I agree Zerker is the best gear in PvE, but it doesn’t mean that it’s the only viable gear.
Play however you want but don’t make a ruckus on why people usually looks for Zerker equipped players.
All but one of the times I’ve not gotten a drop from a champion (since the loot revamp), I’d clearly done “too few hits” due to late arrival, etc. The one time I didn’t get a drop but did a lot of hits was due, I believe, to being on a condition engineer when there were too many condition applies there. This is probably why my warrior gets full credit more consistently in these events than my engineer.
I just make sure to give atleast 15k total damage to a champ to make sure it drops something above “yellow” box
I don’t usually join a party – I got 2 exotic loots yesterday. A Cobalt and a trash stuff. And top it with 3 rares. Pretty cool to me.
I like her voice too, but Nightarch.2943’s comment made it look creepy.
No, it’s fine as it is. Why do people want to remove zerg farmers? Why the heck is it too bad to farm in this game? I don’t understand…
Here again, I thought the definition of “fun” is different from one person to another.
I find it fun/enjoyable to farm with tons of people.
Unfortunately, my definition of “fun” is wrong based on OP’s definition of fun. kitten .
Personally, I don’t mind them wearing the tag all the time, anywhere.
What bothers me is that they wear the tag, and they don’t kitten “command”.
I have seen tons of that in our server’s WvWvW. It’s annoying. I’ll follow the blue tag only to see that the commander literally has no clue what to do. Just runs around, spams skill 1 when he sees an enemy. No squad chat, no map chat, hell, no normal chat.
You can get them early on – but will be easier on level 10+
Usually I get:
-Daily Crafter (think you have to be level 10+)
-<insert area> killer (kill 50 random stuff)
-<insert area> veteran killer (kill 5 veterans on the area)
-Ambient Killer (kill 50 ambient creatures. ie: Rabbit, Frog, Fly…)
-Daily Gatherer (Gather minerals/mats from plants, ore, trees – think you have to be level 10+)
-Daily <insert area> Event (Participate 5 events)
-Daily <insert area> Group Event (Participate 2 group events – Events with [GROUP] tag on it. Usually hard to solo)
-Daily aquatic killer (kill 25? underwater creatures)
-Daily Karma Spender (spend total of 750? karma)
-Daily Laurel Vendor (Visit <talk> to a Laurel Vendor)
I hate it when someone posts a thread and doesn’t reply after a few. Seems like Omegle’s Spy-mode.
The thing I liked about GW2 is the first – It doesn’t depend on progression. I took a 3 month hiatus due to me being assigned to a different country, and the only thing I missed are some achievements and skins – which I really don’t mind.
GW2 is also farm-friendly. You farm on your own pace. You don’t feel obligated to farm to be competitive (although you might look trash – but still, stat-wise, not much difference…)
I’ve been playing since launch and never – repeat – never got a Precursor. The total exotic I got is probably less than give or take 15-20. And we’re talking about playing since launch (and taking 3 months break).
Now, whose unlucky?
Precusors are that rare. I daresay most of the population by percentage has never gotten a precusor. I got one, and very few people put in the hours I put in. It’s just a very very small chance to get one.
Yeah, I’m not complaining. I’m just providing some ice breaker.
I really don’t care if it’s a bad loot week. It happens. It’s random – like most MMO, and I played worse MMO where the cost to enter a dungeon is almost exact as the amount of loot you’ll get unless you are extremely lucky. lol
I’ve been playing since launch and never – repeat – never got a Precursor. The total exotic I got is probably less than give or take 15-20. And we’re talking about playing since launch (and taking 3 months break).
Now, whose unlucky?
I meant to imply RNG loots – not quest rewards.
Some things:
—> Bank still the same size.
—> Each champ now drops some bag/chest
—> CS is “farmable” – people are repeatedly failing events go get those champs up to farm for their chest/bag
—> Dungeon system revamped. Please see patchnotes. Too long to mention.
—> We have now an “Account Wallet” – meaning all commodities (Dungeon token, Gold, Gems, WvWvW tokens, Guild tokens) will be stored there. Just login each character so that it can get those items from it.
—> Living World I think is the temporary content.
I don’t mind dungeon spot sellers, but this? This is absurd.
Yep, but until they fix it or make it illegal, I don’t see it changing. Colin also said “they want us to want to finish the event”. How could we “want” to finish the event if we’re gaining so much by not doing so?
Right now, aside from opening the WP on Arah for those who doesn’t have it and having the Karma Merch up, I don’t think there is a point on finishing up the event.
It’s under-rewarded for the effort people will put through.
That way point is seldom contested, Anet made it open months ago.
Yeah, that’s why I said “those who don’t have it”. :p
I don’t understand how it is an “exploit”. You guys make it sound as it’s illegal, a bug and want people who do this banned ASAP.
I mean, events have a fail option. There is no rule about how we should complete an event.
No, no one’s saying that. It is abuseable however and obviously not what Anet intended if you read Colin’s post more carefully. Infact this has been an on-going dialogue that Anet has weighed in on even back before the game was live when they first announced D.E.’s. …As in:, a Developer literally came to Guru and assured us personally that events like the “Giant Champ” on the Promenade that could potentially block other players from succeeding an event simply by “Scaling” too much, would always get patched…. or changed in some way so that no one would have conflicting interests.
This one… if you look at the palpable immaturity of the Farmers involved, is actually a lot worse than the Giant was. And I mean that strictly in their CUSTOMER SUPPORT department, not the design itself. Consider for a minute just how many more /reports they’re now having to sift through, both legitimate ones, and “abusing-report function like it was L.o.L.” kind of tickets…) that is a COLOSSAL waste of human resources right there that doesn’t need to be happening in the first place
Yep, but until they fix it or make it illegal, I don’t see it changing. Colin also said “they want us to want to finish the event”. How could we “want” to finish the event if we’re gaining so much by not doing so?
Right now, aside from opening the WP on Arah for those who doesn’t have it and having the Karma Merch up, I don’t think there is a point on finishing up the event.
It’s under-rewarded for the effort people will put through.
(edited by knives.6345)
Hardcore players think casual players are unskilled.
Casual players think hardcore have no life.I don’t have problem with either. But I do have a problem with players who only grind content for a reward. They are not playing the game for fun and will destroy the game. If Anet caters to them.
How do you know it’s not “fun” for them?
Do we have a “hard” definition for “fun” now? I thought it’s subjective and varies from one person to another.
I don’t understand how it is an “exploit”. You guys make it sound as it’s illegal, a bug and want people who do this banned ASAP.
I mean, events have a fail option. There is no rule about how we should complete an event.
There better be a fix to the exploiting of the cursed shore event that allows players to get 40g a day or players will start getting bored and quit.
I honestly don’t see how people can grind something over and over again. Then again I never played a traditional MMO where it required me to do so.
The majority of the population of my server and many others have flocked to this event and are farming the crap out of it. IMO This is wrong because that is not how the game was intended to be played. Am I gonna stop players from doing it? No. There is no way I could , unless I got a party of people to complete the event.
The devs better nerf that event to the ground before the economy is busted and the community gets even more toxic.
While I do farm the said event, I kinda agree. I think the best solution is to make finishing the event more rewarding than failing it.
Maybe lessen the Champs spawning? Or prevent them from re-spawning? Then increase the reward for reaching the Legendary. 1g + treasure perhaps?
And as to why we farm? Answer is obvious: more Gold! Since we could exchange Gold to Gem, more gold = more buying power (both Gem and, well, Gold).
I think it’s safe to assume that if most people could buy whatever they want, it’s fun for them.
Yes, as long as I don’t do it the entire day. Otherwise, it becomes boring.
Not so sure how GW2 can be classified as “hardcore” in it’s current state.
My take:
-Personal Story – All about player skill. A skilled player can still be a casual player.
-Recent change to Risen – Temple quests should be done in groups. They are failing not because players can do them, but people “purposely” fail them to farm. Poor design in ANet’s place – but still, cannot be used to classify GW2 as a game for hardcore gamers.
-Fractals – Again, player skill. Though I slightly agree that it takes more time than most content, but then again, it’s not required. I ignored FoTM and I am still not left behind. I don’t have the required concentration to run it. lol
-queen’s gaunlet: Cannot comment, never done.
I… I don’t even… I would’ve quitted that path 2.5 hours ago. :|
Crossbows for Guardian/Ranger
Halberd for Warrior
Orbs/Wands for Elementalist/Mesmer/Necromancer
Rocket Launcher/Bazooka for Engineer
Katar for Thief
I’ll say whatever you enjoy playing, but still… Warrior.
combo breaker bar
Try looking at the TP….
Yes. Get an alt through enough PS to join Whispers. Buy the armor and transmute it onto some cheap white gear (one crystal per item). Put that in your bank. Take it out on your main and transmute onto the stat armor of your choice (one stone or crystal per item, depending on the level of the stat gear).
Or so I hear. I have yet to try this double-transmute trick.
This works, atleast a few months back.
I tried it with my Guardian (Vigil). I wanted the Priory GS so bad, I had my Ele join the Priory, buy the Priory GS, transmute it into a white, store at bank, withdraw using Guardian, transmute it using another crystal.
Pretty expensive, but still, a workaround.
It’s a game – it’s supposed to be fun.
Why do so many people have the urge to turn it into a job?
Because farming could be their idea of fun.
I wish everyone who answers here support their “claims” with an official link. I am also curious how a server gets a “High Population” where I don’t see much people other than on LA, Queensdale, DR and Frostgorge.
Norn…. I personally don’t like Charr.
kb: Razer Lycosa Mirror
mse: Dragunov (My Naga Epic has doubleclicking issue… >< )
a) Go http://argos-soft.net/GW2ArmorGallery/index.php?sex=0&weight=3&color=10&race=3
b) pick the ones you like, get the codes and see it yourself
c) job done
Hehe thanks!
But I am also looking at people’s opinions. I suck at fashion. lol
I was wondering if there are any good boots to match HoTW pants (heavy armor)
Preferably w/o spikes – as spikes pokes through it.
Screenshots will be appreciated
Lucky you OP.
Mostly, Lupi hates me too. In a way that I come into the room and he’s like “oh it’s you! lemme spam all my skills at ya.”-kind of hate.
And you know those posting on LFG.com are most people doing dungeons how? How many guilds are there in Guild Wars 2. How many of them run dungeons? How many of them run dungeons several times a day that never get onto LFG.com
My guild runs dungeons most days. Sometimes several a day. None of us insist on zerkers. Are you saying we’re the only guild like this. Are you sure the majority of people pug?
That’s my question.
Sure the trend with puggers that use that site is that they want efficiency. But what percentage is that of the gaming population? And what percentage of the people who play a zerker warrior ONLY play it to get into groups because a few people are asking for it?
Ever heard of probability? We take a sample out of all, and use that sample to draw conclusion. It has +/- margin of error, but mostly it is small.
Besides ANet, there is no one on this forum who can call who is majority/minority. That’s why all that’s left for us is probability. We take what sample we have. It may be a little inacurate – but then again, it’s all we have.
I don’t want to elaborate on that anymore, since I already made my point, plus we are derailing the topic. I just used zerkers as an example of efficiency on why most people tend not to wait if you are late.
I’ll be the bigger man, I’ve seen your threads and I am not a fan of making 10+ page trying to validate/defend an obvious point – I’m past that stage. I’ll just say maybe we could agree to disagree on this off-topic.
What this all comes down to is the OP not looking for the proper group.
If you are going to use gw2lfg, then you need to put in your advertisement what you want. If you are new, put down that you are a first timer(or if you are building the group yourself: Put down that new folks are welcome and that this is a learning run).
If you want to watch the cutscenes, put that in your ad.
If you want it to be a nice and casual run without speed-farmers, then put ‘casual’ in your ad.
It’s not hard.
As I pointed out – different players, different gameplay.
If they wanted rush and efficient – nothing wrong with it. If they wanted casual/friendly, absolutely nothing wrong with it.
What’s wrong is, you complain about how they play (except if they are doing illegal stuff). If you don’t like a group’s certain playstyle – find/create your own group or deal with it.
Because time = money.
The quicker you get over a dungeon, the more things you can do, the more rewards you can get, thus the more productive your game time is..If you follow that reasoning, then you should never play a game ever, because you miss out on the money you could be making in a real job.
I have a real job. I work 9hrs a day, weekdays.
Look, reality-wise, you know I am right. Most people are looking for efficiency. You’re not the only one affected by being late. There are other people too. This is a MMO – be mindful of the time of others – you could be wasting them.
The thing is, I don’t think most people are looking for efficiency. I’m not even sure that most people that run dungeons are looking for efficiency, but I think efficiency is secondary to most people. Most people don’t know what a meta even is.
Hmm, then I don’t know why before the dungeon reward revamp – most CoF runners in gw2lfg.com are looking for zerkers.
I also don’t know why zerkers are the most used armor in game pve-wise (hey, you can’t argue with that – it’s a fact).
I also don’t know why people are usually looking for “experienced only” when running dungeons.
First you’re making the assumption that most dungeon runners use LFG.com. I’m not sure that’s true. There are people who LFG in game, people who play only with a guild. The problem is, you have a lack of data because people who do use LFG.com use it over and over and over again. There’s no telling how many people are actually using it by number, only the number of times it’s used.
Now as to why people ask for zerker…you can ask for something and be completely unaware of the meta. Do you know how many people just copy other people without even knowing why? In my years playing MMOs, I’ve seen plenty of people copy builds from websites without the slightest understanding of why that build is good or bad. It’s just what everyone else does.
Do humans copy what other people are doing? Sure. Do they necessarily understand why others are doing it?
I’ll leave each person to answer that question themselves.
And you have the data?
Atleast I have some solid source. What makes you think that those people who doesn’t look at gw2lfg doesn’t use zerker items as well?
And why do people copy builds? Because it’s the most effective to date. It’s efficient. They don’t need to understand as long as it works.
Vayne come on, you’ve been playing guildwars like every hour. Don’t tell me you haven’t observed the trend for the past few months.
I’ve observed the trend in Guild Wars 2 and I’ve observed the same trend in just about every MMO and I still say the majority of players simply don’t care about dungeons. And I don’t have the data that’s why I use words like “I’m not sure that’s true” and “I believe.” Only Anet has the data.
But that doesn’t stop me from believing that those that do dungeons aren’t the biggest share of the pie, and I don’t believe they ever have been.
But you look at a place like gw2lfg.com and the only people posting there, or the largest majority is dungeon runners. Just like you go to Orr and all you see are tons of farmers. So the farmers are all in the same place at the same time. Everyone else is scattered all over the place.
Who has the data?
But I know from interviews and from stuff devs have said that the solo contingent is far larger than most people realize. That much I do know. At least Scott Hartsman of Rift has said it, and others too in the past.
Vayne, we are talking about dungeons here right? Ofcourse I am referencing dungeon runners. And incase I got you confused – my bad, but I meant to imply that dungeon is still under PvE.
You don’t need the data. Just by observing the trend, the posts, the chats, you’ll notice that zerkers are wanted. Why? They can finish dungeon runs faster. Efficiency.
And please see Xenon’s response – it pretty much explains why people would rather begin at the time they enter a dungeon, rather than wait for the latecomer – no offense in the term “latecomer”.
In real life – time is gold. Time is precious. It cannot be replaced. For all people, it’s a finite resource draining and draining every second. Spend it wisely. Don’t let someone waste it.
(edited by knives.6345)
I have a real job. I work 9hrs a day, weekdays.
Look, reality-wise, you know I am right. Most people are looking for efficiency. You’re not the only one affected by being late. There are other people too. This is a MMO – be mindful of the time of others – you could be wasting them.
Is your job not challenging enough that you have to carry over the same (if not greater) intensity into an online game with no monetary reward?
I’m a programmer and yes, it becomes boring after 3 years.
Why are we talking about my job anyways?
Back to topic – again, you are interacting with people. If you want patient people, you should have started your own group asking for a friendly, casual run.
I’m sure there are people with mindset like yours in-game.
Also, people play differently. Again – this is a MMO – you get to interact with people. Some people play for fun, some people play for reward – deal with it.. It doesn’t matter if they have jobs iRL (you might bring that argument again) – the point is, they have different play style.
And why don’t we turn this around. Don’t assume a group is automatically a speedrun group. You want speedrun make your own group. You join someone else’s group show some patience when it takes a bit longer.
Except we can’t in OP’s case.
They clearly wanted to start. OP is late. Valid excuse or not, point is, he’s late. He’s dragging the minutes down if they waited for him.
OP should have just let them run it and join them and accept the fact he’s late – or if he really don’t like that gameplay – quit, then create a new group that runs casually. There really is no point complaining how majority of the group wanted to run the dungeon. (And if by chance OP saw something illegal, feel free to report the group)
Please don’t get me wrong – I am one of the players who usually waits fair amount of time. But, before ranting, be objective. Try to see what’s on the other side. Try to see their side of the story.
I have a real job. I work 9hrs a day, weekdays.
Look, reality-wise, you know I am right. Most people are looking for efficiency. You’re not the only one affected by being late. There are other people too. This is a MMO – be mindful of the time of others – you could be wasting them.
Is your job not challenging enough that you have to carry over the same (if not greater) intensity into an online game with no monetary reward?
I’m a programmer and yes, it becomes boring after 3 years.
Why are we talking about my job anyways?
Back to topic – again, you are interacting with people. If you want patient people, you should have started your own group asking for a friendly, casual run.
I’m sure there are people with mindset like yours in-game.
Also, people play differently. Again – this is a MMO – you get to interact with people. Some people play for fun, some people play for reward – deal with it.. It doesn’t matter if they have jobs iRL (you might bring that argument again) – the point is, they have different play style.
(edited by knives.6345)
Because time = money.
The quicker you get over a dungeon, the more things you can do, the more rewards you can get, thus the more productive your game time is..If you follow that reasoning, then you should never play a game ever, because you miss out on the money you could be making in a real job.
I have a real job. I work 9hrs a day, weekdays.
Look, reality-wise, you know I am right. Most people are looking for efficiency. You’re not the only one affected by being late. There are other people too. This is a MMO – be mindful of the time of others – you could be wasting them.
The thing is, I don’t think most people are looking for efficiency. I’m not even sure that most people that run dungeons are looking for efficiency, but I think efficiency is secondary to most people. Most people don’t know what a meta even is.
Hmm, then I don’t know why before the dungeon reward revamp – most CoF runners in gw2lfg.com are looking for zerkers.
I also don’t know why zerkers are the most used armor in game pve-wise (hey, you can’t argue with that – it’s a fact).
I also don’t know why people are usually looking for “experienced only” when running dungeons.
First you’re making the assumption that most dungeon runners use LFG.com. I’m not sure that’s true. There are people who LFG in game, people who play only with a guild. The problem is, you have a lack of data because people who do use LFG.com use it over and over and over again. There’s no telling how many people are actually using it by number, only the number of times it’s used.
Now as to why people ask for zerker…you can ask for something and be completely unaware of the meta. Do you know how many people just copy other people without even knowing why? In my years playing MMOs, I’ve seen plenty of people copy builds from websites without the slightest understanding of why that build is good or bad. It’s just what everyone else does.
Do humans copy what other people are doing? Sure. Do they necessarily understand why others are doing it?
I’ll leave each person to answer that question themselves.
And you have the data?
Atleast I have some solid source. What makes you think that those people who doesn’t look at gw2lfg doesn’t use zerker items as well?
And why do people copy builds? Because it’s the most effective to date. It’s efficient. They don’t need to understand as long as it works.
Vayne come on, you’ve been playing guildwars like every hour. Don’t tell me you haven’t observed the trend for the past few months.
Because time = money.
The quicker you get over a dungeon, the more things you can do, the more rewards you can get, thus the more productive your game time is..If you follow that reasoning, then you should never play a game ever, because you miss out on the money you could be making in a real job.
I have a real job. I work 9hrs a day, weekdays.
Look, reality-wise, you know I am right. Most people are looking for efficiency. You’re not the only one affected by being late. There are other people too. This is a MMO – be mindful of the time of others – you could be wasting them.
The thing is, I don’t think most people are looking for efficiency. I’m not even sure that most people that run dungeons are looking for efficiency, but I think efficiency is secondary to most people. Most people don’t know what a meta even is.
Hmm, then I don’t know why before the dungeon reward revamp – most CoF runners in gw2lfg.com are looking for zerkers.
I also don’t know why zerkers are the most used armor in game pve-wise (hey, you can’t argue with that – it’s a fact).
I also don’t know why people are usually looking for “experienced only” when running dungeons.
Guardian. You usually don’t have to range (idk about FoTM, never ran it) means you could show off your weapon more.
Because time = money.
The quicker you get over a dungeon, the more things you can do, the more rewards you can get, thus the more productive your game time is..If you follow that reasoning, then you should never play a game ever, because you miss out on the money you could be making in a real job.
I have a real job. I work 9hrs a day, weekdays.
Look, reality-wise, you know I am right. Most people are looking for efficiency. You’re not the only one affected by being late. There are other people too. This is a MMO – be mindful of the time of others – you could be wasting them.
I have seen lot’s of other threads like this and I don’t think 3 vote kicks will solve the problem. And to be honest, I really don’t know how they are going to solve this problem, except for your suggestion that people can’t be kicked past a certain stage. Even then the problem will still exist but won’t be as bad.
It would be bad.
If I’m a scumbag player, after that certain point, I’ll go afk. Watch netflix or something.
I don’t think there’s a “good” solution to the problem, I don’t think it’s really a problem too. Just… be good with the people you run with.
…the farmers are rushing to get as many rewards as possible before the nerfhammer hits. It’s not the farmers fault really…
It really is. Try actually playing the game as it is intended to be played instead of squeezing every copper out of it until Anet is forced to step in.
Is it stated somewhere that farming is illegal? I thought “it is not required” – means, we can farm “if we want”.
Because time = money.
The quicker you get over a dungeon, the more things you can do, the more rewards you can get, thus the more productive your game time is..
I play because i don’t feel burdened by the game. I can literally take a break for 3 months and come back to see that the thing I missed are a few skins.
Game is very casual friendly.
Nice idea. Maybe they could introduce a new race along? What’s the race of the blue assassin girl on the story? The friend of Treahearn (spell?)? The one with black wings?
That race.
Yep. That one. Thanks!