I find anyone in game sporting big wings to be… weird and ugly.
But then again, this is MMO so I would have to deal with it. It’s not just what I want, it’s also what they want. And they want to use the big ugly wings, so I just have to ignore it.
All classes except Engineer.
There will always be complaints because some people think the game is made for themselves instead of for the community.
Yes, but adjusting difficulties should also adjust rewards.
Easy – 4HP
Medium – 7HP
Hard – 10HP
And I’m being generous.
Same here.
This thread would be a lot shorter if everyone who has their preference of how to run a dungeon does this:
Make own lfg: “Path(x) No skipping”
On the contrary (as in, it would be shorter if people didn’t keep repeating that solution =) ).
Have you ever tried this method yourself? It’s really a very poor and frustrating solution.
Maybe because it’s a waste of time and most people generally don’t want to waste time?
Let’s face it, you’re in the minority. And I don’t like pointing who the minority group is, but in this case, you are. We don’t even need a survey to know it.
The time spent vs reward is simply not balanced. If there is a good, no, make it great incentive on literally wiping the entire dungeon, people might do it. But there isn’t. You kill some mobs, you’re even lucky to have blues, let alone greens.
The only thing you can do is to a.) make your own group and pray to the good heavens it fills fast, b.) ANet redesign the dungeon so it’ll be worthwhile to kill trashes, c.) ANet implement a rule to make players wipe out all trashes or face ban – which is a bad policy IMO or d.) accept your fate, which I don’t think you would.
This thread would be a lot shorter if everyone who has their preference of how to run a dungeon does this:
Make own lfg: “Path(x) No skipping”
Why can’t zerkers play how they want and non-zerkers play how they want?
Water don’t mix with oil.
See second and third responses on this thread.
No stacking/skipping/kill all.
Go to LFG Beta
Create your own LFG
On the description, put in “No stacking, kill everything”
Play the game.
On the other note, what do you accomplish on killing all mobs? Some blues and greens?
Reward does not compensate on the time spent this way.
Apparently, everyone wants to party with zerk but doesn’t want to use zerk gear themselves.
Well, in my server, those “high level” zones tend to be empty, ie: Orr and FrostGorge so…
Good thing about this game is you can leave, come back a few months after, and chances are the only thing you missed are skins, and some TP discounts.
I skipped through replies…
I say no for mounts.
From what i remember, frodo didn t walk straight into mordor Killing all the orcs…
He even skipped a boss – a Nazgul…
I haven’t played GW2 for nearly a year now.
I thoroughly enjoyed most of the game; I have a couple 80’s and some fairly high PvP-rank characters. Very close to world completion, high level crafting skills, etc.
I decided to see how the game has come in the past months and fired it up again; after a large amount of patching, a good bit of nostalgia, and a couple of hours, I found myself in a state of déjà vu; I got that same feeling of “there’s really nothing to do” again.
How could this be? Months of content and patches being added but still there’s seemingly nothing to do.
Well, it got me thinking. I really like the structure of the game; it’s got a ton of potential and the ANet team seems very proactive when it comes to their game. It’s just a matter of direction, if you ask me.
Here’s some of my concerns, take them for what they are; I’m sure many people agree as well as disagree and think I’m an idiot.
• The loot isn’t fun. There’s very little variation when it comes to items, besides aesthetics. While leveling up this isn’t too much of an issue, it kind of dulls the experience at max level. Sure, I don’t have full Ascended gear, but I’m also not very compelled to put a ridiculous amount of time and effort into getting them due to one, these items don’t really have a meaningful impact on gameplay, and two, there’s no gameplay that really merits them.
• Nobody really does dungeons; they skip them. If people are going out of their way to skip content, don’t you think there might be something wrong with the content? Most dungeons contain too much filler and lack real “loot” for your efforts; that doesn’t create a challenging, rewarding, nor immersing dungeon experience.
• Build diversity and overall balance could be much better. Nowadays, it seems like nobody likes you unless you’re full Berserker, using your classes “best” weapon. Doesn’t that seem a little strange to anyone? If balancing between PvE and PvP is difficult, why not just balance them separately?
• World events should be more… worldly. Off the top of my head, one of my favorite world events is when that huge Giant runs over that low-level Charr town in one of their zones. I like that event because there’s repercussions for not dealing with him; your town is pretty much useless. What good are world events that really don’t have any weight within the world around them? Would be pretty fun if towns getting attacked was more of a regular thing; it makes the world seem more dangerous.
Living story content is great and all, but shouldn’t the focus be on content that’s fun and repayable? I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather see:
? Added a new zone where players fight the native clans for control over rare, natural resources!
- Rare and bountiful resources that appear randomly throughout the map are guarded by powerful monsters!
- Monsters periodically assault player hubs; the attacks never stop!Than…
? Some kitten with a giant robot spawned in the middle of the mountains somewhere; go kill it if you’re bored and looking for somthing to do.
Here’s my own responses. Please do not take it as I’m trying to sway your beliefs, but you have control on some points you indicated…
• The loot isn’t fun.
-It’s subjective. I don’t find them “fun” too – but I find them adequate. I never-ever got a precursor since release, so yeah, it sucks for me. Also, the game is designed to have a horizontal progression (which honestly gets boring), meaning it’s all about the looks, not the stats.
• Nobody really does dungeons; they skip them.
-Press Y, go to LFG Beta, create your own group, indicate “No skipping”. Kick anyone who skips.
• Build diversity and overall balance could be much better.
-Press Y, go to LFG Beta, create your own group, indicate “anyone/any build welcome” and you’ll see that more people are NOT using zerk. Plus, this gets filled alot quicker.
• World events should be more… worldly.
-No comment, I only do them if the rewards interest me and if I need to do very little effort. I’m lazy, I know.
I’m sorry, I don’t usually read game news, but any official link/s where I can read it?
—Nevermind, I found it. lol
Wow that’s so high!
Why don’t you try to exchange for dye to sell at high amount of gold?hmmm nah, i have grown attached to them laurels! my precious!
besides, i have like 1,140+ gold so i am not in any hurry to acquire more gold.
yes i’m a hoarder!
miser, etc.some off topic brag / show off etc:
world completion 83%
no legendary weapons
1 howl (warhorn precursor)
(a former guild member sold it to me for 12 gold, he bought it for 12 gold right after the karka introduction event)i am just a very casual player with 14,400+ achievement points.
also did not ever had any precursor drop or from the mystic forge.
i had some exotic drops from mobs or chest but nothing spectacular.
well maybe one final rest from the shadow behemoth if that counts./end casual player brag show off etc
If that is casual, I don’t know what my 6k achievement is now called…
1) to not have to put up with this bobblehead crap anymore. I have probably reloaded client at least 50 times and changed the date on my comp over and over and OVER again just for the temporary relief of not having to see it.
2) for my inventory to stop expanding each time I open it.
3) for my chat tabs to not stay lit orange after I either leave an instance or load a new area when party disbands.
4) Make it so that the NPC’s stop buffing the elite trash mobs when doing Arah (example, try attacking an elite risen hunter in Arah with the NPC nearby. The axe that the hunter will throw will bounce 5+ times and instead of hitting you once for like 3k damage, will hit you for over 15k damage because NPC’s don’t dodge).
5) Let me make NPC’s just stay at the start of dungeons. If you aren’t going to give them sensible AI, then remove them.
6) Remove the merge feature from LFG (if it’s not removed on April 15th patch, facedesk).
I might add more to the list in the near future, for now I will leave it at this.
Once again, thousands. THOUSANDS of gems.
C’mon Anet. Think about it.
My opinions:
1 – yes
2 – don’t care
3 – don’t care
4 – yes
5 – absolutely yes
6 – absolutely yes
1 has got me quite annoyed yesterday. I came from work, wanted to relax and bam! wobbly head. I was like, nice! ANet got me there. Now, let me just relog and go on with normal game… what the kitten?! still there?
I simply don’t understand why people are getting so worked up over this.
Take a deep breath; it’s a joke in the spirit of April Fools and will come to pass shortly.
It’s a cool joke – I give them that, but a prank lasting one entire day sucks. Imagine your friend doing a prank on you continuously for the entire day. It transforms from funny to annoying, unless you’re a masochist or something.
It’s only a day.
This is a video game, not real life.
Well, some people have limited time to play so this argument really only affects people with so much time on their hands.
Again, it’s a cool prank. Only what’s cooler is that if they had an on-off switch for it.
Please don’t try to be a White Knight on ANet’s defense, I’m not saying they did a poor job – just saying it’s nice to have some options.
It’s funny that you call me a white knight because lord knows I have a lot of issues with how ANet runs this game and I’ve definitely vocalized a few of them.
However, this harmless joke is not one of them. I’m beginning to think that the “ermahgerd mah character is so oogly halp” spam is the real prank. Thank you ANet
All we’re asking is a fair deal. If people like it, turn it on. If people don’t, turn it off.
I am sure it’s already late for that and whatnot, but a simple planning could have easily included that – not like they coded and tested this before they went home last night.
I know, world is not fair, but if we could make it closer to “fair” – that would be awesome. And again, like you said, it’s a video game, not real world – things could be worked out easily.
Hopefully next time they implement something like this, give us options. tnx.
I simply don’t understand why people are getting so worked up over this.
Take a deep breath; it’s a joke in the spirit of April Fools and will come to pass shortly.
It’s a cool joke – I give them that, but a prank lasting one entire day sucks. Imagine your friend doing a prank on you continuously for the entire day. It transforms from funny to annoying, unless you’re a masochist or something.
It’s only a day.
This is a video game, not real life.
Well, some people have limited time to play so this argument really only affects people with so much time on their hands.
Again, it’s a cool prank. Only what’s cooler is that if they had an on-off switch for it.
Please don’t try to be a White Knight on ANet’s defense, I’m not saying they did a poor job – just saying it’s nice to have some options.
I simply don’t understand why people are getting so worked up over this.
Take a deep breath; it’s a joke in the spirit of April Fools and will come to pass shortly.
It’s a cool joke – I give them that, but a prank lasting one entire day sucks. Imagine your friend doing a prank on you continuously for the entire day. It transforms from funny to annoying, unless you’re a masochist or something.
Ah time to take a break in-game for 1 day…
I am from PH and I’m getting 0kbps on patch… I think it’s an ISP issue – they told me a cable was broke…
But youtube has been working fine, so I’m now confused. Maybe they are throttling, but GW2? Really? It’s occupying a huge bandwidth?
I can’t patch since the last update… 0kbps… QQ
People keep trying to impose their definition of fun on others.
Your definition of fun is minimizing gaming time, intentionally skipping most of the game’s content, avoiding combat (a core mechanic of the game) and rushing to get rewards for the work you didn’t do?
Sorry, then.
If that’s his definition of fun, let him. Does it hurt you? Why keep imposing on how other play?
Sorry, we skip mobs to get that chest and gold – which is apparently, a reward for finishing the dungeon, or reaching the end and killing boss – not for killing everyone inside.
Patch was known to be coming for months now.
Yeah, because this was announced before people started making zerk ascended…
It’s “easy” to gain gold in this game – that’s why others have many of them . You just need to tune your activities into correct ones.
In other words, you can’t play to have fun or play as you want. The dev’s want you to do x,y, z, (all instances) and flip the TP. Everything else will keep you poor.
Well, you can play however you want – you can’t just get whatever you want this way. And getting whatever you want is NEVER promised in any way, so…
Yeah, as far as I know, you can’t preview other gears at character creation…
Easiest I know inside the game is create a toon – go to Heart of the Mists (PVP) – go to Locker, preview.
Outside the game, there are several websites offering previews of armor.
Well, how are you playing the game?
Running 7 different dungeon path nets you more than 7g – excluding loots.
(AC 1 and 3, CoF 1 and 2, SE 1 and 3, HotW 1) – you could always add CoE 1,2 and 3 for extras.
Running temple runs nets you more than 10 gold on average, around 7 if unlucky.
Gathering all Ori nodes using 1 toon may net more than 2g.
Killing PvE bosses can be random, due to their timing and RNG of Globs, but still a good source of money.
So unless you are planning to craft legendaries/ascended, I suggest sell T6 mats and Globs and Loot bags for cash.
It’s “easy” to gain gold in this game – that’s why others have many of them . You just need to tune your activities into correct ones.
Do quests. Do hearts…
If dungeon has no rewards, I’ll be staying on WvW mostly.
Did it end after 11 hours?
Borlis Pass is quite friendly, but ghost town on off hours.
I maybe biased or clueless since random kicking never happened to me but I have been reading it for quite sometime now, but did you guys think for a second why they kicked you? Maybe wrong gear? Bad play?
I have kicked tons of guys just for satisfying the 2 conditions above.
But for the sake of topic, I agree with Oranisagu.3706 on 1 point:
party chat never disappears – if you were able to read it once, there’s no reason to delete it afterwards. if you leave the dungeon and then get kicked the text doesn’t disappear either
There’s no need to implement a complicated system – just the above I think would do fine.
(edited by knives.6345)
OP, are you implying we do some positive feedback on bugs now?
Oh yay! I can’t get my achievement done due to <insert bug here>. Great job devs, keep it up! Cheers!
I would run AC 10x a day (haha lol)… Use your 80 then have someone “hold” the cinematics and swap at the end…
never actually tried any of the dungeons here due to the fact I get greeted with “zerg only” on the lfg tool if the player base was more understanding then maybe zerks or zergs would gain more people interested
I don’t understand this argument… "I get greeted with “zerg only” on the lfg tool"
How hard is it to create your own party indicating “everyone welcome”? I mean, I do it and get people even during off-hours…
In chat is good. The other MMO I’ve played have that feature…
6.. all classes except Engineer and Mesmer.
All human.
Or, better yet, leave the dailies as they are.
No, bad idea.
Dailies should not to be forced into a checklist of things to do.
I did not get the memo that I am “required/forced” to do dailies…
This kind of player is a cancer on all games. I bet you kick players left and right if they’re not up to your standards, while laughing about it on vent. Scum.
If it’s specified on LFG “80s, zerk/scholars only – speed run.” and some guy with clerics showed up, how would you feel?
While I don’t agree with OP having a strict filter (though I suggested it before, I had a change of heart since it will “strictly” alienate some people) – if I specify a requirement on LFG, I expect people who are joining MY group to comply with MY requirement. Otherwise, expect a kick and if you send me a PM asking why I kicked you, I will refer you back to my LFG description. If you trashtalk me, I will report and ignore you.
I will kick anyone who doesn’t fit into the category. It’s not being elitist, it’s about saving myself from hassle of people who doesn’t suit my preferred run.
You call us zerkers elitist for trying to play how we want, yet you are “forcing” us to play with trash builds.
tl:dr: I want to group with players who share the same interest as me, kitten me right?
DPS Ranger guide by Brazil
Yes to all except mount.
$60 (I think) for the game…
Then what’s the point of being a commander once this is implemented?
It’s needed on PvE, it’s needed on WvWvW – so people can see where to rally/go.I think he means turning it off on his own screen, like “Show player names”.
I know. If you could turn it on or off on your screen, what’s the point of being a commander? 90% of people will not notice them anymore.
I have been doing stuff solo fine, but when i come in to karma trains and or massed grp events then i lag out and it takes a very long time to get back in. this is perhaps 1 of the weirdest type of lag i have even seen. solo story modes are fine but even doing a dungeon will lag out.
I’ve been getting the 101 error for the last 3 days, it’s already annoying…