Disclaimer: This is not a flame thread. I really intend to see everyone’s views.
Now, I see spawns of threads that the game has a grind – from Legendary Items, to Ascended to the latest one: Dailies.
Main question:
Now, discarding those – what else do you do that is “not a grind”?
I mean, I don’t want to sound elitist, but grind cannot be avoided entirely on a MMORPG. It can be minimized – and compared to most MMORPG’s I played, GW2 has the least amount of grind.
What I am saying is, you are not required to have a Legendary, nor run FoTM to have Ascended, nor complete the Dailies. It’s all up to you if you to do/get them.
And lastly, though grind has a definitive term in a dictionary, I still feel it is subjective to a person’s perspective. A person who likes what he/she does will not feel a grind, but to someone (note: this is my personal view, please, don’t flame) who is lazy and/or feels like everything should be obtained easily whenever he/she wants it (commonly called “entitled”) will feel the grind – simply because he/she doesn’t want to work “hard” for it.
Just my 2 cents.
However, given my limited playtime, it would appear that my gold grind to acquire the weapon, may very well be infinite, or so close to infinite as it being not worth it to continue playing.
What are other people’s thoughts?
Well, this is your problem, I mean, our problem. It’s not the grind, it’s our limited playtime. The requirement for getting a Legendary is hard (No, I’m not complaining. I’m merely stating the obvious and I agree that it should remain that way) and too many for players like us with limited time to play.
Well, in this game, we get what we worked for. Play a couple of hours, you get greens. Play some more, you get exotics.
I would suggest that if you can farm the items, farm them. Buy them only if you are really close and/or there is no other choice.
When I was new to AC, hell, Kholer was a freaking pain. Same goes with P1 and P3 final boss. Their shouts…. it’s annoying.
But others are right. Correct dodge timing will make you survive. Now, we melee kholer and all AC bosses. :p
Then do the event.
Events are created for us to “do” them. Unfortunately for you, (us), most players are too focused on FoTM now, rarely anyone does normal PvE content/event.
If you have room, I could definitely use some help on Arah.
Guardian here, with full exotics, and have experienced exp mode of “lesser” dungeons. Willing to learn, especially tips and tricks that work.
First World Problems…
How hard is it to simply click “Esc” then choose “Character Select”.
Detha is bugged on the last part (boss), won’t have the tall Ascalonian spawn, so no building of traps..
-Killed her, then resurrect – none, she just follows around whoever talked to her.
So we just left and me, being the owner of the instance is stuck on the instance for quite sometime. Relog, left party – re-invite after they created a new instance – none. I’m still on the bugged instance.
If a fix won’t be introduced anytime soon, can we just have a “Leave Dungeon” button, which is different from “Exit Dungeon” – it clears all the instance of the dungeon.
True. Wish they could spread out more mats, or require low level mats on high level crafts.
Mt favorite places to be in GW2 are the starting areas. Just yesterday, I talked to a truckload of people and played with them. It has been the same since release. And this is in Borlis Pass.
Where is this in Borlis Pass? I’ve seen 1-3 persons on Human starting areas, 0 on Asura, Char, Sylvari and another 1-2 on Norn.
Must be because of timezone differences. I play when most Westerners are asleep/going to sleep.
I really don’t like WvW… as a matter of fact, it’s the only aspect of the game I don’t like. All the healthy, active guilds I’ve seen are all WvW focused… it’s slightly annoying. Aren’t there any big, healthy, active PvX guilds out there?
I’ve been in some really good guilds, but they are so WvW focused and driven… not my cup of tea. They all tell me… if you WvW with us, you will like it! TRUST ME!!! … I never do. At this point, I’ve come to accept the fact that I’ll never like WvW… which is fine.
I love dungeons, I’m level 30 at fractals… and almost to the point of getting dungeon master. I love tournament PvP…. love it… so yeah… I love the game. I just hate WvW… but I feel like all the good guilds are WvW focused. It’s depressing.
Well, it’s all about preferences. I’m not much of a sPVP person.
Anyways, you know you can start a “PVP Guild”, right? Go to Lion’s Arch and every other major cities (to recruit some new players/players using their alts) and shout:
Step right up! Step right up! <Guild Name> is recruiting for players who like sPVP. We are a sPVP oriented guild that <insert guild goal here>
I play it on Windows 8 64bit. No issues here.
Semi-off topic
The so-called “grind” is subjective. What you consider a “grind” may not be a grind to others.
Chances are, you call what you are doing a “grind” if you don’t like it, but feel forced to repeatedly do it to achieve something (in my case, Legendary), or you’re just a spoiled kid who wanted to get things as easy as he/she could.
You can make a legendary with 1000gold with ease.
Around the price for all mats for sunrise i’ve done, now maybe a bit more but still.
I’m pretty confident that if you play the game you can get 1g/hour.
Much more if you farm.
But yeah.
I think it’s not easy making 1000g. :p
AC also has a secret area. Much like Gimli’s place on LoTR 1.
that’s pretty bad if they didn’t get anet’s permission for it.
You alter one part, and they are no longer the same, hence no need for permission.
I still prefer speed runs and people who knew what they are doing – chatty or no-chatty.
I don’t mind having newbies on-board, I don’t mind teaching them, hell, I talk a lot on party (even died while having a kitten chat), but as one PUG member expressed: Time is money.
When you see a “lfg <dungeon> fast run <blah blah elitist requirement>” – those players are NOT PURPOSELY looking for friends/chatmates/one night standers. Those are looking to make money/collect dungeon tokens. And once again, “Time is money”.
So either live with it, or create your own group.
From start, you can start “farming” AC tears. It’s level requirement on explorable mode is just 35. All you need to do is find a good group and tada! Cash.
It’s a good dungeon to practice skills, like dodging (Kholer, path 1 and 3 boss), team coordination (path 3).
Send me a pm in-game if you want to join a run. I do it everyday, and if i haven’t done it yet, feel free to tag along.
I’m an Orr veteran as I “grew” up there.
The only thing I keep in mind is – don’t aggro what you can’t handle.
I know, I know, Orr is overcrowded with undead – but it is possible to “slip” between them.
If have some basic questions, feel free to send me a PM.
<<<<< name.
We’re not on the same server but we can do dungeons together and send pm’s to each other. :p Or you can join our guild.
I’m on Borlis Pass btw.
Well, you can:
A – Help in WvWvw
B – Grind for Legendaries
C – Do PVP
D – Help newbies in FoTM or any dungeons
E – Get new armor skins
Don’t limit the game to yourself. It’s a MMO, you can interact with others. :p
Why don’t you guys record your gameplay, upload it on Youtube and post the link here?
That way, the dev will actually see what you are saying. Personally, I haven’t experienced too much instant respawns in Orr (And Orr, particularly CS is my default farm spot). Sure, I may have seen 1 or 2 per week, but that’s not alarming in my opinion.
That was an apology? No, I’m not being sarcastic – I mean, I don’t think it’s an apology – it’s just an acknowledgement of the feedbacks plus some state-of-the-game speech – which is mostly PR. :p
What I am thinking is that – with all threads about “one time event and timezone differences and how some players are unable to join” – it is not mentioned there. O_O
I’ve ran with PUGs on FoTM – we did fine, except 1 of us keeps getting disconnected.
But without that issue, we clear it fine.
If your first attempt failed – create a strategy, observe what needs to be done. I led a PUG once to the “pouring molten metal” thing – they catch on pretty quick. When I said kite – they kite. When I said pour the molten when it’s directly under you – the person assigned did – and he/she did wonderful.
It was fun.
I can tank 5-6 enemies at Orr and 2 enemies at Southsun Cove. Anything above those increases my chance of dying by 90%. lol
I don’t get it on Orr – how do you acquire more mobs than you can handle? I mean, are you running around the map all the time ignoring the mobs? If so, bad move especially if using squishy class. You are making more mobs aggro you.
What I do is when there are mobs hitting me, if it was only 1, I outrun them. 2 or more, if I think I can handle, I’ll kill them..
Can you confirm this, im about to go return the game… this download is ridiculous.
After the CD install, there would be like – a ton of files needed to be downloaded as “patches”. Took me 1 evening on the first day, but I am sitting on 56kbps speed.
What you can do is let it patch before you sleep, and chances are, if your internet speed is alot faster than mine, it will be done as soon as you wake up.
Stay patient.
You can also close the window while downloading, and when you open it up, it will show as back to 0%, where in reality, it just starts where you left before.
BTW, the % is NOT based on the filesize/download size – it is based on the total number of files on the right of the bar.
Before calling out the banhammer, we need to clarify first if that is really an exploit. We all have arguments but the only entity that can clarify this is ANet.
Good luck
I really don’t get it why they are complaining about a gear having higher stats. It’s something to look forward to. Something to save gold to.
It’s not a lottery.
It’s a chance – a slim chance using RNG. Say, you got 1 out of 1000 chance to get what you want (I am assuming a Precursor) – so, the odds aren’t in your favor – which is designed that way.
Slim chance = by game design, the way it should be. Stop whining.
So Anet is just going response or are they gonna let this play itself out?
Oh they’ll give you a response. “Thanks for the feedback.” or “Thread merged.”
as long as the suit is overheated he cannot regen health he becomes dazed. my group did it with 4 people. one person is always running ahead. being ready to pull the lever. he does not attack at all. everyone else moves in a group to the next lever. since we only had 4 people it took awhile, but it was doable. key is, keep him super heated. he cannot heal that way
What we did is to, like, kite him all along. After pouring molten metal, ranged all when way while kiting him to the next container – where a member is waiting to pour the molten down on him again.
That’s it. A few passes and he’ll be down. Stay clear of the bombs.
Good luck
Greetings from Japan.
Events here start at 5 am – final event started at Monday 5 am. Kitten RL won’t let me participate, as Monday is always busy.
One-time event = The events I’ll never see.
Greetings from the Philippines.
Event started 4am in the morning, well, Monday morning. People have school or work, and it’s a Monday – busy busy day as well.
One-time events = The events we’ll never see.
Yes! Make another 1 time event, this time, schedule it the opposite way. Schedule it so that westerners needs to wake up 4am to 5pm on Monday, and they have to go to school at 7am where they have their finals so that they should not skip and is required to go to school/work.
That’s how we felt. Feels like either we are robbed of the chance to join, or forced us to choose between impossible decisions (Work/School vs Game).
Not everyone got a precursor. Barely anyone did. Further, precursors now have a chance to drop elsewhere in game. Should everyone complain when people are fighting a world boss and someone gets lucking and gets a precursor?
One time events are what makes this game great. And, as a non subscription model game, offering 1 time events is an excellent way to motivate people to return to the game.
Anyone that does not make it to the event, still has a lot to experience- the event introduced a new zone, a new dungeon, new crafting, new armor- quite a bit of new. Every fan of the game gets the chance to experience more because of the event.
The event was ok, though several times I found myself pretty bored and would just set auto attack, and go do laundry/errands. It was tedious fighting the same impossibly slow to kill enemies for 2.5/3 hours just to get to a chest.
It’s not about getting the Precursor. It’s about the chance of getting one.
If you are able to participate, you get at least .000001% chance to get them. If you aren’t because of Timezone differences, you get 0% chance of getting them. Look at the number man, 0%.
At least give us a shot or don’t include those items that has a high impact on players – 20 slot bags, Precursors.
thanks for nothing =/ i was pretty upset with the Halloween event, it wasnt a very big thing… just simply run around and talk to ghosts and write it down, and then in the very end you kill the MK thinking it was going to be something awesome (which it was, dont get me wrong) but guess what the end result was for me? toilet paper… thats probubly the worst loot i have ever gotten, even more so from a 1 time only event boss.
which you could do repeatedly by the way…and now the lost shores event.. i worked pretty much all weekend and my fiance had to tell me about it, all i heard was “dont do it, its bugged” or “wasnt worth the time” which honestly didnt surprise me due to the last 1 time only event. now i love the game and i love the design team, but please… i would rather you not come out with fresh idea’s or events if they are going to be crap. the skins of the shoulder pads were all the same if they are cloth/medium/heavy either way, and the events i heard had nothing but bugs.
the FINAL event literaly was a 1 time only thing, so because of hearing and experiencing being able to kill the MK many times that day, i didnt think anything of it. but THIS EVENT was very much so.. a one time deal. and then after hearing about all the people who had issues with DC’ing and not being able to loot kinda made me upset. and to finish it off, so many people got exotics like the precursors you need for the legendaries. which only makes the people mad who are really working hard for them. im pretty upset with the way these events turned out, like i said i love the game and i think its amazing, but the events… are a major piss off.
long story short. come out with less events that are kitten, and make sure you keep the game awesome.
Sincerely, a pissed off gamer with a life outside the game.
Honestly, if you want to play, you play! Have you not heard of the gamer phrase “sleep is for the weak” it has been coined for a reason. In my time zone, the event started at 1:30am and, the overflow server I was in, managed to finish it at 4am. I stayed up, I had a blast, I got okay’ish loot (being lvl 54, I received lvl 62 weapons). But I’m part of the progression of the story and I’m happy. Stop whining and man up!
Everything that’s wrong with this community. Stop whining and man up? Really? So what about the “boys” who have to take their kids to school in the morning, or the “boys” who actually have to work for a living? Haven’t heard such an elitist and arrogant comment in a while.
Call me arrogant or whatever, I managed to get to work, maybe 20 mins late, but was still there. I got a total of 4 and a half hours of sleep. I’m still tired. My decision to sacrifice my sleep was completely worth it. Notice how you are the only one who has addressed my comment, while the others remain silent. Because deep down, you and everybody else know that what I am saying is correct. In my college days, I used to set alarms for 5am raids and make sure I sleep early so I can wake up for them. This is the forethought you should have if you are serious about gaming and want to live a balanced life. If you are so hell bent on spending time with your family, you must be receiving ample love and support from them and should be really happy with that. If you cherish them so much, why are you arguing about such a small pixel related issue. They are definitely more important.
Now the argument about not having kids can be raised, yes I don’t have kids, but guess what, when I have, I kitten well will get off the comp to tuck them into bed and will have no regrets if I miss a dungeon.
Well, not everyone is like you.
I can’t work well with less than 5hrs of sleep. I feel groggy.
So, congrats for your skill in staying awake.
I don’t usually complain, but when I do, things got really, really unfair.
go back to playing wow. do you guys realize that what anet is doing has never been done before? do you guys realize how much free content you got with this patch? stop acting so entitled, and stop complaining because you didnt get any good drops from the events. i had alot of fun with this event. the new dungeons is freaking sweet. the new zone is pretty cool. all this free stuff just months after release? cmon guys.
It’s not about the loots. It’s about chance getting them. Players who participated got the chance to loot them. RNG worked, some got them, some didn’t. Tough luck.
But for us living on a different timezone, it feels like we were stripped of the opportunity to “have a chance, have a shot of getting those items”. It’s like being racist. We live on a different timezone, we suffer. It’s a one time thing. It’s like, “you can’t join? Not our problem. Blame the timezone.” – that’s what I felt.
Get the difference?
Honestly, I don’t care if ANet gives gear grinds. I’m a casual player but I do love getting something to look for that is not aesthetics. At least, on gear grind, I have a chance of getting them.
What I am really disappointed is giving us something that we don’t have option of doing (like doing a “one time” event 4am in the Monday morning when we need to go to work at 6am). 0% chance. 0, nada, none, null chance of participating.
It’s a good event, I got a glimpse of it, for like 10mins this morning. But I really need to go to work. Some of us are asleep at that hour as well.
So, for crying out loud, be fair next time. Give ALL players a chance, even at 0.001%.
This was ArenaNet’s official statement on WvW “nightcapping”:
We feel that everyone should have the ability to contribute no matter what time of the day it is. How we’ve came to this conclusion is that no player’s time is more valuable than another. Everyone has different off peak hours for whatever reason. Players should not be punished or unable to experience and view the same content as everyone else because they play at a different time. They too are paying customers.
Sadly they seem to have forgotten this philosophy already…
Players should not be punished or unable to experience and view the same content as everyone else because they play at a different time.
Well, we just got punished.
Pretty sure no ANet staff will post a response to this, or if they do, it has something like “Thanks for the feedback.” context.
Its not ARENANETs problem you cant read to by honest.
They advertised this will be ONE-TIME event many times for a long time. And One-time means that it happens only once. So what are you pissed about?
All you are angry about is that you didnt get your epics or precursors. Well that happens when you miss something big.
You cant blame anyone else, but yourself.
And really, dont try something like: ‘’I was in work, I had ore important real life m things to do, etc’’ …
Oh right. I’ll blame myself because the event occurs when I am sleeping like a normal person would (4 am Monday on my time) because I have to go to work at 6 am to earn money to pay my bills.
Yes, definitely sounds like my fault because I have a job.
One-time events should be avoided as much as possible or if there are, loots and items should not be that much – just to be fair to others who cannot play not because they want to, but because they really can’t.
And no, I am not angry I did not get Precursors or the 20 slot bag or Exotics – I am disappointed. Instead of having a .01% chance to get them, I have 0% chance. It makes a ton of difference for casuals like us.
I agree with knives.6345.
Guild Wars 2 is a “Worldwide” game, and timezones of all countries varies (morning on one and night on the other), and having deprived of a chance to “even experience” (let forget about the loots) a One-Time Event is horrible experience for a player, especially if the only reason is the he/she lives in a different country.
Not all people, especially the responsible/with-lives ones, has the time to play almost 24 hours just to make sure that he/she can participate on that so called one-time event. ArenaNet could not expect people to, skip their work or classes or some emergencies because of a one-time event of a Game. if ArenaNet thinks of it that way, then ArenaNet proves that Games really destroys peoples ability to have their own lives and be responsible.
Having a one-time event for different timezones is just mainly, having a one-time event for GMT+, and one-time event for GMT- (other MMO Games do this, to give chance to all), its a 12hrs gap, casual players will surely experience it once, so it’s still a One-Time Event for them, and all players from different parts of the planet can have the opportunity to participate. One-time event for the East part of the Planet and a One-time event for the West part of the Planet.
If the player still manages to play across the different timezone to participate again, just make his character get no loot, because he already participated on his timezone (one One-Time Event per Account)
If events will occur like this in the future, it will became biased, and depriving the chance for the players on the other half of the planet.
The bolded part is the one that ANet should’ve done. Not to become bitter or whatnot, I can’t join the event (or future ones if it will be like this) because of where I live. I am on South East Asia, this last event happened 4am our time – and not only that, the last part happened 4am Monday (which is Sunday afternoon/evening to most people on West).
I will not get annoyed if it is “just an event” where like, you gain Karma, exp and some “common” Exotics (Explorer’s, Knights, Berserkers).
But putting Precursors on the loot table and giving some people 0% chance of getting one because they can’t attend the event because of timezone differences? Nah. Talk about unfair.
Just some points:
Don’t do “one-time event” again, EVER.
If you still wish to do so, don’t put “game changing” drops/loots – ehem Precursors ehem
If you still wish to do add them as loots – make the event available to ALL players on ALL timezones. And when I say available, not just available via access – available via consideration whether they would be sleeping that time, or would it be Monday dawn/morning that time. That way, all is fair. The only bottleneck would be the RNG for the drops – which is fine the way it is.
Those are all my opinions/personal suggestions
Well, atleast you guys had the chance of getting one. We, on the other hand, can’t participate because it is dawn and it is Monday here when the event is happening.
Not gonna happen. According to them, they took the timeslot where more people are online. This alone can exclude our timezone (I’m on S.E.A.).
Scrap the entire “one-time events” completely. Be fair. That’s all we are asking. Not like we don’t want to participate due to other commitments – it’s that we “can’t” participate due to schedule.
I know you can’t please everyone, that’s a given but give everyone a chance.
One time events are okay if they wouldn’t cause so much unfairness.
I will take 0.00001% chance of getting a Precursor over 0% chance of getting it because I can’t join the event for whatever reason.
Either go ahead and make one-time events in the future but don’t include game-changing loots or make one-time events that ALL people can participate.
Make it repeat at different times. Please consider non-US players.
Ok so here is a thought on how to make it possible for everyone to enjoy One-time events
- Roll the event out across your over flow servers every hour during a 24 hour period.
- When you first log on you are given the option to join the next running of the event.
- Once you have taken part in the event you will not be able to access it again.
- You can then control the numbers making it as lag free and accessible to you worldwide player base.Now I am no techy so I don’t know if this is possible
It is possible. Very possible.
I just don’t know why it is not implemented. It could happen on non-overflows as well. Just make it like you can only join once (and this is per account, not per character).
Its not ARENANETs problem you cant read to by honest.
They advertised this will be ONE-TIME event many times for a long time. And One-time means that it happens only once. So what are you pissed about?
All you are angry about is that you didnt get your epics or precursors. Well that happens when you miss something big.
You cant blame anyone else, but yourself.
And really, dont try something like: ‘’I was in work, I had ore important real life m things to do, etc’’ …
Oh right. I’ll blame myself because the event occurs when I am sleeping like a normal person would (4 am Monday on my time) because I have to go to work at 6 am to earn money to pay my bills.
Yes, definitely sounds like my fault because I have a job.
One-time events should be avoided as much as possible or if there are, loots and items should not be that much – just to be fair to others who cannot play not because they want to, but because they really can’t.
And no, I am not angry I did not get Precursors or the 20 slot bag or Exotics – I am disappointed. Instead of having a .01% chance to get them, I have 0% chance. It makes a ton of difference for casuals like us.
That was kinda hard to read. I guess I need a better education.
So to OP, the events are “fail” because you die many many times?
Well, partying with a level 80 gives a higher chance that he/she is experienced handling his/her class thus making runs smooth as possible.
I don’t mind partying with upleveled/low leveled person, but the thought of him/her dragging the whole party down due to lack of experience, is a bit, well, so to speak – annoying.
I have a consistent party at AC. All of us are 80, but all of us knew how to handle our classes. We finish between 20-30mins per path (I know, not the best time but we run through it smoothly, barely ressing someone.). One day, 2 of our regulars are not available so we resorted shouting at LA. 2 low level joined us – no worries, as long as we fill up 4-5 person party.
They literally have no idea what is going on. We are not mad, we are very understanding – we even teach them techniques. But the point is, what if we want a fast run and someone was dragging us behind the clock?
See the point? Don’t blame players for not accepting a non max level player. You cannot see what experience the other player has, so naturally, character level will be the initial basis.
Now, if you are going to argue “why don’t you try bringing them in to see what they are capable of?” – if they are good, fine. But what if they are completely ignorant? Kick them and find new ones? Reboot party? Answer: Waste of time. Waste of momentum.
Its actually the thread beneath yours
I don’t see the dropdown on the Input panel. Is it broken? O_O