The idea is to enhance all marks with hex:
Once Mark of Blood is triggered it will also apply Hex of Blood. Hex of Blood is just a copy of Mark of Blood doing it’s physical damage over time.
This would be great for PVE.
I want to have some new ones. Maybe more skeleton like or ghostly like?
Bladed armor chest/Verdant Brink t4 impossible
Can you lower the requirements for the chest piece? Can you add more ways to get it?
The map is rather dead.
Adding it to the merchant would be the best way for a majority of players.
(edited by raubvogel.5071)
Both weapons are not good designed for PVE.
- has the superior auto while
- and #3 are mostly useless in pve
- has an evade which you rarely need due to your pet.
- aint that great from a damage pov.
- misses to often when used as a first strike.
- and its block is not needed due to the pet.
In general the weaon design is the worst ever.
SB + LB should have pircing as base because we are rangers.
Also there are not enough damage focused traits. And those that are there aint that good.
add some aoe explosions on it
take a look at and be happy. at least from a dmg pov
what i hate about it:
- you have to stand in the foes circle for sword #2 (and priorizing targets)
- heal with glint/shiro to low in pve
In PVE it is useless since you won’t receive that much damage in those 3s. Or is it just me?
the real problem is the boring content.
cut/reduce those pres make them world events, make them happen on the specified time like shatter, fire elemental, etc.
no one likes to spent 1,5h to get to a merchant.
(edited by raubvogel.5071)
Make #2.1 a burst skill. Add the daze of #2.2 to #5. Increase Damage of #3 and #1.3
Staff should be buffed. I’d like to use it but its not really competitive.
[Suggestion] Focus on Solo-play Experience
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: raubvogel.5071
The emphasis should NEVER be on waiting.
Yes it is a good choice. You can play a lot of content including soloing champions due the tankieness of your pet.
I’d recommend drakes in PVE (due to the fact that they cleave) or the new HOT pets (due to their damage) not the wyvern.
I also recommend using a greatsword for PVE and a Longbow or Axe+Horn.
Agree with the animation especially on the first strike of the aa. It looks really bad. Doesn’t fit at all.
at least the aa chain was unique.
ua fails indeed a lot. I would say 20%. Also your char won’t attack with aa due to standing in the wrong way.
maybe removing the vuln from the aa would do the job. the vuln could been transfered to other skills.
(edited by raubvogel.5071)
I agree with #1.
Increase the initial heal to 6000.
Daggers steal 166 health each.
The wrong decisions have been made in the past. Thats the reason why this MMO is not the #1.
We critizised that fact (split game modes) among others (gfx effects overload, low fps) from the early beta.
As an employee/player you can’t bring this game to the next level due to the fact those who lead are the same.
Those who lead will tell you we don’t want the game to be different. I’ll guess you never faced a foe in PVE and PVP because it is already very different (AI vs Intelligence vs Balancing).
(edited by raubvogel.5071)
pp and sb need work
mace, sword, spirits need work
axe, staff, minions ai need work.
The guy on youtube is right. We can just hope that things are further optimized.
Yes. Buff either axe or staff. I would prefer/buff staff this way:
- more damage and explodes or fire 3 grasps
#2-5 more damage
- + #2 aoe
increase damage remove vulnerability would be a good opener. or increase damage if foes health is over 50%
(edited by raubvogel.5071)
Charr with Reaper Hood looks ugly to me.
If thats true then Population should be changed to WVW Population
still bugged 15adsfadsf
bug still not fixed
I agree. Its not challening its just annoying. Why? Many reasons have already been posted.
- Too complex maps. Where do i have to go? Contested waypoints!
- Boring (CC rider thing) and annoying enemies (disappearing frogs).
- Too complex masterie system
- From end game is play what you want too you have to grind masteries
- You always need at least some one else for too much content
- If a map has a few people. People are rather taxiing out.1) Map complex? I agree and that’s the good thing…don’t know how to reach a place? Learn the map. Even TD once you know the 4/5 entrances the subareas besides Confluence, Lanes and Outposts is really straightforward
we don’t need to be on the same team. if you like it i’m okay with that2) Ok, tell me how you’d make a combat more difficult, becauser more damage/defence apprently is booring (see fractals) and a smartar UI that can dodge, stealth and CC is booring too. Enlight me pls. I like how the mobs are in HoT maps, at least you have to activate a couple of neuron more than usual….
usually they overdue it. The rider is cc for too long. The frog is unloading and then disappearing. So where’s the battle. should i seek and/or wait for things to kill them. I’m moving on to the next enemy3) Complex…mastery…system? Are you serious. I linear arguably the simpliest thing possible..what’s complex aobut masteries?
leveling is linear see below4) You don’t have to grind them, you actually need there is the complexity and die grinding: just gliding, updraft, mushroom jumping and those are unlock casually in maybe the first 2 hour of gameplay? DOn’t tell me 2h is grind. Others are optional to unlock “special” stuff around (finish collections, more mastery points, exploration, etc etc) but to enjoy the map and the metas are not actually required. You have other higher, longer, goals? Well that’s progression and can come naturally as you play. Seriously I only “grinded” the Tyria Mastery Tree for autoloot and the Itziel mastery bar for poison immunity. I wanted that unlock right away and i worked for that, i was not forced, it doesnt felt a grind. I choose what to do.
5) yes you sometimes need someone else for some content but I can reliably say that more of the 70% of the maps is soloable. Now Champ HP and meta events are developed as group content and I see nothign wrong there.
i do because i want to progress and not spent my time in waiting for others6) Now this is something i can agree too. But is not an issue with hot but the megaserver/map instance system in general. The system as flaws that have to be fixed, but i have to say people are incredibly lazy and even if i enjoy organize meta, aspecially TD, sometimes is tiresome because people don’t listen and won’t to put a little work in there to succed. Bummer.
I’m honestly growing tired of those posts. I think I won’t reply that precicely as I’ve done now anymore. I mean, try to be honest with you and try to figure out if the stuff is really a grind and is hard or if is the people that is actually lazy and want everything day one with no work attached. That last thing seems more a social issue in too, and I see it often IRL too…meh..
people like i want to play we got work in RL
I agree. Its not challening its just annoying. Why? Many reasons have already been posted.
- Too complex maps. Where do i have to go? Contested waypoints!
- Boring (CC rider thing) and annoying enemies (disappearing frogs).
- Too complex masterie system
- From end game is play what you want too you have to grind masteries
- You always need at least some one else for too much content
- If a map has a few people. People are rather taxiing out.
necros need a bufkittentaff physical dmg.
also a debuff of shroud nec and a buff of non shroud nec would be appreciated. Sometimes as a non shroud there isn’t much of a choice left.
blood gm 2/3 are shroud
soul repeaing gm 3/3 are shroud
reaper gm 2/3 are shroud
(edited by raubvogel.5071)
Since the hot release the active events are not shown in the hud on the right. I tried several selections with the content guide in the options but couldn’t get it to work. I guess its just a bug.
See the attached svanir champion for a reference. Also the totem was not popping up on the right.
(edited by raubvogel.5071)
Selling new weapons as an elite specialization is bad game design. So it will reworked again so it fits with other sub professions or you will only ever have access to one. We will see.
Great place? Spirit Weapons! Signets! Tomes. Meditations in PVE! Sword#AA3! Hammer#5! Torch! Shield!
Guardian could also be more offensive. More fire, more fury. That might be fixed via the new traits. And elite shout.
Don’t get me wrong. The LB seems to be good and an enhancement of our kitten nal. Especially the projectile speed is the real bonus.
Ranger was always a mess. It is the lack of aoe or melee or the obstacle called pet. Thats why i won’t stick for a long period of time to a ranger. But if you are bored through other professions you can play the ranger and see what your main professions are having.
(edited by raubvogel.5071)
They should make it a sub profession like an enhancement allowing longbow to use. And if you want to trait you’ll have a lane for that. It could also be teasred. Core game access to the weapon. Expansion access to the lane.
It will also be better for future sub professions so you can have access to two or more of them and their rasenal.
(edited by raubvogel.5071)
When do we get those changes?
That elite shout sounds great to me.
I’m not a fan of something hast to step into that area to activate it eiter. It’s better to have it direct. Maybe we could get trap symbols
Axe/Axe. phyisical combined with fire. offensive.
rofl@immense amount of damage
play a thief with pistol whip and you see a good amount of damage. And the same goes to unload with ricochet on it you also have a decent aoe. No ranger will come close to that. But thats just the damage side. With its well the ranger has the better healing.
And the funny thing about that is. With the new trait system pp on thief will get even better. I see people running around with there pp thiefs and if you are melee you won’t get anything.
(edited by raubvogel.5071)
For me the profession is still a mess. I won’t play it for long. If im bored of guardian or thief i play ranger and then I see what he has not and how annoying those pets are. None is good of them at all. Weapons are not having enough aoe. The pp thief is the better ranged ranger and its sword pistol is also far better. Thief is strong in melee and ranged. How’s the ranger…
I’m missing the old GW 1 barrage. Cool skill. Nice aoe.
Add aoe like on the harpoon. Remove the angle restrictions for the bleed.
Shadow fiend almost always does not attack or move to the target. Sometimes via command its attacking properly sometimes it does not do anything
They are pretty weak.
Decent damage does the LB and GS. However GS#1 damage is still to low. And no the evade just fixes the medium armor type. GS#4 is rather boring if you want to cripple. GS #3 is more of a moving skill then anything else. And GS#5 i don’t know doesn’t fit in to a ranger. LB #2 is okay. #5 could need some damage buff. #1 could need a bounce or aoe effect. #3 cloak does not fit into a ranger profession. #4 is just there to annoy your pve guys.
The rest of the weapons are not really confincing:
With the sword you are bouncing around your enemy which looks ridicilous but the damage is ok.
The horn is ok to #4 could do some more damage or aoe.
The torch is ok. CD is to long.
Axe MH is useless since it combines condi with power in a rather bad way.
Axe OH never played.
SB not a fan of it since it has no aoe and condi is rather useless in pve.
Pets are more of an obstacle then really helping. The damage they inflict is to low. However some pets are good to tank even champions but thats all they got.
(edited by raubvogel.5071)
spirit sword:
after casting first hit is the current command skill after that normal autattack for every 1s at the 10th second again the command. If the spirit weapon is killed it will explode or if it is killed the recast is halfed or ghost of mhenlo will show up pick it up and fight for you for 10s
(edited by raubvogel.5071)
GS is the loser of those changes.
Maybe symbolic avenger could be related to each symbol:
symbol of swiftness: +10% damage
symbol of protection: +5% damage
they could move the +damage on symbols GM trait to the one GM trait they already have on symbols (larger, etc.) so one in zeal is free. And that one could be +10% damage to two handed weapons so spear, hammer, gs, staff would benefit from that.
or the larger symbols are migrated into the zeal symbols gm and the damage is just +5%
(edited by raubvogel.5071)