And here I thought that being a “casual” player means you have little time to play and/or do not make a living out of the game…
Evaluate why you die so much. Is it the dungeon’s fault? I don’t think so – as many others are finishing it. Is it your gear? Your team mate’s skills? Your own skills?
I don’t know if I could call myself casual – I only have 850hrs since release, 600ish of those is on one toon. I only have 2 level 80s, 3 others are below level 20s.
Like Vayne said, It’s hard until you know how to do it.
I died ****tons to AC before, now I lead pugs on it. I died ****tons to CoF before, now I join those “zerker” farmers.
As arrogant as it sounds, and it is not my intent – I will tell this to you in a positive way – learn to play. Practice. Learn from mistakes. Remember that skill that killed you because you didn’t dodge? Remember the time you tried to save your heal to a near 0 hp and you got killed in the process? Remember the time where you charged alone and got mobbed?
(edited by knives.6345)
Mobility and looks good. :p
Need a group for dungeons?
CoF is filled with cash…
I suppose not all people have the time nor dedication to do hard or long content.
Problem rise when people expected to be rewarded for hard content. Other casuals dont’ like the idea other people can get reward which they can’t get.
That’s the problem. No one likes to put effort anymore.
In almost every game, there is a mentality that, “if you can’t get it, rant about it”.
I play it as main and spec’d into Bunker = semi afk mode in most situations.
It looks silly, (as I picture it on top of my head, and it is already using the legendary shield) but hey, it’s your build so who am I to judge? lol
Anyways, this build should have as few “offensive” skills as it can get, say: (I used google translate as I like the idea of putting the skill name to latin but I know so little latin so don’t go grammar kitten on me lol)
Skill 1 – Percutiat Defensus (3rd strike has chance to stun for 1s)
Skill 2 – Confortare Incurrens (Run towards a single target enemy, deal damage, Knockback)
Skill 3 – Benedictione Dei – Removes 1 random Condition and grants Stability and Protection to allies around in a small radius for 3s.
Skill 4 – Repercussa Spinis – Grants Retaliation and has a chance to Knockback enemies when they hit for 5s.
Skill 5 – Lex Defensio – Immovable – All allies in a small radius gains “Block 2 hits” for 5s.
I would like to see that happen – I personally find GW2 boring now. But if that happens, expect to have tons of QQ all over the forums.
“Anet, this is too hard, not casual friendly!!!!”
“Anet doesn’t want us to do dungeons anymore!!!!”
“Anet only caters hardcore players! I can only play <insert few hours here> hours a day/week/month!!! This is ridiculous!”
“I’m done – I’m better off at <insert random non-Anet MMO here>!!!”
SOR is unconstested
Thank you!!!!
Thank you!!!!Thank you!!!!
Thank you!!!!Thank you!!!!Thank you!!!!
Thank you!!!!Thank you!!!!Thank you!!!!Thank you!!!!
Thank you!!!!Thank you!!!!Thank you!!!!Thank you!!!!Thank you!!!!
I think you can wear them outside town – it’s just when you take damage, you immediately revert to your gear…
Any unconstested for NA?
Any uncontested temple?
I am no longer seeing Glitch go online – maybe just timezone difference?
Define “friend”? How did you guys meet?
in Real Life – How long? Close or distant? Is it worth the hassle to lose them over 10g and a bad online game record? Are they like that in Real Life?
Online – lose them. report them.
I hope you didn’t actually buy all those keys from the cash shop. There are children, cold and starving, living on a street near your home. That cash would have went a long way in their frayed, worn pockets.
It’s his/her money – he/she can spend it whatever way he/she wanted.
You’re right. Digital pixels are way more awesome then helping starving children anyways.
It’s not his responsibility to help anyone..
Since that is your point – why not cut costs your own and help someone? Internet is digital pixels anyways – you can live without it. Oh, GW2 is also composed of digital pixels – that $60 could feed some 5-6 children.I buy socks, underwear, blankets, jackets, gloves, hats, bottled water, toiletries and McDonald’s gift cards to hand out to the homeless, on a regular basis. I canceled my WoW sub and bought GW2 so I could use the subscription money to help more people.
You see, at one time I was homeless myself. I lived in an alley between a music store and a fire department. The music store owner took pity on me and gave me a job. It lifted me out of my state of destitution and put me on the right path. I now help others as often as I can.
What have you done?
I paid taxes.
Look, the world is not pixies and fairies. The only point I have is, why are you guys lecturing OP on what to do with his money? He has money. It’s his money. If he wanted to spend it on some pixels – it’s his choice. I haven’t spend a dime on this game besides the original $60 to buy it. It’s my choice.
Is OP required to help the poor? No. Are you required to help the poor? No. But you did it anyways, good for you. Does that make OP a bad person? No.
People who are saying that someone got advantage in a game only via money sounds envious to me. It’s his cash – what, are you all his financial assistants?
But it’s not advantage, it’s subjective vanity that TC is bragging about compulsively blowing lots of currency for basically nothing substantial to anyone. I don’t even care that people spend money on this junk, im just saying that the criticism is basically what the topic was asking for as it had no clear direction otherwise.
Would you really expect, TC or others, to see comments like i listed rather than bold honesty?
You go girl!
Atta boy!
You rock!
Regardless of whether it is an advantage or just for pure aesthetic value – how OP spends his money is his concern.
I’m sorry if I don’t see criticism here – I see envious/hate post.
I hope you didn’t actually buy all those keys from the cash shop. There are children, cold and starving, living on a street near your home. That cash would have went a long way in their frayed, worn pockets.
It’s his/her money – he/she can spend it whatever way he/she wanted.
You’re right. Digital pixels are way more awesome then helping starving children anyways.
It’s not his responsibility to help anyone..
Since that is your point – why not cut costs your own and help someone? Internet is digital pixels anyways – you can live without it. Oh, GW2 is also composed of digital pixels – that $60 could feed some 5-6 children.I buy socks, underwear, blankets, jackets, gloves, hats, bottled water, toiletries and McDonald’s gift cards to hand out to the homeless, on a regular basis. I canceled my WoW sub and bought GW2 so I could use the subscription money to help more people.
You see, at one time I was homeless myself. I lived in an alley between a music store and a fire department. The music store owner took pity on me and gave me a job. It lifted me out of my state of destitution and put me on the right path. I now help others as often as I can.
What have you done?
I paid taxes.
Which accomplishes nothing. You honestly trust the government to divvy out that cash to those who actually need it? You should take more personal responsibility and rely less on the government to do your bidding.
It’s what is required of me. Taxes are to be used for national spending – if they don’t spent it that way, is it my fault?
Read my edit and post a response afterwards if needed.
I hope you didn’t actually buy all those keys from the cash shop. There are children, cold and starving, living on a street near your home. That cash would have went a long way in their frayed, worn pockets.
It’s his/her money – he/she can spend it whatever way he/she wanted.
You’re right. Digital pixels are way more awesome then helping starving children anyways.
It’s not his responsibility to help anyone..
Since that is your point – why not cut costs your own and help someone? Internet is digital pixels anyways – you can live without it. Oh, GW2 is also composed of digital pixels – that $60 could feed some 5-6 children.I buy socks, underwear, blankets, jackets, gloves, hats, bottled water, toiletries and McDonald’s gift cards to hand out to the homeless, on a regular basis. I canceled my WoW sub and bought GW2 so I could use the subscription money to help more people.
You see, at one time I was homeless myself. I lived in an alley between a music store and a fire department. The music store owner took pity on me and gave me a job. It lifted me out of my state of destitution and put me on the right path. I now help others as often as I can.
What have you done?
I paid taxes.
Look, the world is not pixies and fairies. The only point I have is, why are you guys lecturing OP on what to do with his money? He has money. It’s his money. If he wanted to spend it on some pixels – it’s his choice. I haven’t spend a dime on this game besides the original $60 to buy it. It’s my choice.
Is OP required to help the poor? No. Are you required to help the poor? No. But you did it anyways, good for you. Does that make OP a bad person? No.
People who are saying that someone got advantage in a game only via money sounds envious to me. It’s his cash – what, are you all his financial assistants?
(edited by knives.6345)
What would be ANet’s motive to “hack” OP of a few items? Is OP a known good spender in-game that ANet will assume OP will buy gems to trade for gold to get his items back? What made OP so special so that ANet would turn their attention on his account?
I hope you didn’t actually buy all those keys from the cash shop. There are children, cold and starving, living on a street near your home. That cash would have went a long way in their frayed, worn pockets.
It’s his/her money – he/she can spend it whatever way he/she wanted.
You’re right. Digital pixels are way more awesome then helping starving children anyways.
It’s not his responsibility to help anyone..
Since that is your point – why not cut costs your own and help someone? Internet is digital pixels anyways – you can live without it. Oh, GW2 is also composed of digital pixels – that $60 could feed some 5-6 children.
ANet is innocent until proven guilty.
I was hacked on another MMO before – there is no best way of not getting hacked. A determined hacker would get what he wants regardless of securities you have.
Just – don’t get too attached to things. lol
I hope you didn’t actually buy all those keys from the cash shop. There are children, cold and starving, living on a street near your home. That cash would have went a long way in their frayed, worn pockets.
It’s his/her money – he/she can spend it whatever way he/she wanted.
Meh screw it, this game isn’t worth the aggravation.
Cant tank here
Cant heal here
Cant farm mats here
Support is horrid (say what you want but WoW would of fixed this in 20 minutes with a full restore,even on a sunday)
Cant invest in your toon who may or may not get wiped at any momentThe email bad link does it for me, “oh reset your password so we can send you a bad confirmation link”
LOL ya how about no.
uninstalling, guys who were cool,wish you all the best.
Haters, hope you log in tomorrow in your boxers,lolYou only realized that the game doesn’t suit your play style after getting hacked?
Search his posts, he’s quit the game before.
I am not really into digging a players post history, but this kind of “sudden realization” really puts my palm into my face.
And OP, why the heck would Anet hack you?
Meh screw it, this game isn’t worth the aggravation.
Cant tank here
Cant heal here
Cant farm mats here
Support is horrid (say what you want but WoW would of fixed this in 20 minutes with a full restore,even on a sunday)
Cant invest in your toon who may or may not get wiped at any momentThe email bad link does it for me, “oh reset your password so we can send you a bad confirmation link”
LOL ya how about no.
uninstalling, guys who were cool,wish you all the best.
Haters, hope you log in tomorrow in your boxers,lol
You only realized that the game doesn’t suit your play style after getting hacked?
You should be on the map where the dungeon is.. It doesn’t matter if the one who started the dungeon is on another server…
Yes it does.. But you may want to play a different game if you are looking for the Trinity… GW2 is not designed to be like most MMO..
What champion are we talking about here?
Oh – and they should be hard – they are called “Champions” – in case anyone didn’t notice..
nobody is denied access. you can still do said events on overflows when they spawn on the overflow .
Or they could guest into another non-over populated server… Or come a bit early – websites with event counters are available…
But no, they feel so entitled – they don’t want to do that…
/sigh Do you people go to the same site for these responses or something? Guesting is the problem here, it was poorly implemented and needs to be removed or changed, no one should be denied access to anything because of it, plain and simple.
It is not poorly implemented. You’re the one who can’t adjust to the new system. You’re so encapsulated by the idea that you are reserved a spot on a non-overflow instance. You’re so into the idea that you are entitled at your own server – you are not.
And don’t get started on the notion that you don’t have to adjust – you paid to play, not to dictate the design..
Again, learn to adapt.
I vote for Razer Naga/Naga Epic or Logitech G600
This was not an issue before questing…I should not have to come earlier. Anet needs to make some changes to their servers. I paid to play the game, same as the person WHO TAKES MY SPOT when these evetns spawn, plain and simple.
Your spot? Can you point me to a link that there is a reservation on a spot here?
Solution: Come earlier.
I don’t envy them— at some point, I’ll eventually get my own if the need arises for one but I don’t find myself using the commander features at this time since my guild has suitable commanders right now.
The annoyance would primarily be because they’re just so many of them. Again, I don’t mind one or two, but any more than that and I’m left scratching my head and bringing up the concern of “Commander Spam” on the minimap. The further questions are just silly and frivolous, and serves nothing more to incite rage. And honestly it takes a lot more to get me mad about something.
Instead, I posted this thread to bring up a concern, which is different from a rant. The issue would be that with so many Commanders on the mini-map, it just becomes more of an annoyance if anything. I’d say that if you want to show off in being a Commander, then go out and actually command something! Kill invaders, take camps, recapture temples, and behead those guild bounties. Actually put that 100g book to good use!
Ok. I still don’t get what you are annoyed at – I mean, there are more people spamming in chat than the total commander hats worn – but yeah, it’s how you feel…
See, good effort! And yes, agreed. If he’s not doing anything with it, why let it rot away in an unused bag?
True true. At least, he made a player happy before he left… :p
They bought it – they have the right to turn it on or off when they wanted to.. They are not violating any of the game’s rules..
Why the rant?
They could be having a meeting for all you know..
It’s true that they bought it with their money. I get that part. I’m not ranting about that. Actually, it’s more like a concern than it is a rant. If it was a rant, then my post would be full of “kitten” after every third word.
As I mentioned before, I didn’t mind when it was just one commander in LA; and I do see suitable uses for it in PvE such as the recently introduced Guild Missions. In fact, I know my guild, which primarily does PvE content, uses commanders to help rally guild members to key locations for bounties and group events, especially when it comes to the Temple events in Orr.
But when you have a bunch of Commanders in a general non-combat area, it does get somewhat annoying. If there really was a meeting of some sorts, even if it’s an RP session (which I doubt since it’s on an Overflow), wouldn’t the head of the meeting say “Meet at my location.”
Again, I don’t see a practical application for the Commander icon when in a major city. In most cases, if the gathering of guild members would take place in a city, almost always, a general location would do (eg. “Meet us near the dungeon vendors.” or “the Asura gates” or “the Lion statue” etc etc).
Question we need to ask is, why are you annoyed?
Do they make you lag? Do they block your oh-so-awesome view? Do they spam?
I mean, if you get annoyed simply because they have a commander hat on – no offense, sounds like you envy them or is bitter on them for some sort..
I could be wrong – I just don’t get why you get annoyed over something like that.
Man, I regret coming back to the forums. Enjoy being kitten in the threads, I guess.
I guess if you want to be ridiculed & eviscerated, you go to a gaming forum & announce that you’re leaving. It’s like blood in the water. I mean, if you want to invariably see the very next poster say, “Can I haz ur stuff?” this is a certain way to do that. It’s just one of those guarantees in life.
Since I tire of reading that – not just for lacking in originality, but because it’s cheap & easy, how about, “Sorry to hear that. Good luck wherever you go.”
Ok I’ll bite…
Man, I’m sorry to see you leave the game.. Best of luck to whatever lies in front of you. Now, can I have your gold?
/dance2 (new dance)
Goodbye.. Mail golds please…
Goodbye.. Mail golds please…On all seriousness, learn to adapt.
They bought it – they have the right to turn it on or off when they wanted to.. They are not violating any of the game’s rules..
Why the rant?
They could be having a meeting for all you know..
Do this work on weapons too?
Yes. all weapons.
Ok. Great! Thanks.
I’ve always wanted that Priory GS for my Guardian who chose Vigil. O_O
Do this work on weapons too?
I thought they already implemented the feature early due to the wording. lol
Anyways, nice content coming up. Can’t wait.
Not to sound elitist, but there are times that I don’t wanna waste time running with a newbie group ( this usually happens on weekdays ), other than that, I am usually willing to help people willing to learn.
But yeah, most of the time, I don’t like wasting my time running with people who doesn’t know the dungeon. It’s not my responsibility to teach them stuff. Youtube has them.
If you find elitism not being fun, then some of us finds new people un-fun to run with. Let’s just agree to disagree.
(edited by knives.6345)
Really now? We’re QQing because of Dyes? And we’re now grinding dyes? O_O
If you don’t want to interact with others, don’t do dailies. If you want dailies, do the requirements.
There’s no option for “not doing requirements” and “expecting to finish dailies”.
I don’t understand what the QQ is all about. It’s very simple. If you don’t want to interact with others why play an Massive Multiplayer Online game?
I hate this kind of people too.
I once ran AC with PUGs, and this Warrior kept thinking he’s invincible. Come Kholer, every single time he gets downed (and he gets downed a lot), he’ll type “HEAL MEEEEEEEEEEE!”.
And he says “I’ll tank just HEAL MEEEEEEEE!!!”. Well, he’s a tank alright, he doesn’t dodge.
It’s annoying. I almost said L2P.
I like the Dodger. (I loved the combo too, but I knew how to use that)
But the dodge I had to learn. I never dodge. I am a mediocre player at best. I am more a ooo look shiny read all text talk to all people oh gee that is cool tra la la player.
But I did it. If I can, anyone can.
That’s the spirit!
At topic:
I thought this is another rant thread, it’s great to see that it’s not. lol
Anyways, I find a Fire Legion cannon on Plains of Ashford, stand far from it and dodge. Very easy to dodge, and almost has 0 lag (because no people around lol)
And also, boring is subjective. Like say, crafting. I hate crafting. I despise it […] It annoys the heck out of me. But, it is part of the daily (craft)
And you know what ? That’s the most dumb daily to whine about. Even if you absolutely despise crafting, the daily itself takes 10 seconds to do and doesn’t even require you to learn/do/build up anything. Just grab any of the professions, grab enough of the material for the level 1 recipe you can do ( a refine most likely) and just do it 10 times.
I’m LW 400/WS 400 and that’s how I do the daily. You think I bother to actually farm mats for 10 high quality rares or exotics ? No, I make 10 ingots or 10 refined leathers. Takes 10 seconds, costs me 90c at most if I didn’t just run a FotM or dungeon or been farming the overworld and have plenty of mats with me already.
True, yet people continue to do so. Lamest excuse “boring”. It’ll take about what? 2minutes at most. Buy the lowest recipe and refine 10 of them. That’s it.
I really do not understand where the whine comes from.
Common misconception. It’s not about ‘gimme stuff’, it’s about ‘make me do something interesting instead of something repetitive and boring in order to earn my stuff’.
This is a game. We’re not supposed to work hard. Does not mean everything has to be instant, it just has to be interesting.
Actually, as a MMORPG, we’re supposed to work our rewards – if we wanna get something – we need to do something as the game is designed.
Atleast that’s my concept of MMORPG – it’s like real life mixed with fantasy to create more colors. In real life, you need a long, boring repetitive job to get money to buy stuff. Why should a MMO be any different? I’m not gonna elaborate on the fantasy side – you get the idea. lol
And also, boring is subjective. Like say, crafting. I hate crafting. I despise it along with Jump Puzzle. It annoys the heck out of me. But, it is part of the daily (craft) and monthly (JP) and I understand that if I need to earn the daily and monthly, I need to craft and discover JP.
I understand I only have 2 options:
-Do the things I hate to get reward, for the sake of reward
-Don’t do things I hate and understand the consequences (not getting the reward)
There is no 3rd option of not doing it and expecting a reward. O_O
I feel like there are both types of people.
There are some people who are willing to work hard for something even though they hate the work, but have decided the reward is worth it.
And there are people who want the reward, hate the work, and have decided that the work isn’t worth doing, but they should have the reward anyways.
The first group of people are Grinders. The second group are people who feel Entitled.
The thing is that Grinders differ from nonGrinders only in that the nonGrinders enjoy doing the action that leads to the reward.
I hate those people. I know hate is a serious word, but personally, I am annoyed by them. I think either they are trolling or just some spoiled kid left online for quite sometime. No offense.
I feel like people should reorganize their priorities to reduce their personal Grind. If they asked themselves questions like, “What do I really want to do in this game?” And “What am I willing to do to achieve my goals in this game?” And “What am I not willing to sacrifice for this game?” people might come away less dissatisfied.
Great point!
Personally, I think everyone wants:
-Do monthlies/dailies
But they don’t want to work hard for it. It’s like telling ANet indirectly “hey, gimme stuff”.
Why play an MMORPG? Why not play a solo game, enter a cheat to have 999999 gold, buy all items and hack/slash inside the game?
I see complaints: “Why include crafting to dailies?”, “Why do I need to resu people to get dailies? It’s soooooo boooooring”
Then another: “Legendary’s a grind. I did a math and it will take you 100 years for a casual to get one. It’s too hard….”
I mean, do players really don’t want to work hard anymore? Is this the society we are in? We feel that we should have things the easy way everytime?