Guardian LF 3 zerk warriors,1 zerk mez CoF p1 pro farm 2hour+.Gear check pm .
Love your friendly neighbourhood “eficient” non-elitist dungeon runner.
Yeah because zerkers are the only efficient guys.
not sure if you get the sarcasm or took it literally word per word. lol
not sure if you get the sarcasm or took the word literally. lol
not sure if “I see what you did there” or “just saving skin”.
I don’t have a comeback for that one. Of course I was sarcastic, just like my first post in this thread.
lol. I’m jk…
Guardian LF 3 zerk warriors,1 zerk mez CoF p1 pro farm 2hour+.Gear check pm .
Love your friendly neighbourhood “eficient” non-elitist dungeon runner.
Yeah because zerkers are the only efficient guys.
not sure if you get the sarcasm or took it literally word per word. lol
not sure if you get the sarcasm or took the word literally. lol
not sure if “I see what you did there” or “just saving skin”.
They should increase the damage of mobs so those zerkers will have a hard time – seriously.
Increase damage and reduce toughness/hp. I don’t mind zerkers mowing down mobs, but they gotta be kitten good at it.
Deal. Except for bosses. Improve boss. Make it randomly deal 1 hitter on 1 direction. Something like that.
Sure, but not random though. I want some bosses to have a “charged” attack that deals massive damage (not 1 hit) that is also telegraphed, but certain conditions are happening while the charge is happening that makes it difficult to simply dodge (i.e. boss will entangle a wide area with those roots that immob and you have to kill to get out of while charging, after maybe 3 seconds, he unleashes massive aoe damage that you have to dodge at a relatively small window to escape, something like that). Yes to improved boss mechanics, no to rng!
I don’t mind RNG – keeps me playing but that’s just me.
Now that you mentioned, 1 hit ko is too much – I still stand by the random direction though at random times. Make most bosses like Lupi of Arah – one of the finest bosses around.
The problem is that current dungeon design promotes High DPS only, and blocking the damage (guardian). Imo, vitality and toughness stats are too weak.
On the contrary, vitality and toughness might be a little bit stronger, but it’s nothing wrong with them. It’s just pugs becoming a one trick pony – stack as much damage as you can and hope to kill mob faster than it kills you. The reason is very simple – a funny cost of repairs and lack of any death penalty, which promotes glass cannons fest. And while I enjoy dungeons (didn’t do any fotm yet though) in general, I admit that mechanics are not very demanding in a matter of cooperation – go, skip trash, evade and do the rotation.
However there’s one more problem with pugs that you made me realise. Exaggerations.
Difference between glass-cannon and toughness/vitality character is that you will survive 1-2 hits more from boss while having 0 dps.
While I know that you didn’t mean it literally, many of one-trick-poniests take it too seriously. And perceive the damage as the sole source of contribution to the group. This exaggeration leads to /inspect demand, strip anyone who is not heavy zerk a chance to run with pugs, brings kitten elitists to the field and so on. Having a guild helps a lot with having fun in GW2, and for now I recommend everyone to join one, but it would be nice to have pugs cleansed of this poison as well.
In short: more painfull death in dungeons (higher costs and/or limited use) and more mechanic solutions to counter the cookie-cutters groups.
As much as I enjoy 6-10mins cof runs, I agree. Dungeon mechanics now is like a mess.
Skipping should be prohibited – I mean, like you can’t kill the next boss until you finish the event before it.
I admit, I am very very happy when they implemented the new warp system – that you can’t use WP if a party member is on combat. I thought it will stop all those dungeon rushes – but no, it is not enough. ANet needs to figure out new dungeon mechanics IMO.
They should increase the damage of mobs so those zerkers will have a hard time – seriously.
Increase damage and reduce toughness/hp. I don’t mind zerkers mowing down mobs, but they gotta be kitten good at it.
Deal. Except for bosses. Improve boss. Make it randomly deal 1 hitter on 1 direction. Something like that.
They should increase the damage of mobs so those zerkers will have a hard time – seriously.
Guardian LF 3 zerk warriors,1 zerk mez CoF p1 pro farm 2hour+.Gear check pm .
Love your friendly neighbourhood “eficient” non-elitist dungeon runner.
Yeah because zerkers are the only efficient guys.
not sure if you get the sarcasm or took it literally word per word. lol
Warrior. Hard to play because hard to focus. Boredom of spamming 1 and 2. lol
I’ll vote for Engi and Thief. I suck at Thief that I abandoned it all throughout.
Guardian LF 3 zerk warriors,1 zerk mez CoF p1 pro farm 2hour+.Gear check pm .
Love your friendly neighbourhood “eficient” non-elitist dungeon runner.
Yeah because zerkers are the only efficient guys.
As long as your servers are in the same region EU or Na, you can guest for free.
Only thing you cannot do together is WvWvW.
I logout and login often
I would’ve joined you but we’re on a different server. Maybe if you will run dungeons, I can. Add me if you like…
I will have to keep a eye out for these.. Joining a guild would be awesome! I tend to play a lot and like people interactions just don’t really want to spend 30 bucks for gems. So hopin there is a great guild or people in NS..
I would love to invite you to our guild, but… Not much is going on. lol – atleast when I am online. (opposite side of America)
Anyways, here on GW2, you can join multiple guilds but can only have 1 active guild at a time – it’s called “Representing” or “Rep” for short.
Example, you joined 3 guilds, Guild A, B and C. If you represent A, you’ll be able to see guild chat, join guild events etc – but for B and C, you will not be able to see their guild chat, join their events (events are different from dungeons, don’t be confused) and they will see you logged in but not representing on their guild roster.
My advice is to join a guild, seek out other players and friend them.
My guild has recently took up a event called Guild March.
We inform my guild and other guilds im an ambassador in about us starting. We have a start location and a finish location. We walk there, no teleporting, doing every event we come across. We announce ourselves in map chat and inform everyone that if they need any help, we will come to assist them.
It has so far been loads of fun. I did 3 marches and made about 3-4g today. Met a lot of people. Made those low level zones seem much more lively for the players. Did lots of events, got about 10k in karma from the 3 marches.
Our first one we went from LA to sparkflyfen. Then we did LA to straights of devestation. THe final one we did we went from Divinties Reach to Caldeon Forest.
What server are you in? Does your guild require 100% rep?
Yeah we require 100% rep. We didn’t at the start, but players weren’t participating in the guild and many others just ignored us. We started that rule and had to kick a lot of people. 1/4 of whom had no idea they were in the guild. We are on yaks bend.
Here is the video we did last night. We did seraph assault and flame temple tombs first followed by a guild march. The stream ends early, but it eventually went into caldeon forest. I muted my mic so you couldn’t hear me talk because I had a lot of backgroud noise and had no idea how to make it so it all doesn’t show up in the video. I also need to work on that picture over the chat.
Oh okay. Thanks for the info!
Brilliant. Because gear is the only thing used measure of a person’s play skill. Bravo.
Assuming that the players are equally skilled (or equally unskilled), then it is gear that matters. Besides, isn’t building an effective gear a part of being a skilled player?
If you are assuming players have equal skill – since you seem to like assumptions, assume that they also have equal gear.
And yes, building gear it is part of being an effective player – but you don’t start from exotics, right?
You have to start small – and if all players have a logic like yours, who only takes full geared players – god – those poor geared/new players will have a rough road ahead of them.
But hey – you play however you want to play. Cheers! Let thou be rich and continue to be rich!
(edited by knives.6345)
We should be able to use whatever build we want.
You can use whatever you want when you are alone, but in a party there are four other people you should think of. People ought to respect their fellow team members and don’t force them to carry anyone in masterwork or sentinel/cleric/shaman/rabid/carrion gear. Same goes with selfish magic find leeching, it helps you, but kicks the other four people in their faces.
Because my gear is none of your frigging business.
If you join my party, it is my business, because I will have to make up for your bad gear.
Brilliant. Because gear is the only thing used measure of a person’s play skill. Bravo.
It is really just a shame that, again, Arenanet has fallen on a promise. In beta, people had the hardest time completing dungeons. Even early on. I remember the first two or three weeks of the game, we had such a difficult time with AC. I was like “Wow, I cannot imagine the other dungeons”.
If I recall, the explorables were supposed to be ridiculously hard content. Not instanced farm zones. If the content is supposed to be very hard, why can we blow through it in 10 minutes? Now, I don’t want a dungeon to be Arah difficult(to some arah is easy, to most it is a challenge which is why many do not run). But they need to bump up most of the dungeons.
I remember when my guildmates used to teach me AC. I died like – 10x to Kholer and another set to P3 boss.. :|
I was like “is this for level 30?? Cannot imagine Arah and CoF!”
Poof. Hope gone. The only one I am correct is Arah – it’s kind of hard but run it a few times – you’ll learn it eventually.
Because my gear is none of your frigging business.
Well, unless you want a skin, theres no reason to run any dungeon or any other path other than CoF 1, unless you are someone that just wants a change of scenery.
Whatever fix they have planned for COF, it needs to come quick. All other dungeons are kind of abandoned now.
Maybe bump up the chest rewards in dungeons, but the last chest in a dungeon is determined by the average completion time, or “difficulty” of the dungeon, etc? Maybe group up the dungeons into tiers, so that tier 1 gets X loot table for the final chest, tier 2, gets X + 1, tier 3 gets X + 2..etc.
If you think that farming X dungeons is more efficient than X+1 (since these might take a bit longer and be a bit more challenging), then you do X. Otherwise, run the X +1 (t2) dungeons.
They should make all dungeons hard. I don’t want to sound elitist – but why are we able to finish CoF in 6-10mins? It’s a dungeon for crying out loud. It should be a test of teamwork, cooperation, strategy and communication – not a test of the Hundred Blades and Portals.
It’s like Ironman saying “I have a plan – attack”.
I agree, I think dungeons should be harder. I think story mode dungeons should be quite easy and explorable mode dungeons should be challenging. Or leave them as they are and have a hard mode, like they did in Guild Wars 1.
True – and there should be incentive on running on hard mode – like there is a specific loot obtainable only by running hard mode – and we need tons of that loot, not just one.
Plus the loot is still RNG – meaning you don’t usually get it.
Well, unless you want a skin, theres no reason to run any dungeon or any other path other than CoF 1, unless you are someone that just wants a change of scenery.
Whatever fix they have planned for COF, it needs to come quick. All other dungeons are kind of abandoned now.
Maybe bump up the chest rewards in dungeons, but the last chest in a dungeon is determined by the average completion time, or “difficulty” of the dungeon, etc? Maybe group up the dungeons into tiers, so that tier 1 gets X loot table for the final chest, tier 2, gets X + 1, tier 3 gets X + 2..etc.
If you think that farming X dungeons is more efficient than X+1 (since these might take a bit longer and be a bit more challenging), then you do X. Otherwise, run the X +1 (t2) dungeons.
They should make all dungeons hard. I don’t want to sound elitist – but why are we able to finish CoF in 6-10mins? It’s a dungeon for crying out loud. It should be a test of teamwork, cooperation, strategy and communication – not a test of the Hundred Blades and Portals.
It’s like Ironman saying “I have a plan – attack”.
Because basing difficulty of the game on a very tiny (even if equally loud) minority that will finish any content in hours anyway, and then cry there’s no endgame is not really a good strategy in a game that was advertised as catering to casuals.
So much this. The harder you make content, the less people will actually end up doing it. Anet made AC harder than it was. People stopped running it.
Why would Anet make content people don’t play?
People stopped doing it because there is another dungeon – CoF – who they can finish 6-10mins and net almost the same rewards.
There really is no incentive to run AC nowadays – aside from the exp gained which could net 2-3 levels per path on lower levels.
Plus – GW2 players aren’t accustomed to hardships. lol
This is a bit untrue. Before the change. there were a lot of people who ran AC for a change. Some people ran it because they liked the ghastly weapons too, which you could only get by running it. There were people in my guild who ran AC a couple of times a week, each and every week.
Since the update that changed the dungeon, no one in my guild runs it, and on the few occasions people had, they said they wouldn’t want to run it again.
I edited… but regardless…
As I was saying – you almost net the same rewards. Aside from the dungeon tokens (which AC became common, second to CoF before) there really is no incentive – it now takes longer and requires more skill/patience – which most GW2 (based on forums) doesn’t have.
The mistake ANet did is they made AC harder while not changing the others. Result? People will always go to the easiest – considering gaining almost same monetary reward per run.
Why on earth would anyone do a hard part if there is an easy one available that reaps the same reward.
Because basing difficulty of the game on a very tiny (even if equally loud) minority that will finish any content in hours anyway, and then cry there’s no endgame is not really a good strategy in a game that was advertised as catering to casuals.
So much this. The harder you make content, the less people will actually end up doing it. Anet made AC harder than it was. People stopped running it.
Why would Anet make content people don’t play?
People stopped doing it because there is another dungeon – CoF – who they can finish 6-10mins and net almost the same rewards.
There really is no incentive to run AC nowadays – aside from the exp gained which could net 2-3 levels per path on lower levels.
Plus – GW2 players aren’t accustomed to hardships. lol
They should put in a specific loot per dungeon – like you can only get this <insert rare/exotic item here> on <insert dungeon here>
But then again, nooooo. People will rage “I don’t do dungeons it’s impossible….”, “This is no longer for casualsssssssssss”, “ANet wants us to farmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!”, “I want my legendary easy to get, like looting a random stone”
sry had to say the legendary stuff..
(edited by knives.6345)
<<<< add me.
Though I’m on Borlis Pass, we could do dungeons as a party
Would you have preferred a bikini version instead? Because nothing screams battle hardened female warrior/guardian, then some daisy dukes and a plate armored bra…
This is… actually not a bad idea. lol
What happened to the gamers today.
Why aren’t there any challenging dungeon?
Why aren’t there any challenging jumping puzzles?
Why aren’t there any challenging events?Guild Wars 2 players hate challenge and everything that’s not easily obtainable and time consuming.
True. No one wants to put effort. And when you say effort – they will go with their reward crap – do something, receive something – immediately.
I even saw a thread “complaining” about the default keyboard setup. I mean, come on.
My advice is to join a guild, seek out other players and friend them.
My guild has recently took up a event called Guild March.
We inform my guild and other guilds im an ambassador in about us starting. We have a start location and a finish location. We walk there, no teleporting, doing every event we come across. We announce ourselves in map chat and inform everyone that if they need any help, we will come to assist them.
It has so far been loads of fun. I did 3 marches and made about 3-4g today. Met a lot of people. Made those low level zones seem much more lively for the players. Did lots of events, got about 10k in karma from the 3 marches.
Our first one we went from LA to sparkflyfen. Then we did LA to straights of devestation. THe final one we did we went from Divinties Reach to Caldeon Forest.
What server are you in? Does your guild require 100% rep?
I love the way people post stuff like this but give no indication of what they are talking about. I’d like to see this as well.
Just give it time – maybe he’ll realize it. :p
Link/attachments please.
So now even controls are to hard for gw2 players? Arenanet needs to nerf keyboards.
You sir made this thread epic.
Maybe you did not deal enough damage to them?
Okay – it’s not an exploit but I think it’s not intended as well – so they fixed it. Now, move on.
Legendaries are not meant for casuals.
Look up for dungeons. If people dont want to bring you make your own groups. Exotics are easy to get, you make tons of gold doing anything (except WvW) in this game.
Don’t think so.
Legendaries are meant for everyone – it’s just the time it takes for someone to have them depends on the allocated game time and patience…
in about a half hour I can earn about 2 gold a day just from mining Ori nodes.
Not to bash the OP, but unless he’s playing 1 hour per week – he’s doing something really, really wrong.
80s when you reach level 80? O_O
I am extremely offended and disappointed with what I am seeing here. My friend, who happens to have a female Asura, put on their new armor set. I viewed the set on the Asura and my Norn was nothing but ashamed. There is BLATANT NUDITY with this armor set and most likely some others due to negligence on Arena Net’s part. Last I checked, there was no full on nudity warnings with Guild War 2’s ESRB rating and I demand that something be done. Not for my sake, but for the community. This could also be considered degrading to females because it forces female Asura to wear male Asura clothing, as to say that they have no choice in the matter, even if it does cause nudity. I’m disappointed Arena Net, I had more faith in you. You had my trust, but it’s starting to slip. I think it’s time to step up your game.
I do not see anything wrong with your picture. Mine on the otherhand…
Well, the bug was fixed after over 4months.
I am writing a letter to MY OWN congressman. I am HIGHLY displeased with Arena Net for not fixing this right away!
You have your own congressman?
omg. We shouldn’t trifle with this one…
Sarcasm aside, please tell us what is the congressman’s name and response to your letter.
I hate JP (I lack the required effort/patience to do it) and I don’t do them.
Given your 2 choices, it’s always faster when you have money to buy gear for the alt…
1 – Trinity
2 – Health and Mana Potion
3 – Customizable skill bar
4 – Permanent Skill/Stat points allocation
5 – Greater than 5 man party
6 – Buffs/DeBuffs that lasted minutes
7 – Player kill environment (where you could “kill” players on the open world)
I tried different stuff:
Norn – Almost chose this as the starting area is soooo cool. but..feels slow
Charr – feels slow. too large/bulky.
Asura – not a fan of little critters
Sylvari – not a fan of leaves
There you go…
Like the game too, also getting bored. This game is “break-friendly” – I took almost 3 months leave and the only thing that I probably missed are cool skins.
Any Charr. I don’t like Charr. I mean, I don’t like using Charr.
These threads get nowhere, because there will literally never be any middleground to determine what casual really is…ever. Subjective, to state the obvious. Casual by definition means infrequent. Put that into context and you have a casual person=someone who doesn’t have a lot of fixed time to play the game, period.
But what a lot of you plebs have to get through your skull, is that how this game does have a status ladder. And yes you do have to be a frequent player to stay the top of this ladder. It’s not in the form of getting from gate 1 to gate 2 in progression through gear stat increases. It’s in the visuals. Think about it. You see a guy in full T3 and a couple legendaries….you’re going to say “Hey I wanna be like that guy…but I’m a pleb and have no time….oh well.” It’s the same thing. That person put in just as much time if not more to become a status symbol, just like the guy in the #1 guild in WoW raiding ladders. This game isn’t any more or less casual than other MMOs. Just stop fooling yourselves and saying it is.
The difference is – you have the same stats as the guy with a legendary – only your weapon’s skin – sucks compared to his.
All games MMO needs time and effort – the difference is, on GW2, you can still compete using rares/common exotics to the players who got that shiny legendary. There is no pressure from the community to get that legendary because it’s powerful. The pressure comes from the player because he wants it.
Want < Need.
Players are the ones making this non-casual due to their thinking. “Ohhhh I want a legendary but I don’t wanna work on it for more than 30 minutes. I need to have it in less than 30 minutes” – seriously, some guys sounds like that.
That exact notion is what I’m refuting. What difference is there in stats vs. looks? You see a guy with 100 more power than you…you say “ooh he’s gonna hit like a truck!” You see a guy with a shiny legendary…you say “ooh this guy’s got experience he must be prosauce!” Same thing! You can’t deny human psychology though. In the face of social heirarchy there will be jealousy, and there will be ostracism…which is why we make labels such as hardcore and casual.
But then again, the notion that says GW2 is not for casual is wrong – since here, you could do content with your crappy looking gear the way players with shiny gears do the content.
Sure, Legendary items are drool magnets – but the main point is – you are still equal with that guy, compared to other MMO’s that with your crappy items = won’t take you further into content unless you replace them with less crappy items until you get those high-end-gears.
Shiny things = players preference. If you don’t have the time for it/patience to do it – deal with it – welcome to reality. Atleast you can still compete with others. You are on equal footing.
There’s nothing wrong with the OP asking for things he’d like to see introduced into the game. However, it was inaccurate to couch the post in terms of, “These things would make the game more casual-friendly.” I’m about as casual as it gets, and I have no interest in any of his suggestions.
Sorry to derail the derailment by talking about the original post. Carry on.
No, there is absolutely nothing wrong. But saying Gw2 is not casual because those things are listed… well…
These threads get nowhere, because there will literally never be any middleground to determine what casual really is…ever. Subjective, to state the obvious. Casual by definition means infrequent. Put that into context and you have a casual person=someone who doesn’t have a lot of fixed time to play the game, period.
But what a lot of you plebs have to get through your skull, is that how this game does have a status ladder. And yes you do have to be a frequent player to stay the top of this ladder. It’s not in the form of getting from gate 1 to gate 2 in progression through gear stat increases. It’s in the visuals. Think about it. You see a guy in full T3 and a couple legendaries….you’re going to say “Hey I wanna be like that guy…but I’m a pleb and have no time….oh well.” It’s the same thing. That person put in just as much time if not more to become a status symbol, just like the guy in the #1 guild in WoW raiding ladders. This game isn’t any more or less casual than other MMOs. Just stop fooling yourselves and saying it is.
The difference is – you have the same stats as the guy with a legendary – only your weapon’s skin – sucks compared to his.
All games MMO needs time and effort – the difference is, on GW2, you can still compete using rares/common exotics to the players who got that shiny legendary. There is no pressure from the community to get that legendary because it’s powerful. The pressure comes from the player because he wants it.
Want < Need.
Players are the ones making this non-casual due to their thinking. “Ohhhh I want a legendary but I don’t wanna work on it for more than 30 minutes. I need to have it in less than 30 minutes” – seriously, some guys sounds like that.
People forget what the definition of casual actually is. Relaxed and unconcerned. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I feel obligated to participate in dungeons to earn as much money as people that play for 10 hours a day and I DO NOT get the “relaxed” feeling when I have to play for 3 hours or more to actually accomplish something. I have not seen Anet implement a single casual activity to do since the game was released. FoTM, Guild Missions, Ascended gear, all of those things are for hardcore players. And, if you disagree, think about the ways to get ascended gear. 30 laurels, which is 30 days of playing. 30 days is a ridiculous amount of time for a “casual” player. Guild Missions, which require massive amounts of time to organize, again, not a casual activity. Fractals, is the longest dungeon in GW2 and requires the most time. Tell me again how GW2 is made for casual players.
Dailies are for casuals, they take 20 minutes. Most of the living story was for casuals too. Did you even do the instances that happened in the month before the end dungeon was released. Each instance takes less than half an hour and can be soloed. SAB could certainly be enjoyed by casuals. The christmas jumping puzzle and music game, enjoyed by casuals too. The halloween minidungeon, easy to enjoy for casuals.
I’m not sure why you think nothing has been released for casuals, when so much of it has been.
He’s most likely talking about what I’m talking about permanent new open world content. all of that other stuff is not permanent. the living story is not permanent, the holidays are not permanent.
What the world is wrong with folks, can’t see the forest…
Galtrix you’re right. but don’t expect people to understand. All play styles leading to the same end game results equally.
Saying casual means “relaxed and unconcerned” and then immediately saying he feels obligated to farm dungeons seems pretty hypocritical if he’s claiming to be casual.
Not if he means he feels obligated to run dungeons because that’s the only means given him to achieve his goals end game, thus limiting choice, thus not being casual because running dungeons is usually a stressfilled experience, I know it is for me. All choices for gameplay style leading to the same end game experience.
Dungeon running is not a casual activity even in WoW it wasn’t it was forced upon the populous until even the devs at WoW understood what was happening and why people left their game en masse just like they did recently, because there wasn’t enough things to do in PVE to fill the spaces between the guild/dungeon runs/raids so they added solo dungeons and multiple other mini games (other then the longest lasting one fishing), the same goes for Rift, the same goes for SWTOR they all one by one realized.
That’s all this thread was about really is it’s not casual because it doesn’t cater to the gather/farmer/RP style players enough, they’ve been so focused on PVP WVW and Dungeons that they have completely forgotten a very large bulk of their playerbase and I think with their recent change in patches separating the PVE PVP WVW coded behaviors they’ve gotten the message, the question is where will they go from here.
Casuals do not care how long it takes to get the end game.
Casuals play when they can, if they can – which on this game and any other MMO will net you only what you put in effort to.
You keep repeating you are “forced” to do dungeons. Who “forced” you to do them? I may have missed ANet’s announcement instructing me to do a dungeon run…
Question is, why do you feel “obliged”? It only means you are competing with people and time – which defeats the meaning of the casual player – “Relaxed and unconcerned”.
Unfortunately the player is not the problem here. Anything could have come up in that thing called “real life” forcing someone to have to log out. What the problem is the game mechanics do not allow for a transfer of “dungeon ownership” to another party member.
This. The Party Lead role should either be transferred automatically to a new member or the dungeon could be paused, and a voting screen (like how we are picking up paths) will appear, with the names of active members.
Are you pulling it too far from it’s original spot?
I hit a spine?
If you are getting stomped – learn to play. If you are getting stomped by ****tons of players – learn to play. Avoid them. lol
you have no need for dungeon running because everyone’s geared – I believe this includes you? If yes, why farm?
I also have a problem with MMO devs that make the basic functions of classes impossible to use in dungeons just because.
Want to dodge a boss’s attack? Forget it it holds you in place. Want to DoT a boss because you like to play a condition damage type DPS? Forget it they put a cap on that so most of your DoTs are not on the boss. Want to CC the boss in place? Forget it, the hold lasts 2 seconds. Want to heal? Forget it the AOE heal zone you just put down is covered completely by the bosses AOE attack and no one can stand in it.
Why give players abilities if you’re going to make them completely useless in dungeons.
This is part of the reason why we see only zerker build dungeon groups.
People come onto these forums and blame the players by telling anyone who complains that it’s their choice, but it’s not, it’s not the player’s choice to not be able to use the basic functions of their class, it’s not the player’s choice to be pigeonholed into a single build to run dungeons because of poor design choices by the devs themselves.
Bosses are supposed to be powerful. wth is a boss where he can’t aoe much? where you can immobilize him like other normal critters? where you can affect him with conditions like normal critters?
Oh right, with your logic, let’s just make bosses normal critters. Game would be tons of fun spamming that number 1 skill forever, right?
It is not a poor design. Bosses should be above normal critters. Not just in terms of HP and Defense – but also on mechanics.
People forget what the definition of casual actually is. Relaxed and unconcerned. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I feel obligated to participate in dungeons to earn as much money as people that play for 10 hours a day and I DO NOT get the “relaxed” feeling when I have to play for 3 hours or more to actually accomplish something. I have not seen Anet implement a single casual activity to do since the game was released. FoTM, Guild Missions, Ascended gear, all of those things are for hardcore players. And, if you disagree, think about the ways to get ascended gear. 30 laurels, which is 30 days of playing. 30 days is a ridiculous amount of time for a “casual” player. Guild Missions, which require massive amounts of time to organize, again, not a casual activity. Fractals, is the longest dungeon in GW2 and requires the most time. Tell me again how GW2 is made for casual players.
What do you need gold for if you are “casual”?
You said it yourself, casual should be “Relaxed and unconcerned” – yet you are concerned about gold, gears and dungeons. You are concerned about Ascended – which I believe you are concerned about gears. You are complaining about FoTM – means you’re concerned with dungeons.
You just contradicted your meaning of “casual”.
Oh and that 30 days for laurels? You can finish dailies within 30 minutes. That’s a lot less than the 3 hours/day you specified, plus you accomplished something – got a laurel.