a Long Long Long time now. WINGS! Is your backpack designer incapable of creating a stylish cool looking shiny backpack? Old fractal backpiece was shiny yea but it’s just a circle.. Flowers, mantles, random spikey things, it seems everything can be shiny except a normal backpack. The only shiny backpack I can think of is the SAB one which isn’t particularly cool IMO more of a fun backpack. Pls Anet get some new ideas besides wings.
TLDR: I’d like a backpack which is cool and shiny and still look like I would be able to put at least my wallet in it.
(edited by Zach.2618)
No, they’re inherently bad because they limit build choices. You can’t successfuly beat enrage timers with anything but a heavy amount of glass cannon dps.
And that’s your opinion, but not mine.
TBH honest, i’m not a fan of straight overall timer for the boss, but I’m a very big fan of dps checks like gorseval fight where you need to dps him enough before he does it’s big attack twice in a phase.
Have the humility to understand that other people like other kind of stuff than you. Some people wanted that kind of stuff for raids and I’m aware that it’s not something that everybody like.
I don’t like everything in the game, but I’m able to understand that other people might love it that way and it’s cool with me.
Timers are a really boring mechanic because it says “my way or the highway” I mean you can learn the strategy, and execute the mechanics flawlessly but still fail just due to a gear check. When the only difference between success and failure is gear? That’s a boring mechanic.
I’m SLIGHTLY less critical about forcing a really narrow spectrum of gear stats in an instanced raid but it doesn’t belong in open world events at all. Open world events are a large PUG where you really have no control over what people on the map are wearing. I say as long as you can organize people to execute the strategy you should be able to complete open world events, rather than requiring a gear check for an open world PUG.
The only way to try to enforce what people are wearing in an open world event is to be a part of a massive guild like TTS where they can spam maps until they find one that is completely empty, and then fill it with nothing but their guild, but 99% of the guilds in game cannot effectively do that. In fact, TTS can’t even really do that entirely in guild, there are always PuGs joining and they just give them the teamspeak info. Luckily the triple worms, while requiring a good amount of coordination and each having a strategy that needed to be executed, had a timer generous enough that it didn’t have any real gear requirements (though a condi geared team did help), it actually sort of helped that for most of the boss you could not crit, so you didn’t need zerker, and the fight was balanced around dps not being able to crit.
You can crit Chak Garent, and therefore, everyone being in optimal dps gear (zerker/sinister/viper) is paramount, because the fight is tuned assuming that everyone in the lane is in optimal dps gear, and the timer is fairly tight. Organization and strategy isn’t enough, having enough people in optimal DPS gear is necessary., but a gear check on an open world map that anyone could join? Not cool.
Well all they have to do is increase the timer and make the boss do more undodgeable 1 hit KO attacks to anyone who has less than 1500 toughness. Now you can wear all the tanky gear you want but will still face the pressure with the lower Dps even after they extended the timer. Would you have any problems with that? Well I think you would because it would exactly be the same as if you were in zerkers gear now. Let’s face it, people complaining aren’t complaining because they have to be in zerkers, they are complaining because they can’t beat the raid. Difficulty is difficulty, whether you are in zerkers or nomads the boss can be scaled to make it difficult, it’s not the gear you guys have a problem with its your skill lvl. If the boss was changed to do 5 times more dmg, you can wear nomads but you’ll still probably die.
At the end of the day even if Anet nerfed raids and maybe made other armor stats required, it won’t affect the people now who have currently cleared raids or are still trying. The people who are not complaining now will always be able to clear content no matter what changes happen to them. But Guess what? The people who are complaining now will still be complaining after Anet changes raids. As Long as you are unable to beat the raid you will find some form of excuse to try to blame Anet. I Guess it’s just your personality, it has nothing to do with gear, skill lvl, or ‘elitism’. At the end of the day the problem will be your unwillingness to adapt, to try, to put in effort to get what you want. At the end of the day you just want things handed to you or catered to your exact skill lvl.
People saying ‘elitist’ are bad people should really question themselves. So far many good players I meet who asks for gear checks or food checks are friendly people who talk laugh and have fun at what they are doing. No matter what the content be it hard, easy, exploitable, or impossible atm they always have fun and try to win it. The bad people IMO are the ones complaining, the ones who assumes everyone shares the same opinion as them, the ones who want every single content developed to cater to their exact skill lvl as if they were the only ones who payed for the game. If you take a step back and look, ‘elitist’ don’t really care what content they get, they just try their best. Some ‘elitist’ might be egoistic and rude but that’s like only the minority. asking for food checks and gear checks doesn’t make you a bad person, it makes you a good leader. Have you ever thought maybe ‘elitist’ squad leaders don’t want to waste their members time so they ask for such requirements? 9 times an hour is 9 hours of collective game time. Just take a step back think about what I just said.
(edited by Zach.2618)
why would you need dungeons as a stepping stone to fractals have you done fractal 1?
And dungeons have been and still are viable content to do, you can still do them right?
They just arent as profitable as people want so they chose not to do them.
Because the 1st pve thing I did which actually interested me was dungeons, they are fun and interesting with a decent duration. And yes already cleared all the way to 100 2 days after HoT launched. The problem with fotm now is it just doesn’t give the same communication effort and ideas that dungeons do. Save for some like the reactor fractal where people sometimes split up to do the diff rooms, fractals now are practically done in silence, whereas in my experience dungeons had people asking questions and others answering. I don’t know what’s the difference between dungeons and fractals which causes this but IMO dungeons are more player friendly and interest them in pve instanced content. Fractals especially the ones below lvl 50 are so fast now that it might be the reason to lack of communication and atmosphere. Once you say ‘hi’ if your group is good about 5 mins later the fractal is done and everyone leaves without even zoning back to the lab.
For example back when the game just launched for a few months, when lupi in Arah was the biggest baddest boss and everyone was still ranging him trying to stay alive. That’s the kind of experience which gives players the dodge to survive instinct. Anet should fix all the dungeon bugs and make it viable. The way people run dungeons now is just funny with all the bugs and stuff. Anet should also maybe give the bosses and mobs more health in dungeons as I feel that there is a slight power creep with the specialisation a.
(edited by Zach.2618)
You will nvr get legendary armor or do raids by using loot stick on the boss and not dodging a single thing. Mechanics can only add so much difficulty, the timer is to Ensure people don’t snooze fest through it in ‘tanky’ gear. If everyone wore nomads in vg than you won’t even need to stand in green circles anymore, the aoe won’t kill you, red circles won’t kill you, you’ll just stack on him and 1 to death. I’m sry OP but raids are obviously not for you atm seeing how you describe dying so much, there’s such a thing as dodging. Sry to break it to you but the hardest content should nvr be a snooze fest of ‘tanky’ players.
I don’t really know bout that because I’ve not really played it haha just wondering. I would really like to see a vid of the whole rotation from summoning the fgs to summoning the fgs againXD
What happens after your fgs runs out though, or if someone picks up your second fgs haha. Can’t see the sustain since the vid is only 30 secs Long
As the topic says pls make dungeons viable, you don’t have to revert the gold rewards but at least find some way to incentivise it so that newer players or even older players will want to do it. Dungeons are like a stepping stone for pve content dungeons > fractals > raids. Do you know why many people are complaining about raids now being too hard and troublesome? Because they are not used to pve and instead jump straight to raids for the idea of getting some shiny legendary armor, they are not in it for the fun of pve content and challenge but only for the rewards. If you make dungeons viable again, people will have some form of stepping stone to climb up. Maybe make the easier collections for the legendary armor require some dungeon runs, and than after that require raids. It’s just a suggestion.
Casual does not equate to bad and being bad does not mean you are casual, that’s what a lot of people are having trouble understanding. Trust me you can play 1 hour a day on only someday and still be able to beat the raids. It only takes less than 10 mins for each boss which gives you like 6 attempts in a casual hour that you play. If you are complaining that you can’t beat it because raids cause you to wipe over and over again spending 10 hours in it than maybe you just need to rethink your strategy. Let’s say you play 1 hour on Friday use that 1 hour to find a good group of people who you think can clear raids, than spend the 1 hour you play on Saturday to beat it. Raids are supposed to be hard, it is definitely not time consuming because the mechanics even require you to beat it under a set amount of mins. If it’s time consuming to you than maybe you are not as good as you thought or your group is not than you should find ways to improve. You can be casual with your game time and still clear raids.
At the end of the day if you spend 10 hours in a raid wiping over and over again with no victory in sight than you are pretty stubborn. If you run into a brick wall a hundred times it won’t give way, learn to go around it. The 1st few groups spent hours because they were the first to experiment with it learning the mechanics and whatnot, now that the mechanics are all well known all you need is some good players, decent gear, and know the mechanics.
(edited by Zach.2618)
Well if you don’t want to raid or find it too difficult to get geared up to raid, or just don’t want to spend the time to raid than just don’t do it. I mean there’s a ton of other stuff added with HoT that you can do. There’s also new pvp modes, wvw has also changed for better or for worst. You aren’t really missing out on much if you don’t raid, just some skins and legendary armor with the same stats as ascended. Well legendary armor has stat swapping yes but that would mainly benefit those who want to raid, so yeah if you have no interest in raiding than the rewards probably won’t benefit you anyway. If it’s the shiny skins or tonics you are after or just the skin of the legendary armor, well my Father always told me that if I wanted something I had to work for it. So yeah.
Everyone I know already gave up on it.
No skin can be worth spending 2 hours to find a good party and mashing your face against a wall 20 times for an hour or 2 until people start quitting.
Anet really lost focus and just tried imitating other mmos. Truth is it’s a huge disappointment, it’s just been made hard to hide the tiny amount of endgame instanced content HoT came with.
Just because it’s currently too hard for your skill lvl, group finding lvl, and unwillingness to push through it you blame Anet for it? Raids are supposed to be hard so either get better, find better people to raid with, help those who are not as good get better, or just give up totally and blame Anet just because you can’t beat the raid. Personally I’ve been pugging raids to quite a success as far as pugging goes, I don’t spend 2 hours looking for pug I just check lfg from time to time if anyone is looking for a role I can fill and just carry on my daily stuff. So far as a pug I’ve already managed to get gore down to the last 33%. So yeah my suggestion is just take it slow, don’t force it if you cant beat it yet find a way to change that, if you walk into a solid wall a 100 times and expect to 1 day be able to walk through it you won’t really get far.
And what is this endgame you expect Anet to implement differently? You want more meta world events? (Because I’m sure as hell cant get enough of the meta world events currently) you want more story content? More fotm? More dungeons? What is the endgame content you so desire. If you aren’t happy with endgame content just because you happen to be unable to beat it than maybe it’s not endgame content you are looking for. Maybe you are just tired of playing mmos since you seem to have a thing against the ‘generic’ mmo structure. Instead of complaining why don’t you start suggesting on endgame content you want.
(edited by Zach.2618)
Regarding raid timers, I’m begging you pls do not remove or give in to people complaining about timers. I myself have not cleared the 1st boss closest we got to was 20% but pls! Don’t remove the timer. Seriously people should stop complaining about the timer just because you can’t beat it on the 2nd day of release. Raids is supposed to be the hardest endgame dungeon where to succeed you need to min max your dps or be close to it. Strategy and team comp is also very important so obviously you can’t bring too many of a certain class. This is NOT restricting the classes but instead limiting it and promoting diversity! If you think you are unable to play a certain build or class it is not because you can’t play it but because your team already has someone doing it. Pls Anet raids are awesome now, for all that is holy pls don’t make them easier. I don’t need another fotm.
Why do people make themselves look bad by complaining about stuff like this lol. You already mentioned the counter just dodge. Just because you can’t dodge in time doesn’t mean everyone has trouble with it. It’s meant to make the stages more interesting and hard, just because you can’t do it and decide to come complain about it on the forums says something. Personally I found it fun.
Hey US drone strikes kill way more innocent people than the Paris incident, why not we support the victims of US drone strikes instead so that they don’t actually become terrorist.
Do you guys know why you shouldn’t post this kinda threads on gaming forums? I read above lol, I know you mean well and all but it’s just not relevant here.
Sry my Friend if you do 3 to 4 hours of WB Everyday and wondering why you can’t get your ascended gear, haven’t you questioned if you got your priorities straight? I mean WB aren’t exactly the best source of income.. Sry for all the 3 to 4 hours you wasted Everyday.. Unless you got lucky and got a pre ofc. Sry for your loss.
To people saying this is an exploit, you do know Anet was the one who mentioned that it would be possible to do this in one of their videos showcasing the berserker..