(edited by elkirin.8534)
Firstly, words like “scared” , “only”, “Everybody”, they can massively undermine your messages. IMHO, they are rubbish words and do not represent the posters opinions very well at all.
To the OP’s suggestion, an entire map that allows mutual pvp, or consentual duelling is not so bad an idea. Possibly not on Anet’s priority list and not likely across the entire tyria but not a bad idea.
Possibly Anet could duplicate a map and allow duelling requests on that map.
People define roaming differently. If solo 2-5 -10 or even 60 is what you consider roaming is then yes I see people playing in all those groups.
In any PvP enabled space, you control the actions of just one person.
If you think you can tell others how to play, you are a different wvw/pvper to me.
I like to solo WvW and am happy to help players I meet.
Several times during this thread people have politely tried to vote no, each time the OP responds in an attempt to sway their opinions.
I will try to keep my response simple and DO NOT require a response.
Not all WvWvW ers are looking for the same thing. I read your posts and appreciate the work yourself and previous posters have gone to in designing a new system. Twice Guilds containing many people I respected have moved “up” the tiers seeking something.
I personally am not interested in playing GW2 beyond the existence of the Original server I chose when I started, it is who I am.
Good luck.
Firstly, I am well known to not be the target audience, I wvw because I enjoy it, not for any rewards.
As a player personally getting a 5 pip bonus for having enjoyed playing a few thousand hrs, I feel the newer players are being shafted.
Rewards mean nothing to me but if better rewards or a few rule changes bring people back to a game mode I enjoy, then please do it.
Equality does not mean all get the same. That said I honestly feel newer players are so important to WvW that they should get Pips more easily than they do currently.
Good luck working out systems to do that so late into the game.
The idea of spreading the tickets out so someone 5/6 to a chest still gets 5 sixths of the tickets is superb.
Plus one from me.
Generally I roam, when i move into a commanded group with TS I join the TS as a matter of course, it feels right to me. Unfortunately roughly 100% of the time the TS descends into kitten measuring or topics/areas i do not wish to have forced upon me.
As a 56 yr old I appreciate I am not the target audience for TS players and usually leave the TS and the group to play their game in their own way. My blocklist is very very short.
Good luck, I love this game , have roamed scouted etc since it began and I CHOOSE to not follow the zerg much anymore partly due to how voice chat is used by the special few .
I am happy enough to roam solo.
(edited by elkirin.8534)
There are of course exceptions ( people who always solo roam) some even are NOT the unkillable HoT builds but those non HoT builds are a lot rarer. ( By the way I have personal proof that at least one solo roamer still exists on SoS)
Good luck with finding a few roamer/Havoc players, I am sure given a chance they can exist on all servers.
(edited by elkirin.8534)
Please try to make your points without attacking others. Turning these threads into matchup threads ( or in fact intentionally designing them to be matchup threads ) just gets them deleted.
Remember you speak only for yourself and if you want the opinion of “most” you have to ask them for it AND receive it before you can say that the results show ;
“Most believe they want.”
I would like to see a tier that does not blob but meh, each gamer plays their own way.
ok each character I redo past the elixir recipe can then buy firestones and find suet.
I do not wish to totally redo the story on original completer to allow alts to collect for two reasons;
One is the soulbound nature of suet.
The second is I personally never wish to do the final mission again. Please consider adding a few text options to the story.
( I Have normally completed the story on 9-22 chars over time )
Please fix the bug as soon as you can thanks.
While my personal preferences would have had to have been instituted 4 years ago, from the choices given by the OP;
I prefer the Alliance choice 1.
24 individual server names or alliance names, either suits me. I have no divine right for any linked pairings to be named after me, that is ridiculous.
Those who are dismissing server pride aren’t looking at longterm. You buy the game because it entertains. You stay because of the community.
I would like to add less eloquently;
Always feel free to speak for yourself, and only yourself.
I still have server pride, I miss the guild mates who moved on and wish them well.
(edited by elkirin.8534)
Rewards are tricky, if paid to the winner, people may tend to stack servers. If you pay them only to those with out manned buff, people may game the system or abuse fellow server members.
I would suggest introducing a line with an ascended WvW backpiece reward might split the difference?
This thread was about DB. Due to the single server allocation and maybe other reasons it has fallen. DB may or may not recover during the next rotation as server partners are re done.
The people who post with the full intent of turning this into a match up thread should cease.
This was never a thread about A timezone vs B timezone, or A server vs B Server.
Hatred vitriol and spam posting may be your way of supporting your server but please tone it down. I thank those few who made clear on topic posts
Good Luck DB hope to see you as you rise back up past us next cycle.
I do not want to go back up the rankings, I enjoy facing the 5-6 teams who do not sit on a hill above you and wait for 5-15 more before engaging solo roamers.
Hopefully the teams most skilled at leeching all fun from the game will face one another and those still enjoying GW2 will face one another.
Good luck
Firstly, why did 15 people chase it in the water?
Secondly, I agree we need some sort of insta death penalty when more than 10 chars hit a soloer. ie the ten drop dead.
The trick will be in preventing it triggering in zvz but I am willing to see a few errors if it prevents “stacks on the mill” style fighting.
I would suggest a 20 min sin bin timer room at the spawn as well but that may confuse newer players.
Step one;
Encourage others to play the way you enjoy by making it enjoyable for them as well.
Step two;
Pay attention to the fact that you can not force others to be you.
Step three;
good luck
IMHO, walls of text posted as if they are fact, in fact often contain some complete BS.
( alongside the rest which is always just personal opinion regardless of basis)
Having read the entire thread I still disagree with the OP.
Have a nice day.
The point of this change IMHO is NOT to change the outcome of any matches.
The point of this change is, no matter when you login or what the weekly scores are, you can push to win the current 2 hr skirmish.
That is all. It is not some all encompassing fix. It is meant to give some meaning to your efforts and give people who need it, something to point at on the scoreboard.
People who play for weekly wins can, people who play for fights can. Further scoring changes to follow.
Good luck enjoy the game.
This falls under my stupid things to implement for WvW.
But, if people really really insist this has to be done.
Here’s my suggested fix:
Automatically Shut DOWN the NA Servers @12 am MT
Automatically Power UP the NA Servers @8 am MTAutomatically Shut DOWN the EU Servers @12 am GMT
Automatically Power UP the EU Servers @8 am GMTThere is no Night Capping because between 12 am – 8 am. Nobody is allowed to logon during the Night Time period for each Region…so Night Capping is completely eliminated.
ANet really needs to re-design the Game Mode to leverage the Match-Up system & Allow Players to Create Alliances that are Driven by International Communities to eliminate this Off Peak Capping…aka Night Capping problem that the current Fixed 3 Way Match-Up system is creating.
For a Better Long Term Solution for WvW – Try a Google Search of – wvg world vs globes
This solution does not go far enough;
The vast majority of players seem to appear in the 2-3 hrs past reset so;
Close all servers outside of the weekly reset + 3 hrs.
Remove all wvw dailies.
Refund all gem purchases for those players who are not online during those 3 hrs.
Should fix it, unless of course the OP’s team loses anyway in which case just find an hr somewhere they win and close the servers outside that hr.
After years of seeing Ranger abuse in mapchat, team chat and even guild chat, I would be Ok with it if Rangers/druids became no 1. BUT
IMHO, they are not yet that in WvW. ( arguably underwater maybe)
I thank the 2-3 posters who tried to be reasonable in this thread, whether for or against Druids current state, I enjoy reading well thought out constructive posts.
Good Luck
(edited by elkirin.8534)
Ok, Sounds like a simple question but it is not. Mainly due to the wide ranging opinions.
My take is as follows;
Firstly, If I have no time or am given no warning indication by my team mate, I step in.
If I am then given an indication I stop attacking and move on.
If the enemy kills me with my player helping or not I move on.
( do not assume you will get help)
If the allied player abuses me, I put them on block and move on.
Please note, once blocked you can no longer let me know it is a duel and best move to the duelling areas I avoid.
The mileage varies for each player, if I am in an 1v1 , arranged or otherwise I will attempt to tolerate the actions of any allies, whatever they may choose to do.
I agree with this thread, Longbow DPS does need to be increased.
Hello OP , I am mostly known as Dubain in game. I voted to keep DBL in rotation due to the choices offered.
I also play DBL nightly in preference to EBG. or lurk around home BL when it is invaded.
Nice to meet you.
The map is being played inT3. I average around 5hrs a day in wvw, longer immediately after reset due to it being my weekend.
Every minute of that time either we had 5-10+ or were solidly outmanned. ( mostly with buff)
The map is being played, previously I could run weeks at a time solo roaming enemy BLs and not be outmanned unless we drew too much response.
Please take your zvz hats off and realise not all people stick to EBG.
Some of the enmy soloers, duos and trios are very good players, hats off to you as well.
Please keep bringing the fun.
Ok first up, Please do not turn threads into matchup threads, they get very quickly locked.
IMHO, many well meaning posters suggest what their enemy can do to be “competitive”. It is not up to the enemy to match your playstyles.
In a PvP enabled zone you only control the actions of yourself.
If YOU , yes YOU, suck all the fun out of it for your enemy, they will stop playing. Pv Nobody is not as fun for many as PvP. If you are in fact winning 20 vs 50, maybe field 12.
If you are in fact more organised, charge in recklessly now and then. If the enemy wins even once a night the chances of them logging in tomorrow increases.
Maybe Run uplevel minion master nights, maybe field 30 pistol engis and let the comms take a break. Maybe do not use meta builds now and then, whatever you can stomach that keeps players in the game helps the game.
DO WHATEVER you can to keep the game fun. If you just grind the enemy into the dirt, I would expect them to just pve for the 4 weeks it will take to shake loose even more guilds and players from the game.
good luck, try to enjoy the game and allow your enemy to do so if you can. There is a lot players can yet do to save what was once a terrific game mode.
Please stop posting if you can not be civil.
There are issues with team sizes and numbers, Please concentrate on suggestions not attacks.
(edited by elkirin.8534)
I only have around 11k hrs played in the game. Mostly in WvW, so the only absolute I have learned so far is;
People on the forums kitten a lot.
See you on the battlefields, whichever they may be.
I run ( among other things) a 12k health, power/precision/ferocity built thief. I have “insta” died to full zerk ranger/druids in a tunnel but usually can evade the arrow stream.
I have tinkered with builds and feel most comfortable on the all out thief. Each time I lower my attack damage for higher health it “feels” wrong and I go back.
on the other hand I used to run a toughened scout d/d condi thief and found vit tough handy on that variation.
Good luck, read each post and take from it the things that work for you personally.
(edited by elkirin.8534)
I would suggest that connection latency and a variety of other factors need to be considered in who can beat what and when. Each person’s experiences in WvW will vary, as will their preferred playstyles. We only control our own.
I have the considerable talent of being able to lose to most professions.
Now and then I have also beaten all professions. BUT I do have several thousand hrs muscle memory. ( and not all enemy are equal) Pucker factor is why I play.
Play the builds and professions you enjoy, I will do the same and will be on SoS if you seek me.
I fight what I see and run from what I choose to run from.
The only WvWers that annoy me are the pond scum that abuse and then block people.
The enemy I can live with.
Inventing very nice sounding conspiracy theories do not make them fact.
In a 3 way fight, it SHOULD often feel like a 2 vs 1 unless one of the teams is totally brain dead. Teams/commanders etc SHOULD read the map and do whatever benefits their server or playstyle.
Please understand, while you personally are feeling like you face a 2 v1, so most likely do the other 2 teams.
That is all. This thread is not about perceptions of players regarding 2 v 1s.
The T4 issues are basically, more than 3 teams fit into T3, the next linking may or may not fix that. Good luck all.
My suggestions were in my first post on page two.
The solution is possibly a round robin system , delete the tiers and play everyone vs everyone.
Meanwhile reconsider the linking and transfers.
While like all of us, I can only speak for myself, I initially was concerned about the unfair treatment of SBI in being demoted twice after their big win in T3.
Due to vitriolic and rubbish posts I now have other more pressing concerns.
Those of you making constructive comments, thank you.
Those of you who think you are the only gamer on the planet. Cut it out, you are not that important. Please try to make suggestions that Anet can actually consider.
Thank you.
Firstly, I agree that the addition of 2-300 glicko points should have been applied to the in progress match points rather than at reset then not again.
I also would have preferred a total glicko reset and let matches sort it out.
I also agree that which ever T3 team rolls down under the current system is penalised Glicko wise.
I also tend to agree that whining moaning and stamping feet should be ignored.
While I have had the odd player freak out over something I said in chat, I find GW2 to be a game containing many helpful people.
English in text form is not always an exact science.
Thanks community.
So, 5 players are attacking one solo ranger, they choose to follow them into water because……
Then they come here and complain that the ranger has maybe capped all the water keeps?
Please reconsider.
I suggest that any kill where one single player does less than 80% of the damage to the dying player are not recorded as kills.
I also suggest that any kills where 25 or more players tag the same player are removed from war scores.
Seems valid, from a certain point of view.
I was more or less thinking either Monty python or Benny Hill chase music, but South Park fits nicely.
Maybe I am choosing to “better myself” by not being forced in to an area I left intentionally.
Please, Take some care in the words chosen, unintentional or blissfully unaware slights are still slights.
(edited by elkirin.8534)
Add fishing to guild halls…….
I want Airborne combat. Asuran Scrappers need Gyrocopters….
IMHO, A lot of people are confused over who is acting self entitled.
As an illustration two comments follow;
Please consider those who already have X prior to designing 4th birthday presents.
Please Kitten those who already have X prior to designing 4th birthday presents.
There are a number of posters who would appear not to be able to identify the more self entitled statement.
Good luck, I hope you enjoy life.
Ok many times this has been posted as a cure to matchup stagnation etc.
While I do not believe this has any chance of achieving balance I suggest the following adaptations;
Continue with 4 tiers.
Winner of each tier goes up, loser goes down, middle server remains.
Winner of T1 goes to T4 loser of T4 goes to T1
Week one, abc, def, ghi, jkl
week 2, bdl, ceg, fhj, ika
week 3 kdc, lef, etc
According to the server transfers, they seek better fights and or new matchups, this will most definitely provide new matchups. It will also cause a few laughs with servers fighting for second…
Good luck
While many of these incidents are hard to pin down. I was at this incident, watched the mesmer rise vertically to the position shown in the picture and also watched them portal the Green team in. I was the scout “Dubain” in chat.
However, I think it is important to note;
Prior to this incident Green ( OG) were running 25-30 players.
Post this incident, OG were running 2-3 players and a few players entered later.
Thank you those who realised they had a “flyer” on their colour and left EOTM.
For myself, if I see one of these on my team I call them out in chat and refuse to take any of their portals.
Good luck all.
(edited by elkirin.8534)
These threads are difficult for me. I have always supported choices for gamers, whether I choose to take them or not is of course my own choice.
For this reason I support the addition of alternate mastery points in either HoT or core Tyria.
My problem is that I am unsure why the petulant, often selfish or self centred are rewarded for their attempts to screw over others in attempts to stroke their own ego.
I should support the freedom to choose to be a total Kitten but it appears I am just not that pro choice.
I have 18/22 Queen Jenna’s and am hoping to complete the set….
Good luck with birthday presents, I never liked socks much myself but was guilty of giving socks to orphans at wintersday…..
I choose to play wvw as my main game mode. I never expect any rewards for playing. Playing for me is the reward.
This aside, I am sickened by those unable to comprehend “others” may have feelings.
Please , please consider other people when you post foot stamping tantrum posts.
It really will not break you if someone else gets something. You will be ok , sharing can be fun as well.
Thank you for the suggestion. So far 25 of the posts are from just two people, interesting.
I am by nature not a fan of blob vs blob wvw. If you can fit into your suggestion a way for people to play in very small teams I would be interested in seeing how it works out.
Thank you.