Agreed, more challenging, more rewarding & more permanent content and dungeons with bigger groups, and also alliance/squad options for guilds against overflows etc.
When doing an event run or guild bounty for example, The small groups get the overflow problem and try getting Ander done from the karka when you have 1 group in each overflow.
The raid groups do have there positive side, also in GW2.
Should give some rest to less skilled/casual players in tagging along to some dungeons.
Also with the combo combat mechanics so much can be done.
Awesome skins as rewards might work for new dungeons as well.
Or just the legendary gear in it.
Agreed with the title, it might be fun, but temporary will kill GW2. So much temporary stuff and when its gone, you are left with nothing again, because about 50% of the players agree that the endgame is way to small.
Guild missions are a great addition, fractals helped, but they are already old and need additions and replacement. You can ofcourse add temporary stuff, but at the same time this is obviously a means to try bind player by making them play the content at that time because it will dissapear soon.
Casuals who dont spend as much time are kittened here and hardcore will get it done easy and then are bored again by lack of new content. A lot more challenging new content is needed, and in addition you might wanna add some temporary stuff, not temp on temp on temp (halloween, wintersday, sab, living story) and barely any permanent ones.
Would bring some sort of challenge.
But I rather see new content, PERMANENT content.
Currently fractals has been added latest, but Ive had more than enough of it.
Then there is halloween, wintersday, sab content which have all been removed again.
Now sunsouth cove was failed added content imo, except for the funny event attached imo.
However reviving it for a month with a kittenload of achievements is just low.
No one actually likes the area and the events might be an okay idea, the achievements are not.
Farming achievements doesnt keep everyone attached, good new content does.
I hope they just start adding new content like the dungeons they promised, and make them more challenging so they are harder and take a while to actually get used to or even make it the first time.
An actuall challenge would be nice and better game binding, specially when actually good loot is attached, exotics, and big chance for ascended trinkets & armor pieces or even weapons already.
Later do the same with legendary gear, fractals was the first step, but has run its course for way 2 long already. We are in dire need for the content that can actually last till the next update of content etc etc.
Big updates where promised, and fractals & guild missions are awesome, but it falls short in those past few months for actually enough things to do to bind the hardcore players.
Fractal is more grinding towards higher levels, and the rewards are rather bad in general. The rares are ok, exotics drop now and then, but on higher levels where you expect better rewards you can end up with lots of trash all the same, for all the hard work. And after 20 levels I guess everyone has seen the same 9 maps over and over.
The ascended attached made it worthwhile, but has been reached by most long ago.
In short we need those things faster, or more challenging and after the challenge more deserving (not 20 levels for your reward, 1hardass dungeons with kitten bosses that actually need those combos we can make to finish it and then gives some actually awesome loot, so all that practice is rewarded).
Besides if the combo effects become greater/better in boss fights, you can them nearly impossible for normal play, and actually a lot easier with combos, making teamplay much more important, and dungeons much more fun and at the same time much more challenging at the same time.
Really needs a huge upgrade as guilds are key to mmorpgs imo, otherwise Ill just buy a single player game. And the guilds here are just…. meeeeh…..
Think this might be true, and needs to be thought through.
But its the same problem that everyone supposedly should have the possibility to go condition build.
Enough weapons have no conditions skills attached to most of their skills making the variety a little bad. Could use more than enough improvement, but I guess other things might require attention first.
Low priority imo
Achievements need some attention in general, i have no clue which dungeon paths I have done with which character, and the achievements show barely any info on which paths have been completed and which havent.
At least sounds interesting
This has been stated way to often, more info for guilds so they can actually get a guild running and MOTD that is actually usefull so things dont get dusty but actually get some attention.
Guild Wars2, needs to put the “GUILD” back in Guild Wars!
Sunsouth Cove, for example overflows, guild mission, but hey guess what? Different party different overflow.
Guilds need way more attention, big groups possible for events and perhaps future raiding (which has been asked for often as well, and might seem like a bad idea, but a new challenge would be more then welcome).
Traps seem like a big joke and a huge middlefinger to WvW players.
They just gotta kill Que’s, zergs & go back to defending stuff being usefull.
The amount of offense, zerging and capping is driving me nuts.
Specially as no one bothers with the dolyaks or supply camps.
(edited by Moderator)
I dont think the locations are always the same but they do keep going bugged after a while. They work again after updates but it is rather annoying spending influence and time in it when you get lots of bugged locations.
Think out of 30 treks we had 15 bugged ones by now and last 2 had multiple locations.
This provided me early on with enough time for a screenshot:
The yellow markers dont pop up on multiple locations and standing on the location trying to just press the activation button wont help, and the trek will fail.
This has been going on for months… Kind of a blow to new players who need their map completion.
Worked, cheers nightly
Same problem piken square, and goes for the device event as well.
Found 2 of the 6 refugee items.
Need a server that still has them unbugged, or perhaps anet can fix it….
Hell, Arenanet should fix their kitten a lot faster. Unless they want to see their players walk off, this is the way to do it.
Ques are already to huge, lag is 2 huge, so perfect option is more maps to play on, and lower player cap for each map thus getting more tactical, less zergy and less laggy.
Cant be that hard to deal with this S***
Aye should have had 5 done already, but tournament & matches are stuck.
Besides why is this daily upped to completing 5 out of 6 options? >.<
And I dont like the unique maps because I dont feel like playing much else then 2 or 3 (which are nice maps) and I dont enjoy the water maps AT ALL.
I understand the 4 previous options in daily might have been a bit few, but at least add 9 things like the pve daily so we have a choice which to complete
They say techs are on it.
This happened before apparently, why is it happening again? :S
Same for our guild on piken square, but not all guilds have the problem.
Needs a quick fix and a permanent one this time =[
Skill lag, been complaints about this a lot, but I am unsure what arenanet is doing to stop this. In fact I wonder about a lot of bugs and exploits which stick around for so long….
They gotta get more crew for bug fixing, A LOT more….
Skill lag in PVE isnt all that often, but try WvW and its there almost every day for a few hours.
Was stated that keg brawl has a throwing exploit, scoring from over half the map, but has been for a long time now.
Trek has been around quite a while and often has the bug that the circle hasnt spawned where it should be, ruined quite some Guild mission Treks so far.
Super adventure box has crocodiles that wont shut their mouth after being hit several times.
And well this is a small portion of the problems, I just dont think they have the manpower to get things bugfree for 95%
The person was in no way cheating.
He is using an ability available to all players.
It’s not hidden, it’s not an exploit, it’s not using a skill in a sneaky way. It’s straight forward and anyone can do it.
The counter to it is to get infront of the person and to have people in organised positions instead of just running around trying to punch the person with the keg.
You’re playing Keg Brawl like it’s a zerg fest. Keg Brawl is soccer.
Instead of accusing other people of cheating, how about you join in the practice mode and actually test how the skills work and how they’re supposed to be used.
Actually Anet has stated that that skill is bugged, and exploiting that bug is cheating.
Unfortunately they rather like banning instead of admitting their mistake and fixing it.
And I dont even care much for the first part of it, but FIXING things takes way to long.
This ruins the whole game and no doubt gives people a reason to leave.
It also for example makes me dislike an awesome minigame like keg brawl which actually had great potential.
Another simple example are guild missions, Guild trek gets bugged way 2 often leaving your guild with nothing but a runover, and if ur unlucky a location is bugged again. Takes 1 location to bug and you cant get your merits, and its been out there for a while, not all that often, but that its even there and still not fixed is annoying.
With the lack of a good endgame in many eyes, things like minigames, wvw, pvp & guild missions could save a lot if not for bugs and glitches that stay around way 2 long. And the ballance in PVP makes that a rather bad option as autoballance kicks in at bad moments for players or even both sides, or doesnt kick in when it should have long ago.
WvW seems fun for a longer time, but lacks here and there no doubt, and at this point its just zerg, or be zerged often enough.
In the end, the game has great potential but at this point doesnt come out right, and getting a legendary through grinding or buying gold is something very few people could enjoy.
Took me a while to get my first legendary and 2nd will take even longer no doubt as I grinded a little every day to get the first and I wont bother to do the same for the second one.
Biggest issue is they are soulbound on use and they should just be account bound.
Really dont see any reason good enough for us not to be able to switch it to the toon we currently wanna play on.
Also the game needs a lot more endgame content in form of dungeons, even if they are hard dungeons it at least sets a challenge. To make it worthwhile give large proportion or chance on legendary stuff (a random gift or precursor for example has a chance to drop from each boss).
The chance you get 1 is rather big, but the chance to beat a boss is small unless you work well together. You wanted to challenge us? Do it in the right way so people will keep playing and actually look forward to the challenge instead of having to grind which makes no one happy.
And then you bring in ascended armor and weapons anyway to overrule the legendaries, and 20 different token types to obtain them. And when thats done no doubt we get another treadmill.
They need proper endgame, and not this add this with laurels, add this for commendations and 500000 other temporary time gated tokens and stuff.
Give reason to keep getting all the stuff, and not add 2 more temporary dungeons again.
Create stuff that lasts even if it will be difficult. Guild missions are difficult, but barely worth the trouble. Create dungeons for legendary pieces but make them hard so people having something to actually work for and when they make it they get the feeling they earned a reward thats actually worth something.
Capes are a nice addition but once you have it it doesnt fight the boredom (doesnt mean arenanet shouldnt add it though). Mounts have the same thing allthough I dont think they add anything to the game and shouldnt be added.
(edited by miniL.7361)
Agreed, this should be way more efficient, also the tab isnt remembered and you have to go back there every single time you open the guild menu. All seems rather inefficient, mostly during guild missions but could also be improved for the achievement tabs etc.
Only being able to add 5 achievement targets up top, instead of seeing monthly and daily at once, or all 9 daily targets at once makes it less effective.
Great Idea and should be implemented asap, specially for guild missions, they are hell for smaller guilds as it is anyway.
Is there a reason for legendary being soulbound?
As soon as you got one shouldnt you be able to use it on whatever character you play at that point or am I missing something important?
I mean after all the work put in it (or all the gold for some people no doubt), shouldnt you be able to switch it so when having leveled an alt, that one can benefit from the weapon if you wish him to have it.
I got my ROI less than a second after I mined my first node with it. I bought it as a toy, not to save gold. I think for many folks the unlimited part wasn’t about mining nodes, it was about being able to have the effect an unlimited number of times. Even if some ubernode is added that I can’t mine with it, I won’t be sad because it will still work on all the other nodes.
In that case it should be upgraded for the ubernode just like legendaries should stay the best item obtainable in game
In fact it should be a legendary molten mining pick!
Personally, I think each class should have access to every weapon.
That’s the spirit!
This was my thinking exactly.
Its kinda annoying to see clases like thief and ele left with 4 options, and ranger & warrior with quite a lot.
Also diversity in skills would be nice, because at this point I think melee isnt favored in PVE (dungeons/boss fights) which is a serious disaster. Actually thinking of PVP & WvW…. hell who wants to be the melee up in front of the group/zerg? Youll get kitten within seconds.
Thief can at least stealth, but if you dont go backstab dagger build and nuke ur enemy down, its easy enough to dodge and root, and use some skills to knockback or put range in between you and a melee. Of course melee need to cling to their target and should be up in your face by there own power, but currently they just seem useless often and you see almost every class coming with a 2nd ranged weapon into dungeons.
More weapons, and more ballance for ranged/melee in every situation (and still want buffs for ranged ranger :P melee ranger is better ).
First post is actually really good, simple change in modus in dungeons and adding different rewards to it would be a great step forward. Also the time on fractals should be shorter with a simple modus, or medium modus, rather than just hardcore modus.
Or add current ones as hard and for the people still thinking them to easy add Hardcore (Cof 1 really needs it lol).
First 2 posts are rather good posts though, wish they do something with it…
They should give a different type of access to teamplay, like from oldschool fighting games add COMBO text somewhere in the screen when you actually use someone else his fields. Perhaps that wakes people up to combo there efforts because most people dont use it or dont know it (new players) and never seem to learn either.
Kinda already cuts into the whole idea of the game if most people dont get it.
To be Hones, you talk about raids, but how about the squad from commander, or just regulard RAID groups are added? I like to see everyones HP in small screens if I wish, or down states like in PVP, or something like it.
That way coordinating would be so much easier and it just LACKS that option.
A lot of nice changes that need adapting to, but its just lacking stuff as well, because a group just isnt going to cut it for a legion event, or any event in that case imo.
Hell, who cares if its hits everyone, they are mostly small aoe, and they have red circles to warn people. If a zerg stays in it they should be punished and thats coming from someone who doesnt play around with a lot of AoE.
Its probably because I hate those huge zergs because it indeed makes WvW mindless if the zerg is big enough.
Agree on combofields, but Im unsure about dungeons, because by now I think builds are just bad, there are only a few actually beneficiall builds and if you dont run one of those you are left out, and some are just obvious bad for certain classes.
With this much traiting I would expect more obvious and varied builds, specially with also options to different weapons. But certain classes can switch a lot, aquatic cant switch at all and I dont see the whole controle thing as interesting in PVE.
Might as well give the option between controle, support, crit damage or condition damage and give all the traits and weapons that come with the build.
(edited by miniL.7361)
Hey folks, I figured I would swoop in and drop a reply.
I remember playing my ranger in PvP and getting “2-spammed” by a D/D thief and dying in about 3-5 seconds. I had no idea how to stop them, and they seemed intent on finding my heart. I couldn’t even hit the bugger since he blinded me and pulled a stun off. I remember thinking to myself “Man, my ranger couldn’t do 19k damage in five seconds. Thief OP!” Until I actually went and made such a thief out of spite. I’ll admit right now I am not much a thief player… Only about level 30 in PvE, and about 10 games played as thief in SPvP – but in those few games I would just dominate people. Load up the +% damage traits, stealth, and then it’s just a matter of a few button presses. But in playing that thief, I learned how to counter that thief. Bring a stun breaker, a condi removal, some CC, and know how/when to dodge roll. It doesn’t work all the time, especially if my stunbreaker is on CD from a previous fight (Pistol Whip is rough!), but if a thief gets the jump on me I have about 2 seconds to react, and then I make the thief pay.
I consider things like “hundred nades bug” to be OP, where a single attack dos 26k damage in an AOE. Sacrificing so much versatility/defense to be a glass cannon spiker is not OP, it’s a build. That build is just really really good at spiking, and it overpowers almost any other build the thief can bring to deal damage. There are a few builds you don’t see often with thieves that are pretty good, because players weigh efficiency in murdering something quickly to be greater than surviving a drawn out encounter, so they’ll bring the most efficient build to accomplish that… which in my experience has been the D/D heart seeker. There’s some neat shadow-step steal/pistolwhip/quickness/unload type builds out there, but that D/D thief overpowers and obscures the potential for other builds to rise up. In my eyes they could use some more versatility… I know that when I play my ranger I can many different things at once – I have a large tool box of sometimes very useful tools, and that makes me harder to bring down since I am not so easily countered.Well this is longer than I was thinking it would be, and now I have subjected the thief forum to my punctuation, so I better stop. Also I’ll admit to being little on edge in this forum… I’m a ranger in the middle of a thieves den!
I can agree with that, needs more usefull builds for thief, instead of d/d backstab & Heartseeker. Its boring that so many people run it and the other builds dont even come close.
Because frankly I don’t care how OP other classes might be or how OP ppl think they are, I just hate to see so much options for builds within the classes yet see 90% run with the same build because its obviously the best pick 90% of the time.
Having a lot of diversity and not knowing what kind of build you will encounter from your opponent is so much more fun than: oh another backstab thief, or another guardian with uber tanky specs. I think warrior works the best that way because you sometimes see a condition axe build (not often enough though but i guess conditions arent really the way 2 go imo), and then you have the insane GS or rifle crit builds and on the other hand sword or axe + shield defense with stun and a nice hammer 2 pop that CC and just rambo into a group and bashing them down with tankyness.
I really miss that diversity in most classes because its not viable for them and it takes a lot of the fun out of playing the classes.
Wait… I thought thieves also were op and you only need to spam heartseeker… also I don’t like the necros if they have too many pets. Limit pets and remove thieves please.
Are you serious? Go and make a thief yourself then spam #2 to those builds (+ ranger) that the OP mentioned, you will know how cold the ground is.
Been there done that, backstab, HS HS and any squishy enemy is on the floor, BS, HS, HS, HS, HS and even Hybrids drop like candy.
Why the hell do you think every thief runs with either condition p/d build or d/d crit build. Don’t see anything else interesting for a thief, but worse is that ranger also has very few interesting builds AND that doesnt include bows!
Start with nerfing the bloody longbow, #3 skill blasts 10K hp easy with a nice build and even on hybrids. Now remove the aoe, or drop the damage and add that to the bloody ranger longbow who should have skills like that on a bloody bow!
Agreed, but as i dont like no.1 skills Idc for it in general.
no.2 somehow doesnt even let me enter my tower in WvW which sucks compared to Elementalists that fly in =’[
no.3 hmmmmm usefull in PVP, completely useless in pve
no.4 well obvious…..
I have a thief and being revealed for 4 seconds instead of 3 did nothing to me. I still can fight just as well as I did before. I did go for less op pistol pistol setup though.
When I go to wvw and see all the backstabbing thieves… Thieves do need balancing and 1 extra second of revealed is not a major nerf.
If you run pistol pistol it no doubt doesnt change much, but hide is the only proper means of defense in most builds for thief and reveal hits it hard.
I agree when looking at backstab thiefs it might need a nerf, 2 backstab thiefs drop anything so fast it doesnt even know what hit him. The simple backstab and HS someone down is a pain in the kitten and I think the main problem is the double damage from backstab.
Sure tanky build or a guardians block create a problem for them but that doesnt replace the problem with teh backstab just instantly destorying another crit build without them having any chance, nor does it change the fact that vs a hybrid the hybrid barely has time to react as well when catch the BS & HS HS treatment when the first one hits him full in the back with max damage.
The current reveal option just ruined the thief build in the way the creator already stated, giving the stealth as a safe, kinda gets you destroyed often now.
Also the reveal sometimes gets bugged and even when gone, keeps shadow refuge from cloaking saying still immune. They created a kittenload of problems for thiefs instead of fixing the backstab build for example, and the train cloaking.
If some things dont work out it needs proper fixing, not a speed fix that ruins their own creations. Besides, considering PVE its never a good thing to nerf and nerf, instead start buffing the classes with big problems, rangers ranged weapons for example.
I have been pvp’ing (Mesmer) a lot more lately and by no means am I a elite player. Not even close. I do however hold my own consistently in both WvW and PvP; sometimes 2+ players to one. I run from no one. I win more than my share. And there are certain classes that I know are going to be work and many that are a free kill. Rangers, usually fall into the latter category.
3 nights ago I ran into the first of the non-bow using rangers. He was using a great sword and with all my normal tricks, I could not seem to be able to get any separation from this guy. I am a GS, Sword/focus shatter Mesmer and build for burst and I keep getting him down and he kept popping up. One time, he was literally DEAD and popped back up, with gap closers and melted my face. He took 3 of 5 1 v 1’s from me.
Then last night I played against a sword/dagger or a axe/torch combination ranger ( I am not positive on this) and was blown away. His DPS was through the roof and it seems like it took 3 of us to make his health go down. He used a hawk of some sort, which would blind us and most of his damage (from the logs) came from his pet(s). I am sure he was a BM.
I had a new build I was trying, and unfortunately some lag, but before I could shatter once sometimes he had me down. The confusion stacks seems to do nothing to him. This doesn’t happen with 100b warriors and not even thieves can burst me down that quickly.
Regardless of lag, regardless of new build, after facing him like 5-7 times, he was a much better player than I am anyways. That said, I never knew rangers were capable of this kind of thrashing in capable hands. So did you get buffed recently, or are the majority just not very good at their class, or do bows only excel in PVE?
My wife plays a ranger ONLY, lol, so inquiring minds want to know! Thanks!
No this is not that weird, the weird thing is they where given the name RANGER, rangers with range are rather kittenty vs any opponent as I have noticed playing against many of them. However when they come in close, beware because their melee weapons and traits are what tend to make them strong and usefull.
Imo a rather failed class imo given the fact you would expect them to be strongest with bows and stuff….
Warriors SHOULD deal more damage than any other profession.
Guardians SHOULD have more survivability than any other profession.The point is, every profession should be unique and be capable of doing thing or two better than the other 7 professions.
It’s just stupid to ask for everyone do deal the same amount of damage, have equal heals etc.
Take the trinity and expand on it, add 5 more roles on already existing 3.
Is a possibility, sounds interesting if they can make it happen, but locks you up with the need for certain classes in dungeon which they specifically didnt want, and which I enjoy for that much of the game.
I dont wanna go for a dungeon which barely gets played (they are out there) and when I do get 5 party members, the group makes no sense and we cannot go in.
I’ve come to think that the playerbase is just way to defensive, and what we need is Gordon Ramsey to scream some sense into them.
Just try telling the Necros that they aren’t wanted in groups, and they start talking about condition removal. They think they are the greatest thing since sliced bread; everyone else thinks their garbage.
…and what’s really infuriating is that I was really starting to really like my flamethrower engi, and Anet killed it. Nerfed damage, nerfed Kit Refinement.. what’s the point?
…but people will still defend them. People still ask for ‘good’ flamethrower builds.
The most painful part of it all, most of the time the playerbase has some really good ideas. Like let rangers stow their pets and receive a small damage buff. Why do they fight the players on that? It’s a good idea. Hell.. they could even just add a pet that only gives a stat buff, and doesn’t attack.
They won’t even listen to any of that. Just look at how they ignore engineers begging for KR to be restored to what it was (I did my share of griping about it) Hell, I’d give up all the other effects, if they would just give me elixirgun procs… but no.. not even a comment on the subject.
And why did warriors, mesmers, and guardians not get the ‘quality of life’ speed buff?
Siege weapons can’t bleed… But you can kill lava flows with fireballs….
Guess most of it is true, lolled at the ending, so true xD
But warriors have infinite speed if they desire, mesmers dont seem to have 2 much, guardians 2.
Sure a steady supply of conditions can be applied, but untill the numbers get actually high it doesnt do much damage it seems. By then the heals and condition cooldowns are probably ready to be used again and the damage you do drops again in PVP for example.
Another example I ran across was BAKED KOMALI with guild missions. He doesnt really take any conditions at all making condition build useless again (I presume though its only when you cant get him debuffed).
Also in general de condition fights seem to take much longer on say a single mob, or in PVP a single player, and before you get done whats needed, in PVP or WvW friends will come along helping the player get rid of the conditions or just helping them up when they are downed, and killing you if you hang around to long.
The other way around is possible, that you yourself get backup, but still that way the 1vs1 didnt end in a 1vs1 because your conditions simply dont work out.
Im interested though, does komali take crits when he has his buff up?
Because in most reactions about all the limitations to conditions im starting to feel like rerolling my condition chars to crit or support/tanky characters
I like the condition play style, but Ive seen trouble in group chat when PUGing and there is more than 1 player with conditions as well which kinda gives me a lot of negative thoughts about the whole conditions idea.
Thanks for the oppinions so far, and Im interested in the comparison in general so PVE & PVP both.
Perhaps I should rephrase the question a little bit, because what I am interested in is the reason to run a condition build except for some dungeons perhaps.
Single target beside bosses I would want nuke power or p/t/v (tanky) builds to either get my enemy down fast, or to get a lot less damage while working on them.
When killing a lot of pve numbers isnt it still the same to just pop aoe with crit, rather than using condition aoe’s because again, you kill them faster so less damage.
Obviously crit has its upsides, no doubt its downsides, and a tanky build for example is usefull to kill totems in cof (like the one just before the boss in p1) doing the maximum damage as crit and conditions are useless, and just taking the damage from the flamethrower a lot easier.
Now in PVP and WvW it was already mentioned, you dont play mindless stuff, so people will run at least with some condition removal, again making crit or toughness/vitality or something hybrid in between ofcourse, a lot more viable.
Now the actual question is, not just between crit and conditions so to speak: Are conditions viable in any way? Because the way it currently works, I dont see why I should run conditions except for the awesome effect of seeing numbers fly over my screen =[
PS: well thats at least something dinominator, but with all the condition removal I do you think its worth it?
Wondering if condition damage isnt a fool’ kitten
Somehow I get the feeling its not really a winning pick with condition removals available.
Also getting your stacks up might take time depending on class.
Duration seems rather low and before you got enough stacks no doubt a removal pops up.
Crit has the obvious instant damage that seems to make this worth tons more rather than conditions?
I used search mode but somehow I havent found a topic about this allthough I would love to see what others think. Any links from older threats perhaps?
This needs renewed attention specially from anet as their current system….. well it simply S***s. Guild leaders need a lot more data, and even better would be a feature as in some other games, that you get certain benefits from being in a guild which are more obvious.
So for example in return for influence you get points or standing at that guild and can get additional stuff and later on even better stuff from that guild in return. In that case when not representing and gaining for that guild, your points their go on hold and the counter for your other guild starts going up.
This way you can still get yourself a PVP & PVE guild yet multiple ones of the same kind (specially with people having 5 guilds for the guild missions) will be a lot less rewarding and therefor the guilds you actually ARE in get some decent rep time and you get rewarded for it in return.
Anet wanted better teamwork/teamply/community and I guess this wouldnt just be a small step towards it.
No one wants members just leeching members who take opportunities for buffs and commendations in return for nothing. And this is currently a rather big problem, especially for smaller guilds in GW2.
First reply in topic said most of it, PVP is most interesting yet the design is utter crap. It is based on tournaments and so far I havent played 1 tournament where no one left. Multiple times ended to be 1 out of 2 last players on team and 1 time was left alone.
Kinda bad to base stats on that, points wise would be better allthough I doubt that you will get a lot of points if anyone leaves anyway.
Leaving just has to stop and afking.
They gotta be kittening kidding me, EVERYONE is complaining when zergs meet about skill lags and it gets worse every day. They had better be fixing it pretty kittening soon or players will drop by kittenloads no doubt!
World vs World went Lag vs Lag, may the least laggy one win!
10K for simple shatter seems bit much, then again isnt a backstab thief nuking even faster? open with backstab, few quick auto crit hits and 3 heartseeker spams and ur hp is gone in 5 sec.
Not sure how that works for tanks though :P
(edited by miniL.7361)
The lag is serverwide (PVE 2 only a bit less) and not just WvW. I would love to see this fixed and an increase @ wvw at the same time cause the ques are annoying as hell for WvW, taking an hour to get in. At the same time its a huge backstab for everyone at the medium servers that transfers to our servers are free now because the ques get huge.
Okay something very bad is happening, ever since the free transfers to medium servers, Piken Square (we used to be medium, probably changed now) is having chat lag, and skill lag, sometimes everything almost freezes (WvW).
Are the servers not handling these numbers or what is going on? If we just went from medium to high, I dont wanna know what will happen when very high will be reached and how the hell did other servers manage to play when already on very high numbers or even full?
Skill lag when fighting a zerg is rather deadly, costly and annoying, but now even PVE seems troublesome and PVP sometimes. Even the guild chat having huge delays is annoying.
The first time I didnt even mention it thinking it had to be servers being scanned or something, or patching, but its daily now and getting really annoying. This besides ques got Aion killed (ok and the no fly zone patch)
As I have been doing it for quite some time now I have been wondering why its so completely random and bad in my oppinion and I have come up with a lot of things which are really killing the PVP in GW2 which go from ballance towards simple things as the chat and other mechanics.
First of all I want to do ballance because this is a difficult aspect in every game and is discussed 2 much anyway so I will keep it short.
Rangers down state vs other downstates: OP, simple pet healing and heal yourself or damage enemy and no one can beat you when they are also down.
Thiefs trait to stealth below certain HP creates problems with revealed when you accidentally C&D at pretty much the same time as traits kicks in. Also other ppl cloaking you gets the revealed problem. The fix is rather bad as the chain cloaking also still works if you are concentrating on it.
Certain modus, necro & ele for example, take 2 long and give them invulnerability. Same can be said for my warrior & ranger (allthough rangers are having a tough time except for their down state) who can become invulnerable. I think those moves should be removed or changed completely because everyone loves god mode, but not when playing eachother.
More important though are things like the chat, people start ranting and raging about the professions or about the play and stop actually playing or they make other people angry and leave. Make sure in PVP you can only use team chat (or guild/party chat) not map chat or /say. Keeps the game paced and a lot more teamwork.
I also think that there should be consequences for leaving a tournament game. People leave often leaving other players outnumbered and I dont think the volunteer option is coming even close to fixing such problems in time for a game not to get ruined. This is not just in tournaments. Even losing should therefor be more beneficial than joining a new game.
I often see outrageous onesided scores. However in PVE arenanet keeps telling everyone they want to make things a CHALLENGE, that comes to mind for dungeons & bosses. However wether im 400 points behind in the end, I dont see that as a challenge, I see that as an obstacle I cannot overcome even when im trying to guide my team in the right direction (I use teamchat often, even its just 2 encourage capturing in general and doesnt give much strategy though). Worse are the moments I volunteer and get on the other team and start to win with 100 vs 500 points because thats no challenge in my book either. Sure I won, hooray, but by volunteering I got myself the win bonus already (great system if you ask me, who doesnt want free points?). I got no fun from actually playing and just R*A*P*I*N*G the enemy. There seems to be no proper ladder to get you teamed up with a server full of people with somewhat of the same skill level. This often makes for very 1 sided games, even if players are switched around every map.
In short, spent more time at the PVP system. Oppinions might differ but I also would say the Capricorn map is rather bad because water battles lack diversity in weapons making it very unballanced imo and very boring and annoying.
Is PVP going to get more attention or are people happy the way it is, because I see lots of topics but I dont really see a general topic for PVP improvements?