Showing Posts For mist.9807:

Warhorns are awful.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mist.9807


This might be better in the necromancer’s forum…

As fatalyz mentioned, locust swarm is actually great for being in-combat. I’ve pretty much been using warhorn on my necro for years and it’s actually pretty darn good. And all the life force gain stuff aside, I have never not wanted to have swiftness during combat. The fact that it cripples those around me and keeps them in range is even better.

On the note of getting away… I’ve literally never had issues with using this skill unless I’m not paying attention. If you’re using it out of combat just running around, the solution is simple: don’t run into things. If you’re being chased and end up hitting your pursuers… I mean… you’re probably in combat anyway. The skill will only help you escape via crippling them.

WvW Poll 12 July: Repair Hammers (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


Scenario 1:
Large zerg attacking tower / keep with their golems / rams / catas. Defenders get on their Acs / other siege to try and do as much damage as possible. Large zerg has too much AoE on the walls, making it extremely difficult to get a disable off. The Ac’s are taking damage, so someone comes up to repair it, and then goes back to damaging the enemy siege. Meanwhile, the large zerg can output way more supply, and faster (because objectives have limited supply while it’s easy for pugs in a zerg to run it from a nearby camp). They’re repairing their golems / rams / catas just enough to get the wall / gate down. They then proceed to steamroll the defenders and whatever siege they just wasted repairing it.

Scenario 2:
Siege can only be repaired if it hasn’t been attacked recently. People who are ignorant or trolls will likely repair poorly placed or siege that isn’t useful. Based on experience this probably won’t even be the norm. When people attack they clear siege completely for their next attack. It could however be useful if you’re defending against small groups, as they’re less likely to fully destroy everything. Except that’s not really the most common case.

I’m not sure if I can say that this would be particularly unhealthy for WvW, but I can say that as someone who defends quite a lot, I don’t like this. In the best case, I would find it barely useful. At worst case, I would probably just stop defending all together as it’d be pointless to try.

Howler III: Howl Collection

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mist.9807


If someone could confirm or correct me on this, that’d be awesome. I’m not sure if it’s just crazy RNG for the following items or not, but I haven’t been able to get them.

1. Spirit Essence – Neither the ghosts or shades seem to drop this item
2. Aliyana’s Peace – Risen in the given area haven’t seemed to drop this item either.

For the first I’ve been killing whatever is directly around the temple as well as a bit further into the swamp, but nothing. The later I’ve been killing risen all over murkvale.

Official Feedback Thread: WvW Reward Tracks

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


I really like the tracks overall.

I do think that the amount of tomes given from them is a bit overkill though. If the amount given isn’t lessened, I still think there should be something you could trade them for. (Siege, transmutation charges, ect.) Myself and most of my guild are drowning in them and have nothing to use them on anymore.

I think some of the ideas others have come up with for future tracks are good ones. WvW finishers, food-based tracks, possibly exclusive weapons and gear. I would also like to see a track for tribal armor (only cause I’ve been waiting for it forever…)

Help me get into WvW, why should I bother?

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


They recently released the armor reward tracks, which you can work towards. The armor appearance is completely based on your own preferences though. Rank ups also give you loot – but there’s been a general agreement over time that most of it isn’t that great. But you can buy a variety of things with badges, so there’s that. Also, the hero proofs can get you specializations if you don’t have them already.

Generally speaking, rewards in wvw tend to be linked solely to wvw – points to spend in track abilities. There’s also a bunch of wvw achievements but I mean… most of them are pretty large-scale even after the nerf.

Also something that should be mentioned – you can play it however you like. I’m not sure how PS is or their matchup, but in ours we can find fights in a variety of sizes from solo to blobs. Or you could not fight at all, and just run yaks / defend ect.

Why are mods deleting all threads

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


There’s been a lot of PvF under very thin guises and drama and stuff.

While I of all honesty would like matchup threads again, I understand if Arenanet doesn’t want to deal with the harassment issues.

if you want matchup threads there is a website aimed towards that goal exactly. Here is the link to that website if you are interested in talking with or against other servers who do WvW. just go to the forum page and you should be fine from there.

That site is the biggest clustergiraffe to age.

That site. It’s basically just the same players, not even that many of them, posting the same repetitive trash talk every day. Frankly hardly any of it actually has to do with the current matchup outside of “X – server ppt’d so hard last night.”

I don’t really see many threads get deleted. I see some get closed / locked, but it’s pretty understandably so in most cases.

What is your best small group makeup?

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


I don’t think it’s necessary to to have a group comp for something that small. The most important thing that goes beyond builds / comps is perfect teamwork and communication. If that’s missing then it doesn’t matter what sort of comp you have. And it just so happens people tend to be more vocal if they’re confidant with what they’re running – which is typically their main class and build.

There are good comps that work really well, no doubt. But I would seriously suggest taking the players you have and making note of what they’re best at playing, and formulate from there. Typically if you have an Ele in your group that’s running pure glass and your group is dying, it wont take them long to switch to a spec that might be more support orientated (like aura share / tempest.) It’s sort of something that just happens naturally.

Do you still hate the Desert BL after patch?

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


didn’t like them at first, but the most recent changes made them significantly better. But there are still a few things I’d like to see changed.

One, give the towers some sort of strategic purpose other than points. They’re absolutely pointless other than to take it for the tick.

Two, the keeps (particularly air keep) have too much space. Too many paths, rooms, areas which don’t have much purpose other than to confuse someone. The layouts are too large and unnecessarily complicated. It leaves a good portion of the keep completely unused.

Poll: You see a 1v1 fight, what do you do?

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


I typically stay and watch, going into tonic form to not scare the enemy off. Buuut occasionally I’ll intervene based on context. If for example I see my ally is like, a staff ele? I’m going to assume that’s not a duel since so few eles would try to duel with a staff. Or I’ll help if the enemy keeps attacking after downed, ect. I usually just stick around in case another red name tries to join. I’m willing to let my ally go down in a 1v1 since they aren’t running, but not an outnumbered fight.

Making an Ele Soley for WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: mist.9807


OP, I would suggest having a standard set of armor that you feel most comfortable with (zerk, marauder, cele, valk, ect.) Any of those stats / combinations will generally work both in zerg and roaming depending on skill level. Obviously, zerk would probably require a bit more skill.

Make sure to carry around at least two weapon sets – staff as one, and another for roaming. It shouldn’t be an either/or situation. Depending on your server you’ll likely be switching between the two frequently.

Core ele is perfectly viable for both roaming and zergs, particularly as a damage spec.

"FORCED transfer of worlds" rip 10 servers

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


Oh my goodness. You guys are literally offended over words that not many people even read.

As a solution, I’d say have little badges next to people’s names that represent their server. We spent a good portion of the weekend trying to find people from AR, and it was pretty hard. Our names should also show our true server when seen by enemies, rather than the host server’s name. Otherwise I don’t really think any changes are actually needed.

And no, having a 2v2v2 would be ridiculous. Even in more populated tiers, it would be a huge pain for a single server (even with it’s merged counterpart,) to defend 7 different maps, let alone during off hours. I would rather have a second EB-like map added to deal with massive queues before adding a second set of borderlands. And you’re literally only suggesting this so that your “home BL” is labeled with your home server – that’s really it. Written words. On a map.

In regards to play style and in-house conflicts between servers, I’m just gonna say it – get over it. You can try convincing anet to link your server with someone else, but learning each other’s play styles and working with it is a significantly easier tactic. Most of AR are probably small groups, and we’ll learn to work with that just like they’ll learn to work with our siege. At least now you’ll have more action and more variety with who you fight =)

Perma- stun lock in SAB

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mist.9807


There’s a spot in W2 Z1 tribulation mode where two rocks will keep you permanently knocked down. You can’t dodge out, use a skill, teleport, or die. You’re literally stuck there until you decide to leave the map / go to the hub and start over. A bit frustrating as it is tribulation.

Range Dmg is way too high

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


We all know rev is op. Range dmg is not.

I’m curious which way anet will chose as we still have the PvE players who think the HoT maps are tough.

This is honestly a big problem. The reason that it’s obnoxiously difficult for anet to balance anything and why it takes them so long is because they stubbornly refuse to separate the gamemodes. Instead they try to balance each skill for each gamemode, which causes issues for all of them.

Oh yeaaa, so wtf is with that Dragon Banner thing? That flame area is huge!

I’m not sure of the details. Dragon and Turtle Banner both are obnoxious. The dragon one pretty much one-shots a lot of people, and they both give break bars. Not ok for Ele to have a breakbar on earth, but totes ok if you pay a ton of gold via guild hall for one, amirite?

Proof of Heroics Changed for the Worse

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


This is NOT comparable to a PvE character gaining a HP for that character alone.

This is comparable to a character or player having to decide to work AGAINST the best interests of his guild/team/server to selfishly be on a certain character at the moment that the account wide earned rank flips over.

IMHO, This is a case of rewarding selfish acts and punishing teamwork.

Your “honest opinion” ignores quite a few things.
1. Not everyone runs in groups, let alone guilds.
2. All classes can be useful somewhere – even in groups.
3. Many pug groups don’t actually care about composition unless it’s base is a guild (which isn’t always the case.)
4. You’re completely ignoring the fact that you can earn these proofs in EOTM.

If you only ever have time to go into WvW and run with a dedicated guild group that runs a specific comp – I feel for you. But not a whole lot of guilds are so strict or ridged that they can’t have use of you running on another class.

I liked they way proofs worked before the patch, but please find better arguments against it.

Proof of Heroics Changed for the Worse

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


Guys, stop calling this a “change.” It wasn’t a change – it was a fix. They stated from the beginning that being able to do this was a bug, and that it was going to be fixed. I honestly think they should have kept it how it was, but I can understand their reasoning. If you do PvE for your points, you need to be on that character. Now if you’re doing WvW to get your points, you still need to be on that character. Is it convenient? No. But it makes sense.

Besides, did you guys really think that they’d do something nice for WvW? Ha. Ha ha ha.

Why am I crafting precursors?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mist.9807


I’ve started crafting one, and I’m a bit disappointed by the cost. I would have preferred it to be more so like a collection which required doing various things throughout the world vs. a huge material sink.

That being said, I still think there’s a point to it. For the most part I’m pretty dedicated to crafting it without buying a single thing off of the TP. Why? I’m not in a rush, like everyone else seems to be. So what if it’s time-gated? People here always complain about having to farm, and it just so happens I don’t like doing that so I don’t. Thus, my build up of materials is inherently slow. Collecting all of the materials I need for the actual legendary will take a while for me, probably about as long as it’ll take for me to craft the precursor naturally. So although I don’t like it 100%, I do think it’s a nice alternative. Before I would have been required to spend 100’s of gold… now I don’t.

Meteor shower now affected by retal?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mist.9807


As a staff-zerk ele who has played WvW extensively pre and post-HoT… retal is not an issue. I’ve personally seen little difference, and yes I’ve used it on massive zergs recently. Yeah, it can take away a good chunk of your health if you’re not careful, but unless you don’t react at all you’re not going to die from it (and even this would only happen if you’re super glassy, which isn’t always the best idea to begin with.)

If you’re having trouble with this try, I don’t know, healing? Positioning yourself in a place where you can still live with 50% HP? I can usually upkeep a good amount of health just by using ether renewal.

Quite frankly if you think that staff ele is pointless due to retal, you probably don’t know the class well enough, let alone how to use it in zerg fights.

World Ability Points

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


So I’m going to bring up a subject that has been a problem even since pre-Hot. I’m positive I’m not the only one with these thoughts. Obviously this isn’t the most ‘pressing’ issue on the table, but there are already a huge load of threads concerning the bigger problems (new map, upgrades, ect. ect.)

Fact is, I’m only a gold invader yet I have 500+ extra points that I can do absolutely nothing with, yet I keep accumulating more. This was only made worse since the patch because they removed guard stacks, giving even more extra points. And considering anet has only released two new tracks since launch(which only use up 50 total)… the excess points will probably sit around for a while.

Does anet plan to add in a bunch of new tracks, seeing as we still gain points? Or better yet, maybe allow some sort of conversion system for badges, siege, or some selection of other rewards. Having a currency that’s still earned but can’t be used is ridiculous.

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mist.9807


So now that we’re done with the useless expansion, can we get some insight what’s the reason for not getting SAB now?

As much as I wan’t SAB, that’s pretty impatient and/or ignorant. The expansion might be released, but there’s a ton of things that need to be fixed, balanced, and released (raids, for example.) So obviously, they aren’t exactly done.

And last time I heard, the fix needed to bring SAB back in isn’t exactly a simple one. It’s not like they can just flip a switch and make it appear. Pretty sure it had to do with redoing everything due to combat changes or something.

Fixed Game Economy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mist.9807


People should also keep guild halls in mind. For those who haven’t looked into it, pretty much all upgrades (and there’s quite a lot,) take a ton of materials from all tiers. It’s honestly a huge sink to begin with, and most guilds are rushing it for arenas and such. That’ll drive plenty of prices up.

Each WvW Rank Should = 10 Proof Of Heroics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mist.9807


Quite frankly 10 would be a bit overkill. But somewhere between 2-5 might be better. People already flocked to EOTM to level up, I doubt they’d want everyone flocking there to get proofs as well.

I’m more focused as to whether or not these proofs unlock points in the new maps. Someone claimed they didn’t, so a confirmation on this would be nice. If they didn’t, it’d be rather upsetting.

Sanctum Scramble Impossible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mist.9807


The mini game is similar to guild rushes where you have to go through several checkpoints before you can complete it. There’s so many close enough together that I sort of doubt that you could find such dramatic shortcuts.

Are you certain that it works that way, or does it merely look that way? The only way you’d be able to test such a thing to know for sure is to find a checkpoint on the course that can be skipped in getting up to the finish line, and then seeing if your ending score makes the leaderboard or if the event finishes.

It’s not obvious where you can skip parts of the course in Sanctum Sprint either, but shortcuts still exist – big ones, in fact.

I tried it earlier yeah. I deliberately skipped the first one, and until you pass through it the other 10 wont count. Once you reach the end it doesn’t actually “end” – you have to go back and go through the checkpoints. I’m not however sure if you simply need a certain number of checkpoints before you’re capable of completion.

Sanctum Scramble Impossible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mist.9807


There is a screenshot on reddit of someone with a 28s time on the leaderboards. I wonder what this person was doing?

Probably something like this. I couldn’t find the screenshot, but if that is actually the time, they probably found a way to climb other parts of the map to make it directly to the finish line, and that may be all that’s necessary to register for the leaderboard. That or it’s just straight up map hacking, but judging by what I’ve been able to pull off in Sanctum Sprint, the former sounds pretty viable.

I’d like to test this out myself, but I’m not dropping another $50 on an expansion to compete on a minigames leaderboard that should already have been implemented at release for activities.

I was considering this as a possibility, but I would have no idea how. The mini game is similar to guild rushes where you have to go through several checkpoints before you can complete it. There’s so many close enough together that I sort of doubt that you could find such dramatic shortcuts.

Soothing mist on siege?

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


Eh, I dunno. I haven’t managed to actually heal anything myself, so either it needs to be in combat… or I imagined it. Or, maybe it’s random. Who knows lol.

Soothing mist on siege?

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


I may have missed a topic about this already, and I’m sure I’m late, but has anyone said anything about this? I noticed tonight that an arrow cart was being healed up by soothing mist, and was out-healing my DPS (I’m not surprised, I was in pretty tanky gear,) but another seemed to be tanking a lot of damage from several other players. Is it even possible to solo kill an AC with one person using meteor shower anymore, not even counting soothing power? Is this intended or a bug?

YOUR opinion: WORST Profession at commanding?

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807



I don’t like my commander Shadow Refuging and slipping out the back door when everyone’s getting wiped.

That and they can’t push.

Thieves push farther than anyone else. They hit the backline far in front of the enemy melee train. You sir, are a terrible zerg theif.

They do that because they know the enemy melee train won’t be on them, they’ll be on the thief’s allies. So yes, thieves can push, but not as a commander. Typically people stay on the commander – but not everyone can keep up with a thief’s teleports, and the thief can’t rely on their own melee train to distract the enemy.

Overall I think if you’re going to determine what classes are worst at commanding, you should keep in mind that there are widely different types of commanding. Although a thief is terrible at commanding a zerg, they can be very good at commanding a small group.

Personally I feel that the only class that won’t succeed any better (ultimately always being surpassed by others) is ranger. Although this can be argued otherwise due to builds, they’re generally more squishy compared to other classes, lack escapes, and will almost always get focused down first.

Mail from a GM?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mist.9807


So I got this in the mail this morning, and I’m a bit confused. Do GM’s show up as not part of the GW2 team, which explains the little note at the bottom of the mail, or is this just a scam of some sort? Haven’t clicked the link, nor do I plan to. I’m pretty sure I haven’t done anything that would warrant official attention.


Do the WvW commander colors mean anything?

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


It will likely depend on your server. For YB:

Blue: pugs / open
Red: havoc
Purple: guild raid
Yellow: scouts

WvW D/D runes: Hoelbrak instead of Strength?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mist.9807


So… I spent a great deal of time roaming with my ele, and I never had any issue with condi builds, unless I was fighting in an outnumbered situation or against mesmers (I’m pretty bad at targeting…) But, I don’t use -condi duration food or hoelbrak runes.

It might seem odd, but for a long time I’ve run rage runes (only very recently switching to strength.) If I’m about to fight someone who’s condi, I make sure I’m running D/F instead of D/D, and have cleansing fire and aura of restoration as utilities. Very few people expect to see a D/F ele and as a result very few people know how to fight them. Most engi skills are useless while swirling winds is up (same with most mesmer clone attacks,); CC is pretty essential to condi-bunker type builds; and with the extra 6 condi-clear while still having an invulnerability is good. Confusion never causes me trouble because of a high healing power, so I only clear it when it gets to 7-10. Clear poison as soon as possible, and torment if it’s more than like, 4 stacks (depending on how much damage it’s doing.)

Usually in the worst case scenarios of these duels, no one dies. But that’s better than getting completely melted by condis IMO.

As far as zerging goes, I’ve had little to no difficulty at all with condis. Use ether renewal there and you’re pretty much fine.

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mist.9807


Why do you care if it comes back? Do you lose something by it being in the game?

Because i didn’t enjoy it, didn’t fit in with the games theme at all AND it had limited time skins. I didn’t say it should never come back, i said it shouldn’t permanent. Which i then gave valid reasons that you probably didn’t read.

Right cause, your final line clearly doesn’t say never again.

Regardless, a large majority of those posting here have advocated, or at least would accept, temporary installments twice, maybe even once a year. e.

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mist.9807


I’m pretty sure the devs are just avoiding this thread at all costs. I wouldn’t want to face an angry mob with fire and pitchforks either.

I didn’t really expect SAB cause of the minis. I’m pretty sure it was a response to “Come onnn, I really want the minis!!” so they probably added them in to stall time and appease at least a few of you. But the question remains: why do they not bring in the already-finished worlds? Surely they would have saved it, considering they were (eventually,) planning to add on to it. I don’t see the problem… sadly no dev is going to come in here and answer that question.

Legendary weapons will no longer be legendary

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mist.9807


We don’t know how much work will actually go into the precursor collections. Though from what I read, it’s a ton. It’ll probably be just as time-consuming as it would be to save up the gold to buy a precursor now, except probably more rewarding. And as Inculpatus said, so many have legendaries now they’re not rare or unique.

Game needs more emotes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mist.9807


Or maybe the emotes they had back in GW1? Such as:


There were a ton more but never made it into gw2. Just like so many other things that were in GW1 that players loved, but didn’t make it into the second game. -cough build templates cough-

Pre 80 no longer welcome in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


As others have stated, you’ll rally the enemy at that level. The problem is, you could be perfect at positioning and combat, but it won’t matter. Enemies specifically seek out up-levels and will focus you down with a whole party or more – you won’t survive. If you want to continue playing in regular WvW, find a large zerg mad up of pugs and you probably won’t be the only up-level there. Otherwise, EOTM is the way to go.

shadowstep change (in my opinion bad)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mist.9807


The only problem I have with this change is that a lot of the restrictions seem random or hugely bugged. Every single time I see “No valid path” I practically yell at my computer because it’s RIGHT. THERE. Often just a small hill or plant box or something that you could easily walk around in two steps prevents you from actually using the skill (from my experience using lightning flash.) In other cases, I’m prevented from teleporting up on a ledge but if I were to move just an inch to the right, oh look, it suddenly works. If you can actually walk there and it’s within range of the skill (the actual walking distance that is,) I don’t think it should have been changed. Such as, for example, the arches on at the exists of SE and SW camps in the borderlands. Obviously, teleporting from the keep node in forest to one of those ledges shouldn’t be allowed, but there are still spots that allow it… So yeah, it really seems like this “exploit fix” is either bugged quite a lot, or unfinished.

The WvW "outliers"

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


As ive said numerous times. Why not introduce a handicap scoring system? For instance a historically lower rankes server with most likely lesser population might be awarded more points per tick for holding a keep than a higher tiered server? Or include bonus points for the cap? One could argue its far more difficult for a lesser ranked server to take SMC than a higher ranked one. The game play should be rewarded. Seems like a simple fix to me and could possibly give every server a fighting chance in any matchup.

What do you mean “historically lower rankes server”, or even lesser population? This would only fit in the lower tiers where it’s obvious that one server is the clear underdog in a single match-up. However, how would this apply in tier 2 where it’s usually two relatively even servers against a juggernaut? Would both earn the same, albeit both higher than FA? Or what of FA-SoS-YB match-ups? SoS is significantly lower in terms of population against YB, but both are dramatically lower than FA.

/sarcasm/ How about we just delete FA, BP, and SF, and offer a free transfer for all their populations to go elsewhere? /end sarcasm/

When will STOP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mist.9807


Jesus.. if it doesn’t affect you don’t worry about it. In no way does Anet releasing outfits affect you if you don’t like them. If you play the game ONLY to get armor skins i suggest you stop playing and go play Sims 3.

The problem here is that I do like the outfits. But a lot of times there’s a certain aspect of it I don’t particularly care for, usually the shoulders. Or, I might only like half off the pieces.

Maybe if anet were to sell a “whole” set as well as individual pieces alone, and then adjust the prices accordingly maybe. [Outfit: 800 gems, 1 piece: 100-200 gems?.] That the very least, they could add a way of hiding glove / shoulder pieces.

And to be honest, of course people play the game for skins. Most of the rewards in this game are skin-based. APs = more skins to choose from, often collections are = collect these skins, Legendaries = look at this shiny fancy skin, ascended armor = the stat boost is so low, look at this new skin!…. It’s pretty hard to just ignore. Granted, some people legitimately like playing the content, but it gets pretty repetitive if you’re not working towards anything. PvP / WvW can get so to, though I suppose that’s more of a personal preference.

24 hour availability screwed me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mist.9807


Lol this thread. It’s like all of you complaining are conveniently missing the point that you’ll get your item eventually. Pulling out phrases like “Anet made a mistake by missing the opportunity to take our money” don’t help your case as much as you might want it to. The fact is, you’re going to pay for it later on, so no, they’re not missing out on your money. The gold —> gem ratio spiked way high because of this item, causing others to buy it with a card. The next time it comes out, it probably won’t be as high, making a lot of players more inclined to just use gold instead of a credit card. Literally, you’ll end up paying as much cash as you originally would have, or less gold than you would have.

And the complaints about this being a blatant cash grab are irrelevant. I’m aware that businesses do this, and no it doesn’t please me either. Had this been a one-time-item I would also be extremely upset, but it’s not. Had the sale lasted more than one day, it’s quite possible that a lot more people would have just farmed some gold up and paid that way. And note that although some of you state that no player benefits from this, you’re wrong. This was an excellent time to convert gems —> gold, and many players took advantage of that.

Are you all ignoring the fact that the ENTIRE basis for your argument is literally the same as a tantrum-throwing child who didn’t get exactly what they wanted when they wanted it? If you really quit the game for this reason, cash grab or not, I’m amazed you’ve lasted as long as many of you claim.

TL-DR: Stop whining and get over it, really.

Meanwhile in SBI.....

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


I approve of that siege! Particularly the golems. You may have forgotten a treb though. Regardless, I applaud your effort and suggest you might possibly be on the wrong server ;0

Server jumping multiple rank positions

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


So HoD. At some point this week both of us (I’m SBI) should get together and try to take YB Waypointed T3 Bay or Gari.

It will be a glorious battle.

Sounds like fun. I’m in. YB loves to waypoint our keeps (It’s been a long-time thing between DK and us, dating back to S2 when DK swore he’d waypoint and hold our BL for the entire last week and we took it all back in a few hours).

It apparently upset him so much that he glitched into our citadel and destroyed all our omegas. I know I’ve heard people say he’s sorry for doing it and blah blah blah but it’s not like he’s ever hit up our shoutbox or whispered the person who spent half their day building those omegas to say it or anything. Not even a post in the unofficial forums — he’s left that to NotRealDK who, frankly, is a total jerk.

I actually know the guy who built the golems – I was in his guild. And despite popular assumption, DK did send our guild gold as compensation. [Unless of course we’re talking about two different instances =p]

As for those wanting to take our keeps idk. Last time I was there none of them really had any siege. In fact, HoD’s keeps have more siege than ours – granted they belong to YB but that’s besides the point.

Gear for d/d roaming other than cele?

in Elementalist

Posted by: mist.9807


Uh. I use a mix. Armor is valk, weapons zerk, but trinkets are knights / clerics/ and zerk + valk amulet. I find that it works fairly well, though when I die I’m pretty sure its a a L2P matter, not a build one lol.

Your random generator for WvW is broken

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


Let me tell you a story.
A couple weeks ago, a guild-mate of ours needed the inner vista of garrison on red’s map. However, that particular garrison had a ton of siege and scouts around the clock, as well as a zerg to defend it. We haven’t been red for months, and we weren’t red in the following weeks either. So what did we do? We as a guild (not even 10 players), went around and built some omega golems. We asked another tag (they had just took NW tower), to treb garrison so the focus would be on that wall. During the duration, we had a group of about 10-20 players escort our handful of golems to Watergate garrison.

We didn’t take garrison, we didn’t need to. Our party was made up of thieves so that we could stealth our guild-mate up to the third floor to get the vista. This took a couple hours to accomplish, and you need to learn to be patient and willing. Learn some tactics, and the random generator shouldn’t even matter.

Out of curiousity, why wouldn’t you take garrison since you were there anyway?

The zerg they had defending their map had crushed us with their numbers, so no go there lol.

Your random generator for WvW is broken

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


Let me tell you a story.
A couple weeks ago, a guild-mate of ours needed the inner vista of garrison on red’s map. However, that particular garrison had a ton of siege and scouts around the clock, as well as a zerg to defend it. We haven’t been red for months, and we weren’t red in the following weeks either. So what did we do? We as a guild (not even 10 players), went around and built some omega golems. We asked another tag (they had just took NW tower), to treb garrison so the focus would be on that wall. During the duration, we had a group of about 10-20 players escort our handful of golems to Watergate garrison.

We didn’t take garrison, we didn’t need to. Our party was made up of thieves so that we could stealth our guild-mate up to the third floor to get the vista. This took a couple hours to accomplish, and you need to learn to be patient and willing. Learn some tactics, and the random generator shouldn’t even matter.

[Suggestion] Profession specific armor

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: mist.9807


Okay, regardless of wether or not it’s too “restrictive or not.” It’s not going to happen – or at least not the the proportion you want. You will not get about 3 sets per class. Maybe one, at max, but 3 is way too much.

You’d have to create a set for:
Ele – Human, asura, sylvari, charr, norn
Necro – human, asura, sylvari, charr, norn
mesmer – human, asura, sylvari, charr, norn
thief – human, asura, sylvari, charr, norn
ranger – human, asura, sylvari, charr, norn
engineer – human, asura, sylvari, charr, norn
warrior – human, asura, sylvari, charr, norn
guardian – human, asura, sylvari, charr, norn
revenant – human, asura, sylvari, charr, norn

That’s what, 45 different sets of armor? And you want to multiply that by 3? lol. The sets themselves might be similar to one another, but fact is they’d have to design it correctly for each race, which would take time. Even if you combine human and sylvari together as one, there’s still quite a lot of sets. And assuming this sort of thing would be similar in nature to cultural armor, 3 sets would get obsessive.

I’d much rather they simply add in regular sets of armor we haven’t seen before that can be gained by gameplay and not the gemstore.

Asura or Sylvari

in Elementalist

Posted by: mist.9807


If it’s just looks, is it about the character or armor? I would start by creating a placeholder character and then previewing different character appearances via total makeover kit on both a sylvari and asura. Go into wardrobe and preview what armor might look better. You can do all this before really wasting time leveling your ele :p

I will say though – most armor released from the gem store tend to look better on sylvari (female-wise that is.) Asuran armor tends to look a lot alike and is the same for both male and female most of the time, but it does just go down to your own taste.

Siege Trolling

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


Yeah, the troll OP mentioned built the trebs without help. By the time we logged in we indeed had a total of 25 trebs in our garri, most of which useless.

I don’t really care where he came from, or where FA’s troll came from. We really need an option to report these people with a legit reason to assume they could get a temporary ban. Or at least in these scenarios, an instant kick from wvw would suffice if the server has a big enough population to hold a queue on the map.

In WvW, Half Hour i am playing the game ....

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


Other then what others have already mentioned, it might also encourage scouting objectives. If you’re staying in a tower to refresh, or running back every so often to do so, you may be more likely to see attackers before swords pop up. If you find scouting a waste of time… well it may not be particularly rewarding for yourself, but can be extremely useful in keeping objectives. (If you don’t value defending, I’m not sure why you would have wasted so much time dong so…)

If you’re waiting for a Dev response, you’re highly unlikely to get one.

Stop BLK Farm & fix Keys/Chests!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: mist.9807


That post… I’m not sure what to say about it, other then how ridiculously subjective it is.

-I log in and out of character selection all the time… Never knew that was immoral or bad for the game…

-You mention 800 gems for 25 keys. That’s currently (a bit over actually) 100g. One of the only ways to make that in game “easily” is to farm and do dungeons. Both are equally repetitive and boring. I assume you’d also like to remove these as well?

-I take 20 minutes to farm a key, and I have a chance to get a ticket or a scrap. I farm 20 minutes elsewhere, and I don’t make much gold at all really. I could do a couple dungeon paths… but realistically speaking that doesn’t wager much gold either. Almost all game-play is not inherently rewarding gold-wise, but only if you get lucky with RNG.

-Ah yes, all that key inflation with my account-bound 5-or-so keys that I get on a daily basis. And of course all of those account-bound rewards from it.

-Why does it matter what we do with our character slots? Do you also think people should be banned from creating 8 different mesmers?
-Oh, sorry, didn’t know putting effort into a farm was against the rules. My bad.
-You’d say it’s an exploit. You. Your opinion. Bias will not convince anyone of your points, and you really shouldn’t use it.

As for the drop of price of keys, I don’t think it’ll matter. There’s no way I’d throw over 100g at keys that will, more often than not, drop bad rewards. I’d rather do a couple farms a day, and see what adds up after time. But that’s the real problem here, the horrible rewards from the chests. There’s no point in buying them most of the time because the chance of getting scraps/tickets is absurdly low.

Arrow Carts: A solution to stop "MOAR SIEGE!"

in WvW

Posted by: mist.9807


I figured I’d pop in here to give my two cents on the subject. Mind you, I’ve fought to ridiculous lengths against Yaks Bend, just as I’ve defended to ridiculous lengths while being on Yaks Bend. So yeah, I understand siege quite a lot.

I’d also like to know what server OP currently resides on. In my experience, fighting against 10 AC’s is primarily just a problem when you have a really low population or a very small zerg. It can still be possible, but it becomes a lot harder. But of course, this in my opinion, has nothing to do with AC’s being “overpowered” but more so other things in the gamemode.

That being said, if the numbers are even remotely similar, that tower or even keep can be yours. As others have said, you can’t expect to walk up to a T3 tower, let alone with one that has so much siege, and expect to take it without running supply a couple times (if not more.) Expecting to do so is just silly, just as expecting those 10 players on siege to come out and fight the 60 man zerg is silly. Believe me, it’s not impossible to take it. The key is persistence, and draining their supply. No matter how many times they rebuild their AC’s or walls or gates, something will come down eventually, and they wont have supply to rebuild it. If you worked in a group that actually coordinated to keep camps, kill yaks, and continuously treb/cata/ect, you’d eventually take it unless they can outnumber and kill you at some point.

And of course, as others have pointed out, there are very few locations you can put an AC that a golem, treb, or another AC can’t hit. But as long as you can take out the others, those 2-3 AC’s shouldn’t really stop you.

I see absolutely no reason why AC’s should be changed at this point. Even changing where you can place siege could utterly decimate any reason to put them down at all, especially when you’re outnumbered.

Glorious Amor? But what about Tribal Armor?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mist.9807


I pretty much agree with this. I was really expecting them to add these sets via PvP track rewards, but then ended up reading about the glorious sets.

I’m not really sure why they don’t do this either. When the wardrobe was introduced there were literally dozens of threads concerning this issue, and not one dev made a single comment on it. Perhaps they just don’t want to admit to their mistake, and prefer to ignore the problem for eternity?